KT 347 Vishay BCcomponents Polyester Film Capacitors KT Radial Epoxy Lacquered Type APPLICATIONS Consumer and industrial. Especially where high currents and/or steep pulses occur. DC or AC voltage 168x12(halfpage) l l seating plane (1) h MARKING h 1.6 (2)α Manufacturer emblem; C-value; tolerance; rated voltage; w double conical hole lt code for dielectric material; code for factory of origin lt A >0.5 A P P A Ødt β° β° DIELECTRIC magnified view direction A β≤ 15° Polyester film Dimensions in mm. (1) Hole ∅0.8 for dt 0.6 mm. Hole ∅1.0 for dt = 0.8 mm. (2) 0 ≤ α < 50°. (3) A = 2.0 ±0.5 mm (pitch = 10.0 mm). A = 3.5 ±1.0 mm (pitch = 15.0 and 22.5 mm). ELECTRODES Aluminum foil COATING CLIMATIC CATEGORY Flame retardant epoxy material (UL-class 94 V-0) 40/100/21 CONSTRUCTION RATED TEMPERATURE Film/foil mono construction 85 °C LEADS e3 Tinned wire MAXIMUM APPLICATION TEMPERATURE 100 °C CAPACITANCE RANGE (E12 SERIES) 0.001 to 0.47 µF REFERENCE SPECIFICATIONS IEC 60384-11 CAPACITANCE TOLERANCE ±20%; ±10% PERFORMANCE GRADE Grade 1 (long life) RATED (DC) VOLTAGE 100 V; 250 V; 400 V; 630 V FEATURES 10 to 22.5 mm lead pitch. Supplied loose in box Lead (Pb)-free product RATED (AC) VOLTAGE 50 V; 80 V; 125 V; 200 V DETAIL SPECIFICATION For more detailed data and test requirements contact: filmcaps.roeselare@vishay.com www.vishay.com 130 For technical questions contact: filmcaps.roeselare@vishay.com Document Number: 28113 Revision: 28-Feb-05 KT 347 Vishay BCcomponents Polyester Film Capacitors KT Radial Epoxy Lacquered Type COMPOSITION OF CATALOG NUMBER TYPE AND PITCHES MULTIPLIER (nF) 10.0 mm 347 15.0 mm CAPACITANCE 22.5 mm (numerically; but not for lock lead) 0.1 2 1 3 10 4 100 5 Example: 104 = 10 x 10 = 100 nF 2222 347 XX XX X PREFERRED TYPES TYPE 347 PACKAGING LEAD CONFIGURATION loose in box lead length 4.0 +1.0/−0.5 mm loose in box (lock lead) lead length 4.0 +1.0/−0.5 mm C-TOL 100 V 250 V 400 V 630 V ±10% 21 41 51 61 90 90 90 90 ±10% height dimensions given in parenthesis. ON REQUEST 347 loose in box lead length 4.0 +1.0/−0.5 mm ±20% 20 40 50 60 SPECIFIC REFERENCE DATA DESCRIPTION VALUE Tangent of loss angle: C ≤ 0.47 µF Rated voltage pulse slope (dU/dt)R at 1 kHz at 10 kHz ≤60 × 10−4 ≤110 × 10−4 at 100 V (DC) R between leads, for C ≤ 0.33 µF at 100 V; 1 minute RC between leads, for C > 0.33 µF at 100 V; 1 minute R between interconnected leads and case (foil method) at 250 V (DC) at 400 V (DC) at 630 V (DC) 10000 V/µs 10000 V/µs 10000 V/µs 10000 V/µs >50000 MΩ >50000 MΩ >50000 MΩ >50000 MΩ >16500 s >16500 s >30000 MΩ Withstanding (DC) voltage (cut off current 10 mA); rise time 100 V/s 200 V; 1 minute 500 V; 1 minute 800 V; 1 minute 1260 V; 1 minute Withstanding (DC) voltage between leads and case 200 V; 1 minute 500 V; 1 minute 800 V; 1 minute 1260 V; 1 minute Document Number: 28113 Revision: 28-Feb-05 For technical questions contact: filmcaps.roeselare@vishay.com www.vishay.com 131 KT 347 Vishay BCcomponents Polyester Film Capacitors KT Radial Epoxy Lacquered Type URdc = 100 V; URac = 50 V; Up-p = 140 V CATALOG NUMBER 2222 347 ..... AND PACKAGING C (µF) DIMENSIONS wmax × hmax × lmax (mm) MASS (g) LOOSE IN BOX; lt = 4.0 +1.0/−0.5 mm C-tol = ±10% last 5 digits of catalog number C-tol = ±10% SPQ Pitch = 10.0 ±0.4 mm; dt = 0.60 ±0.06 mm last 5 digits of catalog number SPQ lock lead 0.015 21153 90238 0.018 21183 90239 5.5 × 13.0 (16.0) × 13.5 0.7 0.033 6.0 × 13.5 (16.5) × 13.5 0.7 21333 2000 90236 0.039 6.5 × 14.0 (17.0) × 13.5 0.8 21393 1750 90243 1750 0.047 7.0 × 14.5 (17.5) × 13.5 0.9 21473 1750 90244 1750 0.022 0.027 21223 1250 21273 90241 1250 90242 Pitch = 15.0 ±0.4 mm; dt = 0.80 ±0.08 mm 2000 lock lead 0.056 5.5 × 14.0 (17.0) × 19.0 1.2 21563 1500 90245 1500 0.068 6.0 × 14.5 (17.5) × 19.0 1.3 21683 1500 90235 1500 0.082 7.0 × 15.5 (18.5) × 19.0 1.5 21823 1250 90212 1250 0.1 7.5 × 16.0 (19.0) × 19.0 1.7 21104 1000 90224 1000 0.12 8.0 × 16.5 (19.5) × 19.0 1.9 21124 1000 90246 1000 0.15 8.5 × 17.0 (20.0) × 19.0 2.3 21154 900 90247 900 Pitch = 22.5 ±0.4 mm; dt = 0.80 ±0.08 mm lock lead 0.18 7.5 × 18.0 (21.0) × 27.0 2.8 21184 800 90248 800 0.22 7.5 × 18.5 (21.5) × 27.0 3.2 21224 800 90249 800 0.27 8.0 × 19.5 (22.5) × 27.0 3.8 21274 500 90251 500 0.33 9.0 × 20.0 (23.0) × 27.0 4.4 21334 450 90252 450 0.39 10.0 × 21.0 (24.0) × 27.0 5.1 21394 400 90253 400 0.47 11.0 × 22.0 (25.0) × 27.0 6.0 21474 350 90254 350 URdc = 250 V; URac = 80 V; Up-p = 225 V CATALOG NUMBER 2222 347 ..... AND PACKAGING C (µF) DIMENSIONS wmax × hmax × lmax (mm) MASS (g) LOOSE IN BOX; lt = 4.0 +1.0/−0.5 mm C-tol = ±10% C-tol = ±10% last 5 digits of catalog number last 5 digits of catalog number SPQ Pitch = 10.0 ±0.4 mm; dt = 0.60 ±0.06 mm SPQ lock lead 0.0082 41822 90255 0.01 41103 90256 5.5 × 13.0 (16.0) × 13.5 0.7 0.018 6.0 × 13.5 (16.5) × 13.5 0.7 41183 2000 90259 2000 0.022 6.5 × 14.0 (17.0) × 13.5 0.8 41223 2000 90225 1750 0.027 7.0 × 14.5 (17.5 × 13.5 0.9 41273 2000 90261 1750 0.012 0.015 41123 2000 41153 90257 1250 90258 Pitch = 15.0 ±0.4 mm; dt = 0.80 ±0.08 mm lock lead 0.033 5.5 × 14.0 (17.0) × 19.0 1.1 41333 2000 90213 0.039 6.0 × 14.5 (17.5) × 19.0 1.3 41393 2000 90262 1500 0.047 7.0 × 15.5 (18.5) × 19.0 1.4 41473 2000 90214 1250 www.vishay.com 132 For technical questions contact: filmcaps.roeselare@vishay.com 1500 Document Number: 28113 Revision: 28-Feb-05 KT 347 Polyester Film Capacitors KT Radial Epoxy Lacquered Type Vishay BCcomponents CATALOG NUMBER 2222 347 ..... AND PACKAGING C (µF) DIMENSIONS wmax × hmax × lmax (mm) MASS (g) LOOSE IN BOX; lt = 4.0 +1.0/−0.5 mm C-tol = ±10% C-tol = ±10% last 5 digits of catalog number SPQ last 5 digits of catalog number SPQ 7.5 × 16.0 (19.0) × 19.0 1.6 41563 2000 90226 1000 0.068 8.0 × 16.5 (19.5) × 19.0 1.8 41683 2000 90234 1000 0.082 8.5 × 17.0 (20.0) × 19.0 2.1 41823 1000 90263 900 0.056 Pitch = 22.5 ±0.4 mm; dt = 0.80 ±0.08 mm lock lead 0.1 7.5 × 18.0 (21.0) × 27.0 2.7 41104 1000 90215 0.12 7.5 × 18.5 (21.5) × 27.0 3.0 41124 1000 90264 800 0.15 8.0 × 19.5 (22.5) × 27.0 3.5 41154 500 90216 500 800 0.18 9.0 × 20.0 (23.0) × 27.0 4.0 41184 500 90265 450 0.22 10.0 × 21.0 (24.0) × 27.0 4.5 41224 500 90217 400 0.27 11.0 × 22.0 (25.0) × 27.0 5.3 41274 500 90266 350 URdc = 400 V; URac = 125 V; Up-p = 350 V CATALOG NUMBER 2222 347 ..... AND PACKAGING C (µF) DIMENSIONS wmax × hmax × lmax (mm) MASS (g) LOOSE IN BOX; lt = 4.0 +1.0/−0.5 mm C-tol = ±10% last 5 digits of catalog number C-tol = ±10% SPQ Pitch = 10.0 ±0.4 mm; dt = 0.60 ±0.06 mm last 5 digits of catalog number SPQ lock lead 0.0047 51472 90237 0.0056 51562 90267 5.5 × 13.0 (16.0) × 13.5 0.7 0.01 6.0 × 13.5 (16.5) × 13.5 0.7 51103 2000 90218 0.012 6.5 × 14.0 (17.0) × 13.5 0.8 51123 2000 90221 1750 0.015 7.0 × 14.5 (17.5) × 13.5 0.9 51153 2000 90219 1750 5.5 × 14.0 (17.0) × 19.0 1.1 51183 2000 90222 1500 1500 0.0068 0.0082 51682 2000 51822 1250 90269 Pitch = 15.0 ±0.4 mm; dt = 0.80 ±0.08 mm 0.018 90268 2000 lock lead 0.022 6.0 × 14.5 (17.5) × 19.0 1.2 51223 2000 90223 0.027 7.0 × 15.5 (18.5) × 19.0 1.4 51273 2000 90232 1250 0.033 7.5 × 16.0 (19.0) × 19.0 1.6 51333 2000 90227 1000 0.039 8.0 × 16.5 (19.5) × 19.0 1.8 51393 2000 90228 1000 0.047 8.5 × 17.0 (20.0) × 19.0 2.1 51473 1000 90229 900 Pitch = 22.5 ±0.4 mm; dt = 0.80 ±0.08 mm lock lead 0.056 7.5 × 18.0 (21.0) × 27.0 2.5 51563 1000 90231 800 0.068 7.5 × 18.5 (21.5) × 27.0 2.9 51683 1000 90271 800 0.082 8.0 × 19.5 (22.5) × 27.0 3.2 51823 500 90272 500 0.1 9.0 × 20.0 (23.0) × 27.0 3.8 51104 500 90273 450 0.12 10.0 × 21.0 (24.0) × 27.0 4.4 51124 500 90274 400 0.15 11.0 × 22.0 (25.0) × 27.0 5.2 51154 500 90275 350 Document Number: 28113 Revision: 28-Feb-05 For technical questions contact: filmcaps.roeselare@vishay.com www.vishay.com 133 KT 347 Vishay BCcomponents Polyester Film Capacitors KT Radial Epoxy Lacquered Type URdc = 630 V; URac = 200 V; Up-p = 560 V CATALOG NUMBER 2222 347 ..... AND PACKAGING C (µF) DIMENSIONS wmax × hmax × lmax (mm) LOOSE IN BOX; lt = 4.0 +1.0/−0.5 mm MASS (g) C-tol = ±10% C-tol = ±10% last 5 digits of catalog number SPQ Pitch = 10.0 ±0.4 mm; dt = 0.60 ±0.06 mm last 5 digits of catalog number lock lead 0.001 61102 90276 0.0012 61122 90277 0.0015 61152 90278 0.0018 61182 90279 0.0022 SPQ 5.5 × 13.0 (16.0) × 13.5 0.7 2000 61222 90281 0.0027 61272 0.0033 61332 90283 0.0039 61392 90284 1250 90282 0.0047 6.0 × 13.5 (16.5) × 13.5 0.7 61472 2000 90285 0.0056 6.5 × 14.0 (17.0) × 13.5 0.8 61562 2000 90286 1750 0.0068 7.0 × 14.5 (17.5) × 13.5 0.9 61682 2000 90287 1750 Pitch = 15.0 ±0.4 mm; dt = 0.80 ±0.08 mm 2000 lock lead 0.0082 5.5 × 14.0 (17.0) × 19.0 1.1 61822 2000 90288 1500 0.01 6.0 × 14.5 (17.5) × 19.0 1.2 61103 2000 90289 1500 0.012 7.0 × 15.5 (18.5) × 19.0 1.3 61123 2000 90291 1250 0.015 7.5 × 16.0 (19.0) × 19.0 1.5 61153 2000 90292 1000 0.018 8.0 × 16.5 (19.5) × 19.0 1.7 61183 2000 90293 1000 0.022 8.5 × 17.0 (20.0) × 19.0 2.0 61223 1000 90294 900 Pitch = 22.5 ±0.4 mm; dt = 0.80 ±0.08 mm lock lead 0.027 7.5 × 18.0 (21.0) × 27.0 2.5 61273 1000 90295 800 0.033 7.5 × 18.5 (21.5) × 27.0 2.8 61333 1000 90233 800 0.039 8.0 × 19.5 (22.5) × 27.0 3.0 61393 500 90296 500 0.047 9.0 × 20.0 (23.0) × 27.0 3.5 61473 500 90297 450 0.056 10.0 × 21.0 (24.0) × 27.0 3.8 61563 500 90298 400 0.068 11.0 × 22.0 (25.0) × 27.0 4.4 61683 500 90299 350 CAPACITANCE 2 ∆C/C (%) ∆C/C (%) 8 1 4 0 -1 max. 0 470 nF 1 nF 470 nF typical -4 -2 1 nF min. -3 2 10 www.vishay.com 134 10 3 10 4 f (Hz) 10 5 -8 -60 -20 For technical questions contact: filmcaps.roeselare@vishay.com 20 60 Tamb (°C) 100 Document Number: 28113 Revision: 28-Feb-05