Flexane®Urethanes A tough rubber-like urethane compound for making a broad range of repairs, tooling and molding applications. FLEXANE 80, FLEXANE 94 FEATURES/BENEFITS l l l l l l RECOMMENDED APPLICATIONS Two-part compound mixes easily Putty trowels on smoothly Liquid pours evenly and self-levels Cures medium hard Low shrinkage Bonds to metal, concrete, rubber, wood and fiberglass with primers l l l l l Repairs and rebuilds conveyor belts Lines process equipment to dampen noise Concrete control joints Casting flexible molds, fixtures and parts Potting and encapsulating compounds Typical Physical Properties: FL80 Putty Color...................................................................................................Black Mix ratio resin: curing agent, ratio % by weight................................72:28 Specific volume, in.3/lb...................................................................... 23.5 Coverage/lb. @ 1/4" thick in sq. in.....................................................94 Viscosity with hardener (cps)...........................................................Putty Pot life of 1 lb. in minutes at 75OF(1 lb. mass)....................................20 Demolding time, (hours).....................................................................10 Operating temperature maximumOF.................................dry: 180; wet: 120 Cured hardness, Shore A.................................................................87 Tensile strength, psi ASTM D 412.....................................................1700 Cure shrinkage, in./in. ASTM D 2566................................................ 0.0014 Dielectric strength ASTM D 149 volts/mil.... .....................................350 Tear resistance, pli ASTM D 624......................................................300 FL80 Liquid Black 77:23 26.5 106 10,000 30 10 same 87 2100 0.0018 350 350 FL94 Liquid Black 69.31 26.5 106 6,000 10 5 same 97 2800 .0014 350 415 APPLICATION INFORMATION Surface Preparation Metal Surfaces: Thoroughly clean the area that is to be repaired, rebuilt or lined, by using Cleaner Blend 300 (stock #19510). All oil, grease, and dirt must be removed before applying Flexane material. All surfaces must be roughened by grinding with a coarse wheel or an abrasive disc pad. Rubber Surfaces: Thoroughly clean the rubber area with an abrasive pad and Cleaner Blend 300. You may take a grinding wheel and roughen the rubber surface. The rubber surface must be coarse and free from oil and dirt clogged in the “pores” of the rubber. Using Cleaner Blend 300 wipe or roughen surface until the color of the rubber substrate no longer appears on cloth. The rubber should look new or a deeper black in color. Priming Surfaces: On metal surfaces apply a coat of FL10 Primer and allow to dry tack free for 15 minutes. Any metal surfaces that require the maximum tear resistance and are being used as a submersible application or wet environment you should use both FL10 and FL20 Primer. On rubber surfaces apply a coat of FL20 Primer and allow to dry tack free for 15-20 minutes. Use this Primer on all types of rubber and urethane surfaces. On porous rubber surfaces, it may be necessary to do multiple coats. Maximum Adhesion: Sandblast the application surface using an angular abrasive to achieve a minimum depth profile of 2-3 mils. Blast to near white finish specification SSPC-SP5 (Steel Structure Painting Council). After sandblasting, application surface should be primed immediately to prevent oxidation. ITW Devcon, 30 Endicott St., Danvers, MA 01923 MIXING: Mix at 65o-85oF. Add curing agent to the Flexane® resin and stir vigorously for 2 minutes. Be sure to mix along the bottom and side of the container. Transfer material to the plastic container, wipe the spatula clean and stir again for 2 more minutes. For Flexane quantities larger than 1 lb. use an electric drill and Jiffy Mixer to mix the Flexane material. Make sure the mixer attachment is completely submerged during the mixing process. If not, you will be mixing in large amounts of air and this will cause bubbles in the finished product. APPLICATION: Liquids: First brush a thin coat of Flexane over the substrate. Then pour from one side of the mold to the other evacuating the air as the Flexane fills the area. Gently blow hot air over the finished surface to ensure a perfect mold with no blow holes. Putty: Trowel the Flexane putty into the area. Use a spatula to compress the urethane onto the surface. This helps “wet out” the urethane and stop any blow holes or air pockets which can interfere with the adhesion. CURE: Allow the Flexanes to cure for 6 hours before returning equipment to light service. Once cured, the repair may be ground flush using a 24 or 36 grit open coat sanding disc. Be careful to keep the grinder moving and do not overheat the work surface. Allow Flexane 94 Liquid or Flexane 80 Liquid to cure 24 hours before running molds in operation. Demold Flexane Liquids approximately 5-10 hours. Full cure takes 7 days @ 70oF. Flexane Accelerator (#15990) is used for speeding up the cure of Flexane at temperatures as low as 32oF. 1/2 tsp. (2gms) of Accelerator will reduce the cure time of 1 lb. of Flexane by 50%. Do not use more than 2 tsp. of Accelerator with each 1lb. of Flexane. Flex-Add (#15940) Flexibilizer is used with Flexane 80L to produce a urethane of any desired durometer below 80. Allows custom mixing of urethane for specific application requirements. Use the following chart to determine the amount of Flex-Add to use with 1 lb. of Flexane 80L to obtain the desired durometer. Flex-Add Durometer 2 oz. 74 4oz. 6oz. 70 66 8oz. 62 10oz. 58 12oz. 54 14oz. 50 16oz. 46 Primers. FL-10 Primer - Provides excellent adhesion to all metals; use with all Flexanes; Use with FL-20 for applications on metal surfaces that are exposed to water immersion; use with FL-20 for applications on metal requiring adhesion greater than 50pli. FL-20 Primer - Provides excellent adhesion to rubber, wood, fiberglass and concrete; use with all Flexanes. Primer Selection. Primers are required for bonding Flexane to most substrates. Choose the recommended primer or combination from the chart below: Substrates Metal, dry (adhesion 25pli) Metal, dry (adhesion >50pli) Metal (water immersion) Concrete Rubber Cured Flexane Wood Fiberglass FL-10 X X X FL-20 --X X X X X X X FLEXANE PRIMER Stock No. Size FL-10 FL-20 15980 15985 4 oz. 4 oz. ORDERING INFORMATION: Flexane 80 Putty Unit Stock No. Size 15820 1 lb. 15850 4 lb. Flexane 80 Liquid Unit Stock No. Size 15800 1 lb. 15810 10 lb. Flexane 94 Liquid Unit Stock No. Size 15250 1 lb. 15260 10 lb. FlexAdd Unit Stock No. Size 15940 8 oz. Flexane Accelerator Unit Stock No. Size 15990 12 oz. PRECAUTION: For complete safety and handling information, please refer to the appropriate Material Safety Data Sheets prior to using this product. For technical assistance, please call 1-800-933-8266. Warranty: Devcon will replace any material found to be defective. Because the storage, handling and application of this material is beyond our control, we can accept no liability for the results obtained. 11/18/99