Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. HC705JB2GRS/H REV 1.1 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 68HC705JB2 SPECIFICATION (General Release) August 28, 1998 Consumer Systems Group Semiconductor Products Sector Motorola reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein to improve reliability, function or design. Motorola does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit described herein; neither does it convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. Motorola products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use as components in systems intended for surgical implant into the body, or other applications intended to support or sustain life, or for any other application in which the failure of the Motorola product could create a situation where personal injury or death may occur. Should Buyer purchase or use Motorola products for any such unintended or unauthorized application, Buyer shall indemnify and hold Motorola and its officers, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates, and distributors harmless against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use, even if such claim alleges that Motorola was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the part. Motorola, Inc., 1998 For More Information On This Product, Go to: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. For More Information On This Product, Go to: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. August 28, 1998 GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Title Page Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... SECTION 1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.4.1 1.4.2 1.4.3 1.4.4 1.4.5 1.4.6 1.4.7 1.4.8 FEATURES ...................................................................................................... 1-1 MASK OPTIONS.............................................................................................. 1-2 MCU STRUCTURE.......................................................................................... 1-3 FUNCTIONAL PIN DESCRIPTIONS ............................................................... 1-4 VDD, VSS .................................................................................................... 1-4 OSC1, OSC2 ............................................................................................... 1-4 RESET......................................................................................................... 1-6 IRQ/VPP ...................................................................................................... 1-6 PA0-PA7 ...................................................................................................... 1-7 PB0-PB2 ...................................................................................................... 1-7 D+, D– ......................................................................................................... 1-7 3.3V ............................................................................................................. 1-7 SECTION 2 MEMORY 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 MEMORY MAP ................................................................................................ 2-1 I/O AND CONTROL REGISTERS ................................................................... 2-2 RAM ................................................................................................................. 2-3 EPROM ............................................................................................................ 2-3 BOOTLOADER ROM....................................................................................... 2-3 SECTION 3 CENTRAL PROCESSING UNIT 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.6.1 3.6.2 3.6.3 3.6.4 3.6.5 REGISTERS .................................................................................................... 3-1 ACCUMULATOR (A)........................................................................................ 3-2 INDEX REGISTER (X) ..................................................................................... 3-2 STACK POINTER (SP) .................................................................................... 3-2 PROGRAM COUNTER (PC) ........................................................................... 3-3 CONDITION CODE REGISTER (CCR) ........................................................... 3-3 Half Carry Bit (H-Bit) .................................................................................... 3-3 Interrupt Mask (I-Bit) .................................................................................... 3-3 Negative Bit (N-Bit) ...................................................................................... 3-3 Zero Bit (Z-Bit) ............................................................................................. 3-4 Carry/Borrow Bit (C-Bit) ............................................................................... 3-4 SECTION 4 INTERRUPTS 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 CPU INTERRUPT PROCESSING ................................................................... 4-1 RESET INTERRUPT SEQUENCE .................................................................. 4-2 SOFTWARE INTERRUPT (SWI) ..................................................................... 4-4 HARDWARE INTERRUPTS ............................................................................ 4-4 MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 MOTOROLA i For More Information On This Product, Go to: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION August 28, 1998 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 4.4.1 4.4.2 4.4.3 4.4.4 4.4.5 4.4.6 Title Page External Interrupt (IRQ) ............................................................................... 4-4 IRQ Control/status Register (ICSR) $0A ..................................................... 4-5 Optional External Interrupts (PA0-PA3)....................................................... 4-6 Timer1 Interrupt (TIMER1)........................................................................... 4-7 USB Interrupt (USB) .................................................................................... 4-7 MFT Interrupt (MFT) .................................................................................... 4-7 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... SECTION 5 RESETS 5.1 EXTERNAL RESET (RESET).......................................................................... 5-2 5.2 INTERNAL RESETS ........................................................................................ 5-2 5.2.1 Power-On Reset (POR) ............................................................................... 5-2 5.2.2 USB Reset ................................................................................................... 5-2 5.2.3 Illegal Address Reset (ILADR)..................................................................... 5-3 5.2.4 Low Voltage Reset (LVR) ............................................................................ 5-3 SECTION 6 LOW POWER MODES 6.1 6.2 6.3 STOP MODE.................................................................................................... 6-1 WAIT MODE .................................................................................................... 6-1 DATA-RETENTION MODE.............................................................................. 6-3 SECTION 7 INPUT/OUTPUT PORTS 7.1 PORT A............................................................................................................ 7-2 7.1.1 Port A Data Register.................................................................................... 7-2 7.1.2 Port A Data Direction Register..................................................................... 7-2 7.1.3 Port A Pulldown Register............................................................................. 7-3 7.1.4 Port A Drive Capability................................................................................. 7-3 7.1.5 Port A I/O Pin Interrupts............................................................................... 7-3 7.2 PORT B............................................................................................................ 7-4 7.2.1 Port B Data Register.................................................................................... 7-4 7.2.2 Port B Data Direction Register..................................................................... 7-5 7.2.3 Slow Output Falling-Edge Transition ........................................................... 7-5 7.2.4 Port B Pulldown/Pullup Register.................................................................. 7-5 7.3 I/O PORT PROGRAMMING ............................................................................ 7-6 7.3.1 Pin Data Direction........................................................................................ 7-6 7.3.2 Output Pin.................................................................................................... 7-6 7.3.3 Input Pin....................................................................................................... 7-6 7.3.4 I/O Pin Transitions ....................................................................................... 7-7 7.3.5 I/O Pin Truth Tables..................................................................................... 7-7 MOTOROLA ii MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 For More Information On This Product, Go to: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. August 28, 1998 GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Title Page SECTION 8 MULTI-FUNCTION TIMER 8.1 TIMER REGISTERS ........................................................................................ 8-2 8.1.1 Timer Counter Register (TCNT) $09 ........................................................... 8-2 8.1.2 Timer Control/Status Register (TCSR) $08 ................................................. 8-3 8.2 OPERATION DURING STOP MODE .............................................................. 8-4 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... SECTION 9 PROGRAMMABLE TIMER 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 9.8 TIMER REGISTERS (TMRH, TMRL)............................................................... 9-2 ALTERNATE COUNTER REGISTERS (ACRH, ACRL) .................................. 9-3 INPUT CAPTURE REGISTERS ...................................................................... 9-5 OUTPUT COMPARE REGISTERS ................................................................. 9-6 TIMER CONTROL REGISTER (TCR) ............................................................. 9-8 TIMER STATUS REGISTER (TSR)................................................................. 9-9 TIMER OPERATION DURING WAIT MODE................................................. 9-10 TIMER OPERATION DURING STOP MODE ................................................ 9-10 SECTION 10 UNIVERSAL SERIAL BUS MODULE 10.1 FEATURES .................................................................................................... 10-1 10.2 OVERVIEW.................................................................................................... 10-2 10.2.1 USB Protocol ............................................................................................. 10-3 10.2.2 Reset Signaling.......................................................................................... 10-8 10.2.3 Suspend..................................................................................................... 10-9 10.2.4 Resume After Suspend.............................................................................. 10-9 10.2.5 Low Speed Device................................................................................... 10-10 10.3 CLOCK REQUIREMENTS........................................................................... 10-11 10.4 HARDWARE DESCRIPTION....................................................................... 10-11 10.4.1 Voltage Regulator .................................................................................... 10-11 10.4.2 USB Transceiver...................................................................................... 10-12 10.4.3 Receiver Characteristics.......................................................................... 10-13 10.4.4 USB Control Logic ................................................................................... 10-15 10.5 I/O REGISTER DESCRIPTION ................................................................... 10-18 10.5.1 USB Address Register (UADDR)............................................................. 10-19 10.5.2 USB Interrupt Register 0 (UIR0) .............................................................. 10-19 10.5.3 USB Interrupt Register 1 (UIR1) .............................................................. 10-20 10.5.4 USB Control Register 0 (UCR0) .............................................................. 10-22 10.5.5 USB Control Register 1 (UCR1) .............................................................. 10-23 10.5.6 USB Control Register 2 (UCR2) .............................................................. 10-24 10.5.7 USB Status Register (USR)..................................................................... 10-25 10.5.8 USB Endpoint 0 Data Registers (UE0D0-UE0D7)................................... 10-26 10.5.9 USB Endpoint 1/Endpoint 2 Data Registers (UE1D0-UE1D7) ................ 10-26 MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 MOTOROLA iii For More Information On This Product, Go to: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION August 28, 1998 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Title Page 10.6 USB INTERRUPTS...................................................................................... 10-27 10.6.1 USB End of Transaction Interrupt............................................................ 10-27 10.6.2 Resume Interrupt ..................................................................................... 10-28 10.6.3 End of Packet Interrupt ............................................................................ 10-28 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... SECTION 11 EPROM 11.1 EPROM .......................................................................................................... 11-1 11.2 BOOTLOADER .............................................................................................. 11-1 11.2.1 Bootloader Mode ....................................................................................... 11-1 11.3 EPROM PROGRAMMING ............................................................................. 11-2 11.3.1 EPROM Program Control Register (PCR)................................................. 11-2 11.3.2 Programming Sequence ............................................................................ 11-2 11.4 MASK OPTION REGISTER (MOR), $01FF................................................... 11-4 SECTION 12 INSTRUCTION SET 12.1 ADDRESSING MODES ................................................................................. 12-1 12.1.1 Inherent...................................................................................................... 12-1 12.1.2 Immediate .................................................................................................. 12-1 12.1.3 Direct ......................................................................................................... 12-2 12.1.4 Extended.................................................................................................... 12-2 12.1.5 Indexed, No Offset..................................................................................... 12-2 12.1.6 Indexed, 8-Bit Offset .................................................................................. 12-2 12.1.7 Indexed, 16-Bit Offset ................................................................................ 12-3 12.1.8 Relative...................................................................................................... 12-3 12.1.9 Instruction Types ....................................................................................... 12-3 12.1.10 Register/Memory Instructions .................................................................... 12-4 12.1.11 Read-Modify-Write Instructions ................................................................. 12-5 12.1.12 Jump/Branch Instructions .......................................................................... 12-5 12.1.13 Bit Manipulation Instructions...................................................................... 12-7 12.1.14 Control Instructions.................................................................................... 12-7 12.1.15 Instruction Set Summary ........................................................................... 12-8 SECTION 13 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 13.6 13.7 MAXIMUM RATINGS..................................................................................... 13-1 THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS ................................................................... 13-1 DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS........................................................ 13-2 USB DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS ............................................... 13-3 USB LOW SPEED SOURCE ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS............... 13-4 CONTROL TIMING ........................................................................................ 13-5 EPROM PROGRAMMING SPECIFICATIONS .............................................. 13-5 MOTOROLA iv MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 For More Information On This Product, Go to: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. August 28, 1998 GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Title Page SECTION 14 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS 20-PIN PLASTIC DUAL-IN-LINE PACKAGE (PDIP) ..................................... 14-1 20-PIN SURFACE-MOUNT SMALL OUTLINE PACKAGE (SOIC) ............... 14-2 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 14.1 14.2 MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 MOTOROLA v For More Information On This Product, Go to: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION August 28, 1998 TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Page Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Section MOTOROLA vi MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 For More Information On This Product, Go to: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. August 28, 1998 GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION LIST OF FIGURES Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Figure 1-1 1-2 1-3 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-6 3-1 4-1 4-2 4-3 5-1 6-1 7-1 7-2 7-3 8-1 8-2 8-3 9-1 9-2 9-3 9-4 9-5 9-6 9-7 9-8 9-9 9-10 9-11 10-1 10-2 10-3 10-4 10-5 10-6 10-7 10-8 10-9 10-10 10-11 Title Page MC68HC705JB2 Block Diagram...................................................................... 1-3 Pin Assignments for 20-Pin Package............................................................... 1-4 Oscillator Connections ..................................................................................... 1-5 MC68HC705JB2 Memory Map ........................................................................ 2-1 I/O Registers .................................................................................................... 2-2 I/O Registers $0000-$000F.............................................................................. 2-4 I/O Registers $0010-$001F.............................................................................. 2-5 I/O Registers $0020-$003F.............................................................................. 2-6 Mask Option Register $01FF ........................................................................... 2-6 MC68HC05 Programming Model ..................................................................... 3-1 Interrupt Processing Flowchart ........................................................................ 4-3 External Interrupt (IRQ) Logic .......................................................................... 4-4 IRQ Control and Status Register (ICSR)......................................................... 4-5 Reset Block Diagram ....................................................................................... 5-1 STOP/WAIT Flowchart..................................................................................... 6-2 Port A I/O Circuitry ........................................................................................... 7-2 Port B I/O Circuitry ........................................................................................... 7-4 Port B Data Direction Register ......................................................................... 7-5 Multi-Function Timer Block Diagram ................................................................ 8-1 Timer Counter Register.................................................................................... 8-2 Timer Control/Status Register (TCSR)............................................................. 8-3 Programmable Timer Block Diagram ............................................................... 9-1 Programmable Timer Counter Block Diagram ................................................. 9-2 Programmable Timer Counter Registers (TMRH, TMRL)................................ 9-3 Alternate Counter Block Diagram..................................................................... 9-4 Alternate Counter Registers (ACRH, ACRL).................................................... 9-4 Timer Input Capture Block Diagram................................................................. 9-5 Input Capture Registers (ICRH, ICRL)............................................................. 9-6 Timer Output Compare Block Diagram ............................................................ 9-7 Output Compare Registers (OCRH, OCRL) .................................................... 9-7 Timer Control Register (TCR) .......................................................................... 9-8 Timer Status Registers (TSR) .......................................................................... 9-9 USB Block Diagram ....................................................................................... 10-2 Supported Transaction Types per Endpoint................................................... 10-3 Supported USB Packet Types ....................................................................... 10-4 Sync Pattern................................................................................................... 10-4 SOP, Sync Signaling and Voltage Levels ...................................................... 10-5 CRC Block Diagram for Address and Endpoint Fields................................... 10-6 CRC Block Diagram for Data Packets ........................................................... 10-7 EOP Transaction Voltage Levels ................................................................... 10-8 EOP Width Timing.......................................................................................... 10-8 External Low Speed Device Configuration................................................... 10-10 Regulator Electrical Connections ................................................................. 10-11 MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 MOTOROLA vii For More Information On This Product, Go to: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION August 28, 1998 LIST OF FIGURES Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Figure 10-12 10-13 10-14 10-15 10-16 10-17 10-18 10-19 10-20 10-21 10-22 10-23 10-24 10-25 10-26 10-27 10-28 10-29 10-30 10-31 10-32 11-1 14-1 14-2 Title Page Low Speed Driver Signal Waveforms .......................................................... 10-12 Differential Input Sensitivity Over Entire Common Mode Range ................. 10-13 Data Jitter..................................................................................................... 10-14 Data Signal Rise and Fall Time.................................................................... 10-14 NRZI Data Encoding .................................................................................... 10-16 Flow Diagram for NRZI ................................................................................ 10-16 Bit Stuffing.................................................................................................... 10-16 Flow Diagram for Bit Stuffing ....................................................................... 10-17 USB Address Register (UADDR) ................................................................. 10-19 USB Interrupt Register 0 (UIR0) .................................................................. 10-19 USB Interrupt Register 1(UIR1) ................................................................... 10-20 USB Control Register 0 (UCR0)................................................................... 10-22 USB Control Register 1 (UCR1)................................................................... 10-23 USB Control Register 2 (UCR2)................................................................... 10-24 USB Status Register (USR) ......................................................................... 10-25 USB Endpoint 0 Data Register (UE0D0-UE0D7)......................................... 10-26 USB Endpoint 1/Endpoint2 Data Registers (UE1D0-UE1D7)...................... 10-26 OUT Token Data Flow for Receive Endpoint 0 ............................................ 10-29 SETUP Token Data Flow for Receive Endpoint 0........................................ 10-30 IN Token Data Flow for Transmit Endpoint 0 ............................................... 10-31 IN Token Data Flow for Transmit Endpoint 1/ Endpoint 2............................ 10-32 EPROM Programming Sequence .................................................................. 11-3 20-Pin PDIP Mechanical Dimensions ............................................................ 14-1 20-Pin SOIC Mechanical Dimensions ............................................................ 14-2 MOTOROLA viii MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 For More Information On This Product, Go to: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. August 28, 1998 GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION LIST OF TABLES Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Table Title Page 4-1 Reset/Interrupt Vector Addresses .................................................................... 4-2 7-1 Port A I/O Pin Functions................................................................................... 7-7 7-2 Port B I/O Pin Functions................................................................................... 7-7 10-1 Supported Packet Identifiers .......................................................................... 10-5 10-2 Register Summary ....................................................................................... 10-18 11-1 Operation Mode Condition After Reset .......................................................... 11-1 12-1 Register/Memory Instructions ........................................................................ 12-4 12-2 Read-Modify-Write Instructions...................................................................... 12-5 12-3 Jump and Branch Instructions........................................................................ 12-6 12-4 Bit Manipulation Instructions .......................................................................... 12-7 12-5 Control Instructions ........................................................................................ 12-7 12-6 Instruction Set Summary............................................................................... 12-8 12-7 Opcode Map................................................................................................. 12-14 13-1 Maximum Ratings .......................................................................................... 13-1 13-2 Thermal Characteristics ................................................................................. 13-1 13-3 DC Electrical Characteristics.......................................................................... 13-2 13-4 USB DC Electrical Characteristics ................................................................. 13-3 13-5 USB Low Speed Source Electrical Characteristics ........................................ 13-4 13-6 Control Timing................................................................................................ 13-5 13-7 EPROM Programming Electrical Characteristics ........................................... 13-5 MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 MOTOROLA ix For More Information On This Product, Go to: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION August 28, 1998 LIST OF TABLES Title Page Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Table MOTOROLA x MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 For More Information On This Product, Go to: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. August 28, 1998 GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... SECTION 1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MC68HC705JB2 is a member of the low-cost, high-performance MC68HC05 Family of 8-bit microcontroller units (MCUs). The MC68HC05 Family is based on the Customer-Specified Integrated Circuit (CSIC) design strategy. All MCUs in the family use the popular MC68HC05 central processing unit (CPU) and are available with a variety of subsystems, memory sizes and types, and package types. The MC68HC705JB2 is specifically designed to be used in applications where a Universal Serial Bus (USB) interface is required. 1.1 FEATURES • Industry standard M68HC05 CPU core • Memory-mapped Input/Output (I/O) registers • 2048 Bytes of user EPROM • 128 Bytes of user RAM • Fully compliant Low Speed USB with 3 Endpoints: – 1 Control Endpoint (2 x 8-byte buffer) – 2 Interrupt Endpoints (1 x 8-byte buffer shared) • 3.3Volt dc output pin for USB pullup resistors • Multi-Function Timer • 16-Bit Input Capture/Output Compare Timer • 11 Bidirectional I/O pins with the following features: – 9 I/Os have software programmable pull-down capability – 2 open-drain I/Os have software programmable pull-up, 25mA current sink capability – 4 I/Os with external interrupt capability • Low Voltage Reset (LVR) circuit • Power saving STOP and WAIT Modes • Available in 20-Pin PDIP and 20-pin SOIC packages MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 1-1 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION 1.2 August 28, 1998 MASK OPTIONS Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... The mask options on the MC68HC705JB2 are handled with five EPROM bits in the Mask Option Register ($01FF). These options are: • External interrupt pins (IRQ, PA0 to PA3): [edge-triggered or edge-and-level-triggered] • Port A and port B pull-down/pull-up resistors: [connected or disconnected] • PA0-PA3 external interrupt capability: [enabled or disabled] • OSC, crystal/ceramic resonator startup delay: [4064 or 128 internal bus cycles] • Low Voltage Reset (LVR): [enabled or disabled] To program the MOR, the MORON bit in the Program Control Register (bit 3 of $3E) must be set to “1”. bit-7 bit-6 bit-5 bit4 bit-3 bit-2 bit1 bit-0 IRQTRIG PULLREN PAINTEN OSCDLY LVREN 1 1 1 1 1 Read MOR $01FF Write Erased 0 0 0 Reset Unaffected IRQTRIG – IRQ, PA0-PA3 Interrupt Options 1 = Edge-trigger only 0 = Edge-and-level-triggered PULLREN – Port A and B Pullup/Pulldown Options 1 = Connected 0 = Disconnected PAINTEN – PA0-PA3 External Interrupt Options 1 = Disabled 0 = Enabled OSCDLY – Oscillator Delay Option 1 = 128 internal clock cycles 0 = 4064 internal clock cycles LVREN – LVR Option 1 = Enabled 0 = Disabled MOTOROLA 1-2 GENERAL DESCRIPTION For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. August 28, 1998 1.3 GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION MCU STRUCTURE Figure 1-1 shows the block diagram of the MC68HC705JB2. PA1① PA2① PA4② PORT A PA3① PA5② PA7② PB1➂ PB2➂ CPU CONTROL ALU LVR VREF POWER SUPPLY VSS 3.3V 68HC05 CPU RESET and IRQ ACCUM CPU REGISTERS RESET IRQ INDEX REG. Core TImer DATA DIRECTION REG. B PB0➃ PORT B Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... PA6② VDD DATA DIRECTION REG. A PA0① OSC ÷2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 STK PNTR PROGRAM COUNTER OSC1 OSC2 16-bit Timer TCAP➃ Low Speed USB D+ COND CODE REG. 1 1 1 H I N Z C 128 Bytes RAM D– 2048 Bytes EPROM ①: External edge interrupt capability, with Schmitt trigger input ②: 8 mA current sink capability ➂: 25 mA current sink, open-drained with internal pullup, slow transition O/P ➃: TCAP is shared with PB0 Figure 1-1. MC68HC705JB2 Block Diagram MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 1-3 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION August 28, 1998 RESET 1 20 VDD PA0 2 19 OSC1 PA1 3 18 OSC2 PA2 4 17 VSS PA3 5 16 3.3V PA4 6 15 D+ PB0/TCAP 7 14 D– PB1 8 13 PA7 PB2 9 12 PA6 10 11 PA5 IRQ/VPP Figure 1-2. Pin Assignments for 20-Pin Package 1.4 FUNCTIONAL PIN DESCRIPTIONS The following paragraphs give a description of the general function of each pin assigned in Figure 1-2. 1.4.1 VDD, VSS Power is supplied to the MCU through VDD and VSS. VDD is the positive supply, and VSS is ground. The MCU operates from a single power supply. Very fast signal transitions occur on the MCU pins. The short rise and fall times place very high short-duration current demands on the power supply. To prevent noise problems, special care should be taken to provide good power supply bypassing at the MCU by using bypass capacitors with good high-frequency characteristics that are positioned as close to the MCU as possible. Bypassing requirements vary, depending on how heavily the MCU pins are loaded. 1.4.2 OSC1, OSC2 The OSC1 and OSC2 pins are the connections for the on-chip oscillator. The OSC1 and OSC2 pins can accept the following sets of components: MOTOROLA 1-4 GENERAL DESCRIPTION For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. August 28, 1998 GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION 1. A crystal as shown in Figure 1-3(a) 2. A ceramic resonator as shown in Figure 1-3(a) 3. An external clock signal as shown in Figure 1-3(b) Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... The frequency, fOSC, of the oscillator or external clock source is divided by two to produce the internal operating frequency, fOP. If the internal operating frequency is 3MHZ, then the external oscillator frequency will be 6MHz. For LS USB 1.5MHz frequency clock can be derived from a divided by 4 circuit. The type of oscillator is selected by a mask option. Crystal Oscillator The circuit in Figure 1-3(a) shows a typical oscillator circuit for an AT-cut, parallel resonant crystal. The crystal manufacturer’s recommendations should be followed, as the crystal parameters determine the external component values required to provide maximum stability and reliable start-up. The load capacitance values used in the oscillator circuit design should include all stray capacitances. The crystal and components should be mounted as close as possible to the pins for start-up stabilization and to minimize output distortion. An internal start-up resistor of typically 2MΩ is provided between OSC1 and OSC2 for the crystal type oscillator. MCU MCU 2MΩ OSC1 OSC1 OSC2 OSC2 unconnected 37 pF 37 pF External Clock (a) Crystal or Ceramic Resonator Connections (b) External Clock Source Connection Figure 1-3. Oscillator Connections Ceramic Resonator Oscillator In cost-sensitive applications, a ceramic resonator can be used in place of the crystal. The circuit in Figure 1-3(a) can be used for a ceramic resonator. The resonator manufacturer’s recommendations should be followed, as the resonator parameters determine the external component values required for maximum stability and reliable starting. The load capacitance values used in the oscillator circuit design should include all stray capacitances. The ceramic resonator and MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 1-5 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION August 28, 1998 components should be mounted as close as possible to the pins for start-up stabilization and to minimize output distortion. An internal start-up resistor of 2MΩ (typical) is provided between OSC1 and OSC2 for the ceramic resonator type oscillator. External Clock An external clock from another CMOS-compatible device can be connected to the OSC1 input, with the OSC2 input not connected, as shown in Figure 1-3(b). Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 1.4.3 RESET This is an I/O pin. This pin can be used as an input to reset the MCU to a known start-up state by pulling it to the low state. The RESET pin contains a steering diode to discharge any voltage on the pin to VDD, when the power is removed. An internal pull-up is also connected between this pin and VDD. The RESET pin contains an internal Schmitt trigger to improve its noise immunity as an input. This pin is an output pin if LVR triggers an internal reset. 1.4.4 IRQ/VPP This input pin drives the asynchronous IRQ interrupt function of the CPU. The IRQ interrupt function has a mask option to provide either only negative edge-sensitive triggering or both negative edge-sensitive and low level-sensitive triggering. If the option is selected to include level-sensitive triggering, the IRQ input requires an external resistor to VDD for "wired-OR" operation, if desired. The IRQ pin contains an internal Schmitt trigger as part of its input to improve noise immunity. NOTE Each of the PA0 thru PA3 I/O pins may be connected as an OR function with the IRQ interrupt function by a mask option. This capability allows keyboard scan applications where the transitions or levels on the I/O pins will behave the same as the IRQ pin, except for the inverted phase. The edge or level sensitivity selected by a separate mask option for the IRQ pin also applies to the I/O pins OR’ed to create the IRQ signal. In Bootloader mode, this pin (VPP) is used to supply the required programming voltage to the EPROM array. MOTOROLA 1-6 GENERAL DESCRIPTION For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. August 28, 1998 GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION 1.4.5 PA0-PA7 These eight I/O lines comprise PortA. PA0 to PA7 are push-pull pins with pulldown devices. PA4 to PA7 are also capable of sinking 8 mA. The state of any pin is software programmable and all Port A lines are configured as inputs during power-on or reset. The lower four I/O pins (PA0 thru PA3) can be connected via an internal OR gate to the IRQ interrupt function enabled by a mask option. See Section 7 on Input/Output Ports for further details. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 1.4.6 PB0-PB2 These three I/O lines comprise Port B. PB1 and PB2 are open-drain I/O lines with pullup devices, whereas PB0 (shared with TCAP), is a push-pull I/O line with pulldown device. The state of any pin is software programmable and is configured as an input during power-on or reset. PB1 and PB2 are also slow transition outputs, each capable of sinking 25mA typical current at 0.5V VOL Max. See Section 7 on Input/Output Ports for further details. 1.4.7 D+, D– D+ and D– are the differential data lines used by the USB module. See Section 10 on Universal Serial Bus Module. 1.4.8 3.3V This is the 3.3V output of the on-chip voltage regulator from the MCU. It is used to supply the voltage for the external pullup resistor required by the USB on D–. This regulator output is also used internally for the USB data driver circuitry. This 3.3V pin should be decoupled using a 1µF (or greater) capacitor and a 0.1µF bypass capacitor. MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 1-7 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. August 28, 1998 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION MOTOROLA 1-8 GENERAL DESCRIPTION For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. August 28, 1998 GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION SECTION 2 MEMORY 2.1 MEMORY MAP Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... The MC68HC705JB2 has an 8-Kbyte memory map consisting of user EPROM, RAM, burn-in ROM, and input/output (I/O), as shown in Figure 2-1. $0000 $003F $0040 0000 I/O 64 Bytes unimplemented 64 Bytes $00FF $01FF 0063 0064 User RAM 128 Bytes Stack EPROM Program Control Reserved $003E Reserved $1FF0 Reserved $1FF1 Reserved $1FF2 $003F 0255 unimplemented MOR Register unimplemented 5276 Bytes 1535 5632 $05FF $1600 User EPROM 2048 Bytes $1DFF $1E00 7679 7680 Bootstrap ROM 496 Bytes $1FEF 8175 User Vectors 16 Bytes $1FFF $0000 Total 64 bytes (see Figure 2-2) 0127 0128 $007F $0080 $00C0 I/O Registers 8191 Reserved $1FF3 MFT Vector (High Byte) $1FF4 MFT Vector (Low Byte) $1FF5 Timer1 Vector (High Byte) $1FF6 Timer1 Vector (Low Byte) $1FF7 USB Vector (High Byte) $1FF8 USB Vector (Low Byte) $1FF9 IRQ Vector (High Byte) $1FFA IRQ Vector (Low Byte) $1FFB SWI Vector (High Byte) $1FFC SWI Vector (Low Byte) $1FFD Reset Vector (High Byte) $1FFE Reset Vector (Low Byte) $1FFF Figure 2-1. MC68HC705JB2 Memory Map MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 MEMORY For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 2-1 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION 2.2 August 28, 1998 I/O AND CONTROL REGISTERS The I/O and Control Registers reside at locations $0000-$003F. The outline of these registers are shown in Figure 2-2. The bit assignments for each register are shown in Figure 2-3, Figure 2-4, and Figure 2-5. Reading from unimplemented bits will return unknown states, and writing to unimplemented bits will be ignored. Port A Data Register $0000 Port B Data Register $0001 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... unimplemented (2) Port A Data Direction Register $0004 Port B Data Direction Register $0005 unimplemented (2) Timer Control & Status Register $0008 Timer Counter Register $0009 IRQ Control & Status Register $000A unimplemented (5) Port A Pulldown Register $0010 Port B Pulldown/up Register $0011 Timer1 Registers (10) $0012 to $001B unimplemented (4) USB Endpoint0 Data Registers (8) USB Endpoint1 Data Registers (8) $0020 to $0027 $0028 to $002F USB Control2 Register $0037 USB Address Register $0038 USB Interrupt0 Register $0039 USB Interrupt1 Register $003A USB Control0 Register $003B USB Control1 Register $003C USB Status Register $003D EPROM Program Control Register $003E Reserved $003F Mask Option Register $01FF Figure 2-2. I/O Registers MOTOROLA 2-2 MEMORY For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. August 28, 1998 2.3 GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION RAM The user RAM consists of 128 bytes (including the stack) located from $0080 to $00FF. The stack begins at address $00FF and proceeds down to $00C0. Using the stack area for data storage or temporary work locations requires care to prevent it from being overwritten due to stacking from an interrupt or subroutine call. 2.4 EPROM The on-chip user EPROM consists of 2048 bytes of EPROM from $1600 to $1DFF and 16 bytes of user vectors from $1FF0 to $1FFF. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... The bootloader ROM and vectors are located from $1E00 to $1FEF. 12 of the user vectors, $1FF4-$1FFF, are dedicated to reset and interrupt vectors. The four remaining locations, $1FF0-$1FF3, are reserved for test functions. The Mask Option Register is located at $01FF. 2.5 BOOTLOADER ROM Addresses $1E00 to $1FEF are reserved ROM addresses that contain the instructions for the bootloader functions. (See Section 11.) MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 MEMORY For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 2-3 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION August 28, 1998 ADDR BIT 7 BIT 6 BIT 5 BIT 4 BIT 3 BIT 2 BIT 1 BIT 0 PA7 PA6 PA5 PA4 PA3 PA2 PA1 PA0 PB2 PB1 PB0 DDRA2 DDRA1 DDRA0 DDRB2 DDRB1 DDRB0 RT1 RT0 $0000 $0001 R/W PORT A DATA R (PORTA) W PORT B DATA R (PORTB) W $0002 UNIMPLEMENTED $0003 UNIMPLEMENTED $0004 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... REGISTER $0005 W (DDRA) W PORT B DATA DIR R (DDRB) W $0007 UNIMPLEMENTED $0008 MFT CONTROL & STATUS (TCSR) $000B R R UNIMPLEMENTED $000A W PORT A DATA DIR $0006 $0009 R R R $000F UNIMPLEMENTED SLOWE TOF RTIF W TMR7 IRQE 0 0 TOFR RTIFR TMR4 TMR3 TMR2 TMR1 TMR0 0 IRQF 0 0 0 TOFE RTIE TMR6 TMR5 0 0 W IRQ CONTROL & STATUS (ICSR) UNIMPLEMENTED DDRA3 W R $000E DDRA4 R W $000D UNIMPLEMENTED DDRA5 W TCNT $000C UNIMPLEMENTED DDRA6 R MFT COUNTER UNIMPLEMENTED DDRA7 IRQR R W R W R W R W R W Figure 2-3. I/O Registers $0000-$000F MOTOROLA 2-4 MEMORY For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. August 28, 1998 ADDR $0010 $0011 $0012 $0013 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... $0014 $0015 $0016 $0017 $0018 $0019 $001A $001B REGISTER R/W PORT A PULLDOWN/UP R (PDURA) W PORT B PULLDOWN/UP R (PDURB) W TIMER CONTROL R (TCR) W TIMER STATUS R (TSR) W INPUT CAPTURE HIGH R (ICH) W INPUT CAPTURE LOW R (ICL) W OUTPUT COMPARE HIGH R (OCH) W OUTPUT COMPARE LOW R (OCL) W TIMER HIGH R (TCNTH) W TIMER LOW R (TCNTL) W ALT COUNTER HIGH R (ACNTH) W ALT COUNTER LOW R (ACNTL) W $001C UNIMPLEMENTED $001D UNIMPLEMENTED $001E UNIMPLEMENTED $001F UNIMPLEMENTED GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION BIT 7 BIT 6 BIT 5 BIT 4 BIT 3 BIT 2 BIT 1 BIT 0 PDRA7 PDRA6 PDRA5 PDRA4 PDRA3 PDRA2 PDRA1 PDRA0 PURB2 PURB1 PURB0 ICIE OCIE TOIE 0 0 0 ICF OCF TOF 0 0 0 0 0 BIT15 BIT14 BIT13 BIT12 BIT11 BIT10 BIT9 BIT8 BIT7 BIT6 BIT5 BIT4 BIT3 BIT2 BIT1 BIT0 BIT15 BIT14 BIT13 BIT12 BIT11 BIT10 BIT9 BIT8 BIT7 BIT6 BIT5 BIT4 BIT3 BIT2 BIT1 BIT0 BIT15 BIT14 BIT13 BIT12 BIT11 BIT10 BIT9 BIT8 BIT7 BIT6 BIT5 BIT4 BIT3 BIT2 BIT1 BIT0 BIT15 BIT14 BIT13 BIT12 BIT11 BIT10 BIT9 BIT8 BIT7 BIT6 BIT5 BIT4 BIT3 BIT2 BIT1 BIT0 IEDG 0 R W R W R W R W Figure 2-4. I/O Registers $0010-$001F MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 MEMORY For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 2-5 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION August 28, 1998 ADDR REGISTER R/W BIT 6 $0020 to $0027 USB ENDPOINT0 DATA REG. 0 TO 7 R UE0RD7 UE0RD6 UE0RD5 UE0RD4 UE0RD3 UE0RD2 UE0RD1 UE0RD0 (UD0R0-7) W UE0TD7 UE0TD6 UE0TD5 UE0TD4 UE0TD3 UE0TD2 UE0TD1 UE0TD0 $0028 to $002F USB ENDPOINT1 DATA REG. 0 TO 7 R (UD1R0-7) W $0030 to $0036 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... $0037 $0038 $0039 $003A $003B $003C $003D $003E $003F BIT 7 BIT 5 BIT 4 BIT 3 BIT 2 BIT 1 BIT 0 UE1TD7 UE1TD6 UE1TD5 UE1TD4 UE1TD3 UE1TD2 UE1TD1 UE1TD0 R UNIMPLEMENTED W USB CONTROL2 R 0 (UCR2) W TX1STR USB ADDRESS R (UADR) W USB INTERRUPT0 R USBEN UADD6 TXD0F (UIR0) W 0 USB INTERRUPT1 R TXD1F 0 (UIR1) W USB CONTROL 0 R (UCR0) W USB CONTROL1 R (UCR1) W USB STATUS R (USR) W PROG. CONTROL R (PCR) W RESERVED TX1ST 0 UADD5 UADD4 RXD0F RSTF 0 0 EOPF RESUMF UADD3 UADD2 SUSPND TXD0IE RXD0IE 0 0 RESUMFR T0SEQ STALL0 TX0E RX0E T1SEQ ENDADD TX1E RSEQ 0 ENABLE2 ENABLE1 STALL2 STALL1 TXD1IE EOPIE UADD1 UADD0 0 0 TXD0FR RXD0FR 0 0 TXD1FR EOPFR TP0SIZ3 TP0SIZ2 TP0SIZ1 TP0SIZ0 FRESUM TP1SIZ3 TP1SIZ2 TP1SIZ1 TP1SIZ0 SETUP RPSIZ3 RPSIZ2 RPSIZ1 RPSIZ0 MORON ELAT PGM BIT 2 BIT 1 BIT 0 OSCDLY LVREN R W Figure 2-5. I/O Registers $0020-$003F ADDR $01FF REGISTER R/W MASK OPTION R (MOR) W BIT 7 BIT 6 BIT 5 BIT 4 BIT 3 IRQTRIG PULLREN PAINTEN Figure 2-6. Mask Option Register $01FF MOTOROLA 2-6 MEMORY For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. August 28, 1998 GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION SECTION 3 CENTRAL PROCESSING UNIT Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... The MC68HC705JB2 has a 8Kbyte memory map. The stack has only 64 bytes. Therefore, the stack pointer has been reduced to only 6 bits and will only decrement down to $00C0 and then wrap-around to $00FF. All other instructions and registers behave as described in this chapter. 3.1 REGISTERS The MCU contains five registers which are hard-wired within the CPU and are not part of the memory map. These five registers are shown in Figure 3-1 and are described in the following paragraphs. 7 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ACCUMULATOR A INDEX REGISTER X 1 STACK POINTER SP PROGRAM COUNTER CONDITION CODE REGISTER 1 1 PC 1 H I N Z C CC HALF-CARRY BIT (FROM BIT 3) INTERRUPT MASK NEGATIVE BIT ZERO BIT CARRY BIT Figure 3-1. MC68HC05 Programming Model MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 CENTRAL PROCESSING UNIT For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 3-1 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION 3.2 August 28, 1998 ACCUMULATOR (A) The accumulator is a general purpose 8-bit register as shown in Figure 3-1. The CPU uses the accumulator to hold operands and results of arithmetic calculations or non-arithmetic operations. The accumulator is not affected by a reset of the device. 3.3 INDEX REGISTER (X) Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... The index register shown in Figure 3-1 is an 8-bit register that can perform two functions: • Indexed addressing • Temporary storage In indexed addressing with no offset, the index register contains the low byte of the operand address, and the high byte is assumed to be $00. In indexed addressing with an 8-bit offset, the CPU finds the operand address by adding the index register content to an 8-bit immediate value. In indexed addressing with a 16-bit offset, the CPU finds the operand address by adding the index register content to a 16-bit immediate value. The index register can also serve as an auxiliary accumulator for temporary storage. The index register is not affected by a reset of the device. 3.4 STACK POINTER (SP) The stack pointer shown in Figure 3-1 is a 16-bit register. In MCU devices with memory space less than 64 Kbytes the unimplemented upper address lines are ignored. The stack pointer contains the address of the next free location on the stack. During a reset or the reset stack pointer (RSP) instruction, the stack pointer is set to $00FF. The stack pointer is then decremented as data is pushed onto the stack and incremented as data is pulled off the stack. When accessing memory, the ten most significant bits are permanently set to 0000000011. The six least significant register bits are appended to these ten fixed bits to produce an address within the range of $00FF to $00C0. Subroutines and interrupts may use up to 64($C0) locations. If 64 locations are exceeded, the stack pointer wraps around and overwrites the previously stored information. A subroutine call occupies two locations on the stack and an interrupt uses five locations. MOTOROLA 3-2 CENTRAL PROCESSING UNIT For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. August 28, 1998 3.5 GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION PROGRAM COUNTER (PC) The program counter shown in Figure 3-1 is a 16-bit register. In MCU devices with memory space less than 64 Kbytes the unimplemented upper address lines are ignored. The program counter contains the address of the next instruction or operand to be fetched. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Normally, the address in the program counter increments to the next sequential memory location every time an instruction or operand is fetched. Jump, branch, and interrupt operations load the program counter with an address other than that of the next sequential location. 3.6 CONDITION CODE REGISTER (CCR) The CCR shown in Figure 3-1 is a 5-bit register in which four bits are used to indicate the results of the instruction just executed. The fifth bit is the interrupt mask. These bits can be individually tested by a program, and specific actions can be taken as a result of their states. The condition code register should be thought of as having three additional upper bits that are always ones. Only the interrupt mask is affected by a reset of the device. The following paragraphs explain the functions of the lower five bits of the condition code register. 3.6.1 Half Carry Bit (H-Bit) When the half-carry bit is set, it means that a carry occurred between bits 3 and 4 of the accumulator during the last ADD or ADC (add with carry) operation. The half-carry bit is required for binary-coded decimal (BCD) arithmetic operations. 3.6.2 Interrupt Mask (I-Bit) When the interrupt mask is set, the internal and external interrupts are disabled. Interrupts are enabled when the interrupt mask is cleared. When an interrupt occurs, the interrupt mask is automatically set after the CPU registers are saved on the stack, but before the interrupt vector is fetched. If an interrupt request occurs while the interrupt mask is set, the interrupt request is latched. Normally, the interrupt is processed as soon as the interrupt mask is cleared. A return from interrupt (RTI) instruction pulls the CPU registers from the stack, restoring the interrupt mask to its state before the interrupt was encountered. After any reset, the interrupt mask is set and can only be cleared by the Clear I-Bit (CLI), or WAIT instructions. 3.6.3 Negative Bit (N-Bit) MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 CENTRAL PROCESSING UNIT For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 3-3 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION August 28, 1998 The negative bit is set when the result of the last arithmetic operation, logical operation, or data manipulation was negative. (Bit 7 of the result was a logical one.) The negative bit can also be used to check an often tested flag by assigning the flag to bit 7 of a register or memory location. Loading the accumulator with the contents of that register or location then sets or clears the negative bit according to the state of the flag. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 3.6.4 Zero Bit (Z-Bit) The zero bit is set when the result of the last arithmetic operation, logical operation, data manipulation, or data load operation was zero. 3.6.5 Carry/Borrow Bit (C-Bit) The carry/borrow bit is set when a carry out of bit 7 of the accumulator occurred during the last arithmetic operation, logical operation, or data manipulation. The carry/borrow bit is also set or cleared during bit test and branch instructions and during shifts and rotates. This bit is neither set by an INC nor by a DEC instruction. MOTOROLA 3-4 CENTRAL PROCESSING UNIT For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. August 28, 1998 GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION SECTION 4 INTERRUPTS Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... The MCU can be interrupted in six different ways: 4.1 • Non-maskable Software Interrupt Instruction (SWI) • External Interrupt (IRQ) • Optional External Interrupt via IRQ on PA0-PA3 (mask option) • USB Interrupt • Timer1 Interrupt (16-bit Timer) • Multi-Function Timer Interrupt CPU INTERRUPT PROCESSING Interrupts cause the processor to save register contents on the stack and to set the interrupt mask (I-bit) to prevent additional interrupts. Unlike RESET, hardware interrupts do not cause the current instruction execution to be halted, but are considered pending until the current instruction is complete. If interrupts are not masked (I-bit in the CCR is clear) and the corresponding interrupt enable bit is set the processor will proceed with interrupt processing. Otherwise, the next instruction is fetched and executed. If an interrupt occurs the processor completes the current instruction, then stacks the current CPU register states, sets the I-bit to inhibit further interrupts, and finally checks the pending hardware interrupts. If more than one interrupt is pending following the stacking operation, the interrupt with the highest vector location shown in Table 4-1 will be serviced first. The SWI is executed the same as any other instruction, regardless of the I-bit state. When an interrupt is to be processed the CPU fetches the address of the appropriate interrupt software service routine from the vector table at locations $1FF4 to $1FFF as defined in Table 4-1. MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 INTERRUPTS For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 4-1 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION August 28, 1998 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Table 4-1. Reset/Interrupt Vector Addresses Function Source Control Bit Global Hardware Mask Local Software Mask Priority (1 = Highest) Vector Address Reset Power-On Logic RESET Pin Low Voltage Reset Illegal Address Reset USB Reset — — — 1 $1FFE–$1FFF Software Interrupt (SWI) User Code — — — Same Priority As Instruction $1FFC–$1FFD External Interrupt (IRQ) IRQ Pin — I Bit IRQE Bit 2 $1FFA–$1FFB USB Interrupts TXD0F TXD1F RESUMF — I Bit TXD0IE TXD1IE — 3 $1FF8–$1FF9 Timer1 Interrupts ICF Bit OCF Bit TOF Bit — I Bit ICIE Bit OCIE Bit TOIE Bit 4 $1FF6–$1FF7 MFT Interrupts TOF Bit RTIF — I Bit TOFE Bit RTIE Bit 5 $1FF4–$1FF5 Reserved $1FF2–$1FF3 Reserved $1FF0–$1FF1 An RTI instruction is used to signify when the interrupt software service routine is completed. The RTI instruction causes the register contents to be recovered from the stack and normal processing to resume at the next instruction that was to be executed when the interrupt took place. Figure 4-1 shows the sequence of events that occur during interrupt processing. 4.2 RESET INTERRUPT SEQUENCE The RESET function is not in the strictest sense an interrupt; however, it is acted upon in a similar manner as shown in Figure 4-1. A low level input on the RESET pin or an internally generated RST signal causes the program to vector to its starting address which is specified by the contents of memory locations $1FFE and $1FFF. The I-bit in the condition code register is also set. MOTOROLA 4-2 INTERRUPTS For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. August 28, 1998 GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION FROM RESET YES I BIT SET? NO EXTERNAL INTERRUPT? YES CLEAR IRQ LATCH. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... NO USB INTERRUPT? YES NO TIMER1 INTERRUPT? YES NO MFT INTERRUPT? YES NO STACK PCL, PCH, X, A, CCR. SET I BIT. LOAD PC WITH INTERRUPT VECTOR. FETCH NEXT INSTRUCTION. SWI INSTRUCTION? YES NO RTI INSTRUCTION? YES UNSTACK CCR, A, X, PCH, PCL. NO EXECUTE INSTRUCTION. Figure 4-1. Interrupt Processing Flowchart MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 INTERRUPTS For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 4-3 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION 4.3 August 28, 1998 SOFTWARE INTERRUPT (SWI) The SWI is an executable instruction and a non-maskable interrupt since it is executed regardless of the state of the I-bit in the CCR. As with any instruction, interrupts pending during the previous instruction will be serviced before the SWI opcode is fetched. The interrupt service routine address is specified by the contents of memory locations $1FFC and $1FFD. HARDWARE INTERRUPTS All hardware interrupts except RESET are maskable by the I-bit in the CCR. If the I-bit is set, all hardware interrupts (internal and external) are disabled. Clearing the I-bit enables the hardware interrupts. There are two types of hardware interrupts which are explained in the following sections. 4.4.1 External Interrupt (IRQ) The IRQ pin provides an asynchronous interrupt to the CPU. A block diagram of the IRQ function is shown in Figure 4-2. TO BIH & BIL INSTRUCTION PROCESSING IRQ VDD PA0 PA1 IRQ LATCH PA2 R EXTERNAL INTERRUPT REQUEST PA3 IRQ Level (Mask Option) Port A External Interrupt (Mask Option) IRQR IRQF RST IRQ VECTOR FETCH IRQE Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 4.4 IRQ STATUS/CONTROL REGISTER INTERNAL DATA BUS Figure 4-2. External Interrupt (IRQ) Logic MOTOROLA 4-4 INTERRUPTS For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. August 28, 1998 GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION The IRQ pin is one source of an IRQ interrupt and a mask option can also enable the four lower Port A pins (PA0 thru PA3) to act as other IRQ interrupt sources. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Refer to Figure 4-2 for the following descriptions. IRQ interrupt source comes from IRQ latch. The IRQ latch will be set on the falling edge of the IRQ pin or on any rising edge of PA0-3 pins if PA0-3 interrupts have been enabled. If "edge-only" sensitivity is chosen by a mask option, only the IRQ latch output can activate an IRQF flag which creates a request to the CPU to generate the IRQ interrupt sequence. This makes the IRQ interrupt sensitive to the following cases: • Falling edge on the IRQ pin. • Rising edge on any PA0-PA3 pin with IRQ enabled (via mask option). If level sensitivity is chosen, the active high state the signal to the clock input of the IRQ latch can also activate an IRQF flag which creates an IRQ request to the CPU to generate the IRQ interrupt sequence. This makes the IRQ interrupt sensitive to the following cases: • Low level on the IRQ pin. • Falling edge on the IRQ pin. • High level on any PA0- PA3 pin with IRQ enabled (via mask option). • Rising edge on any PA0- PA3 pin with IRQ enabled (via mask option). The IRQE enable bit controls whether an active IRQF flag can generate an IRQ interrupt sequence. This interrupt is serviced by the interrupt service routine located at the address specified by the contents of $1FFA and $1FFB. The IRQ latch is automatically cleared by entering the interrupt service routine IF IRQE enable bit is cleared. If IRQE enable bit is also set, the only way of clearing IRQF is by writing a logic one to the IRQR acknowledge bit. Writing a logic one to the IRQR acknowledge bit in the ICSR is the other way of clearing IRQF flag. As long as the output state of the IRQF flag bit is active the CPU will continuously reenter the IRQ interrupt sequence until the active state is removed or the IRQE enable bit is cleared. 4.4.2 IRQ Control/status Register (ICSR) $0A The IRQ interrupt function is controlled by the ICSR located at $000A. All unused bits in the ICSR will read as logic zeros. The IRQF bit is cleared and IRQE bit is set by reset. BIT 7 ICSR R $000A reset: W IRQE 1 BIT 6 BIT 5 BIT 4 BIT 3 BIT 2 BIT 1 BIT 0 0 0 0 IRQF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IRQR 0 0 Figure 4-3. IRQ Control and Status Register (ICSR) MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 INTERRUPTS For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 4-5 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION August 28, 1998 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... IRQR - IRQ Interrupt Acknowledge The IRQR acknowledge bit clears an IRQ interrupt by clearing the IRQ latch. The IRQR acknowledge bit will always read as a logic zero. 1 = Writing a logic one to the IRQR acknowledge bit will clear the IRQ latch. 0 = Writing a logic zero to the IRQR acknowledge bit will have no effect on the IRQ latch. IRQF - IRQ Interrupt Request Flag Writing to the IRQF flag bit will have no effect on it. If the additional setting of IRQF flag bit is not cleared in the IRQ service routine and the IRQE enable bit remains set the CPU will re-enter the IRQ interrupt sequence continuously until either the IRQF flag bit or the IRQE enable bit is clear. The IRQF latch is cleared by reset. 1 = Indicates that an IRQ request is pending. 0 = Indicates that no IRQ request triggered by pins PA0-3 or IRQ is pending. The IRQF flag bit is cleared once the IRQ vector is fetched. The IRQF flag bit can be cleared by writing a logic one to the IRQR acknowledge bit to clear the IRQ latch and also conditioning the external IRQ sources to be inactive (if the level sensitive interrupts are enabled via mask option). Doing so before exiting the service routine will mask out additional occurrences of the IRQF. IRQE - IRQ Interrupt Enable The IRQE bit enables/disables the IRQF flag bit to initiate an IRQ interrupt sequence. 1 = Enables IRQF interrupt, that is, the IRQF flag bit can generate an interrupt sequence. Reset sets the IRQE enable bit, thereby enabling IRQ interrupts once the I-bit is cleared. Execution of the STOP or WAIT instructions causes the IRQE bit to be set in order to allow the external IRQ to exit these modes. 0 = The IRQF flag bit cannot generate an interrupt sequence. 4.4.3 Optional External Interrupts (PA0-PA3) The IRQ interrupt can also be triggered by the inputs on the PA0 thru PA3 port pins if enabled by a single mask option. If enabled, the lower four bits of Port A can activate the IRQ interrupt function, and the interrupt operation will be the same as for inputs to the IRQ pin. This mask option of PA0-3 interrupt allow all of these input pins to be OR’ed with the input present on the IRQ pin. All PA0 thru PA3 pins must be selected as a group as an additional IRQ interrupt. All the PA0-3 interrupt sources are also controlled by the IRQE enable bit. MOTOROLA 4-6 INTERRUPTS For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. August 28, 1998 GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION NOTE The BIH and BIL instructions will only apply to the level on the IRQ pin itself, and not to the output of the logic OR function with the PA0 thru PA3 pins. The state of the individual Port A pins can be checked by reading the appropriate Port A pins as inputs. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... NOTE If enabled, the PA0 to PA3 pins will cause an IRQ interrupt regardless of whether these pins are configured as inputs or outputs. 4.4.4 Timer1 Interrupt (TIMER1) The TIMER interrupt is generated by the timer when either a timer1 overflow or a input capture or output compare has occurred as described in Section 9. The interrupt flags and enable bits for the Timer1 interrupts are located in the Timer1 Control & Status Register (TSR) located at $0012, $0013. The I-bit in the CCR must be clear in order for the TIMER1 interrupt to be enabled. Either of these three interrupts will vector to the same interrupt service routine located at the address specified by the contents of memory locations $1FF6 and $1FF7. 4.4.5 USB Interrupt (USB) The USB interrupt is generated by the USB module as described in Section 10. The interrupt enable bits for the USB interrupt are located at bit3-bit2 of UIR0 REG and bit3-bit2 of UIR1 REG. Also Once the device goes into Suspend Mode, any bus activities will cause the USB to generate an interrupt to CPU to come out from the Suspend mode. The I-bit in the CCR must be clear in order for the USB interrupt to be enabled. Either of these two interrupts will vector to the same interrupt service routine located at the address specified by the contents of memory locations $1FF8 and $1FF9. 4.4.6 MFT Interrupt (MFT) The MFT interrupt is generated by the MFT module as described in Section 8. These interrupts will vector to the same interrupt service routine located at the address specified by the contents of memory locations $1FF4 and $1FF5. MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 INTERRUPTS For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 4-7 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. August 28, 1998 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION MOTOROLA 4-8 INTERRUPTS For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. August 28, 1998 GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION SECTION 5 RESETS Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... The MCU can be reset in five ways: • by an active low input to the RESET pin, • by initial power-on reset, • by an USB reset, • by an illegal address access, and • by a low voltage reset function. The RESET pin is an I/O pin as shown in Figure 5-1. The internal steering diode for discharge and pull-up device are not shown here. All the peripheral modules which drive external pins will be reset by the synchronous reset signal (RST) coming from a latch, which is synchronized to the internal bus clock and set by any of the five reset sources. USB RESET DETECTION LOW VOLTAGE RESET VDD POWER-ON RESET ILLEGAL ADDRESS RESET INTERNAL ADDRESS BUS S RST D RESET LATCH RESET TO CPU AND SUBSYSTEMS R INTERNAL CLOCK Figure 5-1. Reset Block Diagram MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 RESETS For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 5-1 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION 5.1 August 28, 1998 EXTERNAL RESET (RESET) Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... The RESET pin is the only external source of a reset. This pin is connected to a Schmitt trigger input gate to provide an upper and lower threshold voltage separated by a minimum amount of hysteresis. This external reset occurs whenever the RESET pin is pulled below the lower threshold and remains in reset until the RESET pin rises above the upper threshold. This active low input will generate the RST signal and reset the CPU and peripherals. This pin is also an output pin whenever the LVR triggers an internal reset. Termination of the external RESET input or the USB reset or LVR are the only reset sources that can alter the operating mode of the MCU. NOTE Activation of the RST signal is generally referred to as reset of the device, unless otherwise specified. 5.2 INTERNAL RESETS The four internally generated resets are the initial power-on reset function, the USB reset flag reset, the illegal address detector reset and the low voltage reset (LVR). Termination of the external RESET input or LVR or USB reset or ILADR are the reset sources that can alter the operating mode of the MCU. The other internal resets will not have any effect on the mode of operation when their reset state ends. 5.2.1 Power-On Reset (POR) The internal POR is generated on power-up to allow the clock oscillator to stabilize. The POR is strictly for power turn-on conditions and is not able to detect a drop in the power supply voltage (brown-out). There is an oscillator stabilization delay of 128 or 4064 internal processor bus clock cycles (PH2) for Ceramic Resonator or Crystal after the oscillator becomes active. The POR will generate the RST signal which will reset the CPU. If any other reset function is active at the end of this 128 or 4064 cycle delay, the RST signal will remain in the reset condition until the other reset condition(s) end. 5.2.2 USB Reset The USB reset is generated by a detection on the USB bus reset signal. For MC68HC705JB2, seeing a single-end zero on its upstream port for 4 to 8 bit times will set RSTF bit in UIR0 register. The detections will also generate the RST signal to reset the CPU and other peripherals in the MCU. MOTOROLA 5-2 RESETS For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. August 28, 1998 GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION 5.2.3 Illegal Address Reset (ILADR) The internal ILADR reset is generated when an instruction opcode fetch occurs from an address which is not implemented in the RAM ($0080 - $00FF) nor ROM ($1600-$1FFF). The ILADR will generate the RST signal which will reset the CPU and other peripherals. If any other reset function is active at the end of the ILADR reset signal, the RST signal will remain in the reset condition until the other reset condition(s) end. Notice that ILADR also forces the RESET pin low Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 5.2.4 Low Voltage Reset (LVR) The internal LVR reset is generated when VDD falls below the specified LVR trigger value VLVR for at least one tCYC. In typical applications, the power supply decoupling circuit will eliminate negative-going voltage glitches of less than one tCYC. This reset will hold the MCU in the reset state until VDD rises above VLVR. Whenever VDD is above VLVR and below 4.2V, the MCU is guaranteed to operate although not within specification. The output from the LVR is connected directly to the internal reset circuitry and also forces the RESET pin low. The internal reset will be removed once the power supply voltage rises above VLVR, at which time a normal power-on-reset sequence occurs. LVR function will still be active during Stop or Suspend mode. MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 RESETS For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 5-3 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. August 28, 1998 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION MOTOROLA 5-4 RESETS For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. August 28, 1998 GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION SECTION 6 LOW POWER MODES Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... The MC68HC705JB2 has two low-power operating modes: STOP mode and WAIT mode. The STOP and WAIT instructions provide two modes that reduce the power required for the MCU by stopping various internal clocks and/or the oscillator. The flow of the STOP, and WAIT modes are shown in Figure 6-1. 6.1 STOP MODE Execution of the STOP instruction in this mode places the MCU in its lowest power consumption mode. In the STOP Mode the internal oscillator is turned off, halting all internal processing. Execution of the STOP instruction automatically clears the I-bit in the Condition Code Register and sets the IRQE enable bit in the IRQ Control/Status Register so that the IRQ external interrupt is enabled. All other registers, including the other bits in the TCSR, and memory remain unaltered. All input/output lines remain unchanged. The MCU can be brought out of the STOP Mode by an IRQ external interrupt or a USB coming out from Suspend Mode Interrupt (Bus activity detection) or an externally generated RESET, USB Reset or an LVR reset. When exiting the STOP Mode the internal oscillator will resume after a 128 or 4064 internal processor clock cycle oscillator stabilization delay. 6.2 WAIT MODE The WAIT instruction places the MCU in a low-power mode, which consumes more power than the STOP Mode. In the WAIT Mode the internal processor clock is halted, suspending all processor and internal bus activity. Execution of the WAIT instruction automatically clears the I-bit in the Condition Code Register and sets the IRQE enable bit in the IRQ Control/Status Register so that the IRQ external interrupt is enabled. All other registers, memory, and input/output lines remain in their previous states. The WAIT Mode may be exited when an external IRQ or a USB or Timer1 or MFT interrupt, an LVR reset or an external RESET occurs. MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 LOW POWER MODES For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 6-1 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION August 28, 1998 WAIT STOP EXTERNAL OSCILLATOR, STOP INTERNAL TIMER CLOCK, RESET START-UP DELAY EXTERNAL OSCILLATOR ACTIVE, INTERNAL TIMER CLOCK ACTIVE STOP INTERNAL PROCESSOR CLOCK, CLEAR I-BIT IN CCR, SET IRQE IN ICSR STOP INTERNAL PROCESSOR CLOCK, CLEAR I-BIT IN CCR, SET IRQE IN ICSR Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... STOP EXTERNAL RESET? YES YES NO NO IRQ EXTERNAL INTERRUPT? YES YES IRQ EXTERNAL INTERRUPT? NO NO YES USB INTERRUPT OR RESET? EXTERNAL RESET? YES USB RESET OR INTERRUPT? NO NO YES RESTART EXTERNAL OSCILLATOR, START STABILIZATION DELAY NO YES END OF STABILIZATION DELAY? TIMER1 INTERNAL INTERRUPT? YES MFT INTERNAL INTERRUPT? NO NO RESTART INTERNAL PROCESSOR CLOCK 1. LOAD PC WITH RESET VECTOR OR 2. SERVICE INTERRUPT. a. SAVE CPU REGISTERS ON STACK. b. SET I BIT IN CCR. c. LOAD PC WITH INTERRUPT VECTOR. Figure 6-1. STOP/WAIT Flowchart MOTOROLA 6-2 LOW POWER MODES For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. August 28, 1998 6.3 GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION DATA-RETENTION MODE The contents of RAM and CPU registers are retained at supply voltages as low as 2.0Vdc. This is called the data-retention mode where the data is held, but the device is not guaranteed to operate. The RESET pin must be held low during data-retention mode. NOTE Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... The voltage threshold of the LVR is higher than the Data-Retention Mode minimum voltage, therefore the Data-Retention mode will not be available if the LVR function is enabled in the mask option. MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 LOW POWER MODES For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 6-3 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. August 28, 1998 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION MOTOROLA 6-4 LOW POWER MODES For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. August 28, 1998 GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... SECTION 7 INPUT/OUTPUT PORTS In the Normal Operating Mode, there are 11 bidirectional I/O lines arranged as one 8-bit I/O port (Port A), and one 3-bit I/O port (Port B). Each port line can be programed as either input or output, under software control, by the data direction registers (DDR’s). Also, if enabled by a mask option, all Port A and Port B I/O pins may have individual software programmable pulldown or pullup devices. PA4 to PA7 and PB1 & PB2 pins have the additional properties of sinking higher current. PA0 to PA3 may function as additional IRQ interrupt input sources (mask option). PB1 and PB2 have open drain output drivers, with optional slow falling-edge output transitions. The transition delay is 170ns (typical), with a bus rate of 3MHz and a loading of 50pF. MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 INPUT/OUTPUT PORTS For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 7-1 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION 7.1 August 28, 1998 PORT A Port A is an 8-bit bidirectional port which shares four of its pins with the IRQ interrupt system as shown in Figure 7-1. Each Port A pin is controlled by the corresponding bits in a data direction register, a data register, and a pulldown register. The Port A Data Register is located at address $0000. The Port A Data Direction Register (DDRA) is located at address $0004. The Port A Pulldown Register (PDURA) is located at address $0010. Reset clears the DDRA and the PDURA. The Port A Data Register is unaffected by reset. Read $0004 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Write $0004 Data Direction Register Bit Write $0000 Data Register Bit Output 8 mA Sink Capability (Bits 4-7 Only) Read $0000 Write $0010 Pulldown Register Bit Internal HC05 Data Bus I/O Pin Reset (RST) 100 µA Pulldown Mask Option (Software Pulldown Inhibit) Note: each I/O port pin can have pulldown device PA0-PA3 only: to IRQ interrupt system Figure 7-1. Port A I/O Circuitry 7.1.1 Port A Data Register Each Port A I/O pin has a corresponding bit in the Port A Data Register. When a Port A pin is programmed as an output the state of the corresponding data register bit determines the state of the output pin. When a Port A pin is programmed as an input, any read of the Port A Data Register will return the logic state of the corresponding I/O pin. The Port A data register is unaffected by reset. 7.1.2 Port A Data Direction Register Each Port A I/O pin may be programmed as an input by clearing the corresponding bit in the DDRA, or programmed as an output by setting the corresponding bit in the DDRA. The DDRA can be accessed at address $0004. The DDRA is cleared by reset. MOTOROLA 7-2 INPUT/OUTPUT PORTS For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. August 28, 1998 GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION 7.1.3 Port A Pulldown Register All Port A I/O pins may have software programmable pulldown devices enabled by a mask option. If the pulldown/up mask option is selected, the pulldown is activated whenever the corresponding bit in the PDURA is clear. If the corresponding bit in the PDURA bit is set or the mask option for pulldown is not chosen, the pulldown will be disabled. A pulldown on an I/O pin is activated only if the I/O pin is programmed as an input. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... The PDURA is a write-only register. Any reads of location $0010 will return undefined results. Since reset clears both the DDRA and the PDURA, all pins will initialize as inputs with the pulldown active (if enabled by mask option). 7.1.4 Port A Drive Capability The outputs of the PA4, PA5, PA6 and PA7 are capable of sinking 8 mA (typical) of current to VSS. 7.1.5 Port A I/O Pin Interrupts The inputs to PA0, PA1, PA2, PA3 may be connected to the IRQ input of the CPU if enabled by a mask option. PA0 to PA4 also has a Schmitt trigger circuit implemented as part of its input circuitry. When connected as an alternate source of an IRQ interrupt, PA0-3 input pins will behave the same as the IRQ pin itself, except that their active state is a logical one or a rising edge. The IRQ pin has an active state that is a logical zero or a falling edge. If the mask option for edge-and-level trigger sensitivity interrupts are chosen, the presence of a logic one or occurrence of a rising edge on any one of the lower four Port A pins will cause an IRQ interrupt request. If the edge-only sensitivity is selected, the occurrence of a rising edge on any one of the lower four Port A pins will cause an IRQ interrupt request. As long as any one of the lower four Port A IRQ inputs remains at a logic one level, the other of the lower four Port A IRQ inputs are effectively ignored. NOTE The BIH and BIL instructions will only apply to the level on the IRQ pin itself, and not to the internal IRQ input to the CPU. Therefore BIH and BIL cannot be used to test the state of the lower four Port A input pins as a group. MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 INPUT/OUTPUT PORTS For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 7-3 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION 7.2 August 28, 1998 PORT B Port B is a 3-bit bidirectional port which functions as shown in Figure 7-2. Each Port B pin is controlled by the corresponding bits in a data direction register, a data register, and a pulldown/up register. The Port B Data Register is located at address $0001. The Port B Data Direction Register (DDRB) is located at address $0005. The Port B Pulldown/up Register (PDURB) is located at address $0011. Reset clears the DDRB and the PDURB. The Port B Data Register is unaffected by reset. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... PB0 is a standard push-pull I/O pin with pulldown option; and is shared with TCAP. PB1 and PB2 are of open-drain type, with pullup option, each capable of sinking 25mA (typical) current at VOL 0.5V max. These two pins may be connected together to constitute a single pin capable of sinking 50mA (typical). In this case, both PB1 and PB2 data bits will have to be written with the same value at the same write cycle. VDD Read $0005 100K Pullup Write $0005 Data Direction Register Bit Write $0001 Data Register Bit Output I/O Pin Read $0001 Write $0011 Pulldown/up Register Bit Internal HC05 Data Bus Reset (RST) 100 µA Pulldown Mask Option (Software Pulldown/up Inhibit) Note: Each I/O port pin can have either pullup or pulldown device, but not both. PB1 and PB2 output drivers are of open-drain type Figure 7-2. Port B I/O Circuitry 7.2.1 Port B Data Register All Port B I/O pins have a corresponding bit in the Port B Data Register. When a Port B pin is programmed as an output the state of the corresponding data register bit determines the state of the output pin. When a Port B pin is programmed as an input, any read of the Port B Data Register will return the logic state of the corresponding I/O pin. The Port B data register is unaffected by reset. Unused bits will always read as logic zeros, and any write to these bits will be ignored. The Port B data register is unaffected by reset. MOTOROLA 7-4 INPUT/OUTPUT PORTS For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. August 28, 1998 GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION 7.2.2 Port B Data Direction Register Port B I/O pins may be programmed as an input by clearing the corresponding bit in the DDRB, or programmed as an output by setting the corresponding bit in the DDRB. The DDRB can be accessed at address $0005. Unused bits will always read as logic zeros, and any write to these bits will be ignored. The DDRB is cleared by reset. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... If configured as output pins, PB1 and PB2 have slow output falling-edge transition feature. The slow transition feature is controlled by the SLOWE bit of DDRB. SLOWE bit, if set and if the pin is configured as an output pin, enables the slow falling-edge output transition feature of PB1 and PB2. 7.2.3 Slow Output Falling-Edge Transition BIT 7 DDRB R $0005 W reset: BIT 6 BIT 5 BIT 4 BIT 3 SLOWE 0 0 0 0 BIT 2 BIT 1 BIT 0 DDRB2 DDRB1 DDRB0 0 0 0 0 Figure 7-3. Port B Data Direction Register SLOWE - Slow Transition Enable The slow transition feature is controlled by the SLOWE bit of DDRB (Port B Data Direction Register). Default value of SLOWE bit is clear on reset. 1 = Enables the slow falling-edge output transition feature on both PB1 and PB2, if the pin is configured as an output pin. PB2 falling edge transition is a sharp falling edge transition delayed by tCYC/2 after the write cycle to PB2 data register. PB1 is a true slow transition I/O line. 0 = Disables slow falling-edge output transition feature on both PB1 and PB2. 7.2.4 Port B Pulldown/Pullup Register All Port B I/O pins may have software programmable pulldown/pullup devices enabled by a mask option. If the pulldown/pullup mask option is selected, the pulldown/pullup is activated whenever the corresponding bit in the PDURB is clear. A pulldown on an I/O pin is activated only if the I/O pin is programmed as an input; whereas a pullup device on an I/O pin is always activated whenever enabled, regardless of port direction. The PDURB is a write-only register. Any reads of location $0011 will return undefined results. Since reset clears both the DDRB and the PDURB, all pins will initialize as inputs with the pulldown devices active and pullup devices active (if chosen via mask option). Typical value of PB1 and PB2 pullup is 100KΩ (typical). MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 INPUT/OUTPUT PORTS For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 7-5 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION 7.3 August 28, 1998 I/O PORT PROGRAMMING All I/O pins can be programmed as inputs or outputs, with or without pulldown/ pullup devices. 7.3.1 Pin Data Direction Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... The direction of a pin is determined by the state of its corresponding bit in the associated port Data Direction Register (DDR). A pin is configured as an output if its corresponding DDR bit is set to a logic one. A pin is configured as an input if its corresponding DDR bit is cleared to a logic zero. The data direction bits DDRB0 thru DDRB2 and DDRA0 thru DDRA7 are read/ write bits which can be manipulated with read-modify-write instructions. At poweron or reset, all DDR’s are cleared which configures all port pins as inputs. If the pulldown/up mask option is chosen, all pins will initially power-up with their software programmable Pulldown/ups enabled. 7.3.2 Output Pin When an I/O pin is programmed as an output pin, the state of the corresponding data register bit will determine the state of the pin. The state of the data register bits can be altered by writing to address $0000 for Port A and address $0001 for Port B. Reads of the corresponding data register bit at address $0000 or $0001 will return the state of the data register bit (not the state of the I/O pin itself). Therefore bit manipulation is possible on all pins programmed as outputs. If the corresponding bit in the pulldown/up register is clear (and the pulldown/up mask option is chosen), only output pins with pullups have an activated pullup device connected to the pin. For those pins with pulldowns and configured as output pins, the pulldowns will be inactivated regardless of the state of the corresponding pulldown/up register bit. Since the pulldown/up register bits are write-only, bit manipulation should not be used on these register bits. 7.3.3 Input Pin When an I/O pin is programmed as an input pin, the state of the pin can be determined by reading the corresponding data register bit. Any writes to the corresponding data register bit for an input pin will be ignored in the sense that the written value will not be reflected on the pin, rather it is only reflected in the port data register. Please refer to Table 7-1 and Table 7-2 for details. If the corresponding bit in the pulldown/up register is clear (and the pulldown/up mask option is chosen) the input pin will also have an activated pulldown/up device. Since the pulldown/up register bits are write-only, bit manipulation should not be used on these register bits. MOTOROLA 7-6 INPUT/OUTPUT PORTS For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. August 28, 1998 GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION 7.3.4 I/O Pin Transitions A "glitch" can be generated on an I/O pin when changing it from an input to an output unless the data register is first preconditioned to the desired state before changing the corresponding DDR bit from a zero to a one. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... If pulldowns are enabled by mask option, a floating input can be avoided by clearing the pulldown/pullup register bit before changing the corresponding DDR from a one to a zero. This will insure that the pulldown device will be activated before the I/O pin changes from a driven output to a pulled low/high input. 7.3.5 I/O Pin Truth Tables Every pin on Port A and Port B may be programmed as an input or an output under software control as shown in Table 7-1 and Table 7-2. All port I/O pins may also have software programmable pulldown/pullup devices if selected by the appropriate mask option. Table 7-1. Port A I/O Pin Functions DDRA Accesses to PDURA at $0010 I/O Pin Mode Read 0 1 IN, Hi-Z OUT NOTE: U U Write Accesses to DDRA @ $0004 Read/Write PDURA0-7 DDRA0-7 PDURA0-7 DDRA0-7 U is undefined. Accesses to Data Register @ $0000 Read Write I/O Pin PA0-7 * PA0-7 * Does not affect input, but stored to data register Table 7-2. Port B I/O Pin Functions DDRA Accesses to PDURB at $0011 I/O Pin Mode Read 0 1 NOTE: MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 IN, Hi-Z OUT U U Write Accesses to DDRB @ $0005 Read/Write PDURB0-2 DDRB0-2 PDURB0-2 DDRB0-2 U is undefined. Accesses to Data Register @ $0001 Read Write I/O Pin PB0-2 * PB0-2 * Does not affect input, but stored to data register INPUT/OUTPUT PORTS For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 7-7 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. August 28, 1998 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION MOTOROLA 7-8 INPUT/OUTPUT PORTS For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. August 28, 1998 GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION SECTION 8 MULTI-FUNCTION TIMER The MC68HC705JB2 core timer is a multi-function ripple counter. The features include Timer Over Flow (TOF) and Power-On Reset (POR). Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... MCU Internal Bus 8 8 Timer Counter Register ($09) fOP÷22 ÷4 Internal Timer Clock (NTF1) ÷210 7-bit counter ÷217 ÷216 ÷215 ÷214 RTI Select Circuit Overflow Detect Circuit Timer Control & Status Register ($08) TOF RTIF TOFE RTIE TOFR RTIFR RT1 RT0 Interrupt Circuit To CPU interrupt Figure 8-1. Multi-Function Timer Block Diagram As shown in Figure 8-1, the Timer is driven by the timer clock, NTF1, divided by four (÷4). NTF1 has the same phase and frequency as the processor bus clock, PH2, but is not stopped by the WAIT Modes. This signal drives an 8-bit ripple counter. The value of this 8-bit ripple counter can be read by the CPU at any time by accessing the Timer Counter Register (TCNT) at address $09. A timer overflow MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 MULTI-FUNCTION TIMER For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 8-1 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION August 28, 1998 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... function is implemented on the last stage of this counter, giving a possible interrupt at the rate of fop/1024. Two additional stages produce the POR function at fop/4064. The Timer Counter Bypass circuitry (available only in Expanded Test Mode) is at this point in the timer chain. This circuit is followed by two more stages, with the resulting clock (fop/16384) driving the Real Time Interrupt circuit. The RTI circuit consists of three divider stages with a 1 of 4 selector. The RTI rate selector bits, and the RTI and TOF enable bits and flags are located in the Timer Control and Status Register at location $08. The Real Time Interrupt circuit consists of a three stage divider and a 1 of 4 selector. The clock frequency that drives the RTI circuit is fop/214 (or fop/16384) with three additional divider stages giving a maximum interrupt period of fop/217 (or fop/131072). The power-on cycle clears the entire counter chain and begins clocking the counter. After 128 or 4064 cycles, the power-on reset circuit is released which again clears the counter chain and allows the device to come out of reset. At this point, if RESET is not asserted, the timer will start counting up from zero and normal device operation will begin. If RESET is asserted at any time during operation the counter chain will be cleared. 8.1 TIMER REGISTERS The 15-stage Multi-function Timer contains two registers: a Timer Counter Register and a Timer Control/Status Register. 8.1.1 Timer Counter Register (TCNT) $09 The Timer Counter Register is a read-only register which contains the current value of the 8-bit ripple counter at the beginning of the timer chain. This counter is clocked at fop divided by 4 and can be used for various functions including a software input capture. Extended time periods can be attained using the TOF function to increment a temporary RAM storage location thereby simulating a 16bit (or more) counter. The value of each bit of the TCNT is shown in Figure 8-2. This register is cleared by reset. TCNT R $0009 W reset: BIT 7 BIT 6 BIT 5 BIT 4 BIT 3 BIT 2 BIT 1 BIT 0 TMR7 TMR6 TMR5 TMR4 TMR3 TMR2 TMR1 TMR0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 8-2. Timer Counter Register MOTOROLA 8-2 MULTI-FUNCTION TIMER For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. August 28, 1998 GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION 8.1.2 Timer Control/Status Register (TCSR) $08 The TCSR contains the timer interrupt flag bits, the timer interrupt enable bits, and the real time interrupt rate select bits. Bit 2 and bit 3 are write-only bits which will read as logical zeros. Figure 8-3 shows the value of each bit in the TCSR following reset. TCSR R $0008 W Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... reset: BIT 7 BIT 6 TOF RTIF 0 0 BIT 5 BIT 4 TOFE RTIE 0 0 BIT 3 BIT 2 0 0 TOFR RTIFR 0 0 BIT 1 BIT 0 RT1 RT0 1 1 Figure 8-3. Timer Control/Status Register (TCSR) TOF - Timer Overflow Flag The TOF is a read-only flag bit. 1 = Set when the 8-bit ripple counter rolls over from $FF to $00. A TIMER Interrupt request will be generated if TOFE is also set. 0 = Reset by writing a logical one to the TOF acknowledge bit, TOFR. Writing to the TOF flag bit has no effect on its value. This bit is cleared by reset. RTIF - Real Time Interrupt Flag The RTIF is a read-only flag bit. 1 = Set when the output of the chosen (1 of 4 selections) Real Time Interrupt stage goes active. A TIMER Interrupt request will be generated if RTIE is also set. 0 = Reset by writing a logical one to the RTIF acknowledge bit, RTIFR. Writing to the RTIF flag bit has no effect on its value. This bit is cleared by reset. TOFE - Timer Overflow Enable The TOFE is an enable bit that allows generation of a TIMER Interrupt upon overflow of the Timer Counter Register. 1 = When set, the TIMER Interrupt is generated when the TOF flag bit is set. 0 = When cleared, no TIMER interrupt caused by TOF bit set will be generated. This bit is cleared by reset. RTIE - Real Time Interrupt Enable The RTIE is an enable bit that allows generation of a TIMER Interrupt by the RTIF bit. 1 = When set, the TIMER Interrupt is generated when the RTIF flag bit is set. 0 = When cleared, no TIMER interrupt caused by RTIF bit set will be generated. This bit is cleared by reset. MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 MULTI-FUNCTION TIMER For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 8-3 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION August 28, 1998 TOFR - Timer Overflow Acknowledge The TOFR is an acknowledge bit that resets the TOF flag bit. This bit is unaffected by reset. Reading the TOFR will always return a logical zero. 1 = Clears the TOF flag bit. 0 = Does not clear the TOF flag bit. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... RTIFR - Real Time Interrupt Acknowledge The RTIFR is an acknowledge bit that resets the RTIF flag bit. This bit is unaffected by reset. Reading the RTIFR will always return a logical zero. 1 = Clears the RTIF flag bit. 0 = Does not clear the RTIF flag bit. RT1, RT0 - Real Time Interrupt period select bits These two bits select one of the four real time interrupt periods. Bus Frequency, fBUS =fOP =3.0 MHz 8.2 RT1 RT0 Divide Ratio RTI Rate 0 0 214 5.46ms 0 1 215 10.92ms 1 0 216 21.85ms 1 1 217 43.69ms OPERATION DURING STOP MODE When STOP is exited by an external interrupt or an LVR reset or an external RESET, the internal oscillator will resume, followed by a 128 or 4064 internal processor oscillator stabilization delay. MOTOROLA 8-4 MULTI-FUNCTION TIMER For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. August 28, 1998 GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION SECTION 9 PROGRAMMABLE TIMER Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... This 16-bit Programmable Timer (Timer1) has an Input Capture function and an Output Compare function. Figure 9-1 shows a block diagram of the 16-bit programmable timer. EDGE SELECT & DETECT LOGIC ICRH ($0014) ICRL ($0015) ICF TCAP IEDG TMRH ($0018) TMRL ($0019) ACRH ($001A) ACRL ($001B) ÷4 OVERFLOW (TOF) 16-BIT COUNTER INTERNAL CLOCK (fOSC ÷ 2) 16-BIT COMPARATOR OCF OCRH ($0016) OCRL ($0017) TIMER INTERRUPT REQUEST TIMER CONTROL REGISTER TOF OCF ICF IEDG TOIE OCIE ICIE RESET TIMER STATUS REGISTER $0012 $0013 INTERNAL DATA BUS Figure 9-1. Programmable Timer Block Diagram MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 PROGRAMMABLE TIMER For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 9-1 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION August 28, 1998 Because of the 16-bit timer architecture, the I/O registers for the input capture and output compare functions are pairs of 8-bit registers. Each register pair contains the high and low byte of that function. Generally, accessing the low byte of a specific timer function allows full control of that function; however, an access of the high byte inhibits that specific timer function until the low byte is also accessed. Because the counter is 16 bits long and preceded by a fixed divide-by-four prescaler, the counter rolls over every 262,144 internal clock cycles. Timer resolution with a 4MHz crystal oscillator is 2 microsecond/count. The interrupt capability, the input capture edge, and the output compare state are controlled by the timer control register (TCR) located at $0012 and the status of the interrupt flags can be read from the timer status register (TSR) located at $0013. 9.1 TIMER REGISTERS (TMRH, TMRL) The functional block diagram of the 16-bit free-running timer counter and timer registers is shown in Figure 9-2. The timer registers include a transparent buffer latch on the LSB of the 16-bit timer counter. LATCH READ TMRH READ RESET ($FFFC) TMRH ($0018) READ TMRL TMRL ($0019) TMR LSB ÷4 16-BIT COUNTER OVERFLOW (TOF) INTERNAL CLOCK (fOSC ÷ 2) TIMER INTERRUPT REQUEST TOF TOIE Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... The basis of the 16-bit Timer is a 16-bit free-running counter which increases in count with each internal bus clock cycle. The counter is the timing reference for the input capture and output compare functions. The input capture and output compare functions provide a means to latch the times at which external events occur, to measure input waveforms, and to generate output waveforms and timing delays. Software can read the value in the 16-bit free-running counter at any time without affect the counter sequence. TIMER CONTROL REG. TIMER STATUS REG. $0012 $0013 INTERNAL DATA BUS Figure 9-2. Programmable Timer Counter Block Diagram MOTOROLA 9-2 PROGRAMMABLE TIMER For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. August 28, 1998 GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION The timer registers (TMRH, TMRL) shown in Figure 9-3 are read-only locations which contain the current high and low bytes of the 16-bit free-running counter. Writing to the timer registers has no effect. Reset of the device presets the timer counter to $FFFC. TMRH R $0018 W reset: TMRL R $0019 W Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... reset: BIT 7 BIT 6 BIT 5 BIT 4 BIT 3 BIT 2 BIT 1 BIT 0 TMRH7 TMRH6 TMRH5 TMRH4 TMRH3 TMRH2 TMRH1 TMRH0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 TMRL7 TMRL6 TMRL5 TMRL4 TMRL3 TMRL2 TMRL1 TMRL0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 Figure 9-3. Programmable Timer Counter Registers (TMRH, TMRL) The TMRL latch is a transparent read of the LSB until the a read of the TMRH takes place. A read of the TMRH latches the LSB into the TMRL location until the TMRL is again read. The latched value remains fixed even if multiple reads of the TMRH take place before the next read of the TMRL. Therefore, when reading the MSB of the timer at TMRH the LSB of the timer at TMRL must also be read to complete the read sequence. During power-on-reset (POR), the counter is initialized to $FFFC and begins counting after the oscillator start-up delay. Because the counter is sixteen bits and preceded by a fixed divide-by-four prescaler, the value in the counter repeats every 262, 144 internal bus clock cycles (524, 288 oscillator cycles). When the free-running counter rolls over from $FFFF to $0000, the timer overflow flag bit (TOF) is set in the TSR. When the TOF is set, it can generate an interrupt if the timer overflow interrupt enable bit (TOIE) is also set in the TCR. The TOF flag bit can only be reset by reading the TMRL after reading the TSR. Other than clearing any possible TOF flags, reading the TMRH and TMRL in any order or any number of times does not have any effect on the 16-bit free-running counter. NOTE To prevent interrupts from occurring between readings of the TMRH and TMRL, set the I bit in the condition code register (CCR) before reading TMRH and clear the I bit after reading TMRL. 9.2 ALTERNATE COUNTER REGISTERS (ACRH, ACRL) The functional block diagram of the 16-bit free-running timer counter and alternate MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 PROGRAMMABLE TIMER For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 9-3 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION August 28, 1998 counter registers is shown in Figure 9-4. The alternate counter registers behave the same as the timer registers, except that any reads of the alternate counter will not have any effect on the TOF flag bit and Timer interrupts. The alternate counter registers include a transparent buffer latch on the LSB of the 16-bit timer counter. INTERNAL DATA BUS Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... LATCH READ ACRH READ RESET ($FFFC) READ ACRL ACRL ($001B) TMR LSB ACRH ($001A) INTERNAL CLOCK (fOSC ÷ 2) ÷4 16-BIT COUNTER Figure 9-4. Alternate Counter Block Diagram The alternate counter registers (ACRH, ACRL) shown in Figure 9-5 are read-only locations which contain the current high and low bytes of the 16-bit free-running counter. Writing to the alternate counter registers has no effect. Reset of the device presets the timer counter to $FFFC. ACRH R $001A W reset: ACRL R $001B W reset: BIT 7 BIT 6 BIT 5 BIT 4 BIT 3 BIT 2 BIT 1 BIT 0 ACRH7 ACRH6 ACRH5 ACRH4 ACRH3 ACRH2 ACRH1 ACRH0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ACRL7 ACRL6 ACRL5 ACRL4 ACRL3 ACRL2 ACRL1 ACRL0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 Figure 9-5. Alternate Counter Registers (ACRH, ACRL) The ACRL latch is a transparent read of the LSB until the a read of the ACRH takes place. A read of the ACRH latches the LSB into the ACRL location until the ACRL is again read. The latched value remains fixed even if multiple reads of the ACRH take place before the next read of the ACRL. Therefore, when reading the MSB of the timer at ACRH the LSB of the timer at ACRL must also be read to complete the read sequence. During power-on-reset (POR), the counter is initialized to $FFFC and begins counting after the oscillator start-up delay. Because the counter is sixteen bits and preceded by a fixed divide-by-four prescaler, the value in the counter repeats every 262,144 internal bus clock cycles (524,288 oscillator cycles). Reading the ACRH and ACRL in any order or any number of times does not have any effect on the 16-bit free-running counter or the TOF flag bit. MOTOROLA 9-4 PROGRAMMABLE TIMER For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. August 28, 1998 GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION NOTE To prevent interrupts from occurring between readings of the ACRH and ACRL, set the I bit in the condition code register (CCR) before reading ACRH and clear the I bit after reading ACRL. INPUT CAPTURE REGISTERS The input capture function is a technique whereby an external signal (connected to PB0/TCAP pin) is used to trigger the 16-bit timer counter. In this way it is possible to relate the timing of an external signal to the internal counter value, and hence to elapsed time. When the input capture circuitry detects an active edge on the TCAP pin, it latches the contents of the free-running timer counter registers into the input capture registers as shown in Figure 9-6. Latching values into the input capture registers at successive edges of the same polarity measures the period of the selected input signal. Latching the counter values at successive edges of opposite polarity measures the pulse width of the signal. INTERNAL DATA BUS READ ICRH RESET ICRH ($0014) ICRL ($0015) 16-BIT COUNTER READ ICRL ÷4 INPUT CAPTURE (ICF) INTERNAL CLOCK (fOSC ÷ 2) TIMER INTERRUPT REQUEST IEDG ($FFFC) LATCH TIMER CONTROL REG. ICF EDGE SELECT & DETECT LOGIC IEDG PB0/TCAP ICIE Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 9.3 TIMER STATUS REG. $0012 $0013 INTERNAL DATA BUS Figure 9-6. Timer Input Capture Block Diagram The input capture registers are made up of two 8-bit read-only registers (ICRH, ICRL) as shown in Figure 9-7. The input capture edge detector contains a Schmitt MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 PROGRAMMABLE TIMER For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 9-5 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION August 28, 1998 trigger to improve noise immunity. The edge that triggers the counter transfer is defined by the input edge bit (IEDG) in the TCR. Reset does not affect the contents of the input capture registers. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... The result obtained by an input capture will be one count higher than the value of the free-running timer counter preceding the external transition. This delay is required for internal synchronization. Resolution is affected by the prescaler, allowing the free-running timer counter to increment once every four internal clock cycles (eight oscillator clock cycles). ICRH R $0014 W reset: ICRL R $0015 W reset: BIT 7 BIT 6 BIT 5 BIT 4 BIT 3 BIT 2 BIT 1 BIT 0 ICRH7 ICRH6 ICRH5 ICRH4 ICRH3 ICRH2 ICRH1 ICRH0 U U U U U U U U ICRL7 ICRL6 ICRL5 ICRL4 ICRL3 ICRL2 ICRL1 ICRL0 U U U U U U U U U = UNAFFECTED BY RESET Figure 9-7. Input Capture Registers (ICRH, ICRL) Reading the ICRH inhibits further captures until the ICRL is also read. Reading the ICRL after reading the timer status register (TSR) clears the ICF flag bit. does not inhibit transfer of the free-running counter. There is no conflict between reading the ICRL and transfers from the free-running timer counters. The input capture registers always contain the free-running timer counter value which corresponds to the most recent input capture. NOTE To prevent interrupts from occurring between readings of the ICRH and ICRL, set the I bit in the condition code register (CCR) before reading ICRH and clear the I bit after reading ICRL. 9.4 OUTPUT COMPARE REGISTERS The Output Compare function is a means of generating an interrupt when the 16bit timer counter reaches a selected value as shown in Figure 9-8. Software writes the selected value into the output compare registers. On every fourth internal clock cycle (every eight oscillator clock cycle) the output compare circuitry compares the value of the free-running timer counter to the value written in the output compare registers. When a match occurs, the output compare interrupt flag, OCF is set. A timer interrupt request to the CPU is generated if the output compare interrupt enable is set, i.e. OCIE=1. MOTOROLA 9-6 PROGRAMMABLE TIMER For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. August 28, 1998 GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION Software can use the output compare register to measure time periods, to generate timing delays, or to generate a pulse of specific duration or a pulse train of specific frequency and duty cycle. Writing to the OCRH before writing to the OCRL inhibits timer compares until the OCRL is written. Reading or writing to the OCRL after reading the TSR will clear the output compare flag bit (OCF). OCRH ($0016) R/W OCRL OCRL ($0017) 16-BIT COMPARATOR ($FFFC) INTERNAL CLOCK (fOSC ÷ 2) ÷4 16-BIT COUNTER OUTPUT COMPARE (OCF) RESET TIMER INTERRUPT REQUEST OCF OCIE Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... R/W OCRH TIMER STATUS REG. TIMER CONTROL REG. $0012 $0013 INTERNAL DATA BUS Figure 9-8. Timer Output Compare Block Diagram OCRH R $0016 W reset: OCRL R $0017 W reset: BIT 7 BIT 6 BIT 5 BIT 4 BIT 3 BIT 2 BIT 1 BIT 0 OCRH7 OCRH6 OCRH5 OCRH4 OCRH3 OCRH2 OCRH1 OCRH0 U U U U U U U U OCRL7 OCRL6 OCRL5 OCRL4 OCRL3 OCRL2 OCRL1 OCRL0 U U U U U U U U U = UNAFFECTED BY RESET Figure 9-9. Output Compare Registers (OCRH, OCRL) To prevent OCF from being set between the time it is read and the time the output compare registers are updated, use the following procedure: MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 PROGRAMMABLE TIMER For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 9-7 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION August 28, 1998 1. Disable interrupts by setting the I bit in the condition code register. 2. Write to the OCRH. Compares are now inhibited until OCRL is written. 3. Read the TSR to arm the OCF for clearing. 4. Enable the output compare registers by writing to the OCRL. This also clears the OCF flag bit in the TSR. 5. Enable interrupts by clearing the I bit in the condition code register. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... A software example of this procedure is shown below. 9B ... ... B7 B6 BF ... ... 9A 9.5 SEI ... ... STA LDA STX ... ... CLI 16 13 17 DISABLE INTERRUPTS ..... ..... INHIBIT OUTPUT COMPARE ARM OCF FLAG FOR CLEARING READY FOR NEXT COMPARE, OCF CLEARED ..... ..... ENABLE INTERRUPTS OCRH TSR OCRL TIMER CONTROL REGISTER (TCR) The timer control register is shown in Figure 9-10 performs the following functions: • Enables input capture interrupts • Enables output compare interrupts • Enables timer overflow interrupts • Control the active edge polarity of the TCAP signal on pin PB0/TCAP Reset clears all the bits in the TCR with the exception of the IEDG bit which is unaffected. TCR R $0012 W reset: BIT 7 BIT 6 BIT 5 ICIE OCIE TOIE 0 0 0 BIT 4 BIT 3 BIT 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 BIT 1 IEDG Unaffected BIT 0 0 0 Figure 9-10. Timer Control Register (TCR) ICIE - INPUT CAPTURE INTERRUPT ENABLE This read/write bit enables interrupts caused by an active signal on the PB0/ TCAP pin. Reset clears the ICIE bit. 1 = Input capture interrupts enabled. 0 = Input capture interrupts disabled. MOTOROLA 9-8 PROGRAMMABLE TIMER For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. August 28, 1998 GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION OCIE - OUTPUT COMPARE INTERRUPT ENABLE This read/write bit enables interrupts caused by a successful compare between the timer counter and the output compare registers. Reset clears the OCIE bit. 1 = Output compare interrupts enabled. 0 = Output compare interrupts disabled. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... TOIE - TIMER OVERFLOW INTERRUPT ENABLE This read/write bit enables interrupts caused by a timer overflow. Reset clears the TOIE bit. 1 = Timer overflow interrupts enabled. 0 = Timer overflow interrupts disabled. IEDG - INPUT CAPTURE EDGE SELECT The state of this read/write bit determines whether a positive or negative transition on the TCAP pin triggers a transfer of the contents of the timer register to the input capture register. Reset has no effect on the IEDG bit. 1 = Positive edge (low to high transition) triggers input capture. 0 = Negative edge (high to low transition) triggers input capture. 9.6 TIMER STATUS REGISTER (TSR) The timer status register (TSR) shown in Figure 9-11 contains flags for the following events: • An active signal on the PB0/TCAP pin, transferring the contents of the timer registers to the input capture registers. • A match between the 16-bit counter and the output compare registers • An overflow of the timer registers from $FFFF to $0000. Writing to any of the bits in the TSR has no effect. Reset does not change the state of any of the flag bits in the TSR. TSR R $0013 W reset: BIT 7 BIT 6 BIT 5 BIT 4 BIT 3 BIT 2 BIT 1 BIT 0 ICF OCF TOF 0 0 0 0 0 U U U 0 0 0 0 0 U = UNAFFECTED BY RESET Figure 9-11. Timer Status Registers (TSR) ICF - INPUT CAPTURE FLAG The ICF bit is automatically set when an edge of the selected polarity occurs on the PB0/TCAP pin. Clear the ICF bit by reading the timer status register with the ICF set, and then reading the low byte (ICRL, $0015) of the input capture registers. Reset has no effect on ICF. MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 PROGRAMMABLE TIMER For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 9-9 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION August 28, 1998 OCF - OUTPUT COMPARE FLAG The OCF bit is automatically set when the value of the timer registers matches the contents of the output compare registers. Clear the OCF bit by reading the timer status register with the OCF set, and then accessing the low byte (OCRL, $0017) of the output compare registers. Reset has no effect on OCF. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... TOF - TIMER OVERFLOW FLAG The TOF bit is automatically set when the 16-bit timer counter rolls over from $FFFF to $0000. Clear the TOF bit by reading the timer status register with the TOF set, and then accessing the low byte (TMRL, $0019) of the timer registers. Reset has no effect on TOF. 9.7 TIMER OPERATION DURING WAIT MODE During WAIT mode the 16-bit timer continues to operate normally and may generate an interrupt to trigger the MCU out of the WAIT mode. 9.8 TIMER OPERATION DURING STOP MODE When the MCU enters the STOP mode the free-running counter stops counting (the internal processor clock is stopped). It remains at that particular count value until the STOP mode is exited by applying a low signal to the IRQ pin, at which time the counter resumes from its stopped value as if nothing had happened. If STOP mode is exited via an external reset (logic low applied to the RESET pin) the counter is forced to $FFFC. If a valid input capture edge occurs at the PB0/TCAP pin during the STOP mode the input capture detect circuitry will be armed. This action does not set any flags or “wake up” the MCU, but when the MCU does “wake up” there will be an active input capture flag (and data) from the first valid edge. If the STOP mode is exited by an external reset, no input capture flag or data will be present even if a valid input capture edge was detected during the STOP mode. MOTOROLA 9-10 PROGRAMMABLE TIMER For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. August 28, 1998 GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION SECTION 10 UNIVERSAL SERIAL BUS MODULE Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... This USB Module is designed for USB application in LS products. With minimized software effort, it can fully comply with USB LS device specification. See USB specification version 1.0 for the detail description of USB. 10.1 FEATURES • Integrated 3.3 Volt Regulator with 3.3V Output Pin • Integrated USB transceiver supporting Low Speed functions • USB Data Control Logic – Packet decoding/generation – CRC generation and checking – NRZI encoding/decoding – Bit-stuffing • USB reset support • Control Endpoint 0 and Interrupt Endpoints 1 and 2 • Two 8-byte transmit buffers • One 8-byte receive buffer • Suspend and resume operations • Remote Wake-up support • USB generated interrupts • transaction interrupt driven • Resume interrupt • End of Packet interrupt • STALL, NAK, and ACK handshake generation MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 UNIVERSAL SERIAL BUS MODULE For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 10-1 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION 10.2 August 28, 1998 OVERVIEW A block diagram of the USB module is shown Figure 10-1. The USB module manages communications between the host and the USB function. The module is partitioned into four functional blocks. These blocks consist of a 3.3 volt regulator, a dual function transceiver, the USB control logic, and the endpoint registers. The blocks are further detailed in Section 10.4. CPU BUS USB REGISTERS RCV VPIN VMIN VPOUT TRANSCEIVER USB CONTROL LOGIC Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... This section provides an overview of the Universal Serial Bus (USB) module in the MC68HC705JB2. This USB module is designed to serve as a low-speed (LS) USB device per the Universal Serial Bus Specification Rev 1.0. Three types of USB data transfers are supported: control, interrupt, and bulk (transmit only). Endpoint 0 functions as a receive/transmit control endpoint. Endpoints 1 and 2 can function as interrupt or bulk, but only in the transmit direction. D+ D– USB Upstream Port VMOUT REGULATOR 3.3 V OUT Figure 10-1. USB Block Diagram MOTOROLA 10-2 UNIVERSAL SERIAL BUS MODULE For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. August 28, 1998 GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION 10.2.1 USB Protocol Figure 10-2 shows the various transaction types supported by the MC68HC705JB2 USB module. The transactions are portrayed as error free. The effect of errors in the data flow are discussed later. ENDPOINT 0 TRANSACTIONS: Control Write Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... SETUP DATA0 ACK OUT DATA0 OUT ACK DATA1 ACK OUT DATA0/1 IN ACK ACK DATA1 Control Read SETUP DATA0 ACK IN DATA0 IN ACK DATA1 ACK IN DATA0/1 OUT ACK ACK DATA1 No-Data Control DATA0 SETUP ACK IN DATA1 ACK ENDPOINTS 1 & 2 TRANSACTIONS: KEY: Interrupt IN DATA0/1 ACK Unrelated Bus Traffic Host Generated Bulk Transmit IN DATA0/1 ACK Device Generated Figure 10-2. Supported Transaction Types per Endpoint Each USB transaction is comprised of a series of packets. The MC68HC705JB2 USB module supports the packet types shown in Figure 10-3. Token packets are generated by the USB host and decoded by the USB device. Data and Handshake packets are both decoded and generated by the USB device depending on the type of transaction. MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 UNIVERSAL SERIAL BUS MODULE For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 10-3 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION August 28, 1998 Token Packet: IN OUT SYNC PID PID SYNC PID PID ADDR ENDP CRC5 EOP CRC5 EOP SETUP Data Packet: DATA0 DATA1 DATA 0 - 8 bytes Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Handshake Packet: ACK NAK SYNC PID PID EOP STALL Figure 10-3. Supported USB Packet Types The following sections will give some detail on each segment used to form a complete USB transaction. Sync Pattern The NRZI (See Section bit pattern shown in Figure 10-4 is used as a synchronization pattern and is prefixed to each packet. This pattern is equivalent to a data pattern of seven 0’s followed by a 1 (0x80). SYNC PATTERN NRZI Data Encoding Idle PID0 PID1 Figure 10-4. Sync Pattern The start of a packet (SOP) is signaled by the originating port by driving the D+ and D- lines from the idle state (also referred to as the “J” state) to the opposite logic level (also referred to as the “K” state). This switch in levels represents the first bit of the Sync field. Figure 10-5 shows the data signaling and voltage levels for the start of packet and the sync pattern. MOTOROLA 10-4 UNIVERSAL SERIAL BUS MODULE For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. August 28, 1998 GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION VOH (min) VSE (max) VSE (min) VOL (min) VSS FIRST BIT OF PACKET Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... BUS IDLE SOP END OF SYNC Figure 10-5. SOP, Sync Signaling and Voltage Levels Packet Identifier Field The Packet Identifier field is an eight bit number comprised of the four bit packet identification (PID) and its complement. The field follows the sync pattern and determines the direction and type of transaction on the bus. Table 10-1 shows the PID values for the supported packet types. Table 10-1. Supported Packet Identifiers PID Value PID Type %1001 IN Token %0001 OUT Token %1101 SETUP Token %0011 DATA0 Packet %1011 DATA1 Packet %0010 ACK Handshake %1010 NAK Handshake %1110 STALL Handshake Address Field (ADDR) The Address field is a seven bit number that is used to select a particular USB device. This field is compared to the lower seven bits of the UADDR register to determine if a given transaction is targeting the MC68HC705JB2 USB device. MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 UNIVERSAL SERIAL BUS MODULE For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 10-5 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION August 28, 1998 Endpoint Field (ENDP) The Endpoint field is a four bit number that is used to select a particular endpoint within a USB device. For the MC68HC705JB2, this will be a binary number between zero and two inclusive. Any other value will cause the transaction to be ignored. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) Cyclic Redundancy Checks are used to verify the address and data stream of a USB transaction. This field is five bits wide for token packets and sixteen bits wide for data packets. CRCs are generated in the transmitter and sent on the USB data lines after both the endpoint field and the data field. Figure 10-6 shows how the five bit CRC value is calculated from the data stream and verified for the address and endpoint fields of a token packet. Figure 10-7 shows how the sixteen bit CRC value is calculated and either transmitted or verified for the data packet of a given transaction. Update every bit time Reset to ones at SOP Generator Polynomial: 0 0 1 0 1 Data Stream 5 next bit 0 5 0 MUX 1 5 Expected Residual: 0 1 1 0 0 5 5 Good CRC Y Equal? N Bad CRC Figure 10-6. CRC Block Diagram for Address and Endpoint Fields MOTOROLA 10-6 UNIVERSAL SERIAL BUS MODULE For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. August 28, 1998 Update every bit time Reset to ones at SOP GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION Generator Polynomial: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 001 01 Input / Output Data Stream 16 next bit 0 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 16 0 Output Data Stream TRANSMIT MUX 1 16 16 CRC16 Transmitted MSB first after final data byte. Expected Residual: RECEIVE 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 1 1 01 16 Equal? Good CRC Y N Bad CRC Figure 10-7. CRC Block Diagram for Data Packets End Of Packet (EOP) The single-ended 0 (SE0) state is used to signal an end of packet (EOP). The single-ended 0 state is indicated by both D+ and D- being below 0.8 V. EOP will be signaled by driving D+ and D- to the single-ended 0 state for two bit times followed by driving the lines to the idle state for one bit time. The transition from the singleended 0 to the idle state defines the end of the packet. The idle state is asserted for one bit time and then both the D+ and D- output drivers are placed in their high-impedance state. The bus termination resistors hold the bus in the idle state. Figure 10-8 shows the data signaling and voltage levels for an end of packet transaction. MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 UNIVERSAL SERIAL BUS MODULE For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 10-7 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION August 28, 1998 LAST BIT OF PACKET EOP STROBE BUS DRIVEN TO IDLE STATE BUS FLOATS BUS IDLE VOH (min) VSE (max) VSE (min) VOL (min) Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... VSS Figure 10-8. EOP Transaction Voltage Levels The width of the SE0 in the EOP is about two bit times. The EOP width is measured with the same capacitive load used for maximum rise and fall times and is measured at the same level as the differential signal crossover points of the data lines. tPeriod DIFFERENTIAL DATA LINES DATA CROSSOVER LEVEL EOP WIDTH Figure 10-9. EOP Width Timing 10.2.2 Reset Signaling A reset is signaled on the bus by the presence of an extended SE0 at the USB data pins of a device. The reset signaling is specified to be present for a minimum of 10 ms. An active device (powered and not in the suspend state) seeing a single-ended zero on its USB data inputs for more than 2.5µs may treat that signal as a reset, but must have interpreted the signaling as a reset within 5.5 µs. For a Low speed device, an SE0 condition between 4 and 8 low speed bit times represents a valid USB reset. A USB sourced reset will hold the MC68HC705JB2 in reset for the duration of the reset on the USB bus. The RSTF bit in the USB interrupt register 0 (UIR0) will be set after the internal reset is removed (See Section 10.5.2 for more detail). MOTOROLA 10-8 UNIVERSAL SERIAL BUS MODULE For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. August 28, 1998 GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION After a reset is removed, the device will be in the attached, but not yet addressed or configured state (refer to Section 9.1 of the USB specification). The device must be able to accept a device address via a SET_ADDRESS command (refer to section 9.4 of the USB specification) no later than 10 ms after the reset is removed. Reset can wake a device from the suspended mode. A device may take up to 10ms to wake up from the suspended state. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 10.2.3 Suspend The MC68HC705JB2 supports suspend mode for low power. Suspend mode should be entered when the USB data lines are in the idle state for more than 3.0 ms. Entry into Suspend mode is controlled by the SUSPND bit in the USB Interrupt Register. Any low speed bus activity should keep the device out of the suspend state. Low speed devices are kept awake by periodic low speed EOP signals from the host. This is referred to as Low speed keep alive (refer to Section of the USB specification). Firmware should monitor the EOPF flag and enter suspend mode by setting the SUSPND bit if an EOP is not detected for 3 ms. Per the USB specification, the MC68HC705JB2 is required to draw less than 500 µA from the VDD supply when in the suspend state. This includes the current supplied by the voltage regulator to the 15 KΩ to ground termination resistors placed at the host end of the USB bus. This low current requirement means that firmware is responsible for entering STOP mode once the USB module has been placed in the suspend state. 10.2.4 Resume After Suspend The MC68HC705JB2 can be activated from the suspend state by normal bus activity, a USB reset signal, or by a forced resume driven from the MC68HC705JB2. Host Initiated Resume The host signals resume by initiating resume signalling (“K” state) for at least 20 ms followed by a standard low speed EOP signal. This 20 ms ensures that all devices in the USB network are awakened. After resuming the bus, the host must begin sending bus traffic within 3 ms to prevent the device from re-entering suspend mode. MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 UNIVERSAL SERIAL BUS MODULE For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 10-9 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION August 28, 1998 USB Reset Signalling Reset can wake a device from the suspended mode. A device may take up to 10 ms to wake up from the suspended state. Remote Wake-up Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... The MC68HC705JB2 also supports the remote wake-up feature. The firmware has the ability to exit suspend mode by signaling a resume state to the upstream Host or Hub. A non-idle state (“K” state) on the USB data lines is accomplished by asserting the FRESUM bit in the UCR1 register. When using the remote wake-up capability, the firmware must wait for at least 5 ms after the bus is in the idle state before sending the remote wake-up resume signaling. This allows the upstream devices to get into their suspend state and prepare for propagating resume signaling. The FRESUM bit should be asserted to cause the resume state on the USB data lines for at least 10ms, but not more than 15ms. Note that the resume signalling is controlled by the FRESUM bit and meeting the timing specifications is dependent on the firmware. When FRESUM is cleared by firmware, the data lines will return to their high impedance state. Refer to Section 10.5.5 for more information about how the Force Resume (FRESUM) bit can be used to initiate the remote wake-up feature. 10.2.5 Low Speed Device Externally, low speed devices are configured by the position of a pull-up resistor on the USB D- pin of the MC68HC705JB2. Low speed devices are terminated as shown in Figure 10-10 with the pull-up on the D- line. 3.3V Regulator Out 68HC705JB2 1.5KΩ D+ USB Low Speed Cable D– Figure 10-10. External Low Speed Device Configuration For low speed transmissions, the transmitter’s EOP width must be between 1.25µs and 1.50µs. These ranges include timing variations due to differential buffer delay and rise/fall time mismatches and to noise and other random effects. A low speed receiver must accept a 670 ns wide SE0 followed by a J transition as a valid EOP. An SE0 narrower than 330 ns or an SE0 not followed by a J transition must be rejected as an EOP. An EOP between 330ns and 670ns may be rejected or accepted as above. Any SE0 that is 2.5µs or wider is automatically a reset. MOTOROLA 10-10 UNIVERSAL SERIAL BUS MODULE For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. August 28, 1998 10.3 GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION CLOCK REQUIREMENTS Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... The low speed data rate is nominally 1.5 Mbs. The OSCXCLK signal driven by the oscillator circuits is the clock source for the USB module and requires that a 6 MHz oscillator circuit be connected to the OSC1 and OSC2 pins. The permitted frequency tolerance for low speed functions is approximately ±1.5% (15000 ppm). This tolerance includes inaccuracies from all sources: initial frequency accuracy, crystal capacitive loading, supply voltage on the oscillator, temperature, and aging. The jitter in the low speed data rate must be less than 10 ns. This tolerance allows the use of resonators in low cost, low speed devices. 10.4 HARDWARE DESCRIPTION The USB module as previously shown in Figure 10-1 contains four functional blocks: a 3.3 volt Regulator, a LS USB transceiver, the USB control logic, and the USB registers. The following will detail the function of the regulator, transceiver and control logic. See Section 10.5 for the register discussion. 10.4.1 Voltage Regulator The USB data lines are required by the USB Specification to have a maximum output voltage between 2.8V and 3.6V. The data lines are also required to have an external 1.5KΩ pullup resistor connected between a data line and a voltage source between 3.0V and 3.6V. Since the power provided by the USB cable is specified to be between 4.4V and 5.0V, an on-chip regulator is used to drop the voltage to the appropriate level for sourcing the USB transceiver and external pullup resistor. An output pin driven by the regulator voltage is provided to source the 1.5KΩ external resistor. Figure 10-11 shows the worst case electrical connection for the voltage regulator. 4.4V 3.3V Regulator USB Data Lines R1 LS Transceiver Host or Hub USB Cable R2 R2 R1 = 1.5KΩ ±5% R2 = 15KΩ ±5% Figure 10-11. Regulator Electrical Connections MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 UNIVERSAL SERIAL BUS MODULE For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 10-11 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION August 28, 1998 10.4.2 USB Transceiver The USB transceiver provides the physical interface to the USB D+ and D- data lines. The transceiver is composed of two parts: an output drive circuit and a differential receiver. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Output Driver Characteristics The USB transceiver uses a differential output driver to drive the USB data signal onto the USB cable. The static output swing of the driver in its low state is below the VOL of 0.3 V with a 1.5 kΩ load to 3.6 V and in its high state is above the VOH of 2.8 V with a 15 kΩ load to ground. The output swings between the differential high and low state are well balanced to minimize signal skew. Slew rate control on the driver is used to minimize the radiated noise and cross talk. The driver’s outputs support three-state operation to achieve bi-directional half duplex operation. The driver can tolerate a voltage on the signal pins of -0.5 V to 3.8 V with respect to local ground reference without damage. Low Speed (1.5 Mbs) Driver Characteristics The rise and fall time of the signals on this cable are greater than 75 ns to keep RFI emissions under FCC class B limits, and less than 300 ns to limit timing delays and signaling skews and distortions. The driver reaches the specified static signal levels with smooth rise and fall times, and minimal reflections and ringing when driving the cable. This driver is used only on network segments between low speed devices and the ports to which they are connected. ONE BIT TIME (1.5 Mb/s) VSE (max) VSE (min) SIGNAL PINS PASS OUTPUT SPEC LEVELS WITH MINIMAL REFLECTIONS AND RINGING VSS Figure 10-12. Low Speed Driver Signal Waveforms MOTOROLA 10-12 UNIVERSAL SERIAL BUS MODULE For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. August 28, 1998 GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION 10.4.3 Receiver Characteristics The receiver features an input sensitivity of 200 mV when both differential data inputs are in the range of 0.8 V to 2.5 V with respect to the local ground reference. This is called the common mode input voltage range. Proper data reception is also achieved when the differential data lines are outside the common mode range, as shown in Figure 10-13. The receiver can tolerate static input voltages between –0.5V to 3.8 V with respect to its local ground reference without damage. In addition to the differential receiver, there is a single-ended receiver (schmitt trigger) for each of the two data lines. MINIMUM DIFFERENTIAL SENSITIVITY (VOLTS) Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... USB data transmission is done with differential signals. A differential input receiver is used to accept the USB data signal. A differential 1 on the bus is represented by D+ being at least 200 mV more positive than D- as seen at the receiver, and a differential 0 is represented by D- being at least 200 mV more positive than D+ as seen at the receiver. The signal cross over point must be between 1.3V and 2.0V. 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 COMMON MODE INPUT VOLTAGE (VOLTS) Figure 10-13. Differential Input Sensitivity Over Entire Common Mode Range Receiver Data Jitter The data receivers for all types of devices must be able to properly decode the differential data in the presence of jitter. The more of the bit cell that any data edge can occupy and still be decoded, the more reliable the data transfer will be. Data receivers are required to decode differential data transitions that occur in a window plus and minus a nominal quarter bit cell from the nominal (centered) data edge position. Jitter will be caused by the delay mismatches and by mismatches in the source and destination data rates (frequencies). The receive data jitter budget for low speed is given in the electrical section of the this specification. The specification includes the consecutive (next) and paired transition values for each source of jitter. MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 UNIVERSAL SERIAL BUS MODULE For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 10-13 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION August 28, 1998 Data Source Jitter The source of data can have some variation (jitter) in the timing of edges of the data transmitted. The time between any set of data transitions is N * TPERIOD ± jitter time, where ‘N’ is the number of bits between the transitions and TPERIOD is defined as the actual period of the data rate. The data jitter is measured with the same capacitive load used for maximum rise and fall times and is measured at the crossover points of the data lines as shown in Figure 10-14. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... tPeriod CROSSOVER POINTS DIFFERENTIAL DATA LINES CONSECUTIVE TRANSITIONS PAIRED TRANSITIONS Figure 10-14. Data Jitter For low speed transmissions, the jitter time for any consecutive differential data transitions must be within ±25 ns and within ±10 ns for any set of paired differential data transitions. These jitter numbers include timing variations due to differential buffer delay, rise/fall time mismatches, internal clock source jitter, and to noise and other random effects. Data Signal Rise and Fall Time The output rise time and fall time are measured between 10% and 90% of the signal. Edge transition time for the rising and falling edges of low speed signals is 75 ns (minimum) into a capacitive load (CL) of 50 pF and 300 ns (maximum) into a capacitive load of 350 pF. The rising and falling edges should be smooth transitional (monotonic) when driving the cable to avoid excessive EMI. FALL TIME RISE TIME CL 90% 90% DIFFERENTIAL DATA LINES 10% 10% CL tR tF LOW SPEED: 75ns at CL = 50pF, 300ns at CL = 350pF Figure 10-15. Data Signal Rise and Fall Time MOTOROLA 10-14 UNIVERSAL SERIAL BUS MODULE For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. August 28, 1998 GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION 10.4.4 USB Control Logic Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... The USB control logic manages data movement between the CPU and the transceiver. The control logic handles both transmit and receive operations on the USB. It contains the logic used to manipulate the transceiver and the endpoint registers. The logic contains byte count buffers for transmit operations that load the active transmit endpoints byte count and use this to determine the number of bytes to transfer. This same buffer is used for receive transactions to count the number of bytes received and, upon the end of the transaction, transfer that number to the receive endpoints byte count register. When transmitting, the control logic handles parallel to serial conversion, CRC generation, NRZI encoding, and bit stuffing. When Receiving, the control logic handles Sync detection, packet identification, end of packet detection, bit (un)stuffing, NRZI decoding, CRC validation, and serial to parallel conversion. Errors detected by the control logic include bad CRC, time-out while waiting for EOP, and bit stuffing violations. Data Encoding/Decoding The USB employs NRZI data encoding when transmitting packets. In NRZI encoding, a 1 is represented by no change in level and a 0 is represented by a change in level. Figure 10-16 shows a data stream and the NRZI equivalent and Figure 10-17 is a flow diagram for NRZI. The high level represents the J state on the data lines in this and subsequent figures showing NRZI encoding. A string of zeros causes the NRZI data to toggle each bit time. A string of ones causes long periods with no transitions in the data. Bit Stuffing In order to ensure adequate signal transitions, bit stuffing is employed by the transmitting device when sending a packet on the USB (see Figure 10-18 and Figure 10-19). A 0 is inserted after every six consecutive 1’s in the data stream before the data is NRZI encoded to force a transition in the NRZI data stream. This gives the receiver logic a data transition at least once every seven bit times to guarantee the data and clock lock. The receiver must decode the NRZI data, recognize the stuffed bits, and discard them. Bit stuffing is enabled beginning with the Sync Pattern and throughout the entire transmission. The data “one” that ends the Sync Pattern is counted as the first one in a sequence. Bit stuffing is always enforced, without exception. If required by the bit stuffing rules, a zero bit will be inserted even if it is the last bit before the end-of-packet (EOP) signal. MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 UNIVERSAL SERIAL BUS MODULE For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 10-15 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION 0 DATA IDLE NRZI IDLE 1 1 August 28, 1998 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 Figure 10-16. NRZI Data Encoding POWER UP Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... NO PACKET TRANSMISSION IDLE BEGIN PACKET TRANSMISSION FETCH THE DATA BIT NO IS DATA BIT = 0? NO DATA TRANSITION NO YES TRANSITION DATA IS PACKAGE TRANSFER DONE? YES Figure 10-17. Flow Diagram for NRZI RAW DATA SYNC PATTERN PACKET DATA STUFFED BIT BIT STUFFED DATA NRZI ENCODED DATA PACKET DATA SYNC PATTERN SIX ONES IDLE SYNC PATTERN PACKET DATA Figure 10-18. Bit Stuffing MOTOROLA 10-16 UNIVERSAL SERIAL BUS MODULE For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. August 28, 1998 GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION POWER UP NO PACKET TRANSMISSION IDLE BEGIN PACKET TRANSMISSION RESET BIT COUNTER TO 0 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... GET NEXT BIT =0 BIT VALUE? =1 INCREMENT THE COUNTER NO COUNTER = 6? YES INSERT A ZERO BIT RESET THE BIT COUNTER TO 0 NO IS PACKAGE TRANSFER DONE? YES Figure 10-19. Flow Diagram for Bit Stuffing MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 UNIVERSAL SERIAL BUS MODULE For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 10-17 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION 10.5 August 28, 1998 I/O REGISTER DESCRIPTION The USB Endpoint registers are comprised of a set of control/status registers and twenty-four data registers that provide storage for the buffering of data between the USB and the CPU. These registers are shown in Table 10-2. Table 10-2. Register Summary Register Name Bit 7 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... USB Control Register 2 (UCR2) 6 5 4 0 TX1ST 0 UADD4 UADD3 UADD2 SUSPND TXD0IE RXD0IE TXD1IE EOPIE TX1STR USB Address Register USBEN (UADDR) UADD6 UADD5 USB Interrupt Register 0 (UIR0) TXD0F RXD0F RSTF USB Interrupt Register 1 (UIR1) TXD1F EOPF RESUMF RESUMFR USB Control Register 0 T0SEQ (UCR0) STALL0 TX0E USB Control Register 1 T1SEQ (UCR1) ENDADD TX1E SETUP 0 USB Status Register (USR) 0 RSEQ RX0E 3 2 1 ENABLE2 ENABLE1 STALL2 UADD1 0 Bit 0 STALL1 $0037 UADD0 $0038 0 TXD0FR RXD0FR 0 Addr 0 TXD1FR EOPFR $0039 $003A TP0SIZ3 TP0SIZ2 TP0SIZ1 TP0SIZ0 $003B FRESUM TP1SIZ3 TP1SIZ2 TP1SIZ1 TP1SIZ0 $003C 0 USB Endpoint 0 Data UE0RD7 UE0RD6 UE0RD5 UE0RD4 Register 0 (UE0D0) UE0TD7 UE0TD6 UE0TD5 UE0TD4 RPSIZ3 RPSIZ2 RPSIZ1 RPSIZ0 UE0RD3 UE0RD2 UE0RD1 UE0RD0 UE0TD3 UE0TD2 UE0TD1 UE0TD0 ↓ $003D $0020 ↓ USB Endpoint 0 Data UE0RD7 UE0RD6 UE0RD5 UE0RD4 Register 7 (UE0D7) UE0TD7 UE0TD6 UE0TD5 UE0TD4 USB Endpoint 1/2 Data Register 0 (UE1D0) UE1TD7 UE1TD6 UE1TD5 UE1TD4 UE0RD3 UE0RD2 UE0RD1 UE0RD0 UE0TD3 UE0TD2 UE0TD1 UE0TD0 UE1TD3 UE1TD2 UE1TD1 UE1TD0 ↓ $0027 $0028 ↓ USB Endpoint 1/2 Data Register 7 (UE1D7) UE1TD7 UE1TD6 UE1TD5 UE1TD4 UE1TD3 UE1TD2 UE1TD1 UE1TD0 $002F = Unimplemented MOTOROLA 10-18 UNIVERSAL SERIAL BUS MODULE For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. August 28, 1998 GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION 10.5.1 USB Address Register (UADDR) UADDR R $0038 W reset ⇒ Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 USBEN UADD6 UADD5 UADD4 UADD3 UADD2 UADD1 UADD0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Figure 10-20. USB Address Register (UADDR) USBEN — USB Module Enable This read/write bit enables and disables the USB module and the USB pins. When USBEN is clear, the USB module will not respond to any tokens. Reset clears this bit. 1 = USB function enabled 0 = USB function disabled UADD6-UADD0 — USB Function Address These bits specify the USB address of the device. Reset clears these bits. 10.5.2 USB Interrupt Register 0 (UIR0) UIR0 R $0039 W reset ⇒ Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 TXD0F RXD0F RSTF 0 0 0 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 SUSPND TXD0IE RXD0IE 0 0 0 Bit 1 Bit 0 0 0 TXD0FR RXD0FR 0 0 = Unimplemented Figure 10-21. USB Interrupt Register 0 (UIR0) TXD0F — Endpoint 0 Data Transmit Flag This read only bit is set after the data stored in Endpoint 0 transmit buffers has been sent and an ACK handshake packet from the host is received. Once the next set of data is ready in the transmit buffers, software must clear this flag by writing a logic 1 to the TXD0FR bit. To enable the next data packet transmission, TX0E must also be set. If TXD0F bit is not cleared, a NAK handshake will be returned in the next IN transaction. Reset clears this bit. Writing a logic 0 to TXD0F has no effect. 1 = Transmit on Endpoint 0 has occurred 0 = Transmit on Endpoint 0 has not occurred RXD0F — Endpoint 0 Data Receive Flag This read only bit is set after the USB module has received a data packet and responded with an ACK handshake packet. Software must clear this flag by writing a logic 1 to the RXD0FR bit after all of the received data has been read. Software must also set RX0E bit to one to enable the next data packet reception. If RXD0F bit is not cleared, a NAK handshake will be returned in the next OUT transaction. Reset clears this bit. Writing a logic 0 to RXD0F has no effect. MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 UNIVERSAL SERIAL BUS MODULE For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 10-19 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION August 28, 1998 1 = Receive on Endpoint 0 has occurred 0 = Receive on Endpoint 0 has not occurred Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... RSTF — USB Reset Flag This read only bit is set when a valid reset signal state is detected on the D+ and D- lines. This reset detection will also generate an internal reset signal to reset the CPU and other peripherals including the USB module. This bit is cleared by writing a logic 1 to the RSTFR bit in the UCR2 register. This bit is cleared by a POR reset. SUSPND — USB Suspend Flag To save power, this read/write bit should be set by the software if a 3ms constant idle state is detected on USB bus. Setting this bit stops the clock to the USB and causes the USB module to enter Suspend mode. Unnecessary analog circuitry will be powered down. Software must clear this bit after the Resume flag (RESUMF) is set while this Resume interrupt flag is serviced. TXD0IE — Endpoint 0 Transmit Interrupt Enable This read/write bit enables the Transmit Endpoint 0 to generate a USB interrupt when the TXD0F bit becomes set. 1 = USB interrupts enabled for Transmit Endpoint 0 0 = USB interrupts disabled for Transmit Endpoint 0 RXD0IE — Endpoint 0 Receive Interrupt Enable This read/write bit enables the Transmit Endpoint 0 to generate a USB interrupt when the RXD0F bit becomes set. 1 = USB interrupts enabled for Receive Endpoint 0 0 = USB interrupts disabled for Receive Endpoint 0 TXD0FR — Endpoint 0 Transmit Flag Reset Writing a logic 1 to this write only bit will clear the TXD0F bit if it is set.Writing a logic 0 to TXD0FR has no effect. Reset clears this bit. RXD0FR — Endpoint 0 Receive Flag Reset Writing a logic 1 to this write only bit will clear the RXD0F bit if it is set.Writing a logic 0 to RXD0FR has no effect. Reset clears this bit. 10.5.3 USB Interrupt Register 1 (UIR1) UIR1 R $003A W reset ⇒ Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 TXD1F EOPF RESUMF 0 0 0 0 RESUMFR 0 Bit 3 Bit 2 TXD1IE EOPIE 0 0 Bit 1 Bit 0 0 0 TXD1FR EOPFR 0 0 = Unimplemented Figure 10-22. USB Interrupt Register 1(UIR1) MOTOROLA 10-20 UNIVERSAL SERIAL BUS MODULE For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. August 28, 1998 GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... TXD1F — Endpoint 1/Endpoint 2 Data Transmit Flag This read only bit is shared by Endpoint 1 and Endpoint 2. It is set after the data stored in the shared Endpoint 1/Endpoint 2 transmit buffer has been sent and an ACK handshake packet from the host is received. Once the next set of data is ready in the transmit buffers, software must clear this flag by writing a logic 1 to the TXD1FR bit. To enable the next data packet transmission, TX1E must also be set. If TXD1F bit is not cleared, a NAK handshake will be returned in the next IN transaction. Reset clears this bit. Writing a logic 0 to TXD1F has no effect. 1 = Transmit on Endpoint 1 or Endpoint 2 has occurred 0 = Transmit on Endpoint 1 or Endpoint 2 has not occurred EOPF — End of Packet Detect Flag This read only bit is set when a valid End-of-Packet sequence is detected on the D+ and D- lines. Software must clear this flag by writing a logic 1 to the EOPFR bit. Reset clears this bit. Writing a logic 0 to EOPF has no effect. 1 = End-of-Packet sequence has been detected 0 = End-of-Packet sequence has not been detected RESUMF — Resume Flag This read only bit is set when USB bus activity is detected while the SUSPND bit is set. Software must clear this flag by writing a logic 1 to the RESUMFR bit. Reset clears this bit. Writing a logic 0 to RESUMF has no effect. 1 = USB bus activity has been detected 0 = No USB bus activity has been detected RESUMFR — Resume Flag Reset Writing a logic 1 to this write only bit will clear the RESUMF bit if it is set. Writing a logic 0 to RESUMFR has no effect. Reset clears this bit. TXD1IE — Endpoint 1/Endpoint 2 Transmit Interrupt Enable This read/write bit enables the USB to generate an interrupt when the shared Transmit Endpoint 1/Endpoint 2 interrupt flag (TXD1F) bit becomes set. Reset clears this bit. 1 = USB interrupts enabled for Transmit Endpoints 1 and 2 0 = USB interrupts disabled for Transmit Endpoints 1 and 2 EOPIE — End of Packet Detect Interrupt Enable This read/write bit enables the USB to generate an interrupt when the EOPF bit becomes set. Reset clears this bit. 1 = USB interrupts enabled for Transmit Endpoints 1 and 2 0 = USB interrupts disabled for Transmit Endpoint 1 and 2 TXD1FR — Endpoint 1/Endpoint 2 Transmit Flag Reset Writing a logic 1 to this write only bit will clear the TXD1F bit if it is set. Writing a logic 0 to TXD1FR has no effect. Reset clears this bit. MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 UNIVERSAL SERIAL BUS MODULE For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 10-21 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION August 28, 1998 EOPFR — End of Packet Flag Reset Writing a logic 1 to this write only bit will clear the EOPF bit if it is set. Writing a logic 0 to the EOPFR has no effect. Reset clears this bit. 10.5.4 USB Control Register 0 (UCR0) UCR0 R $003B W reset ⇒ Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 T0SEQ STALL0 TX0E RX0E 0 0 0 0 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 TP0SIZ3 TP0SIZ2 TP0SIZ1 TP0SIZ0 0 0 0 0 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Figure 10-23. USB Control Register 0 (UCR0) T0SEQ — Endpoint 0 Transmit Sequence Bit This read/write bit determines which type of data packet (DATA0 or DATA1) will be sent during the next IN transaction. Toggling of this bit must be controlled by software. Reset clears this bit. 1 = DATA1 Token active for next Endpoint 0 transmit 0 = DATA0 Token active for next Endpoint 0 transmit STALL0 — Endpoint 0 Force Stall Bit This read/write bit causes Endpoint 0 to return a STALL handshake when polled by either an IN or OUT token by the USB Host Controller. The USB hardware clears this bit when a SETUP token is received. Reset clears this bit. 1 = Send STALL handshake 0 = Default TX0E — Endpoint 0 Transmit Enable This read/write bit enables a transmit to occur when the USB Host controller sends an IN token to Endpoint 0. Software should set this bit when data is ready to be transmitted. It must be cleared by software when no more Endpoint 0 data needs to be transmitted. If this bit is 0 or the TXD0F is set, the USB will respond with a NAK handshake to any Endpoint 0 IN tokens. Reset clears this bit. 1 = Data is ready to be sent. 0 = Data is not ready. Respond with NAK. RX0E — Endpoint 0 Receive Enable This read/write bit enables a receive to occur when the USB Host controller sends an OUT token to Endpoint 0. Software should set this bit when data is ready to be received. It must be cleared by software when data cannot be received. If this bit is 0 or the RXD0F is set, the USB will respond with a NAK handshake to any Endpoint 0 OUT tokens. Reset clears this bit. 1 = Data is ready to be received. 0 = Not ready for data. Respond with NAK. MOTOROLA 10-22 UNIVERSAL SERIAL BUS MODULE For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. August 28, 1998 GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION TP0SIZ3-TP0SIZ0 — Endpoint 0 Transmit Data Packet Size These read/write bits store the number of transmit data bytes for the next IN token request for Endpoint 0. These bits are cleared by reset. 10.5.5 USB Control Register 1 (UCR1) Bit 7 UCR1 R $003C W reset ⇒ Bit 6 T1SEQ ENDADD 0 0 Bit 5 TX1E 0 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 FRESUM TP1SZ3 TP1SIZ2 TP1SIZ1 TP1SIZ0 0 0 0 0 0 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Figure 10-24. USB Control Register 1 (UCR1) T1SEQ — Endpoint1/Endpoint 2 Transmit Sequence Bit This read/write bit determines which type of data packet (DATA0 or DATA1) will be sent during the next IN transaction directed to Endpoint 1 or Endpoint 2. Toggling of this bit must be controlled by software. Reset clears this bit. 1 = DATA1 Token active for next Endpoint 1/Endpoint 2 transmit 0 = DATA0 Token active for next Endpoint 1/Endpoint 2 transmit ENDADD — Endpoint Address Select This read/write bit specifies whether the data inside the registers UE1D0UE1D7 are used for Endpoint 1 or Endpoint 2. If all the conditions for a successful Endpoint 2 USB response to a hosts IN token are satisfied (TXD1F=0, TX1E=1, STALL2=0, and ENABLE2=1) except that the ENDADD bit is configured for Endpoint 1, the USB responds with a NAK handshake packet. 1 = The data buffers are used for Endpoint 2 0 = The data buffers are used for Endpoint 1 TX1E — Endpoint 1/Endpoint 2 Transmit Enable This read/write bit enables a transmit to occur when the USB Host controller sends an IN token to Endpoint 1 or Endpoint 2. The appropriate endpoint enable bit, ENABLE1 or ENABLE2 bit in the UCR2 register, should also be set. Software should set the TX1E bit when data is ready to be transmitted. It must be cleared by software when no more data needs to be transmitted. If this bit is 0 or the TXD1F is set, the USB will respond with a NAK handshake to any Endpoint 1 or Endpoint 2 directed IN tokens. Reset clears this bit. 1 = Data is ready to be sent. 0 = Data is not ready. Respond with NAK. FRESUM — Force Resume This read/write bit forces a resume state (“K” or non-idle state) onto the USB data lines to initiate a remote wake-up. Software should control the timing of the forced resume to be between 10ms and 15 ms. Setting this bit will not cause the RESUMF bit to set. 1 = Force data lines to “K” state 0 = Default MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 UNIVERSAL SERIAL BUS MODULE For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 10-23 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION August 28, 1998 TP1SIZ3-TP1SIZ0 — Endpoint 1/Endpoint 2 Transmit Data Packet Size These read/write bits store the number of transmit data bytes for the next IN token request for Endpoint 1 or Endpoint 2. These bits are cleared by reset. 10.5.6 USB Control Register 2 (UCR2) Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 TX1ST 0 0 - UCR2 R 0 $0037 W TX1STR reset ⇒ - - Bit 3 Bit 2 ENABLE2 ENABLE1 0 Bit 1 Bit 0 STALL2 STALL1 0 0 0 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... = Unimplemented Figure 10-25. USB Control Register 2 (UCR2) TX1STR — Clear Transmit First Flag Writing a logic 1 to this write-only bit will clear the TX1ST bit if it is set. Writing a logic 0 to the TX1STR has no effect. Reset clears this bit. TX1ST — Transmit First Flag This read-only bit is set if the Endpoint 0 Data Transmit Flag (TXD0F) is set when the USB control logic is setting the Endpoint 0 Data Receive Flag (RXD0F). That is, this bit will be set if an Endpoint 0 Transmit Flag is still set at the end of an Endpoint 0 reception. This bit lets the firmware know that the Endpoint 0 transmission happened before the Endpoint 0 reception. Reset clears this bit. 1 = IN transaction occurred before SETUP/OUT. 0 = IN transaction occurred after SETUP/OUT. ENABLE2 — Endpoint 2 Enable This read/write bit enables Endpoint 2 and allows the USB to respond to IN packets addressed to Endpoint 2. Reset clears this bit. 1 = Endpoint 2 is enabled and can respond to an IN token. 0 = Endpoint 2 is disabled ENABLE1 — Endpoint 1 Enable This read/write bit enables Endpoint 1 and allows the USB to respond to IN packets addressed to Endpoint 1. Reset clears this bit. 1 = Endpoint 1 is enabled and can respond to an IN token. 0 = Endpoint 1 is disabled STALL2 — Endpoint 2 Force Stall Bit This read/write bit causes Endpoint 2 to return a STALL handshake when polled by either an IN or OUT token by the USB Host Controller. Reset clears this bit. 1 = Send STALL handshake. 0 = Default MOTOROLA 10-24 UNIVERSAL SERIAL BUS MODULE For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. August 28, 1998 GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION STALL1 — Endpoint 1 Force Stall Bit This read/write bit causes Endpoint 1 to return a STALL handshake when polled by either an IN or OUT token by the USB Host Controller. Reset clears this bit. 1 = Send STALL handshake 0 = Default Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 10.5.7 USB Status Register (USR) USR R $003D W reset ⇒ Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 RSEQ SETUP 0 0 U U U U Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 RPSIZ3 RPSIZ2 RPSIZ1 RPSIZ0 U U U U = Unimplemented Figure 10-26. USB Status Register (USR) RSEQ — Endpoint 0 Receive Sequence Bit This read only bit indicates the type of data packet last received for Endpoint 0 (DATA0 or DATA1). 1 = DATA1 Token received in last Endpoint 0 receive 0 = DATA0 Token received in last Endpoint 0 receive SETUP — SETUP Token Detect Bit This read only bit indicates that a valid SETUP token has been received. 1 = Last token received for Endpoint 0 was a SETUP token 0 = Last token received for Endpoint 0 was not a SETUP token RPSIZ3-RPSIZ0 — Endpoint 0 Receive Data Packet Size These read only bits store the number of data bytes received for the last OUT or SETUP transaction for Endpoint 0. These bits are not affected by reset. MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 UNIVERSAL SERIAL BUS MODULE For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 10-25 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION August 28, 1998 10.5.8 USB Endpoint 0 Data Registers (UE0D0-UE0D7) Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 UE0D0 R UE0RD7 UE0RD6 UE0RD5 UE0RD4 UE0RD3 UE0RD2 UE0RD1 UE0RD0 $0020 W UE0TD7 UE0TD6 UE0TD5 UE0TD4 UE0TD3 UE0TD2 UE0TD1 UE0TD0 to : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : UE0D7 R UE0RD7 UE0RD6 UE0RD5 UE0RD4 UE0RD3 UE0RD2 UE0RD1 UE0RD0 $0027 W UE0TD7 UE0TD6 UE0TD5 UE0TD4 UE0TD3 UE0TD2 UE0TD1 UE0TD0 reset ⇒ X X X X X X X X Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Figure 10-27. USB Endpoint 0 Data Register (UE0D0-UE0D7) UE0RD7 - UE0RD0 — Endpoint 0 Receive Data Buffer These read only bits are serially loaded with OUT token or SETUP token data received over the USB’s D+ and D- pins. UE0TD7 - UE0TD0 — Endpoint 0 Transmit Data Buffer These write only buffers are loaded by software with data to be sent on the USB bus on the next IN token directed at Endpoint 0. 10.5.9 USB Endpoint 1/Endpoint 2 Data Registers (UE1D0-UE1D7) Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 UE1D0 R $0028 W UE1TD7 UE1TD6 UE1TD5 UE1TD4 UE1TD3 UE1TD2 UE1TD1 UE1TD0 to : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : UE1D7 R $002F W UE1TD7 UE1TD6 UE1TD5 UE1TD4 UE1TD3 UE1TD2 UE1TD1 UE1TD0 reset ⇒ X X X X X X X X Figure 10-28. USB Endpoint 1/Endpoint2 Data Registers (UE1D0-UE1D7) UE1TD7 - UE1TD0 — Endpoint 1/ Endpoint 2 Transmit Data Buffer These write only buffers are loaded by software with data to be sent on the USB bus on the next IN token directed at Endpoint 1 or Endpoint 2. These buffers are shared by Endpoints 1 and 2 and depend on proper configuration of the ENDADD bit. MOTOROLA 10-26 UNIVERSAL SERIAL BUS MODULE For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. August 28, 1998 10.6 GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION USB INTERRUPTS Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... The USB module is capable of generating interrupts and causing the CPU to execute the USB interrupt service routine. There are three types of USB interrupts: • End of Transaction interrupts signify a completed transaction (receive or transmit) • Resume interrupts signify that the USB bus is reactivated after having been suspended • End of Packet interrupts signify that a low speed end of packet signal was detected All USB interrupts share the same interrupt vector. Firmware is responsible for determining which interrupt is active. 10.6.1 USB End of Transaction Interrupt There are three possible end of transaction interrupts: Endpoint 0 Receive, Endpoint 0 Transmit, and a shared Endpoint 1 or Endpoint 2 Transmit. End of transaction interrupts occur as detailed in the following sections. Receive Control Endpoint 0 For a Control OUT transaction directed at Endpoint 0, the USB module will generate an interrupt by setting the RXD0F flag in the UIR0 register. The conditions necessary for the interrupt to occur are shown in the flowchart of Figure 10-29. SETUP transactions cannot be stalled by the USB function. A SETUP received by a control endpoint will clear the STALL0 bit if it is set. The conditions for receiving a SETUP interrupt are shown in Figure 10-30. Transmit Control Endpoint 0 For a Control IN transaction directed at Endpoint 0, the USB module will generate an interrupt by setting the TXD0F flag in the UIR0 register. The conditions necessary for the interrupt to occur are shown in the flowchart of Figure 10-31. Transmit Endpoint 1 and Transmit Endpoint 2 Transmit Endpoints 1 & 2 share their interrupt flag. For an IN transaction directed at Endpoint 1 or 2, the USB module will generate an interrupt by setting the TXD1F flag in the UIR1 register. The conditions necessary for the interrupt to occur are shown in the flowchart of Figure 10-32. MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 UNIVERSAL SERIAL BUS MODULE For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 10-27 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION August 28, 1998 10.6.2 Resume Interrupt The USB module will generate a USB interrupt if low speed bus activity is detected after entering the suspend state. A transition of the USB data lines to the non-idle state (“K” state) while in the suspend mode will set the RESUMF flag in the UIR1 register. There is no interrupt enable bit for this interrupt source and an interrupt will be executed if the I bit in the CCR is cleared. A resume interrupt can only occur while the MC68HC705JB2 is in the suspend mode. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 10.6.3 End of Packet Interrupt The USB module can generate a USB interrupt upon detection of an end of packet signal (a single ended 0) for low speed devices. Upon detection of an SE0 sequence, the USB module sets the EOPF bit and will generate an interrupt if the EOPIE bit in the UIR1 register is set. MOTOROLA 10-28 UNIVERSAL SERIAL BUS MODULE For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. August 28, 1998 GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION Valid OUT token received for Endpoint 0 Y Valid DATA token received for Endpoint 0? Time-out No Response from USB function N Y N Endpoint 0 Receive Enabled? (USBEN = 1) No Response from USB function Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Y N Endpoint 0 Receive Not Stalled? (STALL0 = 0) Send STALL Handshake Y N Endpoint 0 Receive Ready to Receive? (RX0E = 1) && (RXD0F = 0) Send NAK Handshake Y Accept Data Set/clear RSEQ bit N Ignore transaction No response from USB function Error free DATA packet? Y Set RXD0F to 1 Receive Control Endpoint Interrupt Enabled? (RXD0IE = 1) N Y Valid transaction Interrupt generated No Interrupt Figure 10-29. OUT Token Data Flow for Receive Endpoint 0 MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 UNIVERSAL SERIAL BUS MODULE For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 10-29 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION August 28, 1998 Valid SETUP token received for Endpoint 0 Y N Endpoint 0 Receive Enabled? (USBEN = 1) No Response from USB function Y N Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Endpoint 0 Receive Ready to Receive? (RX0E = 1) && (RXD0F = 0) No Response from USB function Y N STALL0 = 0? Clear STALL0 bit Accept Data set/clear RSEQ bit Set SETUP to 1 Y Ignore transaction No response from USB function N Error free DATA packet? Y Set RXD0F to 1 Y Receive Control Endpoint Interrupt Enabled? (RXD0IE = 1) N Y No Interrupt Valid transaction Interrupt generated Figure 10-30. SETUP Token Data Flow for Receive Endpoint 0 MOTOROLA 10-30 UNIVERSAL SERIAL BUS MODULE For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. August 28, 1998 GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION Valid IN token received for Endpoint 0 Y N Transmit Endpoint Enabled? (USBEN = 1) No Response from USB function Y Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Transmit Endpoint not Stalled by firmware? (STALL0 = 0) N Send STALL Handshake Y N Transmit Endpoint ready to Transfer? (TX0E = 1) && (TXD0F = 0) Send NAK Handshake Y Send DATA Data PID set by T0SEQ N ACK received and no Time-out condition occur? No Response from USB function Y Set TXD0F to 1 Transmit Endpoint Interrupt Enabled? (TXD0IE = 1) N No Interrupt Valid transaction Interrupt generated Figure 10-31. IN Token Data Flow for Transmit Endpoint 0 MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 UNIVERSAL SERIAL BUS MODULE For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 10-31 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION August 28, 1998 Valid IN token received for Endpoints 1 or 2 Transmit Endpoint Enabled? (USBEN = 1) N No Response from USB function Y Transmit Endpoint not Stalled by firmware? (STALL1 & ENDP1) + (STALL2 & ENDP2) N Send STALL Handshake N Send NAK Handshake Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Y Transmit Endpoint ready to Transfer? (TX1E = 1) && (TXD1F = 0) & ((ENDP2 & ENDADD) + (ENDP1 & ENDADD)) Y Send DATA Data PID set by T1SEQ ACK received and no Time-out condition occurs? N No Response from USB function Y Set TXD1F to 1 Transmit Endpoint Interrupt Enabled? (TXD1IE = 1) Valid transaction Interrupt generated No Interrupt Note: ENDP1 is Endpoint 1 directed traffic ENDP2 is Endpoint 2 directed traffic Figure 10-32. IN Token Data Flow for Transmit Endpoint 1/ Endpoint 2 MOTOROLA 10-32 UNIVERSAL SERIAL BUS MODULE For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. August 28, 1998 GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION SECTION 11 EPROM Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... This section describes erasable programmable read-only memory (EPROM) programming. 11.1 EPROM The on-chip user EPROM consists of 2048 bytes of EPROM from $1600 to $1DFF and 16 bytes of user vectors from $1FF0 to $1FFF. The bootloader ROM and vectors are located from $1E00 to $1FEF. 12 of the user vectors, $1FF4-$1FFF, are dedicated to reset and interrupt vectors. The four remaining locations, $1FF0-$1FF3, are reserved for test functions. The Mask Option Register is located at $01FF. 11.2 BOOTLOADER This program (contained in an on-chip boot ROM) handles copying of user code from an external EPROM into the on-chip EPROM. The bootloader function does not have to be done from an EPROM, but can be done from a host. 11.2.1 Bootloader Mode Bootloader mode is entered upon the rising edge of RESET if the IRQ/VPP pin is at VTST and the PB0 pin is at logic zero. The bootloader performs one programming pass at 1ms per byte then does a verify pass. Table 11-1. Operation Mode Condition After Reset RESET Pin IRQ/VPP PB0/TCAP MODE VSS to VDD VSS to VDD Single-Chip (Normal) VTST VSS Bootloader VTST = 2 x VDD The user code must be a one-to-one correspondence with the internal EPROM addresses. MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 EPROM For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 11-1 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION 11.3 August 28, 1998 EPROM PROGRAMMING Programming the on-chip EPROM is achieved by using the Program Control Register located at address $3E. Please contact Motorola for programming board availability. 11.3.1 EPROM Program Control Register (PCR) This register is provided for programming the on-chip EPROM. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... bit-7 PCR $003E bit-6 bit-5 bit4 bit-3 bit-2 bit1 bit-0 MORON ELAT PGM 0 0 0 Read RESERVED Write Reset 0 0 0 0 0 MORON – Mask Option Register ON 0 = Disable programming to Mask Option Register ($01FF) 1 = Enable programming to Mask Option Register ($01FF) ELAT – EPROM LATch control 0 = EPROM address and data bus configured for normal reads 1 = EPROM address and data bus configured for programming (writes to EPROM cause address and data to be latched). EPROM is in programming mode and cannot be read if ELAT is 1. This bit should not be set when no programming voltage is applied to the Vpp pin. PGM – EPROM ProGraM command 0 = Programming power is switched OFF from EPROM array. 1 = Programming power is switched ON to EPROM array. If ELAT ≠ 1, then PGM = 0. 11.3.2 Programming Sequence The EPROM programming sequence is: 1. Set the ELAT bit 2. Write the data to the address to be programmed 3. Set the PGM bit 4. Delay for a time tPGMR 5. Clear the PGM bit 6. Clear the ELAT bit The last two steps must be performed with separate CPU writes. MOTOROLA 11-2 EPROM For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. August 28, 1998 GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION CAUTION It is important to remember that an external programming voltage must be applied to the VPP pin while programming, but it should be equal to VDD during normal operations. Figure 11-1 shows the flow required to successfully program the EPROM. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... START ELAT=1 Write EPROM byte EPGM=1 Wait 1ms EPGM=0 ELAT=0 Y Write additional byte? N END Figure 11-1. EPROM Programming Sequence MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 EPROM For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 11-3 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION 11.4 August 28, 1998 MASK OPTION REGISTER (MOR), $01FF The Mask Option Register (MOR) contains programmable EPROM bits to control mask options. In order to program this register the MORON bit in PCR need to be set to “1” before doing the EPROM programming process. bit-7 bit-6 bit-5 bit4 bit-3 bit-2 bit1 bit-0 IRQTRIG PULLREN PAINTEN OSCDLY LVREN 1 1 1 1 1 Read MOR $01FF Write Erased 0 0 0 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Reset Unaffected IRQTRIG – IRQ, PA0-PA3 Interrupt Options 1 = Edge-trigger only 0 = Edge-and-level-triggered PULLREN – Port A and B Pullup/Pulldown Options 1 = Connected 0 = Disconnected PAINTEN – PA0-PA3 External Interrupt Options 1 = Disabled 0 = Enabled OSCDLY – Oscillator Delay Option 1 = 128 internal clock cycles 0 = 4064 internal clock cycles LVREN – LVR Option 1 = Enabled 0 = Disabled MOTOROLA 11-4 EPROM For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. August 28, 1998 GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION SECTION 12 INSTRUCTION SET This section describes the addressing modes and instruction types. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 12.1 ADDRESSING MODES The CPU uses eight addressing modes for flexibility in accessing data. The addressing modes define the manner in which the CPU finds the data required to execute an instruction. The eight addressing modes are the following: • Inherent • Immediate • Direct • Extended • Indexed, No Offset • Indexed, 8-Bit Offset • Indexed, 16-Bit Offset • Relative 12.1.1 Inherent Inherent instructions are those that have no operand, such as return from interrupt (RTI) and stop (STOP). Some of the inherent instructions act on data in the CPU registers, such as set carry flag (SEC) and increment accumulator (INCA). Inherent instructions require no memory address and are one byte long. 12.1.2 Immediate Immediate instructions are those that contain a value to be used in an operation with the value in the accumulator or index register. Immediate instructions require no memory address and are two bytes long. The opcode is the first byte, and the immediate data value is the second byte. MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 INSTRUCTION SET For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 12-1 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION August 28, 1998 12.1.3 Direct Direct instructions can access any of the first 256 memory addresses with two bytes. The first byte is the opcode, and the second is the low byte of the operand address. In direct addressing, the CPU automatically uses $00 as the high byte of the operand address. BRSET and BRCLR are three-byte instructions that use direct addressing to access the operand and relative addressing to specify a branch destination. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 12.1.4 Extended Extended instructions use only three bytes to access any address in memory. The first byte is the opcode; the second and third bytes are the high and low bytes of the operand address. When using the Motorola assembler, the programmer does not need to specify whether an instruction is direct or extended. The assembler automatically selects the shortest form of the instruction. 12.1.5 Indexed, No Offset Indexed instructions with no offset are one-byte instructions that can access data with variable addresses within the first 256 memory locations. The index register contains the low byte of the conditional address of the operand. The CPU automatically uses $00 as the high byte, so these instructions can address locations $0000–$00FF. Indexed, no offset instructions are often used to move a pointer through a table or to hold the address of a frequently used RAM or I/O location. 12.1.6 Indexed, 8-Bit Offset Indexed, 8-bit offset instructions are two-byte instructions that can access data with variable addresses within the first 511 memory locations. The CPU adds the unsigned byte in the index register to the unsigned byte following the opcode. The sum is the conditional address of the operand. These instructions can access locations $0000–$01FE. Indexed 8-bit offset instructions are useful for selecting the kth element in an n-element table. The table can begin anywhere within the first 256 memory locations and could extend as far as location 510 ($01FE). The k value is typically in the index register, and the address of the beginning of the table is in the byte following the opcode. MOTOROLA 12-2 INSTRUCTION SET For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. August 28, 1998 GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION 12.1.7 Indexed, 16-Bit Offset Indexed, 16-bit offset instructions are three-byte instructions that can access data with variable addresses at any location in memory. The CPU adds the unsigned byte in the index register to the two unsigned bytes following the opcode. The sum is the conditional address of the operand. The first byte after the opcode is the high byte of the 16-bit offset; the second byte is the low byte of the offset. These instructions can address any location in memory. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Indexed, 16-bit offset instructions are useful for selecting the kth element in an n-element table anywhere in memory. As with direct and extended addressing, the Motorola assembler determines the shortest form of indexed addressing. 12.1.8 Relative Relative addressing is only for branch instructions. If the branch condition is true, the CPU finds the conditional branch destination by adding the signed byte following the opcode to the contents of the program counter. If the branch condition is not true, the CPU goes to the next instruction. The offset is a signed, two’s complement byte that gives a branching range of –128 to +127 bytes from the address of the next location after the branch instruction. When using the Motorola assembler, the programmer does not need to calculate the offset, because the assembler determines the proper offset and verifies that it is within the span of the branch. 12.1.9 Instruction Types The MCU instructions fall into the following five categories: • Register/Memory Instructions • Read-Modify-Write Instructions • Jump/Branch Instructions • Bit Manipulation Instructions • Control Instructions MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 INSTRUCTION SET For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 12-3 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION August 28, 1998 12.1.10 Register/Memory Instructions Most of these instructions use two operands. One operand is in either the accumulator or the index register. The CPU finds the other operand in memory. Table 12-1 lists the register/memory instructions. Table 12-1. Register/Memory Instructions Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Instruction MOTOROLA 12-4 Mnemonic Add Memory Byte and Carry Bit to Accumulator ADC Add Memory Byte to Accumulator ADD AND Memory Byte with Accumulator AND Bit Test Accumulator BIT Compare Accumulator CMP Compare Index Register with Memory Byte CPX EXCLUSIVE OR Accumulator with Memory Byte EOR Load Accumulator with Memory Byte LDA Load Index Register with Memory Byte LDX Multiply MUL OR Accumulator with Memory Byte ORA Subtract Memory Byte and Carry Bit from Accumulator SBC Store Accumulator in Memory STA Store Index Register in Memory STX Subtract Memory Byte from Accumulator SUB INSTRUCTION SET For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. August 28, 1998 GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION 12.1.11 Read-Modify-Write Instructions These instructions read a memory location or a register, modify its contents, and write the modified value back to the memory location or to the register. The test for negative or zero instruction (TST) is an exception to the read-modify-write sequence because it does not write a replacement value. Table 12-2 lists the read-modify-write instructions. Table 12-2. Read-Modify-Write Instructions Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Instruction Mnemonic Arithmetic Shift Left ASL Arithmetic Shift Right ASR Clear Bit in Memory BCLR Set Bit in Memory BSET Clear CLR Complement (One’s Complement) COM Decrement DEC Increment INC Logical Shift Left LSL Logical Shift Right LSR Negate (Two’s Complement) NEG Rotate Left through Carry Bit ROL Rotate Right through Carry Bit ROR Test for Negative or Zero TST 12.1.12 Jump/Branch Instructions Jump instructions allow the CPU to interrupt the normal sequence of the program counter. The unconditional jump instruction (JMP) and the jump to subroutine instruction (JSR) have no register operand. Branch instructions allow the CPU to interrupt the normal sequence of the program counter when a test condition is met. If the test condition is not met, the branch is not performed. All branch instructions use relative addressing. Bit test and branch instructions cause a branch based on the state of any readable bit in the first 256 memory locations. These three-byte instructions use a combination of direct addressing and relative addressing. The direct address of the byte to be tested is in the byte following the opcode. The third byte is the signed offset byte. The CPU finds the conditional branch destination by adding the MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 INSTRUCTION SET For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 12-5 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION August 28, 1998 third byte to the program counter if the specified bit tests true. The bit to be tested and its condition (set or clear) is part of the opcode. The span of branching is from –128 to +127 from the address of the next location after the branch instruction. The CPU also transfers the tested bit to the carry/borrow bit of the condition code register. Table 12-3 lists the jump and branch instructions. Table 12-3. Jump and Branch Instructions Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Instruction Branch if Carry Bit Clear BCC Branch if Carry Bit Set BCS Branch if Equal BEQ Branch if Half-Carry Bit Clear BHCC Branch if Half-Carry Bit Set BHCS Branch if Higher BHI Branch if Higher or Same BHS Branch if IRQ Pin High BIH Branch if IRQ Pin Low BIL Branch if Lower BLO Branch if Lower or Same BLS Branch if Interrupt Mask Clear BMC Branch if Minus BMI Branch if Interrupt Mask Set BMS Branch if Not Equal BNE Branch if Plus BPL Branch Always BRA Branch if Bit Clear BRCLR Branch Never BRN Branch if Bit Set MOTOROLA 12-6 Mnemonic BRSET Branch to Subroutine BSR Unconditional Jump JMP Jump to Subroutine JSR INSTRUCTION SET For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. August 28, 1998 GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION 12.1.13 Bit Manipulation Instructions The CPU can set or clear any writable bit in the first 256 bytes of memory. Port registers, port data direction registers, timer registers, and on-chip RAM locations are in the first 256 bytes of memory. The CPU can also test and branch based on the state of any bit in any of the first 256 memory locations. Bit manipulation instructions use direct addressing. Table 12-4 lists these instructions. Table 12-4. Bit Manipulation Instructions Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Instruction Clear Bit Mnemonic BCLR Branch if Bit Clear BRCLR Branch if Bit Set BRSET Set Bit BSET 12.1.14 Control Instructions These register reference instructions control CPU operation during program execution. Control instructions, listed in Table 12-5, use inherent addressing. Table 12-5. Control Instructions Instruction Clear Carry Bit CLC Clear Interrupt Mask CLI No Operation NOP Reset Stack Pointer RSP Return from Interrupt RTI Return from Subroutine RTS Set Carry Bit SEC Set Interrupt Mask SEI Stop Oscillator and Enable IRQ Pin MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 Mnemonic STOP Software Interrupt SWI Transfer Accumulator to Index Register TAX Transfer Index Register to Accumulator TXA Stop CPU Clock and Enable Interrupts WAIT INSTRUCTION SET For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 12-7 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION August 28, 1998 12.1.15 Instruction Set Summary Table 12-6 is an alphabetical list of all M68HC05 instructions and shows the effect of each instruction on the condition code register. ADD #opr ADD opr ADD opr ADD opr,X ADD opr,X ADD ,X AND #opr AND opr AND opr AND opr,X AND opr,X AND ,X ASL opr ASLA ASLX ASL opr,X ASL ,X ↕ IMM DIR EXT IX2 IX1 IX A9 ii B9 dd C9 hh ll D9 ee ff E9 ff F9 2 3 4 5 4 3 ↕ IMM DIR EXT IX2 IX1 IX AB ii BB dd CB hh ll DB ee ff EB ff FB 2 3 4 5 4 3 — IMM DIR EXT IX2 IX1 IX A4 ii B4 dd C4 hh ll D4 ee ff E4 ff F4 2 3 4 5 4 3 Effect on CCR Description H I N Z C A ← (A) + (M) + (C) Add with Carry ↕ A ← (A) + (M) Add without Carry ↕ A ← (A) ∧ (M) Logical AND Arithmetic Shift Left (Same as LSL) ASR opr ASRA ASRX ASR opr,X ASR ,X Arithmetic Shift Right BCC rel Branch if Carry Bit Clear C — — — 0 b7 — ↕ ↕ ↕ ↕ ↕ ↕ 38 48 58 68 78 dd DIR INH INH IX1 IX 37 47 57 67 77 dd REL 24 rr 3 DIR (b0) DIR (b1) DIR (b2) DIR (b3) — — — — — DIR (b4) DIR (b5) DIR (b6) DIR (b7) 11 13 15 17 19 1B 1D 1F dd dd dd dd dd dd dd dd 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 — — ↕ ↕ ↕ ↕ b0 C b7 — — ↕ ↕ ↕ b0 PC ← (PC) + 2 + rel ? C = 0 Mn ← 0 Cycles Opcode ADC #opr ADC opr ADC opr ADC opr,X ADC opr,X ADC ,X Operation Address Mode Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Source Form Operand Table 12-6. Instruction Set Summary — — — — — ff ff 5 3 3 6 5 5 3 3 6 5 BCLR n opr Clear Bit n BCS rel Branch if Carry Bit Set (Same as BLO) PC ← (PC) + 2 + rel ? C = 1 — — — — — REL 25 rr 3 BEQ rel Branch if Equal PC ← (PC) + 2 + rel ? Z = 1 — — — — — REL 27 rr 3 MOTOROLA 12-8 INSTRUCTION SET For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. August 28, 1998 GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION Address Mode Opcode Operand Cycles Table 12-6. Instruction Set Summary (Continued) BHCC rel Branch if Half-Carry Bit Clear PC ← (PC) + 2 + rel ? H = 0 — — — — — REL 28 rr 3 BHCS rel Branch if Half-Carry Bit Set PC ← (PC) + 2 + rel ? H = 1 — — — — — REL 29 rr 3 BHI rel Branch if Higher PC ← (PC) + 2 + rel ? C ∨ Z = 0 — — — — — REL 22 rr 3 BHS rel Branch if Higher or Same BIH rel BIL rel Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Source Form Operation Description Effect on CCR H I N Z C PC ← (PC) + 2 + rel ? C = 0 — — — — — REL 24 rr 3 Branch if IRQ Pin High PC ← (PC) + 2 + rel ? IRQ = 1 — — — — — REL 2F rr 3 Branch if IRQ Pin Low PC ← (PC) + 2 + rel ? IRQ = 0 — — — — — REL 2E rr 3 — — — IMM DIR EXT IX2 IX1 IX A5 ii B5 dd C5 hh ll D5 ee ff E5 ff F5 p 2 3 4 5 4 3 — — — — — REL 25 rr 3 PC ← (PC) + 2 + rel ? C ∨ Z = 1 — — — — — REL 23 rr 3 BIT #opr BIT opr BIT opr BIT opr,X BIT opr,X BIT ,X Bit Test Accumulator with Memory Byte BLO rel Branch if Lower (Same as BCS) BLS rel Branch if Lower or Same BMC rel Branch if Interrupt Mask Clear PC ← (PC) + 2 + rel ? I = 0 — — — — — REL 2C rr 3 BMI rel Branch if Minus PC ← (PC) + 2 + rel ? N = 1 — — — — — REL 2B rr 3 BMS rel Branch if Interrupt Mask Set PC ← (PC) + 2 + rel ? I = 1 — — — — — REL 2D rr 3 BNE rel Branch if Not Equal PC ← (PC) + 2 + rel ? Z = 0 — — — — — REL 26 rr 3 BPL rel Branch if Plus PC ← (PC) + 2 + rel ? N = 0 — — — — — REL 2A rr 3 BRA rel Branch Always PC ← (PC) + 2 + rel ? 1 = 1 — — — — — REL 20 rr 3 ↕ DIR (b0) DIR (b1) DIR (b2) DIR (b3) DIR (b4) DIR (b5) DIR (b6) DIR (b7) 01 03 05 07 09 0B 0D 0F dd rr dd rr dd rr dd rr dd rr dd rr dd rr dd rr 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 ↕ DIR (b0) DIR (b1) DIR (b2) DIR (b3) DIR (b4) DIR (b5) DIR (b6) DIR (b7) 00 02 04 06 08 0A 0C 0E dd rr dd rr dd rr dd rr dd rr dd rr dd rr dd rr 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 REL 21 rr 3 BRCLR n opr rel Branch if bit n clear BRSET n opr rel Branch if Bit n Set BRN rel Branch Never MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 (A) ∧ (M) PC ← (PC) + 2 + rel ? C = 1 PC ← (PC) + 2 + rel ? Mn = 0 PC ← (PC) + 2 + rel ? Mn = 1 PC ← (PC) + 2 + rel ? 1 = 0 ↕ ↕ — — — — — — — — — — — — — INSTRUCTION SET For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 12-9 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION August 28, 1998 CLC Clear Carry Bit CLI Clear Interrupt Mask CPX #opr CPX opr CPX opr CPX opr,X CPX opr,X CPX ,X DEC opr DECA DECX DEC opr,X DEC ,X EOR #opr EOR opr EOR opr EOR opr,X EOR opr,X EOR ,X MOTOROLA 12-10 Cycles BSR rel Branch to Subroutine COM opr COMA COMX COM opr,X COM ,X dd dd dd dd dd dd dd dd 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 PC ← (PC) + 2; push (PCL) SP ← (SP) – 1; push (PCH) SP ← (SP) – 1 PC ← (PC) + rel — — — — — REL AD rr 6 C←0 — — — — 0 INH 98 I←0 — 0 — — — INH 9A — — 0 1 — DIR INH INH IX1 IX 3F 4F 5F 6F 7F ↕ IMM DIR EXT IX2 IX1 IX A1 ii B1 dd C1 hh ll D1 ee ff E1 ff F1 1 DIR INH INH IX1 IX 33 43 53 63 73 ↕ IMM DIR EXT IX2 IX1 IX A3 ii B3 dd C3 hh ll D3 ee ff E3 ff F3 — DIR INH INH IX1 IX 3A 4A 5A 6A 7A IMM DIR EXT IX2 IX1 IX A8 ii B8 dd C8 hh ll D8 ee ff E8 ff F8 Mn ← 1 Set Bit n CMP #opr CMP opr CMP opr CMP opr,X CMP opr,X CMP ,X 10 12 14 16 18 1A 1C 1E Effect on CCR H I N Z C BSET n opr CLR opr CLRA CLRX CLR opr,X CLR ,X DIR (b0) DIR (b1) DIR (b2) DIR (b3) — — — — — DIR (b4) DIR (b5) DIR (b6) DIR (b7) Description M ← $00 A ← $00 X ← $00 M ← $00 M ← $00 Clear Byte Compare Accumulator with Memory Byte Complement Byte (One’s Complement) (A) – (M) M ← (M) = $FF – (M) A ← (A) = $FF – (M) X ← (X) = $FF – (M) M ← (M) = $FF – (M) M ← (M) = $FF – (M) Compare Index Register with Memory Byte (X) – (M) Decrement Byte M ← (M) – 1 A ← (A) – 1 X ← (X) – 1 M ← (M) – 1 M ← (M) – 1 EXCLUSIVE OR Accumulator with Memory Byte A ← (A) ⊕ (M) — — — — — — — — — — ↕ ↕ ↕ ↕ ↕ ↕ ↕ ↕ ↕ ↕ INSTRUCTION SET For More Information On This Product, Go to: — Address Mode Operation Operand Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Source Form Opcode Table 12-6. Instruction Set Summary (Continued) 2 2 dd ff dd ff dd ff 5 3 3 6 5 2 3 4 5 4 3 5 3 3 6 5 2 3 4 5 4 3 5 3 3 6 5 2 3 4 5 4 3 MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. August 28, 1998 GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION JSR opr JSR opr JSR opr,X JSR opr,X JSR ,X LDA #opr LDA opr LDA opr LDA opr,X LDA opr,X LDA ,X LDX #opr LDX opr LDX opr LDX opr,X LDX opr,X LDX ,X LSL opr LSLA LSLX LSL opr,X LSL ,X Cycles JMP opr JMP opr JMP opr,X JMP opr,X JMP ,X Operand Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... INC opr INCA INCX INC opr,X INC ,X Operation Opcode Source Form Address Mode Table 12-6. Instruction Set Summary (Continued) DIR INH INH IX1 IX 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C dd 5 3 3 6 5 — — — — — DIR EXT IX2 IX1 IX BC dd CC hh ll DC ee ff EC ff FC 2 3 4 3 2 — — — — — DIR EXT IX2 IX1 IX BD dd CD hh ll DD ee ff ED ff FD 5 6 7 6 5 — — — IMM DIR EXT IX2 IX1 IX A6 ii B6 dd C6 hh ll D6 ee ff E6 ff F6 2 3 4 5 4 3 — IMM DIR EXT IX2 IX1 IX AE ii BE dd CE hh ll DE ee ff EE ff FE 2 3 4 5 4 3 38 48 58 68 78 dd ↕ DIR INH INH IX1 IX DIR INH INH IX1 IX 34 44 54 64 74 dd Effect on CCR Description H I N Z C M ← (M) + 1 A ← (A) + 1 X ← (X) + 1 M ← (M) + 1 M ← (M) + 1 Increment Byte — — Unconditional Jump PC ← Jump Address Jump to Subroutine PC ← (PC) + n (n = 1, 2, or 3) Push (PCL); SP ← (SP) – 1 Push (PCH); SP ← (SP) – 1 PC ← Conditional Address Load Accumulator with Memory Byte A ← (M) Load Index Register with Memory Byte Logical Shift Left (Same as ASL) LSR opr LSRA LSRX LSR opr,X LSR ,X Logical Shift Right MUL Unsigned Multiply X ← (M) C 0 b7 Negate Byte (Two’s Complement) NOP No Operation MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 — — ↕ ↕ ↕ ↕ ↕ ↕ ↕ — b0 0 C b7 NEG opr NEGA NEGX NEG opr,X NEG ,X — — ↕ — — 0 ↕ ↕ b0 X : A ← (X) × (A) M ← –(M) = $00 – (M) A ← –(A) = $00 – (A) X ← –(X) = $00 – (X) M ← –(M) = $00 – (M) M ← –(M) = $00 – (M) 0 — — — 0 — — ↕ ↕ ↕ — — — — — INSTRUCTION SET For More Information On This Product, Go to: INH 42 DIR INH INH IX1 IX 30 40 50 60 70 INH 9D ff ff ff 5 3 3 6 5 5 3 3 6 5 11 ii ff 5 3 3 6 5 2 MOTOROLA 12-11 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION August 28, 1998 ROL opr ROLA ROLX ROL opr,X ROL ,X — IMM DIR EXT IX2 IX1 IX AA ii BA dd CA hh ll DA ee ff EA ff FA 39 49 59 69 79 dd ↕ DIR INH INH IX1 IX DIR INH INH IX1 IX 36 46 56 66 76 dd INH 9C 2 INH 80 9 — — — — — INH 81 6 — — ↕ IMM DIR EXT IX2 IX1 IX A2 ii B2 dd C2 hh ll D2 ee ff E2 ff F2 2 3 4 5 4 3 Effect on CCR Description H I N Z C Logical OR Accumulator with Memory Rotate Byte Left through Carry Bit A ← (A) ∨ (M) — — C — — b7 ↕ ↕ ↕ ↕ b0 ROR opr RORA RORX ROR opr,X ROR ,X Rotate Byte Right through Carry Bit RSP Reset Stack Pointer SP ← $00FF RTI Return from Interrupt SP ← (SP) + 1; Pull (CCR) SP ← (SP) + 1; Pull (A) SP ← (SP) + 1; Pull (X) SP ← (SP) + 1; Pull (PCH) SP ← (SP) + 1; Pull (PCL) RTS Return from Subroutine SP ← (SP) + 1; Pull (PCH) SP ← (SP) + 1; Pull (PCL) C b7 — — ↕ ↕ ↕ b0 — — — — — ↕ ↕ ↕ ↕ ↕ ff ff Cycles Opcode Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... ORA #opr ORA opr ORA opr ORA opr,X ORA opr,X ORA ,X Operation Address Mode Source Form Operand Table 12-6. Instruction Set Summary (Continued) 2 3 4 5 4 3 5 3 3 6 5 5 3 3 6 5 SBC #opr SBC opr SBC opr SBC opr,X SBC opr,X SBC ,X Subtract Memory Byte and Carry Bit from Accumulator SEC Set Carry Bit C←1 — — — — 1 INH 99 2 SEI Set Interrupt Mask I←1 — 1 — — — INH 9B 2 — — — DIR EXT IX2 IX1 IX B7 dd C7 hh ll D7 ee ff E7 ff F7 4 5 6 5 4 — 0 — — — INH 8E 2 — — DIR EXT IX2 IX1 IX BF dd CF hh ll DF ee ff EF ff FF 4 5 6 5 4 STA opr STA opr STA opr,X STA opr,X STA ,X Store Accumulator in Memory STOP Stop Oscillator and Enable IRQ Pin STX opr STX opr STX opr,X STX opr,X STX ,X MOTOROLA 12-12 Store Index Register In Memory A ← (A) – (M) – (C) M ← (A) M ← (X) ↕ ↕ ↕ ↕ ↕ ↕ INSTRUCTION SET For More Information On This Product, Go to: — MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. August 28, 1998 GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION A0 ii B0 dd C0 hh ll D0 ee ff E0 ff F0 2 3 4 5 4 3 Subtract Memory Byte from Accumulator Software Interrupt TAX Transfer Accumulator to Index Register A ← (A) – (M) INH 83 10 — — — — — INH 97 2 — — DIR INH INH IX1 IX 3D 4D 5D 6D 7D — — — — — INH 9F 2 — 0 — — — INH 8F 2 Test Memory Byte for Negative or Zero TXA Transfer Index Register to Accumulator WAIT Stop CPU Clock and Enable Interrupts ↕ ↕ ↕ PC ← (PC) + 1; Push (PCL) SP ← (SP) – 1; Push (PCH) SP ← (SP) – 1; Push (X) SP ← (SP) – 1; Push (A) — 1 — — — SP ← (SP) – 1; Push (CCR) SP ← (SP) – 1; I ← 1 PCH ← Interrupt Vector High Byte PCL ← Interrupt Vector Low Byte X ← (A) TST opr TSTA TSTX TST opr,X TST ,X (M) – $00 A ← (X) Accumulator Carry/borrow flag Condition code register Direct address of operand Direct address of operand and relative offset of branch instruction Direct addressing mode High and low bytes of offset in indexed, 16-bit offset addressing Extended addressing mode Offset byte in indexed, 8-bit offset addressing Half-carry flag High and low bytes of operand address in extended addressing Interrupt mask Immediate operand byte Immediate addressing mode Inherent addressing mode Indexed, no offset addressing mode Indexed, 8-bit offset addressing mode Indexed, 16-bit offset addressing mode Memory location Negative flag Any bit MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 — — opr PC PCH PCL REL rel rr SP X Z # ∧ ∨ ⊕ () –( ) ← ? : ↕ — ↕ ↕ — dd ff Cycles IMM DIR EXT IX2 IX1 IX Effect on CCR Description H I N Z C SWI A C CCR dd dd rr DIR ee ff EXT ff H hh ll I ii IMM INH IX IX1 IX2 M N n Opcode Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... SUB #opr SUB opr SUB opr SUB opr,X SUB opr,X SUB ,X Operation Address Mode Source Form Operand Table 12-6. Instruction Set Summary (Continued) 4 3 3 5 4 Operand (one or two bytes) Program counter Program counter high byte Program counter low byte Relative addressing mode Relative program counter offset byte Relative program counter offset byte Stack pointer Index register Zero flag Immediate value Logical AND Logical OR Logical EXCLUSIVE OR Contents of Negation (two’s complement) Loaded with If Concatenated with Set or cleared Not affected INSTRUCTION SET For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 12-13 MSB LSB 0 Table 12-7. Opcode Map INH INH IMM DIR Control IX 2 2 2 MOTOROLA 12-14 2 2 IMM 2 2 CMP IMM 2 2 SBC IMM 2 2 CPX IMM 2 2 AND IMM 2 2 BIT IMM 2 2 2 2 IMM 2 LDA EOR IMM 2 2 ADC IMM 2 2 ORA IMM 2 2 6 2 IMM 2 ADD BSR INSTRUCTION SET 0 3 IX2 IX1 IX STX LDX JSR JMP ADD ORA ADC EOR STA LDA BIT AND CPX SBC CMP SUB EXT IX1 1 4 CMP IX1 1 4 SBC IX1 1 4 CPX IX1 1 4 IX1 1 5 IX1 1 4 IX1 1 4 AND BIT LDA STA IX1 1 4 EOR IX1 1 4 ADC IX1 1 4 ORA IX1 1 4 ADD IX1 1 3 IX1 1 IX1 1 5 IX1 1 4 IX1 1 6 JMP JSR LDX STX DIR Number of Bytes/Addressing Mode 4 F IX2 2 5 IX2 2 5 IX2 2 6 IX2 2 5 IX2 2 7 IX2 2 5 IX2 2 6 IX2 2 SUB E 5 D STX LDX JSR JMP IX2 2 4 ADD IX2 2 5 ORA IX2 2 5 ADC IX2 2 5 EOR STA LDA BIT AND IX2 2 5 CPX IX2 2 5 SBC IX2 2 5 CMP IX2 2 5 SUB C SUB LDA EXT 3 4 BIT EXT 3 4 AND EXT 3 4 CPX EXT 3 4 SBC EXT 3 4 CMP EXT 3 4 4 Register/Memory DIR 3 3 DIR 3 3 EXT 3 5 STA EXT 3 4 EOR EXT 3 4 ADC EXT 3 4 ORA EXT 3 4 ADD EXT 3 3 JMP EXT 3 6 JSR EXT 3 4 LDX EXT 3 5 EXT 3 STX 5 Number of Cycles MSB of Opcode in Hexadecimal DIR 3 STX DIR 3 4 LDX DIR 3 3 JSR DIR 3 5 JMP DIR 3 2 ADD DIR 3 3 ORA DIR 3 3 ADC DIR 3 3 EOR DIR 3 3 STA DIR 3 4 LDA BIT AND DIR 3 3 CPX DIR 3 3 SBC DIR 3 3 CMP DIR 3 3 SUB IX1 2 INH Read-Modify-Write INH 6 RTS INH 10 INH SWI INH 2 CLC INH 2 2 INH 2 2 SEC CLI INH 2 2 SEI INH 2 2 RSP INH 2 NOP REL 2 2 3 BRSET0 Opcode Mnemonic 2 IMM 2 LDX MSB 0 LSB 2 INH 2 2 INH TXA SUB INH 2 DIR 1 9 REL 5 IX 1 5 IX 5 IX 5 RTI DIR 5 DIR Bit Manipulation Branch COM LSR ROR ASR IX 1 B IX1 1 6 6 IX1 1 IX1 1 6 COM LSR ROR NEG A 6 9 3 3 NEG 8 3 7 RORX INH 2 LSRX INH 2 3 COMX INH 2 NEGX 6 3 11 COMA INH 3 MUL INH 1 NEGA 5 5 1 DIR 1 NEG 5 INH 1 3 INH 1 LSRA 3 IX1 1 6 ASR IX 5 IX 5 1 1 1 1 2 1 STOP IX 5 1 INH 1 WAIT INH 2 IX 5 IX 4 IX 5 IX 1 LSB of Opcode in Hexadecimal CLR TST INC DEC ROL ASL/LSL IX1 1 6 IX1 1 6 ROL IX1 1 6 IX1 1 5 6 IX1 1 DEC INC TST IX1 1 6 IX1 1 CLR 2 4 3 2 3 BRA COM DIR 1 5 DIR 1 LSR RORA INH 2 3 ASRX INH 2 3 INH 2 3 ROLX INH 2 3 3 INH 2 DECX INCX INH 2 3 TSTX INH 2 3 INH 2 CLRX TAX 2 5 REL 2 3 BRN REL 3 BHI REL 3 BLS REL 2 3 BCC 5 INH 1 3 ASRA INH 1 3 INH 1 3 ROLA INH 1 3 3 INH 1 DECA INCA INH 1 3 TSTA INH 1 3 INH 1 CLRA 1 1 BSET0 DIR 2 5 BCLR0 DIR 2 5 BSET1 DIR 2 5 BCLR1 DIR 2 5 BSET2 REL 2 3 ROR DIR 1 5 ASR DIR 1 5 5 5 DIR 1 CLR DIR 1 TST DIR 1 4 INC DIR 1 DEC DIR 1 5 ROL DIR 1 5 ASL/LSL ASLA/LSLA ASLX/LSLX ASL/LSL REL 2 BIH REL 3 BIL REL 2 3 BMS REL 2 3 BMC REL 3 BMI REL 2 3 BPL REL 2 3 BHCS REL 2 3 BHCC REL 2 3 BEQ REL 2 3 BNE REL 3 BCS/BLO DIR 2 5 BCLR2 DIR 2 5 BSET3 DIR 2 5 BCLR3 DIR 2 5 BSET4 DIR 2 5 BCLR4 DIR 2 5 BSET5 DIR 2 5 BCLR5 DIR 2 5 BSET6 DIR 2 5 BCLR6 DIR 2 5 BSET7 DIR 2 5 DIR 2 BCLR7 1 0 5 BRSET0 3 DIR 2 5 BRCLR0 3 DIR 2 5 BRSET1 3 DIR 2 5 BRCLR1 3 DIR 2 5 BRSET2 3 DIR 2 5 BRCLR2 3 DIR 2 5 BRSET3 3 DIR 2 5 BRCLR3 3 DIR 2 5 BRSET4 3 DIR 2 5 BRCLR4 3 DIR 2 5 BRSET5 3 DIR 2 5 BRCLR5 3 DIR 2 5 BRSET6 3 DIR 2 5 BRCLR6 3 DIR 2 5 BRSET7 3 DIR 2 5 DIR 2 BRCLR7 3 REL = Relative IX = Indexed, No Offset IX1 = Indexed, 8-Bit Offset IX2 = Indexed, 16-Bit Offset 3 IX 3 IX 3 IX 3 IX 3 IX 3 IX 3 IX 4 IX 3 IX 3 IX 3 IX 3 IX 2 IX 5 IX 3 IX 4 IX MSB LSB 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F For More Information On This Product, Go to: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F INH = Inherent IMM = Immediate DIR = Direct EXT = Extended Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. August 28, 1998 GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION SECTION 13 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 13.1 MAXIMUM RATINGS Table 13-1. Maximum Ratings (Voltages referenced to VSS) Rating Symbol Value Unit Supply Voltage VDD –0.3 to +7.0 V Input Voltage VIN VSS –0.3 to VDD +0.3 V EPROM Programming Voltage VPP 15 V I –25 mA TA TL to TH 0 to +70 –40 to +85 °C TSTG –65 to +150 °C Current Drain Per Pin Excluding PB1, PB2, VDD and VSS Operating Temperature Range (Standard) (Extended) Storage Temperature Range This device contains circuitry to protect the inputs against damage due to high static voltages or electric fields; however, it is advised that normal precautions be taken to avoid application of any voltage higher than maximum-rated voltages to this high-impedance circuit. For proper operation, it is recommended that VIN and VOUT be constrained to the range VSS ≤ (VIN or VOUT) ≤ VDD. Reliability of operation is enhanced if unused inputs are connected to an appropriate logic voltage level (e.g., either VSS or VDD). 13.2 THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Table 13-2. Thermal Characteristics Characteristic Thermal Resistance 20-Pin PDIP 20-Pin SOIC MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 Symbol Value Unit θ JA θ JA 68 91 °C/W °C/W ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 13-1 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION 13.3 August 28, 1998 DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Table 13-3. DC Electrical Characteristics (VDD = 4.2V to 5.5V, VSS = 0 Vdc, TA = 0°C to +70°C, unless otherwise noted) Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Characteristic Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Output Voltage ILoad = 10.0 µA VOL VOH — VDD –0.1 — — 0.1 — V Output High Voltage (ILoad =–0.8 mA) PA0-5, PB0 VOH VDD –0.8 — — V VOL — — — — — — 0.4 0.4 0.5 Input High Voltage PA0-7, PB0-2, IRQ, RESET, OSC1 VIH 0.7×VDD — VDD V Input Low Voltage PA0-7, PB0-2, IRQ, RESET, OSC1 VIL VSS — 0.2×VDD V 10 2.3 8.8 1.0 12 4.0 10 2.0 mA mA mA mA 200 300 250 400 µA µA Output Low Voltage (ILoad = 1.6 mA) PA0-3, PB0 (ILoad = 8.0 mA) PA4-7 (ILoad = 25.0 mA) PB1, PB2 (note 8) Supply Current (see Notes) Run (USB active) Run (USB suspended) Wait (USB active) Wait (USB suspended) Stop IDD — 25°C 0°C to +70°C V I/O Ports Hi-Z Leakage Current PA0-7, PB0-2 (without individual pulldown/up activated) IZ — — ±10 µA Input Pulldown Current PA0-7, PB0 (with individual pulldown activated) IIL 50 100 200 µA Input Current RESET, IRQ, OSC1 Iin — — ±1 µA Cout Cin — — — — 12 8 pF pF ROSC 1.0 2.0 3.0 MΩ RPULL-UP 25 100 200 KΩ LVR Inhibit (see note 9) VLVRI 3.0 3.3 3.6 V LVR Recover (see note 9) VLVRR 3.1 3.5 3.7 V Capacitance Ports (as Input or Output) RESET, IRQ, OSC1, OSC2 Crystal/Ceramic Resonator Oscillator Mode Internal Resistor OSC1 to OSC2 Pullup Resistor PB1, PB2 MOTOROLA 13-2 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. August 28, 1998 GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION NOTES: 1. All values shown reflect average measurements. 2. Typical values at midpoint of voltage range, 25 °C only. 3. Wait IDD: Only timer system (MFT) active. 4. Run (Operating) IDD, Wait IDD: Measured using external square wave clock source to OSC1 (f OSC = 6.0 MHz), all inputs 0.2 VDC from rail; no DC loads, less than 50pF on all outputs, C L = 20 pF on OSC2. 5. Wait, Stop IDD: All ports configured as inputs, VIL = 0.2 VDC, VIH = VDD-0.2 VDC. 6. Stop IDD measured with OSC1 = VSS. 7. Wait IDD is affected linearly by the OSC2 capacitance. 8. TA = 0°C to +40°C. 9. These are preliminary specifications. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 13.4 USB DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Table 13-4. USB DC Electrical Characteristics (VDD = 4.2V to 5.5V, VSS = 0 Vdc, TA = 0°C to +70°C, unless otherwise noted) Characteristic Symbol Conditions Min Hi-Z State Data LIne Leakage ILO 0V<Vin<3.3V –10 Differential Input Sensitivity VDI |(D+)–(D–)|, and Figure 12-1 0.2 Differential Common Mode Range VCM Includes VDI range 0.8 2.5 V Single Ended Receiver Threshold VSE 0.8 2.0 V Static Output Low VOL RL of 1.5k to 3.6V 0.3 V Static Output High VOH RL of 15k to GND 2.8 3.6 V 3.3V External Reference Pin V3.3 IL=200µA 3.0 3.6 V MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS For More Information On This Product, Go to: Typ Max Unit +10 µA V 3.3 MOTOROLA 13-3 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION 13.5 August 28, 1998 USB LOW SPEED SOURCE ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Table 13-5. USB Low Speed Source Electrical Characteristics Parameter Symbol Transition time: Rise Time TR Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Fall Time TF Rise/Fall Time Matching TRFM Output Signal Crossover Voltage VCRS Conditions (Notes 1,2,3) Notes 4, 5, 8 CL=50pF CL=350pF CL=50pF CL=350pF TR/TF Min Typ Max 75 Unit 300 ns ns ns ns 80 120 % 1.3 2.0 V 1.5225 656.8 Mbs ns 300 75 1.4775 676.8 1.500 666.0 TDRATE 1.5Mbs ±1.5% Source Differential Driver Jitter To Next Transition For Paired Transitions TUDJ1 TUDJ2 CL=350pF Notes 6,7 and Figure 12-2 –25 –10 25 10 ns ns Receiver Data Jitter Tolerance To Next Transition For Paired Transitions TDJR1 TDJR2 CL=350pF Notes 7 and Figure 12-4 –75 –45 75 45 ns ns Low Speed Data Rate Source EOP Width TEOPT Note 7 and Figure 12-3 1.25 1.50 µs Differential to EOP Transition Skew TDEOP Note 7 and Figure 12-3 –40 100 ns Receiver EOP Width Must Reject as EOP Must Accept TEOPR1 TEOPR2 Note 7 and Figure 12-3 330 675 ns ns NOTES: 1. All voltages measured from local ground, unless otherwise specified. 2. All timings use a capacitive load of 50pF, unless otherwise specified. 3. Low speed timings have a 1.5k pull-up to 2.8V on the D- data line. 4. Measured from 10% to 90% of the data signal. 5. The rising and falling edges should be smooth transitional (monotonic). 6. Timing differences between the differential data signals. 7. Measured at crossover point of differential data signals. 8. Capacitive loading includes 50pF of tester capacitance. MOTOROLA 13-4 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. August 28, 1998 13.6 GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION CONTROL TIMING Table 13-6. Control Timing (VDD = 4.2V to 5.5V, VSS = 0 Vdc, TA = 0°C to +70°C, unless otherwise noted) Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Characteristic Symbol Min Max Units Frequency of Operation Crystal Oscillator Option External Clock Source fOSC fOSC — DC 6 6 MHz MHz Internal Operating Frequency Crystal Oscillator (fOSC ÷ 2) External Clock (fOSC ÷ 2) fOP fOP — DC 3 3 MHz MHz Cycle Time (1/fOP) tCYC 330 — ns RESET Pulse Width Low tRL 1.5 — tCYC IRQ Interrupt Pulse Width Low (Edge-Triggered) tILIH 0.5 — tCYC IRQ Interrupt Pulse Period tILIL note 1 — tCYC PA0 to PA3, Interrupt Pulse Width High (Edge-Triggered) tIHIL 0.5 — tCYC PA0 to PA3, Interrupt Pulse Period tIHIH note 1 — tCYC tOH, tOL — — ns tSLOW — — ns OSC1 Pulse Width Output High to Low Transition Period on PB1 (note 3) 1. The minimum period tILIL or tIHIH should not be less than the number of cycles it takes to execute the interrupt service routine plus 19 tCYC. 2. Effects of processing, temperature, and supply voltage (excluding tolerances of external R and C) 3. tslow is a parameter dependent on fOSC and loading. Typical value of tslow is TENTATIVELY set at 170 ns with minimal value of 130ns and maximal value of 185ns under the SIMULATION conditions that f OSC is 6.0 MHz and slow output transition feature is enabled. Capacitive loadings of 50pF on PB1-PB2, are assumed. Actual transition time will be specified to replace the TBDs when enough characterization has been done on various wafers from different lots. The values listed here represent data off simulation runs under the specified conditions. Under no circumstances should they be treated as the final specification. 13.7 EPROM PROGRAMMING SPECIFICATIONS Table 13-7. EPROM Programming Electrical Characteristics (VDD = 4.2V to 5.5V, VSS = 0 Vdc, TA = 0°C to +70°C, unless otherwise noted) Characteristic Symbol Min Typ Max Unit VPP 10 12 15 V IPP — 3 — mA tEPGM 1 4 — ms Programming Voltage IRQ/VPP Programming Current IRQ/VPP Programming Time per byte MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 13-5 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. August 28, 1998 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION MOTOROLA 13-6 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. August 28, 1998 GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION SECTION 14 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS This section provides the mechanical dimensions for the two available packages for MC68HC705JB2: the 20-Pin PDIP and 20-Pin SOIC. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 14.1 20-PIN PLASTIC DUAL-IN-LINE PACKAGE (PDIP) –A– 20 11 1 10 NOTES: 1. DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING PER ANSI Y14.5M, 1982. 2. CONTROLLING DIMENSION: INCH. 3. DIMENSION L TO CENTER OF LEAD WHEN FORMED PARALLEL. 4. DIMENSION B DOES NOT INCLUDE MOLD FLASH. B L C –T– K SEATING PLANE M N E G F J D 0.25 (0.010) 20 PL 0.25 (0.010) 20 PL M T A M T B M M DIM A B C D E F G J K L M N INCHES MIN MAX 1.010 1.070 0.240 0.260 0.150 0.180 0.015 0.022 0.050 BSC 0.050 0.070 0.100 BSC 0.008 0.015 0.110 0.140 0.300 BSC 0_ 15 _ 0.020 0.040 MILLIMETERS MIN MAX 25.66 27.17 6.10 6.60 3.81 4.57 0.39 0.55 1.27 BSC 1.27 1.77 2.54 BSC 0.21 0.38 2.80 3.55 7.62 BSC 0_ 15_ 0.51 1.01 Figure 14-1. 20-Pin PDIP Mechanical Dimensions MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 14-1 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. GENERAL RELEASE SPECIFICATION 14.2 August 28, 1998 20-PIN SURFACE-MOUNT SMALL OUTLINE PACKAGE (SOIC) NOTES: 1. DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING PER ANSI Y14.5M, 1982. 2. CONTROLLING DIMENSION: MILLIMETER. 3. DIMENSIONS A AND B DO NOT INCLUDE MOLD PROTRUSION. 4. MAXIMUM MOLD PROTRUSION 0.150 (0.006) PER SIDE. 5. DIMENSION D DOES NOT INCLUDE DAMBAR PROTRUSION. ALLOWABLE DAMBAR PROTRUSION SHALL BE 0.13 (0.005) TOTAL IN EXCESS OF D DIMENSION AT MAXIMUM MATERIAL CONDITION. –A– 20 11 –B– 10X P 0.010 (0.25) 1 M B M 10 20X D 0.010 (0.25) M T A B S J S Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... F R X 45 _ C –T– 18X G K SEATING PLANE DIM A B C D F G J K M P R MILLIMETERS MIN MAX 12.65 12.95 7.40 7.60 2.35 2.65 0.35 0.49 0.50 0.90 1.27 BSC 0.25 0.32 0.10 0.25 0_ 7_ 10.05 10.55 0.25 0.75 INCHES MIN MAX 0.499 0.510 0.292 0.299 0.093 0.104 0.014 0.019 0.020 0.035 0.050 BSC 0.010 0.012 0.004 0.009 0_ 7_ 0.395 0.415 0.010 0.029 M Figure 14-2. 20-Pin SOIC Mechanical Dimensions MOTOROLA 14-2 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC705JB2 REV 1.1 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. For More Information On This Product, Go to: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Motorola reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. Motorola makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does Motorola assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation consequential or incidental damages. "Typical" parameters which may be provided in Motorola data sheets and/or specifications can and do vary in different applications and actual performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including "Typicals" must be validated for each customer application by customer's technical experts. Motorola does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. Motorola products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use as components in systems intended for surgical implant into the body, or other applications intended to support or sustain life, or for any other application in which the failure of the Motorola product could create a situation where personal injury or death may occur. Should Buyer purchase or use Motorola products for any such unintended or unauthorized application, Buyer shall indemnify and hold Motorola and its officers, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates, and distributors harmless against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use, even if such claim alleges that Motorola was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the part. Motorola and are registered trademarks of Motorola, Inc. Motorola, Inc. is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. How to reach us: USA/EUROPE/Locations Not Listed: Motorola Literature Distribution; P.O. Box 5405, Denver, Colorado 80217. 1-800-441-2447 or 1-303-675-2140 JAPAN: Nippon Motorola Ltd. SPD, Strategic Planning Office 4-32-1, Nishi-Gotanda, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 141, Japan. 03-5487-8488 ASIA/PACIFIC: Motorola Semiconductors H.K. Ltd.; 8B Tai Ping Industrial Park, 51 Ting Kok Road, Tai Po, N.T., Hong Kong. 852-26629298 MfaxTM, Motorola Fax Back System: [email protected];; TOUCHTONE 1-602-244-6609; US and Canada ONLY 1-800-774-1848 HOME PAGE: Mfax is a trademark of Motorola, Inc. © Motorola, Inc., 1998 For More Information On This Product, Go to: