IP568x 56K V.90 Modem Single Chip Features General Description Data mode capabilities: − ITU-T V.90 − ITU-T V.34 − ITU-T V.32bis, V.32 − ITU-T V.22bis,V.22 − ITU-T V.23, V.21 − Bell 212 − Bell 103 FAX mode capabilities: The Modem Chip IP568x is a highly integrated, low-cost, high performance, low-power, a full-function modem solution. IP568x implements V.90 to achieve Internet connection rates up to 56Kbps, supporting existing V.34 data mode, video-ready interface, Class 1 FAX, TAM (Telephone Answer Machine) and Speakerphone functions. IP568x’s I/O pins allow designer to easily control DAA or design modem for special application. IP568x is a µDSP-based chip designed specifically for modem application, and it performs high MIPS operations such as V.90, V.34 and V.32 modulation. IP568x provides a serial interface for connecting to codec. IP568x uses high quality design to optimize modem configuration for line condition and provide reliable connection with connection rate ranging from 300bps up to 56Kbps. IP568x is the best choice for designing a modem. − ITU-T V.17, V.29, V.27ter, and V.21 Ch 2 − TIA/EIA 578 class 1 FAX Enhanced voice features: −Telephone answering machine (TAM) −Real Audio, 8 bits PCM −Speakerphone (Option) Caller identification (caller ID) V.42 error correction (LAPM and MNP) V.42bis and MNP class 5 data compression V.44 data compression World wide call progress tone detection ITU V.24, RS-232C serial interface Operating system support: DOS, Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows NT, Windows ME, Windows 2000, and Windows XP IS-101 AT+V commands with extensions TIA/EIA 602 standard for AT command set DTE speed up to 115200 I/O port for homologation and specific application Support power down mode Fully software upgradeable (need external flash memory) Application Standalone Modem Embedded Modem Module Network Computer Set-top Box Video Phone Order Information 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 112 111 110 115 114 113 118 117 116 121 120 119 124 123 122 127 126 56K V.90 Modem Single Chip 125 IP568x: 128 1 102 2 101 3 100 4 99 5 98 97 6 7 96 8 95 9 94 10 93 11 92 12 91 90 13 89 14 88 15 87 16 86 17 18 85 19 84 20 83 21 82 81 22 80 23 79 24 78 25 77 26 76 27 75 28 74 29 64 63 62 61 58 60 59 55 56 57 52 53 54 50 51 49 65 48 66 38 46 67 37 47 36 43 68 44 69 35 45 70 34 40 33 41 71 42 73 72 32 39 30 31 IP568x 128Pin LQFP System Block Diagram IP568x RS-232C Interface External Memory Interface (Option) µDSP RS-232C Interface Internal Memory Memory Interface I/O Logic Σ−∆ A/D,D/A Converter Tx Rx Speaker PLL1 PLL2 I/O Port Preliminary, Specification subject to change without notice IP568x-DS-P05, Nov, 2002 Copyright@2002, IC ACE Corp. 1 Tel: 886-2-26961080 Fax: 886-2-26961085 Email: sales@icace.com.tw IP568x 56K V.90 Modem Single Chip PIN Assignments Preliminary, Specification subject to change without notice IP568x-DS-P05, Nov, 2002 Copyright@2002, IC ACE Corp. 2 Tel: 886-2-26961080 Fax: 886-2-26961085 Email: sales@icace.com.tw IP568x 56K V.90 Modem Single Chip PIN Description Pin No. 1 13 18 19 21 33 35 36 37 38 40 41 42 43 44 48 Symbol /DTR /RXD /TXD /CODRST T1 /RTS /DSR /CTS /MRLED /TRLED /DCD /AALED /HSLED /RI /OH /FLHWR I/O I I O O I I O O O O O O O I O O 49 50 52-55, 57-62,65-72 76 77 80 78 81 83-90 92-93,100-105 95 96 106 /PSEN EXT/INT_ROM HA0-HA17 DT0 DR0 FS0 SCLK CODECLK HD0-HD7 Out[7:0] OSCI OSCO /LCS O I O O I I I O I/O O I O I 107 108 109 115 119 94 97 12,45,63,75,91,113 8,17,25,30,39,46,56, 64,73,79,98,124 EEDATA EESK EECS /RESET VOUTR AGND AVDD3.3 VDD2.5V GND I/O O O I O P P P P Description RS232 DTR signal RS232 data input and TD LED Data output to RS232 and RD LED Codec Reset Connect with pin 13 RS232 RTS signal RS232 DSR signal RS232 CTS signal MR LED pin DTR LED pin DCD AA LED pin HS LED pin Telephone interface ring input Hook relay control (P1.2) IP568x flash memory write enable If program memory is not flash memory, this pin is an NC pin IP568x program strobe enable For external ROM or internal ROM selection Host Address bus of IP568x SP1 Transmit Data Output pin SP1 Receive Data Input pin SP1 Frame signal Reference Clock for SP1 and SP2 Codec Clock Host Data bus of IP568x Output port 0 – 7 Oscillator input. It accepts either a crystal or an external TTL driver. Oscillator output Line loop current detection Input port (address:bit0 of F400H) NVRAM serial data port NVRAM clock input NVRAM chip select Reset pin, 3.3V input only Regulator control output For PLL and oscillator For PLL and oscillator ( 3.3V ) +2.5V power supply Digital ground Preliminary, Specification subject to change without notice IP568x-DS-P05, Nov, 2002 Copyright@2002, IC ACE Corp. 3 Tel: 886-2-26961080 Fax: 886-2-26961085 Email: sales@icace.com.tw IP568x 56K V.90 Modem Single Chip PIN Description Pin No. 14,15,24,47,82,99, 116,117,118 2-7,9-11,16,20,22,23, 26-29,31,32,34,51,74 ,110-112,114,120-123 ,125-128 Symbol VDD3.3V NC I/O P Description +3.3V power supply These pins are for testing and must be floated in application. Table 1. IP568x Pin Description System Configuration ATxxxx (Issue Download command) Ready (Modem response “Ready”) Send ASCII File (Choose send ASCII file in communication software & send new code to modem) Wait moment (download program) . . (Waiting) . OK (When download procedure is complete, modem will response OK.) a. Power Down Mode Host can instruct modem system to enter power down mode by “AT*P” command. There are two ways to wake µDSP. (1) Power off then power on modem (2) Negative pulse is occurred at input pins “RI\” of IP568x b. Re-flash Program Memory (Download New code) By setting C0H.0 (reset state: 0), system can switch program and data memory. If system uses FLASH memory as program memory, we can use this function to replace program code by loading download program to data memory then swapping external data memory and external program memory. For example, SETB C0H,0 LJMP 0000H In this modem system, modem provides a AT command for download function. When users get new code and want to upgrade current program code, the following procedure can be used: Preliminary, Specification subject to change without notice IP568x-DS-P05, Nov, 2002 Copyright@2002, IC ACE Corp. Note: When modem is in download mode, don’t turn off power. c. DAA (Data Access Arrangement) & NCU (network Control Unit) The modem chip provides standard serial interface for Codec. IP568x can support traditional code plus transformer-based NCU circuit and advance silicon DAA. For further information, please contact technical supporting engineer. d. AT command IP568x modem supports Data, Fax and Voice function. All functions are controlled by AT command. IC ACE will provide source code of AT command part for customer modification. Please refer to the document “ User’s Manual & AT command set”. 4 Tel: 886-2-26961080 Fax: 886-2-26961085 Email: sales@icace.com.tw IP568x 56K V.90 Modem Single Chip e. V.44 V.44 New compression scheme that compresses HTML text for faster web downloads. IP568x has already combined the V.44 function into its internal ROM. That means, IP568x don’t need to add any extra components for this advance function. Electrical Characteristic Absolute Maximum Rating Power supply voltage Operating temperature under bias Storage temperature Applied voltage on any pin -0.5V to 7.0V 0℃ to 70℃ -65℃ to 150℃ -0.5V≦VIN≦VDD+0.5V DC Electrical Characteristics (AVDD3.3V=3.3V±5%, VDD3.3V=3.3V±5% VDD2.5V=2.5V±5%GND=0V, TA=0℃ to 70℃) Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Parameter Unit VDD3.3V Operation Voltage 3.3-5% 3.3 3.3+5% V VDD2.5V Operation Voltage 2.5-5% 2.5 2.5+5% V AVDD3.3V Operation Voltage 3.3-5% 3.3 3.3+5% V IDD Operation Current TBD mA VIH Input High Voltage 2.0 V VIL Input Low Voltage +0.8 V ILI Input Leakage -10 10 uA VOH Output High Voltage 2.4 V VOL Output Low Voltage +0.4 V CIN Input Capacitance 10.0 pF VILRESET Reset Schmitt VIL 1.3 V VIHRESET Reset Schmitt VIH 2.0 V Conditions VIN =0, 3.3V+5% IOH=-0.5mA IOL=1.5mA Order Information Part No. PIN Notice IP568x 128 PIN LQFP External Modem Preliminary, Specification subject to change without notice IP568x-DS-P05, Nov, 2002 Copyright@2002, IC ACE Corp. 5 Tel: 886-2-26961080 Fax: 886-2-26961085 Email: sales@icace.com.tw IP568x 56K V.90 Modem Single Chip Package Detail (128-pin LQFP Outline Dimensions) Preliminary, Specification subject to change without notice IP568x-DS-P05, Nov, 2002 Copyright@2002, IC ACE Corp. 6 Tel: 886-2-26961080 Fax: 886-2-26961085 Email: sales@icace.com.tw