PSES-4 Series PHASE SHIFTERS 5 to 400 MHz / 0 to 360 / 10% Bandwidth / Voltage Controlled / PC Package PRINCIPAL SPECIFICATIONS Center Frequency, fo, MHz Model Number Usable Bandwidth 5 to 400 fo ±5% For complete Model Number replace *** with Center Frequency, fo in MHz. PSES-4-***B Package Outline GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS Phase Shift Range: Insertion Loss: Impedance: VSWR: Control Voltage: Modulation Rate: Input Power: Phase Stability: Weight, nominal: Operating Temp: 360° min. @ fo 2 dB max 50 Ω nom. 1.6:1 max. 0.5 to +30V min.* 1% of fo nom. --10 dBm max. 0.2° per °C typ. 2.5 oz (72 g) -- 55° to +85°C *For full control range Typical Performance, Selected Frequencies NOTES: ± 1. Tolerance on 3 place decimals .010(.25) except as noted. 2. Dimensions in inches over millimeters. 3. All unmarked pins are internally ground. General Notes: 1. The PSES-4 series of phase shifters provides continuously variable phase shift across a range of 0° to 360° with the application of a control voltage of 0 to +30V. 2. Each phase shifter element employs lumped element quadrature hybrids with matched pairs of varactor tuned LC networks acting as sliding short circuits on the outputs. The electrical length of the short effectively delays the reflected signal which appears at the isolated port of each quadrature hybrid. Similar Phase Shifters are available in a variety of packages, including catalog models in flatpacks and Meri-Pacs. 3. Merrimac phase shifters are designed for high reliability and can be supplied screened to meet specific military and space applications. 24May96 ForfurtherinformationcontactM ERRIM AC /41 Fairfield Pl.,W estCaldw ell,NJ,07006 / 973-575-1300 /FAX 973-575-0531