CM312 Communications utilityModule™ User’s Manual BDM-610020017 Rev. A CM312 Communications utilityModule™ User’s Manual RTD Embedded Technologies, INC. 103 Innovation Blvd. State College, PA 16803-0906 Phone: +1-814-234-8087 FAX: +1-814-234-5218 E-mail [email protected] [email protected] web site Revision History 08/07/2000 12/01/2000 6/5/2001 12/4/2001 Rev. A Initial release Added RS-422/485 enable bit in common register 4 Changed RTD’s address Added drawing for RS-422/485 configuration New Manual Naming Method Published by: RTD Embedded Technologies, Inc. 103 Innovation Blvd. State College, PA 16803-0906 Copyright 1999, 2002, 2003 by RTD Embedded Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved Printed in U.S.A. The RTD Logo is a registered trademark of RTD Embedded Technologies. cpuModule and utilityModule are trademarks of RTD Embedded Technologies. PhoenixPICO and PheonixPICO BIOS are trademarks of Phoenix Technologies Ltd. PS/2, PC/XT, PC/AT and IBM are trademarks of International Business Machines Inc. MSDOS, Windows, Windows 95, Windows 98 and Windows NT are trademarks of Microsoft Corp. PC/104 is a registered trademark of PC/104 Consortium. All other trademarks appearing in this document are the property of their respective owners. Table of Contents CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................2 CM312 COMMUNICATIONS UTILITYMODULE ...........................................................................................................2 Features ...............................................................................................................................................................2 Connectors and Switches .....................................................................................................................................3 Recommended Cables ..........................................................................................................................................3 General Specifications.........................................................................................................................................3 Jumpers and Switches..........................................................................................................................................4 Locations..........................................................................................................................................................4 Default Settings................................................................................................................................................5 Descriptions .....................................................................................................................................................6 ETHERNET EEPROM CONFIGURATION ....................................................................................................................8 Default Settings....................................................................................................................................................9 CHAPTER 2 INSTALLING THE UTILITYMODULE .........................................................................11 RECOMMENDED PROCEDURE .................................................................................................................................11 FINDING PIN 1 OF CONNECTORS .............................................................................................................................11 Locations ...........................................................................................................................................................12 PC/104 BUS CONNECTORS, CN1 AND CN2 ...........................................................................................................13 FIRST COM PORT, CN3..........................................................................................................................................14 RS422 and RS485 Mode Pinout.........................................................................................................................16 Notes on using RS422 or RS485 Modes.............................................................................................................17 SECOND COM PORT, CN4......................................................................................................................................17 THIRD COM PORT, CN5.........................................................................................................................................17 FOURTH COM PORT, CN6......................................................................................................................................17 Base Address of Common Registers...................................................................................................................18 Common Register definitions.............................................................................................................................19 10BASE-T CONNECTOR, CN8.................................................................................................................................21 10BASE-T CONNECTOR, CN10...............................................................................................................................21 10BASE-2 CONNECTOR, CN14 ...............................................................................................................................22 POWER PROTECTION CIRCUITRY ............................................................................................................................22 Module Power-Supply Protection ..................................................................................................................22 CHAPTER 3 USING THE UTILITYMODULE SERAIL PORTS........................................................23 EXAR DOCUMENTATION .......................................................................................................................................23 1.5 MBPS SUPPORT .................................................................................................................................................23 INTERRUPT SHARING ..............................................................................................................................................24 CHAPTER 4 USING THE UTILITYMODULE ETHERNET PORTS.................................................26 DIAGNOSTIC LEDS .................................................................................................................................................26 COL LED ...........................................................................................................................................................26 LNK LED ...........................................................................................................................................................26 BOOT ROM SOCKET ..............................................................................................................................................26 POWER CONSUMPTION ...........................................................................................................................................27 CHAPTER 5 SOFTWARE INSTALLATION .........................................................................................28 SOFTWARE INSTALLATION ......................................................................................................................................28 THE CM312SET PROGRAM ...................................................................................................................................28 Using CM312SET ..............................................................................................................................................28 NE1000 Mode ....................................................................................................................................................28 SOFTWARE DRIVERS ...............................................................................................................................................29 SERVER EXAMPLES.................................................................................................................................................30 Novell Netware 2.2 ............................................................................................................................................30 To generate the 2.15 dedicated server from an existing Network Disk:.........................................................30 To generate the 2.2 server from an existing Network Disk:...........................................................................31 Novell Netware 3.x/4.x.......................................................................................................................................31 CLIENT EXAMPLES..................................................................................................................................................33 ODI Drivers (IPX for NetWare).........................................................................................................................33 ODI Drivers (IPX for MS Windows)..................................................................................................................33 NDIS Drivers .....................................................................................................................................................34 Packet Drivers ...................................................................................................................................................35 REMOTE BOOT EXAMPLES ......................................................................................................................................36 RPL from a WindowsNT server 3.5 ...................................................................................................................36 DRIVER DISK ..........................................................................................................................................................39 UTILITY DISK ..........................................................................................................................................................39 CHAPTER 6 REFERENCE INFORMATION ........................................................................................40 ETHERNET REFERENCES .........................................................................................................................................40 TYPES OF ETHERNET ..............................................................................................................................................40 TYPES OF ETHERNET CABLE ...................................................................................................................................41 10BASE-T WIRING CONVENTION ...........................................................................................................................42 ETHERNET FRAMES .................................................................................................................................................43 IEEE 802 MAC NUMBER .......................................................................................................................................43 CHAPTER 7 RETURN POLICY AND WARRANTY............................................................................44 RETURN POLICY .....................................................................................................................................................44 LIMITED WARRANTY ..............................................................................................................................................45 Table of Tables TABLE 1 DEFAULT JUMPER SETTINGS ..........................................................................................................................5 TABLE 2 SWITCH AND JUMPER TABLES.........................................................................................................................6 TABLE 3 BASE ADDRESS TABLE FOR COM PORTS ........................................................................................................8 TABLE 4 CONNECTOR TABLE .....................................................................................................................................12 TABLE 5 PC/104 XT BUS CONNECTOR .........................................................................................................................13 TABLE 6 PC/104 AT BUS CONNECTOR ......................................................................................................................14 TABLE 7 CONNECTOR CN3 IN RS-232 MODE ............................................................................................................15 TABLE 8 CONNECTOR CN3 PIN LOCATION IN RS-232 MODE ......................................................................................15 TABLE 9 CONNECTOR CN3 IN RS422/485 MODE ......................................................................................................16 TABLE 10 CONNECTOR CN3 PIN LOCATION IN RS422/485 MODE ..............................................................................17 Table of Figures FIGURE 1 SWITCH & JUMPER LOCATIONS .....................................................................................................................4 FIGURE 2 CONNECTOR LOCATIONS .............................................................................................................................12 FIGURE 3 RS-422/485 MODE CONFIGURATION ..........................................................................................................20 FIGURE 4 CN8 RJ-45 JACK CONNECTOR ....................................................................................................................21 FIGURE 5 BNC CONNECTOR CN14 ............................................................................................................................22 CM312 Quad Serial utilityModule 1 RTD Embedded Technologies, Inc. Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION This manual gives information on the CM312 Communications utilityModule. This module supports four versatile serial ports with jumper configurable IRQ lines and I/O addresses and one 10Base-T / 10Base-2 ethernet interface for your PC/104 applications. CM312 Communications utilityModule The CM312 Communications utilityModule was designed to provide four versatile serial ports and an ethernet interface to support the Real Time Devices cpuModules and other standard PC/104 processor modules. Features The following are major features of the CM312 utilityModule. Serial ports • Compatibility with the Industry Standard 16C550 • Up to 1.5 Mbps baud transmit/receive operation (24Mhz) • 16 byte transmit FIFO/16 byte receive FIFO with error flags • Independent transmit and receive control • Standard modem interface • Jumper selectable to interrupt line, base address, RS232/RS422-485 mode per port • Jumper selectable enable/disable per port • Includes 42 different selectable I/O base addresses • Extended temperature range: -40 to +85C • Low power-consumption • Typical from single +5V power supply Ethernet NE2000 compatible Ethernet controller • LG Semicon 82C911 chipset • internal 16k RAM Multiple Ethernet interfaces • 10Base-T UTP (unshielded twisted pair) • 10Base-2 BNC Software Configurable CM312 Quad Serial utilityModule 2 RTD Embedded Technologies, Inc. • Jumperless configuration for I/O address, interrupt, mode • Configuration stored in EEPROM Boot ROM socket • Allows remote booting of cpuModule from file server Software Included • Self-explanatory diagnostic program included Connectors and Switches Connectors provided are: • CN1: PC/104 Bus (XT) • CN2: PC/104 Bus (AT) • CN3: First COM port • CN4: Second COM port • CN5: Third COM port • CN6: Fourth COM port • CN8: 10Base-T port (RJ45) • CN14: 10Base-2 port (BNC) Switches provided are: • SW1: COM ports address selection Jumpers provided are: • • • • • • • • • • JP1: First COM port IRQ JP2: Second COM port IRQ JP3: Third COM port IRQ JP4: Fourth COM port IRQ JP5: Serial port clock source select JP7: JP8: First COM port mode and termination JP9: Second COM port mode and termination JP10: Third COM port mode and termination JP11: Fourth COM port mode and termination Recommended Cables XK-CMxx General Specifications • • • • • • • Dimensions: 3.8 x 3.9 x 0.6" (97 x 100 x 16 mm) Weight (mass): 3.0 ounces (85 grams) 6-layer PCB Operating conditions: Temperature: 0 - +70 degrees C Relative humidity: 0 - 95%, non-condensing Storage temperature: -55 to +125 degrees C CM312 Quad Serial utilityModule 3 RTD Embedded Technologies, Inc. Configuring the utilityModule The following sections contain information on configuring the utilityModule. Please read this entire section before attempting to use the utilityModule! Jumpers and Switches Locations The figure below shows switch and jumper locations. JP7 JP8 JP9 JP10 JP11 JP6 G 15 14 12 11 10 9 7 6 5 4 3 SW1 JP1 JP2 G 15 14 12 11 10 9 7 6 5 4 3 JP3 JP4 JP8 – JP11 1-2 Enable 3-4 Mode Terminations 5-6 RxD 7-8 CTS JP5 Figure 1 Switch & Jumper Locations CM312 Quad Serial utilityModule 4 RTD Embedded Technologies, Inc. Default Settings The utilityModule is delivered from the factory configured according to the following table. Table 1 Default Jumper Settings Jumper JP1 G jumper JP2 G jumper JP3 G jumper JP4 G jumper JP5 CLK jumper JP6 EEPROM JP7 JP8 First COM port JP9 Second COM port JP10 Third COM port JP11 Fourth COM port SW1 Setting 3-4 Installed 1-2 Installed 5-6 Installed 13-14 Installed 2-3 installed Function IRQ4 for 1st COM port 1K pull down resister on IRQ4 line IRQ3 for 2nd COM port 1K pull down resister on IRQ3 line IRQ5 for 3rd COM port 1K pull down resister on IRQ5 line IRQ10 for 4th COM port 1K pull down resister on IRQ10 line 24 MHz / 13 input clock is selected for serial ports 1-2 open Enable Ethernet EEPROM 1-2 open 1-2 not installed 3-4 installed 5-6 open 7-8 open 1-2 not installed 3-4 installed 5-6 open 7-8 open 1-2 not installed 3-4 installed 5-6 open 7-8 open 1-2 not installed 3-4 installed 5-6 open 7-8 open All down Not used, leave open Enable port CM312 Quad Serial utilityModule Select RS-232 mode No termination on RxD (Not required for RS-232 mode) No termination on CTS (Not required for RS-232 mode) Enable port Select RS-232 mode No termination on RxD (Not required for RS-232 mode) No termination on CTS (Not required for RS-232 mode) Enable port Select RS-232 mode No termination on RxD (Not required for RS-232 mode) No termination on CTS (Not required for RS-232 mode) Enable port Select RS-232 mode No termination on RxD (Not required for RS-232 mode) No termination on CTS (Not required for RS-232 mode) I/O base addresses at 3E8, 2E8, 280, 288 for 1st, 2nd,3rd and 4th COM port respectively 5 RTD Embedded Technologies, Inc. Descriptions The following table describes the functions of the jumpers. Table 2 Switch and Jumper tables Jumper JP 1 JP 2 JP3 JP 4 JP5 JP6 JP7 Use IRQ selection for COM1 G setting: jumper installed = 1K pull down resistor for the selected IRQ Jumper removed = no pull down for the selected IRQ Default: 3-4, IRQ4 is selected for CN3 with G jumper installed (1K pull-down) IRQ selection for COM2 G setting: jumper installed = 1K pull down resistor for the selected IRQ Jumper removed = no pull down for the selected IRQ Default: 1-2, IRQ3 is selected for CN4 with G jumper installed (1K pull-down) IRQ selection for COM3 G setting: jumper installed = 1K pull down resistor for the selected IRQ Jumper removed = no pull down for the selected IRQ Default: 5-6, IRQ5 is selected for CN5 with G jumper installed (1K pull-down) IRQ selection for COM4 G setting: jumper installed = 1K pull down resistor for the selected IRQ Jumper removed = no pull down for the selected IRQ Default: 13-14, IRQ10 is selected for CN6 With G jumper installed (1K pull-down) Input clock selection for serial ports 1-2 = select 24 MHz input clock to UART 2-3 = select 24 MHz / 13 input clock to UART Default: 2-3 jumped, to select 1.8432 MHz to UART Ethernet EEPROM enable 1-2 installed = Factory use 1-2 open = Normal Operation Default: 1-2 open to enable normal Ethernet EEPROM operation Reserved, leave open 1-2 installed = Not allowed 1-2 open = Normal operation Default: 1-2 always open CM312 Quad Serial utilityModule 6 RTD Embedded Technologies, Inc. COM port configuration JP8 1-2 installed = Disable Port First COM port 1-2 open = Enable Port 3-4 installed = select RS-232 mode 3-4 open = select RS-422/485 mode 5-6 installed = 120 ohm termination on RxD (for RS422/485 modes) 5-6 open = No termination on RxD (RS422/485 modes) 7-8 installed = 120 ohm termination on CTS (for RS422/485 modes) 7-8 open = No termination on CTS (RS422/485 modes) Default: 1-2 and 3-4 installed, 5-6 and 7-8 open to select enabled for RS-232 mode with no termination COM port configuration JP9 1-2 installed = Disable Port Second COM port 1-2 open = Enable Port 3-4 installed = select RS-232 mode 3-4 open = select RS-422/485 mode 5-6 installed = 120 ohm termination on RxD (for RS422/485 modes) 5-6 open = No termination on RxD (RS422/485 modes) 7-8 installed = 120 ohm termination on CTS (for RS422/485 modes) 7-8 open = No termination on CTS (RS422/485 modes) Default: 1-2 and 3-4 installed, 5-6 and 7-8 open to select enabled for RS-232 mode with no termination COM port configuration JP10 1-2 installed = Disable Port Third COM port 1-2 open = Enable Port 3-4 installed = select RS-232 mode 3-4 open = select RS-422/485 mode 5-6 installed = 120 ohm termination on RxD (for RS422/485 modes) 5-6 open = No termination on RxD (RS422/485 modes) 7-8 installed = 120 ohm termination on CTS (for RS422/485 modes) 7-8 open = No termination on CTS (RS422/485 modes) Default: 1-2 and 3-4 installed, 5-6 and 7-8 open to select enabled for RS-232 mode with no termination COM port configuration JP11 1-2 installed = Disable Port Fourth COM port 1-2 open = Enable Port 3-4 installed = select RS-232 mode 3-4 open = select RS-422/485 mode 5-6 installed = 120 ohm termination on RxD (for RS422/485 modes) 5-6 open = No termination on RxD (RS422/485 modes) 7-8 installed = 120 ohm termination on CTS (for RS422/485 modes) 7-8 open = No termination on CTS (RS422/485 modes) SW1 Default: 1-2 and 3-4 installed, 5-6 and 7-8 open to select enabled for RS-232 mode with no termination I/O base address switch. See Base Address Table for details CM312 Quad Serial utilityModule 7 RTD Embedded Technologies, Inc. Table 3 Base address table for COM ports COM port addresses –base address in Hex for eight 8-bit registers SW1-4 SW-3 SW-2 SW-1 CN3 CN4 CN5 CN6 Down Down Down Down 3E8 2E8 280 288 Down Down Down Up 280 288 290 298 Down Down Up Down 290 298 2A0 2A8 Down Down Up Up 2A0 2A8 2B0 2B8 Down Up Down Down 100 108 110 118 Down Up Down Up 120 128 130 138 Down Up Up Down 140 148 150 158 Down Up Up Up 160 168 170 178 Up Down Down Down 100 108 500 508 Up Down Down Up 120 128 520 528 Up Down Up Down 280 288 680 688 Up Down Up Up 290 298 690 698 Up Up Down Down 2A0 2A8 6A0 6A8 Up Up Down Up 2B0 2B8 6B0 6B8 Up Up Up Down 3E8 2E8 7E8 6E8 Up Up Up Up 3F8 2F8 3E8 2E8 Ethernet EEPROM Configuration The most important configuration options for the Ethernet section are set using the configuration program CM312SET.EXE, and then stored in a configuration EEPROM. CM312SET is used to select: • • • • • I/O Address Hardware interrupt number Media Type Remote Boot NE2000/1000 Compatibility Mode CM312 Quad Serial utilityModule 8 RTD Embedded Technologies, Inc. Default Settings The factory default settings for CM312SET options are: Option I/O address Interrupt Media type Remote boot Compatibility mode Factory Default 320h IRQ5 AUTO Disabled NE2000 Please refer to page 28 for information on changing these settings using CM312SET. CM312 Quad Serial utilityModule 9 RTD Embedded Technologies, Inc. CM312 Quad Serial utilityModule 10 RTD Embedded Technologies, Inc. Chapter 2 INSTALLING THE UTILITYMODULE Since the utilityModule uses a PC/104 stackthrough bus, the only hardware installation you will do is placing the module to the PC/104 stack. To do this, you will connect the PC/104 bus connector with the matching connector of another module. Recommended Procedure We recommend you follow the procedure below to ensure that stacking of the modules does not damage connectors or electronics. • Turn off power to the PC/104 system or stack. • Select and install standoffs to properly position the utilityModule on the PC/104 stack. • Touch a grounded metal part of the stack to discharge any buildup of static electricity. • Remove the utilityModule from its anti-static bag. • Check that keying pins in the PC/104 bus connector are properly positioned. • Check the stacking order: make sure an XT bus card will not be placed between two AT bus cards, or it will interrupt the AT bus signals. • Hold the utilityModule by its edges and orient it so the bus connector pins line up with the matching connector on the stack. • Gently and evenly press the utilityModule onto the PC/104 stack. CAUTION: Do not force the module onto the stack! Wiggling the module or applying too much force may damage it. If the module does not readily press into place, remove it, check for bent pins or out-of-place keying pins, and try again. Connecting the utilityModule The following sections describe connectors of the utilityModule. Finding Pin 1 of Connectors A white area silk-screened on the PC board indicates pin 1 of connectors. A square solder pad visible on the bottom of the PC board also indicates it. CM312 Quad Serial utilityModule 11 RTD Embedded Technologies, Inc. Locations The figure below shows connector locations. CN3 CN14 CN4 CN10 CN8 CN5 U14 CN6 CN1 F1 CN2 Figure 2 Connector Locations Table 4 Connector Table Connector CN1 CN2 CN3 CN4 CN5 CN6 CN8 CN10 CN14 CM312 Quad Serial utilityModule Function PC/104 XT Bus PC/104 AT Bus 1st COM port 2nd COM port 3rd COM port 4th COM port 10Base-T 10Base-T 10Base-2 12 Size 64 pin 40 pin 10 pin 10 pin 10 pin 10 pin RJ45 10 pin BNC RTD Embedded Technologies, Inc. PC/104 Bus Connectors, CN1 and CN2 Connectors CN1 and CN2 provide PC/104 bus connections. CN1 carries XT bus signals, and CN2 carries additional signals for the AT bus. The signals on CN1 and CN2 conform to the IEEE P966 standard for the PC/104 bus. The following tables list the connector pinouts: Table 5 PC/104 XT Bus Connector Pin 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 CM312 Quad Serial utilityModule PC/104 XT Bus Connector, CN1 Row A Row B IOCHCHK* SD7 SD6 SD5 SD4 SD3 SD2 SD1 SD0 IOCHRDY AEN SA19 SA18 SA17 SA16 SA15 SA14 SA13 SA12 SA11 SA10 SA9 SA8 SA7 SA6 SA5 SA4 SA3 SA2 SA1 SA0 0V 13 0V RESETDRV +5V IRQ9 -5V DRQ2 -12V ENDXFR* +12V (KEYING PIN) SMEMW* SMEMR* IOW* IOR* DACK3 DRQ3 DACK1* DRQ1 REFRESH SYSCLK IRQ7 IRQ6 IRQ5 IRQ4 IRQ3 DACK2* TC BALE +5V OSC 0V 0V RTD Embedded Technologies, Inc. Table 6 PC/104 AT Bus Connector Pin 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Note: PC/104 AT Bus Connector, CN2 Row C Row D 0V SBHE* LA23 LA22 LA21 LA20 LA19 LA18 LA17 MEMR* MEMW* SD8 SD9 SD10 SD11 SD12 SD13 SD14 SD15 (KEYING PIN) 0V MEMCS16* IOCS16* IRQ10 IRQ11 IRQ12 IRQ15 IRQ14 DACK0* DRQ0 DACK5* DRQ5 DACK6* DRQ6 DRQ6 DRQ7 +5V MASTER* 0V 0V Two locations on the bus have mechanical keying pins to help prevent misconnection of the PC/104 bus. These keying pins are a part of the PC/104 standard, and we strongly recommend you leave them in place. If you have other modules without keying pins, we suggest you modify them to include keying. First COM port, CN3 The first serial port is implemented on connector CN3. It can be configured as a PC compatible full duplex RS232 port or as half- or full duplex RS422 or RS485 through mode jumper JP8. The I/O address is configurable in respect to SW1 address table, and corresponding interrupt is also selectable through jumper JP1 to be IRQ3, IRQ4, IRQ5, IR6, IRQ7, IRQ9, IRQ10, IRQ11, IRQ12, IRQ14 and IRQ15. But you need to make sure that there are no resource conflicts on the I/O base address and interrupt line you choose. The serial port is implemented with a 16C550-compatible UART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter). This UART is capable of baud rates up to 1.5 M with the 24 MHz clock input and 115.2K with the 24 MHz / 13 clock input. CM312 Quad Serial utilityModule 14 RTD Embedded Technologies, Inc. RS232 Serial Port (Default) The full-duplex RS232 mode is the default setting on the utilityModule. With this mode enabled, connector CN3 must be connected to RS232 compatible devices. The following table gives the connector pinout and shows how to connect to an external serial connector, either DB25 or DB9 compatible. Connector CN3 in RS-232 Mode Table 7 Connector CN3 in RS-232 Mode CN3 Pin Signal Function In/out DB25 DB9 1 DCD Data Carrier Detect In 8 1 2 DSR Data Set Ready In 6 6 3 RXD Receive Data In 3 2 4 RTS Request To Send Out 4 7 5 TXD Transmit Data Out 2 3 6 CTS Clear To Send In 5 8 7 DTR Data Terminal Ready Out 20 4 8 RI Ring Indicate In 22 9 9,10 GND Signal Ground -- 7 5 Facing the connector pins, the pinout is pictured in the following, Table 8 Connector CN3 pin location in RS-232 Mode 9 7 5 3 1 GND DTR TXD RXD DCD GND RI CTS RTS DSR 10 8 6 4 2 CM312 Quad Serial utilityModule 15 RTD Embedded Technologies, Inc. RS422 or RS485 Serial Port You can change the mode switch to set the first port as RS422 or RS485. In this case, you must connect CN3 to an RS422 or RS485 compatible device. When using RS422 or RS485 mode, you can use the port in either half-duplex (two-wire) or fullduplex (four-wire) configurations. For half-duplex (2-wire) operation, you must connect RXD+ to TDX+, and connect RXD- to TXD-. Note! Two 120-ohm termination resistors are provided on the utilityModule. Termination is usually necessary on all RS-422 receivers and at the ends of the RS-485 bus. If the termination resistor is required, it can be enabled by closing jumper JP8 5-6 for RxD and/or 7-8 CTS. RS422 and RS485 Mode Pinout The following table gives the pinout of connector CN3 when RS422 or RS485 modes are enabled. Table 9 Connector CN3 in RS422/485 Mode CN3 Pin Signal Function In/out DB9 1 RTS- Request to send (-) Out 1 2 RTS+ Request to send (+) Out 6 3 RXD- Receive Data (-) In 2 4 TXD+ Transmit Data (+) Out 7 5 TXD- Transmit Data(-) Out 3 6 RXD+ Receive Data (+) In 8 7 CTS- Clear to send (-) In 4 8 CTS+ Clear to send (+) In 9 9,10 GND Signal Ground -- 5 CM312 Quad Serial utilityModule 16 RTD Embedded Technologies, Inc. Facing the connector pins, the pinout is pictured in the following, Table 10 Connector CN3 pin location in RS422/485 Mode 9 7 5 3 1 GND CTS- TXD- RXD- RTS- GND CTS+ RXD+ TXD+ RTS+ 10 8 6 4 2 Notes on using RS422 or RS485 Modes When using the serial port in RS422 or RS485 mode, the serial receiver is always enabled, however the serial transmitter is enabled and disabled under software control in the following two ways. By default, the transmitter is enabled by manipulating the Request To Send (RTS*) signal of the serial port controller. This signal is controlled by writing bit 1 of the Modem Control Register (MCR) as follows: • • If MCR bit 1 = 1, then RTS* = 0, and serial transmitter is disabled If MCR bit 1 = 0, then RTS* = 1, and serial transmitter is enabled For more information on the serial port registers, including the MCR, please refer to a standard PC-AT hardware reference for the 16C550 UART, or refer to RTDUSA application note ANC102 at The other way to enable the serial transmitter is to write 1 to its corresponding bit of the utilityModule’s internal common register 4, which sets the serial transmitter in “always on” mode. Please refer to Internal Common Register Section for detail. Second COM port, CN4 Please refer to the previous section on the first COM port CN3 for the description on CN4. Third COM port, CN5 Please refer to the previous section on the first COM port CN3 for the description on CN5. Fourth COM port, CN6 Please refer to the previous section on the first COM port CN3 for the description on CN6. CM312 Quad Serial utilityModule 17 RTD Embedded Technologies, Inc. CM312 common registers The utilityModule includes 5 common registers to provide additional information and software control that is not required for normal COM port operation, but may be helpful in determining the status of the board and configuring of the board. The following two sections give the location and definition of the common registers. Base Address of Common Registers The utilityModule common registers are located 800h above the address of the first enabled COM port. That is, assuming that “X” in hex is the first enabled COM port base address, which can be any of the valid addresses listed in the Com Port Address Table, the base address for the common registers is “Y” in hex, then, Y = X + 800h For example, if the switches of SW4 are set all DOWN position which makes CN3 = 3E8h, CN4 = 2E8h, CN5 = 280h and CN6 = 288h, then according to the algorithm, the common registers base address (BA) will be the following depending the setting of enable switch SW2 for each serial port, If CN3 is enabled then, BA = 3E8h + 800h = BE8h Else if CN3 is disabled AND CN4 is enabled then, BA = 2E8h + 800h = AE8h Else if CN3 and CN4 are disabled AND CN5 is enabled then, BA = 280h + 800h = A80h Else if CN3, CN4 and CN5 are disabled AND CN4 is enabled then, BA = 288h + 800h = A88 A80h Else if CN3, CN4, CN5 and CN6 are disabled then, Common Registers are disabled End If CM312 Quad Serial utilityModule 18 RTD Embedded Technologies, Inc. Common Register definitions BA + 0 – Interrupt Status (Read Only) 7 6 5 4 3 2 Reserved Reserved TxRDY* RxRDY* CN6 CN5 For each CNx bit: 0 = Not interrupting 1 = Interrupt set TxRDY* 0 = indicates a buffer ready for at least one of the four transmit channels 1 = indicates that all transmit buffers are full RxRDY* 0 = indicates one or more of the receive channels has data ready to read 1 = indicates that all receive buffers are empty Reserved reads as 0 BA + 1 – Address Switch (Read Only) 7 6 5 4 3 2 Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved SW1-4 SW1-3 For each bit, see table above 0 = Down 1 = Up Reserved reads as A to tag on the address register. BA + 2 -- Enable/Disable Jumpers (Read Only) 7 6 5 4 3 2 Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved CN6 CN5 For each CNx bit: Jumper installed = 0 = Port is disabled Jumper open = 1 = Port is enabled Reserved reads as 0 7 6 Reserved Reserved Reserved reads as 0 7 Reserved 6 Reserved 5 Reserved BA + 3—Reserved 4 3 Reserved Reserved 2 Reserved BA + 4-- RS-422 RTS operation (W) 5 4 3 2 Driver IntSel CN6 CN5 Enable 1 CN4 0 CN3 1 SW1-2 0 SW1-1 1 CN4 0 CN3 1 Reserved 0 Reserved 1 CN4 0 CN3 Driver Enable: 0 = All ports in RS-422/485 mode will have the drivers disabled 1 = All ports in RS-422/485 mode will have the drivers controlled as selected in register 4 and 5 Default to 0 to have drivers disabled during power up. User must program to a 1 to use RS-422/485 mode. IntSel: 0 = MCR bit-3 controls the three state interrupt output. 1 = Overrides MCR bit-3 and interrupt outputs are enabled continuously. Default to 0 to set COM ports in normal mode For each CNx bit: 0 = use RTS to enable transmitter, default case 1 = transmitter always on CM312 Quad Serial utilityModule 19 RTD Embedded Technologies, Inc. BA + 5-- RS-422 TxD operation (W) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 TxD+/-CN6 TxD+/-CN5 TxD+/-CN4 TxD+/-CN3 CN6 CN5 CN4 For each CNx bit: 0 = use RTS to enable transmitter or transmitter always on as defined by BA + 4 register CNx bit 1 = Use TxD to enable transmitter, transmitter data is tied low 0 CN3 For each Txd+/-CNx bit if corresponding CNx bit is 1: 0 = Use TxD to enable transmitter 1 = Use inverted TxD to enable transmitter +5V REG4[3:0] BIT PER CHANNEL 1 0 0 1 RTS 0 TxD 1 Enable 0 TxD+ 0 1 TxD- 1 REG5[7:4] BIT PER CHANNEL REG4[5] ALL CHANNELS REG5[3:0] BIT PER CHANNEL RS-422/485 Driver RS-422/485 mode configuration. All switches are shown in power on default conditions. Figure 3 RS-422/485 Mode Configuration CM312 Quad Serial utilityModule 20 RTD Embedded Technologies, Inc. 10Base-T connector, CN8 Connector CN8 is for UTP (Unshielded Twisted Pair) wiring normally used for 10Base-T Ethernet. It is wired in parallel with CN10. Don't try to use both CN8 and CN10 at the same time. The following table gives the pinout of CN8. Pin 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Signal TX+ TXRX+ N.C. N.C. RXN.C. N.C. Function Transmit + Transmit Receive + not connected not connected Receive not connected not connected in/out out out in in The figure below shows the pin numbering of CN8 when looking into the connector: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Figure 4 CN8 RJ-45 Jack Connector CN8 is a standard female RJ-45 connector. One example of a mating plug is: • AMP 5-554739-3 (unshielded) 10Base-T connector, CN10 Connector CN10 is for UTP (Unshielded Twisted Pair) wiring normally used for 10Base-T Ethernet. It is wired in parallel with CN8. Don't try to use both CN8 and CN10 at the same time. The following table gives the pinout of CN10. Pin 1 2 3 5 4, 6 - 10 CM312 Quad Serial utilityModule Signal TX+ RXTXRX+ N.C. Function Transmit + Receive Transmit Receive + not connected 21 in/out out in out in RTD Embedded Technologies, Inc. 10Base-2 connector, CN14 Connector CN14 is a BNC bayonet connector for coaxial cable normally used with 10Base-2 Ethernet. The pinout of CN14 is: Pin 1 2 Signal SIGNAL GND Function Signal to 50 ohm cable Signal Ground in/out in/out -- 2 1 Figure 5 BNC Connector CN14 Power Protection Circuitry To reduce the risk of damage due to power-supply problems, the utilityModule includes several protective components. Module Power-Supply Protection The utilityModule includes a component to help prevent damage due to problems with the +5Vdc power supply from the PC/104 bus. Protection is provided for: • Over-current • Reversed polarity • Excessive voltage This protection is only for the utilityModule, and will not protect other devices in a PC/104 stack. The protective fuse is replaceable and is available from electronics suppliers. Its description and part number is: Littelfuse Nano2 SMF 1.0 amp, R451-001 Caution: Replace fuses only with parts of identical current and voltage rating. CM312 Quad Serial utilityModule 22 RTD Embedded Technologies, Inc. Chapter 3 USING THE UTILITYMODULE SERAIL PORTS The utilityModule features an EXAR quad UART 16C550 compatible 16C554D part. EXAR Documentation Due to the complexity of the EXAR serial chip, it is impossible for us to reproduce all programming information in this manual. If you will be doing in-depth programming of the serial port controller, we suggest you obtain the 16C554D datasheet from the manufacturer. The 16C554D datasheet is available on-line in electronic format as an Adobe Acrobat (. PDF) file on the EXAR website: You may also contact: EXAR corporation 248720 Kato Road Fremont, CA 94538 Or by phone/fax: Phone: 510 668 7017 Fax: 510 668 7017 1.5 Mbps support With 24 MHz clock input selected (JP5, 1-2), the utilityModule is capable of provide data rates up to 1.5 Mbps in RS422/RS485 mode. Since RS-232 standard restricts data rate to 20 Kbps, you might experience failure at higher data rate above 252 Kbps with 24 MHz clock select for the utilityModule. CM312 Quad Serial utilityModule 23 RTD Embedded Technologies, Inc. Interrupt Sharing Interrupt sharing is a mechanism which allows different devices sharing same active high IRQ lines on the PC/104 bus, given that there is a interrupt sharing circuit associated with each device. The utilityModule provides interrupt-sharing circuits for all the serial ports; thus it allows sharing of one IRQ line among the serial ports in the utilityModule. However, user needs to be careful to share an IRQ line with devices in the system elsewhere, and be sure that other devices also share their IRQ lines as well. For instance, users should be aware of that the IRQ3/IRQ4 associated with serial port J3/J4 on RTDUSA cpuModule are not shareable. And if the utilityModule is in the same system with RTDUSA cpuModule, be advised not to use/share IRQ3/IRQ4 for the utilityModule unless you have serial ports on the cpuModule disabled. Interrupt sharing in a PC/104 system requires one 1K pull-down resistor per IRQ line for all the devices that share the IRQ. Installing a G jumper in the utilityModule will pull its associated IRQ line down with 1K resistor. That is, for example, if IRQn is shared among four serial ports on the utilityModule, only one G jumper needs to be installed for IRQn line. If more than one G jumper are installed, the pull-down on IRQn line will be much stronger that expected 1K ohm, which will prevent interrupt controller from functioning correctly. Let consider two cases to demonstrate the concepts for the above discussion. Let us assume that IRQ5 and IRQ10 are not used and driven by other devices in the system. For the first case, IRQ10 line is shared among the four serial ports and for the second case IRQ5 is shared for port 1 and port 2, while IRQ10 is shared among port 3 and port 4. The following two tables listed the interrupt jumper settings for each case respectively. Table 11 Jumper Settings for interrupt sharing Case 1 Jumper JP1 G jumper Setting 13-14 Installed JP2 G jumper 13-14 Removed JP3 G jumper 13-14 Removed JP4 G jumper 13-14 Removed CM312 Quad Serial utilityModule Function IRQ10 for 1st COM port 1K pull down resister added on IRQ10 from PORT1 IRQ10 for 2nd COM port No pull down resister added on IRQ10 from PORT2 IRQ10 for 3rd COM port No pull down resister added on IRQ10 from PORT3 IRQ10 for 4th COM port No pull down resister added on IRQ10 from PORT4 24 RTD Embedded Technologies, Inc. Table 12 Jumper Settings for interrupt sharing Case 2 Jumper JP1 G jumper Setting 5-6 Installed JP2 G jumper 5-6 Removed JP3 G jumper 13-14 Installed JP4 G jumper 13-14 Removed CM312 Quad Serial utilityModule Function IRQ5 for 1st COM port 1K pull down resister added on IRQ5 from PORT1 IRQ5 for 2nd COM port No pull down resister added on IRQ5 from PORT2 IRQ10 for 3rd COM port 1K pull down resister added on IRQ10 from PORT3 IRQ10 for 4th COM port No pull down resister added on IRQ10 from PORT4 25 RTD Embedded Technologies, Inc. Chapter 4 USING THE UTILITYMODULE ETHERNET PORTS Using the utilityModule is straightforward, and essentially identical to any other Ethernet card. When CM312 module is powered on, data in the EEPROM on board is transferred to Ethernet controller’s internal configuration registers. The data in the EEPROM contains information configuration such as the base address of the card, the active interrupt line on the PC/104 bus for Ethernet access, the media type in use, etc. The factory default setting of the board is at I/O address 0x320 and IRQ 5. And if there is a resource conflicting, you need to change your setting on CM312 with the other I/O boards removed temporally by executing CM312SET program as described in the later chapter. The following sections describe: • • • Diagnostic LEDs Boot ROM socket Power Consumption Diagnostic LEDs If CN8, the RJ45 connector, has two LEDs that are used to indicate status and provide some diagnostic information in case of malfunctions. Name COL LNK Meaning Collision Detected Link established (UTP) Normal State Off On (10Base-T only) COL LED The LED is normally off, and flashes when the module detects a collision on the network. Collisions may be due to low-quality cable, which allows crosstalk between the transmit and receive pairs, miswiring, or a malfunctioning device on the network. LNK LED The LED is turned on when a valid 10Base-T link is detected by the chipset. It is only active when using the 10Base-T UTP connection with link integrity checking enabled. If it is off, the UTP wiring may be broken or incorrect, link integrity checking may be disabled, or you may be using the 10Base-2 or AUI interface. Boot ROM Socket In some applications, you may wish to use the boot ROM socket of the utilityModule to boot a connected cpuModule from a remote server. The socket will accomodate a 32 pin PLCC EPROM or Flash memory devices of size 8k, 16k, 32k, or 64k bytes. The device must be a byte-wide architecture. The boot ROM feature can be enabled using the CM312SET program described on page 28. CM312 Quad Serial utilityModule 26 RTD Embedded Technologies, Inc. Power Consumption Power consumption of the utilityModule depends on which Ethernet interface is used and the degree of activity on the network. The following table gives typical power consumption: Configuration Consumption CM312 Quad Serial utilityModule AUI 200 mA TP 200 mA 27 BNC 200 mA RTD Embedded Technologies, Inc. Chapter 5 SOFTWARE INSTALLATION This chapter contains information on: • • • • • Software installation The CM312SET Program Server Examples Client Examples Client Remote Boot Examples Software installation There is no installation program for the supplied software. We suggest you create a directory named /CM312 on your target drive, and copy all files and subdirectories from the supplied floppy disk into that directory. The CM312SET Program The /TOOLS directory of the supplied floppy disk contains the setup and diagnostic utility, CM312SET.EXE. Using CM312SET Since CM312 utility module is a jumperless I/O board, complete software configurable with all its configuration data stored in EEPROM, CM202SET is a utility program that let you view or change the existing setting of the board. When you run the CM312SET program, the utility looks at all possible I/O addresses. If no module is found or if there is a conflicting, the utility quits with a message. When the module is found and correctly operating, the utility displays lines indicating the active I/O address, the interrupt, the Media Type in use, the compatibility mode selected (NE2000 or NE1000), and the MAC address of the board. You can use the program to change settings for I/O address, Interrupt, Media Type, Remote Boot Prom, and compatibility mode and save your selection either into the configuration registers or to both registers and EEPROM. Saving to registers only will allow you to perform test with the settings in your system, but the settings will be lost when power off. In order to change the setting for future operation, you need to save your changes to both registers and EEPROM. These settings then are recalled from EEPROM whenever the module is reinitialized. NE1000 Mode NE1000 mode can be used to allow the utilityModule to operate with an 8-bit (XT) cpuModule. In NE1000 mode, only IRQ2, IRQ3, IRQ4, IRQ5 are available. You cannot use IRQ10, IRQ11, IRQ12, IRQ15 with an 8-bit system bus. CM312 Quad Serial utilityModule 28 RTD Embedded Technologies, Inc. Software drivers The floppy supplied with the utilityModule contains the following (or newer) versions of drivers. NetWare 4.x Client and Server Drivers: • use the NE2000/NE1000 compatible drivers provided with the Operating System NetWare 3.x Server • use the NE2000/NE1000 compatible drivers provided with the Operating System NetWare 2.x Server • use the NE2000/NE1000 compatible drivers provided with the Operating System ODI Workstation: • • NE2000.COM NE1000.COM Ver. 1.54 Ver. 1.28 NDIS Drivers 3.0 • • • • Windows for Workgroups Windows95 Windows NT3.x, NT4.x use the NE2000 compatible drivers provided with the Operating System LanManager for DOS • use the NE2000/NE1000 compatible drivers provided with the Operating System LanManager for OS/2 • use the NE2000/NE1000 compatible drivers provided with the Operating System Packet Driver • • NE2000.COM NE1000.COM CM312 Quad Serial utilityModule Ver. 4.1 Ver. 11.5.3 29 RTD Embedded Technologies, Inc. The directory structure of the disk is: +---NDIS30 +---NETWARE ¦ +---NW286 ¦ ¦ +---FS ¦ +---NW3.X ¦ +---NW4.X ¦ +---NWODI +---MSLANMAN.DOS ¦ +---DRIVERS ¦ +---ETHERNET ¦ ¦ +---NE2000 ¦ ¦ +---NE1000 ¦ +---NIF +---MSLANMAN.OS2 ¦ +---DRIVERS ¦ +---ETHERNET ¦ ¦ +---NE2000 ¦ ¦ +---NE1000 ¦ +---NIF +---PACKET.DRV +---TOOLS Server Examples The following examples illustrates configuration of the module for use as a server. Novell Netware 2.2 The NE2000 Netware Driver is configurable and may operate with a variety of selections for I/O Address and Interrupt. These options should be selected via ECONFIG, DCONFIG and NETGEN (for 2.15) or INSTALL (for 2.2) utilities, which are provided with the Netware distribution diskettes. To generate the 2.15 dedicated server from an existing Network Disk: 1) Create NET$OS. This can be done from any station attached to the network server. • run netgen: • -Select Network Configuration (Our driver) • -Link/Configure Netware Operating System 2) Now that NET$OS has been generated, do the Netware Installation. On the server PC you are configuring: CM312 Quad Serial utilityModule 30 RTD Embedded Technologies, Inc. • • • • boot DOS from a floppy login to the network server run netgen and select Netware Installation reboot from hard disk To generate the 2.2 server from an existing Network Disk: • • • • Boot DOS from a floppy login to the network server Run install (when prompted to, select NE2000 driver) reboot from hard drive Novell Netware 3.x/4.x Use the install.nlm utility loaded from the server console, "load ...\install", to create an autoexec file as shown below: AUTOEXEC.NCF file server name BIGKAHOONAS ipx internal net 10 load c:\ne2000 PORT=360 INT=5 bind ipx to ne2000 net=1 mount all Typing SERVER at the DOS prompt will load the server and our driver. Be sure ne2000.lan is in the c:\ directory Driver configurable options are: IO BASE May be set by including the following in the command line: Port = xxx ;where xxx can be 300, 320, 340, 360 Be sure the board is set to the same I/O address, otherwise the driver won't find the board and the message "Hardware Error - NE2000 Bank Select port failed to respond." will appear. INTERRUPT NUMBER May be set by including the following in the command line: Int = x ;where x can be 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 15 Defaults to EEPROM configuration if not present NODE ADDRESS The board has a unique IEEE address, but it may be overwritten by including the following in the command line: Node = xxxxxxxxxxxx Where xxxxxxxxxxxx is a 12 digit hex number (non-multicast or broadcast) CM312 Quad Serial utilityModule 31 RTD Embedded Technologies, Inc. The default is the board's unique IEEE address if this line is not present. FRAME TYPE May be set by including the following in the command line Frame = <type> where <type> is ETHERNET_802.3, ETHERNET_802.2, ETHERNET_II, ETHERNET_SNAP This defaults to ETHERNET_802.3 if the line is not present. MEDIA TYPE SELECTION The user may select the media type to be used. This option is specified via parameter passing in the command line. The parameter name is "MEDIA_TYPE=" . The value following the keyword must be one of the following: • "AUTO" for automatic selection. • "10BASET" for 10BaseT. • "AUI” for AUI interface. If the MEDIA_TYPE keyword is not present the driver will use the module’s EEPROM default. CM312 Quad Serial utilityModule 32 RTD Embedded Technologies, Inc. Client Examples The following examples illustrates configuration of the module for use as a client. ODI Drivers (IPX for NetWare) STARTNET.BAT cd\net lsl ne2000 ipxodi netx /PS=Server_neme Login_name NET.CFG (in c:\net directory) LINK DRIVER NE2000 PORT 360 INT 5 FRAME ETHERNET_802.3 FRAME ETHERNET_II FRAME ETHERNET_802.2 FRAME ETHERNET_SNAP MEDIA_TYPE AUI NODE ADDRESS EC1000013114 ODI Drivers (IPX for MS Windows) In this examples we have used the ODI drivers that are used by NetWare too. You can find them in the directory \NETWARE\NWODI\ of the drivers floppy disk. Windows for workgroup see them as “IPX monolitic” drivers. AUTOEXEC.BAT @echo off path C:\WFW.DOS;c:\;c:\dos prompt $p$g cd\WFW.DOS lsl ne2000 ipxodi net start CONFIG.SYS files=40 buffers=40 device=C:\WFW.DOS\ifshlp.sys LASTDRIVE=Z NET.CFG Link Support buffers 8 850 LINK DRIVER NE2000 PORT 360 INT 5 CM312 Quad Serial utilityModule 33 RTD Embedded Technologies, Inc. FRAME ETHERNET_802.3 FRAME ETHERNET_II FRAME ETHERNET_802.2 FRAME ETHERNET_SNAP PROTOCOL.INI [network.setup] version=0x3110 netcard=ipxmono,1,IPXMONO,1 lana0=ipxmono,1,mono [IPXMONO] LANABASE=0 NDIS Drivers Create a startup disk using WinNT 3.50: • Run the program Network Client Administrator (in the group Network Administration). • choose: Make Network Installation Startup Disk (Continue) Path E:\Clients (E: = CD-ROM di WINNT3.50) Share Name Clients or Use Existing Share Directory and hit (OK) • choose: Network Client: Network Client v3.0 for MS-DOS and Windows Network Adapter Card: NE2000 compatible and hit (OK) • choose: (name for the client computer) Network Protocol: NWLink IPX Compatible Protocol hit (OK) (OK) this creates a startup floppy for the module. AUTOEXEC.BAT @echo off path=a:\net CM312 Quad Serial utilityModule 34 RTD Embedded Technologies, Inc. a:\net\net initialize a:\net\nwlink a:\net\net start net use z: \\SERVER_NT\Clients echo Running Setup... z:\msclient\netsetup\setup.exe /$ CONFIG.SYS files=30 device=a:\net\ifshlp.sys lastdrive=z DEVICE=A:\NET\HIMEM.SYS DEVICE=A:\NET\EMM386.EXE NOEMS DOS=HIGH,UMB PROTOCOL.INI [network.setup] version=0x3110 netcard=ms$ne2clone,1,MS$NE2CLONE,1 transport=ms$ndishlp,MS$NDISHLP transport=ms$nwlink,MS$NWLINK lana0=ms$ne2clone,1,ms$nwlink lana1=ms$ne2clone,1,ms$ndishlp [ms$ne2clone] drivername=MS2000$ INTERRUPT=5 IOBASE=0x360 ; SlotNumber=1 [protman] drivername=PROTMAN$ PRIORITY=MS$NDISHLP [MS$NDISHLP] drivername=ndishlp$ BINDINGS=ms$ne2clone [ms$nwlink] drivername=nwlink$ FRAME=Ethernet_802.2 BINDINGS=ms$ne2clone LANABASE=0 Packet Drivers The packet driver is loaded using the following syntax: NE2000 [-n] [-d] [-w] <packet_int_no> <int_level> <io_addr> Using the default settings, this would be entered as: CM312 Quad Serial utilityModule 35 RTD Embedded Technologies, Inc. NE2000 0x60 0x5 0x340 If the use of ODI drivers is requested or preferred, it is possible to use the ODI packet driver: LSL NE2000 IPXODI ODIPKT 1 0x60 NET.CFG LINK SUPPORT buffers 8 850 LINK DRIVER NE2000 PORT 360 INT 5 FRAME ETHERNET_802.3 FRAME ETHERNET_II FRAME ETHERNET_802.2 FRAME ETHERNET_SNAP PROTOCOL IPX 0 ETHERNET_802.3 Remote Boot Examples The following examples illustrate configuration of the module for use in a remote boot application. RPL from a WindowsNT server 3.5 1. Install RPL Service on your WindowsNT Server 2. Copy DOS 6.22 files in WINNT35\RPL\RPLFILES\BINFILES\DOS622 3. Copy NE2000.DOS in WINNT35\RPL\BBLOCKS\NDIS; remember not to flag the files IO.SYS and MSDOS.SYS as Hidden or System. 4. From a DOS window run RPLCMD 5. add Vendor: VendorName=00E0C7 comment=RTDUSA NE2000 6. add boot (b - a): BootName= DOS VendorName=00D081 BBCFile=BBLOCK\NETBEUI\NE2000\DOSBB.CNF 7. Restart WindowsNT and start RPL Service. Now the cpuModule used with the utilityModule can remotely boot DOS from WindowsNT Server DOSBB.CNF ; DOS on NE2000 Ethernet BASE D0H RPL BBLOCK\RPLBOOT.SYS LDR BBLOCK\RPLSTART.COM ~ DAT BBLOCK\NETBEUI\NE2000\PROTOCOL.INI DRV BBLOCK\RPLDISK.SYS ~ ~ ~ EXE BBLOCK\RPLPRO1.COM ~ 2 ~ CM312 Quad Serial utilityModule 36 RTD Embedded Technologies, Inc. EXE BBLOCK\I13.COM ~ ~ ~ EXE BBLOCK\RPLBIND2.EXE ~ ~ EXE BBLOCK\PROTMAN.EXE ~ ~ EXE BBLOCK\RPLBIND1.EXE ~ ~ ;DRV BBLOCK\IPXNDIS.DOS ~ ~ ~ ;DRV BBLOCK\TCPDRV.DOS /I:C:\LANMAN.DOS ~ ~ EXE BBLOCK\NETBEUI\NETBEUI.EXE ~ 10 ~ DRV BBLOCK\NDIS\NE2000.DOS ~ ~ ~ DRV BBLOCK\PROTMAN.DOS /I:C:\LANMAN.DOS ~ M PROTOCOL.INI [protman] drivername = protman$ dynamic = yes priority = netbeui [netbeui_xif] drivername = netbeui$ bindings = ne2000_nif names = 6 ncbs = 12 packets = 20 pipeline = 10 sessions = 6 stacksize = 512 lanabase = 0 [xnsnb_xif] drivername = xnsnb$ bindings = ne2000_nif load = xnsnb[cbr] lanabase = 1 [xnstp_xif] drivername = xnstp$ bindings = ne2000_nif load = xnstp[ub] lanabase = 1 [tcpip_xif] drivername = TCPIP$ disabledhcp = (TCPIP_NO_DHCP) ipaddress0 = (TCPIP_ADDRESS) subnetmask0 = (TCPIP_SUBMASK) defaultgateway0 = (TCPIP_GATEWAY) tcpsegmentsize = 1450 tcpwindowsize = 1450 nbsessions = 6 load = tcptsr[c],tinyrfc[c],emsbfr[cr] unload = "unloadt /notsr[dc]" bindings = ne2000_nif lanabase = 1 CM312 Quad Serial utilityModule 37 RTD Embedded Technologies, Inc. [ipx_xif] drivername = ipx$ load = ipxmark[u],ipx[u] unload = ipxrel[c] bindings = ne2000_nif lanabase = 1 [msdlc_xif] drivername = msdlc$ bindings = ne2000_nif load = msdlc[ub] unload = msdlc[u] [ne2000_nif] drivername = NE2$ INTERRUPT=5 IOBASE = 0x360 CM312 Quad Serial utilityModule 38 RTD Embedded Technologies, Inc. Driver Disk Utility Disk The utilityModule includes menu driven diagnostic program. Loop back plugs are required to run this program. CM312 Quad Serial utilityModule 39 RTD Embedded Technologies, Inc. Chapter 6 REFERENCE INFORMATION This chapter contains reference information concerning: • • • • • Ethernet References Types of Ethernet Types of Ethernet Cable Ethernet Frames IEEE 802 MAC Number Ethernet References To learn more about Ethernet, you might start with: Charles Spurgeon’s Ethernet Website: This site provides thorough overviews of 10 Mbps and faster Ethernet. Types of Ethernet There are three standard types of 10 Megabit Ethernet, of which 10Base-T is by far the most common, and 10Base-5 is by far the least common. Ethernet Type Nickname Data transfer rate Topology Cable type 10Base-T “Cheapernet” 10 Mbps Star 10Base-2 “Thin” Ethernet 10 Mbps Bus 100 ohm UTP (unshielded twisted pair) RG-58 coaxial 10Base-5 “Thick” Ethernet 10 Mbps Bus RG-11 coaxial CM312 Quad Serial utilityModule 40 Maximum Segment length 100 m 328 ft 185 m 607 ft 500 m 1640 ft RTD Embedded Technologies, Inc. Types of Ethernet cable Ethernet uses one of three standard cable types: Ethernet Type 10Base-T 10Base-2 10Base-5 Cable type Impedance Denomination UTP RG-58 RG-11 100 Ohm 50 Ohm 50 Ohm unshielded twisted pair Ethernet thin Ethernet thick (yellow cable) Note: Although 8-conductor telephone wire is commonly used for 10Base-T connections, this type wire is not the correct 100 ohm UTP, as it does not use twisted-pairs. Using such wire may cause excessive crosstalk, resulting in a large number of collisions and poor network performance. CM312 Quad Serial utilityModule 41 RTD Embedded Technologies, Inc. 10Base-T Wiring Convention 10Base-T Ethernet uses the following wiring convention when connecting a node to a hub. It is suggested you use this convention for consistency: RJ45 PIN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Note: First End Pair No. wire color 3 3 2 1 1 2 4 4 W-G G W-O BL W-BL O W-BR BR Second End Pair No. wire color to to to to to to to to 2 2 3 1 1 3 4 4 W-O O W-G BL W-BL G W-BR BR RJ45 PIN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 W-G = White-Green G = Green W-O = White-Orange O = Orange W-BL = White-Blue BL = Blue W-BR = White-Brown BR = Brown CM312 Quad Serial utilityModule 42 RTD Embedded Technologies, Inc. Ethernet frames The following are standard Ethernet frames. • • • • ETHERNET_II ETHERNET_802.3 ETHERNET_802.2 ETHERNET_SNAP Primarily used by TPC/IP Default frame for Netware 3.11 Default frame for Netware 3.12 and 4.x Primarily used by Appletalk IEEE 802 MAC number The CM202 utilityModule is identified with an Organizationally Unique Identifier (OUI) and company_id number: 00-D0-81 The MAC (Media Access Control) number of the utilityModule is thus: 00-D0-81-xx-xx-xx where the last three bytes are the serial number of the board, unique for each adapter. CM312 Quad Serial utilityModule 43 RTD Embedded Technologies, Inc. Chapter 7 RETURN POLICY AND WARRANTY Return Policy If you wish to return a product to the factory for service, please follow this procedure: Read the Limited Warranty to familiarize yourself with our warranty policy. Contact the factory for a Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) number. Please have the following available: • • • Complete board name Board serial number A detailed description of the board’s behavior List the name of a contact person, familiar with technical details of the problem or situation, along with their phone and fax numbers, address, and e-mail address (if available). List your shipping address!! Indicate the shipping method you would like used to return the product to you. We will not ship by next-day service without your pre-approval. Carefully package the product, using proper anti-static packaging. Write the RMA number in large (1") letters on the outside of the package. Return the package to: RTD Embedded Technologies, Inc. 103 Innovation Blvd. State College PA 16803-0906 USA CM312 Quad Serial utilityModule 44 RTD Embedded Technologies, Inc. Limited Warranty RTD Embedded Technologies, Inc. warrants the hardware and software products it manufactures and produces to be free from defects in materials and workmanship for one year following the date of shipment from RTD Embedded Technologies, INC. This warranty is limited to the original purchaser of product and is not transferable. During the one year warranty period, RTD Embedded Technologies will repair or replace, at its option, any defective products or parts at no additional charge, provided that the product is returned, shipping prepaid, to RTD Embedded Technologies. All replaced parts and products become the property of RTD Embedded Technologies. Before returning any product for repair, customers are required to contact the factory for an RMA number. THIS LIMITED WARRANTY DOES NOT EXTEND TO ANY PRODUCTS WHICH HAVE BEEN DAMAGED AS A RESULT OF ACCIDENT, MISUSE, ABUSE (such as: use of incorrect input voltages, improper or insufficient ventilation, failure to follow the operating instructions that are provided by RTD Embedded Technologies, "acts of God" or other contingencies beyond the control of RTD Embedded Technologies), OR AS A RESULT OF SERVICE OR MODIFICATION BY ANYONE OTHER THAN RTD Embedded Technologies. EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY SET FORTH ABOVE, NO OTHER WARRANTIES ARE EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND RTD Embedded Technologies EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES NOT STATED HEREIN. ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING IMPLIED WARRANTIES FOR MECHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ARE LIMITED TO THE DURATION OF THIS WARRANTY. IN THE EVENT THE PRODUCT IS NOT FREE FROM DEFECTS AS WARRANTED ABOVE, THE PURCHASER'S SOLE REMEDY SHALL BE REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT AS PROVIDED ABOVE. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES WILL RTD Embedded Technologies BE LIABLE TO THE PURCHASER OR ANY USER FOR ANY DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, EXPENSES, LOST PROFITS, LOST SAVINGS, OR OTHER DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PRODUCT. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES FOR CONSUMER PRODUCTS, AND SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW LIMITATIONS ON HOW LONG AN IMPLIED WARRANTY LASTS, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATIONS OR EXCLUSIONS MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. THIS WARRANTY GIVES YOU SPECIFIC LEGAL RIGHTS, AND YOU MAY ALSO HAVE OTHER RIGHTS WHICH VARY FROM STATE TO STATE. CM312 Quad Serial utilityModule 45 RTD Embedded Technologies, Inc. RTD Embedded Technologies, Inc. 103 Innovation Blvd. State College PA 16803-0906 USA Our website: CM312 Quad Serial utilityModule 46 RTD Embedded Technologies, Inc.