21143 PCI/CardBus 10/100 Ethernet LAN Controller Networking Silicon Preliminary Datasheet Product Features ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Fully compliant with Revision 2.1 of the PCI Local Bus Specification and with Revision 1.0 of the PCI Bus Power Management Interface Specification. Fully compliant with Revision 1.0 of the Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) Specification and with Revision 1.0 of the Network Device Class Power Management Specification, under the OnNow Architecture for Microsoft’s PC 97 Hardware Design Guide and PC 98 System Design Guide. Supports IEEE 802.3 with full Auto-Negotiation algorithm of full-duplex and half-duplex operation for 10 Mb/s and 100 Mb/s (NWAY). Supports IEEE 802.3 and ANSI 8802-3 Ethernet standards. Supports direct memory access (DMA) and has direct interface to both the CardBus* and PCI local bus. Provides glueless 32-bit PCI bus master interface. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Contains large independent receive and transmit FIFOs. Contains internal PCS and scrambler/ descrambler for MII/SYM interface for 100BASE-TX. Contains onchip integrated AUI port and a 10BASE-T transceiver. Supports autodetection between 10BASE-T, AUI, and MII/SYM ports. Provides an upgradable boot ROM interface up to 256KB. Supports remote wake-up-LAN and Magic Packet* with the SecureON™ password option. Supports PCI/CardBus clock speed frequency from dc to 33 MHz; network operation with PCI clock from 20 MHz to 33 MHz. Implements low-power management with two power-saving modes (sleep and snooze). Implements low-power, 3.3-V CMOS technology. Notice: This document contains preliminary information on new products in production. The specifications are subject to change without notice. Verify with your local Intel sales office that you have the latest datasheet before finalizing a design. Order Number: 278073-001 November 1998 21143 Information in this document is provided in connection with Intel products. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document. Except as provided in Intel’s Terms and Conditions of Sale for such products, Intel assumes no liability whatsoever, and Intel disclaims any express or implied warranty, relating to sale and/or use of Intel products including liability or warranties relating to fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability, or infringement of any patent, copyright or other intellectual property right. Intel products are not intended for use in medical, life saving, or life sustaining applications. Intel may make changes to specifications and product descriptions at any time, without notice. Designers must not rely on the absence or characteristics of any features or instructions marked "reserved" or "undefined." Intel reserves these for future definition and shall have no responsibility whatsoever for conflicts or incompatibilities arising from future changes to them. The 21143 PCI/CardBus 10/100 Ethernet LAN Controller may contain design defects or errors known as errata which may cause the product to deviate from published specifications. Current characterized errata are available on request. Contact your local Intel sales office or your distributor to obtain the latest specifications and before placing your product order. Copies of documents which have an ordering number and are referenced in this document, or other Intel literature, may be obtained by calling 1-800548-4725 or by visiting Intel’s website at http://www.intel.com. Copyright © Intel Corporation, 1998 *Third-party brands and names are the property of their respective owners. Preliminary Datasheet 21143 Contents 1.0 21143 OVERVIEW .......................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 1.2 2.0 PINOUT ........................................................................................................................................... 5 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 3.0 Signal Reference Tables .................................................................................................... 7 Signal Reference Tables .................................................................................................... 9 Pin Tables.........................................................................................................................15 Signal Grouping by Function ............................................................................................17 ELECTRICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS........................................................19 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 4.0 General Description ............................................................................................................ 2 Microarchitecture ................................................................................................................ 3 Voltage Limit Ratings........................................................................................................19 Temperature Limit Ratings ...............................................................................................19 Power Specifications ........................................................................................................ 20 PCI Bus and CardBus Electrical Parameters ...................................................................20 3.4.1 PCI and CardBus I/O Voltage Specifications ...................................................21 3.4.2 System Bus Reset ............................................................................................22 3.4.3 PCI and CardBus Clock Specifications ............................................................22 3.4.4 Other PCI and CardBus Signals.......................................................................24 AUI and Twisted-Pair DC Specifications ..........................................................................25 Serial Interface Attachment Specifications .......................................................................26 3.6.1 Serial Clock Timing ..........................................................................................26 3.6.2 Internal SIA Mode AUI Timing—Transmit ........................................................27 3.6.3 Internal SIA Mode AUI Timing—Receive .........................................................28 3.6.4 Internal SIA Mode AUI Timing—Collision.........................................................28 3.6.5 Internal SIA Mode 10BASE-T Interface Timing—Transmit ..............................29 3.6.6 Internal SIA Mode 10BASE-T Interface Timing—Receive ...............................30 3.6.7 Internal SIA Mode 10BASE-T Interface Timing—Idle Link Pulse .....................31 MII Interface Specifications ..............................................................................................32 MII/SYM Port Timing ........................................................................................................32 3.8.1 MII/SYM 10/100-Mb/s and 10-Mb/s Timing—Transmit ....................................32 3.8.2 MII/SYM 10/100-Mb/s Timing—Receive ..........................................................34 3.8.3 SYM 10/100-Mb/s Timing—Signal Detect ........................................................35 3.8.4 MII 10/100-Mb/s Timing—Receive Error ..........................................................35 3.8.5 MII 10/100-Mb/s Timing—Carrier Sense and Collision ....................................36 Boot ROM and Serial ROM Port Specification .................................................................36 Boot ROM Port Timing .....................................................................................................37 3.10.1 Boot ROM Read Timing ...................................................................................37 3.10.2 Boot ROM Write Timing....................................................................................38 Serial ROM Port Timing....................................................................................................39 External Register Timing ..................................................................................................39 Joint Test Action Group—Test Access Port .....................................................................41 3.13.1 JTAG DC Specifications ...................................................................................41 3.13.2 JTAG Boundary-Scan Timing...........................................................................42 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS ...............................................................................................43 Preliminary Datasheet iii 21143 1.0 21143 Overview The Intel 21143 PCI/CardBus* 10/100-Mb/s Ethernet LAN Controller (21143) supports the peripheral component interconnect (PCI) bus or CardBus. It provides a direct interface connection to the PCI bus and adapts easily to the CardBus and most other standard buses. The 21143 software interface and data structures are optimized to minimize the host CPU load and to allow for maximum flexibility in the buffer descriptor management. The 21143 contains large onchip FIFOs, so no additional onboard memory is required. The 21143 also provides an upgradable boot ROM interface. In addition to the features listed on the title pages, the following features are also supported by the 21143: PCI and CardBus Features: • • • • Supports PCI and CardBus interfaces. Supports PCI/CardBus clock control through clkrun. Supports CardBus cstschg pin and Status Changed registers. Supports automatic loading of subvendor ID and CardBus card information structure (CIS) pointer from serial ROM to configuration registers. • Supports storage of CardBus card information structure (CIS) in the serial ROM or the expansion ROM. • Supports the advanced PCI/CardBus read multiple, read line, and write and invalidate commands. • Supports an unlimited PCI/CardBus burst. Host Interface Features: • Includes a powerful onchip direct memory access (DMA) with programmable burst size, providing low CPU utilization. • • • • Supports early interrupt on transmit and receive. Supports interrupt mitigation on transmit and receive. Supports big or little endian byte ordering for buffers and descriptors. Implements unique, patented intelligent arbitration between DMA channels to minimize underflow and overflow. • Contains large independent receive and transmit FIFOs. Network Side Features: • Supports three network ports: 10BASE-T (10 Mb/s), AUI (10 Mb/s), and MII/SYM (10/100 Mb/s). • Contains a variety of flexible address filtering modes. • Implements signal-detect filtering to avoid false detection of link with 100BASE-TX symbol interfaces. • Enables automatic detection and correction of 10BASE-T receive polarity. • Supports autodetection between 10BASE-T, AUI, and MII/SYM ports. • Offers a unique, patented solution to Ethernet capture-effect problem. Preliminary Datasheet 1 21143 • Supports full-duplex operation on both MII/SYM and 10BASE-T ports. • Provides internal and external loopback capability on all network ports. • Supports IEEE 802.3 and ANSI 8802-3 Ethernet standards. Other Features: • • • • 1.1 Provides MicroWire* interface for serial ROM (1K and 4K EEPROM). Provides LED indications for various network activity. Implements test-access port (JTAG-compatible) with boundary-scan pins. Contains a 4-bit, general-purpose programmable register and corresponding I/O pins with the ability to generate interrupts from two general-purpose pins. General Description The 21143 is an Ethernet LAN controller for both 100-Mb/s and 10-Mb/s data rates, which provides a direct interface to the peripheral component interconnect (PCI) local bus or the CardBus. The 21143 interfaces to the host processor by using onchip command and status registers (CSRs) and a shared host memory area, set up mainly during initialization. This minimizes processor involvement in the 21143 operation during normal reception and transmission. The 21143 is optimized for low power PCI/CardBus based systems and supports two types of power-management mechanisms. The main mechanism is based upon the OnNow architecture, which is required for PC 97 and PC 98. The alternative mechanism is based upon the older remote wake-up-LAN mechanism. Large FIFOs allow the 21143 to efficiently operate in systems with longer latency periods. Bus traffic is also minimized by filtering out received runt frames and by automatically retransmitting collided frames without a repeated fetch from the host memory. The 21143 provides three network ports: a 10BASE-T 10-Mb/s port, an attachment unit interface (AUI) 10-Mb/s port, and a media-independent/symbol interface (MII/SYM) 10/100-Mb/s port. The 10BASE-T port provides a direct Ethernet connection to the twisted-pair (TP) interface. The AUI port provides a direct Ethernet connection to the AUI. The MII/SYM port supports two operational modes: • MII mode—A full implementation of the MII standard • SYM mode—Symbol interface to an external 100-Mb/s front-end decoder (ENDEC). In this mode the 21143 uses an onchip physical coding sublayer (PCS) and a scrambler/descrambler circuit to enable a low-cost 100BASE-T implementation. The 21143 is capable of functioning in a full-duplex environment for the MII/SYM and 10BASE-T ports. The 21143 provides an upgradable boot ROM interface. 2 Preliminary Datasheet 21143 1.2 Microarchitecture The following list describes the 21143 hardware components, and Figure 1 shows a block diagram of the 21143: • PCI/CardBus interface—Includes all interface functions to the PCI and CardBus bus; handles all interconnect control signals; and executes DMA and I/O transactions • Boot ROM port—Provides an interface to perform read and write operations to the boot ROM; supports accesses to bytes or longwords (32-bit); and provides the ability to connect an external 8-bit register to the boot ROM port • Serial ROM port—Provides a direct interface to a MicroWire ROM for storage of the Ethernet address and system parameters • General-purpose register—Enables software use for input or output functions and LEDs • DMA—Contains independent receive and transmit controllers; handles data transfers between CPU memory and onchip memory • FIFOs—Contains independent FIFOs for receive and transmit; supports automatic packet deletion on receive (runt packets or after a collision) and packet retransmission after a collision on transmit • TxM—Handles all CSMA/CD1 MAC2 transmit operations, and transfers data from transmit FIFO to the ENDEC for transmission • RxM—Handles all CSMA/CD MAC receive operations, and transfers the network data from the ENDEC to the receive FIFO • SIA interface—Performs 10-Mb/s physical layer network operations; implements the AUI and 10BASE-T functions, including the Manchester encoder and decoder functions • NWAY—Implements the IEEE 802.3 Auto-Negotiation algorithm • Physical coding sublayer—Implements the encoding and decoding sublayer of the 100BASE-TX (CAT5) specification, including the squelch feature • Scrambler/descrambler—Implements the twisted-pair physical layer medium dependent (TP-PMD) scrambler/descrambler scheme for 100BASE-TX • Three network interfaces—An AUI interface, a 10BASE-T interface, and an MII/SYM interface provide a full MII signal interface and direct interface to the 100-Mb/s ENDEC for CAT5 • Wake-up-controller—Enables power-management control compliant with the ACPI and remote power-up capabilities using the remote wake-up-LAN mechanism 1. Carrier-sense multiple access with collision detection. 2. Media access control. Preliminary Datasheet 3 21143 PCI/CardBus PCI/CardBus Interface 32 Board Control and LEDs Serial ROM Boot ROM/ External Register GeneralPurpose Register Serial ROM Port Boot ROM Port 4 32 32 DMA 32 32 Rx FIFO Tx FIFO 16 16 Wake-Up Controller RxM 1 TxM 4 4 1 Physical Coding Sublayer (PCS) SIA Interface NWAY 4 4 Scrambler/ Descrambler AUI Interface 10BASE-T Interface MII/SYM Interface 10 Mb/s 10 Mb/s 10/100 Mb/s FM-06117.AI4 Figure 1. 21143 Block Diagram 4 Preliminary Datasheet 21143 2.0 Pinout The 21143 is offered in two package styles: a 144-pin low-profile quad flat pack (LQFP) and a 144-pin metric quad flat pack (MQFP). The tables in this section provide a description of the pins and their respective signal definitions. Table 1 lists the tables in this section. Figure 2 shows the 21143 pinout for both the LQFP and MQFP package types Table 1. Index to Pinout Tables For this information... Refer to... Logic signals Table 2 Power pins Table 3 Functional signals description Table 4 Input pins Table 5 Output pins Table 6 Input/output pins Table 7 Open drain pins Table 8 Signal functions Table 9 Preliminary Datasheet 5 vss aui_tdaui_td+ vdd aui_rdaui_rd+ aui_cdaui_cd+ vdd mii_mdio mii_mdc mii/sym_rxd<3> mii/sym_rxd<2> mii/sym_rxd<1> mii/sym_rxd<0> mii_dv mii/sym_rclk mii_rx_err/sel10_100 vss vdd mii/sym_tclk mii_txen/sym_txd<4> mii/sym_txd<0> mii/sym_txd<1> mii/sym_txd<2> mii/sym_txd<3> mii_clsn/sym_rxd<4> mii_crs/sd vss sr_cs sr_ck sr_di sr_do vddac vcap_h vddac 21143 vdd vdd vss tp_td-tp_tdtp_td+ tp_td++ vdd tp_rd+ tp_rdtck tms tdi tdo int_l rst_l vss vdd pci_clk vdd_clamp gnt_l req_l ad<31> ad<30> ad<29> vdd ad<28> ad<27> ad<26> vss ad<25> ad<24> c_be_l<3> idsel vss vdd 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 21143 108 107 106 105 104 103 102 101 100 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 90 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 81 80 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 iref vdd xtal1 xtal2 vss gep<3>/link gep<2>/rcv_match/wake gep<1>/activ gep<0>/aui_bnc br_ad<7> br_ad<6> br_ad<5> br_ad<4> vdd vss br_ad<3> br_ad<2> br_ad<1> br_ad<0> br_a<1> br_a<0>/cb_pads_l br_ce_l clkrun_l ad<0> ad<1> vss ad<2> ad<3> ad<4> vdd ad<5> ad<6> ad<7> c_be_l<0> vss vdd vdd vss ad<23> ad<22> ad<21> vss ad<20> ad<19> ad<18> vdd ad<17> ad<16> c_be_l<2> frame_l irdy_l trdy_l vss vdd devsel_l stop_l perr_l serr_l par c_be_l<1> ad<15> ad<14> vss ad<13> ad<12> ad<11> vdd ad<10> ad<9> ad<8> vss vdd 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 A5992-01 Figure 2. 21143 Pinout Diagram (Top View) 6 Preliminary Datasheet 21143 2.1 Signal Reference Tables Table 2 provides an alphabetical list of the 21143 logic names and their pin numbers. Table 3 provides a list of the 21143 power pin numbers. Preliminary Datasheet 7 21143 . Table 2. Logic Signals (Sheet 1 of 2) Signal 8 Pin Number Signal Pin Number Pin Number Signal ad<0> 85 aui_rd– 140 mii_mdc 134 ad<1> 84 aui_rd+ 139 mii_mdio 135 ad<2> 82 aui_td– 143 mii/sym_rclk 128 ad<3> 81 aui_td+ 142 mii_rx_err/sel10_100 127 ad<4> 80 br_a<0>/ cb_pads_l 88 mii/sym_rxd<0> 130 ad<5> 78 br_a<1> 89 mii/sym_rxd<1> 131 ad<6> 77 br_ad<0> 90 mii/sym_rxd<2> 132 ad<7> 76 br_ad<1> 91 mii/sym_rxd<3> 133 ad<8> 70 br_ad<2> 92 mii/sym_tclk 124 ad<9> 69 br_ad<3> 93 mii/sym_txd<0> 122 ad<10> 68 br_ad<4> 96 mii/sym_txd<1> 121 ad<11> 66 br_ad<5> 97 mii/sym_txd<2> 120 ad<12> 65 br_ad<6> 98 mii/sym_txd<3> 119 ad<13> 64 br_ad<7> 99 mii_txen/sym_txd<4> 123 ad<14> 62 br_ce_l 87 par 59 ad<15> 61 c_be_l<0> 75 pci_clk 19 ad<16> 48 c_be_l<1> 60 perr_l 57 ad<17> 47 c_be_l<2> 49 req_l 22 ad<18> 45 c_be_l<3> 33 rst_l 16 ad<19> 44 clkrun_l 86 serr_l 58 ad<20> 43 devsel_l 55 sr_ck 114 ad<21> 41 frame_l 50 sr_cs 115 ad<22> 40 gep<0>/ aui_bnc 100 sr_di 113 ad<23> 39 gep<1>/activ 101 sr_do 112 ad<24> 32 gep<2>/ rcv_match/ wake 102 stop_l 56 ad<25> 31 gep<3>/link 103 tck 11 ad<26> 29 gnt_l 21 tdi 13 ad<27> 28 idsel 34 tdo 14 ad<28> 27 int_l 15 tms 12 ad<29> 25 irdy_l 51 tp_rd– 10 ad<30> 24 iref 108 tp_rd+ 9 ad<31> 23 mii_clsn/ sym_rxd<4> 118 tp_td– 5 aui_cd– 138 mii_crs/sd 117 tp_td– – 4 aui_cd+ 137 mii_dv 129 tp_td+ 6 Preliminary Datasheet 21143 Table 2. Logic Signals (Sheet 2 of 2) Signal Pin Number tp_td+ + xtal1 Pin Number Signal Pin Number Signal 7 trdy_l 52 vcap_h 106 xtal2 105 — 110 — Table 3. Power Pins Signal vdd (3.3 V) vddac (3.3 V) vdd_clamp (5 V or 3.3 V) 2.2 Pin Number 1, 2, 8, 18, 26, 36, 37, 46, 54, 67, 72, 73, 79, 95, 107, 125, 136, 141 Signal vss (GND) Pin Number 3, 17, 30, 35, 38, 42, 53, 63, 71, 74, 83, 94, 104, 116, 126, 144 109, 111 — — 20 — — Signal Reference Tables The functional grouping of each pin is listed in Section 2.4. The following terms describe the 21143 pinout: • Address phase Address and appropriate bus commands are driven during this cycle. • Data phase Data and the appropriate byte enable codes are driven during this cycle. • _l All pin names with the _l suffix are asserted low. The following pins in Table 4 have an internal pull-up: tms tdi br_ce_l sr_do mii/sym_tclk Pin sr_cs has an internal pull-down. Table 4 uses the following abbreviations: I = Input O = Output I/O = Input/output O/D = Open drain P = Power Preliminary Datasheet 9 21143 Table 4 provides a functional description of each of the 21143 signals. These signals are listed alphabetically. Table 4. Functional Description of 21143 Signals (Sheet 1 of 6) Signal ad<31:0> Type Pin Number Description I/O 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32, 39, 40, 41, 43, 44, 45, 47, 48, 61, 62, 64, 65, 66, 68, 69, 70, 76, 77, 78, 80, 81, 82, 84, 85 32-bit PCI address and data lines. Address and data bits are multiplexed on the same pins. During the first clock cycle of a transaction, the address bits contain a physical address (32 bits). During subsequent clock cycles, these same lines contain 32 bits of data. A 21143 bus transaction consists of an address phase followed by one or more data phases. The 21143 supports both read and write bursts (in master operation only). Little and big endian byte ordering can be used. aui_cd– I 138 Attachment unit interface receive collision differential negative data. aui_cd+ I 137 Attachment unit interface receive collision differential positive data. aui_rd– I 140 Attachment unit interface receive differential negative data. aui_rd+ I 139 Attachment unit interface receive differential positive data. aui_td– O 143 Attachment unit interface transmit differential negative data. aui_td+ O 142 Attachment unit interface transmit differential positive data. Boot ROM address line bit 0. In a 256KB configuration, this pin also carries in two consecutive address cycles, boot ROM address bits 16 and 17. br_a<0>/ cb_pads_l O 88 br_a<1> O 89 br_ad<7:0> I/O 90, 91, 92, 93, 96, 97, 98, 99 br_ce_l O 87 This pin also determines the type of signals to use for the PCI/ CardBus* output pins, either PCI or CardBus. By default, this pin selects PCI signaling. To select CardBus signaling, this pin must be connected to a pull-down resistor. Boot ROM address line bit 1. This pin also latches the boot ROM address and control lines by the two external latches. Boot ROM address and data multiplexed lines bits 7 through 0. In two consecutive address cycles, these lines contain the boot ROM address pins 7 through 2, oe_l and we_l in the first cycle; and these lines contain boot ROM address pins 15 through 8 in the second cycle. During the data cycle, bits 7 through 0 contain data. Boot ROM or external register chip enable. Bits 0 through 3 of the bus command and byte enable lines. Bus command and byte enable are multiplexed on the same PCI pins. c_be_l<3:0> I/O 33, 49, 60, 75 During the address phase of the transaction, these 4 bits provide the bus command. During the data phase, these 4 bits provide the byte enable. The byte enable determines which byte lines carry valid data. For example, bit 0 applies to byte 0, and bit 3 applies to byte 3. clkrun_l 10 I/O O/D PCI/CardBus clock run indication. The host system asserts this signal to indicate normal operation of the clock. The host system deasserts clkrun_l when the clock is going to be stopped or slowed down to a nonoperational frequency. 86 If the clock is needed by the 21143, the 21143 asserts clkrun_l, requesting normal clock operation to be maintained or restored. Otherwise, the 21143 allows the system to stop the clock. If this pin is not connected to the PCI/CardBus bus, it should be connected to a pull-down resistor. Preliminary Datasheet 21143 Table 4. Functional Description of 21143 Signals (Sheet 2 of 6) Signal devsel_l frame_l Type I/O I/O Pin Number Description 55 Device select is asserted by the target of the current bus access. When the 21143 is the initiator of the current bus access, it expects the target to assert devsel_l within 5 bus cycles, confirming the access. If the target does not assert devsel_l within the required bus cycles, the 21143 aborts the cycle. To meet the timing requirements, the 21143 asserts this signal in a medium speed (within 2 bus cycles). 50 The frame_l signal is driven by the bus master to indicate the beginning and duration of an access. The frame_l signal asserts to indicate the beginning of a bus transaction. While frame_l is asserted, data transfers continue. The frame_l signal deasserts to indicate that the next data phase is the final data phase transaction. This pin can be configured by software to be: • A general-purpose pin that performs either input or output functions. This general-purpose pin can provide an interrupt when functioning as an input. gep<0>/ aui_bnc I/O 100 • A control pin that provides an AUI (10BASE5) or BNC (10BASE2) select line. This control pin is mainly used to enable the external BNC transceiver in 10BASE2 mode. When set, the 10BASE5 mode is selected. When reset, the 10BASE2 mode is selected. NOTE: This control pin is internally forced to the aui_bnc function when the 21143 is in remote wake-up-LAN mode. This pin can be configured by software to be: gep<1>/activ I/O 101 • A general-purpose pin that performs either input or output functions. This general-purpose pin can provide an interrupt when functioning as an input. • A status pin that provides an LED that indicates either receive or transmit activity. This pin can be configured by software to be: • A general-purpose pin that performs either input or output functions. • A status pin that provides an LED that indicates a receive packet has passed address recognition. gep<2>/ rcv_match/ wake I/O 102 If the PME_Enable bit (Func0_HwOptions<3>) in the serial ROM is set, this pin is forced to function as a wake-up event pin that can be connected to pin pme# of the PCI connector or pin cstschg of the CardBus connector. When the 21143 is in remote wake-up-LAN mode, this pin is used as an indicator that a Magic Packet* has been successfully detected. When this pin is in a wake function, bit MiscHwOptions<1> in the serial ROM determines the polarity. The PME function takes precedence over the Magic Packet indication function. This pin can be configured by software to be: gep<3>/link I/O 103 • A general-purpose pin that performs either input or output functions. When configured as an input pin in OnNow mode, this pin functions as link status. When used with an MII PHY device, this pin should be connected to the MII PHY link indication pin (the 21143 interprets link-pass when this pin is high). This pin should not be left unconnected if it is configured as an input in D1, D2 or D3 power states. • A status pin that provides an LED to indicate: –Network link integrity state for 10BASE-T or 100BASE-TX if Func1_Hw_Options<8> is cleared in the SROM. –Both network activity and network link integrity state if Func1_Hw_Options<8> is set in the SROM. Preliminary Datasheet 11 21143 Table 4. Functional Description of 21143 Signals (Sheet 3 of 6) Signal Type Pin Number gnt_l I 21 Bus grant asserts to indicate to the 21143 that access to the bus is granted. idsel I 34 Initialization device select asserts to indicate that the host is issuing a configuration cycle to the 21143. int_l O/D 15 Description Interrupt request asserts when one of the appropriate bits of CSR5 sets and causes an interrupt, provided that the corresponding mask bit in CSR7 is not asserted. Interrupt request deasserts by writing a 1 into the appropriate CSR5 bit. If more than one interrupt bit is asserted in CSR5 and the host does not clear all input bits, the 21143 deasserts int_l for one cycle to support edge-triggered systems. iref I 108 Current reference input for the analog phase-locked loop logic. Initiator ready indicates the bus master’s ability to complete the current data phase of the transaction. irdy_l I/O 51 A data phase is completed on any rising edge of the clock when both irdy_l and target ready trdy_l are asserted. Wait cycles are inserted until both irdy_l and trdy_l are asserted together. When the 21143 is the bus master, it asserts irdy_l during write operations to indicate that valid data is present on the 32-bit ad lines. During read operations, the 21143 asserts irdy_l to indicate that it is ready to accept data. In MII mode (CSR6<18>=1, CSR6<23>=0), this pin functions as the collision detect. When the external physical layer protocol (PHY) device detects a collision, it asserts this pin. mii_clsn/ sym_rxd<4> I 118 In SYM mode (CSR6<18>=1, CSR6<23>=1), this pin functions as receive data. This line along with the four receive lines (sym_rxd<3:0>) provides five parallel data lines in symbol form. This data is controlled by an external physical layer medium-dependent (PMD) device and should be synchronized to the sym_rclk signal. In MII mode this pin functions as the carrier sense and is asserted by the PHY when the media is active. mii_crs/sd I 117 mii_dv I 129 Data valid is asserted by an external PHY when receive data is present on the mii_rxd lines and is deasserted at the end of the packet. This signal should be synchronized with the mii_rclk signal. mii_mdc O 134 MII management data clock is sourced by the 21143 to the PHY devices as a timing reference for the transfer of information on the mii_mdio signal. mii_mdio I/O 135 MII management data input/output transfers control information and status between the PHY and the 21143. I 128 Supports either the 25-MHz or 2.5-MHz receive clock. This clock is recovered by the PHY. mii/sym_rclk mii_rx_err/ sel10_100 I/O 127 In SYM mode this pin functions as the signal detect indication. It is controlled by an external PMD device. When used with an MII PHY device (CSR6<18>=1, CSR6<23>=0), this pin functions as receive error input. It is asserted when a data decoding error is detected by an external PHY device. This signal is synchronized to mii_rclk and can be asserted for a minimum of one receive clock. When asserted during a packet reception, it sets the cyclic redundancy check (CRC) error bit in the receive descriptor (RDES0). When used with a SYM PHY device (CSR6<23>=1), this pin functions as select 10/100 output. The signal sel10_100 equals 1 when the 21143 is in 100-Mb/s SYM mode (CSR6<18>=1) and equals 0 when the 21143 is in 10BASE-T/AUI mode (CSR6<18>=0). 12 Preliminary Datasheet 21143 Table 4. Functional Description of 21143 Signals (Sheet 4 of 6) Signal Type Pin Number mii/ sym_rxd<3:0> I 130, 131, 132,133, mii/sym_tclk I 124 mii/ sym_txd<3:0> O 119, 120, 121, 122 mii_txen/ sym_txd<4> Description Four parallel receive data lines. This data is driven by an external PHY that attached the media and should be synchronized with the mii_rclk signal. Supports the 25-MHz or 2.5-MHz transmit clock supplied by the external PMD device. This clock should always be active. Four parallel transmit data lines. This data is synchronized to the assertion of the mii_tclk signal and is latched by the external PHY on the rising edge of the mii_tclk signal. In MII mode (CSR6<18>=1, CSR6<23>=0), this pin functions as transmit enable. It indicates that a transmission is active on the MII port to an external PHY device. O 123 In SYM mode, this pin functions as transmit data. This line along with the four data transmit lines (sym_txd<3:0>) provides five parallel data lines in symbol form. The data is synchronized to the rising edge of the sym_tclk signal. Parity is calculated by the 21143 as an even parity bit for the 32-bit ad and 4-bit c_be_l lines. par pci_clk I/O 59 I 19 During address and data phases, parity is calculated on all the ad and c_be_l lines whether or not any of these lines carry meaningful information. The clock provides the timing for the 21143 related PCI bus transactions. All the bus signals are sampled on the rising edge of pci_clk. The supported range of the clock frequency is 20 MHz to 33 MHz. Parity error asserts when a data parity error is detected. The 21143 asserts perr_l when a data parity error is detected in either a master-read or a slave-write operation. When the 21143 is the bus master and a parity error is detected, the 21143 asserts both CSR5 bit 13 (fatal bus error) and CFCS bit 24 (data parity report). Next, it completes the current data burst transaction, then stops operation. After the host clears the fatal error bit in CSR5, the 21143 continues its operation. perr_l I/O 57 req_l O 22 Bus request is asserted by the 21143 to indicate to the bus arbiter that it wants to use the bus. rst_l I 16 Resets the 21143 to its initial state. This signal must be asserted for at least 10 active PCI clock cycles. When in the reset state, all PCI output pins are put into tristate and all PCI O/D signals are floated. serr_l O/D 58 If an address parity error is detected and CFCS bit 8 (serr_l enable) is enabled, 21143 asserts both serr_l (system error) and CFCS bit 30 (signal system error). When an address parity error is detected, system error asserts two clocks after the failing address. sr_ck O 114 Serial ROM clock signal. This pin provides a serial clock output for the serial ROM. sr_cs O 115 Serial ROM chip-select signal. This pin provides a chip select for the serial ROM. sr_di O 113 Serial ROM data-in signal. This pin serially shifts the write data from the 21143 to the serial ROM device. sr_do I 112 Serial ROM data-out signal. This pin serially shifts the read data from the serial ROM device to the 21143. Preliminary Datasheet 13 21143 Table 4. Functional Description of 21143 Signals (Sheet 5 of 6) Signal stop_l tck Type Pin Number I/O 56 I 11 Description Stop indicator indicates that the current target is requesting the bus master to stop the current transaction. The 21143 responds to the assertion of stop_l when it is the bus master, either to disconnect, retry, or abort. JTAG clock shifts state information and test data into and out of the 21143 during JTAG test operations. If the JTAG port is unused, this pin should be connected to vss. tdi I 13 JTAG data in is used to serially shift test data and instructions into the 21143 during JTAG test operations. tdo O 14 JTAG data out is used to serially shift test data out of the 21143 during JTAG test operations. tms I 12 JTAG test mode select controls the state operation of JTAG testing in the 21143. tp_rd– I 10 Twisted-pair negative differential receive data from the twisted-pair lines. tp_rd+ I 9 Twisted-pair positive differential receive data from the twisted-pair lines. tp_td– tp_td– – O O 5 4 Twisted-pair negative differential transmit data. The positive and negative differential transmit data outputs are combined resistively outside the 21143 with equalization to compensate for intersymbol interference on the twisted-pair medium. tp_td+ tp_td+ + O O 6 7 Twisted-pair positive differential transmit data. The positive and negative differential transmit data outputs are combined resistively outside the 21143 with equalization to compensate for intersymbol interference on the twisted-pair medium. Target ready indicates the target agent’s ability to complete the current data phase of the transaction. trdy_l I/O 52 A data phase is completed on any clock when both trdy_l and irdy_l are asserted. Wait cycles are inserted until both irdy_l and trdy_l are asserted together. When the 21143 is the bus master, target ready is asserted by the bus slave on the read operation, which indicates that valid data is present on the ad lines. During a write cycle, it indicates that the target is prepared to accept data. vcap_h I 110 vdd P 1, 2, 8, 18, 26, 36, 37, 46, 54, 67, 72, 73, 79, 95, 107, 125, 136, 141 vddac P 109, 111 Capacitor input for analog phase-locked loop logic. 3.3-V supply input. These pins should be connected to the auxiliary power, if such power exists. Otherwise, these pins should be connected to the main power. Supplies +3.3-V input for analog phase-locked loop logic. Supplies +5-V or +3.3-V reference for clamp logic. vdd_clamp 14 P 20 vss P 3, 17, 30, 35, 38, 42, 53, 63, 71, 74, 83, 94, 104, 116, 126, 144 xtal1 I 106 This pin is also used to identify the lack of main power when the auxiliary power is on. This pin should be connected to the main power. Ground pins. 20-MHz crystal input, or crystal oscillator input.This pin should always be provided with a clock. Preliminary Datasheet 21143 Table 4. Functional Description of 21143 Signals (Sheet 6 of 6) Signal Type Pin Number Description O 105 Crystal feedback output pin used for crystal connections only. If this pin is unused, then it should be unconnected. xtal2 2.3 Pin Tables This section contains four types of pin tables: • • • • Table 5 lists the input pins. Table 6 lists the output pins. Table 7 lists the input/output pins. Table 8 lists the open drain pins. Table 5. Input Pins Signal Active Level Signal Active Level aui_cd– Low mii/sym_tclk — aui_cd+ High pci_clk aui_rd– — rst_l aui_rd+ — sr_do — — Low gnt_l Low tck — idsel High tdi — — tms — High for mii_clsn, — for sym_rxd<4> tp_rd– — mii_crs/sd High tp_rd+ — mii_dv High vcap_h — iref mii_clsn/sym_rxd<4> mii/sym_rclk — xtal1 — mii/sym_rxd<3:0> — — — Table 6. Output Pins Signal Active Level Signal Active Level aui_td– — sr_cs High aui_td+ — sr_di — br_a<1> High tdo — br_ce_l Low tp_td– — mii_mdc — tp_td– – — mii/sym_txd<3:0> — tp_td+ — tp_td+ + — xtal2 — — — mii_txen/sym_txd<4> High for mii_txen, — for sym_txd<4> req_l Low sr_ck — Preliminary Datasheet 15 21143 Table 7. Input/Output Pins Signal Active Level Signal Active Level — gep<2>/rcv_match/wake — for gep<2>, high for rcv_match, —afor wake gep<3>/link — for gep<3>, high for link ad<31:0> br_a<0>/cb_pads_l High for br_a<0>, low for cb_pads_l br_ad<7:0> — clkrun_l irdy_l Low Low mii_mdio — High for mii_rx_err, c_be_l<3:0> Low mii_rx_err/sel10_100 devsel_l Low par frame_l Low perr_l Low — stop_l Low trdy_l Low — for sel10_100 gep<0>/aui_bnc — for gep<1>, gep<1>/activ high for activ — a. The active level is controlled by bit MiscHwOptions<1> (PME_STSCHG) in the serial ROM. Table 8. Open Drain Pins Signal int_l 16 Active Level Low Signal serr_l Active Level Low Preliminary Datasheet 21143 2.4 Signal Grouping by Function Table 9 lists the signals according to their interface function. . Table 9. Signal Functions (Sheet 1 of 2) Interface PCI/CardBus Function Signals Address and data ad<31:0>, par Arbitration gnt_l, req_l Bus command and byte enable c_be_l<3:0> Device select devsel_l, idsel Error reporting perr_l, serr_l Interrupt int_l System pci_clk, rst_l Control signals frame_l, stop_l, irdy_l, trdy_l Power-management status wake Clock status clkrun_l Pad select cb_pads_l Transmit data lines mii/sym_txd<3:0> Receive data lines mii/sym_rxd<3:0> Transmit, receive clocks mii/sym_tclk, mii/sym_rclk Transmit enable mii_txen Collision detect mii_clsn MII error reporting mii_rx_err Data control mii_dv, mii_crs MII management data clock mii_mdc MII management data input/output mii_mdio Signal detection sd SYM mode data lines sym_rxd<4>, sym_txd<4> SYM mode 10/100 select sel10_100 Test access port JTAG test operations tck, tdi, tdo, tms Serial ROM port Serial ROM sr_ck, sr_cs, sr_di, sr_do MII/SYM network port Boot ROM port Power General-purpose port and LEDs Preliminary Datasheet ROM interface br_a<1:0>, br_ad<7:0>, br_ce_l 3.3-V or 5.0-V supply input vdd_clamp 3.3-V supply input vdd, vddac Ground vss General-purpose pins gep<3:0> LED indicators activ, rcv_match, link 10BASE5/10BASE2 select aui_bnc 17 21143 Table 9. Signal Functions (Sheet 2 of 2) Interface Network connection 18 Function Signals Analog phase-locked loop logic iref, vcap_h AUI collision data aui_cd–, aui_cd+ AUI transmit and receive data aui_rd–, aui_rd+, aui_td–, aui_td+ Crystal oscillator xtal1, xtal2 Twisted-pair transmit and receive data tp_rd–, tp_rd+, tp_td–, tp_td– –, tp_td+, tp_td+ + Preliminary Datasheet 21143 3.0 Electrical and Environmental Specifications This section contains the electrical and environmental specifications for the 21143. Caution: 3.1 Stresses greater than the maximum or less than the minimum ratings can cause permanent damage to the 21143. Exposure to the maximum or minimum ratings for extended periods of time lessen the reliability of the 21143. Voltage Limit Ratings Table 10 lists the voltage limit ratings. . Table 10. Voltage Limit Ratings Parameter Minimum Power supply voltage 3.0 V 3.6 V vdd_clamp (5.0 V) 4.75 V 5.25 V vdd_clamp (3.3 V)1 3.0 V 3.6 V — 2000 V ESD protection voltage 1. 3.2 Maximum In the 3.3-V signaling environment, vdd_clamp must not be greater than vdd + 0.3 V. Temperature Limit Ratings Table 11 lists the temperature limit ratings. . Table 11. Temperature Limit Ratings Parameter Storage temperature Operating temperature Preliminary Datasheet Minimum Maximum –55°C (–67°F) 125°C (257°F) 0°C (32°F) 70°C (158°F) 19 21143 3.3 Power Specifications The values in Table 12 are based on a PCI or CardBus* clock frequency of 33 MHz and a network data rate of 10/100 Mb/s for MII for legacy power-saving modes. Table 12. Legacy Power-Saving Modes Specification IDD1 (mA) Power1 (mW) After power-up 54 178 — — Normal 150 495 230 828 Snooze 85 280 145 522 Sleep 25 82 115 414 Mode 1. 2. IDD2(mA) Power2 (mW) Typical: vdd = 3.3 V, Ta = 25°C Maximum: vdd = 3.6 V, Ta = 0°C The values in Table 13 are based on a PCI clock frequency of 25 MHz, vdd at 3.3 V, Ta at 25°C, and a network data rate of 10/100 Mb/s for ACPI modes. Table 13. ACPI Modes Power Specification Condition 3.4 IDD (mA) Typical Power Consumption (mW) D0 normal, full network activity 145 mA 479 mW D0 snooze, 50% network activity 130 mA 429 mW D1 snooze, 50% network activity 118 mA 389 mW D2 snooze, PCI clock running 109 mA 356 mW D3 snooze, PCI clock stopped 102 mA 337 mW After power-up, CardBus pads 51 mA 168 mW PCI Bus and CardBus Electrical Parameters This section describes the PCI Bus and CardBus characteristics for the 21143. 20 Preliminary Datasheet 21143 3.4.1 PCI and CardBus I/O Voltage Specifications The 21143 meets the I/O voltage specifications listed in Table 14 and Table 15. . Table 14. I/O Voltage Specifications for 5.0-V Levels Symbol Parameter Condition Minimum Maximum Vih Input high voltage — 2.0 V vdd_clamp + 0.5 V Vil Input low voltage — –0.5 V 0.8 V 0.5 V<Vin<2.7 V — ±10 µA Ii 1 Input leakage current Voh Output high voltage Iout=–2 mA 2.4 V — Vol2 Output low voltage Iout=3 mA, 6 mA — 0.55 V Cap3 Pin capacitance — 5 pF 8 pF 1. Input leakage currents include high-impedance output leakage for all bidirectional buffers with tristate outputs. Signals without pull-up resistors must have 3-mA low output current. Signals requiring pull-up resistors (including frame_l, trdy_l, irdy_l, devsel_l, stop_l, serr_l, and perr_l) must have 6 mA. Parameter design guarantee. 2. 3. Table 15. I/O Voltage Specifications for 3.3-V Levels Symbol Parameter Vih Input high voltage Vil Input low voltage Ii1 Input leakage current Voh Vol 2 Cap 1. 2. Condition Minimum Maximum — 0.475*vdd_clamp vdd_clamp + 0.5 V — –0.5 V 0.325*vdd_clamp 0.0 V<Vin<vdd_clamp — ±70 µA Output high voltage Iout=–500 µA 0.9*vdd_clamp — Output low voltage Iout=1500 µA — 0.1*vdd_clamp — 5 pF 8 pF Pin capacitance Input leakage currents include high-impedance output leakage for all bidirectional buffers with tristate outputs. Parameter design guarantee. Preliminary Datasheet 21 21143 3.4.2 System Bus Reset System bus (PCI or CardBus) reset (rst_l) is an asynchronous signal that must be active for at least 10 system bus (PCI or CardBus) clock (pci_clk) cycles. Figure 3 shows the reset timing characteristics, and Table 16 lists the reset signal limits. pci_clk rst_l 10 pci_clk Cycles Internal Reset 33 pci_clk Cycles A5477-01 Figure 3. Reset Timing Diagram Table 16. Reset Timing Parameters Symbol Trst 3.4.3 Parameter Minimum Maximum Condition rst_l pulse width 10*pci_clk Not applicable pci_clk active PCI and CardBus Clock Specifications The clock frequency range1 for PCI and CardBus is between 20 MHz and 33 MHz. Figure 4 shows the PCI and CardBus clock specification timing characteristics and the required measurement points for both the 5.0-V and 3.3-V signaling environments. Table 17 lists the frequency-derived clock specifications. 1. The PCI and CardBus clock frequency is from dc to 33 MHz; network operational with the PCI or CardBus clock from 20 MHz to 33 MHz. 22 Preliminary Datasheet 21143 Thigh 5.0-V Clock 2.0 V Tlow 0.8 V 3.3-V Clock Tr Tf 0.475 * vdd_clamp 0.325 * vdd_clamp Tcycle LJ03910A.AI4 Figure 4. PCI and CardBus Clock Specification Timing Diagram Table 17. PCI and CardBus Clock Timing Specifications Symbol Parameter Minimum Maximum Tcycle Cycle time 30 ns 50 ns Thigh pci_clk high time 11 ns — Tlow pci_clk low time 11 ns — pci_clk slew rate 1 V/ns 4 V/ns 1 Tr/Tf 1. Rise and fall times are specified in terms of the edge rate measured in V/ns. Parameter design guarantee. Preliminary Datasheet 23 21143 3.4.4 Other PCI and CardBus Signals Figure 5 shows the timing diagram characteristics for other PCI and CardBus signals and Table 18 lists their timing specifications. This timing is identical to the timing for the general-purpose register signals. Vtest 1 Clk Tval (max) Tval (min) Output Ton Toff Input 1 Th Tsu Vtest is 1.5 V in a 5.0-V signaling environment and is 0.4 * vdd_clamp in a 3.3-V signaling environment. LJ04719A.AI4 Figure 5. Timing Diagram for Other PCI and CardBus Signals Table 18. Other PCI and CardBus Signals’ Timing Specifications Symbol Tval1 Float-to-active delay from clk 4 Active-to-float delay from clk 4 3 Minimum Maximum 2 ns 11 ns 2 ns — — 28 ns Input signal valid setup time before clk 7 ns — Th Input signal hold time from clk 0 ns — Slewr, Slewf4 Output rise and fall slew rate5 1 V/ns 4 V/ns 4 6 0.25 V/ns 1 V/ns Tsu Slewr, Slewf 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 24 clk-to-signal valid delay2 1 Ton Toff Parameter Output rise and fall slew rate Load for this measurement is as specified in PCI Local Bus Specification, Revision 2.0 and PCI Local Bus Specification, Revision 2.1. Valid delays for PCI, selected by default when pin cb_pad_l is not pulled down externally. Valid delays for CardBus, selected by default when pin cb_pad_l is pulled down externally. Parameter design guarantee. Slew rate for PCI, selected by default when pin cb_pad_l is not pulled down externally. Slew rate for CardBus, selected when pin cb_pad_l is pulled down externally. Preliminary Datasheet 21143 3.5 AUI and Twisted-Pair DC Specifications Table 19 lists the dc specifications for the AUI and twisted-pair parts of the SIA. . Table 19. AUI and Twisted-Pair DC Specifications Symbol Definition Condition Minimum Maximum Unit AUI Pins Vod Transmit differential output voltage (aui_td±) 78 Ω termination ±550 ±1200 mV Vodi1 Transmit differential output idle voltage (aui_td±) 78 Ω termination –40 +40 mV Iodi1 Transmit differential output idle current (aui_td±) 78 Ω termination –1 +1 mA Vasq+1 Differential positive squelch threshold (aui_rd±) — 175 275 mV Vasq–1 Differential negative squelch threshold (aui_rd± and aui_cd±) — –275 –175 mV Vodu1 Transmit differential output undershoot voltage on return to zero (aui_td±) 78 Ω termination — –100 mV Twisted-Pair Interface Pins Vtoh Output high voltage (tp_td± and tp_td±±) Ioh = –25 mA 2.5 — V Vtol Output low voltage (tp_td± and tp_td±±) Iol = 25 mA — 0.5 V Vtsq+1 Differential positive squelch threshold (tp_rd±) — 300 520 mV Vtsq–1 Differential negative squelch threshold (tp_rd±) — –520 –300 mV Vtdif1 Differential input voltage range (tp_rd±) — –3.1 3.1 V 1. Parameter design guarantee. Preliminary Datasheet 25 21143 3.6 Serial Interface Attachment Specifications This section describes the dc specifications and timing limits of the SIA unit. 3.6.1 Serial Clock Timing Figure 6 shows the serial clock (TTL or CMOS) timing characteristics, and Table 20 lists the serial clock timing specifications. Tcl Tch Tcr Tcf Tcycle LJ-04101.AI4 Figure 6. Serial Clock (XTAL) Timing Diagram Table 20. Serial Clock (XTAL) Timing Specifications Symbol Tcr1 Rise time Maximum — 4 ns — 4 ns Cycle time 49.995 ns 50.005 ns Tch Clock high time 0.4*Tcycle 0.6*Tcycle Tcl Clock low time 0.4*Tcycle 0.6*Tcycle 1. Fall time Minimum Tcycle1 Tcf 26 1 Parameter Parameter design guarantee. Preliminary Datasheet 21143 3.6.2 Internal SIA Mode AUI Timing—Transmit Figure 7 shows the internal SIA transmit timing characteristics for the AUI, and Table 21 lists the internal SIA transmit timing limits for the AUI. 1 0 1 ETD (End Transmit Delimiter) 1 xtal1 Tatp Tatf Tate Tatr aui_td+ aui_tdML11428A.AI4 Figure 7. Internal SIA Mode AUI Timing Diagram—Transmit Table 21. Internal SIA Mode AUI Timing Specifications—Transmit Symbol Definition Minimum Maximum Unit Tatp aui_td+, aui_td– propagation delay from xtal1 fall — 30 ns Tatr1 aui_td+, aui_td– rise time 2 8 ns Tatf aui_td+, aui_td– fall time 2 8 ns Tatm1 aui_td+, aui_td– rise and fall time mismatch (not shown) — 1 ns Tate1 aui_td± end transmit delimiter length 345 405 ns 1 1. Parameter design guarantee. Preliminary Datasheet 27 21143 3.6.3 Internal SIA Mode AUI Timing—Receive Figure 8 shows the internal SIA receive timing characteristics for the AUI, and Table 22 lists the internal SIA receive timing limits for the AUI. Tudm Tudf Vasq+ Vasq- Tudo Tudm A5994-01 Figure 8. Internal SIA Mode AUI Timing Diagram—Receive 3.6.4 Internal SIA Mode AUI Timing—Collision Figure 9 shows the internal SIA collision timing characteristics for the AUI, and Table 22 lists the internal SIA collision timing limits for the AUI. Tucf aui_cd+/- VasqTuco Tucm MLO10338.AI4 Figure 9. Internal SIA Mode AUI Timing Diagram—Collision Table 22. Internal SIA Mode AUI Timing Specifications—Receive and Collision Symbol Minimum Maximum Unit Tudo aui_rd± start of frame pulse width 15 20 ns Tudm1 aui_rd± delay between opposite squelch crossings not recognized as end of packet — 140 ns Tudf1 aui_rd± delay from last squelch crossing recognized as end of packet 150 — ns Tuco aui_cd± start of collision pulse width 20 25 ns Tucm1 aui_cd± delay between squelch crossings not recognized as end of collision — 140 ns Tucf1 aui_cd± delay from last squelch crossing recognized as end of collision 150 — ns 1. 28 Definition Parameter design guarantee. Preliminary Datasheet 21143 3.6.5 Internal SIA Mode 10BASE-T Interface Timing—Transmit Figure 10 shows the internal SIA transmit timing characteristics for the 10BASE-T interface, and Table 23 lists the internal SIA transmit limits. 1 0 1 1 ETD (End Transmit Delimiter) xtal1 Tpdp Tpdf Tped Tpdr tp_td+ Tpen Tpdc tp_td-- tp_td- Tpdc tp_td++ ML11429A AI4 Figure 10. Internal SIA Mode 10BASE-T Interface Timing Diagram— Transmit t Table 23. Internal SIA Mode 10BASE-T Interface Timing Specifications—Transmit Symbol Tpdp Definition Minimum Maximum Unit tp_td+, tp_td– propagation delay from xtal1 fall — 30 ns 1 tp_td+, tp_td++, tp_td–, tp_td– – rise time 2 8 ns 1 Tpdf tp_td+, tp_td++, tp_td–, tp_td– – fall time 2 8 ns Tpdm1 tp_td+, tp_td++, tp_td–, tp_td– – rise and fall time mismatch (not shown) — 1 ns Tpdc1 Tpdr tp_td+ to tp_td– – and tp_td– to tp_td++ delay 46 54 ns 1 tp_td± end transmit delimiter length 295 355 ns 1 tp_td++/– – end transmit delimiter length 245 305 ns Tped Tpen 1. Parameter design guarantee. Preliminary Datasheet 29 21143 3.6.6 Internal SIA Mode 10BASE-T Interface Timing—Receive Figure 11 shows the internal SIA receive timing characteristics for the 10BASE-T interface, and Table 24 lists the internal SIA receive limits for the 10BASE-T interface. Tsf Tsf Tsn Tsn Tdm Tdf Vtsq+ tp_rd+/- VtsqTsn Tsf Tsn Tsn Tsf Tdm Tsf A5478-01 Figure 11. Internal SIA Mode 10BASE-T Interface Timing Diagram— Receive Table 24. Internal SIA Mode 10BASE-T Interface Timing Specifications—Receive Symbol Definition Minimum Maximum Unit Tsn1 tp_rd± start of frame pulse width during smart squelch operation 15 20 ns Tsf1 tp_rd± maximum delay between opposite squelch crossings not to turn smart squelch off 140 150 ns Tdm1 tp_rd± delay between opposite squelch crossings not recognized as end of packet — 140 ns Tdf1 tp_rd± delay from last squelch crossing recognized as end of packet 150 — ns 1. 30 Parameter design guarantee. Preliminary Datasheet 21143 3.6.7 Internal SIA Mode 10BASE-T Interface Timing—Idle Link Pulse Figure 12 shows the internal SIA idle link pulse timing characteristics for the 10BASE-T interface, and Table 25 lists the internal SIA idle link pulse limits for the 10BASE-T interface. tp_td+ Tpld Tplp tp_td++ Tplc tp_td- Tplc tp_td-MLO10341.AI4 Figure 12. Internal SIA Mode 10BASE-T Interface Timing Diagram—Idle Link Pulse Table 25. Internal SIA Mode 10BASE-T Interface Timing Specifications—Idle Link Pulse Symbol Minimum Maximum Unit tp_td+ idle link pulse width 80 120 ns Tplc tp_td++ and tp_td– – idle link pulse width 40 60 ns Tplp1 Idle link pulse period 8 24 ms 1 1 Tpld 1. Definition Parameter design guarantee. Preliminary Datasheet 31 21143 3.7 MII Interface Specifications Table 26 lists the specifications for the MII interface. Table 26. MII Interface Symbol 3.8 Definition Condition Minimum Maximum Unit Voh Output high voltage Ioh = –4 mA 2.4 — V Vol Output low voltage Iol = 4 mA — 0.4 V Vih Input high voltage — 2.0 — V Vil Input low voltage — — 0.8 V Iin Input current Vin = vcc or vss –10.0 10.0 µA Ioz Maximum tristate output leakage current Vin = vdd or vss –10.0 10.0 µA MII/SYM Port Timing This section describes the MII/SYM port timing limits. 3.8.1 MII/SYM 10/100-Mb/s and 10-Mb/s Timing—Transmit Figure 13 shows the MII/SYM port transmit timing characteristics, and Table 27 lists the MII/SYM port transmit timing limits. 32 Preliminary Datasheet 21143 Tcc Tcr Tch mii/sym_tclk Tcf Tcl 1 2 3 4 5 Trv mii/sym_txd<3:0> Trh mii_txen LJ-04944.AI4 Figure 13. MII/SYM Port Timing Diagram—Transmit Table 27. MII/SYM Port Timing Limits—Transmit Symbol Definition Minimum Typical — 40t2 Maximum Unit Tcc1 mii/sym_tclk cycle — ns Tch mii/sym_tclk high time 14t2 — 26t2 ns Tcl mii/sym_tclk low time 14t2 — 26t2 ns 3 mii/sym_tclk rise time — 8 — ns 3 Tcf mii/sym_tclk fall time — 8 — ns Trv4 mii_tclk rise to mii_txen valid time or mii/sym_tclk rise to mii/sym_txd valid time — — 20 ns Trh mii_txen hold after mii_tclk rise time 5 — — ns Tcr 1. 2. 3. 4. ±50 parts per million. t=1 for 100-Mb/s operation; t=10 for 10-Mb/s operation. Parameter design guarantee. The transmit data (mii/sym_txd) and transmit enable (mii_txen) output pins are driven internally from the rising edge of mii/sym_tclk. Preliminary Datasheet 33 21143 3.8.2 MII/SYM 10/100-Mb/s Timing—Receive Figure 14 shows the MII/SYM port receive timing characteristics, and Table 28 lists the MII/SYM port receive timing limits. Tcc Tcr Tch Tcf Tcl mii/sym_rclk Tth Tts mii/sym_rxd<3:0> mii_dv LJ-04998.AI4 Figure 14. MII/SYM Port Timing Diagram—Receive Table 28. MII/SYM Port Timing Limits—Receive Symbol Tcc1 Tc mii/sym_rclk cycle time mii/sym_rclk high time Tcl mii/sym_rclk low time 3 Minimum Typical Maximum Unit — 40t2 — ns 14t 2 14t 2 — — 26t 2 ns 26t 2 ns mii/sym_rclk rise time — 8 — ns Tcf3 mii/sym_rclk fall time — 8 — ns Tts4 mii/sym_rxd setup (both rise and fall transactions) to mii/sym_rclk rise time or mii_dv setup (both rise and fall transactions) to mii_rclk rise time 8 — — ns Tth mii/sym_rxd hold (both rise and fall transactions) after mii/sym_rclk rise time or mii_dv hold (both rise and fall transactions) after mii_rclk rise time 10 — — ns Tcr 1. 2. 3. 4. 34 Definition ±50 parts per million. t=1 for 100-Mb/s operation; t=10 for 10-Mb/s operation. Parameter design guarantee. The receive data (mii/sym_rxd) and data valid (mii_dv) input pins are latched internally on the rising edge of mii/ sym_rclk. Preliminary Datasheet 21143 3.8.3 SYM 10/100-Mb/s Timing—Signal Detect Figure 15 shows the SYM port signal detect timing characteristics, and Table 29 lists the SYM port signal detect timing limits. sym_rclk 1 2 3 4 Tts 5 Tth sd LJ-04945.AI4 Figure 15. SYM Port Timing Diagram—Signal Detect Table 29. SYM Port Timing Limits—Signal Detect Symbol Definition Tts1 sd setup (both rise and fall transactions) to sym_rclk fall time 10 — ns Tth1 sd hold (both rise and fall transactions) after sym_rclk fall time 12 — ns 1. 3.8.4 Minimum Maximum Units Input signal detect (sd) is latched internally on the falling edge of sym_rclk. MII 10/100-Mb/s Timing—Receive Error Figure 16 shows the MII port receive error timing characteristics, and Table 30 lists the MII port receive error timing limits. mii_rclk 1 2 3 4 Tts 5 Tth mii_rx_err LJ03906A.AI4 Figure 16. MII Port Timing Diagram—Receive Error Table 30. MII Port Timing Limits—Receive Error Symbol Definition Minimum Maximum Unit Tts1 mii_rx_err setup (both rise and fall transactions) to mii_rclk rise time 10 — ns Tth1 mii_rx_err hold (both rise and fall transactions) after mii_rclk rise time 10 — ns 1. Input signal detect (mii_rx_err) is latched internally on the falling edge of mii_rclk. Preliminary Datasheet 35 21143 3.8.5 MII 10/100-Mb/s Timing—Carrier Sense and Collision Figure 17 shows the MII port carrier sense and collision timing characteristics, and Table 31 lists the MII port carrier sense and collision timing limits. mii_clsn mii_crs Tclh LJ-03929.AI4 Figure 17. MII Port Timing Diagram—Carrier Sense and Collision Table 31. MII Port Timing Limits—Carrier Sense and Collision Symbol Tclh 3.9 Definition Minimum Maximum Unit 20 — ns mii_crs, mii_clsn high time Boot ROM and Serial ROM Port Specification Table 32 lists the dc specifications for the boot ROM and serial ROM ports. These specifications apply in any mode in which the ports are used. Table 32. Boot ROM and Serial ROM Port DC Specifications Symbol Condition Minimum Maximum Unit Voh Output high voltage Ioh = –4 mA 2.4 — V Vol Output low voltage Iol = 4 mA — 0.4 V Vih Input high voltage — 2.0 — V Vil Input low voltage — — 0.8 V Ioz1 Maximum tristate output leakage current Vout = vdd or vss –10 10 µA 1. 36 Definition For sr_do and br_ce_l, the maximum value is 1000.0 mA. Preliminary Datasheet 21143 3.10 Boot ROM Port Timing This section describes the boot ROM port timing. 3.10.1 Boot ROM Read Timing Figure 18 shows the boot ROM read timing characteristics, and Table 33 lists the boot ROM read timing limits. Tads br_ad<7:0> Tadh Address = <7:2> oe = O, we = 1 Tads Tadh Tavqv Data <7:0> Valid Address <15:8> Address <1> br_a<1> br_a<0> Address <17> Address <16> Address <0> br_ce_l Telqx Telqv Toh Tehqz Tavav A5993-01 Figure 18. Boot ROM Read Timing Diagram Table 33. Boot ROM Read Timing Specifications Symbol Parameter Minimum Maximum Unit Tavav Read cycle time 240 — ns Tavqv Address to output delay — 240 ns Telqv br_ce_l to output delay — 240 ns br_ce_l to output low impedance 0 — ns Tehqz br_ce_l going high to output high impedance — 55 ns Toh Output hold from br_ce_l change 0 — ns Tads Address setup to latch enable high 30 — ns Tadh Address hold from latch enable high 30 — ns 1 Telqx 1 1. Parameter design guarantee. Preliminary Datasheet 37 21143 3.10.2 Boot ROM Write Timing Figure 19 shows the boot ROM write timing characteristics, and Table 34 lists the boot ROM write timing limits. Tads br_ad<7:0> Tadh Tads Address=<7:2> oe = 1, we = 0 Tadh Address<15:8> br_a<1> br_a<0> Data<7:0> Address<1> Address<17> Address<16> Address<0> br_ce_l Teleh Tdveh Tehax Tehdx Taveh Tavav A5479-01 Figure 19. Boot ROM Write Timing Diagram Table 34. Boot ROM Write Timing Specifications Symbol1 Minimum Unit 240 ns Tavav Write cycle time Teleh br_ce_l pulse width 70 ns Taveh Address setup to br_ce_l going high 50 ns Tdveh Data setup to br_ce_l going high 50 ns Tehdx Data hold from br_ce_l going high 10 ns Tehax Address hold from br_ce_l high 15 ns Tads Address setup to latch enable high 30 ns Tadh Address hold from latch enable high 30 ns 1. 38 Parameter There are no maximum specifications. Preliminary Datasheet 21143 3.11 Serial ROM Port Timing Figure 20 shows the serial ROM port timing, and Table 35 lists the characteristics. This timing is identical to the timing for the MII management signals (mii_mdio and mii_mdc). sr_cs, sr_ck, sr_di, sr_do Tsr Tsf LJ-03909.AI4 Figure 20. Serial ROM Port Timing Diagram Table 35. Serial ROM Port Timing Characteristics Symbol 1 1 Tsr Tsf 1. 3.12 Definition Minimum Maximum Unit Rise time — 10 ns Fall time — 10 ns Parameter design guarantee. External Register Timing Figure 21 shows the external register read timing characteristics, and Figure 22 shows the write timing characteristics. Table 36 lists the external register timing specifications for both read and write operations. br_ad<7:0> DataValid br_a<0> br_ce_l Tpd Tehqz LJ-05000.AI4 Figure 21. External Register Read Timing Diagram Preliminary Datasheet 39 21143 br_ad<7:0> Data<7:0> br_a<0> br_ce_l Teleh Ts Th LJ-05001.AI4 Figure 22. External Register Write Timing Diagram Table 36. External Register Timing Specifications Symbol Parameter Teleh br_ce_l pulse width Minimum Maximum Unit 240 — ns Read Timing Tpd br_ce_l low to br_ad<7:0> valid high — 20 ns Tehqz1 br_ce_l high to br_ad<7:0> high impedance — 20 ns Ts Data setup time prior to br_ce_l 30 — ns Th Data hold after br_ce_l high 30 — ns Write Timing 1. 40 Parameter design guarantee. Preliminary Datasheet 21143 3.13 Joint Test Action Group—Test Access Port This section provides the joint test action group (JTAG) test access port specifications. 3.13.1 JTAG DC Specifications Table 37 lists the dc specifications for the JTAG pins . Table 37. JTAG DC Specifications Symbol Definition Condition Minimum Maximum Unit Voh Output high voltage Ioh = –4 mA 2.4 — V Vol Output low voltage Iol = 4 mA — 0.4 V Vih Input high voltage — 2.0 — V Vil Input low voltage — — 0.8 V Iip Input leakage current on pins with internal pull-ups (tdi and tms) 0.0<Vin<vdd — +20/–10001 µA Ioz Tristate output leakage current (tdo) 0.0<Vout<vdd — ±20 µA 1. For pins tdi and tms that have internal pull-ups, the leakage current can get to 1.0 mA when Vin = 0 V. Preliminary Datasheet 41 21143 3.13.2 JTAG Boundary-Scan Timing Figure 23 shows the JTAG boundary-scan timing, and Table 38 lists the interface signal timing relationships. Tck_f Tck_cycle tck Tck_r Tms_s Tms_h Tdi_s Tdi_h tms tdi Tdo_d tdo LJ-03908.AI4 Figure 23. JTAG Boundary-Scan Timing Diagram Table 38. JTAG Interface Signal Timing Relationships Symbol Minimum Maximum Unit Tms_s tms setup time 20 — ns Tms_h tms hold time 5 — ns Tdi_s tdi setup time 20 — ns Tdi_h tdi hold time 5 — ns Tdo_d tdo delay time — 20 ns Tck_r1 tck rise time — 3 ns Tck_f1 tck fall time — 3 ns Tck_cycle tck cycle time 90 — ns 1. 42 Parameter Parameter design guarantee. Preliminary Datasheet 21143 4.0 Mechanical Specifications The 21143 is contained in either a 144-pin LQFP package type or a 144-pin MQFP package type. Figure 24 shows the mechanical layout of the LQFP, and Table 39 lists the LQFP package dimensions in millimeters. Figure 25 shows the mechanical layout of the MQFP, and Table 40 lists the MQFP package dimensions in millimeters. Preliminary Datasheet 43 21143 -AD D1 Pin # Direction Pin 1 b 144-Pin LQFP E1 E -B- e A See Detail "A" // 0.13 C - H - Datum Plane - C - Seating Plane ddd M C A S B S ccc C Detail "A" (A) A2 R Notes: All dimensions are in millimeters. - Basic Dimension A1 ( L (LL) o ) - Reference Dimension o 0 -7 c LJ04510A .AI4 Figure 24. 144-Pin LQFP Package 44 Preliminary Datasheet 21143 Table 39. 144-Pin LQFP Package Dimensions Symbol Dimension Value (mm) 1.00 reference1 LL Lead length e Lead pitch 0.50 BSC2 L Foot length 0.45 minimum to 0.75 maximum A Package overall height 1.60 maximum A1 Package standoff height 0.05 minimum A2 Package thickness 1.35 minimum to 1.45 maximum b Lead width 0.17 minimum to 0.27 maximum c Lead thickness 0.09 minimum to 0.20 maximum ccc Coplanarity 0.08 ddd Lead skew 0.08 D Package overall width 22.00 BSC D1 Package width 20.00 BSC E Package overall length 22.00 BSC E1 Package length 20.00 BSC R Ankle radius 1. 2. 0.08 minimum to 0.20 maximum The value for this measurement is for reference only. ANSI Y14.5M–1982 American National Standard Dimensioning and Tolerancing, Section 1.3.2, defines Basic Dimension (BSC) as: A numerical value used to describe the theoretically exact size, profile, orientation, or location of a feature or datum target. It is the basis from which permissible variations are established by tolerances on other dimensions, in notes, or in feature control frames. Preliminary Datasheet 45 21143 -AD D1 Pin # Direction Pin 1 b 144-Pin MQFP E1 E -B- e A See Detail "A" // 0.13 C - H - Datum Plane - C - Seating Plane ddd M C A S B S ccc C Detail "A" (A) A2 R Note: All dimensions are in millimeters. - Basic Dimension A1 ( L (LL) o ) - Reference Dimension o 0 -7 c LJ04510B .AI4 Figure 25. 144-Pin MQFP Package 46 Preliminary Datasheet 21143 Table 40. 144-Pin MQFP Package Dimensions Symbol Dimension Value (mm) 1.60 reference1 LL Lead length e Lead pitch 0.65 BSC2 L Foot length 0.65 minimum to 1.03 maximum A Package overall height A1 Package standoff height A2 Package thickness 3.20 minimum to 3.60 maximum b Lead width 0.22 minimum to 0.40 maximum c Lead thickness 0.11 minimum to 0.23 maximum ccc Coplanarity 0.10 ddd Lead skew 0.13 D Package overall width 31.20 BSC D1 Package width 28.00 BSC 4.1 maximum 0.25 minimum E Package overall length 31.20 BSC E1 Package length 28.00 BSC R Ankle radius 1. 2. 0.13 minimum to 0.30 maximum The value for this measurement is for reference only. ANSI Y14.5M–1982 American National Standard Dimensioning and Tolerancing, Section 1.3.2, defines Basic Dimension (BSC) as: A numerical value used to describe the theoretically exact size, profile, orientation, or location of a feature or datum target. It is the basis from which permissible variations are established by tolerances on other dimensions, in notes, or in feature control frames. Preliminary Datasheet 47 Support, Products, and Documentation If you need technical support, a Product Catalog, or help deciding which documentation best meets your needs, visit the Intel World Wide Web Internet site: http://www.intel.com Copies of documents that have an ordering number and are referenced in this document, or other Intel literature may be obtained by calling 1-800-332-2717 or by visiting Intel’s website for developers at: http://developer.intel.com You can also contact the Intel Massachusetts Information Line or the Intel Massachusetts Customer Technology Center. Please use the following information lines for support: For Documentation and General Information Intel Massachusetts Information Line United States: 1–800–332–2717 Outside United States: 1–303-675-2148 Electronic mail address: techdoc@intel.com For Technical Support Intel Massachusetts Customer Technology Center Phone (U.S. and international): 1–978–568–7474 Fax: 1–978–568–6698 Electronic mail address: techsup@intel.com