RF SILICON AND SUBSYSTEMS SOLUTIONS FOR BROADBAND COMMUNICATIONS AND AUTOMOTIVE ELECTRONICS MT1119 AUTOMOTIVE AM/FM ANTENNA AMPLIFIER SUBSYSTEM PRELIMINARY PRODUCT BRIEF The MT1119 is a highly integrated and complete RF amplifier subsystem for PRELIMINARY active AM/FM antennas MT1119 High Performance Automotive AM/FM Amplifier Subsystem The MT1119 is an advanced, lowpower, highly integrated single-chip amplifier IC specifically designed for automotive AM/FM antenna systems requiring low noise and very low distortion. Additionally, the MT1119 has an integrated true-RMS power detector and an uncommitted op-amp in order to realize an AGC function for FM by simply adding external PIN diodes. The threshold of the FM AGC function is variable and can be set according to the application requirements. The onchip 2.5V temperature compensated reference generator and high output voltage op-amp combine to form a low-cost, reliable, automotivecapable power supply which can be directly derived from the car battery. The MT1119 is capable of amplifying signals with frequencies in the 0.15 MHz to 30 MHz range for AM and 76 MHz to 162.4 MHz range for FM. External components determine the gain of the AM and FM amplifiers and can also be modified to extend the operating frequency of the MT1119. The AM amplifier uses a highly sophisticated design technology in order to reach low noise, very low distortion, high input impedance and its capability to drive very low output impedance. The FM amplifier is matched to 50 ohms and is specially designed to perform with very low noise and distortion. The small 24-pin QFN package of the MT1119 and the requirement for minimal external components enables a compact, cost-effective solution fulfilling automotive requirements. APPLICATIONS • • • In-glass antennas Active roof antennas Other active AM/FM antenna systems FEATURES • • • • • • • • • • • • • • AM input frequency range 0.15 MHz to 30 MHz supports AM, DRM and HD Radio standards in the longwave, midwave and shortwave band FM input frequency range 76 MHz to 162.4 MHz supports FM and HD Radio standards in the FM and weather band Fully integrated amplifiers for AM and FM Fully integrated RMS level detector and general purpose op-amp (PIN-diode drivers) for easy implementation of AGC function for FM On-chip reference voltage generator and high output voltage op-amp builds a reliable low-cost voltage regulator function Low noise Low power consumption Ultra low distortion Very high AM input impedance Very small package Highly sophisticated temperature compensation design technology to support the extended automotive ambient temperature range from -40° to 115°C. Integrated ESD protection Minimal external components 4x4mm 24-pin QFN package M T 1 1 19 A U T O MOT I V E A M /F M A M PL IF I ER S U B S YST EM PRODUCT BRIEF AMPLIFIER ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS PARAMETER Supply voltage Supply voltage ripple MIN TYP MAX UNIT 5.75 6 6.25 15 V mV ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS PARAMETER Supply voltage Storage temperature range Operating Junction Temperature Lead temperature (soldering 5 seconds, lead-free solder) Input voltage MIN MAX UNIT -40 6.5 +150 +145 V °C °C +260 °C VCC +0.3 V -0.3 PARAMETER MIN Active current FM Signal Path Input frequency range FM FM gain FM input impedance Return loss FM OIP3 FM, Output Level 2 x 110dBµV FM noise figure at 6dB gain AM Signal Path 76 3 Input frequency range AM AM gain AM input resistance AM input capacitance OIP3 AM, Output Level 2 x 110dBµV OIP2 AM, Output Level 2 x 110dBµV AM output noise at 6dB gain (BW=9KHz) @ 1 MHz Op Amps 0.15 0 21 20 mA 50 8 MHz dB Ω dB 140 dBµV 2.7 dB 30 10 1 10 MHz dB MΩ pF 145 dBµV 175 dBµV -6.5 dBµV Vcc Vcc Vcc 28 20 10 V V V V mA mA 2.5 V 19 1 18 2 17 Optional FM PIN diodes FM Out FM In 16 Exposed paddle on package bottom 4 FM Amplifier 15 5 6V Power Supply 14 Level Detector Op Amp 1 - 3 + PRELIMINARY 22 UNIT 162.4 12 0 0 0 0 Output voltage 23 MAX 85 Input voltage range Output voltage range HV-amp input voltage range HV-amp output voltage range Output current Output Sink Current (HV-amp) Reference 24 TYP Power Supply Reference Voltage High Voltage OpAmp MT1119 6 13 AM In 12 Volt Input AM Amplifier 7 8 9 10 11 12 AM Out MT1119 Pin Diagram MT1119 Block Diagram Microtune, Inc., 2201 10th Street, Plano, TX 75074, USA Tel: +1-972-673-1600, Fax: +1-972-673-1602, E-mail: sales@microtune.com, Web site: www.microtune.com For a detailed list of office locations, sales offices, and sales representatives, visit our web site at www.microtune.com Microtune believes that the information in this document is accurate and reliable, as of the date of this document. Microtune assumes no responsibility for any consequences arising from the use of this information, nor from any infringement of patents or the rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or other rights of Microtune. The information in this publication replaces and supersedes all information previously supplied, and is subject to change without notice. The customer is responsible for assuring that proper design and operating safeguards are observed to minimize inherent and procedural hazards. Microtune assumes no responsibility for applications assistance or customer product design. The devices described in this document are not authorized for use in medical, life-support equipment, or any other application involving a potential risk of severe property or environmental damage, personal injury, or death without prior express written approval of Microtune. Any such use is understood to be entirely at the user’s risk. Microtune is a registered trademark of Microtune, Inc. MicroTuner, MicroStreamer, VideoCaster, DataCaster, ClearTune, and the Microtune logo are trademarks of Microtune, Inc. All other trademarks belong to their respective companies. Microtune’s products are protected by one or more of the following U.S. patents: 5,625,325; 5,648,744; 5,717,730; 5,737,035; 5,739,730; 5,805,988; 5,847,612; 6,100,761; 6,104,242; 6,163,684; 6,169,569; 6,172,378; 6,177,964; 6,211,745; 6,218,899; 6,268,778; 6,310,387; 6,323,736; 6,355,537; 6,429,502; 6,462,327; 6,535,068; 6,580,313; 6,608,522; 6,631,257; 6,714,776; 6,725,463; 6,744,308; 6,771,124; 6,784,945; 6,804,099; 6,888,406; 6,891,435; 6,906,594; 6,909,886; 6,919,774; 6,920,182; 6,922,556; 6,963,478; 6,973,288; 6,993,310; 7,035,614; 7,078,960; 7,079,195; 7,164,899; 7,171,176; 7,184,724; 7,190,942; 7,190,943; D469,742 and additional patents pending or filed. Entire contents Copyright © 1996 - 2007 Microtune, Inc. MT2122 PB-00147 — Rev 1.0 062007 July, 2007