Continental Device India Limited An ISO/TS 16949, ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 Certified Company TRIAC CJD136 DPAK (TO-252) Plastic Package For use in high bidirectional transient and blocking voltage applications, and for high thermal cycling performance. Typical Applications include Motor Control, Industrial and Domestic Lighting, Heating and Static Switching. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS PARAMETER Repetitive Peak Off State Voltage RMS on State Current Non Repetitive Peak on State Current l2t for Fusing Repetitive Rate of Rise of on State Current After Triggering SYMBOL *VDRM IT (RMS) ITSM I2 t dlT/dt VALUE 600 UNIT V 4.0 A 25 27 3.1 A A A2s 50 50 50 10 2.0 5.0 5.0 0.5 - 40 to +150 125 A/µs A/µs A/µs A/µs A V W W ºC ºC 3.0 max 3.7 max 60 typ K/W K/W K/W TEST CONDITION full sine wave, Tmb <107ºC full sine wave, TJ=25ºC prior to t=20ms t=16.7ms t=10ms ITM=6A, IG=0.2A, dlG/dt=0.2A/µs T2+ G+ T2+ GT2- GT2- G+ IGM Peak Gate Current V Peak Gate Voltage GM PGM Peak Gate Power PG (AV) Average Gate Power Tstg Storage Temperature Tj Operating Junction Temperature *The rate of rise of current should not excees 3A/µ µs THERMAL RESISTANCE Junction to Mounting Base Rth (j-mb) Junction to Ambient (typical) Rth (j-a) Over any 20ms period full cycle half cycle in free air ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TJ=25ºC unless specified otherwise) PARAMETER SYMBOL TEST CONDITION IGT VD=12V, IT=0.1A Gate Trigger Current T2+ G+ T2+ GT2- GT2- G+ MARKING MIN MAX UNIT 35 35 35 70 mA mA mA mA CDIL CJD136 MX XY XY= Date Code CJD136Rev171104E Continental Device India Limited Data Sheet Page 1 of 6 TRIAC CJD136 DPAK (TO-252) Plastic Package ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TJ=25ºC unless specified otherwise) PARAMETER Latching Current Holding Current On State Voltage Gate Trigger Voltage SYMBOL IL IH VT VGT TEST CONDITION VD=12V, IGT=0.1A T2+ G+ T2+ GT2- GT2- G+ VD=12V, IGT=0.1A IT=5A VD=12V, IT=0.1A VD=400V, IT=0.1A,TJ=125ºC Off State Leakage Current DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS PARAMETER Critical Rate of Rise of off State Voltage Critical Rate of Change of Commutating Voltage Gate Controlled turn on time MIN MAX UNIT 20 30 20 30 15 1.7 1.5 mA mA mA mA mA V V 0.25 V ID VD=max, VDRM=max, TJ=125ºC SYMBOL TEST CONDITION MIN dVD/dt VDM=67% VDRM=max, TJ=125ºC, exponential waveform, gate open circuit 100 dVcom/dt VDM=400V, TJ=95ºC, IT(RMS)=4A, d/com/dt=1.8A/ms, gate open circuit 50 V/µs tgt ITM=6A, VD=VDRM max, IG=0.1A, dlG/dt=5A/µs 2.0 µs TYP 0.5 mA MAX UNIT V/µs CJD136Rev171104E Continental Device India Limited Data Sheet Page 2 of 6 CJD136 DPAK (TO-252) Plastic Package CJD136Rev171104E Continental Device India Limited Data Sheet Page 3 of 6 CJD136 DPAK (TO-252) Plastic Package CJD136Rev171104E Continental Device India Limited Data Sheet Page 4 of 6 CJD136 DPAK (TO-252) Plastic Package CJD136Rev171104E Continental Device India Limited Data Sheet Page 5 of 6 Customer Notes CJD136 DPAK (TO-252) Plastic Package Disclaimer The product information and the selection guides facilitate selection of the CDIL's Discrete Semiconductor Device(s) best suited for application in your product(s) as per your requirement. It is recommended that you completely review our Data Sheet(s) so as to confirm that the Device(s) meet functionality parameters for your application. The information furnished in the Data Sheet and on the CDIL Web Site/CD are believed to be accurate and reliable. CDIL however, does not assume responsibility for inaccuracies or incomplete information. Furthermore, CDIL does not assume liability whatsoever, arising out of the application or use of any CDIL product; neither does it convey any license under its patent rights nor rights of others. These products are not designed for use in life saving/support appliances or systems. CDIL customers selling these products (either as individual Discrete Semiconductor Devices or incorporated in their end products), in any life saving/support appliances or systems or applications do so at their own risk and CDIL will not be responsible for any damages resulting from such sale(s). CDIL strives for continuous improvement and reserves the right to change the specifications of its products without prior notice. CDIL is a registered Trademark of Continental Device India Limited C-120 Naraina Industrial Area, New Delhi 110 028, India. Telephone + 91-11-2579 6150, 5141 1112 Fax + 91-11-2579 5290, 5141 1119 CJD136Rev171104E Continental Device India Limited Data Sheet Page 6 of 6