FRONTWAVE™ Multi-Microphone Hybrid - GA3205 PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET DESCRIPTION • 4 different modes of operation: • directional • directional equalized • 1 mic omnidirectional • 2 mic omnidirectional • allows for mic port spacing from 6mm to 13mm • calibration software automatically trims out mic sensitivity mismatches • variable time delay/directivity pattern • 4 memories • variable low frequency equalization (0 to 20dB) • small package size • compatible with all hearing aids The GA3205 is a multi-memory hybrid that, with the addition of two microphones, can be used to produce a directional response in any hearing aid. The four available memories can be programmed to include any of the 4 modes of operation: 1 mic omnidirectional, 2 mic omnidirectional, directional, and directional equalized. The variable time delay of the circuit gives it the flexibility to offer a wide range of directivity patterns (ie. cardioid to hypercardioid) for microphone port spacings from 6mm to 13mm. Variable low frequency equalization gives the flexibility to trade-off between bass response and noise performance. Calibration software automatically configures the hybrid for the desired directivity pattern and adjusts the gain trim resistors to compensate for micropohone sensitivity mismatches enabling maximum directivity. thinSTAX™ PACKAGING Hybrid Typical Dimensions: 0.205 x 0.110 x 0.060in. (5.21 x 2.79 x 1.52mm) The GA3205 hybrid code programmed into the GP523 is "2". VB 2 VREG1 VREG2 11 5 GA3205 R7 460k R5 92K GP523 C3 100n C4 100n REGULATOR 10k FRONT MIC 6 26k 16k -A C1 200n 3k9 GND2 7 15k5 SW -D 4 OUT 36k 6k 15k5 REAR MIC 12 C2 200n 10k -B 6k 25k 26k 11k 24k -C GND1 1 C6 4n4 C5 1n2 R3 185k 10 SDA 8 MS R4 R2 45k5 184k R8 92k R9 18k R6 185k All resistors in ohms, all capacitors in farads unless otherwise stated. BLOCK DIAGRAM Revision Date: September 1999 Document No. 522 - 18 - 01 GENNUM CORPORATION P.O. Box 489, Stn. A, Burlington, Ontario, Canada L7R 3Y3 tel. +1 (905) 632-2996 Web Site: E-mail: GA3205 FEATURES ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS PAD CONNECTION GA3205 PARAMETER VALUE Supply Voltage 2VDC Power Dissipation 25mW Operating Temperature -10 to + 40°C Storage Temperature -20 to +70°C GND2 MS 7 8 FRONT MIC VREG1 10 11 9 6 13 CAUTION 5 4 ELECTROSTATIC SENSITIVE DEVICES VREG2 OUT DO NOT OPEN PACKAGES OR HANDLE EXCEPT AT A STATIC-FREE WORKSTATION SDA 12 3 2 1 VB GND1 REAR MIC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Conditions: Temperature 25 oC, Frequency = 1 kHz. R1 - Tap 15; R2 - Tap 15; R3 - Tap 0; R4 - Tap 0; R5 - Tap 0; R6 - Tap 0; R7 - Tap 3; R8 - Tap 14 PARAMETER MIN TYP MAX UNITS IA M P 140 25 0 400 µA Minimum Voltage VB - 1.1 - V Regulator Voltage VR E G 860 92 0 980 mV Nominal System Gain GAIN - 0 - dB 18 20 22 dB H y b r i d C u r re n t SYMBOL M a x i m u m L o w F re q u e n c y B o o s t CONDITIONS @ 100Hz F ro n t C h a n n e l G a i n A d j u s t m e n t R a n g e ∆GFR O N T - 8 - dB Rear Channel Gain Adjustment Range ∆GR E A R - 22 - dB µs Minimum Time Delay tM IN R2 - Tap 0 4.5 7.2 10 tM A X R2 - Tap 0, R4 - Tap 15 25 33. 0 45 µs Power Supply Rejection Ratio of System PSRRS Y S - 50 - dB Power Supply Rejection Ratio of Regulator PSRRR E G - 70 - dB Total Har monic Distor tion THD - 0.1 1.0 % I n p u t R e f e r re d N o i s e IRN - 3. 5 - µV Output Resistane RO P - 3.9 - kΩ Maximum Time Delay SW = closed, R7 - Tap 13 (All conditions and parameters remain as shown in test circuit unless stated in condition column) 522 - 18 - 01 2 VB 2 VREG1 VREG2 11 5 GA3205 R7 460k R5 92K GP523 C3 100n FRONT MIC GND2 REGULATOR 10k 6 26k 16k -A C1 200n 200n 3k9 7 15k5 SW -D 10k 36k 6k 15k5 C2 200n 3k9 10k 12 VOUT 4 6k -B 26k 25k 11k 24k -C REAR MIC GND1 1 C6 4n4 C5 1n2 R4 R3 10 SDA R2 92k 8 MS R6 R9 R8 45k5 184k 185k 185k 18k All resistors in ohms, all capacitors in farads unless otherwise stated. Fig. 1 Production Test Circuit VB VREG1 VREG2 11 5 2 GA3205 R7 460k R5 92K GP523 C3 100n C4 100n REGULATOR FRONT MIC 10k 6 26k 16k -A C1 200n 3k9 7 GND2 15k5 SW -D 4 Any AC-Coupled Amplifier or Signal Processor 36k 6k 15k5 REAR MIC 12 12 GND1 C2 200n 10k -B 6k 25k 26k 11k 24k -C 1 C6 4n4 C5 1n2 R3 185k 10 SDA R4 R2 184k 45k5 R8 92k 8 MS R9 18k R6 185k All resistors in ohms, all capacitors in farads unless otherwise stated. Fig. 2 Typical Hearing Instrument Application 3 522 - 18 - 01 GA3205 3k9 C4 100n BATTERY + GA3205 To Programmer Box FRONT MIC + 7 8 9 10 +REAR 11 MIC 6 12 13 5 4 3 2 1 Any AC-Coupled Amplifier or Signal Processor Fig. 3 Typical Hearing Instrument Assembly Diagram VB VREG1 VREG2 11 5 2 GA3205 R7 460k R5 92K GP523 C3 100n C4 100n REGULATOR 3k9 10k 6 C1 200n FRONT MIC GND2 26k 16k -A 3k9 7 15k5 SW -D 6k 15k5 3k9 12 REAR MIC GND1 10k -B 6k 25k 26k 11k 24k -C 1 R3 185k R1 - Tap 15 R2 - Tap 15 R3 - Tap 0 R4 - Tap 0 C6 4n4 C5 1n2 10 SDA R4 184k 8 MS R2 45k5 R8 92k R9 18k R6 185k All resistors in ohms, all capacitors in farads unless otherwise stated. R5 - Tap 0 R6 - Tap 0 R7 - Tap 3 R8 - Tap 14 Fig. 4 Characterization Circuit (used to generate typical curves) 522 - 18 - 01 VOUT 10k 36k C2 200n 10µ 4 4 TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CURVES 20 35 VIN = -40 dBV R6 - Tap 15 GAIN (dB) 10 5 0 R6 - Tap 0 25 20 15 10 -5 -10 30 GA3205 DELAY OF STAGE C (µs) 15 20 100 1k 10k 5 20k 0 1 2 3 4 Fig. 5 Frequency Response for Different R6 Tap Settings (Front Channel) 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Fig. 6 Stage C Time Delay Adjustment -20 VIN = -40 dBV f = 1 kHz -30 R8 - Tap 0 OUTPUT LEVEL (dBV) R8 - Tap 14 FRONT CHANNEL: R7 - Tap 0 R7 - Tap 24 R3 & R4 - Tap 0 0 GAIN (dB) 5 R4 RESISTOR TAPS FREQUENCY (Hz) R3 & R4 - Tap 15 -5 R8 - Tap 24 -10 -40 -50 REAR CHANNEL: R8 - Tap 0 R8 - Tap 24 -60 -70 -80 -15 -90 -100 10k 1k 100 -90 -80 FREQUENCY (Hz) Fig. 7 Frequency Response (Rear Channel) 10 VIN = -40 dBV 0.1 REAR CHANNEL FRONT CHANNEL 0.01 100 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 Fig. 8 I/O Transfer Function for Front and Rear Channels THD & NOISE (%) THD & NOISE (%) 1 -70 INPUT LEVEL (dBV) 1k f = 1 kHz 1 0.01-80 10k FREQUENCY (Hz) FRONT CHANNEL REAR CHANNEL 0.1 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 INPUT LEVEL (dBV) Fig. 9 THD and Noise vs Frequency Fig. 10 THD and Noise vs Input Level 5 522 - 18 - 01 PACKAGE DIMENSIONS GA3205 0.205 (5.21) GA3205 XXXXXX 0.110 (2.79) 0.065 MAX (1.65) 1 3 4 5 2 12 11 6 13 10 9 8 7 Dimensions are in inches. Dimensions in parenthesis are in millimetres, converted from inches and include minor rounding errors. 1.0000 inches = 25.400mm. Dimension tolerances ± 0.003 (± 0.08) unless otherwise stated. Smallest pad 0.026 x 0.035 (pad 1). Largest pad 0.025 x 0.053 (pad 2). XXXXXX - work order number. This hybrid is designed for either point-to-point manual soldering or it can be reflowed according to Gennum's recommended reflow process (Information Note 521-45). DOCUMENT IDENTIFICATION: PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET GENNUM CORPORATION MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 489, Stn. A, Burlington, Ontario, Canada L7R 3Y3 Tel. +1 (905) 632-2996 Fax +1 (905) 632-2814 SHIPPING ADDRESS: 970 Fraser Drive, Burlington, Ontario, Canada L7L 5P5 The product is in a preproduction phase and specifications are subject to change without notice. REVISION NOTES: GENNUM JAPAN CORPORATION C-101, Miyamae Village, 2-10-42 Miyamae, Suginami-ku, Tokyo 168-0081, Japan Tel. +81 (3) 3334-7700 Fax: +81 (3) 3247-8839 Cosmetic changes. thinSTAX™ notation added. Change to max. supply voltage. Gennum Corporation assumes no responsibility for the use of any circuits described herein and makes no representations that they are free from patent infringement. © Copyright April 1999 Gennum Corporation. All rights reserved. 522 - 18 - 01 6 Printed in Canada.