Hartcran House, 231 Kenton Lane, Harrow, Middlesex, HA3 8RP, England Tel: +44 (0) 20 8909 9595, Fax: +44 (0) 20 8909 2233, www.radiometrix.com TLM2-458-5 PRELIMINARY Issue A, 08th October 2009 NBFM Multi-channel 500mW UHF Transmitter The TLM2 transmitter module offers a 500mW RF output in the UK 458MHz. This unit is ideally suited to applications where existing lower powered transmitters provide insufficient range. The TLM2 transmitter is a multi-channel, narrowband design, suitable for licensed and unlicensed UHF allocations. Together with a matching LMR2 receiver a one-way radio data link can be achieved over a distance of well over 5km (with a suitable antenna). Figure 1: TLM2-458-5 Features ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Conforms to EN 300 220-3 and EN 301 489-3 PLL Synthesized transmitter with TCXO Data rates up to 5 kbps for standard module Usable range over 5km Fully screened User configurable via RS232 interface Low power requirements Applications ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Handheld terminals On-site paging system (e.g. Nurse call pagers) Heavy vehicle/machine remote controls Data loggers Industrial telemetry and telecommand High-end security and fire alarms Vehicle data up/download Technical Summary ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Operating frequency: 458.525 - 459.1MHz (standard) or 458.8 - 459.3MHz and 461.3MHz (for paging) 32 channels Transmit power: +27dBm (500mW) nominal Supply range: 6V - 9V Current consumption: 350mA transmit, <5µA standby Data bit rate: 5kbps max. (standard module) Size: 74 x 38 x 14 mm Radiometrix Ltd TLM2 Data Sheet page 1 Figure 2: TLM2 block diagram Radiometrix Ltd TLM2 Data Sheet page 2 Figure 3: TLM2 Footprint (Top) view through can User Interface Pin description Pin 1a 2a 3a 4a Name Vcc 0V TXE TXD Function 6-9v DC supply (15v max). 350mA max. current drain Ground Transmitter enable. Low = ON, open = off. 100K pullup to raw Vin DC coupled input for 3V CMOS logic. Rin=47kΩ 1b P0/PGM Serial programming / control input (inverted logic level rs232) 2b P1 'Transmitter in-lock' output (active high) 3b P2 No connection 4b P3 Serial output (inverted logic level rs232) Notes: 1. No 'modem version' is available 2. A version with a simplified (16/32 channel, parallel select) user interface identical to the LMT2, is available 3. A remote control 'actuator' software version is available, compatible with the LMR2-CX 4. P0 input has a 50K pullup to internal 4v rail 5. An ancillary connector (PGM) is provided to allow direct connection of an RS232 (non-inverted, true levels) port via a 3 pin 0.1" pitch connector, for limited in-circuit re-programming by PC. This connector does not provide a 'read back' output. 6. Continuous transmission at input voltages above 9v is not recommended, unless forced air (fan) cooling is provided. If duty cycle can be kept low, and the length of transmission minimised, then up to 15v can be used 7. This is a 500mW output product. Good grounding , good quality aerials, properly mounted, and a low impedance power supply are required if full performance is to be reliably obtained. If feasible, we recommend mounting the module, and the board it is on, inside a metal enclosure, with the RF connector exiting through a bulkhead. All signal and power feeds should be filtered and/or decoupled. Failure to observe these measures can cause modulation distortion ('recirculation' effects) or instability. Also be aware of the effect that the strong RF fields generated by this device (and it's aerial) can have upon other adjacent circuitry if this is not properly screened, filtered or otherwise protected. Regulators, sensitive analogue circuitry, and microprocessors seem especially interference prone. 8. This design uses a version of the LMT2 100mW transmitter, and the AFS2 500mW power amplifier module Radiometrix Ltd TLM2 Data Sheet page 3 Serial interface commands The internal firmware for TLM2 has two versions. Version 1 is IDENTICAL to our standard LMT2-458-5 (100mW) in all respects Version 2 is specific to paging applications. Version 1: programming instruction 2400 baud RS232. 8 bit data, no parity, 1 start bit, 1 or 2 stop bits. Serial data is sent to the unit on one of the parallel channel select pins (P0). It is very important that the unit does not 'decode' switch bounce in ordinary operation as a command string, or spurious re-writing of the e2prom will result. For this reason the user must send the 16 character string ENABLESERIALMODE (followed by a carriage return) to activate the serial command mode before sending any of the command strings listed below. Command mode is disabled on power down, or on reception of a # character. To successfully program the unit, it must be enabled ('RXE high (rx) or TXE low (tx)). GOCHAN aa LOAD aa nnnnn SETPAR SETSER RVALUE rrrr SINGLE nnnnn Serially select channel aa, where aa is ch0 to ch31 Set value of N register for channel aa, where aa is Channels 0 to 31 Channel selected by 4 bit parallel inputs (ch0 to ch15 only) Channel selected by most recent GOCHAN operation Set value for R register Set value of N for single channel operation. N value NOT stored in EEPROM Process entry Clear all buffers Disable command mode <cr> / # aa = a two digit channel number from 00 to 31 nnnnn = synthesizer N register value (up to 65535) rrrr = synthesizer R register value (up to 16383) N= R= Note: f RF f Channelspacing f TCXO f channelspacing = = 458.525 MHz = 18341 25kHz 13MHz , So R=520 25kHz A pause of at least 50ms must be allowed between command strings (EEPROM programming time). SINGLE mode does not store the N value in EEPROM. Therefore the unit is inoperative after a power down until either another valid SINGLE command is received, or mode is changed by a GOCHAN, SETPAR or SETSER command. SINGLE mode is intended for frequency agile applications. Radiometrix Ltd TLM2 Data Sheet page 4 Version 2: programming instruction The TLM2 provides 32 individually programmable channels (As supplied, CH00-CH20 are programmed to 458.8 - 459.3MHz, and channels 21-31 are all set to 461.3MHz) GOCHAN aa TEMP aa Serially select channel aa, where aa is ch0 to ch31 select channel aa, but revert to last GOCHAN value on next key-up LOAD aa nnnnn RVALUE rrrr Set value of N register for channel aa, where aa is Channels 0 to 31 Set value for R register <cr> / Process entry Clear all buffers aa = a two digit channel number from 00 to 31 (and it MUST be two digits, so use "01" instead of "1".etc) nnnnn = synthesizer N register value (up to 65535) rrrr = synthesizer R register value (up to 16383) N= R= f RF f Channelspacing f TCXO f channelspacing = = 458.800 MHz = 18352 25kHz 13MHz , So R=520 25kHz Notes: 1. A 2400 baud cmos level ‘inverted RS232 format’ (1 start bit, 8 data, 1or 2 stop bits, no parity) is used. 2. The unit echos all bytes sent back on the P3 output. Following any successful operation, the bytes OK <cr> are also sent back, when the unit is ready. 3. To successfully program the unit it must be in active state (txe low), so provision should be made to force the unit into this state while programming (the third pin on the auxiliary programming connector does this). 4. All commands except the non-volatile TEMP aa initiate an e2prom programming sequence. 50mS must be left before the next command is sent. 5. These units employs a sub-set of the programming commands used by standard LMT module. (As the P0 pin is dedicated to serial communication only, the ‘ENABLESERIALMODE’ command string is NOT required.) Radiometrix Ltd TLM2 Data Sheet page 5 Condensed specifications Frequency Frequency stability Channel spacing Number of channels Transmit Output power TX on switching time Modulation type TX modulation bandwidth Adjacent channel TX power TX spurri Spurious radiations Inputs As supplied: Version 1: 458.525 - 459.1MHz (25kHz steps) Version 2: 458.8 - 459.3MHz (25KHz steps) and 461.3MHz +/- 1.5kHz 25kHz 32 channels controlled via RS232 interface +27dBm (500mW) ±1dB 50 ms from TXE transition FSK (F3D) DC – 3kHz (3v CMOS compatible DATA input) <-37dBm <-40dBm (no output in standby) Compliant with ETSI EN 300 220-3 and EN 301 489-3 data (CMOS/TTL compatible) Voltage Current +6 to 9v (6-15v for intermittent operation) 350mA nominal transmit <5µA standby (TXE high or floating) User Recommended PCB hole size Size 4+4 pin 0.1" pitch DIL header, plus 3 x 3pin 0.1" pitch SIL 'mounting' headers (PGM) BNC (bulkhead type) A 2mA LED indicator may be fitted by the user. A 1K series resistor (from 5.3v) is provided 1.2mm (min.) 74 x 38 x 14mm (not including connectors, which increase the length) Operating temperature Intended approval -20 to +55 C (Storage -30 to +70 C) ETSI Radio standard EN 300 220-3 and EMC standard EN 301 489-3 Supply Interface RF ο ο Ordering Information: Part No. Frequency band TLM2-458-5 (version 1) TLM2-460-5 (version 2) 458.525 - 459.1MHz 458.8 - 459.3MHz and 461.3MHz Matching Receiver LMR2-458-5 (version 1) LMR2-460-5 (version 2) Radiometrix Ltd 458.525 - 459.1MHz 458.8 - 459.3MHz and 461.3MHz TLM2 Data Sheet page 6 Radiometrix Ltd Hartcran House 231 Kenton Lane Harrow, Middlesex HA3 8RP ENGLAND Tel: +44 (0) 20 8909 9595 Fax: +44 (0) 20 8909 2233 [email protected] www.radiometrix.com Copyright notice This product data sheet is the original work and copyrighted property of Radiometrix Ltd. Reproduction in whole or in part must give clear acknowledgement to the copyright owner. Limitation of liability The information furnished by Radiometrix Ltd is believed to be accurate and reliable. Radiometrix Ltd reserves the right to make changes or improvements in the design, specification or manufacture of its subassembly products without notice. Radiometrix Ltd does not assume any liability arising from the application or use of any product or circuit described herein, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from the use of its products. This data sheet neither states nor implies warranty of any kind, including fitness for any particular application. These radio devices may be subject to radio interference and may not function as intended if interference is present. We do NOT recommend their use for life critical applications. The Intrastat commodity code for all our modules is: 8542 6000 R&TTE Directive After 7 April 2001 the manufacturer can only place finished product on the market under the provisions of the R&TTE Directive. Equipment within the scope of the R&TTE Directive may demonstrate compliance to the essential requirements specified in Article 3 of the Directive, as appropriate to the particular equipment. Further details are available on The Office of Communications (Ofcom) web site: http://www.ofcom.org.uk/radiocomms/ifi/ Information Requests Ofcom Riverside House 2a Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 9HA Tel: +44 (0)845 456 3000 or 020 7981 3040 Fax: +44 (0)20 7783 4033 [email protected] European Radiocommunications Office (ERO) Peblingehus Nansensgade 19 DK 1366 Copenhagen Tel. +45 33896300 Fax +45 33896330 [email protected] www.ero.dk