800-900 MHz +30 dBm Power GaAs FET August 2006 - Rev 03-Aug-06 CFK2062-P1 Features High Gain +30 dBm Power Output Proprietary Power FET Process >40% Linear Power Added Efficiency Surface Mount SO-8 Power Package Package Diagram G GND GND G 1 2 3 4 Back Plane is Source Applications ISM Band Base Stations and Terminals Cellular Base Stations and Terminals Wireless Local Loop 8 7 6 5 D GND GND D Description The CFK2062-P1 is a high-gain FET intended for driver amplifier applications in high-power systems, and output stage usage in medium power applications at power levels up to +30 dBm. The device is easily matched and provides excellent linearity at 1 Watt. Manufactured in Celeritek’s proprietary power FET process, this device is assembled in an industry standard surface mount SO-8 power package that is compatible with high volume, automated board assembly techniques. Specifications (TA = 25°C) The following specifications are SO-8 Power Package Physical Dimensions guaranteed at room temperature in Celeritek test fixture at 850 MHz. Parameters Conditions Min Vd = 8V, Id = 400 mA (Quiescent) P-1 dB SSG 3rd Order Products (1) Efficiency @ P1dB Vd = 5V, Id = 600 mA (Quiescent) P-1 dB SSG Typ Max Units 29.0 30.0 — dBm 18.0 20.0 — dB — — 30 40 — — dBc % — 29.5 — dBm — 19.0 — dB Parameters Conditions Min Typ Max Units gm Idss Vp BVGD JL (2) Vds = 2.0V, Vgs = 0V Vds = 2.0V, Vgs = 0V Vds = 3.0V, Ids = 25 mA Igd = 2.5 mA @150°C TCH — — — 15 — 650 1.4 -1.8 17 12 — — mS A Volts Volts °C/W — — Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Drain-Source Voltage Gate-Source Voltage Drain Current Continuous Dissipation Channel Temperature Storage Temperature Symbol Rating VDS VGS IDS PT TCH TSTG 10V (3) -5V Idss 6W 175°C -65°C to +175°C Notes: 1. Sum to two tones with 1 MHz spacing = 25 dBm. 2. See thermal considerations information on page 4. 3. Maximum potential difference across the device (Vd + Vg) cannot exceed 12V. Mimix Broadband, Inc., 10795 Rockley Rd., Houston, Texas 77099 Tel: 281.988.4600 Fax: 281.988.4615 mimixbroadband.com Page 1 of 4 Characteristic Data and Specifications are subject to change without notice. ©2006 Mimix Broadband, Inc. Export of this item may require appropriate export licensing from the U.S. Government. In purchasing these parts, U.S. Domestic customers accept their obligation to be compliant with U.S. Export Laws. 800-900 MHz +30 dBm Power GaAs FET August 2006 - Rev 03-Aug-06 CFK2062-P1 Typical Scattering Parameters Frequency (GHz) 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 (TA = 25°C, Vds = 5 V, Ids = 600 mA) S11 Mag 0.927 0.921 0.919 0.919 0.914 0.911 0.91 0.908 0.904 0.9 0.883 0.887 0.917 0.932 0.913 S21 Ang -129.75 -138.64 -145.3 -150.58 -154.69 -157.8 -160.09 -162.37 -164.19 -166.3 177.09 150.54 135.01 137.14 143.42 S12 Mag Ang Mag 8.7 7.587 6.726 6.02 5.449 5.018 4.678 4.423 4.225 4.066 3.605 2.944 2.081 1.635 1.641 102.7 97.2 92.32 88.2 84.82 82.03 79.43 76.85 74.15 71.35 52.62 28.96 13.19 8.18 3.36 0.024 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.026 0.027 0.027 0.028 0.029 0.05 0.035 0.03 0.028 0.032 S22 Ang Mag Ang 21.95 16.98 12.77 12.07 8.72 7.57 6.24 4.79 2.63 2.62 -10.6 -30.13 -41.27 -41.69 -41.15 0.576 0.588 0.597 0.6 0.6 0.597 0.594 0.588 0.578 0.567 0.512 0.539 0.623 0.643 0.557 -178.45 179.24 177.37 176.07 175.04 174.42 173.69 172.66 171.66 170.4 154.61 128.94 118.42 124.18 131.38 17.07 13.22 11.05 8.59 6.34 3.72 3.34 0.5 1.6 -0.36 -13.77 -31.65 -46.6 -43.86 -43.95 0.521 0.534 0.543 0.547 0.548 0.547 0.544 0.538 0.53 0.519 0.463 0.486 0.579 0.611 0.541 -174.04 -176.65 -178.82 179.94 178.8 178.18 177.57 176.86 176.13 174.97 160.21 133.49 121.99 128.44 137.64 (TA = 25°C, Vds = 8 V, Ids = 400 mA) 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 0.91 0.905 0.906 0.906 0.904 0.903 0.903 0.899 0.897 0.892 0.877 0.882 0.915 0.93 0.912 -131.25 -139.87 -146.47 -151.44 -155.33 -158.37 -160.69 -167.2 -164.68 -166.63 176.74 150.43 135.06 137.37 143.75 9.129 7.943 7.028 6.281 5.68 5.226 4.866 4.574 4.366 4.203 3.696 3.014 2.136 1.662 1.642 100.5 95.18 90.26 86.16 82.61 79.83 77.15 74.6 71.76 68.96 50.36 26.66 10.26 4.59 -0.35 0.026 0.026 0.026 0.027 0.027 0.027 0.027 0.028 0.029 0.03 0.035 0.036 0.031 0.027 0.031 RF Match Data shown in the performance graphs was taken in the test circuit shown at right. Layout is important for proper operation. Phase length of input and output 50 line varies as a function of exact desired frequency of operation. Output shunt inductor effects output performance. Celeritek recommends the use of a high impedance printed inductor Lambda/4 in length.Please contact the factory for an evaluation board and/or more detailed application support. Mimix Broadband, Inc., 10795 Rockley Rd., Houston, Texas 77099 Tel: 281.988.4600 Fax: 281.988.4615 mimixbroadband.com Page 2 of 4 Characteristic Data and Specifications are subject to change without notice. ©2006 Mimix Broadband, Inc. Export of this item may require appropriate export licensing from the U.S. Government. In purchasing these parts, U.S. Domestic customers accept their obligation to be compliant with U.S. Export Laws. 800-900 MHz +30 dBm Power GaAs FET August 2006 - Rev 03-Aug-06 CFK2062-P1 Typical Performance 20 15 10 0 -5 0 5 10 Power Input (dBm) 15 25 35 Efficiency 20 15 5 -5 22 30 21 Gain 29 20 28 825 Power Output @ P -1 dB Power Output 31 875 900 Frequency, MHz 925 28 20 Gain 25 19 22 18 19 17 3 4 5 Volts 6 7 8 Gain @ P -1 dB 21 Power Output @ P-1 dB 22 Power Output 31 15 20 22 21 Power Output 20 30 Gain 19 29 850 18 925 875 900 Frequency, MHz Power Output and Gain vs Voltage @ 850 MHz IDS = 600 mA Power Output and Gain vs Voltage @ 850 MHz IDS = 400 mA 34 31 28 825 19 850 5 10 Power Input (dBm) 0 Power Output and Gain vs Frequency VDS =5V, I DS = 600 mA 32 23 25 15 10 20 45 Power Output Power Output and Gain vs Frequency VDS =8V, I DS = 400 mA 32 Power Output @ P-1 dB 30 36 23 33 22 Power Output 21 30 27 20 Gain 24 Gain @ P-1 dB 20 Power Output (dBm) 30 Efficiency Efficiency (%) 25 10 Power Output @ P-1 dB 40 Power Output Gain @ P-1 dB Power Output (dBm) 30 55 35 Efficiency (%) 50 35 Power Output & Power Added Efficiency vs Power Input 850 MHz, VDS = 5 V, IDS = 600 mA Gain @ P -1 dB Power Output & Power Added Efficiency vs Power Input 850 MHz, VDS = 8 V, I DS = 400 mA 19 18 21 3 4 5 6 Volts Mimix Broadband, Inc., 10795 Rockley Rd., Houston, Texas 77099 Tel: 281.988.4600 Fax: 281.988.4615 mimixbroadband.com 7 8 Page 3 of 4 Characteristic Data and Specifications are subject to change without notice. ©2006 Mimix Broadband, Inc. Export of this item may require appropriate export licensing from the U.S. Government. In purchasing these parts, U.S. Domestic customers accept their obligation to be compliant with U.S. Export Laws. 800-900 MHz +30 dBm Power GaAs FET August 2006 - Rev 03-Aug-06 CFK2062-P1 Thermal Considerations The data shown was taken on a 31 mil thick FR-4 board with 1 ounce copper on both sides. The board was mounted to a baseplate with 3 screws as shown. The screws bring the top side copper temperature to the same value as the baseplate. The thermal resistance to the indicated reference lead, , is 12°C/W. The thermal resistance to the reference screw is 14°C/W. 1. Use 1 or 2 ounce copper if possible. 2. Solder all eight leads of the CFK2062-P1 package to the appropriate electrical connection. 3. Solder the copper pad on the backside of the CFK2062-P1 package to the ground plane. 4. Use a large ground pad area with many plated through-holes as shown. 5. If possible, use at least one screw no more than 0.2 inches from the CFK2062-P1 package to provide a low thermal resistance path to the baseplate of the package. Ordering Information The CFK2062-P1 power stage is available in a SO-8 surface mount package. Devices are available in tape and reel. Ordering part numbers are listed. Part Number for Ordering CFK2062-P1 CFK2062-P1-000T Function 800 - 900 MHz Power Stage 800 - 900 MHz Power Stage Package SO-8 surface mount power package SO-8 surface mount power package in tape and reel Mimix Broadband, Inc., 10795 Rockley Rd., Houston, Texas 77099 Tel: 281.988.4600 Fax: 281.988.4615 mimixbroadband.com Page 4 of 4 Characteristic Data and Specifications are subject to change without notice. ©2006 Mimix Broadband, Inc. Export of this item may require appropriate export licensing from the U.S. Government. In purchasing these parts, U.S. Domestic customers accept their obligation to be compliant with U.S. Export Laws.