1N4689…1N4713 Silicon Epitaxial Planar Zener Diodes Max. 0.5 Min. 27.5 Max. 1.9 Black Cathode Band Black Part No. Black "ST" Brand XXX Max. 3.9 ST Min. 27.5 Glass Case DO-35 Dimensions in mm Absolute Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25 OC) Parameter Symbol Value Unit Ptot 500 mW Junction Temperature Tj 175 O Storage Temperature Range TS - 65 to + 175 O Power Dissipation C C Characteristics at Ta = 25 OC (VF = 1.5 V Max. at IF = 100 mA) Zener Voltage 1) VZ (V) Type 1N4689 1N4690 1N4691 1N4692 1N4693 1N4694 1N4695 1N4696 1N4697 1N4698 1N4699 1N4700 1N4701 1N4702 1N4705 1N4713 1) 2) Nom. Min. Max. at IZT (µA) 5.1 5.6 6.2 6.8 7.5 8.2 8.7 9.1 10 11 12 13 14 15 18 30 4.85 5.32 5.89 6.46 7.13 7.79 8.27 8.65 9.5 10.45 11.4 12.35 13.3 14.25 17.1 28.5 5.35 5.88 6.51 7.14 7.88 8.61 9.14 9.56 10.5 11.55 12.6 13.65 14.7 15.75 18.9 31.5 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 Maximum Reverse Current Maximum Zener Current 2) IR (µA) at VR (V) IZM (mA) 10 3 55 10 4 50 10 5 45 10 5.1 35 10 5.7 31.8 1 6.2 29 1 6.6 27.4 1 6.9 26.2 1 7.6 24.8 0.05 8.4 21.6 0.05 9.1 20.4 0.05 9.8 19 0.05 10.6 17.5 0.05 11.4 16.3 0.05 13.6 13.2 0.01 22.8 7.9 Tested with pulses tp = 20 ms. Maximum Zener current ratings are based on maximum zener voltage of the individual units. SEMTECH ELECTRONICS LTD. (Subsidiary of Sino-Tech International Holdings Limited, a company listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, Stock Code: 724) ® Dated : 05/03/2008 1N4689…1N4713 SEMTECH ELECTRONICS LTD. (Subsidiary of Sino-Tech International Holdings Limited, a company listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, Stock Code: 724) ® Dated : 05/03/2008