eKK8301 Keyboard Encoder Product Specification DOC. VERSION 1.0 ELAN MICROELECTRONICS CORP. August 2002 Trademark Acknowledgments: IBM is a registered trademark and PS/2 is a trademark of IBM. Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. ELAN and ELAN logo are trademarks of ELAN Microelectronics Corporation. Copyright © 2005 by ELAN Microelectronics Corporation All Rights Reserved Printed in Taiwan The contents of this specification are subject to change without further notice. ELAN Microelectronics assumes no responsibility concerning the accuracy, adequacy, or completeness of this specification. ELAN Microelectronics makes no commitment to update, or to keep current the information and material contained in this specification. Such information and material may change to conform to each confirmed order. In no event shall ELAN Microelectronics be made responsible for any claims attributed to errors, omissions, or other inaccuracies in the information or material contained in this specification. ELAN Microelectronics shall not be liable for direct, indirect, special incidental, or consequential damages arising from the use of such information or material. The software (if any) described in this specification is furnished under a license or nondisclosure agreement, and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of such agreement. ELAN Microelectronics products are not intended for use in life support appliances, devices, or systems. Use of ELAN Microelectronics product in such applications is not supported and is prohibited. NO PART OF THIS SPECIFICATION MAY BE REPRODUCED OR TRANSMITTED IN ANY FORM OR BY ANY MEANS WITHOUT THE EXPRESSED WRITTEN PERMISSION OF ELAN MICROELECTRONICS. ELAN MICROELECTRONICS CORPORATION Headquarters: Hong Kong: USA: No. 12, Innovation Road 1 Hsinchu Science Park Hsinchu, Taiwan 30077 Tel: +886 3 563-9977 Fax: +886 3 563-9966 http://www.emc.com.tw Elan (HK) Microelectronics Corporation, Ltd. Elan Information Technology Group Rm. 1005B, 10/F Empire Centre 68 Mody Road, Tsimshatsui Kowloon , HONG KONG Tel: +852 2723-3376 Fax: +852 2723-7780 elanhk@emc.com.hk 1821 Saratoga Ave., Suite 250 Saratoga, CA 95070 USA Tel: +1 408 366-8223 Fax: +1 408 366-8220 Europe: Shenzhen: Shanghai: Elan Microelectronics Corp. (Europe) Elan Microelectronics Shenzhen, Ltd. Elan Microelectronics Shanghai Corporation, Ltd. Siewerdtstrasse 105 8050 Zurich, SWITZERLAND Tel: +41 43 299-4060 Fax: +41 43 299-4079 http://www.elan-europe.com SSMEC Bldg., 3F, Gaoxin S. Ave. Shenzhen Hi-Tech Industrial Park Shenzhen, Guandong, CHINA Tel: +86 755 2601-0565 Fax: +86 755 2601-0500 23/Bldg. #115 Lane 572, Bibo Road Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park Shanghai, CHINA Tel: +86 021 5080-3866 Fax: +86 021 5080-4600 Contents Contents 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 General Description .................................................................................................. 1 Features ..................................................................................................................... 1 Applications............................................................................................................... 1 Pin Configuration ...................................................................................................... 2 Pin Description.......................................................................................................... 3 Function Descriptions .............................................................................................. 4 6.1 Keyboard Buffer ................................................................................................. 4 6.2 Power-on Reset and Self Test ............................................................................ 4 6.3 Keyboard Data Output........................................................................................ 4 6.4 Keyboard Data Input .......................................................................................... 4 6.5 Command from the System................................................................................ 5 6.6 Command to the System.................................................................................... 9 6.7 Keyboard Scan Code Table................................................................................ 9 6.8 Internal-Multi Function...................................................................................... 19 6.9 Application Function ......................................................................................... 19 Absolute Maximum Ratings ................................................................................... 20 DC Electrical Characteristics ................................................................................. 20 AC Electrical Characteristics ................................................................................. 20 Timing Diagrams ..................................................................................................... 21 Application Circuit .................................................................................................. 22 Application Matrix ................................................................................................... 23 PAD Diagram............................................................................................................ 24 Product Specification (V1.0) 08.07.2002 • iii Contents Specification Revision History Doc. Version 1.0 iv • Revision Description Date 2002/08/07 Product Specification (V1.0) 08.07.2002 eKK8301 Keyboard Encoder 1 General Description The eKK8301 microcontroller is dedicated to a keyboard encoder, specially designed for IBM PC AT and all compatible machines. The eKK8301 control all scan codes, three LEDs status, scan timing and communications between the keyboard and PC. It is easy to implement a high performance, low cost keyboard with the minimal external components. 2 Features Low cost - eliminate need external components. Phantom key detects. RC oscillator (1.8432MHz). Support scan code set 1, 2 and 3. Support PC AT and PS/2 keyboard. Low power CMOS device technology. Internal pull-up resistor. Tri-state outputs for easy board application. Built-in 4K ROM. Support WINDOWS TM 95, 98, 2000, ME keys. 104/107 keys with multi-media or other special application keyboard encoder. WINDOWS is registered trademarks of Microsoft corporation. 3 Applications IBM PC AT or compatible machine keyboard. IBM PS/2 model 30, 50, 60, 80 or compatible machine keyboard. Japanese keyboard. Korean keyboard. Brazilian keyboard. European keyboard. Product Specification (V1.0) 08.07.2002 (This specification is subject to change without further notice) •1 eKK8301 Keyboard Encoder 4 2• Pin Configuration Product Specification (V1.0) 08.07.2002 (This specification is subject to change without further notice) eKK8301 Keyboard Encoder 5 Pin Description Symbol I/O Function P50 O Column 3 Low output scan line, 3-state P51 O Column 4 Low output scan line, 3-state P52 O Column 5 Low output scan line, 3-state P53 O Column 6 Low output scan line, 3-state P54 O Column 7 Low output scan line, 3-state P55 O Column 14 Low output scan line, 3-state P56 O Column 13 Low output scan line, 3-state P57 O Column 12 Low output scan line, 3-state P80 O Column 11 Low output scan line, 3-state P81 O Column 15 Low output scan line, 3-state P82 O Column 10 Low output scan line, 3-state P83 O Column 8 Low output scan line, 3-state P84 O Column 9 Low output scan line, 3-state P85 O Column 0 Low output scan line, 3-state P86 O Column 16 Low output scan line, 3-state P87 O Column 17 Low output scan line, 3-state P90 O Column 1 Low output scan line, 3-state P91 O Column 2 Low output scan line, 3-state VSS PWR SCROLL O Scroll Lock Indicator NUM O NUM Lock Indicator CAPS O Caps Lock Indicator P60 I Row 0 Input scan line, internal pull high ( 17KΩ) P61 I Row 1 Input scan line, internal pull high ( 17KΩ) P62 I Row 2 Input scan line, internal pull high ( 17KΩ) P63 I Row 3 Input scan line, internal pull high ( 17KΩ) P64 I Row 4 Input scan line, internal pull high ( 17KΩ) P65 I Row 5 Input scan line, internal pull high ( 17KΩ) P66 I Row 6 Input scan line, internal pull high ( 17KΩ) P67 I Row 7 Input scan line, internal pull high ( 17KΩ) CLK I/O CLOCK line for IBM communication , imternal pull high (2.2 KΩ…) DATA I/O DATA line for IBM communication , internal pull high (2.2 KΩ…) VDD I +5V Power Supply OSCO O CLOCK output R_OSCI I Connect 51K OHM resistor for 1.8432 MHz oscillation Ground Product Specification (V1.0) 08.07.2002 (This specification is subject to change without further notice) 3 eKK8301 Keyboard Encoder 6 Function Descriptions 6.1 Keyboard Buffer The keyboard will buffer 16 bytes in a first-in first-out order when the system is able to receive scan codes from the keyboard. The response codes and repeated codes will not be buffered. If keystrokes generate a multiple-byte sequence, the entire sequence must fit into the buffer or the keystroke is discarded and a buffer-overrun condition occurs. 6.2 Power-on Reset and Self Test The duration of the keyboard Power-on Reset(POR) should be within 150 milliseconds and 2 seconds after the power is applied to the keyboard. After executing POR, the keyboard executes a self test. The LEDs are turned on at the beginning and off at the end of the self test. The self test takes a minimum 300 milliseconds and a maximum 500 milliseconds. If the self test is successful, a completion code AA hex is sent to the system and the keyboard starts scanning. If the self test fails, and error code is sent, the keyboard is disabled and waits for a command from the system. The completion codes are sent between 450 milliseconds and 2.5 seconds after POR, and between 300 and 500 milliseconds after a RESET command is acknowledged. 6.3 Keyboard Data Output When the keyboard is ready to send data to the system, it first checks clock and data lines. If either one is in the low state, data is stored in the keyboard buffer. If both are in the high state, keyboard starts clocking data out. Data will be valid before the trailing edge and after the leading edge of the clock pulse. During the transmission the keyboard checks the clock line at least every 60 microseconds. If the system lowers the clock lines before the leading edge of the 10th clock, the keyboard should stop sending, then buffer the data and return clock and data lines to high state. 6.4 Keyboard Data Input When the system is ready to send data to the keyboard, if first checks clock line to see if keyboard is sending data. If keyboard is not sending data or it is sending data but has not reached the 10th clock, the system can inhibit the interface by forcing the clock line low for more than 60 microseconds and prepares to send data. The keyboard checks clock line status at least every 5 milliseconds. If a system Request to Send(RTS) is detected, the keyboard clocks 11 bits in. After the 10th bit, the keyboard checks for a high state in data line then pulls it low and clocks one more bit to signal the system that data has been received. If data is low after the 10th bit, it indicates a frame error. The keyboard should continue to count until data line goes high, then pulls it low and issues a RESEND to the system. 4• Product Specification (V1.0) 08.07.2002 (This specification is subject to change without further notice) eKK8301 Keyboard Encoder 6.5 Command from the System The system can send commands to the keyboard at any time. The keyboard needs to respond within 20 milliseconds, unless the system prevents keyboard output, when doing self test or executing a RESET. The following are the keyboard input commands and the actions that keyboard needs to take. Set/Reset Status indicators (Hex ED) - Responds ACK. - Receives option byte. - Responds ACK. - Updates status indicators. - Returns to previous scanning state. Echo (Hex EEH) - Responds with EE hex. - Returns to previous scanning state. Invalid commands (Hex EF and F1) - Returns a RESEND command. - Returns to previous scanning state. Select Alternate Scan Codes (Hex F0) - Responds ACK. - Clears output buffer. - Sets the default typematic rate/delay. - Clears last typematic key. - Receives option byte. - Responds ACK. - Option byte = 01 : selects scan code set 1 02 : selects scan code set 2 03 : selects scan code set 3 - Returns to previous scanning rate. Product Specification (V1.0) 08.07.2002 (This specification is subject to change without further notice) 5 eKK8301 Keyboard Encoder Read ID (F2) - Responds with ACK. - Discontinues scanning. - Sends two ID bytes. The second byte will be sent within 500 us after first byte. - Resumes scanning. Set Typematic Rate/Delay (Hex F3) - Responds ACK. - Receives rate/delay value byte. - Responds ACK. - Set rate/delay ( * Note 1) - Returns to previous scanning state. * Note 1 1. Repeat period = (8 + A) x (2 ^ B) x 0.00417 seconds A : binary value of bits 2, 1, and 0. B : binary value of bits 4 and 3. 2. Delay = ( C + 1 ) x 250 milliseconds C : binary value of bits 6 and 5. Bit 7 is always 0. 6• bit 4~ bit 0 Typematic rate ±20% bit 4~ bit 0 typematic rate ±20% 00000 30.0 10000 7.5 00001 26.7 10001 6.7 00010 24.0 10010 6.0 00011 21.8 10011 5.5 00100 20.0 10100 5.0 00101 18.5 10101 4.6 00110 17.1 10110 4.3 00111 16.0 10111 4.0 01000 15.0 11000 3.7 01001 13.3 11001 3.3 01010 12.0 11010 3.0 01011 10.9 11011 2.7 01100 10.0 11100 2.5 01101 9.2 11101 2.3 01110 8.6 11110 2.1 01111 8.0 11111 2.0 Product Specification (V1.0) 08.07.2002 (This specification is subject to change without further notice) eKK8301 Keyboard Encoder 3. Default rate = 10.9 chars/sec + 20% Default delay = 500 ms ± 20% Enable (Hex F4) - Responds with ACK. - Clears output buffer. - Clears last typematic key. - Start scanning. Default Disable (Hex F5) - Responds with ACK. - Resets all conditions to power-on state. - Clears output buffer. - Sets the default key type (scan code set 3 only). - Set the default typematic rate/delay. - Clears last typematic key. - Stops scanning. Set Default (Hex F6) - Responds with ACK. - Resets all conditions to power-on state. - Clears output buffer. - Sets the default key type (scan code set 3 only) - Set the default typematic rate/delay. - Clears last typematic key. - Continues scanning. Set All Keys (Hex F7, F8, F9, FA) - Responds ACK. - Clears output buffer. - Sets all key type (affect only scan code set 3 operation). Product Specification (V1.0) 08.07.2002 (This specification is subject to change without further notice) 7 eKK8301 Keyboard Encoder F7 : Typematic F8 : Make / Break F9 : Make FA : Typematic / Make / Break - Returns to previous scanning rate. Set Key Type (Hex FB, FC, FD) - Responds ACK. - Clears output buffer. - Receives key ID byte. - Responds ACK. - Set key ID type (affect only scan code set 3 operation). FB : Typematic FC : Make / Break FD : Make - Returns to previous scanning rate. Resend (Hex FE) - Sends the previous output again. If the previous byte is RESEND, the last byte before RESEND shall be sent. Reset (Hex FF) - Responds ACK. - Checks clock and data lines – Reset in the high state for at least 500 microseconds or receives another command. - Default to scan code set 2. 8• Product Specification (V1.0) 08.07.2002 (This specification is subject to change without further notice) eKK8301 Keyboard Encoder 6.6 Command to the System The following are the keyboard output commands. Acknowledge (Hex FA) The keyboard sends and acknowledge in response to any valid command from the system except for RESEND and ECHO. BAT Completion Code (Hex AA) This command is issued after successful completion of keyboard self test. Echo (Hex EE) The keyboard sends this code in response to an ECHO command. Keyboards ID (Hex 83 AB) The 2 byte ID is issued to respond to READ ID command. The low byte is sent first, followed by the high byte. Keyboard buffer Overrun (Hex 00 or FF) If keyboard buffer overflows, the overrun code will replace the last byte in the buffer. If the keyboard is using scan code set 1, the code is hex FF. For sets 2 and 3, the code is hex 00. Resend (Hex FE) When the keyboard receives an invalid input or any input with incorrect parity, the RESEND command is sent. 6.7 Keyboard Scan Code Table The keyboard contains 3 scan code sets. The system defaults to scan code set 2, but can be switched to set 1 or set 3. The following tables show the key numbers and three scan code sets in hexadecimal values. All the keys are typematics except for the pause key. When a key is pressed down, the make scan code is sent to the system. When the key is released, its break code is sent. If two or more keys are held down, only the last key pressed repeats at the typematic rate. Typematic operation stops when the last pressed key is released, even if other keys are being released or some other keys are still held down. Product Specification (V1.0) 08.07.2002 (This specification is subject to change without further notice) 9 eKK8301 Keyboard Encoder The following table shows three scan code sets used in the keyboard. Scan code set 1 10 • Key Make code Break code Key Make code Break code `(~) 29 A9 X 2D AD 1 02 82 C 2E AE 2 03 83 V 2F AF 3 04 84 B 30 B0 4 05 85 N 31 B1 5 06 86 M 32 B2 6 07 87 ,(<) 33 B3 7 08 88 .(>) 34 B4 8 09 89 /(?) 35 B5 9 0A 8A SHIFT_R 36 B6 0 0B 8B CTRL_L 1D 9D -(-) 0C 8C ALT_L 38 B8 =(+) 0D 8D SPACE 39 B9 BACK SPACE 0E 8E ALT_R E0 38 E0 B8 TAB 0F 8F CTRL_R E0 1D E0 9D Q 10 90 NUM 45 C5 W 11 91 (7) 47 C7 E 12 92 (4) 4B CB R 13 93 (1) 4F CF T 14 94 (8) 48 C8 Y 15 95 (5) 4C CC U 16 96 (2) 50 D0 I 17 97 (˜) 52 D2 O 18 98 (*) 37 B7 P 19 99 (9) 49 C9 [({} 1A 9A (6) 4D CD ](}) 1B 9B (3) 51 D1 \(¦)@1 2B AB (DEL) 53 D3 CAPS 3A BA (-) 4A CA A 1E 9E (+) 4E CE S 1F 9F (ENTER) E0 1C E0 9C D 20 A0 ESC 01 81 F 21 A1 F1 3B BB G 22 A2 F2 3C BC H 23 A3 F3 3D BD J 24 A4 F4 3E BE K 25 A5 F5 3F BF L 26 A6 F6 40 C0 ;(:) 27 A7 F7 41 C1 '(") 28 A8 F8 42 C2 Product Specification (V1.0) 08.07.2002 (This specification is subject to change without further notice) eKK8301 Keyboard Encoder Key Make code Break code Key Make code Break code K42 @2 2B AB F9 43 C3 ENTER 1C 9C F10 44 C4 SHIFT_L 2A AA F11 57 D7 K45 @2 56 D6 F12 58 D8 Z 2C AC SCROLL 46 C6 Key Base Case,or Shift + Nun Lock Make/Break Shift Case @3 Make/Break Num Lock Make/Break INS E0 52 / E0 D2 E0 AA E0 52 / E0 D2 E0 2A E0 2A E0 52 / E0 D2 E0 AA DEL E0 53 / E0 D3 E0 AA E0 53 / E0 D3 E0 2A E0 2A E0 53 / E0 D3 E0 AA LEFT E0 4B / E0 CB E0 AA E0 4B / E0 CB E0 2A E0 2A E0 4B / E0 CB E0 AA HOME E0 47 / E0 C7 E0 AA E0 47 / E0 C7 E0 2A E0 2A E0 47 / E0 C7 E0 AA END E0 4F / E0 CF E0 AA E0 4F / E0 CF E0 2A E0 2A E0 4F / E0 CF E0 AA UP E0 48 / E0 C8 E0 AA E0 48 / E0 C8 E0 2A E0 2A E0 48 / E0 C8 E0 AA DOWN E0 50 / E0 D0 E0 AA E0 50 / E0 D0 E0 2A E0 2A E0 50 / E0 D0 E0 AA PAGE UP E0 49 / E0 C9 E0 AA E0 49 / E0 C9 E0 2A E0 2A E0 49 / E0 C9 E0 AA PAGE DOWN E0 51 / E0 D1 E0 AA E0 51 / E0 D1 E0 2A E0 2A E0 51 / E0 D1 E0 AA RIGHT E0 4D / ED CD E0 AA E0 4D / E0 CD E0 2A E0 2A E0 4D / E0 CD E0 AA Key Scan Code Make/Break Shift Case Make/Break @3 (/) E0 35 / E0 B5 E0 AA E0 35 / E0 B5 E0 2A Key Scan Code Make/Break Ctrl Case, Shift Case Make/ Break Alt Case Make/Break PRINT E0 2A E0 37 / E0 B7 E0 AA E0 37 / E0 B7 54 / D4 Key Make Code Ctrl Key Pressed PAUSE @4 E1 1D 45 E1 9D C5 E0 46 E0 C6 Note : @1 : 101-key keyboard only. @2 : 102-key keyboard only. @3 : If the left Shift key is held down, the AA/2A shift make and break is sent with the other scan codes. If the right Shift key is held down, B6/36 is sent. If both Shift keys are down, both sets of codes are sent with the other scan code. @4 : This key is not typematic. All associated scan codes occur on the make of the key. Product Specification (V1.0) 08.07.2002 (This specification is subject to change without further notice) 11 eKK8301 Keyboard Encoder scan code set 2 12 • Key Make code Break code Key Make code Break code `(~) OE F0 OE X 22 F0 22 1 16 F0 16 C 21 F0 21 2 1E F0 1E V 2A F0 2A 3 26 F0 26 B 32 F0 32 4 25 F0 25 N 31 F0 31 5 2E F0 2E M 3A F0 3A 6 36 F0 36 ,(<) 41 F0 41 7 3D F0 3D .(>) 49 F0 49 8 3E F0 3E /(?) 4A F0 4A 9 46 F0 46 SHIFT_R 59 F0 59 0 45 F0 45 CTRL_L 14 F0 14 -(-) 4E F0 4E ALT_L 11 F0 11 =(+) 55 F0 55 SPACE 29 F0 29 BACK SPACE 66 F0 66 ALT_R E0 11 E0 F0 11 TAB 0D F0 0D CTRL_R E0 14 E0 F0 14 Q 15 F0 15 NUM 77 F0 77 W 1D F0 1D (7) 6C F0 6C E 24 F0 24 (4) 6B F0 6B R 2D F0 2D (1) 69 F0 69 T 2C F0 2C (8) 75 F0 75 Y 35 F0 35 (5) 73 F0 73 U 3C F0 3C (2) 72 F0 72 I 43 F0 43 () 70 F0 70 O 44 F0 44 (*) 7C F0 7C P 4D F0 4D (9) 7D F0 7D [({) 54 F0 54 (6) 74 F0 74 ](}) 5B F0 5B (3) 7A F0 7A \(¦)@6 5D F0 5D (DEL) 71 F0 71 CAPS 58 F0 58 (-) 7B F0 7B A 1C F0 1C (+) 79 F0 79 S 1B F0 1B (ENTER) E0 5A E0 F0 5A D 23 F0 23 ESC 76 F0 76 F 2B F0 2B F1 05 F0 05 G 34 F0 34 F2 06 F0 06 H 33 F0 33 F3 04 F0 04 J 3B F0 3B F4 0C F0 0C K 42 F0 42 F5 03 F0 03 Product Specification (V1.0) 08.07.2002 (This specification is subject to change without further notice) eKK8301 Keyboard Encoder Key Make code Break code Key Make code Break code L 4B F0 4B F6 0B F0 0B ;(:) 4C F0 4C F7 83 F0 83 '(") 52 F0 52 F8 0A F0 0A K42 @7 5D F0 5D F9 01 F0 01 ENTER 5A F0 5A F10 09 F0 09 SHIFT_L 12 F0 12 F11 78 F0 78 K45 @7 61 F0 61 F12 07 F0 07 Z 1A F0 1A SCROLL 7E F0 7E Key Base Case,or Shift + Nun Lock Make/Break INS E0 70 / E0 F0 70 DEL E0 71 / E0 F0 71 LEFT E0 6B / E0 F0 6B HOME E0 6C / E0 F0 6C END E0 69 / E0 F0 69 UP E0 75 / E0 F0 75 DOWN E0 72 / E0 F0 72 PAGE UP E0 7D / E0 F0 7D PAGE DOWN E0 7A / E0 F0 7A RIGHT E0 74 / E0 F0 74 Shift Case @7 Make/Break Num Lock Make/Break E0 F0 12 E0 70 E0 12 E0 70 / E0 F0 70 E0 12 / E0 F0 70 E0 F0 12 E0 F0 12 E0 71 E0 12 E0 71 / E0 F0 71 E0 12 / E0 F0 71 E0 F0 12 E0 F0 12 E0 6B E0 12 E0 6B / E0 F0 6B E0 12 / E0 F0 6B E0 F0 12 E0 F0 12 E0 6C E0 12 E0 6C / E0 F0 6C E0 12 / E0 F0 6C E0 F0 12 E0 F0 12 E0 69 E0 12 E0 69 / E0 F0 69 E0 12 / E0 F0 69 E0 F0 12 E0 F0 12 E0 75 E0 12 E0 75 / E0 F0 75 E0 12 / E0 F0 75 E0 F0 12 E0 F0 12 E0 72 E0 12 E0 72 / E0 F0 72 E0 12 / E0 F0 72 E0 F0 12 E0 F0 12 E0 7D E0 12 E0 7D / E0 F0 7D E0 12 / E0 F0 7D E0 F0 12 E0 F0 12 E0 7A E0 12 E0 7A / E0 F0 7A E0 12 / E0 F0 7A E0 F0 12 E0 F0 12 E0 74 E0 12 E0 74 / E0 F0 74 E0 12 / E0 F0 74 E0 F0 12 Key Scan Code Make/Break Shift Case Make/Break @3 (/) E0 4A / E0 F0 4A E0 F0 12 E0 4A/E0 F0 4A E0 12 Key Scan Code Make/Break Ctrl Case, Shift Case Make/ Break Alt Case Make/Break PRINT E0 12 E0 7C / E0 F0 7C E0 F0 12 E0 7C /E0 F0 7C 84/ F0 84 Key Make Code Ctrl Key Pressed PAUSE @8 E1 14 77 E1 F0 14 F0 77 E0 7E E0 F0 7E Product Specification (V1.0) 08.07.2002 (This specification is subject to change without further notice) 13 eKK8301 Keyboard Encoder Note : @5 : 101-key keyboard only. @6 : 102-key keyboard only. @7 : If the left Shift key is held down, the F0 12/12 shift make and break is sent with the other scan codes. If the right Shift key is held down, F0 59/59 is sent. If both Shift keys are down, both sets of codesare sent with the other scan code. @8 : This key is not typematic. All associated scan codes occur on the make of the key. scan code set 3 14 • Key Make code Break code Default Key State `(~) OE F0 OE Typematic 1 16 F0 16 Typematic 2 1E F0 1E Typematic 3 26 F0 26 Typematic 4 25 F0 25 Typematic 5 2E F0 2E Typematic 6 36 F0 36 Typematic 7 3D F0 3D Typematic 8 3E F0 3E Typematic 9 46 F0 46 Typematic 0 45 F0 45 Typematic -(_) 4E F0 4E Typematic =(+) 55 F0 55 Typematic BACK SPACE 66 F0 66 Typematic TAB 0D F0 0D Typematic Q 15 F0 15 Typematic W 1D F0 1D Typematic E 24 F0 24 Typematic R 2D F0 2D Typematic T 2C F0 2C Typematic Y 35 F0 35 Typematic U 3C F0 3C Typematic I 43 F0 43 Typematic O 44 F0 44 Typematic Key Make code Break code Default Key State P 4D F0 4D Typematic [({} 54 F0 54 Typematic ]()) 5B F0 5B Typematic \(¦)@11 5C F0 5C Typematic CAPS 14 F0 14 Make/Break Product Specification (V1.0) 08.07.2002 (This specification is subject to change without further notice) eKK8301 Keyboard Encoder Key Make code Break code Default Key State A 1C F0 1C Typematic S 1B F0 1B Typematic D 23 F0 23 Typematic F 2B F0 2B Typematic G 34 F0 34 Typematic H 33 F0 33 Typematic J 3B F0 3B Typematic K 42 F0 42 Typematic L 4B F0 4B Typematic ;(:) 4C F0 4C Typematic '(") 52 F0 52 Typematic K42 @12 53 F0 53 Typematic ENTER 5A F0 5A Typematic SHIFT_L 12 F0 12 Make/Break K45 @12 13 F0 13 Typematic Z 1A F0 1A Typematic X 22 F0 22 Typematic C 21 F0 21 Typematic V 2A F0 2A Typematic B 32 F0 32 Typematic N 31 F0 31 Typematic M 3A F0 3A Typematic ,(<) 41 F0 41 Typematic .(>) 49 F0 49 Typematic /(?) 4A F0 4A Typematic SHIFT_R 59 F0 59 Make/Break CTRL_L 11 F0 11 Make/Break ALT_L 19 F0 19 Make/Break SPACE 29 F0 29 Typematic ALT_R 39 F0 39 Make only CTRL_R 58 F0 58 Make only INS 67 F0 67 Make only DEL 64 F0 64 Typematic LEFT 61 F0 61 Typematic HOME 6E F0 6E Make only END 65 F0 65 Make only UP 63 F0 63 Typematic DOWN 60 F0 60 Typematic PAGE UP 6F F0 6F Make only PAGE DOWN 6D F0 6D Make only RIGHT 6A F0 6A Typematic NUM 76 F0 76 Make only (7) 6C F0 6C Make only Product Specification (V1.0) 08.07.2002 (This specification is subject to change without further notice) 15 eKK8301 Keyboard Encoder Key Make code Break code Default Key State (4) 6B F0 6B Make only (1) 69 F0 69 Make only (/) 77 F0 77 Make only (8) 75 F0 75 Make only (5) 73 F0 73 Make only (2) 72 F0 72 Make only () 70 F0 70 Make only (*) 7E F0 7E Make only (9) 7D F0 7D Make only (6) 74 F0 74 Make only (3) 7A F0 7A Make only (DEL) 71 F0 71 Make only (-) 84 F0 84 Make only (+) 7C F0 7C Typematic (ENTER) 79 F0 79 Make only ESC 08 F0 08 Make only F1 07 F0 07 Make only F2 0F F0 0F Make only F3 17 F0 17 Make only F4 1F F0 1F Make only F5 27 F0 27 Make only F6 2F F0 2F Make only F7 37 F0 37 Make only F8 3F F0 3F Make only F9 47 F0 47 Make only F10 4F F0 4F Make only F11 56 F0 56 Make only F12 5E F0 5E Make only PRINT 57 F0 57 Make only SCROLL 5F F0 5F Make only PAUSE 62 F0 62 Make only Note : @ 9 : 101-key keyboard only @10 : 102-key keyboard only 16 • Product Specification (V1.0) 08.07.2002 (This specification is subject to change without further notice) eKK8301 Keyboard Encoder New key codes for scan set 1: New key Make Break LWIN E0 5B E0 DB RWIN E0 5C E0 DC APP E0 5D E0 DD N-CHG (131) 7B FB CHG (132) 79 F9 ROMA (133) 70 F0 K14 7D FD K56 73 F3 K107 7E FE KL F1 X KR F0 X POWER E0 5E E0 DE SLEEP E0 5F E0 DF WAKE UP E0 63 E0 E3 New key Make Break LWIN E0 1F E0 F0 1F RWIN E0 27 E0 F0 27 APP E0 2F E0 F0 2F N-CHG (131) 67 F0 67 CHG (132) 64 F0 64 ROMA (133) 13 F0 13 K14 6A F0 6A K56 51 F0 51 K107 6D F0 6D KL F1 X KR F2 X POWER E0 37 E0 F0 37 SLEEP E0 3F E0 F0 3F WAKE UP E0 5E E0 F0 5E New key codes for scan set 2: Product Specification (V1.0) 08.07.2002 (This specification is subject to change without further notice) 17 eKK8301 Keyboard Encoder New key codes for scan set 3: New key Make Break LWIN 8B F0 8B MAKE/BREAK RWIN 8C F0 8C MAKE/BREAK APP 8D F0 8D MAKE/BREAK N-CHG (131) 85 F0 85 MAKE CHG (132) 86 F0 86 MAKE ROMA (133) 87 F0 87 MAKE K14 5D F0 5D TYPEMATIC K56 51 F0 51 TYPEMATIC K107 7B F0 7B TYPEMATIC KL F1 X KR F2 X POWER X X SLEEP X X WAKE UP X X Key Function 18 • SET1 SET2 MAKE BREAK MAKE BREAK K130 : WWWBack E06A E0EA E038 E0F038 K131 : WWWForward E069 E0E9 E030 E0F030 K132 : WWWstop E068 E0E8 E028 E0F028 K133 : WWWRefresh E067 E0E7 E020 E0F020 K134 : WWWSearch E065 E0E5 E010 E0F010 K135 : WWWFavorites E066 E0E6 E018 E0F018 K136 : WWWWeb/Home E032 E0B2 E03A E0F03A K137 : Mail E06C E0EC E048 E0F048 K138 : Mute E020 E0A0 E023 E0F023 K139 : Volume- E02E E0AE E021 E0F021 K140 : Volume+ E030 E0B0 E032 E0F032 K141 : Play/Pause E022 E0A2 E034 E0F034 K142 : Stop E024 E0A4 E03B E0F03B K143 : PreTrack E010 E090 E015 E0F015 K144 : Nexttrack E019 E099 E04D E0F04D K145 : Media Select E06D E0ED E050 E0F050 K146 : MyComputer E06B E0EB E040 E0F040 K147 : Calculator E021 E0A1 E02B E0F02B Product Specification (V1.0) 08.07.2002 (This specification is subject to change without further notice) eKK8301 Keyboard Encoder 6.8 Internal-Multi Function Multi-Media Function Fn+ Internal Function O.S. Function Pad_2 = Volume- Pad_Enter = Web/Home Pad_0 = MyComputer Pad_3 = Play/Pause Pad_+ = Mail Pad_1 = Calculator Pad_4 = PreTrack Pad_- = Favorites Pad_5 = Media Pad_. = Search Pad_6 = NextTrack Right = Forward Pad_7 = Mute Left = Back Pad_8 = Volume+ Down = Stop Pad_9 = Stop Up = Refresh E = Eur Key 6.9 Application Function Default State F Lock (LED ON) App1 F1 App2 F2 App3 F3 App4 F4 App5 F5 App6 F6 App7 F7 App8 F8 App9 F9 App10 F10 App11 F11 App12 F12 App13 INS App14 PrtScr App15 ScrLk App16 Pause Tab Num SET2 Scroll Up E045, E024, E01D, E01B Scroll Down E08B, E092, E091, E09F Product Specification (V1.0) 08.07.2002 (This specification is subject to change without further notice) 19 eKK8301 Keyboard Encoder 7 Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Sym. Supply Voltage V CC -0.5V to +7V Input Voltage V IN -0.3V to +6V V OUT -0.3V to +6V Output Voltage Temperature under bias Storage temperature 8 TB 0℃to 70℃ TS -65℃ to 150℃ DC Electrical Characteristics Parameter Sym. Min. Typ. Max. Unit Operating voltage V CC 4.5 5 5.5 V Operating supply current I CCI 3 mA Fosc = 6MHz Input leakage I IN ±1 µA V IN =V CC ,V SS Input high voltage V IH Input low voltage V IL 0.8 V Output low voltage V OL1 0.4 V I OL1 = 3.0 mA Output low voltage for LEDS V OL2 3.2 V I OL2 = 10 mA 23 Kohm V PH1 = 0V 3 Kohm V PH2 = 0V 0.4 V I OL3 = 5 mA Typ. Max. Unit Internal Pull-high resistance ( port 6,9 ) Internal Pull-high resistance for DATA, CLK Output low voltage for DATA CLK 9 2.0 R PH1 12 R PH2 1.5 Condition V 2.2 V OL3 AC Electrical Characteristics Parameter Sym. Min. Time from DATA transition to falling edge of CLK T1 5 25 µS Time from rising edge of CLK to DATA transition T2 5 T4 - 5 µS Duration of CLK inactive T3 30 40 50 µS Duration of CLK active T4 30 40 50 µS 50 µS 25 µS Time to auxiliary device inhibit after clock 11 to ensure the auxiliary device does not start another transmission Time from inactive to active CLK transition, used to time when auxiliary device samples DATA System clock 20 • Ratings T5 T6 FCLK 5 1.843 MHz Product Specification (V1.0) 08.07.2002 (This specification is subject to change without further notice) eKK8301 Keyboard Encoder 10 Timing Diagrams Fig 3. Keyboard output data timings Fig 4. Keyboard input data timings Product Specification (V1.0) 08.07.2002 (This specification is subject to change without further notice) 21 eKK8301 Keyboard Encoder 11 Application Circuit * EM78448D is the body of eKK8301 22 • Product Specification (V1.0) 08.07.2002 (This specification is subject to change without further notice) eKK8301 Keyboard Encoder 12 Application Matrix R0,R60,27 R1,P61,28 R2,P62,29 R3,P63,30 R4,P64,31 R5,P65,32 R6,P66,33 R7,P67,34 C3 P50,11 C4 P51,12 C5 P52,13 C6 P53,14 C7 P54,15 C14 P55,16 C13 P56,17 C12 P57,18 C11 P80,19 E F3 D F4 C ROMA F2 3(#) R T F G V B 5(%) 4( $ ) U Y J H M N 6(^) 7( & ) I ] (﹛) K F6 ,(<) K56 +’( = ) 8(*) O F7 L .(>) APP F8 9 ( ‘(‘ ) HOME END PAGE UP PAGE DOWN INS SLEEP DEL POWER + (K) 9 (K) 8 (K) 7 (K) K107 6 (K) 5 (K) 4 (K) ENTER (K) 3 (K) 2 (K) 1 (K) C15 WAKEUP SHIFT-L SHIFT-R P81,20 C10 P82,21 C8 P83,22 HOT11 HOT12 . (K) 0 (K) * (K) / (K) (K) SPACE NUM HOT9 HOT10 EXT6 EXT7 Media K14 BACK \(|) F11 ENTER F12 F9 F10 P [({} ;(:) ‘(“) K42 /(?) _(-) 0 ( ‘)’ ) HOT1 FN ALT-L F Lock ALT-R HOT2 PRINT CTRL-L F5 SCROLL C9 P84,23 C0 P85,24 PAUSE China yen Eur yen SLEEP C16 P86,25 HOT4 WIN-L EXT2 EXT3 EXT1 EXT4 HOT8 EXT5 C17 P87,26 C1 P90,5 C2 P91,6 K150 (KC-L) HOT6 WIN-R HOT5 HOT13 HOT7 HOT3 K151 (KC-R) Q TAB A ESC Z N-CHG ‘(~) 1( ! ) W CAP S K45 X CHG F1 2 (@) Product Specification (V1.0) 08.07.2002 (This specification is subject to change without further notice) CTRL-R WAKE UP 23 eKK8301 Keyboard Encoder 13 PAD Diagram 24 • Product Specification (V1.0) 08.07.2002 (This specification is subject to change without further notice) eKK8301 Keyboard Encoder Pad No. Symbol X Y 1 GND -16.5 760.0 2 OSCO -131.5 760.0 3 DATAIO -246.5 760.0 4 CLKIO -366.5 760.0 5 P90 -635.0 717.8 6 P91 -635.0 607.8 7 P92 -635.0 497.8 8 P93 -635.0 387.8 9 P94 -635.0 277.8 10 P95 -635.0 167.8 11 P50 -635.0 57.8 12 P51 -635.0 -52.2 13 P52 -635.0 -162.2 14 P53 -635.0 -272.2 15 P54 -635.0 -382.2 16 P55 -599.0 -760.0 17 P56 -489.0 -760.0 18 P57 -379.0 -760.0 19 P80 -269.0 -760.0 20 P81 -159.0 -760.0 21 P82 -49.0 -760.0 22 P83 61.0 -760.0 23 P84 171.0 -760.0 24 P85 281.0 -760.0 25 P86 391.0 -760.0 26 P87 501.0 -760.0 27 P60 635.0 -500.5 28 P61 635.0 -390.5 29 P62 635.0 -280.5 30 P63 635.0 -170.5 31 P64 635.0 -60.5 32 P65 635.0 49.5 33 P66 635.0 159.5 34 P67 635.0 269.5 35 P72 635.0 379.5 36 P71 635.0 489.5 37 P70 635.0 599.5 38 VDD 220.5 760.0 39 OSCI 105.5 760.0 Chip Size : 1510 * 1760 um Product Specification (V1.0) 08.07.2002 (This specification is subject to change without further notice) 25 eKK8301 Keyboard Encoder 26 • Product Specification (V1.0) 08.07.2002 (This specification is subject to change without further notice)