ŎŕŅijııĺŋ ․ ع㐳㧛 Features ٨ 2 ࡕ࠲㚟േ↪ ٨ Dual Stepper Motor Driver ٨ ቯ㔚ᵹᓮᯏ⢻㧔ࠝࡈᤨ㑆࿕ቯ㧕 ٨ Constant Current Control Function (Fixed Off Time) ٨ 㔚ᵹᷫࡕ࠼ಾᦧᯏ⢻㧔ࡑࠗࠢࡠࠬ࠹࠶ࡊ㚟േኻᔕ㧕 ٨ Current Decay Mode (Fast Decay or Slow Decay) ٨ ࡁࠗ࠭ࠠࡖࡦ࡞ᯏ⢻ ٨ Noise Cancellation Function ٨ ⽾ㅢ㔚ᵹ㒐ᱛᯏ⢻ ٨ Cross Conduction Protection ٨ ㆊᾲ⼔ᯏ⢻ ٨ Thermal Shutdown Function ٨ ㅒ㔚ജๆ࠳ࠗࠝ࠼ౝ⬿ ٨ Built-in Flywheel and Flyback Diodes ⛘ عኻᦨᄢቯᩰ㧛 Absolute Maximum Ratings ․ߦᜰቯߥ߈႐วߪTa=25͠㧛Ta=25͠ unless otherwise specified 㗄ޓޓ⋡ޓParameter ࡠࠫ࠶ࠢ㔚Ḯ㔚 Logic Supply Voltage ࡠࠫ࠶ࠢജ㔚 Logic Input Voltage ࡕ࠲㔚Ḯ㔚 Load Supply Voltage ജ㔚ᵹ Output Current ࡈࠗࡎࠗ࡞࠳ࠗࠝ࠼㔚ᵹ Flywheel Diode Current ⸵ኈ៊ᄬ Power Dissipation ሽ᷷ᐲ Storage Temperature ធวㇱ᷷ᐲ Junction Temperature ⸥ภޓSymbol ቯᩰ୯ޓRating නޓUnit VCC 0㨪6 V VLOGIC 0 㨪 VCC V Vmm 35 V IOUT 1.2 A If 1.2 A PD 2.9 W Tstg -40 㨪 150 ͠ Tj 150 ͠ ع㔚᳇⊛․ᕈ㧛 Electrical Characteristics ․ߦᜰቯߥ߈႐วߪTa=25͠, Vcc=5V㧛Ta=25͠, Vcc=5V unless otherwise specified 㗄ޓޓ⋡ޓParameter Output stage Vmm ᶖ⾌㔚ᵹ 1 ゲ㧔A+B or C+D㧕 Load Supply Current 1 Axis 㩿A+B or C+D㪀 Vmm ᶖ⾌㔚ᵹ 2 ゲ㧔A+B+C+D㧕 Load Supply Current 2 Axis 㩿A+B+C+D㪀 ജ㘻㔚 Output Saturation Voltage 㩿Upper side㪀 ਅജ㘻㔚 Output Saturation Voltage 㩿Lower side㪀 ജࠢ㔚ᵹ Output Leakage Current ࠳ࠗࠝ࠼㗅㔚 Diode Forward Drop 㩿Upper side㪀 ਅ࠳ࠗࠝ࠼㗅㔚 Diode Forward Drop 㩿Lower side㪀 ⸥ภޓSymbol ᷹ቯ᧦ઙޓCondition min. typ. max. නޓUnit Imm (OFF)1 Vmm=24V, VENA=2.1V, No load - - 7 mA Imm (OFF)2 Vmm=24V, VENA=2.1V, No load - - 14 mA VCE 㩿SAT㪀㩷H IC=0.8A - 1.2 1.5 V VCE 㩿SAT㪀㩷L IC=0.8A - 0.7 1.0 V Vmm=35V - - 20 ǴA VFH If=0.8A - 1.3 1.6 V VFL If=0.8A - 1.3 1.5 V ICC (ON) VENA=̌L̍ - 95 135 mA ICC (OFF) VENA=̌H̍ - 36 52 mA VLOGICH 2.1 - VCC V VLOGICL GND - 0.8 V Ir Logic stage VCC ᶖ⾌㔚ᵹ㧔VCC1+VCC2㧕 Logic Supply Current 㩿VCC1+VCC2㪀 VCC ᶖ⾌㔚ᵹ㧔VCC1+VCC2㧕 Logic Supply Current 㩿VCC1+VCC2㪀 PHA/ENA/DEČH̍ജ㔚 PHA/ENA/DEČH̍Input Voltage PHA/ENA/DEČL̍ജ㔚 PHA/ENA/DEČL̍Input Voltage PHA/ENA/DEČH̍ജ㔚ᵹ PHA/ENA/DEČH̍Input Current PHA/ENA/DEČL̍ജ㔚ᵹ PHA/ENA/DEČL̍Input Current CR ల㔚㔚ᵹ CR Charge Current Vref ജ㔚 Vref Input Current Vref ജ㔚ᵹ Vref Input Current ࡉࡦࠠࡦࠣ࠲ࠗࡓ Blanking Time ㆊᾲ⼔േ᷷ᐲ Thermal Shutdown Temperature ĵĺ 㧔U170-1㧕 ILOGICH VLOGIC=̌H̍ - - 20 ǴA ILOGICL VLOGIC=̌L̍ - -100 -200 ǴA VCR=2V - 1 - mA - - 1.0 V ICR Vref Iref Vref=0V - -1 -10 ǴA tb Rt=30kǡ, Ct=1000pF - 2.14 - Ǵs - 150 - ͠ TTSD www.shindengen.co.jp/product/semi/ عၮᧄᔕ↪࿁〝㧛 Typical Application ࡦࡇ ع㈩⟎࿑㧛Pin Assignment Top View MTD2009J OUT B* Rs B OUT B Vmm B Vref B PHA B ENA B DEC B CR B Vcc OUT A* Rs A OUT A Vmm A Vref A PHA A ENA A DEC A CR A NC Vcc CR C DEC C ENA C PHA C Vref C Vmm C OUT C Rs C OUT C* NC CR D DEC D ENA D PHA D Vref D Vmm D OUT D Rs D OUT D* Package HSOP40 عផᅑ࿁〝ቯᢙ㧛 Recommended External Components Value ⸥ภޓSymbol ផᅑ୯ޓRecommendation Rs 0.68 නޓUnit ǡ Rt 30 kǡ Ct 1000 pF R1+R2 ҇ 10 kǡ ⌀ عℂ୯㧛 Truth Table ENA A or B or C or D PHA A or B or C or D OUT A or B or C or D OUT A*or B*or C* or D* L L L L H H H L H 㪁 OFF OFF 㪁: don't care DECAY Decay Mode Switching Transistor L Fast Both source and sink transistor H Slow Only source transistor عജ㔚ᵹ㧘ࡢࡦ࡚ࠪ࠶࠻ࠝࡈᤨ㑆㧘ࡉࡦࠠࡦࠣ࠲ࠗࡓߩ⸳ቯ㧛 Setting of Output Current, One Shot Off Time and Blanking Time ٤ ജ㔚ᵹ⸳ቯᑼ㧛 Output Current Setting lchop Vref 0.012 㪲A㪴 Rs Constant current waveform 㩿Motor current㪀 ٤ ࡢࡦ࡚ࠪ࠶࠻ࠝࡈᤨ㑆⸳ቯᑼ㧛 One Shot Off Time Setting Ichop toff = 1.163 × Ct × Rt 㪲㫊㪴 ٤ ࡉࡦࠠࡦࠣ࠲ࠗࡓ⸳ቯᑼ㧛 Blanking Time Setting Rt -⎞ ޓ ⎛ 1 – -----------⎜ ⎟ 1000 ޓޓޓޓ tb Ct × Rt ×ޓIn ⎜ ----------------------⎟ 㪲㫊㪴 Rt ⎜ 3 – -------------⎟ ⎝ 1000⎠ عផᅑേ᧦ઙ㧛 Recommended Operating Conditions ․ߦᜰቯߥ߈႐วߪTa=25͠㧛Ta=25͠ unless otherwise specified 㗄⋡ޓParameter ធวㇱ᷷ᐲ Junction Temperature ࡠࠫ࠶ࠢ㔚Ḯ㔚 Logic Supply Voltage ࡕ࠲㔚Ḯ㔚 Load Supply Voltage ⸥ภޓSymbol ផᅑ୯ޓRecommendation නޓUnit Tj -25 㨪 120 ͠ VCC 4.75 㨪 5.25 V Vmm 5 㨪 31 V www.shindengen.co.jp/product/semi/ 㧔U170-1㧕 Ķı