LL1.5 THRU LL2.4 Voltage Stabilizers FEATURES MiniMELF ♦ Silicon Planar Stabilizer Diodes .142 (3.6) .134 (3.4) ∅ .063 (1.6) .055 (1.4) ♦ Monolithic integrated analog circuits in MinCathode Mark .019 (0.48) .011 (0.28) iMELF case, designed for small power stabilizer and limitation circuits, providing low dynamic resistance and high-quality stabilization performance as well as low noise. In the reverse direction, these devices show the behavior of forward-biased silicon diodes. ♦ The end of the device marked with the cathode ring is to be connected: LL1.5 and LL2 to the negative pole of the supply voltage LL 2.4 to the positive pole of the supply voltage Dimensions in inches and (millimeters) ♦ These diodes are also available in DO-35 case with the type designation ZTE1.5 … ZTE2.4. MECHANICAL DATA Case: MiniMELF Glass Case (SOD-80) Weight: approx. 0.05 g MAXIMUM RATINGS AND ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Ratings at 25 °C ambient temperature unless otherwise specified Symbol Value Unit Inverse Current IF 100 mA Power Dissipation at Tamb = 25 °C Ptot 3001) mW Junction Temperature Tj 150 °C Storage Temperature Range TS –55 to +150 °C Operating Current see Table “Characteristics” 1) Valid 4/98 provided that electrodes are kept at ambient temperature. LL1.5 THRU LL2.4 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Ratings at 25 °C ambient temperature unless otherwise specified Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit Forward Voltage at IF = 10 mA VF – – 1.1 V Temperature Coefficient of the stabilized voltage at IZ = 5 mA LL1.5, LL2 LL2.4 αVZ αVZ – – –26 –34 – – 10–4/K 10–4/K Thermal Resistance Junction to Ambient Air RthJA – – 0.41) K/mW 1) Valid provided that electrodes are kept at ambient temperature. Operating voltage at IZ = 5 mA1) Dynamic resistance at IZ = 5 mA Permissible operating current at Tamb = 25 °C2) VZ V rzj Ω IZ max. mA LL1.5 1.35 … 1.55 13 (< 20) 120 LL2 2.0 … 2.3 18 (< 30) 120 LL2.4 2.2 … 2.56 14 (< 20) 120 Type 1) 2) Tested with pulses tp = 5 ms Valid provided that electrodes are kept at ambient temperature. RATINGS AND CHARACTERISTIC CURVES LL1.5 THRU LL2.4 RATINGS AND CHARACTERISTIC CURVES LL1.5 THRU LL2.4