CPI gyrotrons were the first commercially available high-power, long-pulse/CW, high-frequency devices for plasma fusion experiments and other scientific and industrial applications. CPI-MPP provides an extensive line of gyrotrons that cover frequencies from 28-140 GHz with power levels ranging from 10 kW to 1.3 MW. The VGB-8095 gyrotron provides up to 100 kW of continuous output power at 95 GHz, and employs a compact cryogen-free refrigerator-cooled superconducting magnet system. Features Typical Operating Parameters • High Efficiency, Long-Pulse Operation • Gaussian Output Beam • CVD Diamond Output Window • Diode Electron Gun • Cryogen-Free Superconducting Magnet Power Output Pulse Length Cathode Voltage Body Voltage Beam Current Frequency Efficiency Gyrotron Weight Output Mode 100 kW CW -43 kV +7 kV 5A 95±0.2 GHz 50% 375 lbs TEM00 For additional information on gyrotrons, other CPI products, or a copy of our catalog-on-disk, please contact: CPI Microwave Power Products, 811 Hansen Way, Palo Alto, CA 94303-0750 Telephone: 650-846-3172, Fax: 650-856-0705, Email: [email protected] Page 1 of 2 Rev: 2007-03-26 POWER OUTPUT VS. BEAM VOLTAGE VGB-8095 S/N 2R TESTED IN O.I. SCM VYW-8095 S/N 1 ON 11 APRIL 2002 140 46 120 44 Power Out (kW) 42 80 40 60 38 Main Magnet 1 Current = 62.6 A Main Magnet 2 Current = 60.0 A Gun Coil Current = -34.7 A Beam Current = 5.6 A to 4.7 A Pulse Length = 500 ms 40 20 Cathode Voltage (-kV) 100 36 0 34 35 40 45 50 Beam Voltage (kV) Outline of VGB-8095 Gyrotron and VYW-8095 Magnet Cold Test Measurement of Output Beam 9 in. From Output Window 15 in [38.1 cm] 27.5 in [69.9 cm] 20 in [50.8 cm] For additional information on gyrotrons, other CPI products, or a copy of our catalog-on-disk, please contact: CPI Microwave Power Products, 811 Hansen Way, Palo Alto, CA 94303-0750 Telephone: 650-846-3172, Fax: 650-856-0705, Email: [email protected] Page 2 of 2 Rev: 2007-03-26