KBU401 - KBU407 Single Phase 4.0 AMPS. Bridge Rectifiers KBU Features UL Recoganized File # E-326243 Ideal for printed circuit board High case dielectric strength Plastic material has Underwriters laboratory flammability Classification 94V-0 7\SLFDO,5OHVVWKDQX$ +LJKVXUJHFXUUHQWFDSDELOLW\ High temperature soldering guaranteed: 260ƫ / 10 seconds at 5 lbs., ( 2.3 kg ) tension Green compound with suffix “G” on packing code & prefix “G” on datecode. Dimension in inches and (millimeter) Mechanical Data &DVH0ROGHGSODVWLFERG\ 7HUPLQDO3ure tin plated , Lead free. Leads solderable per MIL-STD-202 Method 208 :HLJKWJUDPV .%8; .%8; GYWW WW Work Week 0RXQWLQJ7RUTXHLQOEVPD[ Maximum Ratings and Electrical Characteristics Rating at 25ƫambient temperature unless otherwise specified. Single phase, half wave, 60 Hz, resistive or inductive load. For capacitive load, derate current by 20% Symbol KBU 401 KBU 402 KBU 403 KBU 404 KBU 405 KBU 406 KBU 407 0D[LPXP5HFXUUHQW3HDN5HYHUVH9ROWDJH 9550 9 0D[LPXP5069ROWDJH 9506 9 0D[LPXP'&%ORFNLQJ9ROWDJH 0D[LPXP$YHUDJH)RUZDUG5HFWLILHG&XUUHQW 9'& 9 Type Number #7 $ R& 3HDN)RUZDUG6XUJH&XUUHQWPV6LQJOH+DOI6LQH ZDYH6XSHULPSRVHGRQ5DWHG/RDG-('(&PHWKRG 5DWLQJRIIXVLQJWP6 0D[LPXP,QVWDQWDQHRXV)RUZDUG9ROWDJH#$ #$ 0D[LPXP'&5HYHUVH&XUUHQW#7$ ഒ DW5DWHG'&%ORFNLQJ9ROWDJH#7$ ഒ 1RWH 7\SLFDO-XQFWLRQ&DSDFLWDQFHSHUOHJ1RWH 7\SLFDO7KHUPDO5HVLVWDQFH1RWH 2SHUDWLQJ7HPSHUDWXUH5DQJH 6WRUDJH7HPSHUDWXUH5DQJH ,)$9 Units $ ,)60 $ $6 ,W 9) ,5 9 X$ &M 5˥-$ S) R &: 5˥-& 7- WR R & 767* WR R & Note : 1. Pulse Test with PW=300 usec,1% Duty Cycle. 2. Unit case mounted on 2" x 3" x 0.25" Al plate heat sink. 3. Measured at 1MHz and applied Reverse bias of 4.0V DC. Version: E10 RATINGS AND CHARACTERISTIC CURVES (KBU401 THRU KBU407) Ambient Temperature(oC) FIG 3 Typical Reverse Leakage Characteristics per Leg A A Version: E10