80C186EA/80C188EA AND 80L186EA/80L188EA 16-BIT HIGH-INTEGRATION EMBEDDED PROCESSORS Y Y Y Y Y 80C186 Upgrade for Power Critical Applications Fully Static Operation True CMOS Inputs and Outputs Integrated Feature Set Ð Static 186 CPU Core Ð Power Save, Idle and Powerdown Modes Ð Clock Generator Ð 2 Independent DMA Channels Ð 3 Programmable 16-Bit Timers Ð Dynamic RAM Refresh Control Unit Ð Programmable Memory and Peripheral Chip Select Logic Ð Programmable Wait State Generator Ð Local Bus Controller Ð System-Level Testing Support (High Impedance Test Mode) Y Speed Versions Available (3V): Ð 13 MHz (80L186EA13/80L188EA13) Ð 8 MHz (80L186EA8/80L188EA8) Y Direct Addressing Capability to 1 Mbyte Memory and 64 Kbyte I/O Y Supports 80C187 Numeric Coprocessor Interface (80C186EA only) Y Available in the Following Packages: Ð 68-Pin Plastic Leaded Chip Carrier (PLCC) Ð 80-Pin EIAJ Quad Flat Pack (QFP) Ð 80-Pin Shrink Quad Flat Pack (SQFP) Y Available in Extended Temperature Range ( b 40§ C to a 85§ C) Speed Versions Available (5V): Ð 25 MHz (80C186EA25/80C188EA25) Ð 20 MHz (80C186EA20/80C188EA20) Ð 13 MHz (80C186EA13/80C188EA13) The 80C186EA is a CHMOS high integration embedded microprocessor. The 80C186EA includes all of the features of an ‘‘Enhanced Mode’’ 80C186 while adding the additional capabilities of Idle and Powerdown Modes. In Numerics Mode, the 80C186EA interfaces directly with an 80C187 Numerics Coprocessor. 272432 – 1 *Other brands and names are the property of their respective owners. Information in this document is provided in connection with Intel products. Intel assumes no liability whatsoever, including infringement of any patent or copyright, for sale and use of Intel products except as provided in Intel’s Terms and Conditions of Sale for such products. Intel retains the right to make changes to these specifications at any time, without notice. Microcomputer Products may have minor variations to this specification known as errata. October 1995 COPYRIGHT © INTEL CORPORATION, 1995 Order Number: 272432-003 1 80C186EA/80C188EA, 80L186EA/80L188EA 80C186EA/80C188EA AND 80L186EA/80L188EA 16-Bit High Integration Embedded Processor CONTENTS PAGE INTRODUCTION ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ 4 80C186EA CORE ARCHITECTURE ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ 4 Bus Interface Unit ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ 4 Clock Generator ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ 4 80C186EA PERIPHERAL ARCHITECTURE ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ 5 Interrupt Control Unit ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ 5 Timer/Counter Unit ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ 5 DMA Control Unit ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ 7 Chip-Select Unit ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ 7 Refresh Control Unit ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ 7 Power Management ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ 7 80C187 Interface (80C186EA Only) ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ 8 ONCE Test Mode ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ 8 DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THE 80C186XL AND THE 80C186EA ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ 8 Pinout Compatibility ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ 8 Operating Modes ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ 8 TTL vs CMOS Inputs ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ 8 Timing Specifications ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ 8 PACKAGE INFORMATION ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ 9 Prefix Identification ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ 9 Pin Descriptions ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ 9 80C186EA Pinout ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ 15 CONTENTS PAGE PACKAGE THERMAL SPECIFICATIONS ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ 20 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ 21 Absolute Maximum Ratings ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ 21 Recommended Connections ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ 21 DC SPECIFICATIONS ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ 22 ICC versus Frequency and Voltage ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ 24 PDTMR Pin Delay Calculation ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ 24 AC SPECIFICATIONS ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ 25 AC CharacteristicsÐ80C186EA20/13 ÀÀÀÀÀ 25 AC CharacteristicsÐ80L186EA13/8 ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ 27 Relative Timings ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ 29 AC TEST CONDITIONS ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ 30 AC TIMING WAVEFORMS ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ 30 DERATING CURVES ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ 33 RESET ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ 33 BUS CYCLE WAVEFORMS ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ 36 EXECUTION TIMINGS ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ 43 INSTRUCTION SET SUMMARY ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ 44 REVISION HISTORY ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ 50 ERRATA ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ 50 2 2 272432– 2 80C186EA/80C188EA, 80L186EA/80L188EA NOTE: Pin names in parentheses apply to the 80C186EA/80L188EA Figure 1. 80C186EA/80C188EA Block Diagram 3 3 80C186EA/80C188EA, 80L186EA/80L188EA INTRODUCTION Unless specifically noted, all references to the 80C186EA apply to the 80C188EA, 80L186EA, and 80L188EA. References to pins that differ between the 80C186EA/80L186EA and the 80C188EA/ 80L188EA are given in parentheses. The ‘‘L’’ in the part number denotes low voltage operation. Physically and functionally, the ‘‘C’’ and ‘‘L’’ devices are identical. The 80C186EA is the second product in a new generation of low-power, high-integration microprocessors. It enhances the existing 80C186XL family by offering new features and operating modes. The 80C186EA is object code compatible with the 80C186XL embedded processor. 80C186EA CORE ARCHITECTURE Bus Interface Unit The 80C186EA core incorporates a bus controller that generates local bus control signals. In addition, it employs a HOLD/HLDA protocol to share the local bus with other bus masters. The bus controller is responsible for generating 20 bits of address, read and write strobes, bus cycle status information and data (for write operations) information. It is also responsible for reading data off the local bus during a read operation. SRDY and ARDY input pins are provided to extend a bus cycle beyond the minimum four states (clocks). The 80L186EA is the 3V version of the 80C186EA. The 80L186EA is functionally identical to the 80C186EA embedded processor. Current 80C186EA customers can easily upgrade their designs to use the 80L186EA and benefit from the reduced power consumption inherent in 3V operation. The local bus controller also generates two control signals (DEN and DT/R) when interfacing to external transceiver chips. This capability allows the addition of transceivers for simple buffering of the mulitplexed address/data bus. The feature set of the 80C186EA/80L186EA meets the needs of low-power, space-critical applications. Low-power applications benefit from the static design of the CPU core and the integrated peripherals as well as low voltage operation. Minimum current consumption is achieved by providing a Powerdown Mode that halts operation of the device, and freezes the clock circuits. Peripheral design enhancements ensure that non-initialized peripherals consume little current. Clock Generator Space-critical applications benefit from the integration of commonly used system peripherals. Two flexible DMA channels perform CPU-independent data transfers. A flexible chip select unit simplifies memory and peripheral interfacing. The interrupt unit provides sources for up to 128 external interrupts and will prioritize these interrupts with those generated from the on-chip peripherals. Three general purpose timer/counters round out the feature set of the 80C186EA. Figure 1 shows a block diagram of the 80C186EA/ 80C188EA. The Execution Unit (EU) is an enhanced 8086 CPU core that includes: dedicated hardware to speed up effective address calculations, enhance execution speed for multiple-bit shift and rotate instructions and for multiply and divide instructions, string move instructions that operate at full bus bandwidth, ten new instructions, and static operation. The Bus Interface Unit (BIU) is the same as that found on the original 80C186 family products. An independent internal bus is used to allow communication between the BIU and internal peripherals. The processor provides an on-chip clock generator for both internal and external clock generation. The clock generator features a crystal oscillator, a divideby-two counter, and two low-power operating modes. The oscillator circuit is designed to be used with either a parallel resonant fundamental or third-overtone mode crystal network. Alternatively, the oscillator circuit may be driven from an external clock source. Figure 2 shows the various operating modes of the oscillator circuit. The crystal or clock frequency chosen must be twice the required processor operating frequency due to the internal divide-by-two counter. This counter is used to drive all internal phase clocks and the external CLKOUT signal. CLKOUT is a 50% duty cycle processor clock and can be used to drive other system components. All AC timings are referenced to CLKOUT. The following parameters are recommended when choosing a crystal: Temperature Range: Application Specific ESR (Equivalent Series Resistance): 60X max C0 (Shunt Capacitance of Crystal): 7.0 pF max CL (Load Capacitance): 20 pF g 2 pF Drive Level: 2 mW max 4 4 80C186EA/80C188EA, 80L186EA/80L188EA 272432 – 4 272432 – 3 (A) Crystal Connection (B) Clock Connection NOTE: The L1C1 network is only required when using a third-overtone crystal. Figure 2. Clock Configurations 80C186EA PERIPHERAL ARCHITECTURE The 80C186EA has integrated several common system peripherals with a CPU core to create a compact, yet powerful system. The integrated peripherals are designed to be flexible and provide logical interconnections between supporting units (e.g., the interrupt control unit supports interrupt requests from the timer/counters or DMA channels). The list of integrated peripherals include: # # # # # # 4-Input Interrupt Control Unit 3-Channel Timer/Counter Unit 2-Channel DMA Unit 13-Output Chip-Select Unit Refresh Control Unit Power Management logic The registers associated with each integrated periheral are contained within a 128 x 16 register file called the Peripheral Control Block (PCB). The PCB can be located in either memory or I/O space on any 256 byte address boundary. Figure 3 provides a list of the registers associated with the PCB when the processor’s Interrupt Control Unit is in Master Mode. In Slave Mode, the definitions of some registers change. Figure 4 provides register definitions specific to Slave Mode. Interrupt Control Unit The 80C186EA can receive interrupts from a number of sources, both internal and external. The Interrupt Control Unit (ICU) serves to merge these requests on a priority basis, for individual service by the CPU. Each interrupt source can be independently masked by the Interrupt Control Unit or all interrupts can be globally masked by the CPU. Internal interrupt sources include the Timers and DMA channels. External interrupt sources come from the four input pins INT3:0. The NMI interrupt pin is not controlled by the ICU and is passed directly to the CPU. Although the timers only have one request input to the ICU, separate vector types are generated to service individual interrupts within the Timer Unit. Timer/Counter Unit The 80C186EA Timer/Counter Unit (TCU) provides three 16-bit programmable timers. Two of these are highly flexible and are connected to external pins for control or clocking. A third timer is not connected to any external pins and can only be clocked internally. However, it can be used to clock the other two timer channels. The TCU can be used to count external events, time external events, generate non-repetitive waveforms, generate timed interrupts, etc. 5 5 80C186EA/80C188EA, 80L186EA/80L188EA PCB Offset Function PCB Offset Function PCB Offset Function PCB Offset Function 00H Reserved 40H Reserved 80H Reserved C0H DMA0 Src. Lo 02H Reserved 42H Reserved 82H Reserved C2H DMA0 Src. Hi 04H Reserved 44H Reserved 84H Reserved C4H DMA0 Dest. Lo 06H Reserved 46H Reserved 86H Reserved C6H DMA0 Dest. Hi 08H Reserved 48H Reserved 88H Reserved C8H DMA0 Count 0AH Reserved 4AH Reserved 8AH Reserved CAH DMA0 Control 0CH Reserved 4CH Reserved 8CH Reserved CCH Reserved 0EH Reserved 4EH Reserved 8EH Reserved CEH Reserved 10H Reserved 50H Timer 0 Count 90H Reserved D0H DMA1 Src. Lo 12H Reserved 52H Timer 0 Compare A 92H Reserved D2H DMA1 Src. Hi 14H Reserved 54H Timer 0 Compare B 94H Reserved D4H DMA1 Dest. Lo 16H Reserved 56H Timer 0 Control 96H Reserved D6H DMA1 Dest. Hi 18H Reserved 58H Timer 1 Count 98H Reserved D8H DMA1 Count 1AH Reserved 5AH Timer 1 Compare A 9AH Reserved DAH DMA1 Control 1CH Reserved 5CH Timer 1 Compare B 9CH Reserved DCH Reserved 1EH Reserved 5EH Timer 1 Control 9EH Reserved DEH Reserved 20H Reserved 60H Timer 2 Count A0H UMCS E0H Refresh Base 22H End of Interrupt 62H Timer 2 Compare A2H LMCS E2H Refresh Time 24H Poll 64H Reserved A4H PACS E4H Refresh Control 26H Poll Status 66H Timer 2 Control A6H MMCS E6H Reserved 28H Interrupt Mask 68H Reserved A8H MPCS E8H Reserved 2AH Priority Mask 6AH Reserved AAH Reserved EAH Reserved 2CH In-Service 6CH Reserved ACH Reserved ECH Reserved 2EH Interrupt Request 6EH Reserved AEH Reserved EEH Reserved 30H Interrupt Status 70H Reserved B0H Reserved F0H Power-Save 32H Timer Control 72H Reserved B2H Reserved F2H Power Control 34H DMA0 Int. Control 74H Reserved B4H Reserved F4H Reserved 36H DMA1 Int. Control 76H Reserved B6H Reserved F6H Step ID 38H INT0 Control 78H Reserved B8H Reserved F8H Reserved 3AH INT1 Control 7AH Reserved BAH Reserved FAH Reserved 3CH INT2 Control 7CH Reserved BCH Reserved FCH Reserved 3EH INT3 Control 7EH Reserved BEH Reserved FEH Relocation Figure 3. Peripheral Control Block Registers 6 6 80C186EA/80C188EA, 80L186EA/80L188EA PCB Offset Function 20H Interrupt Vector 22H Specific EOI 24H Reserved 26H Reserved 28H Interrupt Mask 2AH Priority Mask 2C In-Service 2E Interrupt Request 30 Interrupt Status 32 TMR0 Interrupt Control 34 DMA0 Interrupt Control 36 DMA1 Interrupt Control 38 TMR1 Interrupt Control 3A TMR2 Interrupt Control 3C Reserved 3E Reserved Figure 4. 80C186EA Slave Mode Peripheral Control Block Registers DMA Control Unit The 80C186EA DMA Contol Unit provides two independent high-speed DMA channels. Data transfers can occur between memory and I/O space in any combination: memory to memory, memory to I/O, I/O to I/O or I/O to memory. Data can be transferred either in bytes or words. Transfers may proceed to or from either even or odd addresses, but even-aligned word transfers proceed at a faster rate. Each data transfer consumes two bus cycles (a minimum of eight clocks), one cycle to fetch data and the other to store data. The chip-select/ready logic may be programmed to point to the memory or I/O space subject to DMA transfers in order to provide hardware chip select lines. DMA cycles run at higher priority than general processor execution cycles. Chip-Select Unit The 80C186EA Chip-Select Unit integrates logic which provides up to 13 programmable chip-selects to access both memories and peripherals. In addition, each chip-select can be programmed to automatically terminate a bus cycle independent of the condition of the SRDY and ARDY input pins. The chip-select lines are available for all memory and I/O bus cycles, whether they are generated by the CPU, the DMA unit, or the Refresh Control Unit. Refresh Control Unit The Refresh Control Unit (RCU) automatically generates a periodic memory read bus cycle to keep dynamic or pseudo-static memory refreshed. A 9-bit counter controls the number of clocks between refresh requests. A 9-bit address generator is maintained by the RCU with the address presented on the A9:1 address lines during the refresh bus cycle. Address bits A19:13 are programmable to allow the refresh address block to be located on any 8 Kbyte boundary. Power Management The 80C186EA has three operational modes to control the power consumption of the device. They are Power Save Mode, Idle Mode, and Powerdown Mode. Power Save Mode divides the processor clock by a programmable value to take advantage of the fact that current is linearly proportional to frequency. An unmasked interrupt, NMI, or reset will cause the 80C186EA to exit Power Save Mode. Idle Mode freezes the clocks of the Execution Unit and the Bus Interface Unit at a logic zero state while all peripherals operate normally. Powerdown Mode freezes all internal clocks at a logic zero level and disables the crystal oscillator. All internal registers hold their values provided VCC is maintained. Current consumption is reduced to transistor leakage only. 7 7 80C186EA/80C188EA, 80L186EA/80L188EA 80C187 Interface (80C186EA Only) The 80C187 Numerics Coprocessor may be used to extend the 80C186EA instruction set to include floating point and advanced integer instructions. Connecting the 80C186EA RESOUT and TEST/ BUSY pins to the 80C187 enables Numerics Mode operation. In Numerics Mode, three of the four MidRange Chip Select (MCS) pins become handshaking pins for the interface. The exchange of data and control information proceeds through four dedicated I/O ports. If an 80C187 is not present, the 80C186EA configures itself for regular operation at reset. NOTE: The 80C187 is not specified for 3V operation and therefore does not interface directly to the 80L186EA. ONCE Test Mode To facilitate testing and inspection of devices when fixed into a target system, the 80C186EA has a test mode available which forces all output and input/ output pins to be placed in the high-impedance state. ONCE stands for ‘‘ON Circuit Emulation’’. The ONCE mode is selected by forcing the UCS and LCS pins LOW (0) during a processor reset (these pins are weakly held to a HIGH (1) level) while RESIN is active. DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THE 80C186XL AND THE 80C186EA The 80C186EA is intended as a direct functional upgrade for 80C186XL designs. In many cases, it will be possible to replace an existing 80C186XL with little or no hardware redesign. The following sections describe differences in pinout, operating modes, and AC and DC specifications to keep in mind. Pinout Compatibility The 80C186EA requires a PDTMR pin to time the processor’s exit from Powerdown Mode. The original pin arrangement for the 80C186XL in the PLCC package did not have any spare leads to use for PDTMR, so the DT/R pin was sacrificed. The arrangement of all the other leads in the 68-lead PLCC is identical between the 80C186XL and the 80C186EA. DT/R may be synthesized by latching the S1 status output. Therefore, upgrading a PLCC 80C186XL to PLCC 80C186EA is straightforward. The 80-lead QFP (EIAJ) pinouts are different between the 80C186XL and the 80C186EA. In addition to the PDTMR pin, the 80C186EA has more power and ground pins and the overall arrangement of pins was shifted. A new circuit board layout for the 80C186EA is required. Operating Modes The 80C186XL has two operating modes, Compatible and Enhanced. Compatible Mode is a pin-to-pin replacement for the NMOS 80186, except for numerics coprocessing. In Enhanced Mode, the processor has a Refresh Control Unit, the Power-Save feature and an interface to the 80C187 Numerics Coprocessor. The MCS0, MCS1, and MCS3 pins change their functions to constitute handshaking pins for the 80C187. The 80C186EA allows all non-80C187 users to use all the MCS pins for chip-selects. In regular operation, all 80C186EA features (including those of the Enhanced Mode 80C186) are present except for the interface to the 80C187. Numerics Mode disables the three chip-select pins and reconfigures them for connection to the 80C187. TTL vs CMOS Inputs The inputs of the 80C186EA are rated for CMOS switching levels for improved noise immunity, but the 80C186XL inputs are rated for TTL switching levels. In particular, the 80C186EA requires a minimum VIH of 3.5V to recognize a logic one while the 80C186XL requires a minimum VIH of only 1.9V (assuming 5.0V operation). The solution is to drive the 80C186EA with true CMOS devices, such as those from the HC and AC logic families, or to use pullup resistors where the added current draw is not a problem. Timing Specifications 80C186EA timing relationships are expressed in a simplified format over the 80C186XL. The AC performance of an 80C186EA at a specified frequency will be very close to that of an 80C186XL at the same frequency. Check the timings applicable to your design prior to replacing the 80C186XL. 8 8 80C186EA/80C188EA, 80L186EA/80L188EA PACKAGE INFORMATION This section describes the pins, pinouts, and thermal characteristics for the 80C186EA in the Plastic Leaded Chip Carrier (PLCC) package, Shrink Quad Flat Pack (SQFP), and Quad Flat Pack (QFP) package. For complete package specifications and information, see the Intel Packaging Outlines and Dimensions Guide (Order Number: 231369). With the extended temperature range operational characteristics are guaranteed over a temperature range corresponding to b 40§ C to a 85§ C ambient. Package types are identified by a two-letter prefix to the part number. The prefixes are listed in Table 1. Table 1. Prefix Identification Prefix Note Package Type Temperature Range TN PLCC TS QFP (EIAJ) Extended Extended SB 1 SQFP Extended/Commercial N 1 PLCC Commercial S 1 QFP (EIAJ) Commercial NOTE: 1. The 25 MHz version is only available in commercial temperature range corresponding to 0§ C to a 70§ C ambient. Pin Descriptions Each pin or logical set of pins is described in Table 3. There are three columns for each entry in the Pin Description Table. input/output (I/O). Some pins have multiplexed functions (for example, A19/S6). Additional symbols indicate additional characteristics for each pin. Table 3 lists all the possible symbols for this column. The Input Type column indicates the type of input (asynchronous or synchronous). Asynchronous pins require that setup and hold times be met only in order to guarantee recognition at a particular clock edge. Synchronous pins require that setup and hold times be met to guarantee proper operation. For example, missing the setup or hold time for the SRDY pin (a synchronous input) will result in a system failure or lockup. Input pins may also be edge- or level-sensitive. The possible characteristics for input pins are S(E), S(L), A(E) and A(L). The Output States column indicates the output state as a function of the device operating mode. Output states are dependent upon the current activity of the processor. There are four operational states that are different from regular operation: bus hold, reset, Idle Mode and Powerdown Mode. Appropriate characteristics for these states are also indicated in this column, with the legend for all possible characteristics in Table 2. The Pin Description column contains a text description of each pin. As an example, consider AD15:0. I/O signifies the pins are bidirectional. S(L) signifies that the input function is synchronous and level-sensitive. H(Z) signifies that, as outputs, the pins are high-impedance upon acknowledgement of bus hold. R(Z) signifies that the pins float during reset. P(X) signifies that the pins retain their states during Powerdown Mode. The Pin Name column contains a mnemonic that describes the pin function. Negation of the signal name (for example, RESIN) denotes a signal that is active low. The Pin Type column contains two kinds of information. The first symbol indicates whether a pin is power (P), ground (G), input only (I), output only (O) or 9 9 80C186EA/80C188EA, 80L186EA/80L188EA Table 2. Pin Description Nomenclature Symbol Description P G I O I/O Power Pin (Apply a VCC Voltage) Ground (Connect to VSS) Input Only Pin Output Only Pin Input/Output Pin S(E) S(L) A(E) A(L) Synchronous, Edge Sensitive Synchronous, Level Sensitive Asynchronous, Edge Sensitive Asynchronous, Level Sensitive H(1) H(0) H(Z) H(Q) H(X) Output Driven to VCC during Bus Hold Output Driven to VSS during Bus Hold Output Floats during Bus Hold Output Remains Active during Bus Hold Output Retains Current State during Bus Hold R(WH) R(1) R(0) R(Z) R(Q) R(X) Output Weakly Held at VCC during Reset Output Driven to VCC during Reset Output Driven to VSS during Reset Output Floats during Reset Output Remains Active during Reset Output Retains Current State during Reset I(1) I(0) I(Z) I(Q) I(X) Output Driven to VCC during Idle Mode Output Driven to VSS during Idle Mode Output Floats during Idle Mode Output Remains Active during Idle Mode Output Retains Current State during Idle Mode P(1) P(0) P(Z) P(Q) P(X) Output Driven to VCC during Powerdown Mode Output Driven to VSS during Powerdown Mode Output Floats during Powerdown Mode Output Remains Active during Powerdown Mode Output Retains Current State during Powerdown Mode 10 10 80C186EA/80C188EA, 80L186EA/80L188EA Table 3. Pin Descriptions Pin Name Pin Type Input Type Output States Description VCC P POWER connections consist of six pins which must be shorted externally to a VCC board plane. VSS G GROUND connections consist of five pins which must be shorted externally to a VSS board plane. CLKIN I OSCOUT O H(Q) R(Q) P(Q) OSCillator OUTput is only used when using a crystal to generate the external clock. OSCOUT (along with CLKIN) are the crystal connections to an internal Pierce oscillator. This pin is not to be used as 2X clock output for non-crystal applications (i.e., this pin is N.C. for non-crystal applications). OSCOUT does not float in ONCE mode. CLKOUT O H(Q) R(Q) P(Q) CLocK OUTput provides a timing reference for inputs and outputs of the processor, and is one-half the input clock (CLKIN) frequency. CLKOUT has a 50% duty cycle and transistions every falling edge of CLKIN. RESIN I RESOUT O PDTMR I/O A(L) NMI I A(E) Non-Maskable Interrupt input causes a Type 2 interrupt to be serviced by the CPU. NMI is latched internally. TEST/BUSY (TEST) I A(E) TEST/BUSY is sampled upon reset to determine whether the 80C186EA is to enter Numerics Mode. In regular operation, the pin is TEST. TEST is used during the execution of the WAIT instruction to suspend CPU operation until the pin is sampled active (low). In Numerics Mode, the pin is BUSY. BUSY notifies the 80C186EA of 80C187 Numerics Coprocessor activity. I/O S(L) AD15:0 (AD7:0) A(E) CLocK INput is an input for an external clock. An external oscillator operating at two times the required processor operating frequency can be connected to CLKIN. For crystal operation, CLKIN (along with OSCOUT) are the crystal connections to an internal Pierce oscillator. A(L) RESet IN causes the processor to immediately terminate any bus cycle in progress and assume an initialized state. All pins will be driven to a known state, and RESOUT will also be driven active. The rising edge (low-to-high) transition synchronizes CLKOUT with CLKIN before the processor begins fetching opcodes at memory location 0FFFF0H. H(0) R(1) P(0) RESet OUTput that indicates the processor is currently in the reset state. RESOUT will remain active as long as RESIN remains active. When tied to the TEST/BUSY pin, RESOUT forces the 80C186EA into Numerics Mode. H(WH) R(Z) P(1) Power-Down TiMeR pin (normally connected to an external capacitor) that determines the amount of time the processor waits after an exit from power down before resuming normal operation. The duration of time required will depend on the startup characteristics of the crystal oscillator. H(Z) R(Z) P(X) These pins provide a multiplexed Address and Data bus. During the address phase of the bus cycle, address bits 0 through 15 (0 through 7 on the 8-bit bus versions) are presented on the bus and can be latched using ALE. 8- or 16-bit data information is transferred during the data phase of the bus cycle. NOTE: Pin names in parentheses apply to the 80C188EA and 80L188EA. 11 11 80C186EA/80C188EA, 80L186EA/80L188EA Table 3. Pin Descriptions (Continued) Pin Name Pin Type Input Type Output States A18:16 A19/S6–A16 (A19–A8) O H(Z) R(Z) P(X) These pins provide multiplexed Address during the address phase of the bus cycle. Address bits 16 through 19 are presented on these pins and can be latched using ALE. A18:16 are driven to a logic 0 during the data phase of the bus cycle. On the 8-bit bus versions, A15 – A8 provide valid address information for the entire bus cycle. Also during the data phase, S6 is driven to a logic 0 to indicate a CPU-initiated bus cycle or logic 1 to indicate a DMA-initiated bus cycle or a refresh cycle. S2:0 O H(Z) R(Z) P(1) Bus cycle Status are encoded on these pins to provide bus transaction information. S2:0 are encoded as follows: Description S2 S1 S0 Bus Cycle Initiated 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Interrupt Acknowledge Read I/O Write I/O Processor HALT Queue Instruction Fetch Read Memory Write Memory Passive (no bus activity) ALE/QS0 O H(0) R(0) P(0) Address Latch Enable output is used to strobe address information into a transparent type latch during the address phase of the bus cycle. In Queue Status Mode, QS0 provides queue status information along with QS1. BHE (RFSH) O H(Z) R(Z) P(X) Byte High Enable output to indicate that the bus cycle in progress is transferring data over the upper half of the data bus. BHE and A0 have the following logical encoding: A0 BHE 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 Encoding (For 80C186EA/80L186EA Only) Word Transfer Even Byte Transfer Odd Byte Transfer Refresh Operation On the 80C188EA/80L188EA, RFSH is asserted low to indicate a Refresh bus cycle. RD/QSMD O H(Z) R(WH) P(1) ReaD output signals that the accessed memory or I/O device must drive data information onto the data bus. Upon reset, this pin has an alternate function. As QSMD, it enables Queue Status Mode when grounded. In Queue Status Mode, the ALE/QS0 and WR/QS1 pins provide the following information about processor/instruction queue interaction: QS1 QS0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 Queue Operation No Queue Operation First Opcode Byte Fetched from the Queue Subsequent Byte Fetched from the Queue Empty the Queue NOTE: Pin names in parentheses apply to the 80C188EA and 80L188EA. 12 12 80C186EA/80C188EA, 80L186EA/80L188EA Table 3. Pin Descriptions (Continued) Pin Name Pin Type Input Type Output States WR/QS1 O ARDY I A(L) S(L) Asychronous ReaDY is an input to signal for the end of a bus cycle. ARDY is asynchronous on rising CLKOUT and synchronous on falling CLKOUT. ARDY or SRDY must be active to terminate any processor bus cycle, unless they are ignored due to correct programming of the Chip Select Unit. SRDY I S(L) Synchronous ReaDY is an input to signal for the end of a bus cycle. ARDY or SRDY must be active to terminate any processor bus cycle, unless they are ignored due to correct programming of the Chip Select Unit. DEN O H(Z) R(Z) P(1) Data ENable output to control the enable of bidirectional transceivers when buffering a system. DEN is active only when data is to be transferred on the bus. DT/R O H(Z) R(Z) P(X) Data Transmit/Receive output controls the direction of a bidirectional buffer in a buffered system. DT/R is only available on the QFP (EIAJ) package and the SQFP package. LOCK O H(Z) R(WH) P(1) LOCK output indicates that the bus cycle in progress is not to be interrupted. The processor will not service other bus requests (such as HOLD) while LOCK is active. This pin is configured as a weakly held high input while RESIN is active and must not be driven low. HOLD I HLDA O H(1) R(0) P(0) HoLD Acknowledge output to indicate that the processor has relinquished control of the local bus. When HLDA is asserted, the processor will (or has) floated its data bus and control signals allowing another bus master to drive the signals directly. UCS O H(1) R(1) P(1) Upper Chip Select will go active whenever the address of a memory or I/O bus cycle is within the address limitations programmed by the user. After reset, UCS is configured to be active for memory accesses between 0FFC00H and 0FFFFFH. During a processor reset, UCS and LCS are used to enable ONCE Mode. LCS O H(1) R(1) P(1) Lower Chip Select will go active whenever the address of a memory bus cycle is within the address limitations programmed by the user. LCS is inactive after a reset. During a processor reset, UCS and LCS are used to enable ONCE Mode. H(Z) R(Z) P(1) A(L) Description WRite output signals that data available on the data bus are to be written into the accessed memory or I/O device. In Queue Status Mode, QS1 provides queue status information along with QS0. HOLD request input to signal that an external bus master wishes to gain control of the local bus. The processor will relinquish control of the local bus between instruction boundaries not conditioned by a LOCK prefix. NOTE: Pin names in parentheses apply to the 80C188EA and 80L188EA. 13 13 80C186EA/80C188EA, 80L186EA/80L188EA Table 3. Pin Descriptions (Continued) Pin Name MCS0/PEREQ MCS1/ERROR MCS2 MCS3/NCS Pin Type Input Type Output States I/O A(L) H(1) R(1) P(1) These pins provide a multiplexed function. If enabled, these pins normally comprise a block of Mid-Range Chip Select outputs which will go active whenever the address of a memory bus cycle is within the address limitations programmed by the user. In Numerics Mode (80C186EA only), three of the pins become handshaking pins for the 80C187. The CoProcessor REQuest input signals that a data transfer is pending. ERROR is an input which indicates that the previous numerics coprocessor operation resulted in an exception condition. An interrupt Type 16 is generated when ERROR is sampled active at the beginning of a numerics operation. Numerics Coprocessor Select is an output signal generated when the processor accesses the 80C187. Peripheral Chip Selects go active whenever the address of a memory or I/O bus cycle is within the address limitations programmed by the user. Description PCS4:0 O H(1) R(1) P(1) PCS5/A1 PCS6/A2 O H(1)/H(X) R(1) P(1) T0OUT T1OUT O H(Q) R(1) P(Q) T0IN T1IN I A(L) A(E) Timer INput is used either as clock or control signals, depending on the timer mode selected. DRQ0 DRQ1 I A(L) DMA ReQuest is asserted by an external request when it is prepared for a DMA transfer. INT0 INT1/SELECT I A(E,L) Maskable INTerrupt input will cause a vector to a specific Type interrupt routine. To allow interrupt expansion, INT0 and/or INT1 can be used with INTA0 and INTA1 to interface with an external slave controller. INT1 becomes SELECT when the ICU is configured for Slave Mode. I/O A(E,L) INT2/INTA0 INT3/INTA1/IRQ N.C. H(1) R(Z) P(1) These pins provide a multiplexed function. As additional Peripheral Chip Selects, they go active whenever the address of a memory or I/O bus cycle is within the address limitations by the user. They may also be programmed to provide latched Address A2:1 signals. Timer OUTput pins can be programmed to provide a single clock or continuous waveform generation, depending on the timer mode selected. These pins provide multiplexed functions. As inputs, they provide a maskable INTerrupt that will cause the CPU to vector to a specific Type interrupt routine. As outputs, each is programmatically controlled to provide an INTerrupt Acknowledge handshake signal to allow interrupt expansion. INT3/INTA1 becomes IRQ when the ICU is configured for Slave Mode. No Connect. For compatibility with future products, do not connect to these pins. NOTE: Pin names in parentheses apply to the 80C188EA and 80L188EA. 14 14 80C186EA/80C188EA, 80L186EA/80L188EA 80C186EA PINOUT Tables 4 and 5 list the 80C186EA pin names with package location for the 68-pin Plastic Leaded Chip Carrier (PLCC) component. Figure 9 depicts the complete 80C186EA/80L186EA pinout (PLCC package) as viewed from the top side of the component (i.e., contacts facing down). Tables 6 and 7 list the 80C186EA pin names with package location for the 80-pin Quad Flat Pack (EIAJ) component. Figure 6 depicts the complete 80C186EA/80C188EA (EIAJ QFP package) as viewed from the top side of the component (i.e., contacts facing down). Tables 8 and 9 list the 80C186EA/80C188EA pin names with package location for the 80-pin Shrink Quad Flat Pack (SQFP) component. Figure 7 depicts the complete 80C186EA/80C188EA (SQFP) as viewed from the top side of the component (i.e., contacts facing down). Table 4. PLCC Pin Names with Package Location Address/Data Bus Bus Control Name Location Name Location AD0 AD1 AD2 AD3 AD4 AD5 AD6 AD7 AD8 (A8) AD9 (A9) AD10 (A10) AD11 (A11) AD12 (A12) AD13 (A13) AD14 (A14) AD15 (A15) 17 15 13 11 8 6 4 2 16 14 12 10 7 5 3 1 ALE/QS0 BHE (RFSH) 61 64 S0 S1 S2 A16 A17 A18 A19/S6 68 67 66 65 Processor Control I/O Location Name Location RESIN RESOUT 24 57 52 53 54 CLKIN OSCOUT CLKOUT 59 58 56 RD/QSMD WR/QS1 62 63 TEST/BUSY 47 UCS LCS MCS0/PEREQ MCS1/ERROR MCS2 MCS3/NCS 34 33 38 37 36 35 PDTMR 40 ARDY SRDY 55 49 DEN LOCK 39 48 HOLD HLDA 50 51 NMI INT0 INT1/SELECT INT2/INTA0 INT3/INTA1/ IRQ 46 45 44 42 41 PCS0 PCS1 PCS2 PCS3 PCS4 PCS5/A1 PCS6/A2 25 27 28 29 30 31 32 T0OUT T0IN T1OUT T1IN 22 20 23 21 DRQ0 DRQ1 18 19 Power Name Location VSS 26, 60 VCC 9, 43 Name NOTE: Pin names in parentheses apply to the 80C188EA/80L188EA. 15 15 80C186EA/80C188EA, 80L186EA/80L188EA Table 5. PLCC Package Location with Pin Names Location Name Location Name Location Name Location Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 AD15 (A15) AD7 AD14 (A14) AD6 AD13 (A13) AD5 AD12 (A12) AD4 VCC AD11 (A11) AD3 AD10 (A10) AD2 AD9 (A9) AD1 AD8 (A8) AD0 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 DRQ0 DRQ1 T0IN T1IN T0OUT T1OUT RESIN PCS0 VSS PCS1 PCS2 PCS3 PCS4 PCS5/A1 PCS6/A2 LCS UCS 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 MCS3/NCS MCS2 MCS1/ERROR MCS0/PEREQ DEN PDTMR INT3/INTA1/ IRQ INT2/INTA0 VCC INT1/SELECT INT0 NMI TEST/BUSY LOCK SRDY HOLD HLDA 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 S0 S1 S2 ARDY CLKOUT RESOUT OSCOUT CLKIN VSS ALE/QS0 RD/QSMD WR/QS1 BHE (RFSH) A19/S6 A18 A17 A16 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 NOTE: Pin names in parentheses apply to the 80C186EA/80L188EA. NOTES: 272432 – 5 1. The nine-character alphanumeric code (XXXXXXXXD) underneath the product number is the Intel FPO number. 2. Pin names in parentheses apply to the 80C186EA/80L188EA. Figure 5. 68-Lead PLCC Pinout Diagram 16 16 80C186EA/80C188EA, 80L186EA/80L188EA Table 6. QFP (EIAJ) Pin Names with Package Location Address/Data Bus Bus Control Processor Control I/O Name Location Name Location Name Location Name Location AD0 AD1 AD2 AD3 AD4 AD5 AD6 AD7 AD8 (A8) AD9 (A9) AD10 (A10) AD11 (A11) AD12 (A12) AD13 (A13) AD14 (A14) AD15 (A15) A16 A17 A18 A19/S6 64 66 68 70 74 76 78 80 65 67 69 71 75 77 79 1 3 4 5 6 ALE/QS0 BHE (RFSH) S0 S1 S2 RD/QSMD WR/QS1 ARDY SRDY DT/R DEN LOCK HOLD HLDA 10 7 23 22 21 9 8 20 27 37 39 28 26 25 RESIN RESOUT CLKIN OSCOUT CLKOUT TEST/BUSY PDTMR NMI INT0 INT1/SELECT INT2/INTA0 INT3/INTA1/ IRQ N.C. 55 18 16 17 19 29 38 30 31 32 35 36 UCS LCS MCS0/PEREQ MCS1/ERROR MCS2 MCS3/NCS PCS0 PCS1 PCS2 PCS3 PCS4 PCS5/A1 PCS6/A2 T0OUT T0IN T1OUT T1IN DRQ0 DRQ1 45 46 40 41 42 43 54 52 51 50 49 48 47 57 59 56 58 61 60 Power Name VSS VCC Location 11, 14, 15, 63 12, 13, 24, 53,62 2, 33, 34, 44, 72, 73 NOTE: Pin names in parentheses apply to the 80C186EA/80L188EA. 17 17 80C186EA/80C188EA, 80L186EA/80L188EA Table 7. QFP (EIAJ) Package Location with Pin Names Location Name Location Name Location Name Location Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 AD15 (A15) VCC A16 A17 A18 A19/S6 BHE (RFSH) WR/QS1 RD/QSMD ALE/QS0 N.C. VSS VSS N.C. N.C. CLKIN OSCOUT RESOUT CLKOUT ARDY 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 S2 S1 S0 VSS HLDA HOLD SRDY LOCK TEST/BUSY NMI INT0 INT1/SELECT VCC VCC INT2/INTA0 INT3/INTA1/ IRQ DT/R PDTMR DEN MCS0/PEREQ 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 MCS1/ERROR MCS2 MCS3/NCS VCC UCS LCS PCS6/A2 PCS5/A1 PCS4 PCS3 PCS2 PCS1 VSS PCS0 RESIN T1OUT T0OUT T1IN T0IN DRQ1 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 DRQ0 VSS N.C. AD0 AD8 (A8) AD1 AD9 (A9) AD2 AD10 (A10) AD3 AD11 (A11) VCC VCC AD4 AD12 (A12) AD5 AD13 (A13) AD6 AD14 (A14) AD7 37 38 39 40 NOTE: Pin names in parentheses apply to the 80C186EA/80L188EA. NOTES: 272432 – 6 1. The nine-character alphanumeric code (XXXXXXXXD) underneath the product number is the Intel FPO number. 2. Pin names in parentheses apply to the 80C186EA/80L188EA. Figure 6. Quad Flat Pack (EIAJ) Pinout Diagram 18 18 80C186EA/80C188EA, 80L186EA/80L188EA Table 8. SQFP Pin Functions with Package Location AD Bus AD0 AD1 AD2 AD3 AD4 AD5 AD6 AD7 AD8 (A8) AD9 (A9) AD10 (A10) AD11 (A11) AD12 (A12) AD13 (A13) AD14 (A14) AD15 (A15) A16/S3 A17/S4 A18/S5 A19/S6 Bus Control 1 3 6 8 12 14 16 18 2 5 7 9 13 15 17 19 21 22 23 24 29 26 40 39 38 28 27 37 44 56 54 45 43 42 No Connection N.C. N.C. N.C. N.C. I/O Processor Control ALE/QS0 BHE/(RFSH) S0 S1 S2 RD/QSMD WR/QS1 ARDY SRDY DEN DT/R LOCK HOLD HLDA 4 25 35 72 RESIN RESOUT CLKIN OSCOUT CLKOUT TEST/BUSY NMI INT0 INT1/SELECT INT2/INTA0 INT3/INTA1 PDTMR 73 34 32 33 36 46 47 48 49 52 53 55 Power and Ground VCC VCC VCC VCC VCC VCC VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS 10 11 20 50 51 61 30 31 41 70 80 UCS LCS 62 63 MCS0/PEREQ MCS1/ERROR MCS2 MCS3/NPS 57 58 59 60 PCS0 PCS1 PCS2 PCS3 PCS4 PCS5/A1 PCS6/A2 71 69 68 67 66 65 64 TMR IN 0 TMR IN 1 TMR OUT 0 TMR OUT 1 77 76 75 74 DRQ0 DRQ1 79 78 NOTE: Pin names in parentheses apply to the 80C186EA/80L188EA. Table 9. SQFP Pin Locations with Pin Names 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 AD0 AD8 (A8) AD1 N.C. AD9 (A9) AD2 AD10 (A10) AD3 AD11 (A11) VCC VCC AD4 AD12 (A12) AD5 AD13 (A13) AD6 AD14 (A14) AD7 AD15 (A15) VCC 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 A16/S3 A17/S4 A18/S5 A19/S6 N.C. BHE/(RFSH) WR/QS1 RD/QSMD ALE/QS0 VSS VSS X1 X2 RESET N.C. CLKOUT ARDY S2 S1 S0 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 VSS HLDA HOLD SRDY LOCK TEST/BUSY NMI INT0 INT1/SELECT VCC VCC INT2/INTA0 INT3/INTA1 DT/R PDTMR DEN MCS0/PEREQ MCS1/ERROR MCS2 MCS3/NPS 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 VCC UCS LCS PCS6/A2 PCS5/A1 PCS4 PCS3 PCS2 PCS1 VSS PCS0 N.C. RES TMR OUT 1 TMR OUT 0 TMR IN 1 TMR IN 0 DRQ1 DRQ0 VSS NOTE: Pin names in parentheses apply to the 80C186EA/80L188EA. 19 19 80C186EA/80C188EA, 80L186EA/80L188EA 272432 – 7 Figure 7. Shrink Quad Flat Pack (SQFP) Pinout Diagram NOTES: 1. XXXXXXXXD indicates the Intel FPO number. 2. Pin names in parentheses apply to the 80C188EA. TA (the ambient temperature) can be calculated from iCA (thermal resistance from the case to ambient) with the following equation: PACKAGE THERMAL SPECIFICATIONS The 80C186EA/80L186EA is specified for operation when TC (the case temperature) is within the range of 0§ C to 85§ C (PLCC package) or 0§ C to 106§ C (QFP-EIAJ) package. TC may be measured in any environment to determine whether the processor is within the specified operating range. The case temperature must be measured at the center of the top surface. TA e TC - P c iCA Typical values for iCA at various airflows are given in Table 10. P (the maximum power consumption, specified in watts) is calculated by using the maximum ICC as tabulated in the DC specifications and VCC of 5.5V. Table 10. Thermal Resistance (iCA) at Various Airflows (in § C/Watt) Airflow Linear ft/min (m/sec) 0 200 400 600 800 1000 (0) (1.01) (2.03) (3.04) (4.06) (5.07) iCA (PLCC) 29 25 21 19 17 16.5 iCA (QFP) 66 63 60.5 59 58 57 iCA (SQFP) 70 20 20 80C186EA/80C188EA, 80L186EA/80L188EA ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS Absolute Maximum Ratings* Storage Temperature ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ b 65§ C to a 150§ C Case Temperature under Bias ÀÀÀ b 65§ C to a 150§ C Supply Voltage with Respect to VSS ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ b 0.5V to a 6.5V Voltage on Other Pins with Respect to VSS ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ b 0.5V to VCC a 0.5V Recommended Connections Power and ground connections must be made to multiple VCC and VSS pins. Every 80C186EA based circuit board should contain separate power (VCC) and ground (VSS) planes. All VCC and VSS pins must be connected to the appropriate plane. Pins identified as ‘‘N.C.’’ must not be connected in the system. Decoupling capacitors should be placed near the processor. The value and type of decoupling capac- NOTICE: This data sheet contains preliminary information on new products in production. It is valid for the devices indicated in the revision history. The specifications are subject to change without notice. *WARNING: Stressing the device beyond the ‘‘Absolute Maximum Ratings’’ may cause permanent damage. These are stress ratings only. Operation beyond the ‘‘Operating Conditions’’ is not recommended and extended exposure beyond the ‘‘Operating Conditions’’ may affect device reliability. itors is application and board layout dependent. The processor can cause transient power surges when its output buffers transition, particularly when connected to large capacitive loads. Always connect any unused input pins to an appropriate signal level. In particular, unused interrupt pins (NMI, INT3:0) should be connected to VSS to avoid unwanted interrupts. Leave any unused output pin or any ‘‘N.C.’’ pin unconnected. 21 21 80C186EA/80C188EA, 80L186EA/80L188EA DC SPECIFICATIONS (80C186EA/80C188EA) Symbol Parameter Min Max Units Conditions VCC Supply Voltage 4.5 5.5 V VIL Input Low Voltage for All Pins b 0.5 0.3 VCC V VIH Input High Voltage for All Pins 0.7 VCC VCC a 0.5 V VOL Output Low Voltage 0.45 V IOL e 3 mA (min) VOH Output High Voltage VCC b 0.5 V IOH e b 2 mA (min) VHYR Input Hysterisis on RESIN 0.30 V IIL1 Input Leakage Current (except RD/QSMD, UCS, LCS, MCS0/PEREQ, MCS1/ERROR, LOCK and TEST/BUSY) IIL2 Input Leakage Current (RD/QSMD, UCS, LCS, MCS0/PEREQ, MCS1, ERROR, LOCK and TEST/BUSY IOL Output Leakage Current ICC IID IPD g 10 b 275 mA 0V s VIN s VCC mA VIN e 0.7 VCC (Note 1) 0.45 s VOUT s VCC (Note 2) g 10 mA Supply Current Cold (RESET) 80C186EA25/80C188EA25 80C186EA20/80C188EA20 80C186EA13/80C188EA13 105 90 65 mA mA mA (Notes 3, 5) Supply Current In Idle Mode 80C186EA25/80C188EA25 80C186EA20/80C188EA20 80C186EA13/80C188EA13 90 70 46 mA mA mA (Note 5) Supply Current In Powerdown Mode 80C186EA25/80C188EA25 80C186EA20/80C188EA20 80C186EA13/80C188EA13 100 100 100 mA mA mA (Note 5) COUT Output Pin Capacitance 0 15 pF TF e 1 MHz (Note 4) CIN Input Pin Capacitance 0 15 pF TF e 1 MHz NOTES: 1. RD/QSMD, UCS, LCS, MCS0/PEREQ, MCS1/ERROR, LOCK and TEST/BUSY have internal pullups that are only activated during RESET. Loading these pins above IOL e b275 mA will cause the processor to enter alternate modes of operation. 2. Output pins are floated using HOLD or ONCE Mode. 3. Measured at worst case temperature and VCC with all outputs loaded as specified in the AC Test Conditions, and with the device in RESET (RESIN held low). RESET is worst case for ICC. 4. Output capacitance is the capacitive load of a floating output pin. 5. Operating conditions for 25 MHz are 0§ C to a 70§ C, VCC e 5.0V g 10%. 22 22 80C186EA/80C188EA, 80L186EA/80L188EA DC SPECIFICATIONS (80L186EA/80L188EA) Symbol Parameter Min Max Units Conditions VCC Supply Voltage 2.7 5.5 V VIL Input Low Voltage for All Pins b 0.5 0.3 VCC V VIH Input High Voltage for All Pins 0.7 VCC VCC a 0.5 V VOL Output Low Voltage 0.45 V IOL e 1.6 mA (min) VOH Output High Voltage VCC b 0.5 V IOH e b 1 mA (min) VHYR Input Hysterisis on RESIN 0.30 V IIL1 Input Leakage Current (except RD/QSMD, UCS, LCS, MCS0/PEREQ, MCS1, LOCK and TEST) IIL2 Input Leakage Current (RD/QSMD, UCS, LCS, MCS0, MCS1, LOCK and TEST) IOL Output Leakage Current ICC5 ICC3 IID5 IID5 IPD5 IPD3 g 10 b 275 mA 0V s VIN s VCC mA VIN e 0.7 VCC (Note 1) g 10 mA 0.45 s VOUT s VCC (Note 2) Supply Current (RESET, 5.5V) 80L186EA-13 80L186EA-8 65 40 mA mA (Note 3) (Note 3) Supply Current (RESET, 2.7V) 80L186EA-13 80L186EA-8 34 20 mA mA (Note 3) (Note 3) Supply Current Idle (5.5V) 80L186EA-13 80L186EA-8 46 28 mA mA Supply Current Idle (2.7V) 80L186EA-13 80L186EA-8 24 14 mA mA Supply Current Powerdown (5.5V) 80L186EA-13 80L186EA-8 100 100 mA mA Supply Current Powerdown (2.7V) 80L186EA-13 80L186EA-8 50 50 mA mA COUT Output Pin Capacitance 0 15 pF TF e 1 MHz (Note 4) CIN Input Pin Capacitance 0 15 pF TF e 1 MHz NOTES: 1. RD/QSMD, UCS, LCS, MCS0, MCS1, LOCK and TEST have internal pullups that are only activated during RESET. Loading these pins above IOL e b275 mA will cause the processor to enter alternate modes of operation. 2. Output pins are floated using HOLD or ONCE Mode. 3. Measured at worst case temperature and VCC with all outputs loaded as specified in the AC Test Conditions, and with the device in RESET (RESIN held low). 4. Output capacitance is the capacitive load of a floating output pin. 23 23 80C186EA/80C188EA, 80L186EA/80L188EA ICC VERSUS FREQUENCY AND VOLTAGE PDTMR PIN DELAY CALCULATION The current (ICC) consumption of the processor is essentially composed of two components; IPD and ICCS. The PDTMR pin provides a delay between the assertion of NMI and the enabling of the internal clocks when exiting Powerdown. A delay is required only when using the on-chip oscillator to allow the crystal or resonator circuit time to stabilize. IPD is the quiescent current that represents internal device leakage, and is measured with all inputs or floating outputs at GND or VCC (no clock applied to the device). IPD is equal to the Powerdown current and is typically less than 50 mA. ICCS is the switching current used to charge and discharge parasitic device capacitance when changing logic levels. Since ICCS is typically much greater than IPD, IPD can often be ignored when calculating ICC. ICCS is related to the voltage and frequency at which the device is operating. It is given by the formula: Power e V c I e V2 c CDEV c f . . . I e ICC e ICCS e V c CDEV c f Where: V e Device operating voltage (VCC) CDEV e Device capacitance NOTE: The PDTMR pin function does not apply when RESIN is asserted (i.e., a device reset during Powerdown is similar to a cold reset and RESIN must remain active until after the oscillator has stabilized). To calculate the value of capacitor required to provide a desired delay, use the equation: 440 c t e CPD (5V, 25§ C) Where: t e desired delay in seconds CPD e capacitive load on PDTMR in microfarads EXAMPLE: To get a delay of 300 ms, a capacitor value of CPD e 440 c (300 c 10b6) e 0.132 mF is required. Round up to standard (available) capacitive values. f e Device operating frequency ICCS e ICC e Device current Measuring CDEV on a device like the 80C186EA would be difficult. Instead, CDEV is calculated using the above formula by measuring ICC at a known VCC and frequency (see Table 11). Using this CDEV value, ICC can be calculated at any voltage and frequency within the specified operating range. EXAMPLE: Calculate the typical ICC when operating at 20 MHz, 4.8V. NOTE: The above equation applies to delay times greater than 10 ms and will compute the TYPICAL capacitance needed to achieve the desired delay. A delay variance of a 50% or b 25% can occur due to temperature, voltage, and device process extremes. In general, higher VCC and/or lower temperature will decrease delay time, while lower VCC and/or higher temperature will increase delay time. ICC e ICCS e 4.8 c 0.515 c 20 & 49 mA Table 11. CDEV Values Parameter Typ Max Units Notes CDEV (Device in Reset) 0.515 0.905 mA/V*MHz 1, 2 CDEV (Device in Idle) 0.391 0.635 mA/V*MHz 1, 2 1. Max CDEV is calculated at b40§ C, all floating outputs driven to VCC or GND, and all outputs loaded to 50 pF (including CLKOUT and OSCOUT). 2. Typical CDEV is calculated at 25§ C with all outputs loaded to 50 pF except CLKOUT and OSCOUT, which are not loaded. 24 24 80C186EA/80C188EA, 80L186EA/80L188EA AC SPECIFICATIONS AC CharacteristicsÐ80C186EA25/80C186EA20/80C186EA13 Symbol Parameter INPUT CLOCK TF TC TCH TCL TCR TCF CLKIN Frequency CLKIN Period CLKIN High Time CLKIN Low Time CLKIN Rise Time CLKIN Fall Time Min Max 25 MHz(12) Min Max 20 MHz Min Max Units Notes 13 MHz 0 20 10 10 1 1 50 % % % 8 8 0 25 10 10 1 1 40 % % % 8 8 0 38.5 12 12 1 1 26 % % % 8 8 MHz ns ns ns ns ns 1 1 1, 2 1, 2 1, 3 1, 3 0 15 2TC 0 17 2*TC 0 23 2*TC 1, 4 1 1 1 1, 5 1, 5 OUTPUT CLOCK TCD T TPH TPL TPR TPF CLKIN to CLKOUT Delay CLKOUT Period CLKOUT High Time CLKOUT Low Time CLKOUT Rise Time CLKOUT Fall Time 6 6 (T/2) b 5 (T/2) b 5 1 1 6 6 ns ns ns ns ns ns 3 22 3 25 ns 1, 4, 6, 7 25 3 27 3 30 ns 1, 4, 6, 8 3 20 3 22 3 25 ns 1, 4, 6 TCLOV2 RD, WR, MCS3:0, LCS, UCS, PCS6:0, AD15:0 (A15:8, AD7:0), NCS, INTA1:0, S2:0 3 25 3 27 3 30 ns 1, 4, 6 TCHOF RD, WR, BHE (RFSH), DT/R, LOCK, S2:0, A19:16 0 25 0 25 0 25 ns 1 TCLOF DEN, AD15:0 (A15:8, AD7:0) 0 25 0 25 0 25 ns 1 (T/2) b 5 (T/2) b 5 1 1 6 6 (T/2) b 5 (T/2) b 5 1 1 TCHOV1 ALE, S2:0, DEN, DT/R, BHE, (RFSH), LOCK, A19:16 3 20 TCHOV2 MCS3:0, LCS, UCS, PCS6:0, NCS, RD, WR 3 TCLOV1 BHE (RFSH), DEN, LOCK, RESOUT, HLDA, T0OUT, T1OUT, A19:16 OUTPUT DELAYS 25 25 80C186EA/80C188EA, 80L186EA/80L188EA AC SPECIFICATIONS (Continued) AC CharacteristicsÐ80C186EA25/80C186EA20/80C186EA13 Symbol Parameter SYNCHRONOUS INPUTS Min Max 25 MHz(12) Min Max 20 MHz Min Max Units Notes 13 MHz TCHIS TEST, NMI, INT3:0, T1:0IN, ARDY 8 10 10 ns 1, 9 TCHIH TEST, NMI, INT3:0, T1:0IN, ARDY 3 3 3 ns 1, 9 TCLIS AD15:0 (AD7:0), ARDY, SRDY, DRQ1:0 10 10 10 ns 1, 10 TCLIH AD15:0 (AD7:0), ARDY, SRDY, DRQ1:0 3 3 3 ns 1, 10 TCLIS HOLD, PEREQ, ERROR (80C186EA Only) 10 10 10 ns 1, 9 TCLIH HOLD, PEREQ, ERROR (80C186EA Only) 3 3 3 ns 1, 9 TCLIS RESIN (to CLKIN) 10 10 10 ns 1, 9 TCLIH RESIN (from CLKIN) 3 3 3 ns 1, 9 NOTES: 1. See AC Timing Waveforms, for waveforms and definition. 2. Measured at VIH for high time, VIL for low time. 3. Only required to guarantee ICC. Maximum limits are bounded by TC, TCH and TCL. 4. Specified for a 50 pF load, see Figure 13 for capacitive derating information. 5. Specified for a 50 pF load, see Figure 14 for rise and fall times outside 50 pF. 6. See Figure 14 for rise and fall times. 7. TCHOV1 applies to BHE (RFSH), LOCK and A19:16 only after a HOLD release. 8. TCHOV2 applies to RD and WR only after a HOLD release. 9. Setup and Hold are required to guarantee recognition. 10. Setup and Hold are required for proper operation. 11. TCHOVS applies to BHE (RFSH) and A19:16 only after a HOLD release. 12. Operating conditions for 25 MHz are 0§ C to a 70§ C, VCC e 5.0V g 10%. Pin names in parentheses apply to the 80C188EA/80L188EA. 26 26 80C186EA/80C188EA, 80L186EA/80L188EA AC SPECIFICATIONS AC CharacteristicsÐ80L186EA13/80L186EA8 Symbol Parameter Min INPUT CLOCK TF TC TCH TCL TCR TCF CLKIN Frequency CLKIN Period CLKIN High Time CLKIN Low Time CLKIN Rise Time CLKIN Fall Time Max Min 13 MHz Max Units Notes 8 MHz 0 38.5 12 12 1 1 26 % % % 8 8 0 62.5 12 12 1 1 16 % % % 8 8 MHz ns ns ns ns ns 1 1 1, 2 1, 2 1, 3 1, 3 0 45 2*TC 0 95 2*TC ns ns ns ns ns ns 1, 4 1 1 1 1, 5 1, 5 OUTPUT CLOCK TCD T TPH TPL TPR TPF CLKIN to CLKOUT Delay CLKOUT Period CLKOUT High Time CLKOUT Low Time CLKOUT Rise Time CLKOUT Fall Time (T/2) b 5 (T/2) b 5 1 1 12 12 (T/2) b 5 (T/2) b 5 1 1 12 12 OUTPUT DELAYS TCHOV1 ALE, LOCK 3 27 3 27 ns 1, 4, 6, 7 TCHOV2 MCS3:0, LCS, UCS, PCS6:0, RD, WR 3 32 3 32 ns 1, 4, 6, 8 TCHOV3 S2:0 (DEN), DT/R, BHE (RFSH), A19:16 3 30 3 30 ns 1 TCLOV1 LOCK, RESOUT, HLDA, T0OUT, T1OUT 3 27 3 27 ns 1, 4, 6 TCLOV2 RD, WR, MCS3:0, LCS, UCS, PCS6:0, INTA1:0 3 32 3 35 ns 1, 4, 6 TCLOV3 BHE (RFSH), DEN, A19:16 3 30 3 30 ns 1, 4, 6 TCLOV4 AD15:0 (A15:8, AD7:0) 3 34 3 35 ns 1, 4, 6 TCLOV5 S2:0 3 38 3 40 ns 1, 4, 6 TCHOF RD, WR, BHE (RFSH), DT/R, LOCK, S2:0, A19:16 0 27 0 27 ns 1 TCLOF DEN, AD15:0 (A15:8, AD7:0) 0 27 0 27 ns 1 NOTES: 1. See AC Timing Waveforms, for waveforms and definition. 2. Measured at VIH for high time, VIL for low time. 3. Only required to guarantee ICC. Maximum limits are bounded by TC, TCH and TCL. 4. Specified for a 50 pF load, see Figure 13 for capacitive derating information. 5. Specified for a 50 pF load, see Figure 14 for rise and fall times outside 50 pF. 6. See Figure 14 for rise and fall times. 7. TCHOV1 applies to BHE (RFSH), LOCK and A19:16 only after a HOLD release. 8. TCHOV2 applies to RD and WR only after a HOLD release. 9. Setup and Hold are required to guarantee recognition. 10. Setup and Hold are required for proper operation. 11. TCHOVS applies to BHE (RFSH) and A19:16 only after a HOLD release. 12. Pin names in parentheses apply to the 80C188EA/80L188EA. 27 27 80C186EA/80C188EA, 80L186EA/80L188EA AC SPECIFICATIONS AC CharacteristicsÐ80L186EA13/80L186EA8 Symbol Parameter SYNCHRONOUS INPUTS Min Max Min Units Notes 22 ns 1, 9 13 MHz 22 Max 8 MHz TCHIS TEST, NMI, INT3:0, T1:0IN, ARDY TCHIH TEST, NMI, INT3:0, T1:0IN, ARDY 3 3 ns 1, 9 TCLIS AD15:0 (AD7:0), ARDY, SRDY, DRQ1:0 22 22 ns 1, 10 TCLIH AD15:0 (AD7:0), ARDY, SRDY, DRQ1:0 3 3 ns 1, 10 TCLIS HOLD 22 22 ns 1, 9 TCLIH HOLD 3 3 ns 1, 9 TCLIS RESIN (to CLKIN) 22 22 ns 1, 9 TCLIH RESIN (from CLKIN) 3 3 ns 1, 9 NOTES: 1. See AC Timing Waveforms, for waveforms and definition. 2. Measured at VIH for high time, VIL for low time. 3. Only required to guarantee ICC. Maximum limits are bounded by TC, TCH and TCL. 4. Specified for a 50 pF load, see Figure 13 for capacitive derating information. 5. Specified for a 50 pF load, see Figure 14 for rise and fall times outside 50 pF. 6. See Figure 14 for rise and fall times. 7. TCHOV1 applies to BHE (RFSH), LOCK and A19:16 only after a HOLD release. 8. TCHOV2 applies to RD and WR only after a HOLD release. 9. Setup and Hold are required to guarantee recognition. 10. Setup and Hold are required for proper operation. 11. TCHOVS applies to BHE (RFSH) and A19:16 only after a HOLD release. 12. Pin names in parentheses apply to the 80C188EA/80L188EA. 28 28 80C186EA/80C188EA, 80L186EA/80L188EA AC SPECIFICATIONS (Continued) Relative Timings (80C186EA25/20/13, 80L186EA13/8) Symbol Parameter Min Max Unit Notes RELATIVE TIMINGS TLHLL ALE Rising to ALE Falling T b 15 ns TAVLL TPLLL Address Valid to ALE Falling (/2T b 10 ns Chip Selects Valid to ALE Falling (/2T b 10 ns TLLAX Address Hold from ALE Falling (/2T b 10 ns TLLWL ALE Falling to WR Falling (/2T b 15 ns 1 TLLRL ALE Falling to RD Falling (/2T b 15 ns 1 TRHLH RD Rising to ALE Rising (/2T b 10 ns 1 TWHLH WR Rising to ALE Rising (/2T b 10 ns 1 TAFRL Address Float to RD Falling 0 ns TRLRH RD Falling to RD Rising (2*T) b 5 ns 2 TWLWH WR Falling to WR Rising (2*T) b 5 ns 2 ns TRHAV RD Rising to Address Active T b 15 TWHDX Output Data Hold after WR Rising T b 15 ns 1 TWHDEX WR Rising to DEN Rising (/2T b 10 ns 1 TWHPH WR Rising to Chip Select Rising (/2T b 10 ns 1, 4 TRHPH RD Rising to Chip Select Rising (/2T b 10 ns 1, 4 TPHPL CS Inactive to CS Active (/2T b 10 ns 1 TDXDL DEN Inactive to DT/R Low 0 ns 5 TOVRH ONCE (UCS, LCS) Active to RESIN Rising T ns 3 TRHOX ONCE (UCS, LCS) to RESIN Rising T ns 3 NOTES: 1. Assumes equal loading on both pins. 2. Can be extended using wait states. 3. Not tested. 4. Not applicable to latched A2:1. These signals change only on falling T1. 5. For write cycle followed by read cycle. 6. Operating conditions for 25 MHz are 0§ C to a 70§ C, VCC e 5.0V g 10%. 29 29 80C186EA/80C188EA, 80L186EA/80L188EA AC TEST CONDITIONS The AC specifications are tested with the 50 pF load shown in Figure 8. See the Derating Curves section to see how timings vary with load capacitance. 272432 – 8 CL e 50 pF for all signals. Specifications are measured at the VCC/2 crossing point, unless otherwise specified. See AC Timing Waveforms, for AC specification definitions, test pins, and illustrations. Figure 8. AC Test Load AC TIMING WAVEFORMS 272432 – 9 Figure 9. Input and Output Clock Waveform 30 30 80C186EA/80C188EA, 80L186EA/80L188EA 272432 – 10 NOTE: 20% VCC k Float k 80% VCC Figure 10. Output Delay and Float Waveform 272432 – 11 NOTE: RESIN measured to CLKIN, not CLKOUT Figure 11. Input Setup and Hold 31 31 80C186EA/80C188EA, 80L186EA/80L188EA 272432 – 12 NOTES: 1. TDXDL for write cycle followed by read cycle. 2. Pin names in parentheses apply to tthe 80C188EA. Figure 12. Relative Signal Waveform 32 32 80C186EA/80C188EA, 80L186EA/80L188EA DERATING CURVES 272432 – 13 Figure 13. Typical Output Delay Variations Versus Load Capacitance RESET The processor performs a reset operation any time the RESIN pin is active. The RESIN pin is actually synchronized before it is presented internally, which means that the clock must be operating before a reset can take effect. From a power-on state, RESIN must be held active (low) in order to guarantee correct initialization of the processor. Failure to provide RESIN while the device is powering up will result in unspecified operation of the device. Figure 15 shows the correct reset sequence when first applying power to the processor. An external clock connected to CLKIN must not exceed the VCC threshold being applied to the processor. This is normally not a problem if the clock driver is supplied with the same VCC that supplies the processor. When attaching a crystal to the device, RESIN must remain active until both VCC and CLKOUT are stable (the length of time is application specific and depends on the startup characteristics of the crystal circuit). The RESIN pin is designed to operate correctly using an RC reset circuit, but the designer 272432 – 14 Figure 14. Typical Rise and Fall Variations Versus Load Capacitance must ensure that the ramp time for VCC is not so long that RESIN is never really sampled at a logic low level when VCC reaches minimum operating conditions. Figure 16 shows the timing sequence when RESIN is applied after VCC is stable and the device has been operating. Note that a reset will terminate all activity and return the processor to a known operating state. Any bus operation that is in progress at the time RESIN is asserted will terminate immediately (note that most control signals will be driven to their inactive state first before floating). While RESIN is active, signals RD/QSMD, UCS, LCS, MCS0/PEREQ, MCS1/ERROR, LOCK, and TEST/BUSY are configured as inputs and weakly held high by internal pullup transistors. Forcing UCS and LCS low selects ONCE Mode. Forcing QSMD low selects Queue Status Mode. Forcing TEST/ BUSY high at reset and low four clocks later enables Numerics Mode. Forcing LOCK low is prohibited and results in unspecified operation. 33 33 NOTES: 1. CLKOUT synchronization occurs approximately 1(/2 CLKIN periods after RESIN is sampled low. 2. Pin names in parentheses apply to the 80C188EA. 272432– 15 80C186EA/80C188EA, 80L186EA/80L188EA Figure 15. Powerup Reset Waveforms 34 34 NOTES: 1. CLKOUT resynchronization occurs approximately 1(/2 CLKIN periods after RESIN is sampled low. If RESIN is sampled low while CLKOUT is transitioning high, then CLKOUT will remain high for two CLKIN periods. If RESIN is sampled low while CLKOUT is transitioning high, then CLKOUT will not be affected. 2. Pin names in parentheses apply to the 80C188EA. 272432– 16 80C186EA/80C188EA, 80L186EA/80L188EA Figure 16. Warm Reset Waveforms 35 35 80C186EA/80C188EA, 80L186EA/80L188EA BUS CYCLE WAVEFORMS Figures 17 through 23 present the various bus cycles that are generated by the processor. What is shown in the figure is the relationship of the various bus signals to CLKOUT. These figures along with the information present in AC Specifications allow the user to determine all the critical timing analysis needed for a given application. 272432-17 NOTES: 1. During the data phase of the bus cycle, A19/S6 is driven high for a DMA or refresh cycle. 2. Pin names in parentheses apply to the 80C188EA. Figure 17. Read, Fetch and Refresh Cycle Waveform 36 36 80C186EA/80C188EA, 80L186EA/80L188EA 272432-18 NOTES: 1. During the data phase of the bus cycle, A19/S6 is driven high for a DMA cycle. 2. Pin names in parentheses apply to the 80C188EA. Figure 18. Write Cycle Waveform 37 37 80C186EA/80C188EA, 80L186EA/80L188EA 272432 – 19 NOTES: 1. The processor drives these pins to 0 during Idle and Powerdown Modes. 2. Pin names in parentheses apply to the 80C188EA. Figure 19. Halt Cycle Waveform 38 38 80C186EA/80C188EA, 80L186EA/80L188EA NOTES: 1. INTA occurs one clock later in Slave Mode. 2. Pin names in parentheses apply to the 80C188EA. 272432 – 20 Figure 20. INTA Cycle Waveform 39 39 80C186EA/80C188EA, 80L186EA/80L188EA 272432 – 21 NOTE: 1. Pin names in parentheses apply to the 80C188EA. Figure 21. HOLD/HLDA Waveform 40 40 80C186EA/80C188EA, 80L186EA/80L188EA 272432 – 22 NOTE: 1. Pin names in parentheses apply to the 80C188EA. Figure 22. DRAM Refresh Cycle During Hold Acknowledge 41 41 80C186EA/80C188EA, 80L186EA/80L188EA 272432 – 23 NOTES: 1. Generalized diagram for READ or WRITE. 2. ARDY low by either edge causes a wait state. Only rising ARDY is fully synchronized. 3. SRDY low causes a wait state. SRDY must meet setup and hold times to ensure correct device operation. 4. Either ARDY or SRDY active high will terminate a bus cycle. 5. Pin names in parentheses apply to the 80C188EA. Figure 23. Ready Waveform 42 42 80C186EA/80C188EA, 80L186EA/80L188EA 80C186EA/80C188EA EXECUTION TIMINGS A determination of program exeuction timing must consider the bus cycles necessary to prefetch instructions as well as the number of execution unit cycles necessary to execute instructions. The following instruction timings represent the minimum execution time in clock cycle for each instruction. The timings given are based on the following assumptions: # The opcode, along with any data or displacement required for execution of a particular instruction, has been prefetched and resides in the queue at the time it is needed. # No wait states or bus HOLDs occur. # All word-data is located on even-address boundaries. (80C186EA only) All instructions which involve memory accesses can require one or two additional clocks above the minimum timings shown due to the asynchronous handshake between the bus interface unit (BIU) and execution unit. With a 16-bit BIU, the 80C186EA has sufficient bus performance to endure that an adequate number of prefetched bytes will reside in the queue (6 bytes) most of the time. Therefore, actual program exeuction time will not be substanially greater than that derived from adding the instruction timings shown. The 80C188EA 8-bit BIU is limited in its performance relative to the execution unit. A sufficient number of prefetched bytes may not reside in the prefetch queue (4 bytes) much of the time. Therefore, actual program execution time will be substantially greater than that derived from adding the instruction timings shown. All jumps and calls include the time required to fetch the opcode of the next instruction at the destination address. 43 43 80C186EA/80C188EA, 80L186EA/80L188EA INSTRUCTION SET SUMMARY Function Format 80C186EA Clock Cycles 80C188EA Clock Cycles 2/12* Comments DATA TRANSFER MOV e Move: Register to Register/Memory 1000100w mod reg r/m 2/12 Register/memory to register 1000101w mod reg r/m 2/9 2/9 Immediate to register/memory 1100011w mod 000 r/m data 12–13 12–13 8/16-bit 8/16-bit data if w e 1 Immediate to register 1 0 1 1 w reg data data if w e 1 3–4 3–4 Memory to accumulator 1010000w addr-low addr-high 8 8* Accumulator to memory 1010001w addr-low addr-high 9 9* Register/memory to segment register 10001110 mod 0 reg r/m 2/9 2/13 Segment register to register/memory 10001100 mod 0 reg r/m 2/11 2/15 11111111 mod 1 1 0 r/m 16 20 PUSH e Push: Memory Register 0 1 0 1 0 reg 10 14 Segment register 0 0 0 reg 1 1 0 9 13 Immediate 011010s0 10 14 PUSHA e Push All 01100000 36 68 20 24 10 14 8 12 51 83 4/17 4/17* 3 3 10 10* 8 7* 9 9* data data if s e 0 POP e Pop: Memory 10001111 Register 0 1 0 1 1 reg Segment register 0 0 0 reg 1 1 1 POPA e Pop All 01100001 mod 0 0 0 r/m (reg i 01) XCHG e Exchange: Register/memory with register 1000011w Register with accumulator 1 0 0 1 0 reg mod reg r/m IN e Input from: Fixed port 1110010w Variable port 1110110w port OUT e Output to: Fixed port 1110011w port Variable port 1110111w 7 7* XLAT e Translate byte to AL 11010111 11 15 LEA e Load EA to register 10001101 mod reg r/m 6 6 LDS e Load pointer to DS 11000101 mod reg r/m (mod i 11) 18 26 LES e Load pointer to ES 11000100 mod reg r/m (mod i 11) 18 26 LAHF e Load AH with flags 10011111 2 2 SAHF e Store AH into flags 10011110 3 3 PUSHF e Push flags 10011100 9 13 POPF e Pop flags 10011101 8 12 Shaded areas indicate instructions not available in 8086/8088 microsystems. NOTE: *Clock cycles shown for byte transfers. For word operations, add 4 clock cycles for all memory transfers. 44 44 80C186EA/80C188EA, 80L186EA/80L188EA INSTRUCTION SET SUMMARY (Continued) Function Format 80C186EA Clock Cycles 80C188EA Clock Cycles Comments DATA TRANSFER (Continued) SEGMENT e Segment Override: CS 00101110 2 2 SS 00110110 2 2 DS 00111110 2 2 ES 00100110 2 2 3/10 3/10* 4/16 4/16* 3/4 3/4 3/10 3/10* 4/16 4/16* 3/4 3/4 3/15 3/15* 3 3 3/10 3/10* 4/16 4/16* 3/4 3/4 3/10 3/10* 4/16 4/16* 3/4 3/4* 3/15 3/15* 3 3 ARITHMETIC ADD e Add: Reg/memory with register to either 000000dw mod reg r/m Immediate to register/memory 100000sw mod 0 0 0 r/m data Immediate to accumulator 0000010w data data if w e 1 000100dw mod reg r/m data if s w e 01 8/16-bit ADC e Add with carry: Reg/memory with register to either Immediate to register/memory mod 0 1 0 r/m data 0001010w data data if w e 1 Register/memory 1111111w mod 0 0 0 r/m Register 0 1 0 0 0 reg Immediate to accumulator 100000sw data if s w e 01 8/16-bit INC e Increment: SUB e Subtract: Reg/memory and register to either 001010dw mod reg r/m Immediate from register/memory 100000sw mod 1 0 1 r/m data Immediate from accumulator 0010110w data data if w e 1 000110dw mod reg r/m data if s w e 01 8/16-bit SBB e Subtract with borrow: Reg/memory and register to either Immediate from register/memory 100000sw mod 0 1 1 r/m data Immediate from accumulator 0001110w data data if w e 1 Register/memory 1111111w mod 0 0 1 r/m Register 0 1 0 0 1 reg data if s w e 01 8/16-bit DEC e Decrement CMP e Compare: Register/memory with register 0011101w mod reg r/m 3/10 3/10* Register with register/memory 0011100w mod reg r/m 3/10 3/10* Immediate with register/memory 100000sw mod 1 1 1 r/m data 3/10 3/10* Immediate with accumulator 0011110w data data if w e 1 3/4 3/4 3/10* 3/10* mod 0 1 1 r/m data if s w e 01 NEG e Change sign register/memory 1111011w AAA e ASCII adjust for add 00110111 8 8 DAA e Decimal adjust for add 00100111 4 4 AAS e ASCII adjust for subtract 00111111 7 7 DAS e Decimal adjust for subtract 00101111 4 4 MUL e Multiply (unsigned): 1111011w 26–28 35–37 32–34 41–43 26–28 35–37 32–34 41–48* 8/16-bit mod 100 r/m Register-Byte Register-Word Memory-Byte Memory-Word Shaded areas indicate instructions not available in 8086/8088 microsystems. NOTE: *Clock cycles shown for byte transfers. For word operations, add 4 clock cycles for all memory transfers. 45 45 80C186EA/80C188EA, 80L186EA/80L188EA INSTRUCTION SET SUMMARY (Continued) Function Format 80C186EA Clock Cycles 80C188EA Clock Cycles 25–28 34–37 31–34 40–43 25–28 34–37 32–34 40–43* 22–25 29–32 22-25 29–32 29 38 35 44 29 38 35 44* 44–52 53–61 50–58 59–67 44–52 53–61 50–58 59–67* Comments ARITHMETIC (Continued) IMUL e Integer multiply (signed): 1111011w mod 1 0 1 r/m Register-Byte Register-Word Memory-Byte Memory-Word IMUL e Integer Immediate multiply (signed) 011010s1 mod reg r/m DIV e Divide (unsigned): 1111011w mod 1 1 0 r/m data data if s e 0 Register-Byte Register-Word Memory-Byte Memory-Word IDIV e Integer divide (signed): 1111011w mod 1 1 1 r/m Register-Byte Register-Word Memory-Byte Memory-Word AAM e ASCII adjust for multiply 11010100 00001010 19 19 AAD e ASCII adjust for divide 11010101 00001010 15 15 CBW e Convert byte to word 10011000 2 2 CWD e Convert word to double word 10011001 4 4 2/15 2/15 LOGIC Shift/Rotate Instructions: Register/Memory by 1 1101000w Register/Memory by CL 1101001w Register/Memory by Count 1100000w mod TTT r/m mod TTT r/m mod TTT r/m 5 a n/17 a n 5 a n/17 a n count 5 a n/17 a n 5 a n/17 a n TTT Instruction 000 ROL 001 ROR 010 RCL 011 RCR 1 0 0 SHL/SAL 101 SHR 111 SAR AND e And: Reg/memory and register to either 001000dw mod reg r/m Immediate to register/memory 1000000w mod 1 0 0 r/m data Immediate to accumulator 0010010w data data if w e 1 Register/memory and register 1000010w mod reg r/m Immediate data and register/memory 1111011w mod 0 0 0 r/m data Immediate data and accumulator 1010100w data data if w e 1 data if w e 1 3/10 3/10* 4/16 4/16* 3/4 3/4* 3/10 3/10* 4/10 4/10* 3/4 3/4 3/10 3/10* 4/16 4/16* 3/4 3/4* 8/16-bit TEST e And function to flags, no result: data if w e 1 8/16-bit OR e Or: Reg/memory and register to either 000010dw mod reg r/m Immediate to register/memory 1000000w mod 0 0 1 r/m data Immediate to accumulator 0000110w data data if w e 1 data if w e 1 8/16-bit Shaded areas indicate instructions not available in 8086/8088 microsystems. NOTE: *Clock cycles shown for byte transfers. For word operations, add 4 clock cycles for all memory transfers. 46 46 80C186EA/80C188EA, 80L186EA/80L188EA INSTRUCTION SET SUMMARY (Continued) Function Format 80C186EA Clock Cycles 80C188EA Clock Cycles 3/10 3/10* 4/16 4/16* 3/4 3/4 3/10 3/10* Comments LOGIC (Continued) XOR e Exclusive or: Reg/memory and register to either 001100dw mod reg r/m Immediate to register/memory 1000000w mod 1 1 0 r/m data Immediate to accumulator 0011010w data data if w e 1 NOT e Invert register/memory 1111011w mod 0 1 0 r/m data if w e 1 8/16-bit STRING MANIPULATION MOVS e Move byte/word 1010010w 14 14* CMPS e Compare byte/word 1010011w 22 22* SCAS e Scan byte/word 1010111w 15 15* LODS e Load byte/wd to AL/AX 1010110w 12 12* 10* STOS e Store byte/wd from AL/AX 1010101w 10 INS e Input byte/wd from DX port 0110110w 14 14 OUTS e Output byte/wd to DX port 0110111w 14 14 8 a 8n 8 a 8n* Repeated by count in CX (REP/REPE/REPZ/REPNE/REPNZ) MOVS e Move string 11110010 1010010w CMPS e Compare string 1111001z 1010011w 5 a 22n 5 a 22n SCAS e Scan string 1111001z 1010111w 5 a 15n 5 a 15n* LODS e Load string 11110010 1010110w 6 a 11n 6 a 11n* STOS e Store string 11110010 1010101w 6 a 9n 6 a 9n* INS e Input string 11110010 0110110w 8 a 8n 8 a 8n* OUTS e Output string 11110010 0110111w 8 a 8n 8 a 8n* CONTROL TRANSFER CALL e Call: Direct within segment 11101000 disp-low Register/memory indirect within segment 11111111 mod 0 1 0 r/m Direct intersegment 10011010 disp-high segment offset 15 19 13/19 17/27 23 31 38 54 14 14 segment selector Indirect intersegment 11111111 mod 0 1 1 r/m Short/long 11101011 disp-low Direct within segment 11101001 disp-low Register/memory indirect within segment 11111111 mod 1 0 0 r/m Direct intersegment 11101010 (mod i 11) JMP e Unconditional jump: disp-high segment offset 14 14 11/17 11/21 14 14 26 34 segment selector Indirect intersegment 11111111 mod 1 0 1 r/m (mod i 11) Shaded areas indicate instructions not available in 8086/8088 microsystems. NOTE: *Clock cycles shown for byte transfers. For word operations, add 4 clock cycles for all memory transfers. 47 47 80C186EA/80C188EA, 80L186EA/80L188EA INSTRUCTION SET SUMMARY (Continued) Function Format 80C186EA Clock Cycles 80C188EA Clock Cycles 16 20 Comments CONTROL TRANSFER (Continued) RET e Return from CALL: Within segment 11000011 Within seg adding immed to SP 11000010 Intersegment 11001011 Intersegment adding immediate to SP 11001010 data-low 25 33 JE/JZ e Jump on equal/zero 01110100 disp 4/13 4/13 JL/JNGE e Jump on less/not greater or equal 01111100 disp 4/13 4/13 JLE/JNG e Jump on less or equal/not greater 01111110 disp 4/13 4/13 JB/JNAE e Jump on below/not above or equal 01110010 disp 4/13 4/13 JBE/JNA e Jump on below or equal/not above 01110110 disp 4/13 4/13 JP/JPE e Jump on parity/parity even 01111010 disp 4/13 4/13 JO e Jump on overflow 01110 000 disp 4/13 4/13 JS e Jump on sign 01111000 disp 4/13 4/13 JNE/JNZ e Jump on not equal/not zero 01110101 disp 4/13 4/13 JNL/JGE e Jump on not less/greater or equal 01111101 disp 4/13 4/13 JNLE/JG e Jump on not less or equal/greater 01111111 disp 4/13 4/13 JNB/JAE e Jump on not below/above or equal 01110011 disp 4/13 4/13 JNBE/JA e Jump on not below or equal/above 01110111 disp 4/13 4/13 JNP/JPO e Jump on not par/par odd 01111011 disp 4/13 4/13 JNO e Jump on not overflow 01110001 disp 4/13 4/13 JNS e Jump on not sign 01111001 disp 4/13 4/13 data-low data-high data-high 18 22 22 30 JCXZ e Jump on CX zero 11100011 disp 5/15 5/15 LOOP e Loop CX times 11100010 disp 6/16 6/16 LOOPZ/LOOPE e Loop while zero/equal 11100001 disp 6/16 6/16 LOOPNZ/LOOPNE e Loop while not zero/equal 11100000 disp 6/16 6/16 ENTER e Enter Procedure 11001000 data-low 15 25 22 a 16(n b 1) 19 29 26 a 20(n b 1) 8 8 data-high Le0 Le1 Ll1 LEAVE e Leave Procedure 11001001 JMP not taken/JMP taken LOOP not taken/LOOP taken L INT e Interrupt: Type specified 11001101 47 47 Type 3 11001100 type 45 45 if INT. taken/ INTO e Interrupt on overflow 11001110 48/4 48/4 if INT. not taken IRET e Interrupt return 11001111 BOUND e Detect value out of range 01100010 mod reg r/m 28 28 33–35 33–35 Shaded areas indicate instructions not available in 8086/8088 microsystems. NOTE: *Clock cycles shown for byte transfers. For word operations, add 4 clock cycles for all memory transfers. 48 48 80C186EA/80C188EA, 80L186EA/80L188EA INSTRUCTION SET SUMMARY (Continued) Function Format 80C186EA Clock Cycles 80C188EA Clock Cycles 2 2 Comments PROCESSOR CONTROL CLC e Clear carry 11111000 CMC e Complement carry 11110101 2 2 STC e Set carry 11111001 2 2 CLD e Clear direction 11111100 2 2 STD e Set direction 11111101 2 2 CLI e Clear interrupt 11111010 2 2 STI e Set interrupt 11111011 2 2 HLT e Halt 11110100 2 2 WAIT e Wait 10011011 6 6 LOCK e Bus lock prefix 11110000 2 2 10010000 3 3 NOP e No Operation if TEST e 0 (TTT LLL are opcode to processor extension) Shaded areas indicate instructions not available in 8086/8088 microsystems. NOTE: *Clock cycles shown for byte transfers. For word operations, add 4 clock cycles for all memory transfers. The Effective Address (EA) of the memory operand is computed according to the mod and r/m fields: if mod e 11 then r/m is treated as a REG field if mod e 00 then DISP e 0*, disp-low and disphigh are absent if mod e 01 then DISP e disp-low sign-extended to 16-bits, disp-high is absent if mod e 10 then DISP e disp-high: disp-low e 000 then EA e (BX) a (SI) a DISP if r/m e 001 then EA e (BX) a (DI) a DISP if r/m e 010 then EA e (BP) a (SI) a DISP if r/m e 011 then EA e (BP) a (DI) a DISP if r/m e 100 then EA e (SI) a DISP if r/m e 101 then EA e (DI) a DISP if r/m e 110 then EA e (BP) a DISP* if r/m e 111 then EA e (BX) a DISP if r/m DISP follows 2nd byte of instruction (before data if required) *except if mod e 00 and r/m e 110 then EA e disp-high: disp-low. EA calculation time is 4 clock cycles for all modes, and is included in the execution times given whenever appropriate. Segment Override Prefix 0 0 1 reg 1 1 reg is assigned according to the following: Segment reg Register 00 ES 01 CS 10 SS 11 DS REG is assigned according to the following table: 16-Bit (w e 1) 8-Bit (w e 0) 000 AX 000 AL 001 CX 001 CL 010 DX 010 DL 011 BX 011 BL 100 SP 100 AH 101 BP 101 CH 110 SI 110 DH 111 DI 111 BH The physical addresses of all operands addressed by the BP register are computed using the SS segment register. The physical addresses of the destination operands of the string primitive operations (those addressed by the DI register) are computed using the ES segment, which may not be overridden. 0 49 49 80C186EA/80C188EA, 80L186EA/80L188EA REVISION HISTORY ERRATA Intel 80C186EA/80L186EA devices are marked with a 9-character alphanumeric Intel FPO number underneath the product number. This data sheet update is valid for devices with an ‘‘A’’, ‘‘B’’, ‘‘C’’, ‘‘D’’, or ‘‘E’’ as the ninth character in the FPO number, as illustrated in Figure 5 for the 68-lead PLCC package, Figure 6 for the 84-lead QFP (EIAJ) package, and Figure 7 for the 80-lead SQFP device. Such devices may also be identified by reading a value of 01H, 02H, 03H from the STEPID register. An 80C186EA/80L186EA with a STEPID value of 01H or 02H has the following known errata. A device with a STEPID of 01H or 02H can be visually identified by noting the presence of an ‘‘A’’, ‘‘B’’, or ‘‘C’’ alpha character, next to the FPO number. The FPO number location is shown in Figures 5, 6, and 7. This data sheet replaces the following data sheets: 272019-002Ð80C186EA 272020-002Ð80C188EA 272021-002Ð80L186EA 272022-002Ð80L188EA 272307-001ÐSB80C186EA/SB80L186EA 272308-001ÐSB80C188EA/SB80L188EA 1. An internal condition with the interrupt controller can cause no acknowledge cycle on the INTA1 line in response to INT1. This errata only occurs when Interrupt 1 is configured in cascade mode and a higher priority interrupt exists. This errata will not occur consistantly, it is dependent on interrupt timing. An 80C186EA/80L186EA with a STEPID value of 03H has no known errata. A device with a STEPID of 03H can be visually identified by noting the presence of a ‘‘D’’ or ‘‘E’’ alpha character next to the FPO number. The FPO number location is shown in Figures 5, 6, and 7. 50 50