DCAN Configurable CAN Bus Controller ver 1.01 ● Last Error Code The DCAN is a stand-alone controller for the Controller Area Network (CAN) widely used in automotive and industrial applications. DCAN conforms to Bosch CAN 2.0B specification (2.0B Active). Core has simple CPU interface (8/16/32 bit configurable data width) with little or big endian adressing scheme. Hardware message filtering and 64 byte receive FIFO enables back-to-back message reception with minimum CPU load. The DCAN is described at RTL level allowing target use in FPGA or ASIC technologies. ● Fully synthesizable ● Static synchronous design with positive edge clocking and synchronous reset ● No internal tri-states ● Scan test ready KEY FEATURES OVERVIEW ● Conforms to Bosch CAN 2.0B Active ● 8/16/32-bit CPU slave interface with little or big endianess ● Simple interface allows easy connection to CPU ● Supports both standard (11-bit identifier) and extended (29 bit identifier) frames. ● Data rate up to 1 Mbps ● Hardware message filtering (dual/single filter) ● 64 byte receive FIFO ● One transmit buffer ● No overload frames are generated ● Normal & Listen Only Mode ● Single Shot transmission ● Ability to abort transmission ● Readable error counters All trademarks mentioned in this document are trademarks of their respective owners. APPLICATIONS ● Embedded communication systems ● Automotive, industrial ● Medical equipment DELIVERABLES ♦ Source code: VHDL Source Code VHDL test bench environment ◊ Active-HDL automatic simulation macros ◊ ModelSim automatic simulation macros ◊ Tests with reference responses Technical documentation ◊ Installation notes ◊ HDL core specification ◊ Datasheet Synthesis scripts Example application Technical support ◊ IP Core implementation support ◊ 3 months maintenance ◊ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ● ● ● Delivery the IP Core updates, minor and major versions changes Delivery the documentation updates Phone & email support http://www.DigitalCoreDesign.com http://www.dcd.pl Copyright 1999-2007 DCD – Digital Core Design. All Rights Reserved. SYMBOL docdbusctrl rst cs qmt(31:0) dmt(31:0) waddrmt(1:0) raddrmt(1:0) enrmt enwmt rd datao(31:0)1 wr int be(3:0)2 datai(31:0)1 dmr(31:0) waddrmr(3:0) addr(4:0) raddrmr(3:0) clk enrmr enwmr qmr(31:0) txd sclk rxd 1 – data bus can be configured as 8-, 16- or 32- bit depends on processor’s bus size 2 – byte enable (be) size is set accordingly to data bus size PINS DESCRIPTION PIN TYPE DESCRIPTION clk input Global clock rst input Global reset cs input Chip select rd input Read data strobe wr input Write data strobe input Host address bus input Host byte enable datai(31:0) input Host output data bus qmr(31:0) input RX DPRAM data output qmt(31:0) input TX DPRAM data output rxd input CAN receive data input DoCD debugger input datao(31:0) output Host input data bus int output Interrupt signal dmr(31:0) output RX DPRAM data input waddrmr(3:0) output RX DPRAM write address raddrmr(3:0) output RX DPRAM read address addr(4:0) be(3:0) 2 1 docdbusctrl 1 enrmr output RX DPRAM read enable enwmr output RX DPRAM write enable dmt(31:0) output TX DPRAM data input waddrmt(1:0) output TX DPRAM write address raddrmt(1:0) output TX DPRAM read address All trademarks mentioned in this document are trademarks of their respective owners. enrmt output TX DPRAM read enable enwmt output TX DPRAM write enable txd output CAN transmit data sclk output SCLK clock output BLOCK DIAGRAM Figure below shows the DCAN IP Core block diagram. TX RAM pins TX RAM interface clk sclk txd rxd BSP Bit Stream Processor BTL Bit Timing Logic ACF Acceptance Filtering BRP Baud Rate Prescaler EML Error Management Logic rst cs rd IML Interface Management Logic wr be(3:0) addr(4:0) datai(31:0) int datao(31:0) Receive FIFO RX RAM interface RX RAM pins Interface Management Logic (IML) – interprets commands from the CPU, provides interrupt and status indication. Bit Stream Processor (BSP) – translates messages into frames and vice versa. Baud Rate Prescaler (BRP) – defines the length of time quantum. Bit Timing Logic (BTL) – processes the bit time, calculates position of the sample point and performs synchronization. Error Management Logic (EML) – is responsible for fault confinement handling. Acceptance Filter (ACF) – decides whether incoming messages are accepted or not based upon filter registers settings. TX/RX RAM interfaces – interfaces to external dual port memories used by the DCAN core to store received and transmitted frames. http://www.DigitalCoreDesign.com http://www.dcd.pl Copyright 1999-2007 DCD – Digital Core Design. All Rights Reserved. PERFORMANCE CONTACTS The following table gives a survey about the Core area and performance in the ALTERA® devices after Place & Route (all key features have been included): For any modification or special request please contact Digital Core Design or local distributors. Speed Logic Cells Fmax grade CYCLONE -6 1956 + 2 ESB 123 MHz CYCLONE2 -6 1899 + 2 ESB 137 MHz STRATIX -5 1956 + 2 ESB 130 MHz STRATIX2 -3 1956 + 2 ESB 188 MHz STRATIXGX -5 1956 + 2 ESB 131 MHz MERCURY -5 1956 + 2 ESB 138 MHz EXCALIBUR -1 1956 + 2 ESB 79 MHz APEX2A -7 1956 + 2 ESB 108 MHz APEX20KC -7 1956 + 2 ESB 94 MHz APEX20KE -1 1956 + 2 ESB 83 MHz APEX20K -1 1956 + 2 ESB 66 MHz ACEX1K -1 1956 + 2 ESB 66 MHz FLEX10KE -1 1956 + 2 ESB 66 MHz 8-bit CPU Core performance in ALTERA® devices Device Headquarters: Wroclawska 94 41-902 Bytom, POLAND nfo@dcd.pl e-mail: iinfo@dcd.pl tel. : +48 32 282 82 66 fax : +48 32 282 74 37 Distributors: ttp://www.dcd.pl/apartn.php Please check hhttp://www.dcd.pl/apartn.php Speed Logic Cells Fmax grade CYCLONE -6 1967 + 2 ESB 124 MHz CYCLONE2 -6 1890 + 2 ESB 135 MHz STRATIX -5 1967 + 2 ESB 131 MHz STRATIX2 -3 1523 + 2 ESB 187 MHz STRATIXGX -5 1967 + 2 ESB 132 MHz MERCURY -5 1967 + 2 ESB 141 MHz EXCALIBUR -1 1967 + 2 ESB 79 MHz APEX2A -7 1967 + 2 ESB 113 MHz APEX20KC -7 1967 + 2 ESB 95 MHz APEX20KE -1 1937 + 2 ESB 78 MHz APEX20K -1 1967 + 2 ESB 68 MHz ACEX1K -1 1967 + 2 ESB 63 MHz FLEX10KE -1 1967 + 2 ESB 63 MHz 16-bit Core performance in ALTERA® devices Device Speed Logic Cells Fmax grade CYCLONE -6 1931 + 2 ESB 123 MHz CYCLONE2 -6 1879 + 2 ESB 136 MHz STRATIX -5 1931 + 2 ESB 134 MHz STRATIX2 -3 1510 + 2 ESB 185 MHz STRATIXGX -5 1931 + 2 ESB 130 MHz MERCURY -5 1931 + 2 ESB 143 MHz EXCALIBUR -1 1931 + 2 ESB 84 MHz APEX2A -7 1931 + 2 ESB 110 MHz APEX20KC -7 1931 + 2 ESB 94 MHz APEX20KE -1 1931 + 2 ESB 83 MHz APEX20K -1 1931 + 2 ESB 66 MHz ACEX1K -1 1931 + 2 ESB 66 MHz FLEX10KE -1 1931 + 2 ESB 66 MHz 32-bit Core performance in ALTERA® devices Device All trademarks mentioned in this document are trademarks of their respective owners. http://www.DigitalCoreDesign.com http://www.dcd.pl Copyright 1999-2007 DCD – Digital Core Design. All Rights Reserved.