S30 Sensors – ac-Voltage Series Self-contained ac-operated sensors Features •Featuring EZ-BEAM® technology, the specially designed optics and electronics provide reliable sensing without the need for adjustments •30 mm plastic threaded barrel sensor in opposed, retroreflective or fixed-field modes •Completely epoxy-encapsulated to provide superior durability, even in harsh sensing environments rated to IP69K •Innovative dual-indicator system takes the guesswork out of sensor performance monitoring •20 to 250V ac (3-wire hookup); SPST solid-state switch output, maximum load 300 mA Models Sensing Mode Range LED Output – Opposed P Polarized Retroreflective 60 m (200') Infrared 950 nm Visible Red 680 nm 6 m (20') 200 mm (8") cutoff Fixed-Field 400 mm (16") cutoff Infrared 880 nm 600 mm (24") cutoff Model* S303E LO S30AW3R DO S30RW3R LO S30AW3LP DO S30RW3LP LO S30AW3FF200 DO S30RW3FF200 LO S30AW3FF400 DO S30RW3FF400 LO S30AW3FF600 DO S30RW3FF600 * Standard 2 m (6.5') cable models are listed. • 9 m (30') cable: add suffix “W/30” (e.g., S303E W/30). • 4-pin Micro-style QD models: add suffix “Q1” (e.g., S303EQ1). A model with a QD connector requires a mating cable. WARNING . . . Not To Be Used for Personnel Protection Never use these products as sensing devices for personnel protection. Doing so could lead to serious injury or death. These sensors do NOT include the self-checking redundant circuitry necessary to allow their use in personnel safety applications. A sensor failure or malfunction can cause either an energized or de-energized sensor output condition. Consult your current Banner Safety Products catalog for safety products which meet OSHA, ANSI and IEC standards for personnel protection. Printed in USA 01/05 P/N 121519 S30 Sensors – ac-Voltage Series Fixed-Field Mode Overview S30 Series self-contained fixed-field sensors are small, powerful, infrared diffuse mode sensors with far-limit cutoff (a type of background suppression). Their high excess gain and fixed-field technology allow them to detect objects of low reflectivity, while ignoring background surfaces. The cutoff distance is fixed. Backgrounds and background objects must always be placed beyond the cutoff distance. Fixed-Field Sensing – Theory of Operation The S30FF compares the reflections of its emitted light beam (E) from an object back to the sensor’s two differently aimed detectors, R1 and R2 (see Figure 1). If the near detector (R1) light signal is stronger than the far detector (R2) light signal (see object A, closer than the cutoff distance), the sensor responds to the object. If the far detector (R2) light signal is stronger than the near detector (R1) light signal (see object B, beyond the cutoff distance), the sensor ignores the object. The cutoff distance for model S30FF sensors is fixed at 200, 400 or 600 millimeters (8", 16", or 24"). Objects lying beyond the cutoff distance usually are ignored, even if they are highly reflective. However, it is possible to falsely detect a background object, under certain conditions (see Background Reflectivity and Placement). In the drawings and discussion on these pages, the letters E, R1, and R2 identify how the sensor’s three optical elements (Emitter “E”, Near Detector “R1”, and Far Detector “R2”) line up across the face of the sensor. The location of these elements defines the sensing axis (see Figure 2). The sensing axis becomes important in certain situations, such as those illustrated in Figures 5 and 6. Receiver Elements Near R1 Detector Cutoff Distance Object B or Background Object A Lenses Far R2 Detector Emitter E Sensing Range Object is sensed if amount of light at R1 is greater than the amount of light at R2 Figure 1. Fixed-field concept Sensor Setup Sensing Reliability For highest sensitivity, position the target object for sensing at or near the point of maximum excess gain. The excess gain curves for these products are shown on page 5. Maximum excess gain for all models occurs at a lens-to-object distance of about 40 mm (1.5"). Sensing at or near this distance will make maximum use of each sensor’s available sensing power. The background must be placed beyond the cutoff distance. (Note that the reflectivity of the background surface also may affect the cutoff distance.) Following these two guidelines will improve sensing reliability. Background Reflectivity and Placement Avoid mirror-like backgrounds that produce specular reflections. False sensor response will occur if a background surface reflects the sensor’s light more strongly to the near detector, or “sensing” detector (R1), than to the far detector, or “cutoff” detector (R2). The result is a false ON condition (Figure 3). To cure this problem, use a diffusely reflective (matte) background, or angle either the sensor or the background (in any plane) so the background does not reflect light back to the sensor (see Figure 4). Position the background as far beyond the cutoff distance as possible. An object beyond the cutoff distance, either stationary (and when positioned as shown in Figure 5), or moving past the face of the sensor in a direction perpendicular to the sensing axis, can cause unwanted triggering of the sensor if more light is reflected to the near detector than to the far detector. The problem is easily remedied by rotating the sensor 90° (Figure 6). The object then reflects the R1 and R2 fields equally, resulting in no false triggering. A better solution, if possible, may be to reposition the object or the sensor. P/N 121519 R1 R2 E Sensing Axis As a general rule, the most reliable sensing of an object approaching from the side occurs when the line of approach is parallel to the sensing axis. Figure 2. Fixed-field sensing axis Banner Engineering Corp. • Minneapolis, MN U.S.A. www.bannerengineering.com • Tel: 763.544.3164 S30 Sensors – ac-Voltage Series Color Sensitivity The effects of object reflectivity on cutoff distance, though small, may be important for some applications. It is expected that at any given cutoff setting, the actual cutoff distance for lower reflectance targets will be slightly shorter than for higher reflectance targets (see Figure-of-Merit information on page 5). This behavior is known as color sensitivity. For example, an excess gain of 1 (see page 5) for an object that reflects 1/10 as much light as the 90% white card is represented by the horizontal graph line at excess gain = 10. An object of this reflectivity results in a far limit cutoff of approximately 190 mm (7.5") for the 200 mm (8") cutoff model, for example; thus 190 mm represents the cutoff for this sensor and target. These excess gain curves were generated using a white test card of 90% reflectance. Objects with reflectivity of less than 90% reflect less light back to the sensor, and thus require proportionately more excess gain in order to be sensed with the same reliability as more reflective objects. When sensing an object of very low reflectivity, it may be especially important to sense it at or near the distance of maximum excess gain. 3&&3ENSOR Cutoff Distance #UTOFF $ISTANCE 2 .EAR$ETECTOR 2 &AR$ETECTOR % %MITTER (IGHLY 2EFLECTIVE "ACKGROUND ������ ������ ���������� ����� 2 2 % Fixed Sensing Field S30FF R1 ������� ������� ���� R2 E Core of Emitted Beam Strong Direct Reflection Away From Sensor R1 = Near Detector R2 = Far Detector E = Emitter ������������� ����� Figure 3. Reflective background – problem Figure 4. Reflective background – solution Cutoff Distance S30FF Cutoff Distance S30FF R1 R2 E E, R1, R2 Fixed Sensing Field R1 = Near Detector R2 = Far Detector E = Emitter Reflective Background Reflective Background or Moving Object Fixed Sensing Field E = Emitter R1 = Near Detector R2 = Far Detector A reflective background object in this position or moving across the sensor face in this axis and direction may cause false sensor response. A reflective background object in this position or moving across the sensor face in this axis will be ignored. Figure 5. Object beyond cutoff – problem Figure 6. Object beyond cutoff – solution Banner Engineering Corp. • Minneapolis, MN U.S.A. www.bannerengineering.com • Tel: 763.544.3164 P/N 121519 S30 Sensors – ac-Voltage Series Specifications Supply Voltage and Current 20 to 250V ac (50/60 Hz) Average current: 20 mA Peak current: 200 mA @ 20V ac, 500 mA @ 120V ac, 750 mA @ 250V ac Supply Protection Circuitry Protected against transient voltages Output Configuration SPST solid-state ac switch; three-wire hookup; light operate or dark operate, depending on model Light Operate: Output conducts when sensor sees its own (or the emitter’s) modulated light Dark Operate: Output conducts when the sensor sees dark Output Rating 300 mA maximum (continuous) Fixed-Field models: derate 5 mA/°C above +50° C (+122° F) Inrush capability: 1 amp for 20 milliseconds, non-repetitive OFF-state leakage current: < 100 microamps ON-state saturation voltage: 3V @ 300 mA ac; 2V @ 15 mA ac Output Protection Circuitry Protected against false pulse on power-up Output Response Time Opposed mode: 16 milliseconds ON, 8 milliseconds OFF Other models: 16 milliseconds ON and OFF NOTE: 100 millisecond delay on power-up; outputs do not conduct during this time. Repeatability Opposed mode: 2 milliseconds Other models: 4 milliseconds Repeatability and response are independent of signal strength Indicators Two LEDs (Green and Yellow) Green ON steady: power to sensor is ON Yellow ON steady: sensor sees light Yellow flashing: excess gain marginal (1 to 1.5x) in light condition Construction PBT polyester housing; polycarbonate (opposed-mode) or acrylic lens Environmental Rating Leakproof design rated NEMA 6P, DIN 40050 (IP69K) Connections 2 m (6.5') attached cable or 4-pin Micro-style quick-disconnect fitting Operating Conditions Temperature: -40° to +70° C (-40° to +158° F) Maximum relative humidity: 90% at 50° C (non-condensing) Vibration and Mechanical Shock All models meet Mil. Std. 202F requirements. Method 201A (Vibration; frequency 10 to 60 Hz, max., double amplitude 0.06" acceleration 10G). Method 213B conditions H&I (Shock: 75G with unit operating; 100G for non-operation) Certifications P/N 121519 Banner Engineering Corp. • Minneapolis, MN U.S.A. www.bannerengineering.com • Tel: 763.544.3164 S30 Sensors – ac-Voltage Series Performance Curves Excess Gain Opposed Mode 30" Opposed Mode 500 mm 20" 250 mm 10" 0 G A I N 10 0 250 mm 10" 500 mm 20" 750 mm 1m (3.3') G A I N 10 m (33') DISTANCE 1000 E X C E S S 30" 0 100 m (330') 30 m (100') 45 m (150') 60 m (200') DISTANCE S30 Series 150 mm Polarized Retro 6" Polarized Retro 100 mm 4" 50 mm 2" 0 with BRT-3 Reflector 10 0 with BRT-3 Reflector 50 mm 2" 100 mm 4" 150 mm 1 0.01 m (0.033') 6" 0 0.1 m (0.33') 1m (3.3') DISTANCE 75 m (250') E X C E S S S30 Series Ø 16 mm spot size @ 35 mm focus Ø 20 mm spot size @ 200 mm cutoff 100 Fixed-field mode with 200 mm far limit cutoff G A I N 1.5 m (5') 10 m (33') 3.0 m (10') 4.5 m (15') 6.0 m (20') 7.5 m (25') DISTANCE 1 1 mm (0.04") E X C E S S G A I N 10 mm (0.4") E X C E S S G A I N 100 mm (4") DISTANCE 1000 mm (40") S30 Series Ø 17 mm spot size @ 35 mm focus Ø 25 mm spot size @ 400 mm cutoff Fixed-field mode with 400 mm far limit cutoff †Using 18% gray test card: cutoff distance will be 90% of value shown. †Using 6% black test card: cutoff distance will be 85% of value shown. 10 10 mm (0.4") 100 mm 4") DISTANCE 1000 Fixed-Field – 600 mm Performance based on use of a model BRT-3 retroreflector (3" diameter). Actual sensing range may be more or less than specified, depending on the efficiency and reflective area of the retroreflector used. 18% gray test card: cutoff distance will be 95% of value shown. †Using 6% black test card: cutoff distance will be 90% of value shown. 100 1 1 mm (0.04") †† †Using 10 1000 S30 Series 100 15 m (50') Fixed-Field – 200 mm S30 Series 750 mm 1 0.1 m (0.33') Polarized Retro†† 1000 S30 Series 100 Performance based on use of a 90% reflectance white test card.† Fixed-Field – 400 mm Opposed 1000 E X C E S S Excess Gain Beam Pattern 1000 mm 40") S30 Series Ø 17 mm spot size @ 35 mm focus Ø 30 mm spot size @ 600 mm cutoff 100 Fixed-field mode with 600 mm far limit cutoff †Using 18% gray test card: cutoff distance will be 85% of value shown. †Using 6% black test card: cutoff distance will be 75% of value shown. 10 1 1 mm (0.04") 10 mm (0.4") 100 mm (4") DISTANCE 1000 mm (40") Focus and spot sizes are typical. Banner Engineering Corp. • Minneapolis, MN U.S.A. www.bannerengineering.com • Tel: 763.544.3164 P/N 121519 S30 Sensors – ac-Voltage Series Dimensions QD Models Cabled Models ���������� ���������������� ����������������� �������� ������������ ��������� ��������������� ��������� ������ 89.4 mm (3.52") 65.0 mm (2.56") �������� �����"� 8��7���� ����8"� Hookups Cabled Emitters QD Emitters (4-pin Micro-Style) rd/bk rd/wh bn 20-250V ac bu No connection gn All Other Cabled Models 20-250V ac bu P/N 121519 All Other QD Models (4-pin Micro-Style) rd/bk bn bk 20-250V ac rd Load rd/wh rd gn 20-250V ac Load No Connection Banner Engineering Corp. • Minneapolis, MN U.S.A. www.bannerengineering.com • Tel: 763.544.3164 S30 Sensors – ac-Voltage Series Quick-Disconnect (QD) Cables Style 4-pin Micro-style Straight Model MQAC-406 MQAC-415 MQAC-430 Length 2 m (6.5') 5 m (15') 9 m (30') Dimensions Pinout ø15 mm (0.6") 44 mm max. (1.7") ø 1/2-20UNF-2B 38 mm max. (1.5") 4-pin Micro-style Right-angle MQAC-406RA MQAC-415RA MQAC-430RA 2 m (6.5') 5 m (15') 9 m (30') Green Wire Red Wire Red/White Wire Red/Black Wire 38 mm max. (1.5") 1/2-20UNF-2B ø 15 mm (0.6") WARRANTY: Banner Engineering Corp. warrants its products to be free from defects for one year. Banner Engineering Corp. will repair or replace, free of charge, any product of its manufacture found to be defective at the time it is returned to the factory during the warranty period. This warranty does not cover damage or liability for the improper application of Banner products. This warranty is in lieu of any other warranty either expressed or implied. P/N 121519 Banner Engineering Corp., 9714 Tenth Ave. No., Minneapolis, MN USA 55441 • Phone: 763.544.3164 • www.bannerengineering.com • Email: sensors@bannerengineering.com