LM8262 Dual RRIO, High Output Current & Unlimited Cap Load Op Amp in MSOP General Description Features The LM8262 is a Rail-to-Rail input and output Op Amp which can operate with a wide supply voltage range. This device has high output current drive, greater than Rail-to-Rail input common mode voltage range, unlimited capacitive load drive capability, and provides tested and guaranteed high speed and slew rate. It is specifically designed to handle the requirements of flat panel TFT panel VCOM driver applications as well as being suitable for other low power, and medium speed applications which require ease of use and enhanced performance over existing devices. Greater than Rail-to-Rail input common mode voltage range with 50dB of Common Mode Rejection, allows high side and low side sensing, among many applications, without having any concerns over exceeding the range and no compromise in accuracy. In addition, most device parameters are insensitive to power supply variations; this design enhancement is yet another step in simplifying its usage. The output stage has low distortion (0.05% THD+N) and can supply a respectable amount of current (15mA) with minimal headroom from either rail (300mV). (VS = 5V, TA = 25˚C, Typical values unless specified). n GBWP 21MHz n Wide supply voltage range 2.5V to 22V n Slew rate 12V/µs n Supply current/channel 1.15 mA n Cap load limit Unlimited n Output short circuit current +53mA/−75mA n +/−5% Settling time 400ns (500pF, 100mVPP step) n Input common mode voltage 0.3V beyond rails n Input voltage noise 15nV/ n Input current noise 1pA/ < 0.05% n THD+N Applications n n n n TFT-LCD flat panel VCOM driver A/D converter buffer High side/low side sensing Headphone amplifier The LM8262 is offered in the space saving MSOP package. Connection Diagram Output Response with Heavy Capacitive Load 8-Pin MSOP 20021001 Top View 20021037 Ordering Information Package 8-Pin MSOP Part Number LM8262MM LM8262MMX © 2002 National Semiconductor Corporation DS200210 Package Marking A46 Media Transport 1k Units Tape and Reel 3.5k Units Tape and Reel NSC Drawing MUA08A www.national.com LM8262 Dual RRIO, High Output Current & Unlimited Cap Load Op Amp in MSOP June 2002 LM8262 Absolute Maximum Ratings Soldering Information: (Note 1) If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/ Distributors for availability and specifications. ESD Tolerance 2KV (Note 2) 200V(Note 9) VIN Differential +/−10V Output Short Circuit Duration + Supply Voltage (V - V ) V+ +0.8V, V− −0.8V Storage Temperature Range −65˚C to +150˚C Junction Temperature (Note 4) 260˚C Supply Voltage (V+ - V−) 2.5V to 22V Junction Temperature Range(Note 4) −40˚C to +85˚C Package Thermal Resistance, θJA,(Note 4) 24V Voltage at Input/Output pins 235˚C Wave Soldering (10 sec.) Operating Ratings (Notes 3, 11) − Infrared or Convection (20 sec.) 8-Pin MSOP 235˚C/W +150˚C 2.7V Electrical Characteristics Unless otherwise specified, all limits guaranteed for TJ = 25˚C, V+ = 2.7V, V− = 0V, VCM = 0.5V, VO = V+/2, and RL > 1MΩ to V−. Boldface limits apply at the temperature extremes. Symbol Parameter Condition Min (Note 6) Typ (Note 5) Max (Note 6) Units VOS Input Offset Voltage VCM = 0.5V & VCM = 2.2V – +/−0.7 +/−5 +/−7 mV TC VOS Input Offset Average Drift VCM = 0.5V & VCM = 2.2V (Note 12) – +/−2 – µV/C IB Input Bias Current VCM = 0.5V (Note 7) – −1.20 −2.00 −2.70 VCM = 2.2V (Note 7) – +0.49 +1.00 +1.60 IOS Input Offset Current VCM = 0.5V & VCM = 2.2V – 20 250 400 CMRR Common Mode Rejection Ratio VCM stepped from 0V to 1.0V 76 60 100 – VCM stepped from 1.7V to 2.7V – 100 – VCM stepped from 0V to 2.7V 58 50 70 – µA nA dB +PSRR Positive Power Supply Rejection Ratio V+ = 2.7V to 5V 78 74 104 – dB CMVR Input Common-Mode Voltage Range CMRR > 50dB – −0.3 −0.1 0.0 V 2.8 2.7 3.0 – V VO = 0.5 to 2.2V, RL = 10k to V− 70 67 78 – dB VO = 0.5 to 2.2V, RL = 2k to V− 67 63 73 – dB RL = 10k to V− 2.49 2.46 2.59 – RL = 2k to V− 2.45 2.41 2.53 – Output Swing Low RL = 10k to V− – 90 100 120 Output Short Circuit Current Sourcing to V− VID = 200mV (Note 10) 30 20 48 – Sinking to V+ VID = −200mV (Note 10) 50 30 65 – AVOL VO ISC Large Signal Voltage Gain Output Swing High www.national.com 2 V mV mA LM8262 2.7V Electrical Characteristics (Continued) Unless otherwise specified, all limits guaranteed for TJ = 25˚C, V+ = 2.7V, V− = 0V, VCM = 0.5V, VO = V+/2, and RL > 1MΩ to V−. Boldface limits apply at the temperature extremes. Symbol Parameter Condition Min (Note 6) Typ (Note 5) Max (Note 6) 2.0 2.5 3.0 IS Supply Current (both amps) No load, VCM = 0.5V – Units mA SR Slew Rate (Note 8) AV = +1,VI = 2VPP – 9 – V/µs fu Unity Gain-Frequency VI = 10mV, RL = 2kΩ to V+/2 – 10 – MHz GBWP Gain Bandwidth Product f = 50KHz 15.5 14 21 – MHz Phim Phase Margin VI = 10mV – 50 – en Input-Referred Voltage Noise f = 2KHz, RS = 50Ω – 15 – nV/ in Input-Referred Current Noise f = 2KHz – 1 – pA/ fmax Full Power Bandwidth ZL = (20pF || 10kΩ) to V+/2 – 1 – Deg MHz 5V Electrical Characteristics Unless otherwise specified, all limited guaranteed for TJ = 25˚C, V+ = 5V, V− = 0V, VCM = 1V, VO = V+/2, and RL > 1MΩ to V−. Boldface limits apply at the temperature extremes. Symbol Parameter Condition Min (Note 6) Typ (Note 5) Max (Note 6) Units VOS Input Offset Voltage VCM = 1V & VCM = 4.5V – +/−0.7 +/−5 +/− 7 mV TC VOS Input Offset Average Drift VCM = 1V & VCM = 4.5V (Note 12) – +/−2 – µV/˚C IB Input Bias Current VCM = 1V (Note 7) – −1.18 −2.00 −2.70 VCM = 4.5V (Note 7) – +0.49 +1.00 +1.60 IOS Input Offset Current VCM = 1V & VCM = 4.5V – 20 250 400 CMRR Common Mode Rejection Ratio VCM stepped from 0V to 3.3V 84 72 110 – VCM stepped from 4V to 5V – 100 – VCM stepped from 0V to 5V 64 61 80 – µA nA dB +PSRR Positive Power Supply Rejection Ratio V+ = 2.7V to 5V, VCM = 0.5V 78 74 104 – dB CMVR Input Common-Mode Voltage Range CMRR > 50dB – −0.3 −0.1 0.0 V 5.1 5.0 5.3 – V VO = 0.5 to 4.5V, RL = 10k to V− 74 70 84 – VO = 0.5 to 4.5V, RL = 2k to V− 70 66 80 – RL = 10k to V− 4.75 4.72 4.87 – RL = 2k to V− 4.70 4.66 4.81 – RL = 10k to V− – 86 125 135 AVOL VO Large Signal Voltage Gain Output Swing High Output Swing Low 3 dB V mV www.national.com LM8262 5V Electrical Characteristics (Continued) Unless otherwise specified, all limited guaranteed for TJ = 25˚C, V+ = 5V, V− = 0V, VCM = 1V, VO = V+/2, and RL > 1MΩ to V−. Boldface limits apply at the temperature extremes. Symbol ISC Min (Note 6) Typ (Note 5) Max (Note 6) Sourcing to V− VID = 200mV (Note 10) 35 20 53 – Sinking to V+ VID = −200mV (Note 10) 60 50 75 – Parameter Output Short Circuit Current Condition Units mA IS Supply Current (both amps) No load, VCM = 1V – 2.3 2.8 3.5 mA SR Slew Rate (Note 8) AV = +1, VI = 5VPP 10 7 12 – V/µs fu Unity Gain Frequency VI = 10mV, RL = 2kΩ to V+/2 – 10.5 – MHz GBWP Gain-Bandwidth Product f = 50KHz 16 15 21 – MHz Phim Phase Margin VI = 10mV – 53 – en Input-Referred Voltage Noise f = 2KHz, RS = 50Ω – 15 – nV/ in Input-Referred Current Noise f = 2KHz – 1 – pA/ fmax Full Power Bandwidth ZL = (20pF || 10kΩ) to V+/2 – 900 – KHz tS Settling Time (+/−5%) 100mVPP Step, 500pF load – 400 – ns THD+N Total Harmonic Distortion + Noise RL = 1kΩ to V+/2 f = 10KHz to AV = +2, 4VPP swing – 0.05 – % Deg +/−11V Electrical Characteristics Unless otherwise specified, all limited guaranteed for TJ = 25˚C, V+ = 11V, V− = −11V, VCM = 0V, VO = 0V, and RL > 1MΩ to 0V. Boldface limits apply at the temperature extremes. Symbol Parameter Condition Min (Note 6) Typ (Note 5) Max (Note 6) Units VOS Input Offset Voltage VCM = −10.5V & VCM = 10.5V – +/−0.7 +/−7 +/− 9 mV TC VOS Input Offset Average Drift VCM = −10.5V & VCM = 10.5V (Note 12) – +/−2 – µV/˚C IB Input Bias Current VCM = −10.5V (Note 7) – −1.05 −2.00 −2.80 VCM = 10.5V (Note 7) – +0.49 +1.00 +1.50 IOS Input Offset Current VCM = −10.5V & VCM = 10.5V – 30 275 550 CMRR Common Mode Rejection Ratio VCM stepped from −11V to 9V 84 80 100 – VCM stepped from 10V to 11V – 100 – VCM stepped from −11V to 11V 74 72 88 – µA nA dB +PSRR Positive Power Supply Rejection Ratio V+ = 9V to 11V 70 66 100 – dB −PSRR Negative Power Supply Rejection Ratio V− = −9V to −11V 70 66 100 – dB www.national.com 4 LM8262 +/−11V Electrical Characteristics (Continued) Unless otherwise specified, all limited guaranteed for TJ = 25˚C, V+ = 11V, V− = −11V, VCM = 0V, VO = 0V, and RL > 1MΩ to 0V. Boldface limits apply at the temperature extremes. Symbol CMVR AVOL VO Input Common-Mode Voltage Range Large Signal Voltage Gain Output Swing High Output Swing Low ISC Min (Note 6) Typ (Note 5) Max (Note 6) – −11.3 −11.1 −11.0 V 11.1 11.0 11.3 – V VO = 0V to +/−9V, RL = 10kΩ 78 74 85 – VO = 0V to +/−9V, RL = 2kΩ 72 66 79 – RL = 10kΩ 10.65 10.61 10.77 – RL = 2kΩ 10.6 10.55 10.69 – RL = 10kΩ – −10.98 −10.75 −10.65 RL = 2kΩ – −10.91 −10.65 −10.6 Sourcing to ground VID = 200mV (Note 10) 40 25 60 – Sinking to ground VID = 200mV (Note 10) 65 55 100 – Parameter Output Short Circuit Current Condition CMRR > 50dB Units dB V V mA IS Supply Current No load, VCM = 0V – 2.5 4 5 mA SR Slew Rate (Note 8) AV = +1, VI = 16VPP 10 8 15 – V/µs fU Unity Gain Frequency VI = 10mV, RL = 2kΩ – 13 – MHz GBWP Gain-Bandwidth Product f = 50KHz 18 16 24 – MHz Phim Phase Margin VI = 10mV – 58 – Deg en Input-Referred Voltage Noise f = 2KHz, RS = 50Ω – 15 – nV/ in Input-Referred Current Noise f = 2KHz – 1 – pA/ tS Settling Time (+/−1%, AV = +1) Positive Step, 5VPP – 320 – Negative Step, 5VPP – 600 – THD+N Total Harmonic Distortion +Noise RL = 1kΩ, f = 10KHz, AV = +2, 15VPP swing – 0.01 – % CTREJ Cross-Talk Rejection f = 5MHz, Driver RL = 10kΩ – 68 – dB 5 ns www.national.com LM8262 +/−11V Electrical Characteristics (Continued) Note 1: Absolute Maximum Ratings indicate limits beyond which damage to the device may occur. Operating Rating indicate conditions for which the device is intended to be functional, but specific performance is not guaranteed. For guaranteed specifications and the test conditions, see the Electrical Characteristics. Note 2: Human body model, 1.5kΩ in series with 100pF. Note 3: Applies to both single-supply and split-supply operation. Continuous short circuit operation at elevated ambient temperature can result in exceeding the maximum allowed junction temperature of 150˚C. Note 4: The maximum power dissipation is a function of TJ(max), θJA, and TA. The maximum allowable power dissipation at any ambient temperature is PD = (TJ(max) - TA)/ θJA. All numbers apply for packages soldered directly onto a PC board. Note 5: Typical Values represent the most likely parametric norm. Note 6: All limits are guaranteed by testing or statistical analysis. Note 7: Positive current corresponds to current flowing into the device. Note 8: Slew rate is the slower of the rising and falling slew rates. Connected as a Voltage Follower. Note 9: Machine Model, 0Ω is series with 200pF. Note 10: Short circuit test is a momentary test. See Note 11. Note 11: Output short circuit duration is infinite for VS ≤ 6V at room temperature and below. For VS > 6V, allowable short circuit duration is 1.5ms. Note 12: Offset voltage average drift determined by dividing the change in VOS at temperature extremes into the total temperature change. Typical Performance Characteristics TA = 25˚C, Unless Otherwise Noted VOS vs. VCM for 3 Representative Units VOS vs. VCM for 3 Representative Units 20021030 20021029 VOS vs. VCM for 3 Representative Units VOS vs. VS for 3 Representative Units 20021034 20021031 www.national.com 6 VOS vs. VS for 3 Representative Units LM8262 Typical Performance Characteristics TA = 25˚C, Unless Otherwise Noted (Continued) VOS vs. VS for 3 Representative Units 20021035 20021033 IB vs. VCM IB vs. VS 20021036 20021024 IS vs. VCM IS vs. VCM 20021027 20021028 7 www.national.com LM8262 Typical Performance Characteristics TA = 25˚C, Unless Otherwise Noted IS vs. VCM (Continued) IS vs. VS (PNP side) 20021068 20021025 IS vs. VS (NPN side) Gain/Phase vs. Frequency 20021018 20021026 Unity Gain Frequency vs. VS Phase Margin vs. VS 20021007 www.national.com 20021008 8 LM8262 Typical Performance Characteristics TA = 25˚C, Unless Otherwise Noted (Continued) Unity Gain Freq. and Phase Margin vs. VS 20021004 9 www.national.com LM8262 Dual RRIO, High Output Current & Unlimited Cap Load Op Amp in MSOP Physical Dimensions inches (millimeters) unless otherwise noted 8-Pin MSOP NS Package Number MUA08A LIFE SUPPORT POLICY NATIONAL’S PRODUCTS ARE NOT AUTHORIZED FOR USE AS CRITICAL COMPONENTS IN LIFE SUPPORT DEVICES OR SYSTEMS WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE PRESIDENT AND GENERAL COUNSEL OF NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION. As used herein: 1. Life support devices or systems are devices or systems which, (a) are intended for surgical implant into the body, or (b) support or sustain life, and whose failure to perform when properly used in accordance with instructions for use provided in the labeling, can be reasonably expected to result in a significant injury to the user. National Semiconductor Corporation Americas Email: support@nsc.com www.national.com National Semiconductor Europe Fax: +49 (0) 180-530 85 86 Email: europe.support@nsc.com Deutsch Tel: +49 (0) 69 9508 6208 English Tel: +44 (0) 870 24 0 2171 Français Tel: +33 (0) 1 41 91 8790 2. A critical component is any component of a life support device or system whose failure to perform can be reasonably expected to cause the failure of the life support device or system, or to affect its safety or effectiveness. National Semiconductor Asia Pacific Customer Response Group Tel: 65-2544466 Fax: 65-2504466 Email: ap.support@nsc.com National Semiconductor Japan Ltd. Tel: 81-3-5639-7560 Fax: 81-3-5639-7507 National does not assume any responsibility for use of any circuitry described, no circuit patent licenses are implied and National reserves the right at any time without notice to change said circuitry and specifications.