HT23C040H CMOS 512K´8-Bit High Speed Mask ROM Features · Operating voltage: 2.7V~5.5V · 512K´8-bit of mask ROM · Low power consumption · Mask option: chip enable CE/CE, and output enable - Operation: 25mA max. (VCC=5V) OE/OE/NC · TTL compatible inputs and outputs 10mA max. (VCC=3V) - Standby: 60mA max. (VCC=5V) 20mA max. (VCC=3V) · Access time: 90ns max. (VCC=5V) 250ns max. (VCC=3V) · Tristate outputs · Fully static operation · 32-pin DIP/SOP package General Description tion in multiple bus microprocessor systems. An additional feature of the HT23C040H is its ability to enter the standby mode whenever the chip enable (CE/CE) is inactive, thus reducing current consumption to below 60mA. The combination of these functions makes the chip suitable for high density low power memory applications. The HT23C040H is a read-only memory with high performance CMOS storage device whose 4096K of memory is arranged into 512K word by 8 bits. For application flexibility, the chip enable and output enable control pins can be selected as active high or active low. This flexibility not only allows easy interface with most microprocessors, but also eliminates bus conten- Block Diagram P re -c h a rg e C K T A 0 A d d re s s B u ffe rs A T D A 1 8 Y -D e c R O M C e ll A rra y ( 5 1 2 K ´ 8 - B its ) Z -D e c Z - s e le c to r X -D e c X Y P re -d e c o d e r P u ll- h ig h N M O S S e n s e A m p lifie r s C E /C E O E /O E /N C M u x M u x C T R L L a tc h O u tp u t B u ffe rs V S S Rev. 1.00 1 V C C D 0 D 7 August 15, 2002 HT23C040H Pin Assignment N C 1 3 2 V C C A 1 6 2 3 1 A 1 8 A 1 5 3 3 0 A 1 7 A 1 2 4 2 9 A 1 4 A 7 5 2 8 A 1 3 A 6 6 2 7 A 8 A 5 7 2 6 A 9 A 4 8 2 5 A 1 1 A 3 9 2 4 O E /O E /N C A 2 1 0 2 3 A 1 0 A 1 1 1 2 2 C E /C E A 0 1 2 2 1 D 7 D 0 1 3 2 0 D 6 D 1 1 4 1 9 D 5 D 2 1 5 1 8 D 4 V S S 1 6 1 7 D 3 H T 2 3 C 0 4 0 H 3 2 D IP -A /S O P -A Pin Description Pin Name I/O Description ¾ No connection A0~A18 I Address inputs D0~D7 O Data outputs VSS ¾ Negative power supply, ground NC CE/CE I Chip enable/Output enable input OE/OE/NC I Output enable input VCC ¾ Positive power supply Absolute Maximum Ratings Supply Voltage ............................................-0.3V to 6V Storage Temperature ............................-50°C to 125°C Input Voltage....................................-0.3V to VCC+0.3V Operating Temperature...........................-40°C to 85°C Note: These are stress ratings only. Stresses exceeding the range specified under ²Absolute Maximum Ratings² may cause substantial damage to the device. Functional operation of this device at other conditions beyond those listed in the specification is not implied and prolonged exposure to extreme conditions may affect device reliability. Rev. 1.00 2 August 15, 2002 HT23C040H D.C. Characteristics Symbol Ta=-40°C to 85°C Parameter Test Conditions Conditions VCC Min. Typ. Max. Unit 4.5 ¾ 5.5 V ¾ ¾ 25 mA Supply voltage: 4.5V~5.5V VCC Operating Voltage ¾ ¾ O/P No load, f=5MHz ICC1 Operating Current VIL1 Input Low Voltage 5V ¾ VSS ¾ 0.8 V VIH1 Input High Voltage 5V ¾ 2.2 ¾ VCC V VOL1 Output Low Voltage 5V IOL=3.2mA ¾ ¾ 0.4 V VOH1 Output High Voltage 5V IOH=-1mA 2.4 ¾ VCC V ILI Input Leakage Current 5V VIN=0 to VCC ¾ ¾ 10 mA ILO Output Leakage Current 5V VOUT=0 to VCC ¾ ¾ 10 mA 5V CE=VIL, CE=VIH ¾ ¾ 1.5 mA ¾ ¾ 60 mA ISTB1 Standby Current 5V ISTB2 Standby Current 5V CE£0.2V CE³VCC-0.2V CIN Input Capacitance (See note) ¾ f=1MHz ¾ ¾ 10 pF COUT Output Capacitance (See note) ¾ f=1MHz ¾ ¾ 10 pF 2.7 ¾ 3.3 V ¾ ¾ 10 mA Supply voltage: 2.7V~3.3V VCC Operating Voltage ¾ ¾ ICC2 Operating Current 3V VIL2 Input Low Voltage 3V ¾ VSS ¾ 0.4 V VIH2 Input High Voltage 3V ¾ 1.5 ¾ VCC V O/P No load, f=5MHz VOL2 Output Low Voltage 3V IOL=2mA ¾ ¾ 0.4 V VOH2 Output High Voltage 3V IOH=-0.6mA 1.5 ¾ VCC V ILI Input Leakage Current 3V VIN=0 to VCC ¾ ¾ 10 mA ILO Output Leakage Current 3V VOUT=0 to VCC ¾ ¾ 10 mA CIN Input Capacitance (See Note) ¾ f=1MHz ¾ ¾ 10 pF COUT Output Capacitance (See Note) ¾ f=1MHz ¾ ¾ 10 pF Note: These parameters are periodically sampled but not 100% tested. A.C. Characteristics Symbol Ta=-40°C to 85°C 3V±10% Parameter tCYC Cycle Time 5V±10% Unit Min. Max. Min. Max. 200 ¾ 90 ¾ ns tAA Address Access Time ¾ 250 ¾ 90 ns tACE Chip Enable Access Time ¾ 250 ¾ 90 ns tAOE Output Enable Access Time ¾ 150 ¾ 60 ns tOH Output Hold Time ¾ ¾ 7.5 ¾ ns tOD Output Disable Time (See Note) ¾ ¾ ¾ 60 ns tOE Output Enable Time (See Note) ¾ ¾ 7.5 ¾ ns Note: These parameters are periodically sampled but not 100% tested. Rev. 1.00 3 August 15, 2002 HT23C040H A.C. test condition V C C Output load: see figure right Input rise and fall time: 10ns 1 2 5 0 W Input pulse levels: 0.4V to 2.4V O u tp u t 7 7 5 W Input and output timing reference levels: 0.8V and 2.0V (VCC=5V) 1.5V (VCC=3V) 1 0 0 p F * * In c lu d in g s c o p e a n d jig Output load circuit Functional Description The HT23C040H has two modes, namely data read mode and standby mode, controlled by CE/CE and OE/OE/NC inputs. · Data read mode When both the chip enable (CE/CE) and the output enable (OE/OE/NC) are active, the chip is in data read mode. Otherwise, active CE/CE and inactive OE/OE/NC result in deselect mode. The output will remain in Hi-Z state. · Standby mode The HT23C040H offers lower current consumption, controlled by the chip enable input (CE/CE). When a low/high level is applied to the CE/CE input regardless of the output enable (OE/OE/NC) states the chip will enter the standby mode. Operation truth table Mode CE/CE OE/OE A0~A18 Read H/L H/L Valid Deselect H/L L/H X High Z Standby L/H X X High Z D0~D7 Data Out Note: H=VIH, L=VIL, X=VIH or VIL Timing Diagrams · Propagation delay due to address (CE/CE and OE/OE are active) tC Y C V a lid A d d re s s tA tO A H V a lid D o u t · Propagation delay due to chip and output enable (address valid) tA C E C E C E tA O E O E O E tO tO E D o u t Rev. 1.00 D V a lid 4 August 15, 2002 HT23C040H Package Information 32-pin DIP (600mil) outline dimensions A 1 7 3 2 B 1 6 1 H C D E Symbol Rev. 1.00 F = G I Dimensions in mil Min. Nom. Max. A 1635 ¾ 1665 B 535 ¾ 555 C 145 ¾ 155 D 125 ¾ 145 E 16 ¾ 20 F 50 ¾ 70 G ¾ 100 ¾ H 595 ¾ 615 I 635 ¾ 670 a 0° ¾ 15° 5 August 15, 2002 HT23C040H 32-pin SOP (450mil) outline dimensions 3 2 1 7 A B 1 1 6 C C ' G H D E Symbol Rev. 1.00 = F Dimensions in mil Min. Nom. Max. A 543 ¾ 557 B 440 ¾ 450 C 14 ¾ 20 C¢ ¾ ¾ 817 D 100 ¾ 112 E ¾ 50 ¾ F 4 ¾ ¾ G 32 ¾ 38 H 4 ¾ 12 a 0° ¾ 10° 6 August 15, 2002 HT23C040H Product Tape and Reel Specifications Reel dimensions D T 2 A C B T 1 SOP 32W Symbol Description Dimensions in mm A Reel Outer Diameter 330±1.0 B Reel Inner Diameter 100±0.1 C Spindle Hole Diameter 13.0+0.5 -0.2 D Key Slit Width 2.0±0.5 T1 Space Between Flange 32.8+0.3 -0.2 T2 Reel Thickness 38.2+0.2 Rev. 1.00 7 August 15, 2002 HT23C040H Carrier tape dimensions P 0 D P 1 t E F W D 1 C B 0 K 1 P K 2 A 0 SOP 32W Symbol Description Dimensions in mm W Carrier Tape Width 32.0+0.3 -0.1 P Cavity Pitch 16.0±0.1 E Perforation Position 1.75±0.1 F Cavity to Perforation (Width Direction) 14.2±0.1 D Perforation Diameter 1.55+0.1 D1 Cavity Hole Diameter 2.0+0.25 P0 Perforation Pitch 4.0±0.1 P1 Cavity to Perforation (Length Direction) 2.0±0.1 A0 Cavity Length 14.7±0.1 B0 Cavity Width 20.9±0.1 K1 Cavity Depth 3.0±0.1 K2 Cavity Depth 3.4±0.1 t Carrier Tape Thickness C Cover Tape Width Rev. 1.00 0.35±0.05 25.5 8 August 15, 2002 HT23C040H Holtek Semiconductor Inc. (Headquarters) No.3, Creation Rd. II, Science-based Industrial Park, Hsinchu, Taiwan Tel: 886-3-563-1999 Fax: 886-3-563-1189 Holtek Semiconductor Inc. (Sales Office) 11F, No.576, Sec.7 Chung Hsiao E. Rd., Taipei, Taiwan Tel: 886-2-2782-9635 Fax: 886-2-2782-9636 Fax: 886-2-2782-7128 (International sales hotline) Holtek Semiconductor (Shanghai) Inc. 7th Floor, Building 2, No.889, Yi Shan Rd., Shanghai, China Tel: 021-6485-5560 Fax: 021-6485-0313 Holtek Semiconductor (Hong Kong) Ltd. RM.711, Tower 2, Cheung Sha Wan Plaza, 833 Cheung Sha Wan Rd., Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: 852-2-745-8288 Fax: 852-2-742-8657 Holmate Semiconductor, Inc. 48531 Warm Springs Boulevard, Suite 413, Fremont, CA 94539 Tel: 510-252-9880 Fax: 510-252-9885 Copyright Ó 2002 by HOLTEK SEMICONDUCTOR INC. The information appearing in this Data Sheet is believed to be accurate at the time of publication. However, Holtek assumes no responsibility arising from the use of the specifications described. The applications mentioned herein are used solely for the purpose of illustration and Holtek makes no warranty or representation that such applications will be suitable without further modification, nor recommends the use of its products for application that may present a risk to human life due to malfunction or otherwise. Holtek reserves the right to alter its products without prior notification. For the most up-to-date information, please visit our web site at Rev. 1.00 9 August 15, 2002