TAI-SAW TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. No. 3, Industrial 2nd Rd., Ping-Chen Industrial District, Taoyuan, 324, Taiwan, R.O.C. TEL: 886-3-4690038 FAX: 886-3-4697532 E-mail: tstsales@mail.taisaw.com Web: www.taisaw.com Approval Sheet For Product Specification Issued Date: May, 7, 2003 Product Name: SAW Filter 915 MHz SMD 3.8X3.8 mm TST Parts No.:TA915FC Customer Parts No.: Company: Division: Approved by : Date: Checked by: Bob Chau Approval by: Francis Chen Date: 5, 07, 2003 TAI-SAW TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. TST DCC Release document FR-71S03-01 TAI-SAW TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. No. 3, Industrial 2nd Rd., Ping-Chen Industrial District, Taoyuan, 324, Taiwan, R.O.C. TEL: 886-3-4690038 FAX: 886-3-4697532 E-mail: tstsales@mail.taisaw.com Web: www.taisaw.com SAW Filter 915 MHz for ISM900 MODEL NO.: TA915FC ~ High Attenuation ~ REV. NO.:2 A. MAXIMUM RATING: 1.Input Power Level: 10 dBm RoHS Compliant Lead free Lead-free soldering 2.DC voltage: 0 V 3.Operating Temperature: -40°C to +85°C 4.Storage Temperature: -40°C to +85°C B. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS: Electrical Specification Min. Typ. Max. Center frequency Fc ( MHz) Insertion loss within 902 ~ 928 MHz IL (dB) Amplitude ripple (p-p) within 902 ~ 928 MHz (dB) Attenuation (Reference level from 0 dB) D.C. ~ 800 MHz (dB) 800 ~ 880 MHz (dB) 960 ~ 1280 MHz (dB) 1280 ~ 2000 MHz (dB) Temperature coefficient of frequency TCf (ppm/K) Source impedance Zs (Ω) Load impedance ZL (Ω) - 915,0 2,9 3,5 - 1,4 2,0 25,0 20,0 35,0 20,0 33,0 37,0 38,0 35,0 - - -30 - - 50 50 - Note1. The standard definitions is in JIS C 6703 TAI-SAW TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. TST DCC Release document 2 C. MEASUREMENT CIRCUIT: HP Network analyzer 50Ω B SAW Filter E 50Ω A,C,D,F D. OUTLINE DRAWING: TAI-SAW TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. TST DCC Release document 3 E. Frequency Characteristics : Transfer function TAI-SAW TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. TST DCC Release document 4 F. PACKING: 1. REEL DIMENSION 2. TAPE DIMENSION TAI-SAW TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. TST DCC Release document 5