UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., DTC124E NPN EPITAXIAL SILICON TRANSISTOR NPN DIGITAL TRANSISTOR (BUILT-IN RESISTORS) FEATURES *Built-in bias resistors enable the configuration of an inverter circuit without connecting external input resistors (see the equivalent circuit). *The bias resistors consist of thin-film resistors with complete isolation to allow positive biasing of the input They also have the advantage of almost completely eliminating parasitic effects. *Only the on / off conditions need to be set for operation, making device design easy. EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT ORDERING INFORMATION Ordering Number Lead Free Halogen Free DTC124EL-AE3-R DTC124EG-AE3-R DTC124EL-AL3-R DTC124EG-AL3-R DTC124EL-AN3-R DTC124EG-AN3-R Note: Pin Assignment: G: GND I: IN O: OUT Package SOT-23 SOT-323 SOT-523 Pin Assignment 1 2 3 G I O G I O G I O Packing Tape Reel Tape Reel Tape Reel MARKING www.unisonic.com.tw Copyright © 2011 Unisonic Technologies Co., 1 of 3 QW-R206-045,D DTC124E NPN EPITAXIAL SILICON TRANSISTOR ABSOLUATE MAXIUM RATINGS (TA = 25℃, unless otherwise specified.) PARAMETER Supply Voltage Input Voltage RATINGS UNIT 50 V -10 ~ +40 V 100 Output Current mA 30 SOT-23/SOT-323 200 Power Dissipation PD mW SOT-523 150 ℃ Junction Temperature TJ 150 ℃ Storage Temperature TSTG -40 ~ +150 Note: Absolute maximum ratings are those values beyond which the device could be permanently damaged. Absolute maximum ratings are stress ratings only and functional device operation is not implied. SYMBOL VCC VIN IC IO ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TA= 25℃) PARAMETER SYMBOL VI(OFF) Input Voltage VI(ON) Output Voltage VO(ON) Input Current II Output Current IO(OFF) DC Current Gain GI Input Resistance R1 Resistance Ratio R2/R1 Transition Frequency fT Note: Transition frequency of the device TEST CONDITIONS VCC= 5V, IOUT=100μA VOUT= 0.2V, IOUT= 5mA IOUT/IIN= 10mA / 0.5 mA VIN= 5V VCC= 50V , VIN=0V VOUT= 5V, IOUT= 5mA VCE=10V, IE = -5mA, f=100MHz (Note ) UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD www.unisonic.com.tw MIN TYP MAX 0.5 UNIT 0.1 0.3 0.36 0.5 V mA μA 22 1 250 28.6 1.2 kΩ 3 56 15.4 0.8 V MHz 2 of 3 QW-R206-045,D DTC124E ■ NPN EPITAXIAL SILICON TRANSISTOR TYPICAL CHARACTERICS 100 Fig.1 Input voltage vs.output current (ON characterristics) Vo=-0.2V Fig.2 Output current vs Input voltage .(OFF characterristics) 10m Vcc=5V 5m 50 2m TA=100 25 -40 1m 500μ 20 10 TA= - 40 -25 100 5 200μ 100μ 50μ 2 1 20μ 10μ 5μ 500m 200m 2μ 100m 100μ 1μ 200μ 500μ 1m 2m 5m 10m 20m 50m 100m 0.5 0 Output Current :Io(A) 2.0 1 Vo=5V 500 2.5 3.0 lo/lI=20 500m TA=100 25 -40 200 100m 50 50m 20 20m 10 10m 5 5m 2 2m 200μ 500μ 1m TA=100 25 -40 200m 100 1 100μ 1.5 Fig.4Output voltage vs.output current Fig.3 DC current gain vs.output current 1k 1.0 Input Voltage :VI(OFF) V 2m 5m 10m 20m 50m 100m Output Current :Io(A) 1m 100μ 200μ 500μ 1m 2m 5m 10m 20m 50m 100m Output Current :Io(A) UTC assum es no responsibility for equipm ent failures that result from using products at v alues that ex ceed, ev en m om entarily, rated v alues (such as m ax im um ratings, operating condition ranges, or other param eters) listed in products specifications of any and all UT C products described or contained herein. UT C products are not designed for use in life support appliances, dev ices or system s where m alfunction of these products can be reasonably expected to result in personal injury. R eproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without the prior written consent of the copyright owner. T he inform ation presented in this docum ent does not form part of any quotation or contract, is believ ed to be accurate and reliable and m ay be changed without notice. UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD www.unisonic.com.tw 3 of 3 QW-R206-045,D