SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA TL431 Series BIPOLAR LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT PROGRAMMABLE PRECISION REFERENCES The TL431 Series integrated circuits are three-terminal programmable shunt regulator diodes. These monolithic IC voltage reference operate as a low temperature coefficient zener which is programmable from Vref to 36 volts with two external resistors. These devices exhibit a wide operating current range of 1.0 to 100mA with a typical dynamic impedance of 0.22 .The characteristics of these references make them excellent replacements for zener diodes in many applications such as digital voltmeters, power supplies, and op amp circuitry. The 2.5 volt reference makes it convenient to obtain a stable reference from 5.0 volt logic supplies, and since the TL431 Series operates as a shunt regulator, it can be used as either a positive or negative voltage reference. FEATURES Divice Code Name :TL431 + Vref Code + Package Code Vref Code ITEM Code TL431 Package Code Tolerance (%) A 2.2 1.0 B 0.5 Code F Package TO-92 SOT-89 Low Dynamic Output Impedance : 0.22 (Typ.). Sink Current Capability of 1.0 to 100mA. Equivalent Full-Range Temperature Coefficient of 50ppm/ (Typ.). Temperature Compensated for Operation Over Full Rated Operating Temperature Range. Low Output Noise Voltage. LINE UP Type No. TL431 TL431A TL431B TL431F TL431AF TL431BF Operating Voltage(V) Package Marking TO-92 2.5~36 SOT-89 3D 3E 3F BLOCK DIAGRAM Cathode (K) + Reference (R) Cathode (K) Reference (R) 2.5Vref Anode (A) Anode (A) 2008. 7. 3 Revision No : 0 1/6 TL431 Series MAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta=25 ) (Full operating ambient temperature range applies unless otherwise noted.) CHARACTERISTIC Cathode To Anode Voltage SYMBOL RATING UNIT VKA 37 V Cathode Current Range, Continuous IK -100 150 mA Reference Input Current Range, Continuous Iref -0.05 10 mA Operating Junction Temperature Tj 150 Operating Temperature Topr -40 85 Storage Temperature Tstg -65 150 TL431 700 PD Total Power Dissipation TL431F ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Ta=25 CHARACTERISTICS mW 800 ) SYMBOL TEST CIRCUIT TEST CONDITION TL431 Reference Input Voltage Vref TL431A Figure 1 VKA=Vref , IK=10mA TL431B Reference Input Voltage Deviation Over Temperature Range Ratio of Change in Reference Input Voltage to Change in Cathode to Vref (Note 1) VKA=Vref , IK=10mA VKA= Vref/ VKA Anode Voltage Figure 1 Figure 2 IK=10mA 10V Vref VKA= 36V Reference Input Current Ta=25 Ta=Topr Reference Input Current Deviation Over Temperature Range Iref Iref Figure 2 10V IK=10mA, R1=10k , R2= MIN. TYP. MAX. UNIT 2.440 2.495 2.550 V 2.470 2.495 2.520 V 2.4825 2.495 2.5075 V - 7.0 30 mV - -1.4 -2.7 - -1.0 -2.0 - 1.8 4.0 - - 6.5 mV/V A Figure 2 IK=10mA, R1=10k , R2= - 0.8 2.5 A Minimum Cathode Current For Regulation Imin Figure 1 VKA=Vref - 0.5 1.0 mA Off-State Cathode Current Ioff Figure 3 VKA=36V, Vref=0V - 2.6 1000 nA Dynamic Impedance Zka Figure 1 VKA=Vref, IK=1.0 100mA, (Note 2) f - 0.22 - 2008. 7. 3 Revision No : 0 1.0kHz 2/6 TL431 Series FIGURE 3-TEST CIRCUIT FOR I off FIGURE 1-TEST CIRCUIT FOR VKA = Vref VKA Input VKA Input IK I off Vref Example : FIGURE 2-TEST CIRCUIT FOR VKA > Vref Vref = 8.0mV and slope is positive, Vref at 25 =2.495V, Input VKA IK R1 Iref Vref = VKA = Vref ( 1+ R1 ) + Iref R2 R1 R2 70 106 (2.495) = 45.8 ppm/ Note 2: The dynamic impedance Zka is defined as: |Zka| = Vref 0.008 Ta=70 VKA Ik When the device is programmed with two external Note 1: resistors, R1 and R2, (refer to Figure 2) the total The deviation parameter Vref is defined as the differences dynamic impedance of the circuit is defined as: between the maximum and minimum values obtained over the full operating ambient temperature range that applies. |Zka’| = |Zka| (1+ R1 R2 ) Vref = Vref (Max.) Vref Max. - Vref (Min.) Ta = T2 - T1 Vref Min. T1 T2 AMBIENT TEMPERATURE The average temperature coefficient of the Reference input voltage, Vref ( ppm Vref , is defined as: ( )= = Vref Vref at 25 ) 106 Ta Vref 106 Ta(Vref at 25 ) Vref can be positive or negative depending on whether Vref Min. or Vref Max. occurs at the lower ambient temperature. 2008. 7. 3 Revision No : 0 3/6 TL431 Series I K - VKA 800 VKA =V ref Ta=25 C CATHODE CURRENT I K (µA) CATHODE CURRENT IK (mA) I K - VKA 150 100 50 0 -50 -1.0 0 1.0 2.0 600 400 200 0 -200 -1.0 -100 -2.0 V KA =V ref Ta=25 C 3.0 CATHODE VOLTAGE VKA (V) 0 1.0 2.0 CATHODE VOLTAGE VKA (V) DYNAMIC IMPEDANCE Zka (Ω) Zka CHANGE IN REFERENCE INPUT VOLTAGE Vref (mV) Vref - VKA 0 IK =10mA Ta=25 C -8.0 -16 -24 100 10 1.0 0.1 10k -32 10 20 30 - f I K=1.0mA~100mA Ta=25 C 1.0k 0 100k 1.0M PULSE RESPONSE Ta=25 C GVO - f VOLTAGE SWING (V) OPEN LOOP VOLTAGE GAIN GVO (dB) 3.0 I K=10mA Ta=25 C 50 10M FREQUENCY f (Hz) 40 CATHODE VOLTAGE VKA (V) 60 3.0 40 30 20 OUTPUT 2.0 1.0 0 5.0 INPUT 0 10 0 4.0 8.0 0 12 16 20 TIME t (µs) -10 1.0k 10k 100k 1.0M PD - Ta 10M 1000 900 ALLOWABLE POWER DISSIPATION PD (mW) FREQUENCY f (Hz) 800 TL431F 700 600 500 TL431 400 300 200 100 0 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 AMBIENT TEMPERATURE Ta ( C) 2008. 7. 3 Revision No : 0 4/6 TL431 Series C B A C H J B E A G N DIM A B C D E F G H J K L M N E K G J D H F 2 3 C 1 M L F MILLIMETERS 4.70 MAX 4.80 MAX 3.70 MAX 0.45 1.00 1.27 0.85 0.45 _ 0.50 14.00 + 0.55 MAX 2.30 0.45 MAX 1.00 DIM A B C D E F G H J K D D K F 1 F 2 3 MILLIMETERS 4.70 MAX _ 0.20 2.50 + 1.70 MAX 0.45+0.15/-0.10 4.25 MAX _ 0.10 1.50 + 0.40 TYP 1.75 MAX 0.75 MIN 0.5+0.10/-0.05 1. REFERENCE 2. ANODE 1. REFERENCE 3. CATHODE 2. ANODE Heat Sink is common to 2 (ANODE) 3. CATHODE TO-92 2008. 7. 3 Revision No : 0 SOT-89 5/6 TL431 Series PRECAUTION FOR USE Lead-Free Soldering Condition. Elements mounting styles of electronic devices are gaining in further diversification over recent years, and needs for components are all the more expanding in varieties. Especially, surface mounting is steadily penetrating into industrial segments as a world-wide popular technical trend. Although exposure to high temperature is inevitable during soldering we recommend limiting the soldering temperature to low levels as shown in figure for the sake of retaining inherent excellent reliability. _ 1sec 10 + _3 C Peak : 260 + Temperature ( C) 250 C 230 C 180 C 150 C _ 30sec 90 + _ 5sec 35 + Preheating Zone Reflow Zone Time (sec) [Lead-Free Soldering Temperature Profile] 1. When employing solder reflow method 1) Soldering Condition Standard Condition : 250 (Temperature), 10 1sec. (Time) Peak Condition : 260 3 2) Recommend temperature profile 3) Precautions on heating method When resin in kept exposed to high temperature for a long time, device reliability may be marred. Therefore, it is essential to complete soldering in the shortest time possible to prevent temperature of resin from rising. 2. When employing halogen lamps or infrared-ray heaters When halogen lamps or infrared-ray heaters are used, avoid direct irradiation onto resin surfaces; such devices cause extensive localized temperature rise. Please keep a reflow solder operating when Surface Mount Package s Soldering. 2008. 7. 3 Revision No : 0 6/6