Adjustable Positive Voltage Regulator LM317 Adustable Positive Voltage Regulator General Description • The LM317 is an adjustable 3-terminal positive voltage regulator, designed to supply 1A of output current with . voltage adjustable from 1.3V ~ 37V. SOT-223 D-PACK (TO-252) • The LM317 is available in SOT-223, D-PACK, TO-220 and D2-PACK packages. TO-220 Features • • • • Applications Output Voltage adjustable from 1.3V ~ 37V Output current in excess of 1A Internal short circuit protection Internal over temperature protection • Output transistors safe area compensation • RoHS Compliance Ordering Information • PC Motherboard • LCD Monitor • Graphic Card • • • • TAITRON COMPONENTS INCORPORATED Tel: Fax: (800)-TAITRON (800)-824-8766 (800)-TAITFAX (800)-824-8329 D2-PACK (TO-263) (661)-257-6060 (661)-257-6415 DVD Player Network Interface Card/Switch Telecom Equipment Printer and other Peripheral Equipment Rev. A/DX 2007-06-04 Page 1 of 8 Adjustable Positive Voltage Regulator LM317 Pin Configuration Outline: H SOT-223 Outline: T TO-220 Outline: D D-PACK (TO-252) Outline: MC D2-PACK (TO-263) Block Diagram Rev. A/DX 2007-06-04 Page 2 of 8 Adjustable Positive Voltage Regulator LM317 Absolute Maximum Ratings (Ta=25° C, unless otherwise specified) Symbol Description Ratings Unit VIN-VOUT IO Input - Output Voltage Differential Max. Output Current 40 1.0 V A TJ Operating Junction Temperature 125 °C TOPR TSTG Operating Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range -40 ~ 85 -40 ~ 150 °C °C PD Power Dissipation Internal limited mW RthJC Thermal Resistance Junction-Case RthJA Thermal Resistance Junction-Ambient T: TO-220 MC: D2-PACK (TO-263) D: D-PACK (TO-252) H: SOT-223 T: TO-220 MC: D2-PACK (TO-263) D: D-PACK (TO-252) H: SOT-223 5 5 12 23 54 64 112 165 ° C/W ° C/W Note: Absolute maximum ratings are stress ratings only and functional device operation is not implied. The device could be damaged beyond Absolute maximum ratings. Electrical Characteristics (VIN-VOUT=5V, IOUT=10mA, TA=25ºC, unless otherwise specified) Symbol Description LM317 Unit Conditions 0.04 %/V 3V≤VIN-VOUT≤40V 5 25 mV 10mA≤IOUT≤1A, VOUT≤5V - 0.1 0.5 mV 10mA≤IOUT≤1A, VOUT≥5V Adjustable Pin Current - 50 100 µA - ∆IADJ Adjustable Pin Current Change - 0.2 5 µA VREF Reference Input Voltage 1.20 1.25 1.30 V - 0.7 - %/VOUT ∆VOUT/VOUT Line Regulation ∆VOUT Load Regulation IADJ - Temperature Stability Min. Typ. Max. - 0.01 - 3V≤VIN-VOUT≤40V, 10mA≤IOUT≤1A, PD≤20W 3V≤VIN-VOUT≤40V, 10mA≤IOUT≤1A, PD≤20W TMIN≤TJ≤TMAX Rev. A/DX 2007-06-04 Page 3 of 8 Adjustable Positive Voltage Regulator LM317 Symbol Description LM317 Min. Typ. Max. Unit Conditions IL(MIN) Minimum Load Current for Regulation - 3.5 10 mA VIN-VOUT=40V IO(MAX) Maximum Output Current 0.3 0.4 - A VIN-VOUT=40V, PD≤20W eN RMS Noise vs. %of VOUT - 0.003 - %/VOUT 10Hz≤f≤10KHz RR Ripple Rejection CADJ=0 - 65 - CADJ=10µF 66 80 - dB VOUT=10V, f=120Hz Note: CADJ is connected between Adjust pin and Ground. Fig.2- Adjustment Current vs. Temperature Fig.1- Load Regulation vs. Temperature IADJ, Adjustment Current (µA) ∆VOUT, Output Voltage Deviation (%) Typical Characteristics Curves Temperature (° C) Temperature (° C) Fig.4- Minimum Operating Current IOUT, Output Current (mA) IOUT, Min. Output Current (mA) Fig.3- Current Limit VIN-VOUT (V) VIN-VOUT (V) Rev. A/DX 2007-06-04 Page 4 of 8 Adjustable Positive Voltage Regulator LM317 Typical Application Fig.5-Programmable Voltage Regulator Fig.7- Soft Start Application Fig.6- Regulator with On-off Control Fig.8- Constant Current Application Rev. A/DX 2007-06-04 Page 5 of 8 Adjustable Positive Voltage Regulator LM317 Dimensions in inches (mm) SOT-223 D-PACK (TO-252) Rev. A/DX 2007-06-04 Page 6 of 8 Adjustable Positive Voltage Regulator LM317 TO-220 D2-PACK (TO-263) Rev. A/DX 2007-06-04 Page 7 of 8 Adjustable Positive Voltage Regulator LM317 How to contact us: US HEADQUARTERS 28040 WEST HARRISON PARKAWAY, VALENCIA, CA 91355-4162 Tel: (800) TAITRON (800) 824-8766 (661) 257-6060 Fax: (800) TAITFAX (800) 824-8329 (661) 257-6415 Email: Http:// TAITRON COMPONENTS MEXICO, S.A .DE C.V. BOULEVARD CENTRAL 5000 INTERIOR 5 PARQUE INDUSTRIAL ATITALAQUIA, HIDALGO C.P. 42970 MEXICO Tel: +52-55-5560-1519 Fax: +52-55-5560-2190 TAITRON COMPONETS INCORPORATED E REPRESENTAÇÕES DO BRASIL LTDA RUA DOMINGOS DE MORAIS, 2777, 2.ANDAR, SALA 24 SAÚDE - SÃO PAULO-SP 04035-001 BRAZIL Tel: +55-11-5574-7949 Fax: +55-11-5572-0052 TAITRON COMPONETS INCORPORATED, SHANGHAI REPRESENTATIVE OFFICE CROSS REGION PLAZA, 899 LINGLING ROAD, SUITE 18C, SHANGHAI, 200030, CHINA Tel: +86-21-5424-9942 Fax: +86-21-5424-9931 Rev. A/DX 2007-06-04 Page 8 of 8