Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. A FLASH MCU SOLUTION 68HC908AB32 8-bit Microcontroller TARGET APPLICATIONS Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... • • • • Appliances Data loggers Industrial equipment Automotive body electronics The 68HC908AB32 FLASH microcontroller utilizes Motorola’s highly successful 68HC08 architecture and is code compatible with 68HC05 microcontrollers providing an efficient migration path to higher performance FLASH MCUs. With 32,256 bytes of in-system, programmable FLASH memory and in-circuit programming capability, the 68HC908AB32 delivers high-performance while lowering costs. The 68HC908AB32 provides security and reliability with innovative features like a computer operating properly (COP) watchdog, selectable FLASH security, memory-mapped input/output registers, low-voltage inhibit (LVI) and stop and wait modes. FEATURES BENEFITS HIGH-PERFORMANCE 68HC08 CPU CORE • 8 MHz bus operation at 5V operation for 125 nsec minimum instruction cycle time • Efficient instruction set including multiply and divide • 16 flexible addressing modes including stack relative with 16-bit stack pointer • Fully static low-voltage, low-power design with wait and stop modes • Object code compatible with the 68HC05 • Easy to learn and use architecture • C optimized architecture provides compact code INTEGRATED SECOND GENERATION FLASH MEMORY • In-application re-programmable • Extremely fast programming, encoding 64 bytes in as fast as 2 msec • FLASH programming across the 68HC08’s full operating supply voltage with no extra programming voltage • 10K write/erase cycles minimum over temperature • Flexible block protection and security • Cost-effective programming changes and field software upgrades via in-application programmability and re-programmability • Reduces production programming costs through ultra-fast programming • Allows re-programmable battery-powered applications • Byte-writable for data as well as program memory • Protects code from unauthorized reading and to guard against unintentional erasing/writing of user-programmable segments of code INTEGRATED EEPROM HC08 CPU KBI 32K Flash 8-ch 8-bit ADC 1K RAM SCI 512 EEPROM SPI COP 4-ch + 4-ch 16-bit Timer LVI 51 GPIO • Byte erasable 8-BIT ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTER • 8 channels • Single conversion in 17 µsec • Fast, easy conversion from analog inputs like temperature, pressure, and fluid levels to digital values for CPU processing CLOCK GENERATION MODULE WITH PLL • Programmable clock frequency in integer multiples of external crystal reference • Crystal reference of 1 MHz to 8 MHz • External clock option with or without PLL • Provides high performance using low-cost, low-frequency reference crystals • Reduces generated noise while still providing high performance (up to 32 MHz internal clock) 8 PROGRAMMABLE 16-BIT TIMER CHANNELS • 125 nsec resolution at 8 MHz bus • Free-running counter or modulo up-counter For More Information On This Product, Go to: • Each channel independently programmable for input capture, output compare or unbuffered PWM • Pairing timer channels provides a buffered PWM function A FLASH MCU SOLUTION Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. FEATURES SERIAL COMMUNICATIONS INTERFACE 68HC908AB32 PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION $295 • UART asynchronous communications system • Flexible baud rate generator • Double buffered transmit and receive • Optional hardware parity checking and generation $1450 SERIAL PERIPHERAL INTERFACE RESALE EASY-TO-ORDER DEVELOPMENT TOOL KITS M68ICS08AB KITMMEVS08AB32 KITMMDS08AB32 68HC908AB32 Programmer/in-circuit debug kit Cost-effective real-time in-circuit emulator kit High-performance real-time in-circuit emulator kit $3950 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... INDIVIDUAL DEVELOPMENT TOOL COMPONENTS M68MMDS0508 M68MMPFB0508 M68EML08AB32 M68CBL05C M68TC08AB32FU64 M68TQS064SAG1 M68TQP064SA1 High-performance emulator MMEVS platform board Emulation module daughter board Low-noise flex cable 64-pin QFP target head adapter 64-pin TQ socket with guides 64-pin TQPACK BENEFITS • Full-duplex 3-wire synchronous transfers • Maximum master bit rate of 4 MHz for 8 MHz system clock $2950 $395 $495 • Asynchronous communication between the MCU and a terminal, computer or a network of microcontrollers • High-speed synchronous communication between multiple MCUs or between MCU and serial peripherals • Cost-effective serial peripheral expansion to EEPROM, high-precision A/D and D/A converters, real-time clocks, etc. PERIODIC INTERRUPT TIMER $120 $300 • Provides periodic interrupts $50 COMPUTER OPERATING PROPERLY WATCHDOG TIMER $70 • Provides system protection in the event of runaway code by resetting the MCU to a known state APPLICATION NOTES • AN2093/D Creating Efficient C Code for the MC68HC08 • AN1219/D M68HC08 Integer Math Routines • AN1218/D HC05 to HC08 Optimization • AN1837/D Non-Volatile Memory Technology Review • AN1752/D Data Structures for 8-bit MCUs • AN1705/D Noise Reduction Techniques for MCU-Based Systems • AN1259: System Design and Layout Techniques for Noise Reduction in MCU-Based Systems • AN1263: Designing for Electromagnetic Compatibility with Single-Chip Microcontrollers • AN1050: Designing for Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) with HCMOS Microcontrollers • AN1705: Noise Reduction Techniques for Microcontroller-Based Systems LOW-VOLTAGE INHIBIT • Improves reliability by resetting the MCU when voltage drops below trip point • Integration reduces system cost UP TO 51 BIDIRECTIONAL INPUT/OUTPUT (I/O) LINES • 10 mA sink/source capability on all I/O pins • 15 mA sink capability on eight I/O pins • Keyboard scan with selectable interrupts on five I/O pins • Software programmable pullups on I/O pins • High-current I/O allows direct drive of LED and other circuits to eliminate external drivers and reduce system costs • Keyboard scan with programmable pullups eliminates external glue logic when interfacing to simple keypads And many more—see our Web site at PACKAGE OPTIONS PART NUMBER PACKAGE TEMPERATURE RANGE MC68HC908AB32CFU MC68HC908AB32VFU MC68HC908AB32MFU 64 QFP 64 QFP 64 QFP -40 to 85°C -40 to 105°C -40 to 125°C SAMPLE PACKS PACKAGE TEMPERATURE RANGE KMC908AB32CFU KMC908AB32VFU KMC908AB32MFU 64 QFP 64 QFP 64 QFP -40 to 85°C -40 to 105°C -40 to 125°C * All prices are manufacturer’s suggested resale for North America.For Motorola and the stylized M Logo are registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. This product incorporates SuperFlash® technology licensed from SST. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © Motorola, Inc. 2003 68HC908AB32PB/D More Information On This Product, REV 2 1ATX46453-1 Printed in USA Go to: 05/03 Imperial Litho 56466 5,000 LITCSG1