PA92 PA92 P r o d u c t IInnnnoovvaa t i o n FFr roomm High Voltage Power Operational Amplifiers FEATURES DESCRIPTION The PA92 is a high voltage, low quiescent current MOSFET operational amplifier designed as a low cost solution for driving continuous output currents up to 4A and pulse currents up to 7A. The safe operating area (SOA) has no second breakdown limitations and can be observed for all type loads by choosing an appropriate current limiting resistor. The MOSFET output stage is biased AB for linear operation. External compensation provides flexibility in choosing bandwidth and slew rate for the application. Apex Precision Power’s Power SIP package uses a minimum of board space allowing for high density circuit boards. The Power SIP package is electrically isolated. ♦ HIGH VOLTAGE — 400V (±200V) ♦ LOW QUIESCENT CURRENT — 10mA ♦ HIGH OUTPUT CURRENT — 4A ♦ PROGRAMMABLE CURRENT LIMIT APPLICATIONS ♦ PIEZOELECTRIC POSITIONING ♦ HIGH VOLTAGE INSTRUMENTATION ♦ ELECTROSTATIC TRANSDUCERS ♦ PROGRAMMABLE POWER SUPPLIES UP TO 390V EQUIVALENT SCHEMATIC 12 11 +VS R1 R2 Q1 C1 Q3 Q2 Q6 4 CC1 Q5 Q14A 1 –IN R4 5 CC2 Q8 R7 R9 Q12 6 OUT Q13 3 IQ Q15 R11 10 Q11 R6 2 +IN Q4 ILIM 9 Q14B R5 R8 –VS 7 R3 R10 Q17 Q16 R12 8 PA92U Copyright © Cirrus Logic, Inc. 2009 (All Rights Reserved) JUN 20091 APEX − PA92UREVK PA92 P r o d u c t I n n o v a t i o nF r o m Characteristics and Specifications Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Symbol Min SUPPLY VOLTAGE, +VS to -VS Max Units 400 V 7 A 80 W 20 V OUTPUT CURRENT, source, sink, peak, within SOA POWER DISSIPATION, continuous @ TC = 25°C INPUT VOLTAGE, differential -20 INPUT VOLTAGE, common mode -VS VS V TEMPERATURE, pin solder, 10s max. 260 °C TEMPERATURE, junction (Note 2) 150 °C TEMPERATURE RANGE, storage −40 85 °C OPERATING TEMPERATURE RANGE, case −25 85 °C CAUTION The PA92 is constructed from MOSFET transistors. ESD handling procedures must be observed. The exposed substrate contains beryllia (BeO). Do not crush, machine, or subject to temperatures in excess of 850°C to avoid generating toxic fumes. Specifications Parameter Test Conditions Min Typ Max Units 2 10 mV INPUT OFFSET VOLTAGE, initial OFFSET VOLTAGE vs. temperature Full temperature range 15 50 µV/°C OFFSET VOLTAGE vs. supply 10 25 µV/V OFFSET VOLTAGE vs. time 75 BIAS CURRENT, initial 200 BIAS CURRENT vs. supply 4 OFFSET CURRENT, initial 50 INPUT IMPEDANCE, DC 10 INPUT CAPACITANCE 11 4 ±VS Ŧ 15 COMMON MODE VOLTAGE RANGE (Note 3) COMMON MODE REJECTION, DC VCM = ±90V NOISE 100KHz bandwidth, RS = 1KΩ, CC = 10pF 80 µV/kh 2000 pA pA/V 500 pA Ω pF V 98 dB 1 µV RMS GAIN OPEN LOOP @ 15Hz RL = 2KΩ, CC = 10pF 111 dB GAIN BANDWIDTH PRODUCT @ 1MHz RL = 2KΩ, CC = 10pF 94 18 MHz POWER BANDWIDTH RL = 2KΩ, CC = 10pF 30 kHz PHASE MARGIN Full temperature range 60 ° ±VS Ŧ 10 V 50 V/µS OUTPUT VOLTAGE SWING (Note 3) IO = 4A CURRENT, continuous SLEW RATE, A V = 100 2 ±VS Ŧ 12 4 CC = 10pF A PA92U PA92 P r o d u c t I n n o v a t i o nF r o m Parameter Test Conditions CAPACITIVE LOAD, A V = +1 Full temperature range SETTLING TIME to 0.1% CC = 10pF, 2V step Min Typ Max 1 RESISTANCE, no load Units nF 1 µS 10 Ω POWER SUPPLY VOLTAGE (Note 5) ±50 CURRENT, quiescent ±150 ±200 V 10 14 mA THERMAL RESISTANCE, AC, junction to case (Note 4) Full temp range, F > 60Hz 1 °C/W RESISTANCE, DC, junction to case Full temp range, F < 60Hz 1.5 °C/W RESISTANCE, junction to air Full temp range TEMPERATURE RANGE, case Meets full range specifications 30 -25 °C/W +85 °C NOTES: 1. (All Min/Max characteristics and specifications are guaranteed over the Specified Operating Conditions. Typical performance characteristics and specifications are derived from measurements taken at typical supply voltages and TC = 25°C). 2. Long term operation at the maximum junction temperature will result in reduced product life. Derate power dissipation to achieve high MTTF. 3. +VS and –VS denote the positive and negative power supply rail respectively. 4. Rating applies if the output current alternates between both output transistors at a rate faster than 60Hz. 5. Derate max supply rating 0.625 V/°C below 25°C case. No derating needed above 25°C case. EXTERNAL CONNECTIONS 1 2 3 4 Rc –IN 5 6 7 8 IQ 11 12 PATENTED * –Vs * (See text.) 10 Cc RCL +IN 9 TO LOAD AND FEEDBACK +Vs * Bypassing required. PHASE COMPENSATION GAIN CC* 12-pin SIP PACKAGE STYLE DP Formed leads available See package style EE RC ≥1 150pF 100Ω ≥2 100pF 100Ω ≥3 47pF 0Ω ≥12 10pF 0Ω *CC Never to be <10pF. CC to be rated for the full supply voltage +V to -Vs. Use ceramic NPO (COG) type. PA92U 3 PA92 P r o d u c t I n n o v a t i o nF r o m PHASE RESPONSE 135 40 20 CC = 150pF CC = 100pF CC = 47pF CC = 10pF 0 270 100k 25 50 75 100 125 CASE TEMPERATURE, TC (°C) OUTPUT VOLTAGE SWING SMALL SIGNAL RESPONSE 40 30 CC = 150pF CC = 100pF CC = 47pF CC = 10pF 20 10 0 –10 100K 1M 10M FREQUENCY, F (Hz) 1M 10M FREQUENCY F (Hz) 8.0 7.5 7.0 6.5 0 3 2 1 OUTPUT CURRENT, IO (A) .1 PO = 1W PO = 20W PO = 62W 40 30 DISTORTION, (%) 10 8 6 4 3 .01 2 1 60 100 200 300 10 30 EXT. COMPENSATION CAPACITOR, CC (pF) 1.4 1.2 1.0 25 100 CC = 10pF CC = 47pF CC = 100pF 10 4 .001 100 1K FREQUENCY, F (Hz) 10K 50 100 75 125 CASE TEMPERATURE, TC (°C) POWER RESPONSE CC = 150pF 1K 10K 100K FREQUENCY, F (Hz) 1M INPUT NOISE VOLTAGE HARMONIC DISTORTION SLEW RATE 60 20 1.6 400 8.5 OUTPUT VOLTAGE, VO(VP-P) 0 INPUT NOISE VOLTAGE, V (nV√Hz) OPEN LOOP GAIN, A (dB) 180 225 50 SLEW RATE, (V/μS) NORMALIZED QUIESCENT CURRENT NORMALIZED QUIESCENT CURRENT, IQ (X) 60 PHASE, Ф (°) 90 VOLTAGE DROP FROM SUPPLY, VS – VO (V) INTERNAL POWER DISSIPATION, P(W) POWER DERATING 80 20 15 10 7 5 3 2 10 100 1K 10K FREQUENCY, F (Hz) 100K CURRENT LIMIT CURRENT LIMIT, ILIM (A) 4 3 2 1 0 0.0 4 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 RESISTOR VALUE, RCL (Ω) PA92U PA92 P r o d u c t I n n o v a t i o nF r o m GENERAL Please read Application Note 1 "General Operating Considerations" which covers stability, supplies, heat sinking, mounting, current limit, SOA interpretation, and specification interpretation. Visit for design tools that help automate tasks such as calculations for stability, internal power dissipation, current limit; heat sink selection; Apex Precision Power’s complete Application Notes library; Technical Seminar Workbook; and Evaluation Kits. CURRENT LIMIT For proper operation, the current limit resistor (RCL) must be connected as shown in the external connection diagram. For optimum reliability the resistor value should be set as high as possible. The value is calculated as follows; with the maximum practical value of 16 ohms. .65 RCL = ILIM The MOSFET output stage of this power operational amplifier has two distinct limitations: 1. The current handling capability of the MOSFET geometry and the wire bonds. 2. The junction temperature of the output MOSFETs. NOTE: The output stage is protected against transient flyback. However, for protection against sustained, high energy flyback, external fast-recovery diodes should be used. SAFE OPERATING CURVES The safe operating area curves define the maximum additional internal power dissipation the amplifier can tolerate when it produces the necessary output to drive an external load. INPUT PROTECTION OUTPUT CURRENT FROM +VS OR –VS, (A) SAFE OPERATING AREA (SOA) SOA 8 6 DC, TC = 25C 200mS 4 2 10 0m 1 .8 .6 T C T C .4 .3 = 85 C 12 5C .2 .1 .08 .06 .04 10 20 30 40 60 80 100 200 300 500 SUPPLY TO OUTPUT DIFFERENTIAL, VS –VO (V) Although the PA92 can withstand differential voltages up to ±20V, additional external protection is recommended. Low leakage, low capacitance JFETs connected as diodes are recommended (e.g. 2N4416, Q1-Q4 in Figure 2). The differential input voltage will be clamped to ±1.4V. This is sufficient overdrive to produce maximum power bandwidth. POWER SUPPLY PROTECTION = S +VS Z1 1 –IN Q1 11, 12 Q3 PA90 Q2 6 Q4 Unidirectional zener diode transient suppressors are recommended as +IN 7, 8 2 protection on the supply pins. See Figure 2. The zeners clamp transients to voltages within the power supply rating and also clamp power supply FIGURE 2. Z2 reversals to ground. Whether the zeners are used or not, the system OVERVOLTAGE –VS power supply should be evaluated for transient performance including PROTECTION power-on overshoot and power-off polarity reversals as well as line regulation. Conditions which can cause open circuits or polarity reversals on either power supply rail should be avoided or protected against. Reversals or opens on the negative supply rail is known to induce input stage failure. Unidirectional transzorbs prevent this, and it is desirable that they be both electrically and physically as close to the amplifier as possible. PA92U 5 PA92 P r o d u c t I n n o v a t i o nF r o m STABILITY The PA92 is externally compensated and performance can be tailored to the application. Use the graphs of small signal response and power response as a guide. The compensation capacitor CC must be rated at 500V working voltage. An NPO capacitor is recommended. The compensation network CCRC must be mounted closely to the amplifier pins 4 and 5 to avoid spurious oscillation. QUIESCENT CURRENT REDUCTION When pin 3 (IQ) is shorted to pin 5 (CC2) the AB biasing of the output stage is disabled. This lowers quiescent power but also raises distortion since the output stage is then class C biased. The output stage bias current is nominally set at 1mA. Pin 3 may be left open if not used. Contacting Cirrus Logic Support For all Apex Precision Power product questions and inquiries, call toll free 800-546-2739 in North America. For inquiries via email, please contact International customers can also request support by contacting their local Cirrus Logic Sales Representative. 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Cirrus Logic, Cirrus, and the Cirrus Logic logo designs, Apex Precision Power, Apex and the Apex Precision Power logo designs are trademarks of Cirrus Logic, Inc. All other brand and product names in this document may be trademarks or service marks of their respective owners. 6 PA92U