A PLUS MAKE YOUR PRODUCTION A-PLUS AVxx08 Series DATA SHEET APLUS INTEGRATED CIRCUITS INC. Address: 3 F-10, No. 32, Sec. 1, Chenggung Rd., Taipei, Taiwan 115, R.O.C. (115)台北市南港區成功路㆒段 32 號 3 樓之 10. Sales E-mail: [email protected] TEL: 886-2-2782-9266 Technology E-mail: [email protected] FAX: 886-2-2782-9255 WEBSITE : http: //www.aplusinc.com.tw AVxx08 Series 1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The AVH308 , AV0708 , AV1408 and AV2108 are single-chip voice synthesizing CMOS IC. They are low cost with proper functions and can synthesize voice up to 3.5, 7, 14 and 21 seconds, using Aplus 4-bit LOGPCM algorithm. Customer speech data can be programmed into ROM by changing one mask during the device fabrication. Besides, not only a very flexible functions I/O pin is available for the user to apply in various applications, but also an interactive development tool “EzSpeech” is ready for user-friendly programming. 2. FEATURES: (1). Single power supply can operate from 2.4V to 6.4V (in this range, user can set Rosc as a fixed value). (2). The total voice duration is about 3.5, 7, 14 or 21 seconds those can be partitioned up to 8 voice_sections. Each voice_section length is flexible. (3). Voice length can be individually up to 3.5, 7, 14 or 21 seconds at 6kHz S.R. for each voice_section. Voice+mute length can be individually up to 11, 21, 21 or 21 seconds at 6kHz sample rate for each voice_section. (4). Total 16 voice_steps are available for 2 sub_tables. Each sub_table can only use maximum 8 voice_steps. For each voice_step, it can specify one voice_section and IO1 output enable options if IO1 is set as an output. (5). Build in oscillator, 15 kinds of playback speed option for internal resistor used : ( 4.0k ~ 18.1kHz) A 18.1kHz I 6.0kHz B 14.4kHz J 5.6kHz C 12.0kHz K 5.2kHz D 10.3kHz L 4.8kHz E 9.0kHz M 4.5kHz F 8.0kHz N 4.3kHz G 7.2kHz O 4.0kHz H 6.6kHz - <Internal oscillator: OSC pad must be bonded to GND> (6). IO1 can be either input or output pin (Mask option). (7). Optional “Two Triggers Input” (TG and IO1), or “One Trigger Input” (TG pin only). (A). Each input pin has mask options for Edge/Level, Hold/Unhold and Retrigger/Irritrigger trigger modes. (B). TG input can choose CDS+1M、CDS、1M pull-low、10M pull low or floating input type. (C). IO1 input can choose CDS+1M、CDS、1M pull-low or floating input type. (D). Debounce time: Long debounce for push buttons. Short debounce for switches. (※ In Two Triggers Input Mode, only one kind of debounce time is available.) (E). Priority:TG > IO1. (8). IO1 has the following output option A~F : (A). Stop_High pulse : high active stop pulse output whenever device stop playing. (B). Busy_High active : high active signal output during playing. 1 Rev 1.3 2003/9/18 AVxx08 Series (C). Busy_Low active : low active signal output during playing. (D). LED 3Hz flash : 3Hz sink signal output for driving LED during playing at 6kHz sample rate. (E). LED 6Hz flash : 6Hz sink signal output for driving LED during playing at 6kHz sample rate. (F). LED dynamic 2/4 : dynamic sink signal output for driving LED during playing. ※ Where (D) and (E) is the LED flash rate at 6kHz sample rate. For different sample rate, the LED flash rate is different from original 3Hz or 6Hz. (9). PWM1 and PWM2 can directly drive buzzer or 8, 16, 32 or 64 ohms speaker. (10). The voice_section length of “voice length + mute length” must be the multiple of 80Hex (AVH308 ) or 100Hex (AV0708 , AV1408 , AV2108 ). (11). In voice_section sequence arrangement (00~07), If there are some voice_sections with only mute and without voice, they should be put next to the last voice_section with voice. Besides, that is not allowed to put a pure mute voice_section between 2 voice_sections with voice, or put the pure mute voice_section on first place (00). (12). Oscillator selection: (A). External oscillator: Connect OSC pin to Vdd with a resistor, Rosc. (B). Internal oscillator: Connect OSC pin to GND. (Not suggested because of frequency shift and system stability) ※Input Type Description: Option CDS + 1M CDS 1M pull-low Description Normal selection for button trigger. Only 1M pull-low resistance when key-pressed, and 1M+300K(parallel) pull-low resistance when key-released. Internal 300K ohms pull-low resistance, usually for photo-resistor trigger. Internal 1M ohms pull-low resistance, reserve for some special applications. 10M pull-low Internal 10M ohms weak pull-low, usually for touching trigger. Floating No internal resistor connection, usually connected to other output pin or connected to GND by an external resistor. * 10M pull-low option is not available for IO1 input. Buffer Trigger PAD 300K Latch 10M Pull-Low 1M Pull-Low 2 Rev 1.3 2003/9/18 AVxx08 Series 1. ㆒般規格: ㆒般規格 AVH308 、AV0708 、AV1408 、AV2108 ,皆為單晶片 CMOS 語音合成 IC,他們都是非常 低成本,同時具有相當實用功能的語音 IC 產品。他們以 4-bit LOGPCM 編碼方式,合成長達 3.5、7、14、21 秒之語音。藉由製造過程㆗更換光罩,將客戶需要之語音資料編寫入ROM㆗。另外使用者可以有㆒個很彈性的 IO pin 選擇 (IO1),來配合不同之應用,並可用佑華所提供的 EzSpeech 工具軟體來進行開發。 2. 特性: 特性 (1). 單㆒工作電壓範圍為 2.4 ~ 6.4 伏特(在此範圍內,可採用單㆒ Rosc 電阻值)。 (2). 語音總長度可達 3.5、7、14、21 秒,且可被分割成8個語音段(voice_section),每段長度可不同。 (3). 每㆒段語音的長度分別最多可達 3.5、7、14、21 秒。(在6kHz取樣頻率㆘) 每㆒段 “語音+靜音時間” 的長度,分別最多可達 11、21、21、21 秒。(在6kHz取樣頻率㆘) (4). 共有16個語音格(voice_step),可規劃成2個語音組(sub_table),每個語音組最多可放8個語音格。每㆒語 音格可指定㆒語音段並搭配 IO1 輸出致能或非致能(IO1當作輸出時)。 (5). 內建頻率振盪器,共有15種不同播放速度的選擇(playback speed: 4.0k ~ 18.1kHz): A B C D E F G H 18.1kHz I 6.0kHz 14.4kHz J 5.6kHz 12.0kHz K 5.2kHz 10.3kHz L 4.8kHz 9.0kHz M 4.5kHz 8.0kHz N 4.3kHz 7.2kHz O 4.0kHz 6.6kHz - <如果選擇內建的頻率振盪器,請將 OSC 腳接㆞。> (6). IO1可選擇作輸入腳或是輸出腳 (光罩選擇)。 (7). 可選擇 “兩鍵觸發輸入模式”(TG和IO1) 或 “單鍵TG觸發輸入模式”(IO1當作輸出時)。 (A). 每㆒種輸入可選擇不同觸發方式 (光罩選擇): 邊緣觸發 / 位準觸發(Edge/Level) ; 保持 / 非保持(Hold/Unhold) ; 後段蓋前段 / 非後段蓋前段(Retrigger/Irretrigger)。 (B). TG 輸入可選擇 CDS+1M、CDS、1M pull-low、10M weak-pull low 或 floating 的輸入方式。 (C). IO1 輸入可選擇 CDS+1M、CDS、1M pull-low 或 floating 的輸入方式。 (D). 防止誤動作(Debounce)時間:Long - 提供㆒般手動操作;Short - 提供跳動開關使用。 (※ 在”兩鍵觸發輸入模式” 只能選用㆒種 Debounce 時間。) (E). 優先順序:TG>IO1。 (8). IO1可做以㆘ 6 種輸出選擇: (A). Stop_High pulse : 停止播放時送出高位準脈衝。 (B). Busy_High active : 播放時送出高位準訊號。 (C). Busy_Low active : 播放時送出低位準訊號。 (D). LED 3Hz flash : 播放時 LED 3Hz 閃爍。(當播放速度為 6kHz 時) 3 Rev 1.3 2003/9/18 AVxx08 Series (E). LED 6Hz flash : 播放時 LED 6Hz 閃爍。(當播放速度為 6kHz 時) (F). LED dynamic 2/4 : 播放時 LED動態 2/4位準訊號。 (※ LED 3Hz / 6Hz flash 是指以 6kHz 的播放速度 時,LED閃爍的頻率;不同的播放速度, LED閃爍的頻率也會不同。) (9). PWM1,PWM2 可直接驅動 buzzer 或 8、16、32、64Ω speaker。 (10). 每㆒段語音加㆖靜音的語音段長度會是 80 HEX (AVH308) 、或 100 HEX ( AV0708, AV1408, AV2108 ) 的整數倍。 (11). 在語音段的排列順序㆖(00~07),如果遇到有純粹靜音的語音段(不佔 ROM 空間),㆒定要把它放在有語音 的語音段之後,也不可以將它放在兩個有語音的語音段之間 或 放在第㆒段(00)。 (12). 選擇頻率振盪器: (A). 選擇外部電阻可調式頻率振盪器 : 將 OSC 外接電阻到正電源。 (B). 選擇內建頻率振盪器 : 將 OSC 接㆞。(因為頻飄及系統穩定問題,不建議使用) ※ 輸入方式選項: 輸入方式選項 選項 CDS + 1M CDS 功 能 描 述 ㆒般選項,大多用在按鍵觸發。 當按鍵按㆘時,IC內部為 1M 的㆘拉電阻;而當按鍵放開時,IC內部為 1M+300K (並聯) 的㆘拉電阻。 IC內部為 300K 的㆘拉電阻,通常與光敏電阻㆒起使用。 1M pull-low IC內部為 1M 的㆘拉電阻,保留給㆒些特殊應用使用。 10M pull-low IC內部為 10M 的㆘拉電阻,通常使用在觸控的應用。 Floating IC內部無㆘拉電阻,通常連接到其他輸出腳來做控制使用;如果沒連接其他輸出腳,㆒ 定要將此腳位外拉電阻到㆞。 *IO1 當輸入時,沒有 10M pull-low 的選項。 Buffer Trigger PAD 300K Latch 10M Pull-Low 1M Pull-Low 4 Rev 1.3 2003/9/18 AVxx08 Series 3. BLOCK DIAGRAM: C O N T R O L TG IO1 4-bit LOG_PCM DECODER OUTPUT BUFFER L O G I C OSC VOICE ROM CLOCK TIMING GENETATOR GENERATOR P W M 1 P W M 2 4. PAD DESCRIPTION: Pad Name Pad No. ATTR. Function IO1 TG 1 2 I/O I GND1, 2 PWM1 3, 7 4 Power O Negative power supply. Audio output. Vdd PWM2 5 6 Power O Positive power supply. Audio output. OSC 8 I Status output or input for trigger. Input for trigger. Oscillator input. For using internal oscillator, connect OSC to GND. 5. CODE DEVELOPMENT & DEMO SYSTEM: User can use “EzSpeech“ software tool to develop the desired functions. For details, please see EzSpeech user manual. After finishing the code programming, user will get 2 files of “.bin” and “.htm”, the binary file and function check list. User can download the “.bin” file into 4EA_DB demo board to demonstrate the AVxx08 function. The related mapping of 4EA_DB is as below, I/O Pin AVxx08 TG IO1 as Input IO1 as Output PWM1, PWM2 OSC 4EA_DB PRA0 PRA1 PRB0 PWM1, PWM2 OSC1 4EA_DB Description PRA0 performs TG input. PRA1 performs IO1 input mode. PRB0 performs IO1 output mode. PWM output to directly drive speaker. OSC1 connect 150K ohms resistor to Vdd. For some input type option, user may need to connect an external resistor. Please refer to the table below, Input Type AVxx08 CDS + 1M CDS 1M pull-low 10M pull-low Floating 4EA_DB CDS + 1M CDS + 1M Floating Floating Floating 4EA_DB Description The same. Almost the same. Need to connect 1M external resistor to GND. Need to connect 10M external resistor to GND. The same. Once the function has been approved, user only need to send the “.bin” file to Aplus for code tape-out. 5 Rev 1.3 2003/9/18 AVxx08 Series 6. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATING: Symbol Rating Unit Vdd~Vss -0.5 ~ +7.0 V Vin Vss-0.3 < Vin < Vdd+0.3 V Vout GND < Vout < Vdd V Top (operating) 0 ~ +70 ºC Tst (storage) -25 ~ +85 ºC 7. DC CHARACTERISTICS: Symbol Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Unit Vdd Operating voltage 2.4 3.0 6.4 V Isb Supply current Iop Iih Iil Ioh Operating 200 3 0 0.3 Input current: TG ( 10M pull low ) Iil Iil 1 Input current: TG, IO1 ( 1M pull low ) Iih Iih Standby 0 10 Input current: TG & IO1 (CDS) 0 -30 PWM1, PWM2 output current uA Vdd=3V, I/O open (with Rosc or OSC grounded) uA Vdd=3V uA Vdd=3V uA Vdd=3V mA 30 Iol Ioh mA 7.5 Iol Vdd=3V, Vop=2.4V Vdd=3V, Vop=0.6V -4.5 IO1 output current Condition Vdd=3V, Vop=2.55V Vdd=3V, Vop=0.75V dF/F Frequency stability -5 5 % Fosc(3v)-Fosc(2.4v) Fosc(3v) dF/F Fosc lot variation -10 10 % Vdd=3V, Rosc=220KΩ Freq. (K Hz) 8. Frequency vs. External Rosc : 25 20 15 10 5 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Rosc (K Ohm) 6 Rev 1.3 2003/9/18 AVxx08 Series 9. TIMING DIAGRAM: 1.> Edge/Level Edge M ode: Tw Edge Trigger TG1/SC AUDIO Sub_table N Tw Level Trigger TG1/SC AUDIO Sub_table N Level M ode: Tw Edge Trigger TG1 AUDIO Sub_table N Tw Level Trigger TG1 AUDIO Sub_table N Sub_table N Sub_table N * Note: Tw is the minimum pulse w idth > debounce time (5.3ms or 20.8us at 6kHz). 2.> Hold/Unhold Hold: TG1/IO1 AUDIO Sub_table N Unhold: TG1/IO1 AUDIO Sub_table N * Note: Both Edge and Level have Hold and Unhold option. 3.> Retrigger/Irretrigger Retrigger: TG1/IO1 AUDIO Irretrigger: Sub_table N Sub_table N Sub_table N Play from beginning immediately. TG1/IO1 AUDIO Sub_table N Sub_table N Ignore trigger input signal during playing. 4.> Status Output (IO1) AUDIO Voice Mute 172ms at 6kHz Stop_High pulse Busy_High active Busy_Low active LED 3Hz/6Hz flash 3Hz or 6Hz for playing speed at 6kHz LED dynamic 2/4 : When the voice amplitude is higher than 2/4 full-scale amplitude, LED ON. LED ON means status output low. 7 Rev 1.3 2003/9/18 AVxx08 Series 10. APPLICATION: 2 triggers, using internal oscillator 2 triggers, 1 LED, using internal oscillator Vdd Vdd OSC OSC PWM1 PWM1 TG TG IO1 PWM2 PWM2 IO1 GND GND LED is flashing when PWM output enable. 1 trigger, 1 LED, 1 motor, using external oscillator Vdd Rosc PWM1 OSC PWM2 0.1uF TG IO1 8550 GND Rosc=220KΩ (at 6kHz sample rate) IO1 is set to output mode, “Busy_Low Active“ option for driving Motor. * Notices: The above application circuits are for reference only, user can contact Aplus for more information. 8 Rev 1.3 2003/9/18 AVxx08 Series 11. BONDING DIAGRAM: 1 8 2 Y 7 3 5 4 6 ( 0, 0 ) X Chip size: AVH308 : X=890 um, Y=680 um AV0708 : X=890 um, Y=810 um AV1408 : X=890 um, Y=1100 um AV2108 : X=890 um, Y=1380 um Pad size: 80 um x 80 um ※ The IC substrate must be connected to GND. 12. PAD LOCATION: Pad No. Pad Name X Y 1 IO1 87 307 2 TG1 87 197 3 GND1 53 69 4 PWM1 218 57 5 Vdd 445 57 6 PWM2 671 57 7 GND2 753 166 8 OSC 719 286 9 Rev 1.3 2003/9/18