Encoders 12 mm Insulated Shaft Rotary Encoder with LED Switch travel 5.0 0.8 7.3 +0 13.2 (10.2) 6.0 2.0 ±0.1 0.5 -0.3 6.8 0.3 2.9 (18.0) 7.0 (SW02) 13.2 14.0 12.4 (8.2) 25.0 MOUNTING SURFACE +0.2 EC7 Series 6.0 4- 1.0 -0 HOLES 2.0 3 2 +0.1 1 2-2.0 -0 7.5 2-2.1 -0 +0.1 0.3 7.0 4 A C 5.0 B A 2.8 (SW01) 4-0.8 CODE 3 +0.2 BO 2 RG 1 P.W.B MOUNTING DETAIL (TOLERANCE ±0.1) VIEWED FROM MOUNTING SIDE (P.C.B) t=1.5mm B LED COLOR: 4 3- 1.1 -0 HOLES C 5.0 0.9 ±0.1 (SW02)CIRCUIT DIAGRAM BG DETAIL OF TERMINAL (5:1) COLOR TERMINAL BLUE 1 2 ORANGE 1 3 RED 1 2 GREEN 1 3 BLUE 1 2 GREEN 1 3 Vertical Type Knurled Shaft 12.4 L 2.4 F 6.8 3.5 4.5 13.2 10 4.5 ±0.05 1.5 (8.2) 6 +0 -0.05 (10.2) WITHIN THIS LENGTH 0.6±0.1 (5) 6 0.8 3.1 2 A C B 2-2.5 3-2.0 5 B C A 10 1 2 3 10.8 4 2 +0.1 -0 5.1 2.1 +0.1 -0 3- 1.1 +0.2 -0 holes 13.2 4- 1.0 holes +0.2 -0 4 3 Mounting hole detail Viewed from mounting side P.C.B t=1.6mm 1 Circuit Diagram Horizontal Type Flat Shaft CODE + 0.8±0.1 2 LED COLOR: Detail of Terminal (3:1) COLOR O ORANGE B BLUE R RED G GREEN How to order: EC7 1 C D F G 2 1 LED COLOR (dualcolor if with switch): Red Orange Green Blue 3 2 3 Blank B 5 6 7 BUSHING (drawing1): 4 TYPE OF TERMINAL (drawing 2): 6 SHAFT SHAPE (drawing 4): Without Bushing (if with Switch) With Bushing (only if without Switch) 2 4 PC Board (horizontal) PC Board (vertical) Knurled Type with Length 25mm Flat Type with different Length ( different length see page 2) 5 “LB“ Length (drawing 3): 7 PULSE AND DETENT: 5mm (Standard) 0.6mm (vertical type only) 1.5mm (vertical type only) N D 24 Pulse none Detent 24 Pulse with 24 Detents SWITCH: 0 Without Switch (for single color) 1 With Switch (for dual colors) sales@greatecs.com 4 Blank A C K F www.greatecs.com 1 Drawing 1: Bushing With Bushing (Standard) 7.0 M9*0.75 1.0 Drawing 2: Type of Terminal P.C.B Type Horizontal 2 Vertical 4 3.5 Drawing 3: "LB" Length Horizontal Vertical Standard Standard L L 5 (LB) 5 (LB) C A 1.5 (LB) 0.6 (LB) Drawing 4: Shaft Shape F - Type L 7.0 L F F Without With Bushing Bushing M9*0.75 L 15 17.5 20 22.5 25 30 L 12 F F 7 5 7 7 12 15 17.5 20 7 5 7 25 30 12 12 : : . ) < . . . . . . . . 2 . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . ( ) . . . 6-1 . . . Encoders 12 mm Insulated Shaft Rotary Encoder with LED EC7 Series L. E. D. COMMON SPECIFICATIONS 一. 回路: Circuit: 二. LED 特性 LED Characteristic 1. 逆電流: [IR]=10uA [VR]=5V Reverse Current: [IR]=10uA [VR]=5V 2. 反轉電壓: 5V Reverse Voltage: 5V 3. 工作溫度: -40 ℃~85℃ Operating Temperature: -40℃~85℃ 4 直流正 Vf(V) (@IF=20mA) 向電流 Though-hole type 發光色 功率消耗 Emitted Power DC Forwar d color dissipation Current Max. Typ. Max. Typ. 100mW 20mA 3.2 2.8 3.5 2.5 63mW 25mA 2.6 1.7 2.5 2 63mW 20mA 2.6 2.2 2.5 2 75mW 30mA _ _ 2.5 2.1 100mW 25mA _ _ 4 3.3 藍 色 Blue color 紅 色 Red color 綠 色 Green color 橘 色 Orange color 白 色 White Color sales@greatecs.com Surface-mount type www.greatecs.com 12