Recommended Test Procedures for Operational Amplifiers Application Note November 1996 AN551.1 Introduction The following text describes the basic test procedures that can be used for most Intersil Op Amps. Note that all measurement conversions have been taken into account in the equations stated. 3. Open S1, S2 and S3. 4. Measuring voltage at E in volts (label as E4). IIO = (E1 - E4) x 100 (nA) for RF = 50K, RS = 10K, or IIO = (E1 - E4) x 10 (nA) for RF = 50K, RS = 100K 1. Offset Voltage The offset voltage (VIO) of the amplifier under test (AUT) is measured via Test Circuit 1 as follows: 1. Set V+ and V- supplies to values specified in Table 1, Column (1) and VDC to 0V. 2. Close S1 and S2, open S3. 3. Choose: RF = 50K for non-precision amplifiers. RF = 5M for precision amplifiers. 4. Measure voltage at E in volts (label as E1). VIO = E1 (mV) for RF = 50K, or VIO = E1 *10 (µV) for RF = 5M 4. Power Supply Rejection Ratio Both positive and negative PSRRs are measured via Test Circuit 1. For PSRR+: 1. Close S1 and S2, open S3. 2. Choose: RF = 50K 3. Set VDC = 0, V+ = 10V, and V- = -15V. 4. Measure voltage at E in volts (label as E5). 5. Change V+ to +20V. 6. Measure voltage at E in volts (label as E6). 4 10 PSRR + = 20 log 10 ------------------- (dB) for R F = 50K E5 – E6 The gain of this circuit with RF = 50K (RF = 5M) requires the output to be driven to 1000 (100,000) times the offset voltage necessary to maintain the output of the AUT at 0V. Note that the AUT output is always identical to VDC. Overall circuit stability is maintained by the adjustable feed-back capacitor CA. Similarly for PSRR-: 2. Input Bias Current 2. Set VDC = 0V, V+ = +15V, V- = -10. 3. Measure voltage at E in volts (label as E7). The bias current flowing in or out of the positive terminal of the AUT (IB+) is obtained using Test Circuit 1 by: 4. Change V- to -20V. 1. Measuring E1 as in procedure 1 (use RS = 100K for JFET input devices). 2. Maintain VDC at 0V. 3. Close S2, open S1 and S3. 4. Measuring voltage at E in volts (label as E2). IB+ = (E1 - E2) x 100 (nA) for RF = 50K, RS = 10K, or IB+ = (E1 - E2) x 10 (nA) for RF = 50K, RS = 100K The bias current flowing in or out of the negative terminal (IB-) is found by: 1. Following steps 1 and 2 for IB+. 2. Close S1, open S2 and S3. 3. Measuring voltage at E in volts (label as E3). IB- = (E1 - E3) x 100 (nA) for RF = 50K, RS = 10K, or IB- = (E1 - E3) x 10 (nA) for RF = 50K, RS = 100K 1. Follow steps 1 and 2 for PSRR+ above. 5. Measure voltage at E in volts (label as E8). 4 10 PSRR - = 20 log 10 ------------------- (dB) for R F = 50K E7 – E8 5. Common Mode Rejection Ratio The CMRR is determined by adjusting Test Circuit 1 as follows: 1. Close S1 and S2, open S3. 1. Choose: RF = 50K 2. Set V+ = +5V, V- = -25V, and VDC = -10V. 3. Measure voltage at E in volts (label as E9). 4. Set V+ = 25V, V- = -5V, and VDC = 10V. 5. Measure voltage at E in volts (label as E10). 4 2 × 10 (dB) for R = 50K CMRR = 20 log 10 ---------------------F E 9 – E 10 3. Input Offset Current Using Test Circuit 1, the input offset current (IIO) of the AUT is determined by: 1. Measuring E1 as in procedure 1. 6. Output Voltage Swing Test Circuit 2 is adjusted to measure VOUT+ and VOUT- the procedure is: 1. Select appropriate V+ and V- supply values from Table 1, Column 1. 2. Maintaining VDC at 0V. 1 1-888-INTERSIL or 321-724-7143 | Copyright © Intersil Corporation 1999 Application Note 551 2. Select specified RL from Table 1, Column 2. 9. Slew Rate 3. Set VIN = 0.5V. 4. Measure voltage at E in volts. VOUT+ = E (V) Test Circuit 3 is used for measurement of positive and negative slew rate. For SR+: Similarly VOUT- is found by: 1. Select specified RL, ACL, and CL from Table 1, Columns 4, 5 and 6. 1. Selecting specified RL from Table 1, Column 1. 2. Setting VIN = -0.5V. 3. Measuring voltage at E in volts. VOUT- = E (V) 7. Output Current The output current corresponding to the output voltage of procedure 6 is found by: 1. Measuring VOUT- and VOUT+ as in procedure 6. V OUT+ I OUT = ------------------- where R L is from Table 1, Column 2. RL V OUTI OUT = ------------------ where R L is from Table 1, Column 2. RL 2. Apply a positive step voltage to VAC (refer to data book for test waveform). 3. Observe ∆V and ∆t at E. A standard approach is to use the 10% and 90% points or else the 25% and 75% points on the waveform. OUTPUT 100% 90% 75% 50% ∆V 25% 10% 0% ∆t ∆V SR = -------∆t For SR- repeat above procedure with negative input pulse. 8. Open Loop Gain Both positive (AVOL+) and negative (AVOL-) open loop gain measurements are determined by adjusting Test Circuit 1. ∆V SR- = -------∆t For AVOL+: 10. Full Power Bandwidth 1. Close S1, S2 and S3. Full power bandwidth is calculated by: 2. Select specified RL from Table 1, Column 3. 1. Measuring slew rate as above in procedure 9. 3. Set RF = 50K. 2. Measuring VOUT+ as in procedure 6. (Typically VOUT+ is assumed to be the guaranteed minimum VOUT, usually 10V.) 4. Set VDC = 0V, V+ = +15V, and V- = -15V. 5. Measure voltage at E in volts (label as E13). 6. Set VDC = 10V. 7. Measure voltage at E in volts (label as E14). 10 A VOL+ = -------------------------- (V/mV) for R F = 50K E 14 – E 13 For AVOL-: 1. Follow steps 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 above. 2. Set VDC = -10V. 3. Measure voltage at E in volts (label as E15). 10 A VOL - = -------------------------- (V/mV) for R F = 50K E 13 – E 15 SR+ FPBW = ------------------------------------------2πV OUT ( PEAK ) 11. Rise Time, Fall Time and Overshoot The small signal step response of the AUT is determined via Test Circuit 3. The procedure requires: 1. Selecting the appropriate RL, ACL, and CL from Table 1, Columns 4, 5 and 6. 2. Applying a positive input step voltage for rise time tR and positive overshoot OS+. Applying a negative input step voltage for fall time tF and negative overshoot OS-. (Refer to data book for input waveforms.) 3. Observe output of AUT noting the key points as shown. 2 Application Note 551 GAIN (dB) OVERSHOOT VFINAL 90% VPEAK (TYP. = 200mV) f1 0dB, 0o 10% FREQUENCY P1 tR1 tR2 tF1 tF2 VPEAK - VFINAL OS = x 100(%) VFINAL tR = tR2 -tR1 tF = tF2 - tF1 12. Settling Time Test Circuit 6 is appropriate for settling time (tS) measurement, the procedure is: 1. Select R1 and R2 such that AUT is at the ACL stated in Table 1, Column 5. 2. Select R3 and R4 so that R3 ≥ 2R1 and R4 ≥ 2R2 with the condition that the ratio R1 R3 ------- = ------- be maintained. R2 R4 PHASE MARGIN 180o PHASE 3. At a gain of 0dB (if ACL = 1 in Table 1, column 5), record frequency f1 and corresponding phase P1. Phase margin = 180 degrees - P1 degrees. 15. Input Noise Voltage Test Circuit 5 is designed for measuring input noise voltage. Use of the Quantec Noise Analyzer is recommended to obtain measurements at 1Hz bandwidth around a specific center frequency. The procedure is: 1. Set RG = 0 2. Set circuit card to gain of 10. 3. Apply step voltage as specified in data book. 3. Select measurement frequency of interest. 4. Measure the time from t1 (time input step applied) to t2 (the time ES settles to within a specified percentage of VOUT - see data book). tS = t2 - t1 4. Record noise voltage (label as En1). Units are nV/√Hz.). NOTE: Clipping diodes of Test Circuit 6 prevent overdrive of oscilloscope. (Recommend fast Schottky diodes.) Using Test Circuit 5, the input noise current is obtained by: 16. Input Noise Current 13. Gain Bandwidth Product 1. Measure En1 as above for the desired frequency of interest. Test Circuit 4 is used for measuring GBP. The procedure is: 2. Adjust RG so that VO > 2En1 (label VO as En2). 1. Sweep VIN thru the required frequency range. 2. With a network analyzer view gain (dB) versus frequency as below. GAIN (dB) 2 In = 2 ( E n2 ) – ( E n1 ) – 4kTR G --------------------------------------------------------------------2 RG Where K = 1.38 x 10-23 (Boltzmann's Constant) T = 300oC (27oC) AV 17. Channel Separation (Crosstalk) FREQUENCY (Hz) fC 3. At the voltage gain of interest (AV) determine the corresponding frequency fC. Note that chosen AV must be greater than or equal to that stated in column 5 of Table 1. GBP = AV x fC (Hz) where AV is in V/V. 14. Phase Margin (Network Analyzer Method) Test Circuit 4 is used to obtain phase margin measurement. The procedure is: 1. Sweep VIN thru the required frequency range. 2. Display gain in dB and phase in degrees versus frequency on analyzer as shown. 3 Test Circuit 7 is used to measure channel separation (CS). The procedure is as follows: 1. Apply VIN at the frequency of interest to input of channel 1. 2. Select RL from Table 1, column 4. 3. Measure VO1. 4. Measure VO2 of channel 2. V O2 CS = 20 log 10 -------------------- dB 100V O1 Application Note 551 TABLE 1. PARAMETERS TO MEASURE SLEW RATE, OS, tR, tF (1) SUPPLY VOLTAGE (VS) (2) VOUT RL(kΩ) (3) AVOL RL(kΩ) (4) RL(kΩ) (5) ACL (6) CL(pF) HA-2400/04/05 ±15 2 2 2 1 50 HA-2500/02/05 ±15 2 2 2 1 50 HA-2510/12/15 ±15 2 2 2 1 50 HA-2520/02/05 ±15 2 2 2 3 50 HA-2539 ±15 1 1 1 10 10 HA-2540 ±15 1 1 1 10 10 HA-2541 ±15 2 2 2 1 10 HA-2542 ±15 1 1 1 2 10 HA-2600/02/05 ±15 2 2 2 1 100 HA-2620/02/05 ±15 2 2 2 5 50 HA-2640/05 ±40 5 5 5 1 50 HA-4741 ±15 10 2 2 1 50 HA-5101 ±15 2 2 2 1 50 HA-5102/04 ±15 2 2 2 1 50 HA-5111 ±15 2 2 2 10 50 HA-5112/14 ±15 2 2 2 10 50 HA-5127 ±15 0.6 2 2 1 50 HA-5130/05 ±15 0.6 2 2 1 100 HA-5134 ±15 2 2 2 1 50 HA-5137 ±15 0.6 2 2 5 50 HA-5141/12/14 +5/0 50 50 50 1 50 HA-5147 ±15 0.6 2 2 10 50 HA-5151/12/14 ±15 10 10 10 1 50 HA-5160/62 ±15 2 2 2 10 50 HA-5170 ±15 2 2 2 1 50 HA-5180 ±15 2 2 2 1 50 HA-5190/95 ±15 0.2 0.2 2 5 10 PART NUMBER 4 Application Note 551 Test Circuits RF S2 V+ V- VDC -1 RS = 10kΩ - 500Ω - AUT 100Ω S3 + - -1 RS = 10kΩ + BUFF RL S1 100Ω CA 500Ω + X2 E TEST CIRCUIT 1 V+ V+ - VAC V- E - 50 AUT VIN + RF E + RL RL CL VRF ACL = 1 + R I RI RL(EFF) = (RF + RI)||RL TEST CIRCUIT 2 V+ HP8601A SWEEP GENERATOR OR EQUIV. VIN TEST CIRCUIT 3 V+ V- RG + + HP8412A ANALYZER OR EQUIV. AUT - V- QUANTEC NOISE ANALYZER 220Ω AUT NOTCH FILTER 9kΩ 100kΩ RL CL 1kΩ 100Ω TEST CIRCUIT 4 5 TEST CIRCUIT 5 VO Application Note 551 Test Circuits (Continued) CHANNEL 1 (INPUT CHANNEL) 100kΩ ES R3 R4 CHANNEL 2 (LEAKAGE CHANNEL) 100kΩ R1 V+ V+ V- R2 VIN VIN VO AUT V- V+ 1kΩ + TEST CIRCUIT 6 V- 1kΩ - AUT + VO1 1kΩ RL VO2 AUT + RL TEST CIRCUIT 7 All Intersil semiconductor products are manufactured, assembled and tested under ISO9000 quality systems certification. Intersil semiconductor products are sold by description only. Intersil Corporation reserves the right to make changes in circuit design and/or specifications at any time without notice. Accordingly, the reader is cautioned to verify that data sheets are current before placing orders. Information furnished by Intersil is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Intersil or its subsidiaries for its use; nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Intersil or its subsidiaries. For information regarding Intersil Corporation and its products, see web site Sales Office Headquarters NORTH AMERICA Intersil Corporation P. O. Box 883, Mail Stop 53-204 Melbourne, FL 32902 TEL: (321) 724-7000 FAX: (321) 724-7240 EUROPE Intersil SA Mercure Center 100, Rue de la Fusee 1130 Brussels, Belgium TEL: (32) 2.724.2111 FAX: (32) 2.724.22.05 6 ASIA Intersil (Taiwan) Ltd. 7F-6, No. 101 Fu Hsing North Road Taipei, Taiwan Republic of China TEL: (886) 2 2716 9310 FAX: (886) 2 2715 3029