107-68879 Packaging Specification 06Nov2012 Rev E RITS CONN & MEMORY BOARD 1. PURPOSE 目的 Define the packaging specifiction and packaging method of RITS CONN & MEMORY BOARD. 订定 RITS CONN & MEMORY BOARD 产品之包装规格及包装方式。 2. APPLICABLE PRODUCT 适用范围 Product Description Part No. 1473567-4 RITS CONN.HDR ASSY 4ROW 4P 1473567-3 RITS CONN.HDR ASSY 4ROW 3P 1827930-1 P&S MEMORY BOARD MAIN HDR ASSY 1827929-1 P&S MEMORY BOARD MEMORY HDR ASSY 3. PACKAGING MATERIAL 包装材料 Usage Package INNER MIDDLE Part No. Size(LxWxH) 1473567-4 1473567-3 1827930-1 1827929-1 1-912022-1 Tray 315LX270WX26.6H 5/240 - - - 1-912022-7 Tray 315LX270WX26.6H - 5/260 - - 3-912135-3 Hard Tray 280LX198WX13H - - 11/320 - 3-912135-4 Hard Tray 280LX198WX13H - - - 11/260 1502410-3 Lead Free label - 5/240 5/260 11/320 11/260 3-912135-8 INNER BOX 283x203x125 - - 1/320 1/260 25W 8.0 MR/240 8.0 MR/260 8.0 MR/320 8.0 MR/260 102X51 - - 1/320 1/260 349x298x146 1/240 1/260 - - - 2/240 2/260 - - 623853-1 TAPE 623865-4 INNER LABEL 12120-1 2-623224-1 OUTER Description SHIPPING BOX PAPER PAD 292906-9 SHIPPING BOX 463x330x200 - - 1/640 1/520 110455-2 AIR CAP 349x304x12 - - 6/640 6/520 8-912066-8 AIR CAP 1250x385x8 2/240 2/260 4/640 4/520 102X102 1/240 1/260 1/640 1/520 623865-5 OUTER LABEL DR CHK APVD Sam Wu Prince Lee Ansin Yang Tyco Electronics AMP Guangdong Ltd. East Rongqi Road, Ronggui Town, Shunde, Foshan, Guangdong, P.R. China QR-ME-030C Confidential * Trademark | Indicates change 1 of 4 LOC FR 107-68879 3. PACKAGING MATERIAL 包装材料 Inner Middle Outer LABEL - 623865-4 623865-1 SEALING - Tape Tape 4.PACKAGING QUANTITY 包装数量 P/N Inner Middle Outer 1473567-4 60 pcs/tray 60 x 4 + 1 empty tray = 240 pcs/inner box 240 pcs/carton 1473567-3 65 pcs/tray 65 x 4 + 1 empty tray = 260 pcs/inner box 260 pcs/carton 1827930-1 32 pcs/tray 32 x 10 + 1 empty tray = 320 pcs/inner box 640 pcs/carton 1827929-1 26 pcs/tray 26 x 10 + 1 empty tray = 260 pcs/inner box 520 pcs/carton 5. PACKING METHOD 包装方法 For 1473567-3/4: 5.1. Load specify qty as 4 into tray. 按4中规定数量将产品放入TRAY中。 5.2. Place another tray of onto previous tray with products.and ensure the two trays are justification completely. 盖上另一个装满产品的TRAY,保证上下两个TRAY完全对齐。 5.3. Stack 4 trays with product one by one, then put an empty tray on the top 将装好产品的4个 TRAY 堆成一叠,最后在上面放一个空 TRAY。 5.4. Place stack trays on the paper pad , Then place another paper pad upon the cushion & wrap 5 stacked trays with tape.(Figure 1) 如图1所示,将一叠TRAY放在一纸板(2-623224-1)上,然后在装好产品的tray上再放一纸板(2-623224-1)。 将堆成一叠的5个TRAY用胶带固定。 方法:如右图所示,在横方向缠2条,纵方向缠1条,每条缠 3 圈。 图 1(示意图仅作参考) Rev E QR-ME-030C Confidential 图 2(示意图仅作参考) 2 of 4 107-68879 5. PACKING METHOD 包装方法 5.5. Set up a carton.and secure bottom flaps with tape. 折叠好一个外箱,并用胶带封好箱底。 5.6. Wrap the stack trays with two pieces of air cap(figure 2) and place into shipping box . 用两块气泡垫将包装好的一叠tray十字型地裹包好(如上图2示)并放入箱中。 5.7. Seal the box with tape. And place product identification label in "product id" marked on box. 用胶带封箱,在箱外印有“PRODUCT ID”标识处贴上外标签。 For 1827929/930-1: 5.1. Load specify qty as 4 into tray. 按4中规定数量将产品放入TRAY中(如产品是RoHS/EVL产品,需在tray上加贴Lead Free 标签1502410-x)。 注:端子的一面朝下放置。 5.2. Place another tray of onto previous tray with products.and ensure the two trays are justification completely. 盖上另一个装满产品的TRAY,保证上下两个TRAY完全对齐。 5.3. Stack 10 trays with product one by one, then put an empty tray on the top & wrap 11 stacked trays with tape. 将装好产品的10 个 TRAY 堆成一叠,最后在上面放1个空 TRAY。将堆成一叠的使11个TRAY用胶带固定。 方法:在长方向缠两道,在横方向上缠一道,每道各缠三圈,如下图3所示。 图3 5.4. Set up an inner box. 折叠好一个内盒。 5.5. Place stack trays into the inner box. 将一叠TRAY放入内盒中。 5.6. Close cover of the inner box, place tape on the middle of three sides. 合上盖子,并在内箱三边的中间(除连接边外)各贴上一条大胶带。 5.7. Place an inner label on the middle of cover of box. 在箱盖的中间贴上内标签。 Rev E QR-ME-030C Confidential 3 of 4 107-68879 5. PACKING METHOD 包装方法 5.8. Set up a carton.and secure bottom flaps with tape. 折叠好一个外箱,并用胶带封好箱底。 5.9. Wrap one inner box with two pieces of air cap & place into carton. 用二块气泡垫将一个内盒十字交叉地裹住后并放入外箱中。 方法:如图4、图5所示,先用一块气泡垫(8-912066-8)在长方向将内盒包裹一圈,再用一块气泡垫(8-912066-8)在 宽方向包裹一圈,然后放入外箱中,并在长方向的侧边各放一块对折好的气泡垫(110455-2)以填充箱中空隙。 图 4(用二块气泡垫将一个内盒十字交叉地裹住) 图 5(在长方向的侧边各放一块对折好的气泡垫以填充箱中空隙) 5.10. Repeat 5.9. once and place two pieces of bubble pack to fill the void of box. 如图6所示,重复步骤5.9.一次,然后在宽方向各放一块气泡垫(110455-2)以填充箱中空隙。 图 6(在宽方向各放一块气泡垫以填充箱中空隙) 5.11. Seal the box with tape. And place product identification label in "product id" marked on box. 用胶带封箱,在箱外印有“PRODUCT ID”标识处贴上外标签。 Rev E QR-ME-030C Confidential 4 of 4