SMD Type Product specification ESD5Z2.5 SOD-523 Unit: mm +0.05 0.3-0.05 ■ Features +0.1 1.2-0.1 ● Peak Power up to 200 Watts @ 8 x 20 μs Pulse +0.05 0.8-0.05 ● Low Leakage ● Response Time is Typically< 1 ns + +0.1 0.6-0.1 - ● ESD Rating of Class 3 (> 16 kV) per Human Body Model 2 0.77max +0.05 0.1-0.02 1 0.07max +0.1 1.6-0.1 ■ Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta = 25℃ Parameter Symbol Rating Unit Per Human Body Model 16 KV Per Machine Model 400 V ESD Voltage Electrostatic discharge IEC61000-4-2 Air discharge 30 IEC61000-4-2 ContactAir discharge 30 KV Electrostatic discharge IEC61000-4-4 40 A Total Power Diss ipation on FR-5 Board*1, @ T A = 25℃ PD 100 mW Junction Temperature Range TL 260(10s) ℃ Lead Solder Temperature -Maximum TJ 150 ℃ Tstg -55 to +150 ℃ Storage Temperature Range *1 FR-5 = 1.0 X 0.75 X 0.62 in. ■ Electrical Characteristics (Ta = 25℃ unless otherwise noted, VF = 0.9 V Max. @ IF = 10 mA for all types) Device ESD5Z2.5 IT VC(V)*1 @IPP=5.0A Min mA Typ Max Max Max Typ 4.0 1.0 6.5 10.9 11.0 120 145 VRWM(V) IR(μA) @ VRWM VBR(V)@ IT*2 Max Max 2.5 6.0 VC(V)*1 IPP(A) *1 PPK(W)*1 @Max IPP C( pF) * 1. Surge current waveform per Fig.1 2. VBR is measured with a pulse test current IT at an ambient temperature of 25℃. ■ Marking Marking ZD [email protected] 4008-318-123 1 of 2 SMD Type Product specification ESD5Z2.5 ■ Typical Characteristics I IF VC VBR VRWM V IR VF IT IPP Uni−Directional TVS % OF PEAK PULSE CURRENT 100 tr 90 PEAK VALUE IRSM @ 8 ms PULSE WIDTH (tP) IS DEFINED AS THAT POINT WHERE THE PEAK CURRENT DECAY = 8 ms 80 70 60 HALF VALUE IRSM/2 @ 20 ms 50 40 30 tP 20 10 0 0 20 40 60 80 t, TIME (ms) Figure 1. 8 x 20 ms Pulse Waveform [email protected] 4008-318-123 2 of 2