Optoway FL-3540 ******************************************************************************************************************************************************** 1310 nm LASER DIODE MODULES UNCOOLED MQW-FP LD WITH RECEPTACLE ******************************************************************************************************************************************************* FEATURES ² 1310 nm typical emission wavelength ² Pf >= 3mW @Ith+20 mA ² High reliability, long operation life ² High temperature operation without active cooling ² Build-in InGaAs monitor APPLICATION Trunk Line, FitL DESCRIPTION FL-3500 series are designed for coupling a single mode optical fiber with 1310 nm MQW-FP uncooled laser diode. FL-3500 series are the best kits as light sources for telecom and datacom applications. ELECTRICAL AND OPTICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TC=25 °C) Symbol Parameter Test Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit Ith Threshold Current CW 12 15 mA VOP Operating Voltage CW, IF=Ith+20mA 1.2 1.5 V Pf Optical Output Power CW, IF=Ith+20mA - mW λc Center Wavelength CW, Ith+20mA 1310 1330 nm Δλ Spectral Width CW, Ith+20mA, RMS 1 3 nm t r, t f Rise And Fall Times IF=Ith, Ith+20mA,10~90% 0.3 ns ΔPf / P f Tracking Error 3.0 1290 APC, -40~+85 ºC Im PD Monitor Current CW, Ith+20mA ,VRD=1V ID PD Dark Current VRD=5V Ct PD Capacitance VRD=5V, f=1MHz - - ±1.0 dB μA 100 10 0.1 μA 15 pF ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (TC=25 ºC) Symbol Parameter Ratings Unit Po Optical Output Power 4 mW VRL LD Reverse Voltage 2 V VRD PD Reverse Voltage 10 V IFD PD Forward Current 1.0 mA Topr Operating Temperature -40~+85 ºC Tstg Storage Temperature -40~+85 ºC ******************************************************************************************************************************************************* OPTOWAY TECHNOLOGY INC. No.38, Kuang Fu S. Road, Hu Kou, Hsin Chu Industrial Park, Hsin Chu, Taiwan 303 Tel: 886-3-5979798 Fax:886-3-5979737 e-mail: sales@optoway.com.tw http: // www.optoway.com.tw 1/1/2003 V1.0 Optoway FL-3540 ******************************************************************************************************************************************************** MECHANICAL DIMENSION (mm) and PIN ASSIGNMENT Note: Specifications subject to change without notice. ORDER INFORMATION Part No.: F L− 3 5 4 □ Code Pin Assignment 0 Type A 5 Type B □ − □ Code S SB 8 Type C F FB Code Blank S Speed 1.25 Gbps 2.5 Gbps T □ Connector Type SC/PC SC/PC (Board Mount) FC/PC FC/PC (Board Mount) ST/PC Code Blank S Isolator No Single-Stage ******************************************************************************************************************************************************* OPTOWAY TECHNOLOGY INC. No.38, Kuang Fu S. Road, Hu Kou, Hsin Chu Industrial Park, Hsin Chu, Taiwan 303 Tel: 886-3-5979798 Fax:886-3-5979737 e-mail: sales@optoway.com.tw http: // www.optoway.com.tw 1/1/2003 V1.0