PAW3501UI PAW3501UI USB OPTICAL MOUSE SENSOR SINGLE CHIP General Description PAW3501UI is a CMOS process optical mouse sensor single chip with USB interface that serves as a nonmechanical motion estimation engine for implementing a computer mouse. Features Key Specification USB interface Power Supply Single 5.0 volt power supply Compatible with Microsoft® Windows 2000® Interface and 5-button Wheel Mouse Optical motion estimation technology Complete 2-D motion sensor Optical Lens Wide operating supply range 4.25V ~ 5.5V USB 1:1 System Clock Accurate motion estimation over a wide range of surfaces Speed 28 inches/sec High speed motion detection up to 28 Acceleration inches/sec 20g High resolution up to 800 CPI 400/600/800 CPI Power saving mode during times of no Frame Rate movement Resolution Supports five buttons (R, M, L, B4, B5) and three axes (X, Y, Z) output Operating Current Z-axis can support two kinds of scroller input (Opto-mechanical and mechanical). Package Complete Universal Serial Bus® spec V1.1 compatibility Complete USB HID spec V1.1 compatibility Integrated USB transceiver and 1.5 Mbps USB serial interface engine 18.000 MHz 3000 frames/sec 12 mA @Mouse moving (Normal) 8 mA @Mouse not moving (Sleep) 480 uA @USB suspend (Suspend) Shrunk DIP24 Ordering Information Part Number PAW3501UI PAW3501UI-P2 PAW3501UI-P4 CPI Sensor Rotate Device Type Z-axis Type 400/600/800 400/600/800 400/600/800 0˚/+90˚/-90˚ 0˚/+90˚/-90˚ 0˚/+90˚/-90˚ 2D2B/3D3B/3D5B 2D2B/3D3B/3D5B 2D2B/3D3B/3D5B Mechanical (Z/2) Optical (Z/2) Optical (Z/4) All rights strictly reserved any portion in this paper shall not be reproduced, copied or transformed to any other forms without permission. PixArt Imaging Inc. E-mail: 1 V2.1 April. 2008 PixArt Imaging Inc. PAW3501UI USB Optical Mouse Sensor Single Chip 1. Pin Configuration 1.1 Pin Assignment 24 1 LB +Y 12 13 Figure 1. Top View Pinout RB 1 24 12 13 +X Figure 2. Top View of Mouse 1.2 Pin Description Pin # Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Z1 Z2 SR IRCTL BM BL DT B4 B5 CPI VSSLED LED VREFB VREFA VDD5V VSS VDDQ OSCIN OSCOUT D+ DBR RFU TEST Type Definition IN IN IN OUT IN IN IN IN IN IN GND I/O BYPASS BYPASS PWR GND BYPASS IN OUT I/O I/O IN IN IN Z axis, support two kinds of scroller input, opto-mechanical and mechanical Z axis, support two kinds of scroller input, opto-mechanical and mechanical Sensor rotate (0, 1, floating) => (-90°, +90°, 0°), 3-states input IR LED control Button middle key input, normal pull-high (50k), press connect to low Button left key input, normal pull-high (50k), press connect to low Device type (0, 1, floating) => (3D3B, 2D2B, 3D5B), 3-states input Button 4 key input, normal pull-high (50k), press connect to low Button 5 key input, normal pull-high (50k), press connect to low CPI select to (0, 1, floating) => (800, 600, 400), 3-states input LED ground LED control Analog voltage reference Analog voltage reference Chip power VDD, 5.0V Chip ground IO voltage reference Oscillator input, connect to 18.000MHz crystal or resonator Oscillator output, connect to 18.000MHz crystal or resonator USB D+ USB DButton right key input, normal pull-high (50k), press connect to low Reserve for future use, PAW3501UP used the pin to switch USB or PS/2 Test pin. It is needed to connect to GND in normal operation mode All rights strictly reserved any portion in this paper shall not be reproduced, copied or transformed to any other forms without permission. PixArt Imaging Inc. E-mail: 2 V2.1 April. 2008 PixArt Imaging Inc. PAW3501UI USB Optical Mouse Sensor Single Chip 2. Block Diagram and Operation LED LED DRIVER SR SR CTRL CPI CPI CTRL DT DT CTRL Z1 Z2 Z-AXIS COUNTER BUTTON BL BM BR B4 B5 DEBUNCE USB INTERFACE D+ D- WHEEL VOLTAGE REGULATOR AND POWER CONTROL POWER ON RESET CMOS IMAGE SENSOR DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSOR USB MOUSE CONTROLLER VDD5V VSS VSSLED VREFA VREFB VDDQ OSCILLATOR 5V POWER VOLTAGE REFERENCE OSCIN 18 MHZ OSCOUT RESONATOR Figure 3. Block Diagram PAW3501UI supports X, Y, Z three axes, and L, R, M, B4, B5 five buttons under USB mode. It is a CMOS process optical mouse sensor single chip with USB interface that serves as a non-mechanical motion estimation engine for implementing a computer mouse. PAW3501UI is in a 24-pin optical package and comes with the resolution of 400/600/800 counts per inch (cpi) and the rate of motion up to 28 inches per second. It includes USB interface so that no mouse controller is needed to interface through USB. PAW3501UI can receive command and echo status or data format, both complete Universal Serial Bus® spec V1.1 and USB HID spec V1.1 compatibility. It is also a cost effective solution to support USB Mouse. All rights strictly reserved any portion in this paper shall not be reproduced, copied or transformed to any other forms without permission. PixArt Imaging Inc. E-mail: 3 V2.1 April. 2008 PixArt Imaging Inc. PAW3501UI USB Optical Mouse Sensor Single Chip 3. Specifications 3.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings Exposure to absolute maximum rating may affect device reliability. Symbol Parameter Min. Max. Unit Notes TSTG Storage Temperature -40 85 °C TA Operating Temperature -15 55 °C 260 °C For 10 seconds, 1.6 mm below seating plane. 2 kV All pins, human body model MIL 883 Method 3015 Lead Solder Temp ESD VDC DC Supply Voltage -0.5 5.5 V VIN DC Input Voltage -0.5 5.5 V All I/O pin 3.2 Recommend Operating Condition Symbol Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Unit 40 °C 5.5 V 100 mV Peak to peak within 0 - 100 MHz Refer to Figure 4. TA Operating Temperature 0 VDD Power Supply Voltage 4.25 VN Supply Noise Z Distance from Lens Reference Plane to Surface 2.3 2.4 2.5 mm R Resolution 400 600 800 CPI A Acceleration 20 g FCLK Clock Frequency FR Frame Rate S Speed 0 5.0 18.000 MHz 3000 frames/sec 28 Notes inches/sec All rights strictly reserved any portion in this paper shall not be reproduced, copied or transformed to any other forms without permission. PixArt Imaging Inc. E-mail: 4 V2.1 April. 2008 PixArt Imaging Inc. PAW3501UI USB Optical Mouse Sensor Single Chip 3.3 DC Electrical Characteristics Electrical characteristics over recommended operating conditions. Typical values at 25 °C, VDD = 5.0 V Symbol Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Unit Type: USB Mouse PWR Supply Current IDD Mouse Moving (Normal) Supply Current IDD Mouse Not Moving (Sleep1) Supply Current IDD Suspend Current (Suspend) Type: BL, BM, BR, B4, B5 RPH 12 mA 8 mA 480 Internal Pull-up Resistance Notes uA 50 Kohm 50 PAW3501UI built-in internal pull-down Kohm resistance. PAW3501UI-PX needs external pull-down resistance. Type: Z1, Z2 RPD Internal Pull-down Resistance Type: BL, BM, BR, B4, B5, Z1, Z2 VIH Input High Voltage VIL Input Low Voltage 2.0 V 0.8 V Type: USB DP, DN RPH Internal Pull-up Resistance VOL Output Low Voltage Type: OSCIN VIH Input High Voltage VIL Input Low Voltage 1.5 Kohm 0.3 V 0.5 V V 2.0 When driving from an external source When driving from an external source Type: LED VOL Output Voltage LOW 360 mV I OL = 25 mA All rights strictly reserved any portion in this paper shall not be reproduced, copied or transformed to any other forms without permission. PixArt Imaging Inc. E-mail: 5 V2.1 April. 2008 PixArt Imaging Inc. PAW3501UI USB Optical Mouse Sensor Single Chip 4. Z and 2D Assembly Z and Package Lid Lens Z OBJECT SURFACE Figure 4. Distance from Lens Reference Plane to Surface +X +Y ESD LENS RING CLIP PLASTIC SPRING BASE PLATE LED SURFACE IS 0 REF. PCB SENSOR BASE PLATE ALIGNMENT POST Unit: mm Figure 5. 2D Assembly All rights strictly reserved any portion in this paper shall not be reproduced, copied or transformed to any other forms without permission. PixArt Imaging Inc. E-mail: 6 V2.1 April. 2008 PixArt Imaging Inc. PAW3501UI USB Optical Mouse Sensor Single Chip 5. USB Interface 5.1 USB Command Set Description (USB Descriptor) The USB HOST detects USB mouse device plug-in and assigns a new unique address to the USB mouse device, then asking USB mouse device for information about the device description, configuration description, and assigning a configuration value for USB mouse device during enumeration period. After enumeration, the USB mouse device is able to transfer motion and button value to the USB host. Descriptor Type Device Descriptor (18 bytes) Configuration Descriptor (9 bytes) Interface Descriptor (9 bytes) Human Interface Device Descriptor (9 bytes) Endpoint Descriptor (7 bytes) Human Interface Device Report Descriptor (72 bytes, 3D3B) Byte 12 3A 00 09 Byte 01 09 01 02 Byte 10 00 Byte 01 25 Byte 00 00 Byte 00 01 Byte 00 01 Byte 08 02 22 00 01 01 04 A0 04 00 00 01 03 01 02 21 10 01 00 01 22 48 05 01 01 03 05 00 7F 09 15 B1 81 09 29 75 81 09 75 38 00 22 03 02 03 01 03 30 08 95 25 95 04 A1 15 81 05 09 95 01 01 07 00 01 00 02 01 31 02 81 75 B1 0A 05 25 95 09 15 81 06 01 01 09 01 01 01 81 06 09 95 C0 32 09 00 09 00 07 05 19 95 75 A1 25 C0 3C 01 5.2 USB Data Report Format The USB report has two data formats, depending on boot or report protocol is selected. One kind of data format is the boot protocol used in legacy environment as 4.2.1. The other kind of data format is USB report protocol format which includes Z-wheel movement data in the fourth byte as 4.2.2. The Z-wheel is moved forward the fourth byte data is 01H, the Z-wheel is moved backward the fourth byte data is FFH, and the Z-wheel is idle the fourth byte data is 00H. 5.2.1 USB Boot Protocol for Legacy Operation Byte 1 2 Bit 0 1 2~7 0-7 3 0-7 Symbol BL BR NC X0 ~ X7 Description 1 = Left button pressed 1 = Right button pressed Reserved X data (D0 - D7). A positive value indicates motion to the right; a negative value indicates motion to the left. Bit 0 = LSB. Y0 ~ Y7 Y data (D0 - D7). A positive value indicates device motion upward; a negative value indicates motion downward. Bit 0 = LSB. All rights strictly reserved any portion in this paper shall not be reproduced, copied or transformed to any other forms without permission. PixArt Imaging Inc. E-mail: 7 V2.1 April. 2008 PixArt Imaging Inc. PAW3501UI USB Optical Mouse Sensor Single Chip 5.2.2 USB Report Protocol Byte 1 2 Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5~7 0-7 3 0-7 4 0-7 Symbol BL BR BM B4 B5 NC X0 ~ X7 Description 1 = Left button pressed 1 = Right button pressed 1 = Middle button pressed 1 = B4 button pressed 1 = B5 button pressed Reserved X data (D0 - D7). A positive value indicates motion to the right; a negative value indicates motion to the left. Bit 0 = LSB. Y0 ~ Y7 Y data (D0 - D7). A positive value indicates device motion upward; a negative value indicates motion downward. Bit 0 = LSB. Z0 ~ Z7 Z-wheel motion data (D0 - D7). A positive value indicates device motion downward; a negative value indicates motion upward. The Z0 - Z7 limit value is ±7. Bit 0 = LSB. All rights strictly reserved any portion in this paper shall not be reproduced, copied or transformed to any other forms without permission. PixArt Imaging Inc. E-mail: 8 V2.1 April. 2008 PixArt Imaging Inc. PAW3501UI USB Optical Mouse Sensor Single Chip 6. Referencing Application Circuit 6.1 Typical Application for PAW3501UI with Mechanical Encoder ENSW1 VCC_5V Z1 3 VCC_5V COM Z2 R2 0? R3 0? U1 ENCODER 2 1 1 2 3 4 VCC_5V R4 R5 SW2 BM 5 SW3 BL 6 TEST Z2 RFU SR BR IRCTL D- BM D+ BL OSCOUT DT OSCIN B4 VDDQ 24 23 RFU 22 SW1 21 D- R8 1M 20 D+ R9 1M 7 0? VCC_5V B4 SW5 8 9 B5 VSS X1 18.000MHZ 18 VDDQ 17 16 C1 1uF VCC_5V 0? 10 0? 11 VCC_5V CPI VDD5V VSSLED VREFA LED VREFB 15 R1 D1 LED PAW3501UI PIN10(CPI) PULL LOW => 800CPI PULL HIGH => 600CPI FLOATING => 400CPI 14 + 12 PIN7(DT) PULL LOW => 3D3B PULL HIGH => 2D2B FLOATING => 3D5B 19 + B5 PIN3(SR): PULL LOW => -90 degree PULL HIGH => +90 degree FLOATING => 0 degree BR 0? SW4 R6 R7 Z1 13 C5 C4 C3 1uF 0.1uF + C2 10uF 0.1uF J1 RFU DD+ VCC_5V 1 2 3 4 5 USB CABLE Note: Please connect the RFU pin to USB connector shell PAW3501UP used the pin to switch USB or PS/2. for future use, Figure 6. Application Circuit for PAW3501UI (Mechanical Encoder) All rights strictly reserved any portion in this paper shall not be reproduced, copied or transformed to any other forms without permission. PixArt Imaging Inc. E-mail: 9 V2.1 April. 2008 PixArt Imaging Inc. PAW3501UI USB Optical Mouse Sensor Single Chip 6.2 Typical Application for PAW3501UI-PX with Optical Encoder U1 VCC_5V R2 0? R3 0? Z1 1 Z2 2 3 IRCTL VCC_5V R4 4 SW2 BM 5 SW3 BL 6 Z1 TEST Z2 RFU SR BR IRCTL D- BM D+ BL OSCOUT DT OSCIN B4 VDDQ 24 23 RFU 22 SW1 21 D- R8 1M 20 D+ R9 1M BR 0? R5 SW4 VCC_5V B4 SW5 R6 R7 8 X1 18.000MHZ 18 VDDQ 17 + B5 9 B5 VSS 16 C1 1uf VCC_5V 0? 10 0? 11 VCC_5V CPI VDD5V VSSLED VREFA LED VREFB 15 R1 D1 PIN10(CPI) PULL LOW => 800CPI PULL HIGH => 600CPI FLOATING => 400CPI 14 + 12 PIN7(DT) PULL LOW => 3D3B PULL HIGH => 2D2B FLOATING => 3D5B 19 0? 7 PIN3(SR): PULL LOW => -90 degree PULL HIGH => +90 degree FLOATING => 0 degree 13 LED C5 C4 C3 1uF 0.1uF + C2 10uF 0.1uF PAW3501UI-PX VCC_5V IRCTL Q1 2N3906 2 J1 D1 U2 IR PT RFU DD+ 3 1 Z1 VCC_5V 1 2 3 4 5 USB CABLE Z2 R10 R11 R12 470 5.1K 5.1K Note: 1. Please connect the RFU pin to USB connector shell for future use, PAW3501UP used the pin to switch USB or PS/2. 2. For resistor value selection, refer to high or low input level of Z1 and Z2 in the D.C. Electrical Characteristics table. The recommended value for R10 is 470ohm. The recommended value for R11/R12 is 5.1Kohm. Figure 7. Application Circuit for PAW3501UI-PX (Optical Encoder) All rights strictly reserved any portion in this paper shall not be reproduced, copied or transformed to any other forms without permission. PixArt Imaging Inc. E-mail: 10 V2.1 April. 2008 PixArt Imaging Inc. PAW3501UI USB Optical Mouse Sensor Single Chip 6.3 PCB Layout Consideration z Caps for pins 13, 14, 17 must have trace lengths less than 5mm. z The trace lengths of OSCOUT, OSCIN must less than 6mm. 6.4 Recommended Value for R1 z Radiometric intensity of LED Bin limits (mW/Sr at 20 mA) LED Bin Grade Min. Typ. Max. N 14.7 17.7 P 17.7 21.2 Q 21.2 25.4 Note: Tolerance for each bin will be ± 15% z R1 value (ohm), VDD = 5.0V LED Bin Grade Min. Typ. N 51 100 P 51 100 Q 51 100 Max. All rights strictly reserved any portion in this paper shall not be reproduced, copied or transformed to any other forms without permission. PixArt Imaging Inc. E-mail: 11 V2.1 April. 2008 PixArt Imaging Inc. PAW3501UI USB Optical Mouse Sensor Single Chip 7. Package Information 7.1 Package Outline Drawing 24 13 1 12 Θ 1 12 24 13 Θ Figure 8. Package Outline Drawing All rights strictly reserved any portion in this paper shall not be reproduced, copied or transformed to any other forms without permission. PixArt Imaging Inc. E-mail: 12 V2.1 April. 2008 PixArt Imaging Inc. PAW3501UI USB Optical Mouse Sensor Single Chip 7.2 Recommended PCB Mechanical Cutouts and Spacing 4.064 0.160 6.985 0.275 27.153 1.069 2.286 0.090 15.494 0.610 10.998 0.433 26.010 1.024 0 ref. 16.942 0.667 7.544 0.297 4.445 0.175 0.711 0.028 1.194 0.047 Optical Center 0 ref. 1.194 0.047 4.445 0.175 6.985 0.275 0.711 0.028 3.251 0.128 7.544 0.297 All Dimensions : mm / inch Figure 9. Recommended PCB Mechanical Cutouts and Spacing All rights strictly reserved any portion in this paper shall not be reproduced, copied or transformed to any other forms without permission. PixArt Imaging Inc. E-mail: 13 V2.1 April. 2008 PixArt Imaging Inc. PAW3501UI USB Optical Mouse Sensor Single Chip 8. NSTL Compatibility Test PAW3501UI has passed the NSTL Compatibility Test Program, which conducts an objective quality assurance test suite to verify correct operation, functionality, and compatibility of system products. "The NSTL standard testing methodologies assessed the compatibility of PAW3501UI at the NSTL/ALLION Labs testing facility. And, it shows that it is getting along great and operated correctly with various software applications and add-on devices under a variety of Operating Systems." cited from the NTSL Test Report. Accordingly, PAW3501UI fully meets NTSL Compatibility Test Standard and is able to carry the NTSL Seal. 9. Update History Version V1.0 V2.0 V2.1 Update Creation, Preliminary 1st version Modify Application Circuit for PAW3501UI-PX with Optical Encoder (Figure 7.) Content revise Date 08/18/2006 07/18/2007 04/18/2008 Note: The Part No. of the Mouse Product with Prefix "PAN" shall NOT be made, sold, offered to sell, imported or used in or into USA, Canada, Japan and EU. For "PAN", PixArt has only gained territory-limited patent license from Avago. Avago reserve right to take legal action against our customers who fails to comply the above term. PLEASE NOTE THAT PixArt will NOT defend, indemnify, or provide any assistance to our customers who fail to comply the term. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE THE TERM, PIXART WILL NOT DELIVER "PAN" PRODUCTS TO YOU. All rights strictly reserved any portion in this paper shall not be reproduced, copied or transformed to any other forms without permission. PixArt Imaging Inc. E-mail: 14 V2.1 April. 2008