CoreSDLC Product Summary • Netlist Version – Structural Verilog and VHDL Netlists (with and without I/O pads) Compatible with Actel's Designer Software Place-and-Route Tool – Compiled RTL Simulation Supported in Actel Libero IDE Intended Use • ISDN D-Channel • X.25 Networks • Frame Relay Networks • Custom Serial Interfaces • • Key Features Model Fully RTL Version – Verilog and VHDL Core Source Code – Core Synthesis Scripts Testbench (Verilog and VHDL) • Based on Intel's 80C152 Global Serial Channel Working in SDLC Mode • Single and Double-Byte Address Recognition • • Address Filtering Enables Multicast and Broadcast Addresses Synthesis: Synplicity®, Synopsys® (Design Compiler® / FPGA CompilerTM / FPGA ExpressTM), ExemplarTM • Simulation: OVI-Compliant Verilog Simulators and Vital-Compliant VHDL Simulators Synthesis and Simulation Support • 16-bit (CRC-16) and 32-bit (CRC-32) Frame Check Sequence • NRZ and NRZI Data Encoding • Automatic Bit Stuffing/Stripping • Comprehensive VHDL and Verilog Testbenches • 3-Byte Deep Internal Receive and Transmit FIFOs • • Full or Half-Duplex Operation User can Modify Testbench Using Existing Format to Add Custom Tests • Variable Baud Rate • External or Internal Transmit and Receive Clocks • Optional Preamble Generation • Programmable Interframe Space • Raw Transmit and Receive Testing Modes • All Major Actel Device Families Supported Core Verification Contents General Description ................................................... 1 CoreSDLC Device Requirements ................................ 3 CoreSDLC Verification ................................................ 3 I/O Signal Descriptions ............................................... 3 SDLC Protocol Overview ............................................ 4 Data Encoding ............................................................ 7 Bit Stuffing ................................................................. 7 Special Function Registers ......................................... 8 Modes of Operation ................................................ 15 General Description of the Transmitter .................. 16 General Description of the Receiver ....................... 17 Ordering Information .............................................. 20 List of Changes ......................................................... 21 Datasheet Categories ............................................... 21 Supported Families • Fusion • ProASIC3/E • ProASICPLUS • Axcelerator • SX-A • RTSX-S Core Deliverables • Evaluation Version – Compiled RTL Simulation Model Fully Supported in Actel Libero® Integrated Design Environment (IDE) December 2005 © 2005 Actel Corporation v 4 .0 1 CoreSDLC General Description The CoreSDLC macro provides a high-speed synchronous serial communication controller that utilizes the synchronous data link control (SDLC) protocol. Operation of the controller is similar to that used in the Intel 8XC152 Global Serial Channel (GSC) device working in SDLC mode under CPU control. Communication with a CPU is realized through the Special Function Register (SFR) interface and three interrupt sources. This enables interfacing CoreSDLC easily with any CPU. CoreSDLC consists of three primary blocks, as shown in Figure 1: sfrdatai[7:0] Shift Register CRC Checker 1. Receive logic – decodes and bit strips incoming data stream, detects flags, checks CRC, and shifts data into an internal three-byte deep receive FIFO. The receive logic also performs address detection, clock recovery, and frame sequencing. 2. Transmit logic – shifts data out of an internal three-byte deep transmit FIFO, generates a CRC, performs bit stuffing, flag insertion, and encoding of the transmit data stream. The transmit logic also performs frame sequencing. 3. SFR logic – provides a simple interface to an external processor or controller. Flag Detection Bit Stripping Data Decoder rxd Clock Recovery rxc sfrdatao[7:0] sfraddr[6:0] FIFO sfrw Data Receive Address Detection Receive Frame Sequencer sfrr Internal Signals SFR tv re Transmit Frame Sequencer Data rv txc FIFO ptv Transmit den pre Shift Register prv CRC Generator Bit Stuffing Flag Insertion Data Encoder txd Figure 1 • CoreSDLC Block Diagram CoreSDLC Device Requirements CoreSDLC has been implemented in several of Actel's device families. A summary of the implementation data is listed in Table 1. Table 1 • CoreSDLC Device Utilization and Performance Cells or Tiles Family Utilization Sequential Combinatorial Total Device Total Performance Fusion 408 878 1286 AFS600 10% 100 MHz ProASIC3/E 408 878 1286 A3PE600-2 10% 100 MHz ProASICPLUS 384 1337 1721 APA150-STD 28% 65 MHz Axcelerator 400 537 577 AX125-3 47% 140 MHz Note: Data in this table were achieved using typical synthesis and layout settings. 2 v4.0 CoreSDLC Table 1 • CoreSDLC Device Utilization and Performance (Continued) Cells or Tiles Family Utilization Sequential Combinatorial Total Device Total Performance SX-A 403 580 983 A54SX32A-3 35% 120 MHz RTSX-S 391 545 936 RT54SX32S-2 33% 75 MHz Note: Data in this table were achieved using typical synthesis and layout settings. CoreSDLC Verification The comprehensive verification simulation testbench (included with the Netlist and RTL versions of the core) verifies correct operation of the CoreSDLC macro with respect to the SDLC protocol. Receive valid in normal mode tests • Receive valid in raw mode tests • Receive with errors tests Receive clock recovery tests • Transmit tests Using the supplied user testbench as a guide, the user can easily customize the verification of the core by adding or removing tests. The verification testbench applies over 90 tests to the CoreSDLC macro, including: • • I/O Signal Descriptions The port signals for the CoreSDLC macro are defined in Table 2 and illustrated in Figure 2 on page 4. All signals are either “Input” (input-only) or “Output” (outputonly). Table 2 • CoreSDLC I/O Signal Descriptions Name Type Description nreset Input Active-low asynchronous reset clk Input System Clock: reference clock for all internal logic sfrdatai[7:0] Input SFR data bus input sfrdatao[7:0] Output sfraddr[6:0] Input SFR address bus sfrwe Input SFR write enable sfrra Input SFR read acknowledge rv Output Receive valid interrupt re Output Receive error interrupt tv Output Transmit valid interrupt prv Output Receive valid interrupt priority pre Output Receive error interrupt priority ptv Output Transmit valid interrupt priority rxd Input txd Output rxc Input Receive clock txc Input Transmit clock den Output Active-low external driver enable rdn Output Receive done interrupt SFR data bus output Receive input Transmit output Note: All signals are active-high unless otherwise indicated. v4.0 3 CoreSDLC SDLC Protocol Overview sfrdatao[7:0] The SDLC protocol has two types of network nodes: primary and secondary. There is always one primary node in the network, but there may be one or more secondary nodes. The primary node controls operation of the secondary nodes and manages the network. Secondary nodes can send information only if the primary node has given them permission. This is accomplished by the primary node polling the secondary nodes in a predetermined order to see if they need to send information. sfrdatai[7:0] nreset sfraddr[6:0] clk sfrwe sfrra rxc rxd CoreSDLC ptv txc pre txd prv As shown in Figure 3 on page 4, SDLC nodes are connected in one of the three following configurations: tv den • Point-to-point, when there is one primary and only one secondary node • Multi-drop, when there is one primary and multiple secondary nodes • Ring, when all nodes are connected in a loop and the output channel of one node is connected to the input channel of the next node. re rdn rv Figure 2 • CoreSDLC I/O Signal Diagram a) Point-to-Point Network Primary Secondary b) Multi-Drop Network Primary Secondary Secondary Secondary c) Ring Network Primary Secondary Secondary Secondary Figure 3 • SDLC Network Configurations 4 v4.0 CoreSDLC SDLC Frames The SDLC frame consists of six fields. Table 3 shows the order of the fields in the SDLC frame. Table 3 • SDLC Frame BOF ADDRESS CONTROL INFO BOF (Begin of Frame) CRC EOF however, the hardware address checking only works up to 16-bit addresses. There is also one special address defined in SDLC called "broadcast address," consisting of all '1' values. All stations connected to the network receive the frame containing the broadcast address. CoreSDLC transmits the address field’s least significant bit (LSB) first. The BOF flag, which indicates the beginning of a frame, is defined as the value 01111110. The controller's hardware properly distinguishes normal data from the BOF flag because of a process called bit stuffing, which is described in "Bit Stuffing" on page 7. Bit stuffing, performed by the transmit logic, is the process of inserting a '0' after each five consecutive '1' values. The receiver logic utilizes a process called bit stripping. Each time a sequence of five '1' values followed by a '0' is received, the controller automatically removes this '0' from the incoming bitstream. BOF is one of two possible bit combinations that consist of more than five consecutive '1' values. The BOF marks the beginning of a frame and also assures receive clock synchronization. CONTROL This field is used for initializing the system and managing tasks, such as data acknowledge, identifying frame sequence numbers, and indicating the end of the message. CoreSDLC does not provide any functions for managing the CONTROL field, so the user’s software is responsible for insertion and interpretation. There are three types of control fields, depending on the type of SDLC frame used: ADDRESS In standard SDLC, an eight-bit field in the frame is used to identify the target controller for which the frame is intended. In CoreSDLC, this field may also be 16 bits in length, extending the addressing capability. The address length can be further extended by the user’s software; • Information frame (Table 4) • Supervisory frame (Table 5) • Nonsequenced (or unnumbered) frame (Table 6) Table 4 • Control Field – Information Format Bit Position 7 Function 6 5 Reception Sequence 4 3 Poll /Final 2 1 Sending Sequence 0 1 Table 5 • Control Field – Supervisory Format Bit Position 7 Function 6 5 Reception Sequence 4 3 Poll / Final 2 Mode 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 Table 6 • Control Field – Nonsequenced Format Bit Position Function 7 6 5 Command / Response 4 Poll / Final The CONTROL field of the information frame contains a three-bit sending sequence number (the number of the current frame) and a three-bit reception sequence number (the expected number of the next frame). The same reception sequence number is also part of the control field in the supervisory frame. In both cases, it is used for frame acknowledgement. If the receiving station has no data to send, it acknowledges the received frames by sending a supervisory frame in response. However, if the receiving station wants to send data, the response may be part of the information frame (piggybacking). This allows for full-duplex operation in 3 2 Command / Response which two continuous data streams are transmitted in both directions without supervisory frame insertion. Up to seven information frames can be sent without acknowledgement. Due to this capability, continuous transmission (continuous ARQ) is possible, which means that the CoreSDLC transmitter does not need to wait for an acknowledgement. The poll/final bit in each control field is used for polling secondary nodes by a primary node (poll) and for indicating the end of the message (final). v4.0 5 CoreSDLC The supervisory frame contains an additional two mode bits, which affect the retransmission scheme. Although it is possible for four modes to exist, three of them are used in CoreSDLC: G(x) = x16 + x12 + x5 + 1 For the 32-bit CRC, the polynomial is: G(x) = x32 + x26 + x23 + x22 + x16 + x12 + x11 + x10 + x8 + x7+ x5 + x4 + x2 + x + 1 • Receiver Ready (RR) – Indicates that the receive line of this station is ready to accept frames • Receiver Not Ready (RNR) – Indicates that the receiver is not ready to accept frames (possible FIFO overflow) After the last data bit has passed through the CRC generator, the current CRC generator value is inverted and sent to the receiver, MSB first. • Reject (REJ) – Indicates that the previously received frame was rejected The receiver operates exactly the same way as the transmitter by generating the CRC remainder over the incoming ADDRESS, CONTROL, INFO, and CRC fields. After all data has passed through, the current CRC remainder is checked. If no errors have occurred, this remainder will be equal to the polynomial residual. For a 16-bit CRC, this residual is 00011101 00001111 (0x1D0F). For a 32-bit CRC, it is 11000111 00000100 11011101 01111011 (0xC704DD7B). The CRC field is transmitted MSB first. The unnumbered (nonsequenced) frame contains five bits that indicate commands or responses used for initializing the network and eliminating errors. These commands include: • Unnumbered information (UI) • Set initialization mode (SIM) • Disconnect (DISC) • Response optional (UP) • Function descriptor in information field (CFGR) • Identification in information field (XID) • Test pattern in information field (TEST) • Request for initialization (RIM) • Frame reject (FRMR) • Unnumbered acknowledgment (UA) • Signal loss of input (BCN) • Station wants to disconnect (RD) • Station in disconnected mode (DM) End of Frame (EOF) The EOF flag consists of the same bit pattern as the BOF flag (01111110). EOF indicates when the transmission is completed and also can serve as the BOF for the next frame. Frames that share EOF and BOF flags are called back-to-back frames. Data Encoding INFO This field contains data that is transmitted by one device to the other. It can be an arbitrary length, although it must be byte-aligned (its length must be a multiple of eight bits). It is possible that some frames may not contain an INFO field. The INFO field is transmitted LSB first. CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) This is the error checking sequence. It is a widely used method for detecting errors in messages transmitted over noisy channels. CoreSDLC offers two types of CRC: 16-bit CRC (often referred to as CRC-CCITT) and 32-bit CRC. CRC is generated in the transmitter over the ADDRESS, CONTROL, and INFO fields before the bit-stuffing process. First, the CRC shift register is preset with an all '1' value. For each incoming data bit, the most significant bit (MSB) of the current CRC remainder is XORed with the data bit, and the remainder is shifted left with the LSB set to '0'. If the result of the XOR is '1,' the remainder is XORed with the generator polynomial. 6 For the 16-bit CRC, the polynomial is: v4.0 CoreSDLC employs NRZI (Non-Return to Zero Inverted) data encoding when transmitting frames. In NRZI, a '1' is represented by no change in the output signal level, and a '0' is represented by a change in the level. A data stream consisting of all '0' values causes the NRZI output to toggle each bit time, while a stream of all '1' causes no transitions. Although NRZI is typical for SDLC networks, CoreSDLC also performs NRZ (Non-Return to Zero) encoding. In this encoding method, a '1' is represented by a high level and a '0' by a low level. Figure 4 shows an example of NRZ and NRZI encoding. bit time input data 1 0 0 0 1 1 NRZ NRZI Figure 4 • NRZI and NRZ Data Encoding 0 1 1 1 CoreSDLC Bit Stuffing CoreSDLC employs bit stuffing to ensure a minimum number of signal transitions that are necessary for "recovering" the receiver clock. Bit stuffing is the process of inserting a '0' after every five consecutive '1' values in a data stream to force a transition in a NRZI output data stream. This guarantees that there will be at least one transition every six bit times while transmitting data. The receiver must recognize the inserted bits and remove them from the data stream. This process is called bit stripping. Bit stuffing and stripping are automatically performed by CoreSDLC and are completely transparent to the user. Figure 5 shows an example of bit stuffing and bit stripping. bit time input data 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 data after bit stuffing data after bit stripping inserted 0 Figure 5 • Bit Stuffing / Stripping Special Function Registers Special Function Registers Interface The communication between CoreSDLC and the CPU is accomplished via the special function register (SFR) interface. An SFR read cycle is shown in Figure 6, and an SFR write cycle is shown in Figure 7 on page 8. clk sfraddr Addr sfrwe Sample sfrra sfrdatai sfrdatao Data Note: Sample – point of registering the state of the signal into an internal flip-flop. Figure 6 • Special Function Register Read Cycle v4.0 7 CoreSDLC clk sfraddr Addr Sample sfrwe sfrra sfrdatai Data sfrdatao Note: Sample – point of registering the state of the signal into an internal flip-flop. Figure 7 • Special Function Register Write Cycle External Special Function Register Read Cycle Table 7 • Special Function Register Map Register Address As shown in Figure 6 on page 7, the CPU reads an internal register within CoreSDLC by placing the address of the register on the sfraddr[6:0] input bus. The selected register presents its data onto the sfrdatao[7:0] output signals. The CPU acknowledges that data from the sfrdatao[7:0] bus has been read by setting the sfrra input signal. External Special Function Register Write Cycle As shown in Figure 7, the CPU writes to an internal register within CoreSDLC by placing the address of the register on the sfraddr[6:0] input bus, placing the data to be written on the sfrdatai[7:0] input bus, and by setting the sfrwe input signal to a logic '1' value. CoreSDLC samples the state of the sfrwe input signal. If sfrwe is active, the data is read from sfrdatai[7:0] and written into the selected register. Special Function Register Map The register map and reset values for each CPUaccessible register within CoreSDLC are shown in Table 7. Reset Value Description pcon 0x07 0x00 Power Control gmod 0x04 0x00 GSC Mode tfifo 0x05 0x00 Transmit FIFO baud 0x14 0x00 Baud Rate adr0 0x15 0x00 Address 0 ifs 0x24 0x00 Interframe Space adr1 0x25 0x00 Address 1 adr2 0x35 0x00 Address 2 adr3 0x45 0x00 Address 3 ien1 0x48 0xC0 Interrupt Enable amsk0 0x55 0x00 Address Mask 0 tstat 0x58 0x04 Transmit Status amsk1 0x65 0x00 Address Mask 1 rstat 0x68 0x00 Receive Status rfifo 0x74 0x00 Receive FIFO ipn1 0x78 0xC0 Interrupt Priority Special Function Register Descriptions Table 8 on page 9 through Table 29 on page 14 describe the various CPU-accessible registers within CoreSDLC. Unless otherwise stated, each register can be read and written to by an external CPU. 8 v4.0 CoreSDLC Power Control Register (pcon) Table 8 • pcon Register MSB LSB – – – garen xrclk gfien – – Table 9 • pcon Register Bit Functions Bit Symbol 7:5 – Function Not used 4 garen Auxiliary receive enable 1– The reception of back-to-back frames is enabled. The receiver is not disabled after receiving the EOF flag when this bit is set. 0 – Prevents reception of back-to-back frames. The receiver is disabled after receiving the EOF flag. 3 xrclk External receive clock 1 – External clock and NRZ encoding scheme used by receiver 0 – Internal clock generator and NRZI encoding used by receiver 2 gfien Flag idle enable 1 – Idle flags (01111110) are generated between transmitted frames representing the sequence 01111110 01111110. . . 0 – No idle flag generation 1:0 – Not used Note: This register has unimplemented bits (–). Unless otherwise noted, if these bits are read they will return '0'. Writing to these bits has no effect. GSC Mode Register (gmod) Table 10 • gmod Register MSB LSB xtclk m1 m0 a1 ct pl1 pl0 – Table 11 • gmod Register Bit Functions Bit Symbol Function 7 xtclk External transmit clock 1 – External clock and NRZ encoding used by transmitter 0 – Internal clock generator and NRZI encoding used by transmitter 6:5 m1 Mode select 00 – normal 01 – raw transmit 10 – raw receive 11 – not allowed m0 4 a1 Address length 1 – 16-bit addressing is used 0 – 8-bit addressing is used 3 ct The CRC type 1 – 32-bit CRC is used 0 – 16-bit CRC (CRC-CCITT) is used v4.0 9 CoreSDLC Table 11 • gmod Register Bit Functions (Continued) Bit Symbol 2:1 pl1 Preamble length 00 – 0 bit 01 – 8 bits 10 – 32 bits 11 – 64 bits pl0 0 Function – Not used Note: This register has unimplemented bits (–). Unless otherwise noted, if these bits are read they will return '0'. Writing to these bits has no effect. Transmit FIFO Register (tfifo) Table 12 • tfifo Register MSB tfifo.7 LSB tfifo.6 tfifo.5 tfifo.4 tfifo.3 The tfifo register represents the three-byte deep transmit FIFO. Writing a byte to this register loads data into the transmit FIFO and automatically updates the tfifo.2 tfifo.1 tfifo.0 FIFO pointers. Setting the ten bit in the tstat register clears the transmit FIFO. The tfifo is a write-only register from the perspective of the CPU. Receive FIFO Register (rfifo) Table 13 • rfifo Register MSB rfifo.7 LSB rfifo.6 rfifo.5 rfifo.4 rfifo.3 The rfifo register represents the three-byte deep receive FIFO. Reading a byte from rfifo loads a value from the receive FIFO and automatically updates the FIFO rfifo.2 rfifo.1 rfifo.0 pointers. Setting the gren bit in the rstat register clears the receive FIFO. The rfifo is a read-only register from the perspective of the CPU. Baud Rate Register (baud) Table 14 • baud Register MSB baud.7 LSB baud.6 baud.5 baud.4 baud.3 The baud register is used to set the value of an internal programmable baud rate generator. The baud rate generator operates by down-counting the baud register. When baud decrements to an all '0' value, it is reloaded. Writing a value into baud stores the value in the reload register. Reading it gives the current count value. The baud rate can only be programmed in multiples of 1/8th of the clk input frequency. This is accomplished by entering the appropriate value into the baud register as shown in the following formula: baud rate = clk / ((baud + 1) x 8) For example, if the clk input frequency is 20 MHz, and the baud register is set to 0x01, the baud rate will be set to 1.25 Mbps. 10 v4.0 baud.2 baud.1 baud.0 CoreSDLC Address Match Registers Table 15 • adr0 Register MSB adr0.7 LSB adr0.6 adr0.5 adr0.4 adr0.3 adr0.2 adr0.1 adr0.0 Table 16 • adr1 Register MSB adr1.7 LSB adr1.6 adr1.5 adr1.4 adr1.3 adr1.2 adr1.1 adr1.0 Table 17 • adr2 Register MSB adr2.7 LSB adr2.6 adr2.5 adr2.4 adr2.3 adr2.2 adr2.1 adr2.0 Table 18 • adr3 Register MSB adr3.7 LSB adr3.6 adr3.5 adr3.4 adr3.3 The address match registers contain values that are compared with the address in received frames. In an eight-bit addressing mode, the address match occurs when one of these four address values match. In a 16-bit addressing mode, address registers are combined into two 16-bit registers: adr1:adr0 and adr3:adr2. An address adr3.2 adr3.1 adr3.0 match occurs when one of these two 16-bit registers trigger a match. Address registers are used only in the receive operation. When CoreSDLC transmits, the frame address is treated as normal data. Therefore, the user’s software is responsible to load the address bytes into the transmit FIFO before other data. Address Mask Registers (amsk0-1) Table 19 • amsk0 Register MSB amsk0.7 LSB amsk0.6 amsk0.5 amsk0.4 amsk0.3 amsk0.2 amsk0.1 amsk0.0 Table 20 • amsk1 Register MSB amsk1.7 LSB amsk1.6 amsk1.5 amsk1.4 amsk1.3 amsk1.2 amsk1.1 amsk1.0 Bits in the address mask registers, amsk1 and amsk0, correspond to bits in the registers adr1 and adr0, respectively. Setting a mask register bit to '1' causes the corresponding bit in the address register to be omitted during the address matching process. v4.0 11 CoreSDLC Transmit Status Register (tstat) Table 21 • tstat Register MSB LSB lni – – – tdn tfnf ten – All bits of the tstat register are read only, except for bit 1, which is read/write. Table 22 • tstat Register Bit Functions Bit Symbol 7 lni Function Line idle 1 – receive line is idle (15 consecutive '1' values are received on rxd) 0 – receive line is not idle 6:4 – 3 tdn Not used Transmit done This bit is set after successful completion of a frame transmission and cleared after setting the ten bit. 2 tfnf Transmit FIFO not full When set indicates that new data may be written into tfifo 1 ten Transmit enable Setting this flag clears tdn and tfifo and enables transmission. This bit is automatically cleared after the end of transmission. If this bit is cleared to a '0' before the end of transmission, that transmission is aborted. 0 – Not used Note: This register has unimplemented bits (–). Unless otherwise noted, if these bits are read they will return '0'. Writing to these bits has no effect. Receive Status Register (rstat) Table 23 • rstat Register MSB ovr LSB rcabt ae crce rdn rfne gren – Table 24 • rstat Register Bit Functions Bit 7 Symbol ovr Function Overrun error If set, ovr indicates that receive FIFO was full when attempting to store new data. The user can clear the ovr bit by setting the gren bit. 6 rcabt Abort detect If set, rcabt indicates that seven consecutive '1’ values were received before the EOF flag but after data had been loaded into rfifo. The user can clear the rcabt bit by setting the gren bit. 5 ae Alignment error If set, ae indicates that a non byte-aligned flag was received after data had been loaded into rfifo. The user can clear the ae bit by setting the gren bit. 4 crce The CRC error If set, crce indicates that a frame was received with a mismatched CRC. The user can clear the crce bit by setting the gren bit. 12 v4.0 CoreSDLC Table 24 • rstat Register Bit Functions (Continued) Bit Symbol 3 rdn Function Receive done When set, rdn indicates successful completion of a frame receive operation. The user can clear the rdn bit by setting the gren bit. 2 rfne Receive FIFO not empty When set, rfne indicates that new data can be read from rfifo 1 gren Receive enable Setting this flag enables the receiver and clears the ovr, rcabt, ae, crce and rdn bits. This bit is automatically cleared after the end of the receive operation. 0 – Not used Note: This register has unimplemented bits (–). Unless otherwise noted, if these bits are read they will return '0'. Writing to these bits has no effect. All bits of the rstat register are read only, except for bit 1, which is read/write. Interframe Space Register (ifs) Table 25 • ifs Register MSB ifs.7 LSB ifs.6 ifs.5 ifs.4 ifs.3 The ifs register determines the minimum number of bit times that must elapse between two consecutive transmitted frames. CoreSDLC only takes the seven most significant bits of the written value (only even numbers can be used) and computes the interframe space by ifs.2 ifs.1 ifs.0 counting this seven-bit number down to an all '0' value twice. When read by the user’s software, the seven most significant bits of the ifs register show the current count value, while the least significant bit is a '1' for first counting and a '0' for the second. Interrupt Enable Register (ien1) Table 26 • ien1 Register MSB LSB – – – – egstv – egsre egsrv Table 27 • ien1 Register Bit Functions Bit Symbol 7:4 – Function Not used (fixed at 1100) 3 egstv Transmit valid interrupt enable 2 – 1 egsre Receive error interrupt enable 0 egsrv Receive valid interrupt enable Not used Note: This register has unimplemented bits (–). Unless otherwise noted, if these bits are read they will return ‘0’. Writing to these bits has no effect. v4.0 13 CoreSDLC Interrupt Priority Register (ipn1) Table 28 • ipn1 Register MSB – LSB – – – pgstv – pgsre pgsrv Table 29 • ipn1 Register Bit Functions Bit Symbol 7:4 – Function Not used (fixed at 1100) 3 pgstv Transmit valid interrupt priority 2 – 1 pgsre Receive error interrupt priority 0 pgsrv Receive valid interrupt priority Not used Note: This register has unimplemented bits (–). Unless otherwise noted, if these bits are read they will return ‘0’. Writing to these bits has no effect. Modes of Operation CoreSDLC provides three modes of operation: normal mode, raw receive mode, and raw transmit mode. The first is normally used in standard communications within SDLC networks, while the others may be used for testing the controller's operation or transmit user data, (not necessarily SDLC-formatted). Information about all operational modes, as well as a summary of options available for each mode, are described in detail in the following text and in Table 30 on page 15. Each of the three modes of operation are selected by the CPU setting the m1 and m0 bits in the gmod register, as listed in Table 11 on page 9. Normal Mode In normal mode, data is transmitted in standard SDLC format. After transmission is enabled by the CPU setting the ten bit in the tstat register and loading the transmit FIFO with data, CoreSDLC tests if the interframe space (time from previous transmission) has expired. If this condition is met, the den (external driver enable) output is forced low. One bit time later, CoreSDLC begins transmission by sending the appropriate number of preamble bits and the BOF flag. Immediately after BOF is sent, a byte from tfifo is loaded into the shift register. As bits are shifted out of this register, they also pass through the CRC generator, updating the current CRC value. This process is performed as long as the transmit FIFO contains data. If the FIFO is empty when the transmitter is about to load the next byte, CoreSDLC assumes "end of data." Transmission ends with sending the current CRC generator value followed by the EOF flag. All transmitted bits are encoded with NRZI (if the internal clock generator is selected) or NRZ (if external clock input is selected). 14 v4.0 The receiver working in normal mode searches the input for the BOF flag. Immediately after BOF is detected, the frame's address field is checked if it matches the address assigned with address registers addr3-0. When the address does not match, that frame is ignored. If the address matches, the receiver loads incoming bits including ADDRESS, CONTROL, and INFO fields into the shift register and then into the receive FIFO. The CRC is not loaded into the receive FIFO. Raw Transmit Mode In raw transmit mode, the transmit output is internally connected to the receive input. All data written to the transmit FIFO are transmitted without preamble, BOF and EOF flags, address, and CRC. Additionally, bit stuffing is disabled. The receiver operates as normal in this mode. Raw transmit mode can be used for receiver testing or for transmitting user data (not necessarily SDLCformatted). Raw Receive Mode In raw receive mode, the transmitter operates as in normal mode. The receiver also operates as normal except that all bytes between the BOF and EOF flags are loaded into the receive FIFO, including the CRC field. The receiver does not check the CRC and no CRC error is set. In addition, address matching is not performed, and therefore, all frames are received. To use raw receive as a test mode, the transmit output should be externally connected to the receive input. This allows most of the transmitter functions, as well as the external transceiver, to be checked. CoreSDLC Table 30 • Functions Available in Individual Modes Function / Mode Normal (m1=0, m0=0) Raw Transmit (m1=0, m0=1) Raw Receive (m1=1, m0=0) Transmit Receive Transmit Receive Transmit Receive Preamble O NA N NA O NA BOF and EOF Y Y N Y Y Y NA Y NA Y NA N CRC check Y Y N Y Y N Bit stuffing and stripping Y Y N Y Y Y NRZ / NRZI Y Y Y Y Y Y Address Matching Notes: 1. m1, m0 – gmod register mode bits in Table 11 on page 9 2. Y – used 3. N – not used 4. O – optional 5. NA – not applicable General Description of the Transmitter Interframe Spacing Sending an Abort Flag Interframe space is a period of time that must elapse between two consecutive transmissions. It is measured in bit times. Interframe space can be set by writing an appropriate value (number of bit times) into the ifs register. Note that only even numbers can be used (the LSB must always be set to '0'), because only the seven most significant bits are loaded into the ifs register. This means that interframe space can be set from two bit times to 256 bit times. A value of 0x02 written into ifs corresponds to two bit times, 0xFE corresponds to 254 bit times, while 0x00 corresponds to 256 bit times. An abort flag is the sequence of seven or more '1' values. If the receiver detects an abort flag between EOF and BOF, it immediately ends reception. There are three ways to generate an abort flag using CoreSDLC: • One method is to clear the ten bit in the tstat register and wait at least seven bit times. In this case, the delay necessary to transmit seven bits must be measured by the user’s software. • The second method is based on programmable interframe space. The first step is to write into the ifs register, a value greater than or equal to eight. Then the user’s software must clear the ten bit, which disables transmission and forces the output to a high level. With this method, the ten bit can be immediately re-enabled. The output will remain at a high level until the interframe space expires, which is accomplished automatically by CoreSDLC. • The third method is to use raw transmit mode. Writing a value of 0xFF into tfifo generates a high output for eight bit times. This is possible because the transmitter does not use bit stuffing in raw transmit mode. Preamble The preamble is a series of toggling '1' and '0' values. The length of preamble can be set to 0, 8, 32 or 64 bits by writing appropriate values into pl1 and pl0 bits in the gmod register. The preamble is not defined in the standard SDLC protocol and thus it is not considered part of the SDLC frame. The purpose of the preamble is only for synchronization between stations in the network. Note that if idle flags are used in conjunction with a preamble, the addresses 0x00 and 0x55 should not be assigned to the controller. Otherwise, a preamble following the idle flags will be interpreted as a matching address. v4.0 15 CoreSDLC External Driver Interface Transmission with an External Clock CoreSDLC uses the den output for an external driver interface. This output is activated one bit time before transmission begins and remains active until the last bit of the EOF is transmitted, or until the ten bit is cleared by the user’s software. An external clock is selected by setting the xtclk bit in the gmod register. When this bit is set, NRZI decoding is also disabled. Data is transmitted with the NRZ decoding scheme on the falling edge of the txc clock. Due to the txc input synchronization with the global clock, there can be a delay of up to two clock periods until the data begins to transmit, as shown in Figure 8 and Table 31. clk ECH ECL txc ECDVT txd Sample New Transmit Data Figure 8 • External Transmit Clock Timing Table 31 • External Transmit Clock Timing Symbol Parameter Minimum Value ECL External clock low 2*(period of clk) ECH External clock high 2*(period of clk) External clock to data valid transmit 1 to 2*(period of clk) ECDVT General Description of the Receiver Receive Clock Recovery In synchronous serial protocols like SDLC, data and clock are both transmitted over the same medium. Receiver clock recovery is the process of separating the clock signal from the incoming data bitstream (Figure 9). The receiver performs this action. In CoreSDLC, the receiver input is always monitored at eight times the baud rate frequency and searched for the level transitions. Every transition causes the receiver to correct its own clock for proper synchronization with the transmitter. Additionally, CoreSDLC performs digital filtering by ignoring input pulses shorter than four baud-rate periods. The only exception to this rule is when the xrclk bit in the pcon register is set. In that case, an external receive clock and NRZ decoding are used. Receive data input is then sampled on the external clock rising edge. No clock recovery and no digital filtering are performed in that case. Sample Rate Ideal rxd Noise Actual rxd Recovered Clock Figure 9 • Receive Clock Recovery 16 v4.0 CoreSDLC Receive Error Conditions It is possible that multiple error bits get set in response to certain errors: CoreSDLC detects four kinds of receive errors represented by bits in the rstat register (Table 32): • crce – CRC error • ae – alignment error • rcabt – receive abort • ovr – overrun in receive FIFO The user’s software can read these bits, but only CoreSDLC can write them in response to the various error conditions that they represent. When an error occurs, CoreSDLC sets one or more of these bits and also clears the gren bit in the rstat register. When the user’s software sets the gren bit re-enabling the receiver, all error bits are cleared. This is the only method for clearing error bits. • rcabt and ae can be set when receiving misaligned abort flag • ovr and crce can be set when an overrun error is forced • ae and crce can be set when an alignment error occurs In order to determine the correct cause of the receiver error, the user’s software should poll error bits in the following sequence: 1. rcabt 2. ovr 3. crce 4. ae Table 32 • Receive Error Conditions Error Bit Condition crce This bit will be set if the CRC remainder after passing all ADDRESS, CONTROL, INFO and CRC fields through the CRC generator is not equal to the polynomial residual. For a 16-bit CRC, this residual is 00011101 00001111, and for a 32-bit CRC it is 11000111 00000100 11011010 01111011. This bit will also be set when alignment or overrun errors occur. ae This bit will be set if the number of bits received between BOF and EOF flags are not a multiple of eight (INFO field is not byte-aligned). This bit will also be set when the abort flag is detected. rcabt This bit will be set if the receiver detects an abort sequence (7 or more consecutive '1' values) in an incoming frame between the BOF and EOF flags but after the first received data has already passed to the receive FIFO. If the abort flag is detected before loading the first byte into the FIFO, the incoming frame is ignored and no error bits are set. ovr This flag will be set if the receiver gets new data and the receive FIFO is already full. Receive Enable Bits Receive with External Clock There are two receive enable bits: gren (receive enable, in the rstat register) and garen (auxiliary receive enable, in the pcon register). In order to enable the receiver, at least one of these bits should be set. Although setting only the garen bit enables the receiver, the rdn (receive done, in the rstat register) bit, which indicates the end of a valid reception, will only be set if the gren bit is set (Figure 10 on page 18). The external clock is selected by setting the xrclk bit in the pcon register. When this bit is set, NRZI encoding is also disabled. Data is received with NRZ decoding on the rxc clock rising edge. Due to rxc input synchronization with the global clock, as shown in Figure 11 on page 18 and listed in Table 33 on page 18, there is a maximum of one clock period delay from rxc rising edge to receive data (ECDR). When the frame reception is in process, clearing both gren and garen causes the receiver to end reception. There will be a 0 to 1 bit time delay between clearing the receive enable bits and end of reception. v4.0 17 CoreSDLC crce ae re Interrupt rcabt ovr Clear gren gren Set rdn EOF Detected Note: crce, ae, rcabt, ovr and gren are rstat special function register bits. The re interrupt is an external interrupt output pin. The "clear gren" and "set rdn" actions are both taken automatically by CoreSDLC. Figure 10 • Receive Error Logic clk ECH ECL rxc Sample ECDR rxd New Data Figure 11 • External Receive Clock Timing Table 33 • External Receive Clock Timing Symbol Parameter Minimum Value ECL External clock low 2*(period of clk) ECH External clock high 2*(period of clk) ECDR External clock to receive data sample 0 to 1*(period of clk) Interrupt Structure There are three interrupt sources in CoreSDLC: transmit valid, receive valid, and receive error interrupt (Table 34). The transmit valid interrupt flag is set when tfnf (transmit FIFO not full) is set. End of frame transmission is not indicated by an interrupt, so the user must poll the tdn (transmit done) bit in order to know if transmission has ended. The receive valid interrupt flag is set when rfne (receive FIFO not empty) is set. End of frame reception is not indicated by an interrupt, so the user must poll the rdn (receive done) bit in order to know if reception has ended. The receive error interrupt is set in response to a receive error indicated by any of the error bits in the rstat register. These error bits are: crce, ae, rcabt, and ovr. Table 34 • Interrupt Summary Output Enable Bit Priority Bit Transmit Valid tv egstv pgstv This flag is set when tfnf is set (transmit FIFO is not full). Setting the ten bit by the user’s software will clear this flag. Receive Valid rv egsrv egstv This flag is set when rfne is set (receive FIFO is not empty). Setting the gren bit by the user’s software will clear this flag. Receive Error re egsre pgstv This flag is set when at least one of the error bits (crce, ae, rcabt, ovr) is set. Setting the gren bit by the user’s software will clear this flag. Name 18 Condition v4.0 CoreSDLC Clock and Reset Control CoreSDLC is fully synchronous with respect to the global clock clk. In other words, there is only one clock domain in the core. All internal registers operate synchronous to the rising edge of clk. All input signals (except the reset signal nreset) including txc and rxc, are sampled with the rising edge of clk. The nreset input signal is asynchronous with respect to the global clock clk. For proper operation, nreset should be active for at least one global clock period. When nreset is active, all registers return to their default states. Ordering Information Order CoreSDLC through your local Actel sales representative. Use the following numbering convention when ordering: CoreSDLC-XX, where XX is listed in Table 35. Table 35 • Ordering Codes XX Description EV Evaluation Version SN Netlist for single-use on Actel devices AN Netlist for unlimited use on Actel devices SR RTL for single-use on Actel devices AR RTL for unlimited use on Actel devices UR RTL for unlimited use and not restricted to Actel devices v4.0 19 CoreSDLC List of Changes The following table lists critical changes that were made in the current version of the document. Previous Version Changes in Current Version (v 4. 0 ) v3.0 v2.0 Page The "Supported Families" section was updated to include Fusion. 1 Table 1 was updated to include Fusion data. 2 "Supported Families" section was updated to include ProASIC3/E. 1 Table 1 • CoreSDLC Device Utilization and Performance was updated to include ProASIC3/E data. 2 Datasheet Categories In order to provide the latest information to designers, some datasheets are published before data has been fully characterized. Datasheets are designated as "Product Brief," "Advanced," and "Production." The definition of these categories are as follows: Product Brief The product brief is a summarized version of an advanced or production datasheet containing general product information. This brief summarizes specific device and family information for unreleased products. Advanced This datasheet version contains initial estimated information based on simulation, other products, devices, or speed grades. This information can be used as estimates, but not for production. Unmarked (production) This datasheet version contains information that is considered to be final. 20 v4.0 Actel and the Actel logo are registered trademarks of Actel Corporation. All other trademarks are the property of their owners. Actel Corporation Actel Europe Ltd. Actel Japan Actel Hong Kong 2061 Stierlin Court Mountain View, CA 94043-4655 USA Phone 650.318.4200 Fax 650.318.4600 Dunlop House, Riverside Way Camberley, Surrey GU15 3YL United Kingdom Phone +44 (0) 1276 401 450 Fax +44 (0) 1276 401 490 EXOS Ebisu Bldg. 4F 1-24-14 Ebisu Shibuya-ku Tokyo 150 Japan Phone +81.03.3445.7671 Fax +81.03.3445.7668 Suite 2114, Two Pacific Place 88 Queensway, Admiralty Hong Kong Phone +852 2185 6460 Fax +852 2185 6488 51700016-2/12.05