ES302 DEMONSTRATION BOARD ISD-ES302.PDF 02/10/06 DEVICES SUPPORTED: Products Supported Ordering Code ISD4002-120 ISD4002-150 ISD4002-180 ISD4002-240 ISD4003-04M ISD4003-05M ISD4003-06M ISD4003-08M ISD4004-08M ISD4004-10M ISD4004-12M ISD4004-16M ISD-ES302 ISD-ES302 ISD-ES302 ISD-ES302 ISD-ES302 ISD-ES302 ISD-ES302 ISD-ES302 ISD-ES302 ISD-ES302 ISD-ES302 ISD-ES302 CONTENTS OF KIT: − − − − Two AA Battries 16 Ohm Speaker ES302 Demo board with user’s guide Three ISD4003 PDIP Samples OVERVIEW: The ES302 Demo board is designed to let listeners hear the voice quality of the 3 volt part and to demonstrate some of the features available through the SPI bus control. HARDWARE: The three major Integrated Circuits on the board are the ISD4000 voice chip, U2, the NSC COP820C microcontroller, U4, and an audio chip, U3. The audio chip is an ISD1020 of which only the microphone preamplifier and the speaker driver are used. It is run on 5 V whereas the ISD4000 is run on 3 V. The audio chip would not normally be needed because the audio input and speaker output functions are already on the board in a cellular phone, for example. The board is powered by two AA cells on the bottom side. These cells drive a voltage converter to get the 5 V for the audio chip and the microcontroller. This voltage is then regulated down to 3 V (or 3.3 VDC) for the ISD4000 device. SOFTWARE: The COP microcontroller provides the interface between the user’s fingers on the keyboard and the ISD4000 device. It interprets the key strokes and issues the appropriate commands to the ISD4000. It also monitors the ISD4000 status registers and Interrupt Output to keep track of operations. ISD-ES302.PDF 02/10/06 INSTRUCTIONS: The keyboard on the ES302 Demo board consists of a 2 x 3 matrix of various colored keys. As with many microcontroller project boards, ISD has also provided the white MASTER_RESET button at the bottom of the board in case of program lockup. To operate the board, insert the desired ISD4000 product into the U2 socket. This can be any one of the four sample rates for comparison of the voice quality versus time duration listening. Power ON the board with S11 at the right hand side of the board. Up is the “ON” position. This applies the 3 V from the batteries to the converter chip. Check that the speaker is plugged into JP2 so that you can hear the results. The six push-buttons are labeled on the PCB. Pushing the Yellow “Go_to_Beg” button will reset the address pointer to the front of the chip or address 000. The indication that this has been done will be a double flash of the LED, D11, in the bottom left corner of the PCB. Pushing the Red “Record” button will turn on the Red LED to indicate that the chip is now recording anything it hears at the microphone M1 near the top center of the board. The board will continue to Record until the end of the chip is reached or the Black “Stop” button is pressed. At that time the LED will go out and the board will stop Recording. Pushing the White “Play_Last” button (or pushing the Yellow “Go_to_Beg” button, and then the White “Play_Next” button) will playback what you have just recorded. This message will play through to its end or stop when you press the Black “Stop” button. The Blue “Skip_to_Next” button will let you bypass a message and play the one after that message. For example, had you recorded three messages, beginning at the front of the chip, and gone back to the beginning after the last message then you could press the White “Play_Next” button to play message #1, press the Blue “Skip_tp_Next” button to bypass message #2 and then press the White “Play_Next” to play message #3. ISD-ES302.PDF 02/10/06 BT 2XAA U2 ISD4000 S11 L1 47uH TO 3V 3 C18 68uF R26 100K U6 LT1121CZ-3.3 G IN N OUT D C30 0.1uF U5 5 R27 220K LBI 1 SHDN 3 REF 7 GND C19 0.1uF LX LBO 18 27 6 4 R28 100K ANA IN+ 25 SS SCLK MOSI MISO VCCA VCCD R23 4.7K 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 2 1 8 6 U3 JU2 3PIN JUMPER AUDIO MUTE DISABLE SI 3 SO MAX856CSA 5 SK 1 SS\ 6 U1C 2 U1A 11 4 U1B 9 13 YELLOW SKIP TO NEXT S2 BLUE REC S3 RED D1 D6 1N914 1N914 L2 R11 4.7K L7 D2 D4 L5 R12 4.7K 1N914 1N914 D3 D5 L1 R13 4.7K 1N914 1N914 R16 4.7K L4 R14 4.7K L6 R15 4.7K V V CC CC DA 1 1 2 3 V V S S S S DA 1 1 1 4 5 1 2 2 0 1 +5V C14 1uF A A NN A A MMA I I G CCC I N I O NU T R E F 5V M1 R2 5K R3 1K MICROPHONE R4 5K 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 7 5 2 6 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 C4 1000uF 5V 12 U1F C3 .22uF R1 470K C1 1uF X P E OC CP / OV L E D R MF K A A A A A A A A A A 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C2 .22uF 1 1 1 8 7 9 S S A P P U + - X ISD 2560 ATTCAP 8 PD P/R U1-14 TO 5V U1-7 TO GND +5V +5V GO TO BEGIN S1 10 U1E U1D 74HC04 +5V C7 1uF C5 10uF R22 4.7K AUDOUT JU1 3PIN JUMPER C8 1uF 5V C6 .1uF ANA IN+ 3.3K spkr 24 1 28 2 3 R25 C9 1uF JP2 2 1 RAC C17 68uF C13 0.1uF TO LBO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 VCC 3V 13 RAC INT\ R6 4.7K 14 AUD OUT VSSA VSSA VSSA VSSD AUD OUT R7 4.7K 26 ANA INATTCAP 11 12 23 4 C12 0.1uF 8 2 3/5 16 INTB C11 1uF D12 MBR0520 OUT 17 C10 10uF C31 47uF 2 XCLK 3V 1 ATTCAP U2 ISD 33000 ANA IN+ ON/OFF + NNNN / / / / CCCC PLAY LAST S6 U4 WHITE STOP S4 BLACK SO WAKE SK SI INT\ PLAY NEXT S5 LBO RAC SS\ P/R PD LT.GREY +5V WAKE 1 0 9 8 7 I I I I 3 2 1 O CKI R9 3.3K 5 C15 82pF VCC 6 NOTES: RESET GND 24 23 R8 47K D10 1N914 L1 IS A SUMIDA CD43-470-KC D12 SUBSITUTE 1N5817 SCHOTTKY C16 0.1uF S10 D11 RED LED Q1 2N3904 L0 L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 SO G7 SK SI INT G1 G2 G3 D0 D1 D2 D3 COP 820C R21 270 R20 4.7K N/C 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 4 2 3 25 26 27 28 19 20 21 22 MASTER RESET INFORMATION STORAGE DEVICES BATT LOW Title ES302 DEMO BOARD R24 680 Size B Date: Document Number REV 96-02-05 ES302 AB July 25, 1996 B Sheet 1 of 1