Programmable Single Phase Energy Metering IC with Tamper Detection SA9607P FEATURES ■ Provides direct interface to mechanical counters ■ ■ Calibration and setup stored on external EEPROM - no trimpots required ■ Meets the IEC 521/1036 Specification for Class 1 AC Watt hour meters Total power consumption rating below 25mW Monitors both Live and Neutral for tamper detection ■ Adaptable to different types of sensors ■ Performs bidirectional energy measurement ■ Operates over a wide temperature range ■ Flexible programmable features ■ Precision voltage reference on chip. ■ DESCRIPTION continuously measured and the larger of the two is selected for energy metering. The SAMES SA9607P is a single-phase bidirectional energy metering integrated circuit. It provides a cost effective solution for energy meters with electro-mechanical displays, such as stepper motors and impulse counters. The SA9607P drives the calibration LED and the electromechanical counter directly. Two current sensor inputs allow the measurement of energy consumption on both the live and neutral lines. The SA9607P does not require any external trim-pots. All required calibration and configuration data is read from a small external EEPROM. Direction detection of energy flow as well as other common tamper conditions are flagged. The SA9607P integrated circuit is available in 20 pin dual-inline plastic (DIP-20) and small outline (SOIC-20) package types. The power consumption on both the live and neutral are VDD VSS P O W ER 1 (D IG ITA L ) IIN 1 IIP 1 A N A LO G S IG N AL PROC E S S IN G AND P O W ER C A LC U L AT IO N IIN 2 IIP 2 IV P GND D r-0 1 5 65 E LT P O W ER 2 (D IG ITA L ) V O LTAG E R E F. OSC IIC BUS IN T E R FA C E VREF OSC1 OSC2 SCL SDA COMPA R AT O R S E L1 P O W ER TO P U LS E R AT E D IR O LE D MOP MON CNF Figure 1: Block Diagram SPEC-0006 (REV. 2) 1/12 24-05-00 SA9607P ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (VDD = 2.5V, VSS = -2.5V, over the temperature range -10°C to +70°C#, unless otherwise specified.) Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Operating temp. range To -25 +85 °C Supply Voltage: Positive VDD 2.25 2.75 V Supply Voltage: Negative VSS -2.75 -2.25 V Supply Current: Positive IDD 5 6 mA Supply Current: Negative I SS 5 6 mA Condition Current Sensor Inputs (Differential) III -25 +25 µA Peak value Input Current Range IIV -25 +25 µA Peak value Pin CNF Input High Voltage Input Low Voltage VIH VIL V DD-1 VSS+1 V V Pin MOP, MON, LED, SCL Output High Voltage VOH V DD-1 Output Low Voltage VOL Input Current Range Voltage Sensor Input (Asymmetrical) Pin SEL1, ELT, SDA, DIRO Input High Voltage Input Low Voltage VIH VIL V DD-1 Pin VREF Ref. Current Ref. Voltage -IR VR 45 1.1 Oscillator # V IOH = -2mA VSS+1 V IOL = 5mA VSS+1 V V Bi-direct 50 55 1.3 With R = 24kΩ connected to VSS Referred to VSS µA V Recommended crystal:TV colour burst crystal f = 3.5795 MHz Extended Operating Temperature Range available on request. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* Parameter Symbol Min Max Unit Supply Voltage VDD -VSS -0.3 6.0 Current on any pin IPIN -150 +150 mA Storage Temperature TSTG -40 +125 °C Operating Temperature TO -25 +85 °C V *Stresses above those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only. Functional operation of the device at these or any other condition above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification, is not implied. Exposure to Absolute Maximum Ratings for extended periods may affect device reliability. 2/12 SA9607P PIN DESCRIPTION PIN Designation Description Analog Ground. The voltage to this pin should be mid-way between V DD and VSS. 20 GND 8 VDD Positive supply voltage. The voltage to this pin is typically +2.5V if a shunt resistor is used for current sensing or in the case of a current transformer a +5V supply can be applied. 14 VSS Negative Supply Voltage. The voltage to this pin is typical -2.5V if a shunt resistor is used for current sensing or in the case of a current transformer a 0V supply can be applied. 19 IVP The current into the A/D converter should be set at 14µARMS at nominal mains voltage. The voltage sense input saturates at an input current of ±25µA peak. 1, 2 3, 4 IIN1, IIP1 IIN2, IIP2 Inputs for current sensor - channel 1 and Channel 2. The shunt resistor voltage from each channel is converted to a current of 16µARMS at rated conditions. The current sense input saturates at an input current of ±25µA peak. 5 VREF This pin provides the connection for the reference current setting resistor. A 24kΩ resistor connected to VSS set the optimum operating condition. 6 SCL Serial clock output. This output is used to strobe data from the external EEPROM. 7 SDA Serial data. Send and receive data from an external EEPROM. 9, 12 MON, MOP Motor pulse outputs. These outputs can be used to drive an impulse counter or stepper motor directly. 13 LED Calibration LED output. Refer to section Led Output (LED) for the pulse rate output options. 15 CNF Configure / Test input. For normal operation this pin must be connected to V SS. 16 SEL1 Current channel select output. This output indicates which channel is been used for kWh metering. 17 ELT Earth loop tamper output. This output indicates an earth loop tamper condition. 18 DIRO Direction output. This output indicates the energy flow direction. 10, 11 OSC1, OSC2 Connections for a crystal or ceramic resonator. (OSC1 = input; OSC2 = Output) ORDERING INFORMATION IIN 1 1 20 GN D IIP1 2 19 IVP IIN 2 3 18 D IRO IIP2 4 17 ELT VREF 5 16 SEL1 SCL 6 15 C NF SDA 7 14 VSS VDD 8 13 LED MON 9 12 MOP OSC 1 10 11 OSC 2 D R -0 155 7 Figure 2: Pin connections: Package: Dip-20, SOIC-20 3/12 Part Number Package SA9607PPA SA9607PSA DIP-20 SOIC-20 SA9607P FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION The SA9607P is a CMOS mixed signal analog/digital integrated circuit, which performs power/energy calculations across a power range of 1000:1, to an overall accuracy of better than Class 1. The feedback loops from the outputs of the amplifiers AI and A V generate virtual shorts on the signal inputs. Exact duplications of the input currents are generated for the analog signal processing circuitry. The integrated circuit includes all the required functions for single phase power and energy measurement such as oversampling A/D converters for the voltage and current sense inputs, power calculation and energy integration. Internal offsets are eliminated through the use of cancellation procedures. The SA9607P incorporates an anti-tamper scheme by continuously measuring the power consumption on both LIVE and NEUTRAL lines. A fault is indicated when these measurements differ by more than 12.5%. The SA9607P generates pulses with a frequency proportional to the larger of the two current measurements. The source (LIVE or NEUTRAL) for these pulses is indicated on the SEL1 pin. AUTOMATIC DEVICE CONFIGURATION (BOOT UP) Various pulse outputs (MOP, MON and LED) are available. The pulse rate on these pins follows the active power consumption measured. The SA9607P integrated circuit's input's/outputs are protected against ESD. During power up, registers containing configuration and calibration information is updated from an external EEPROM. The device itself never writes to the EEPROM so any write protect features offered by manufacturer of EEPROM's may be used to protect the configuration and calibration constants of the meter. The device reloads its configuration every 1193 seconds from the external EEPROM in order to ensure correct operation of the meter. Every data byte stored in the EEPROM is protected with a checksum byte to ensure data integrity. ELECTROSTATIC DISCHARGE (ESD) PROTECTION POWER CONSUMPTION A low voltage stepper may be driven directly from the device by connecting it between the MOP and MON pins, alternatively an impulse counter may be driven directly by connecting it between MOP and VSS. The power consumption rating of the SA9607P integrated circuit is less than 30mW. V DD The SA9607P configures itself from an external low cost EEPROM that contain all meter configurations and calibration data. No external trimming is required for this device. Calibration of the device may be fully automated. IIP CURRENT SENSOR INPUTS POWER CALCULATION In Figure 7, the voltage drop across the current transformers terminating resistor will be between 0 and 16mVRMS. These voltages are converted to currents for each current sense input, by means of resistors R1 and R2 (channel 1) as well as R3 and R 4. (channel 2). V SS AI V DD IIN V SS V DD The current sense input saturates at an input current of ±25µA peak. The mains voltage (230VAC) is divided down through a divider to 14VRMS. The current into the A/D converter input is set at 14µARMS at nominal mains voltage, via resistor R6 (1MΩ). IVP VOLTAGE SENSOR INPUT V SS A V See Device Configuration for more details on the processing of measured energy to frequency outputs. ANALOG INPUT CONFIGURATION The input circuitry of the current and voltage sensor inputs are illustrated in figure 3. These inputs are protected against electrostatic discharge through clamping diodes. GND DR-01288 Figure 3: Analog Input Internal Configuration 4/12 SA9607P INPUT SIGNALS VREF The VREF pin is the reference for the bias resistor and is the recommended point for analog calibration. With a bias resistor of 24kΩ optimum conditions are set. Any changes to the bias resistor will affect the output pulse rate quadratically (i.e.(R = +5%,(f=10%). VDD L ED VSS t LED D R -013 32 Serial Data SDA The SDA pin connects directly to the SDA pin of an external EEPROM. The pin is used to transfer data between the EEPROM to the SA9607P. An external pull up resistor in not needed. tLED = 10ms (6400 or 3200 pulses per kWh) tLED = 71µs (1252 pulses per second) Figure 5: LED pulse output Selected input indication (SEL1) The SA9607P continuously compares the power consumptions on both channel 1 and channel 2 inputs. The larger of the two measurements are used for pulse output generation. The SEL1 output pin indicates which channel is currently being used for the pulse output. Serial Clock SCL The SCL pin connects directly to the SCL of an external EEPROM. The SCL output is used to strobe data at a rate of 50kHz out of the EEPROM. An external pull up resistor is not needed. Configuration CNF A rising edge on the CNF pin, with DIRO high, will trigger a register update from the external EEPROM. This feature may be used during calibration to load updated register data in the SA9607P. For normal operation of the SA9607P the CNF pin should be connected to VSS. Signal Output SEL1 Value Description Current Channel 1 selected (IIN1 / IIP1) Current Channel 2 selected (IIN2 / IIP2) 0 1 Earth loop tamper indication (ELT) In case the power measurements from both current channels differ by more than 12.5%, (indicating a earth loop tamper condition), the ELT output is set to zero. The SA9607P continues to generate output pulses from the larger of the two measured powers in this condition. The ELT output is active low. OUTPUT SIGNALS Motor output (MOP, MON) The motor pulse width is programmable for 71ms and 142ms. The MON pulse will follow the MOP pulse within the selected pulse width time. This prevents that the motor armature is in the wrong position after a power failure. Both MOP and MON outputs are active high. One energy pulse is represented by a MOP pulse followed by a MON pulse. The motor drive wave forms are shown in figure 4. Direction indication (DIRO) The SA9607P provides information about the energy flow direction on pin DIRO. A logic 1 on pin DIRO indicates reverse energy flow. Reverse energy flow is defined as the condition where the voltage sense input and a current sense input are out of phase (greater than 90 degrees). VDD MOP VSS VDD Positive energy flow, when voltage sense and current sense input are in phase, is indicated on pin DIRO as a logic 0. MON VSS D R -0 1 5 5 9 tm tm tm t m = 71ms, 142ms The DIRO pin may be used to drive a LED in order to indicate reverse energy. Figure 4: Motor drive on MON and MOP pins of device LED output (LED) Three options for the LED output pulse rate are available, 6400 and 3200 pulses per kWh, as well as a pulse rate of 1252 pulses per second at rated conditions. At 1252 pulses per second tLED is 71µs, for the other options tLED is 10ms. The LED output is active low as in figure 5. 5/12 Signal Output Value DIRO 1 0 Description Reverse energy flow Forward energy flow SA9607P DEVICE CONFIGURATION SIGNAL FLOW DESCRIPTION The following is an overview of the SA9607P's registers. For a detailed description of each parameter please refer to parameter description section. Figure 6 shows the various registers in the SA9607P's power to pulse rate block. The inputs to this block are two single bit pulse density modulated signals, each having a pulse rate of 641454 pulses per second at rated conditions. The parameters Kc1, Kc2, Ne, Cs, Kr, Cres, and Cled contain values which are read from the external EEPROM during power up. The divider registers, Channel 1 Balance and Channel 2 Balance, are used for calibration and to balance the gain of each channel. The Earth Leakage Compensation register is used to compensate for any permissible earth leakage that may cause the SA9607P to indicate a tamper condition at low current. TheChannel Select register selects the source (channel 1 or channel 2) which will be used for the pulse output. Register Rated Condition is used to program the rated condition of the meter and feeds the registers LED-constant and Counter Resolution with the applicable pulse rate. These two registers are programmed to select the LED output rate and the counter resolution (pulses per kWh) respectively. The Counter Pulse Width register is used to program the pulse width for the mechanical counter driver output MOP and MON. Channel 1 Power 641454p/s Channel 2 Power 641454p/s Channel 1 Balance Channel 2 Balance ÷Kc1 ÷Kc2 Earth Leakage Compensation Ne Channel Select (1, 2, auto) Cs Normally 1253p/s Rated Condition ÷Kr Normally 6400p/kWh Counter Resolution LED-Constant Cled Cres Counter Pulse width CPW MOP LED MON Figure 6: Signal flow block diagram 6/12 SA9607P PARAMETER DESCRIPTION Rated Condition (KR) Kr is used to program the rated condition of the meter. This feature is required for a correct counter increment of meters designed for different rated conditions using the same integrated circuit. Rated conditions from less than 10A to several 100A are possible. Refer to the EEPROM memory allocation map as well as the Signal flow diagram figure 6, for a description of the registers used in this section. EEPROM Memory Allocation The following table shows the EEPROM memory allocation as well as the corresponding name. The uneven byte always contains a XORed byte of the previous even byte. This is the checksum byte used by the SA9607P to ensure data integrity. The channel balance values should be used to compensate for rounding errors in Kr. Kr is calculated as follows: Kr =(1252 x 1000 x 3600)/(Rated volt x Rated current x 6400)-1 Channel Balance (KC) Kc defines the dividing factor, which is applied to the incoming pulse rate. This value is typically 511. This factor is used for calibration meter and gain balancing of the 2 current channels. The value for Kc is usually between 400 and 640. Kr is made up of 1 byte (D20) Kc is made up of 2 bytes, D12 and D14 or D16 or D18 which forms a 10 bit value. Description E2Address Contents Bit [7:0] Name Channel 1 Balance LSB 12 Kc1 vvvvvvvv D12 13 XOR of ADDR 12 xxxxxxxx Channel 1 Balance MSB 14 Kc1 ------vv 15 XOR of ADDR 14 xxxxxxxx Channel 2 Balance LSB 16 17 Kc2 XOR of ADDR 16 vvvvvvvv xxxxxxxx D16 Channel 2 Balance MSB 18 Kc2 ------vv D18 19 XOR of ADDR 18 xxxxxxxx Rated Condition 20 Kr vvvvvvvv D20 Led Pulse-rate 21 22 XOR of ADDR 22 Cled xxxxxxxx ------vv D22 23 XOR of ADDR 22 xxxxxxxx Counter Pulse-width 24 Cpw 0v------ Counter Resolution 24 Cres ------vv Earth leak Compensation 25 26 XOR of ADDR 24 Ne 1xxxxxxx ------vv Channel Select Mode 26 Cs ----vv-- 27 XOR of ADDR 24 xxxxxxxx KEY: (- = DON'T CARE); (V = VALUE/PARAMETER); (0,1 = LOGICAL VALUE); (X = BIT-XOR) 7/12 D14 D24 D26 SA9607P LED Pulse-rate (CLED) Two bits of byte D22 allow for the selection of 3 different LED Pulse-rates as follows. D22[1] D22[0] Calibration LED - Output 0 0 1 0 1 - 6400 p/KWh 3200 p/KWh 1252 pulses/second @ rated for fast calibration Channel Select Mode (CS) For calibration purposes, the source for the energy metering may be selected from a specific channel. The ELT-indication is not influenced, but the metering is taken from the selected channel only. For normal operation, the channel select mode is set to automatic mode so that the larger of the two channels are used for energy measurement. Bits 3 and 2 of byte D26 sets the channel select mode as follows: D26[3] D26[2] Metering Source Refer to LED output section for details on the LED pulse width. - 0 Automatic, channel 1 or 2 whichever shows higher consumption Counter Pulse-Width (CPW) The pulse width for the mechanical counter driver output is selectable to accommodate various step-motor and impulsecounter requirements. Bit 6 from byte D24 selects the pulse rate as follows: 1 1 Channel 1 0 1 Channel 2 D24[6] 0 Counter Pulse-Width 71ms 1 142 ms Earth Leak Compensation (NE) Earth leakage in domestic wiring systems could result in tamper detection at low current levels. The SA9607P caters for these conditions, by taking possible earth leakage into account when comparing the power consumption on live and neutral. Counter Resolution (CRES) Bit 1 and 0 from byte D24 allow for the selection of 3 different counter resolutions. Note that one energy pulse is represented by a MOP pulse followed by a MON pulse. D24[1] 0 1 D24[0] 0 0 Counter Resolution 1 p/KWh 10 p/KWh - 1 100 p/KWh The value for the permissible earth leakage is usually around 30mA. It has to be adjusted according to the rated meter condition and allows for derivations from the 30mA value. The actual value of the leak current can be calculated from the following formula: Ileak = Rated current x Ne Ileak is the earth leakage current in mA used for correction. This value is subtracted from the difference measured between live and neutral power. Ne is made up of bits 1 and 2 of byte D26 and can be set as follows: 8/12 D26[1] D26[0] Ne factor 0 0 1 0 1 - 0.15 0.076 0.032 SA9607P TYPICAL APPLICATION Voltage Sense Resistors R9, R8, R6 and R5 set the current for the voltage sense input. The values should be selected so that the input current into the voltage sense input (virtual ground) is set to 14µARMS. A capacitor is used to compensate for a phase shift introduced by the CTs. In Figure 7, the components required for a stand-alone power metering application, is shown. Application modules as well as application notes for the SA9607P and SA9607M Integrated Circuits are available on request. Two current transformers are used for mains current sensing. The current channel showing the highest power consumption will be selected by the SA9607P for energy metering. Bias Resistor R7 defines all on-chip bias and reference currents. With R7 = 24kΩ, optimum conditions are set. The most important external components for the SA9607P integrated circuit are the current sense resistors, the voltage sense resistors as well as the bias setting resistor. Any change to R7 will affect the output quadratically. Compatible EEPROM Devices The following devices were tested and found functional with the SA9607P. CURRENT SENSE RESISTORS The resistors R1, R2, R3 and R4 define the current level into the current sense inputs of the device. The components should be selected for input currents of 16µARMS into the current channels of the SA9607P at IMAX (rated current of the meter). The voltage drop on the shunt termination resistors R10 and R 17 should be at least 20mV. Manufacturer WEB Site AT24C01A Atmel 24C01 STMicro electronics Please see various manufactures datasheets on programming and using IIC memory devices. Current Channel 1 R1= R2= (IL/16µA RMS) x R10/2 Software for programming the EEPROM devices is available from SAMES website. Current Channel 2 R3= R4= (IL/16µA RMS) x R11/2 Where: IL = Line current/CT-ratio R10 = Termination resistor R11 = Termination resistor Devices 9/12 SA9607P Figure 7: Application Circuit 10/12 SA9607P Parts List for Application Circuit: Figure 7 Item Symbol 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 IC1 IC2 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 XTAL R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12 R13 R14 R15 R16 R17 R18 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 CT1 CT2 TX IC3 M1 M0V Note Note Note Note 1: 2: 3: 4: Description Detail SA9607P AT24C01, or eqivalent device Diode, Silicon 1N4007 Diode, Silicon 1N4007 Diode, Silicon 1N4007 Diode, Silicon 1N4007 Light emmitting diode, Red Light emmitting diode, Green Light emmitting diode, Amber Light emmitting diode, Green Crystal, 3.5759MHz Resistor, 1/4W, 1%, metal Resistor, 1/4W, 1%, metal Resistor, 1/4W, 1%, metal Resistor, 1/4W, 1%, metal Resistor, 1M, 1/4W, 1%, metal Resistor, 24k, 1/4W, 1%, metal Resistor, 22k, 1/4W, 1%, metal Resistor, 180k, 1/4W, 1%, metal Resistor, 200k, 1/4W, 1%, metal Resistor, 1/4W, 1%, metal Resistor, 1/4W, 1%, metal Resistor, 10Ω, 2W, Wire wound Resistor, 1k, 1/4W, 1%, metal Resistor, 1k, 1/4W, 1%, metal Resistor, 1k, 1/4W, 5%, carbon Resistor, 1k, 1/4W, 5%, carbon Resistor, 1k, 1/4W, 5%, carbon Resistor, 1k, 1/4W, 5%, carbon Capacitor, 2200µF, 16V, electrolytic Capacitor, 100µF, 16V, electrolytic Capacitor Capacitor, 220nF Capacitor, 220nF Capacitor, 820nF Current Transformer Current Transformer Transformer, 230V/9V 78LC05, Voltage regulator Bipolar step motor 400V, Metal oxide varistor DIP-20/SOIC-20 Note Note Note Note 1 1 1 1 Note 2 Note 2 Note 4 Note 3 Resistor (R1, R2, R3 and R4) values are dependant upon the selected value of R10 and R11. See TYPICAL APPLICATION when selecting the value of R10 and R11. Capacitor (C6) to be positioned as closed to Supply Pins (VDD & VSS) of IC-1, as possible. Capacitor (C3) selected to minimize phase error introduced by current transformer (typically 1.5µF for normal CTs.) 11/12 SA9607P DISCLAIMER: The information contained in this document is confidential and proprietary to South African Micro-Electronic Systems (Pty) Ltd ("SAMES") and may not be copied or disclosed to a third party, in whole or in part, without the express written consent of SAMES. The information contained herein is current as of the date of publication; however, delivery of this document shall not under any circumstances create any implication that the information contained herein is correct as of any time subsequent to such date. SAMES does not undertake to inform any recipient of this document of any changes in the information contained herein, and SAMES expressly reserves the right to make changes in such information, without notification, even if such changes would render information contained herein inaccurate or incomplete. SAMES makes no representation or warranty that any circuit designed by reference to the information contained herein, will function without errors and as intended by the designer. Any Sales or technical questions may be posted to our e-mail address below: [email protected] For the latest updates on datasheets, please visit our web site: SOUTH AFRICAN MICRO-ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS (PTY) LTD Tel: (012) 333-6021 Tel: Int +27 12 333-6021 Fax: (012) 333-8071 Fax: Int +27 12 333-8071 33 Eland Street Koedoespoort Industrial Area Pretoria Republic of South Africa P O Box 15888 33 Eland Street Lynn East 0039 Republic of South Africa 12/12