Term.W is RoHS compliant & 260°C compatible METAL FILM RESISTORS GP SERIES - Standard RoHS GPS SERIES - Small Size FP/FPS SERIES - Flameproof Industry’s widest range! 10 models, 1/8W to 2W, 1Ω to 22.1MΩ, 0.1% to 5%, 25ppm to 100ppm Miniature GPS Series enables significant space savings Flameproof FP & FPS version meet UL94V-0 Wide selection available from stock OPTIONS Option P: Pulse tolerant design Option ER: 100-hour burn-in (full rated W25°) Option 48: Short-time overload screening Numerous design modifications are available - matched sets, TCR tracking, cut & formed leads, increased voltage and temperature ratings, non-magnetic construction, etc. RESISTORSCAPACITORSCOILSDELAY LINES Precision performance, industry’s lowest price! RCD’s GP metal film resistors and FP flameproof version are designed to provide high performance and reliability at low costs. Improved performance over industry standard is achieved via the use of high grade materials combined with stringent process controls. Unlike other manufacturers that lock users into a limited range of “standard products”, RCD offers the industry’s widest choice of design options, including non-standard resistance values. L H D d Inch [mm] SERIES GP & FP SPECIFICATIONS RCD Ty p e Wa t t R a tin g ( 7 0 °C) Ma x W o r k in g Vo l t a g e 1 GP50, F P 50 .125W 200V GP55, F P 55 .25W 250V GP60, F P 60 .50W 350V GP65, F P 65 1.0W 400V GP70, F P 70 2.0W 500V TC ppm/°C 25 50 100 25 50 100 25 50 100 25 50 100 25 50 100 Standard Resis. Range (custom avail.) .1% & .25% 1 0 0 Ω -1 M 3 0 Ω -1 M 2 0 Ω -1 M 5 1 .1 Ω -1 M 1 0 Ω -1 M 1Ω - 5 . 1 M 1 0 0 Ω -1 M 1 0 Ω -1 M 1 0 Ω -1 M 1 0 0 Ω -1 M 1 0 Ω -1 M 1 0 Ω -1 M 1 0 0 Ω -1 M 1 0 Ω -1 M 1 0 Ω -1 M 0.5% 5 0 Ω -1 M 1 0 Ω -1 M 1 0 Ω -1 M 3 0 Ω -1 M 1 0 Ω -1 M 1 0 Ω -1 M 5 0 Ω -1 M 1 0 Ω -2 .2 M 1 0 Ω -2 .2 M 5 0 Ω -1 M 1 0 Ω -3 M 1 0 Ω -3 M 5 0 Ω -1 M 1 0 Ω -5 M 1 0 Ω -5 M 1% -5% 4 0 Ω -1 M 1 0 Ω -1 M 5Ω - 1 0 M 3 0 Ω -1 M 1 0 Ω -1 M 1Ω - 2 2 . 1 M 4 0 Ω -1 M 1 0 Ω -5 M 1 0 Ω -1 0 M 5 0 Ω -1 M 1 0 Ω -3 M 1 0 Ω -3 M 5 0 Ω -1 M 1 0 Ω -5 M 1 0 Ω -5 M L ± .020 [.5]* D ± .016 [.4]* d ± .003 [.08] H (Min)** Std. Reel Quantity .134 [3.4] .067 [1.7] .018 [.45] .98 [25] 5000 .248 [6.3] .090 [2.3] .024 [.60] .98 [25] 5000 .353 [9.0] .138 [3.5] .026 [.65] .98 [25] 2500 .455 [11.5]* .177 [4.5]* .030 [.75] 1.26 [32] 2000 .590 [15]* .195 [5.0]* .031 [.8] 1.26 [32] 1000 H (Min)** Std. Reel Quantity SERIES GPS & FPS SPECIFICATIONS RCD Ty p e Wa t t R a tin g ( 7 0 °C) Ma x W o r k in g Vo l t a g e 1 GP50S, F P 50S .25W 200V GP52S, F P 52S .4W 200V GP55S, F P 55S .5W 250V GP56S, F P 56S .6W 250V GP60S, F P 60S 1W 350V TC ppm/°C 25 50 100 25 50 100 25 50 100 25 50 100 25 50 100 Standard Resis. Range (custom avail.) .1% & .25% 1 0 0 Ω -1 M 3 0 Ω -1 M 2 0 Ω -1 M 1 0 0 Ω -1 M 3 0 Ω -1 M 2 0 Ω -1 M 5 1 .1 Ω -1 M 1 0 Ω -1 M 1Ω - 5 . 1 M 5 1 .1 Ω -1 M 1 0 Ω -1 M 1Ω - 5 . 1 M 1 0 0 Ω -1 M 1 0 Ω -1 M 1 0 Ω -1 M 0.5% 5 0 Ω -1 M 1 0 Ω -1 M 1 0 Ω -1 M 5 0 Ω -1 M 1 0 Ω -1 M 1 0 Ω -1 M 3 0 Ω -1 M 1 0 Ω -1 M 1 0 Ω -1 M 3 0 Ω -1 M 1 0 Ω -1 M 1 0 Ω -1 M 5 0 Ω -1 M 1 0 Ω -2 .2 M 1 0 Ω -2 .2 M 1% -5% 4 0 Ω -1 M 1 0 Ω -1 M 5Ω - 1 0 M 4 0 Ω -1 M 1 0 Ω -1 M 1 0 Ω -2 .4 M 3 0 Ω -1 M 1 0 Ω -1 M 1Ω - 2 2 . 1 M 3 0 Ω -1 M 1 0 Ω -1 M 1Ω - 2 2 . 1 M 4 0 Ω -1 M 1 0 Ω -5 M 1 0 Ω -1 0 M L ± .020 [.5]* D ± .016 [.4]* d ± .003 [.08] .134 [3.4] .067 [1.7] .018 [.45] .98 [25] 5000 .134 [3.4] .067 [1.7] .020 [.5] .98 [25] 5000 .248 [6.3] .090 [2.3] .024 [.60] .98 [25] 5000 .248 [6.3] .090 [2.3] .024 [.60] .98 [25] 5000 .353 [9.0] .138 [3.5]* .028 [.7] .98 [25] 2500 1 Working voltage = (PR)1/2, voltage level not to exceed the maximum value listed. Increased ratings available * Tolerance is ±.032 [.8] on GP65, FP65, GP70, FP70 length, ±.024 [.6] on GP65, FP65, GP70,FP70, GP60S, FP60S body diameter **Lead length dimensions are for bulk packaged parts, taped parts may be shorter (refer to taping spec) GP55S TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS P/N DESIGNATION: Environmental Test GP/FP (Standard) GPS /FPS (Mini) Short Time Overload 0.25% 0.5% Resis. to Solder Heat 0.05% 0.05% Moisture Resistance* 0.3% (FP=0.6%) 0.3% (FPS=0.6%) 1000 Hour Load Life 0.5% 1% Temperature Cycling 0.2% 0.2% Low Temp Operation 0.1% 0.1% Noise 0.1uV/V Voltage Coefficient 5ppm/V Derating Derate W and V by 1.11%/°C above 70°C Operating Temperature -55°C to +160°C Flame Retardancy GP&GPS = UL94V-1, FP&FPS = UL94V-0 Dielectric Strength 500V (GP& FP50/50S/52S=300V) * To ensure utmost reliability, care should be taken to avoid potential sources of ionic contamination. Type: GP or FP (flameproof) Option Codes: P, ER, 48 (leave blank if standard) - 1002 - F T W Resis.Code 2%-5%: 2 signif. figures & multiplier (1R0=1Ω, 100=10Ω, 101=100Ω, 102=1K, 103=10K, 104=100K, 105=1M, 106=10M) Resis.Code 0.1%-1%: 3 sig. figures &multiplier, (1R00=1Ω, 10R0=10Ω, 1000=100Ω, 1001=1K, 1002=10K, 1003=100K, 1004=1M, 1005=10M) Tolerance Code: J=5%, G=2%, F=1%, D=0.5%, C=0.25%, B=0.1% (1% is standard) Packaging: B = Bulk, T = Tape & Reel TC Options: 50=50ppm, 25=25ppm, leave blank for standard TC (100ppm 10Ω to 1M, 200ppm <10Ω or >1M) Termination: W= Lead-free, Q= Tin/Lead (leave blank if either is acceptable, in which case RCD will select based on lowest price and quickest delivery) RCD Components Inc, 520 E.Industrial Park Dr, Manchester, NH, USA 03109 rcdcomponents.com Tel: 603-669-0054 Fax: 603-669-5455 Email:sales@rcdcomponents.com FA020B 63 Sale of this product is in accordance with GF-061. Specifications subject to change without notice.