Silicore 4 CHANNEL DRIVER MOTOR DRIVER D5954 Outline Drawing DESCRIPTION The D5954 is a 4 channel driver for optical disc mo tor driver. Dual channel current feedback type drivers are built in, in addition to dual channel motor drivers FEATURE Wide dynamic range. (4.0V (typ .) at PreVcc=12V,PVcc=5V,RL=8Ω) Separating Vcc into Pre+Power of sled motor, Power of loading mo tor and Power of actuator ,can make better power efficiency, by low supply voltage drive. Level shift circuit built in. Thermal-shut-down circuit built in Stand-by mode built in BLOCK DIAGRAM SHAOXING SILICORE TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD www. Silicore. com. cn CHMC 1/6 Silicore D5954 PIN DESCRIPTION No Symbol 1 VINFC 2 CECerr1 3 5 6 VOSL 7 VNFFC 8 Vcc 9 PVcc1 10 PGND 11 VOSL- 12 13 14 NO. Symbol Input for focus driver 15 Connectio n with capacitor CECerr2 for error amplifier VINSL + VINSL- 4 Function 16 17 Function Non inverting output for VOTK+ tracking VOTK- Inverting output for tracking Non inverting output for OLD+ loading Non inverting input for OP-amp Inverting input for OP-amp 18 VOLD- Inverting output for loading 19 PGND GND for power block Output of OP-amp 20 Feedback for focus driver 21 Vcc for pre-driver block and power block of sled Vcc for power block of loading GND for power block Inverting output Non inverting VOSL+ sled VOFC- Inverting output Non inverting VOFC+ focus for sled output for VNFTK Feedback for tracking driver Vcc for po wer block of PVcc2 actuator 22 PreGND GND for pre-drive block 23 VINLD 24 CTKerr2 25 CTKerr1 26 VINTK for focus 27 output fo r 28 Input for loading driver Connectio n with capacitor for error amplifier Input for tracking driver BIAS Input for reference voltage STBY Input for stand-by control ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta=25 °C) Characteristic Symbol Value Unit Supply voltage Vcc 13.5 V Power dissipation PD 1.7* W Operating temperature Topr -35~85 °C Storage Temperature Tstg -40~150 °C 2 * On less than 3%(percentage occupied by copper foil), 70×70mm , t=1.6mm, glass epoxy mounting. Reduce power by 13.6mW for each degree above 25°C SHAOXING SILICORE TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD www. Silicore. com. cn CHMC 2/6 Silicore D5954 GUARANTEED OPERATING RANGES Parameter Supply voltage Symbol Limits Unit Vcc 4.3~13.2 PVcc1 4.3~Vcc PVcc2 4.3~Vcc V ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (unless otherwise sp ecified : Ta=25°C, Vcc=12V , PVcc1=PVcc2=5V,BIAS=2.5V, R L =8 Ω, Rd=0.5 Ω, C=100pF) Characteristics Test conditions Symbol Min Quiescent current Icc Stand-by quiescent current Typ 18 Max Unit 27 mA Isc 0.5 mA Voltage for stand-by ON VSTON 0.5 V Voltage for stand-by OFF VSTOFF 2.0 Output offset current Ico -6 Maximu m output voltage Vc M 3.6 4.0 gm 1.3 1.5 Common mode input range VICM -0.3 Input bias current IBOP VOLOP V < Actuator driver > Trans conductance V I N =BIAS±0.2V 6 mA V 1.7 A/V 11.0 V 30 300 nA 0.1 0.3 V < Sled motor driver/ Pre OP-amp > Low level output voltage Output source current ISO 0.3 0.5 mA Output sink current IST 1 Output offset voltage VOOFSL -100 0 Maximum output voltage VOMSL 7.5 9.0 GVSL 18 20 22 dB Output offset voltage V O O F L D -50 0 50 mV Maximum output voltage VOMLD 3.6 mA < Sled mo tor driver > Closed loop voltage gain V I N =±0.2V 100 mV V < Loading motor driver> Closed loop voltage gain V I N =BIAS±0.2V GVLD 13.5 Gain error by polarity V I N =BIAS±0.2V ∆G V L D 0 SHAOXING SILICORE TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD www. Silicore. com. cn CHMC 4.0 V 15.5 17.5 dB 1 2 dB 3/6 Silicore D5954 TEST CIRCUIT 100uH 8¦¸ 0.5¦¸ 5V VIN4 VST 2.5V VIN2 8¦¸ A Io2 100pF 28 25 26 27 V Vo4 23 24 21 22 V Vo2 20 19 18 17 16 9 10 11 12 13 14 Vo1 V 15 D5954 1 2 VIN1 6 5 4 3 8 7 SW 100pF 2 IQ A 1 1M 12V V VBOP VOOP V VIN3 V A Io1 1 2 1M VBOP V Vo3 8¦¸ 5V 0.5¦¸ 8¦¸ IOOP 100uH SWITCH TABLE Characteristics SW Input voltage Conditions Measure point VIN1 VIN2 VIN3 VIN4 VST 1 2.5V 2.5V 2.5V 2.5V 5.0V IQ St a n d - b y q u i e s c e n t c u r r e n t 1 2.5V 2.5V 2.5V 2.5V 0.5V IQ Vo l t a g e f o r s t a n d - b y O N 1 2.5V 2.5V 2.5V 2.5V 0.5V IQ Vo l t a g e f o r s t a n d - b y O F F 1 2.5V 2.5V 2.5V 2.5V 2.0V IQ 1 2.5V 2.5V 2.5V 2.5V 5.0V Vo 1 / 2 0V 5V 2.3V 2.7V 0V 5V 2.3V 2.7V 2.5V 2.5V 5.0V Vo 1 / 2 2.5V 2.5V 2.5V Vo 1 / 2 2.5V 2.5V 2.5V 2.5V 5.0V Vo 4 5.0V Vo 4 5.0V Vo 4 Quiescent current < Actuator driver > O u t p u t o ff s e t c u r r e n t Maximum output voltage 1 Tr a n s c o n d u c t a n c e 1 < Loading motor driver> O u t p u t o ff s e t v o l t a g e 1 Maximum output voltage 1 2.5V 2.5V 2.5V Vo l t a g e g a i n 1 2.5V 2.5V 2.5V 0V 5V 2.3V 2.7V SHAOXING SILICORE TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD www. Silicore. com. cn CHMC 4/6 Silicore D5954 co n tin u e SWITCH TABLE Characteristics SW Input voltage VIN1 VIN2 VIN3 VIN4 VST Conditions Measure point < Sled motor driver > Input bias current 2 2.5V 2.5V 2.5V 2.5V 5.0V VBOP/1M Low level output voltage 1 2.5V 2.5V 0V 2.5V 5.0V Vo o p Output source current 1 2.5V 2.5V 2.5V 2.5V 5.0V Ioop=+0.2mA Vo o p Output sink current 1 2.5V 2.5V 2.5V 2.5V 5.0V Ioop=-1mA Vo o p O u t p u t o ff s e t v o l t a g e 1 2.5V 2.5V 2.5V 2.5V 5.0V Vo 3 Maximum output voltage 1 2.5V 2.5V 2.5V 5.0V Vo 3 Closed loop voltage gain 1 2.5V 2.5V 2.5V 5.0V Vo 3 0V 5V 2.3V 2.7V APPLICATION CIRCUIT SHAOXING SILICORE TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD www. Silicore. com. cn CHMC 5/6 Silicore D5954 NOTES ON USE 1. Thermal-sh ut-down circuit built-in. In case IC ch ip temp erature rise to 175°C(typ.), thermal-shut-down circuit operates and ou tput current is mu ted. Next time IC chip temperature falls bellows 150°C(typ.), the driver blocks start. 2. In case stand-by-pin voltage und er 0.5V or opened, quiescent cu rrent is muted. Stand-by-pin voltage should be over 2.0V for normal application. 3. In case supply voltage falls below 3.5V (typ.), output current is mu ted. Next time supply voltage rises to 3.7V(typ .), the driver blocks start. 4. Bias\pin (pin 27 ) sh ou ld be pu lled u p mo re than 1.2V. In case bias-pin voltage is pulled down under 0.9V (typ .), output current is mu ted. 5. Insert the by-pass capacito r between Vcc-pin and GND-pin of IC as possible as near (approximately 0.1µF). 6. Heat dissipation fins are attached to the GND on the inside of the package. Make sure to connect these to the external GND. 7. Output pin is to avoid short-circuit with Vcc, GND and other output pins. And, be fully careful in the direction of an integrated circuit when you put an integrated circuit. On the su bstrate. An integrated circuit is da maged, and smoke may co me out by the case. ※ Output pin …11~18pin Vcc…8pin, PVcc1…9pin, PVcc2…21pin PreGND…22pin, PGND…10,19pin CHARACTERISTIC CURVES Pd (W) 3 2 1 0 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 Ambient temperature Ta (°C) Pd : p ower d issip atio n * On less than 3%(percentage occupied by copper foil), 70×70 mm 2 , t = 1 . 6 mm, g l a s s epoxy mounting. SHAOXING SILICORE TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD www. Silicore. com. cn CHMC 6/6