January 2003
©P&E Microcomputer Systems, Inc., 2001, 2002; All Rights Reserved
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P&E Microcomputer Systems, Inc.
P.O. Box 2044
Woburn, MA 01888
Manual version 1.03
Systems, Inc.
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................5
MON08 MULTILINK HARDWARE..............................................................................5
MON08 MULTILINK Power Supply ............................................................................................5
Optional Oscillator .........................................................................................................................5
Target MON08 Connector ..............................................................................................................6
Ribbon Cable ..................................................................................................................................8
Target Power Management.............................................................................................................8
Parallel Port ....................................................................................................................................8
TARGET MON08 HEADER PINOUTS .........................................................................9
68HC908AB ...................................................................................................................................9
68HC908AT .................................................................................................................................11
68HC908AZ .................................................................................................................................12
68HC908BD .................................................................................................................................13
68HC908EY .................................................................................................................................14
68HC908GR16 .............................................................................................................................15
68HC908GR4/8 ............................................................................................................................16
68HC908GT .................................................................................................................................17
68HC908GZ .................................................................................................................................17
68HC908JB1/8 .............................................................................................................................18
68HC908JB16 ..............................................................................................................................19
68HC908JG ..................................................................................................................................20
68HC908JK ..................................................................................................................................20
68HC908KX .................................................................................................................................22
68HC908LD .................................................................................................................................23
68HC908MR4/8 ...........................................................................................................................24
68HC908MR16/32 .......................................................................................................................25
68HC908QT .................................................................................................................................26
68HC908QY .................................................................................................................................26
68HC908RF ..................................................................................................................................27
68HC908RK .................................................................................................................................28
68HC908SR ..................................................................................................................................29
PC-HOSTED DEBUG/PROGRAMMING SOFTWARE..............................................30
P&E Microcomputer Systems Software.......................................................................................30
Metrowerks Software ...................................................................................................................33
MON08 Multilink User Manual
Systems, Inc.
Target Connection And Security Dialog ..................................................................................... 38
MON08 Multilink User Manual
Systems, Inc.
The MON08 MULTILINK is an interface cable whose purpose is to allow
debug and programming of 68HC08 devices via the MON08 debug port. The
MON08 MULTILINK connects the target to the PC via a standard parallel
Some of the features that make the MON08 MULTILINK versatile are:
a. Software configurable port pin settings for Monitor ROM entrance.
b. Works with 2V, 3V, and 5V targets with internal bus frequency ranges from
1MHz to 8MHz.
c. Automatically detects target internal bus frequency and sets communications
baud rate.
d. May optionally provide either 2,3, or 5V power @ 125mA to the target via
Pin 15 of the MON08 header.
e. Provides 5V 4.9152 MHz oscillator signal to overdrive target crystal and RC
clock circuitry.
MON08 MULTILINK Power Supply
The MON08 MULTILINK requires a regulated 9V DC Center Positive power
supply with 1.3/3.5mm female plug. The MON08 MULTILINK derives its
power from the Power Jack located beside the MON08 connector. When the
cable is powered up, the Green LED will be on. If the target is powered, the
Yellow LED will be on.
Optional Oscillator
The MON08 MULTILINK provides a 5V 4.9152 MHz oscillator clock signal
to Pin 13 of the MON08 Connector. If the target is a 5V system, the user may
use this clock signal to overdrive the target RC or crystal circuitry. If this signal
is not used, just leave Pin 13 of the target MON08 header unconnected.
MON08 Multilink User Manual
Systems, Inc.
Please note that if the target already uses an oscillator as its clock, the MON08
MULTILINK will NOT be able to overdrive it. The clock should have
sufficient drive to be used with a target system even if the target system has an
RC circuit or crystal connected.
Target MON08 Connector
The MON08 MULTILINK requires the target to have a standard 16-position
0.100-inch pitch dual row 0.025-inch square header. The mechanical drawing
is shown in Figure 2-1.
Figure 2-1: 16-Pin Header Mechanical Drawing
The MON08 Connector adopts the standard pin-out from MON08 debugging
(as used on different ICS boards) with some modifications. The general pin-out
is as follows:
PIN 1 - NC
PIN 3 - NC
PIN 5 - NC
PIN 7 - NC
PIN 9 - NC
PIN11 - NC
PIN15 - Vout
- PIN 2
- PIN 4
- PIN 6
- PIN 8
- PIN10
- PIN12
- PIN14
- PIN16
MON08 Multilink User Manual
Systems, Inc.
If viewed right-side-up from the rear (open) end of the cable housing, the
MON08 Multilink header looks like this:
Figure 2-2: MON08 Connector Pin Location
Please note that NC designates that these pins are reserved for future P&E use.
Make sure you do not connect any signal to these lines.
The MON4-MON8 signals are software configurable to support connections
to different 68HC908 devices. Depending upon the device, either the MON4 or
MON5 pin is the single-wire communications line (which usually corresponds
to PORTA0 or PORTB0). The rest of the lines are either no connect or are port
lines which must be driven to particular values upon reset. The MON08
MULTILINK software lists the target processor types and their corresponding
pin-outs for user references. The software also selects the single-wire
communications line according to the target processor type.
MON08 Multilink User Manual
Systems, Inc.
Ribbon Cable
The MON08 MULTILINK communicates with the target through a 16-pin
ribbon cable with 0.100-inch centerline dual row socket IDC assembly (not
keyed). The ribbon cable is designed such that the MON08 MULTILINK
MON08 Connector and the target MON08 Header have the same pinout. i.e.
The Pin 1 of the MON08 MULTILINK MON08 Connector is connected to the
Pin 1 of the target MON08 Header. Figure 2-3 sketches the connection
mechanism (looking down into the sockets).
Figure 2-3: Ribbon Cable Diagram
Target Power Management
The PC software can be configured to have the MON08 MULTILINK drive
2V, 3V, or 5V power to the target on Pin 15 of the MON08 connector. The
“device power” option on the connection dialog specifies the voltage level to
source. Figure 2-4 shows the device power settings.
Figure 2-4: MON08 MULTILINK Pinout Example
Parallel Port
The MON08 MULTILINK connects to the PC via the 25-pin female parallel
port connector. The BIOS settings for the parallel port should be one of the
MON08 Multilink User Manual
Systems, Inc.
following: SPP, Normal, Standard, Output Only, Unidirectional, AT. Try to
avoid ECP, EPP, or PS/2 bi-directional.
If a parallel port extension cable is used, the parallel cable connecting the PC
parallel port and the MON08 MULTILINK cable must be IEEE1284
This chapter details the MON08 connector signals according to the individual
target MCU types.
Figure 3-1: 68HC908AB Family MON08 Pinout
The target GND is connected to the Pin 2 of the target MON08 Header.
The target RESET line is directly connected to the Pin 4 of the target MON08
Alternatively, the user may pull up the RESET line to target VDD. In which
case the user does not need to connect this signal to the target MON08 Header.
The target IRQ line is directly connected to the Pin 6 of the target MON08
PORTA0 from the target processor is connected to the target MON08 Header
Pin 10, acting as the communications line. The MON08 MULTILINK pulls up
this signal with a 10K Ohm resistor to the target VDD.
PORTC0, PORTC1 and PORTC3 are used for entering monitor mode. By
default the user may directly bring these signals out to the target MON08
Alternatively, the user may pull up PORTC0 and pull down PORTC1, and pull
up/down PORTC3 for clock division. In which case the user does not need to
connect these signals to the target MON08 Header.
MON08 Multilink User Manual
Systems, Inc.
Figure 3-2: 68HC908AP Family MON08 Pinout
The target GND is connected to the Pin 2 of the target MON08 Header.
The target RESET line is directly connected to the Pin 4 of the target MON08
Alternatively, the user may pull up the RESET line to target VDD. In which
case the user does not need to connect this signal to the target MON08 Header.
The target IRQ line is directly connected to the Pin 6 of the target MON08
PORTA0 from the target processor is connected to the target MON08 Header
Pin 10, acting as the communications line. The MON08 MULTILINK pulls up
this signal with a 10K Ohm resistor to the target VDD.
PORTA2, PORTA1 and PORTB0 are used for entering monitor mode. By
default the user may bring these signals out to the target MON08 Header.
Alternatively, the user may pull down PORTA2 and pull up PORTA1, and pull
up/down PORTB0 for clock division. In which case the user does not need to
connect these signals to the target MON08 Header.
MON08 Multilink User Manual
Systems, Inc.
Figure 3-3: 68HC908AS Family MON08 Pinout
The target GND is connected to the Pin 2 of the target MON08 Header.
The target RESET line is directly connected to the Pin 4 of the target MON08
Alternatively, the user may pull up the RESET line to target VDD. In which
case the user does not need to connect this signal to the target MON08 Header.
The target IRQ line is directly connected to the Pin 6 of the target MON08
PORTA0 from the target processor is connected to the target MON08 Header
Pin 10, acting as the communications line. The MON08 MULTILINK pulls up
this signal with a 10K Ohm resistor to the target VDD.
PORTC0, PORTC1 and PORTC3 are used for entering monitor mode. By
default the user may directly bring these signals out to the target MON08
Alternatively, the user may pull up PORTC0 and pull down PORTC1, and pull
up/down PORTC3 for clock division. In which case the user does not need to
connect these signals to the target MON08 Header.
Figure 3-4: 68HC908AT Family MON08 Pinout
MON08 Multilink User Manual
Systems, Inc.
The target GND is connected to the Pin 2 of the target MON08 Header.
The target RESET line is directly connected to the Pin 4 of the target MON08
Alternatively, the user may pull up the RESET line to target VDD. In which
case the user does not need to connect this signal to the target MON08 Header.
The target IRQ line is directly connected to the Pin 6 of the target MON08
PORTA0 from the target processor is connected to the target MON08 Header
Pin 10, acting as the communications line. The MON08 MULTILINK pulls up
this signal with a 10K Ohm resistor to the target VDD.
PORTC0, PORTC1 and PORTC3 are used for entering monitor mode. By
default the user may directly bring these signals out to the target MON08
Alternatively, the user may pull up PORTC0 and pull down PORTC1, and pull
up/down PORTC3 for clock division. In which case the user does not need to
connect these signals to the target MON08 Header.
Figure 3-5: 68HC908AZ Family MON08 Pinout
The target GND is connected to the Pin 2 of the target MON08 Header.
The target RESET line is directly connected to the Pin 4 of the target MON08
Alternatively, the user may pull up the RESET line to target VDD. In which
case the user does not need to connect this signal to the target MON08 Header.
The target IRQ line is directly connected to the Pin 6 of the target MON08
PORTA0 from the target processor is connected to the target MON08 Header
Pin 10, acting as the communications line. The MON08 MULTILINK pulls up
this signal with a 10K Ohm resistor to the target VDD.
MON08 Multilink User Manual
Systems, Inc.
PORTC0, PORTC1 and PORTC3 are used for entering monitor mode. By
default the user may directly bring these signals out to the target MON08
Alternatively, the user may pull up PORTC0 and pull down PORTC1, and pull
up/down PORTC3 for clock division. In which case the user does not need to
connect these signals to the target MON08 Header.
Figure 3-6: 68HC908BD Family MON08 Pinout
The target GND is connected to the Pin 2 of the target MON08 Header.
The target RESET line is directly connected to the Pin 4 of the target MON08
Alternatively, the user may pull up the RESET line to target VDD. In which
case the user does not need to connect this signal to the target MON08 Header.
The target IRQ line is directly connected to the Pin 6 of the target MON08
PORTA0 from the target processor is connected to the target MON08 Header
Pin 10, acting as the communications line. The MON08 MULTILINK pulls up
this signal with a 10K Ohm resistor to the target VDD.
PORTC0, PORTC1 and PORTC3 are used for entering monitor mode. By
default the user may directly bring these signals out to the target MON08
Alternatively, the user may pull up PORTC0 and pull down PORTC1, and pull
up/down PORTC3 for clock division. In which case the user does not need to
connect these signals to the target MON08 Header.
MON08 Multilink User Manual
Systems, Inc.
Figure 3-7: 68HC908EY Family MON08 Pinout
The target GND is connected to the Pin 2 of the target MON08 Header.
The target RESET line is directly connected to the Pin 4 of the target MON08
Alternatively, the user may pull up the RESET line to target VDD. In which
case the user does not need to connect this signal to the target MON08 Header.
The target IRQ line is directly connected to the Pin 6 of the target MON08
PORTA0 from the target processor is connected to the target MON08 Header
Pin 10, acting as the communications line. The MON08 MULTILINK pulls up
this signal with a 10K Ohm resistor to the target VDD.
PORTA1, PORTB3, PORTB4 and PORTB5 are used for entering monitor
mode. By default the user may directly bring these signals out to the target
MON08 Header.
Alternatively, the user may pull down PORTA1 and PORTB3, and pull up
PORTB4, and pull up/down PORTB5 for clock division. In which case the user
does not need to connect these signals to the target MON08 Header.
Figure 3-8: 68HC908GP Family MON08 Pinout
MON08 Multilink User Manual
Systems, Inc.
The target GND is connected to the Pin 2 of the target MON08 Header.
The target RESET line is directly connected to the Pin 4 of the target MON08
Alternatively, the user may pull up the RESET line to target VDD. In which
case the user does not need to connect this signal to the target MON08 Header.
The target IRQ line is directly connected to the Pin 6 of the target MON08
PORTA0 from the target processor is connected to the target MON08 Header
Pin 8, acting as the communications line. The MON08 MULTILINK pulls up
this signal with a 10K Ohm resistor to the target VDD.
PORTA7, PORTC0, PORTC1 and PORTC3 are used for entering monitor
mode. By default the user may directly bring these signals out to the target
MON08 Header.
Alternatively, the user may pull down PORTA7 and PORTC1, pull up
PORTC0, and pull up/down PORTC3 for clock division. In which case the user
does not need to connect these signals to the target MON08 Header.
Figure 3-9: 68HC908GR16 MON08 Pinout
The target GND is connected to the Pin 2 of the target MON08 Header.
The target RESET line is directly connected to the Pin 4 of the target MON08
Alternatively, the user may pull up the RESET line to target VDD. In which
case the user does not need to connect this signal to the target MON08 Header.
The target IRQ line is directly connected to the Pin 6 of the target MON08
PORTA0 from the target processor is connected to the target MON08 Header
Pin 8, acting as the communications line. The MON08 MULTILINK pulls up
this signal with a 10K Ohm resistor to the target VDD.
MON08 Multilink User Manual
Systems, Inc.
PORTA1, PORTB0, PORTB1 and PORTB4 are used for entering monitor
mode. By default the user may directly bring these signals out to the target
MON08 Header.
Alternatively, the user may pull up PORTB0, pull down PORTA1 and
PORTB1, and pull up/down PORTB4 for clock division. In which case the user
does not need to connect these signals to the target MON08 Header.
Figure 3-10: 68HC908GR4/8 MON08 Pinout
The target GND is connected to the Pin 2 of the target MON08 Header.
The target RESET line is directly connected to the Pin 4 of the target MON08
Alternatively, the user may pull up the RESET line to target VDD. In which
case the user does not need to connect this signal to the target MON08 Header.
The target IRQ line is directly connected to the Pin 6 of the target MON08
PORTA0 from the target processor is connected to the target MON08 Header
Pin 8, acting as the communications line. The MON08 MULTILINK pulls up
this signal with a 10K Ohm resistor to the target VDD.
PORTA1, PORTB0, and PORTB1 are used for entering monitor mode. By
default the user may directly bring these signals out to the target MON08
Alternatively, the user may pull up PORTB0, pull down PORTA1 and
PORTB1. In which case the user does not need to connect these signals to the
target MON08 Header. The clock division is fixed Div 4.
MON08 Multilink User Manual
Systems, Inc.
Figure 3-11: 68HC908GT Family MON08 Pinout
The target GND is connected to the Pin 2 of the target MON08 Header.
The target RESET line is directly connected to the Pin 4 of the target MON08
Alternatively, the user may pull up the RESET line to target VDD. In which
case the user does not need to connect this signal to the target MON08 Header.
The target IRQ line is directly connected to the Pin 6 of the target MON08
PORTA0 from the target processor is connected to the target MON08 Header
Pin 8, acting as the communications line. The MON08 MULTILINK pulls up
this signal with a 10K Ohm resistor to the target VDD.
PORTC0, PORTC1 and PORTC3 are used for entering monitor mode. By
default the user may directly bring these signals out to the target MON08
Alternatively, the user may pull up PORTC0 and pull down PORTC1, and pull
up/down PORTC3 for clock division. In which case the user does not need to
connect these signals to the target MON08 Header.
Figure 3-12: 68HC908GZ Family MON08 Pinout
MON08 Multilink User Manual
Systems, Inc.
The target GND is connected to the Pin 2 of the target MON08 Header.
The target RESET line is directly connected to the Pin 4 of the target MON08
Alternatively, the user may pull up the RESET line to target VDD. In which
case the user does not need to connect this signal to the target MON08 Header.
The target IRQ line is directly connected to the Pin 6 of the target MON08
PORTA0 from the target processor is connected to the target MON08 Header
Pin 8, acting as the communications line. The MON08 MULTILINK pulls up
this signal with a 10K Ohm resistor to the target VDD.
PORTA1, PORTB0, PORTB1 and PORTB4 are used for entering monitor
mode. By default the user may directly bring these signals out to the target
MON08 Header.
Alternatively, the user may pull up PORTB0, pull down PORTA1 and
PORTB1, and pull up/down PORTB4 for clock division. In which case the user
does not need to connect these signals to the target MON08 Header.
Figure 3-13: 68HC908JB1/8 MON08 Pinout
The target GND is connected to the Pin 2 of the target MON08 Header.
The target RESET line is directly connected to the Pin 4 of the target MON08
Alternatively, the user may pull up the RESET line to target VDD. In which
case the user does not need to connect this signal to the target MON08 Header.
The target IRQ line is directly connected to the Pin 6 of the target MON08
PORTA0 from the target processor is connected to the target MON08 Header
Pin 10, acting as the communications line. The MON08 MULTILINK pulls up
this signal with a 10K Ohm resistor to the target VDD.
MON08 Multilink User Manual
Systems, Inc.
PORTA1, PORTA2 and PORTA3 are used for entering monitor mode. By
default the user may directly bring these signals out to the target MON08
Alternatively, the user may pull up PORTA1 and pull down PORTA2, and pull
up/down PORTA3 for clock division. In which case the user does not need to
connect these signals to the target MON08 Header.
Figure 3-14: 68HC908JB16 MON08 Pinout
The target GND is connected to the Pin 2 of the target MON08 Header.
The target RESET line is directly connected to the Pin 4 of the target MON08
Alternatively, the user may pull up the RESET line to target VDD. In which
case the user does not need to connect this signal to the target MON08 Header.
The target IRQ line is directly connected to the Pin 6 of the target MON08
PORTA0 from the target processor is connected to the target MON08 Header
Pin 10, acting as the communications line. The MON08 MULTILINK pulls up
this signal with a 10K Ohm resistor to the target VDD.
PORTA1, PORTA2, PORTA3 and PORTE3 are used for entering monitor
mode. By default the user may directly bring these signals out to the target
MON08 Header.
Alternatively, the user may pull up PORTA1 and PORTE3, pull down
PORTA2, and pull up/down PORTA3 for clock division. In which case the user
does not need to connect these signals to the target MON08 Header.
MON08 Multilink User Manual
Systems, Inc.
Figure 3-15: 68HC908JG Family MON08 Pinout
The target GND is connected to the Pin 2 of the target MON08 Header.
The target RESET line is directly connected to the Pin 4 of the target MON08
Alternatively, the user may pull up the RESET line to target VDD. In which
case the user does not need to connect this signal to the target MON08 Header.
The target IRQ line is directly connected to the Pin 6 of the target MON08
PORTA0 from the target processor is connected to the target MON08 Header
Pin 10, acting as the communications line. The MON08 MULTILINK pulls up
this signal with a 10K Ohm resistor to the target VDD.
PORTA1, PORTA2, PORTA3 and PORTE3 are used for entering monitor
mode. By default the user may directly bring these signals out to the target
MON08 Header.
Alternatively, the user may pull up PORTA1 and PORTE3, pull down
PORTA2, and pull up/down PORTA3 for clock division. In which case the user
does not need to connect these signals to the target MON08 Header.
Figure 3-16: 68HC908JK Family MON08 Pinout
MON08 Multilink User Manual
Systems, Inc.
The target GND is connected to the Pin 2 of the target MON08 Header.
The target RESET line is directly connected to the Pin 4 of the target MON08
Alternatively, the user may pull up the RESET line to target VDD. In which
case the user does not need to connect this signal to the target MON08 Header.
The target IRQ line is directly connected to the Pin 6 of the target MON08
PORTB0 from the target processor is connected to the target MON08 Header
Pin 10, acting as the communications line. The MON08 MULTILINK pulls up
this signal with a 10K Ohm resistor to the target VDD.
PORTB1, PORTB2 and PORTB3 are used for entering monitor mode. By
default the user may directly bring these signals out to the target MON08
Alternatively, the user may pull up PORTB1 and pull down PORTB2, and pull
up/down PORTB3 for clock division. In which case the user does not need to
connect these signals to the target MON08 Header.
Figure 3-17: 68HC908JL Family MON08 Pinout
The target GND is connected to the Pin 2 of the target MON08 Header.
The target RESET line is directly connected to the Pin 4 of the target MON08
Alternatively, the user may pull up the RESET line to target VDD. In which
case the user does not need to connect this signal to the target MON08 Header.
The target IRQ line is directly connected to the Pin 6 of the target MON08
PORTB0 from the target processor is connected to the target MON08 Header
Pin 10, acting as the communications line. The MON08 MULTILINK pulls up
this signal with a 10K Ohm resistor to the target VDD.
MON08 Multilink User Manual
Systems, Inc.
PORTB1, PORTB2 and PORTB3 are used for entering monitor mode. By
default the user may directly bring these signals out to the target MON08
Alternatively, the user may pull up PORTB1 and pull down PORTB2, and pull
up/down PORTB3 for clock division. In which case the user does not need to
connect these signals to the target MON08 Header.
Figure 3-18: 68HC908KX Family MON08 Pinout
The target GND is connected to the Pin 2 of the target MON08 Header.
The user must pull up the RESET line to target VDD with an external resistor.
The target IRQ line is directly connected to the Pin 6 of the target MON08
PORTA0 from the target processor is connected to the target MON08 Header
Pin 8, acting as the communications line. The MON08 MULTILINK pulls up
this signal with a 10K Ohm resistor to the target VDD.
PORTA1, PORTB0 and PORTB1 are used for entering monitor mode. By
default the user may directly bring these signals out to the target MON08
Alternatively, the user may pull up PORTB0 and pull down PORTA1 and
PORTB1. In which case the user does not need to connect these signals to the
target MON08 Header. The clock division is fixed Div 4.
MON08 Multilink User Manual
Systems, Inc.
Figure 3-19: 68HC908LD Family MON08 Pinout
The target GND is connected to the Pin 2 of the target MON08 Header.
The target RESET line is directly connected to the Pin 4 of the target MON08
Alternatively, the user may pull up the RESET line to target VDD. In which
case the user does not need to connect this signal to the target MON08 Header.
The target IRQ line is directly connected to the Pin 6 of the target MON08
PORTA0 from the target processor is connected to the target MON08 Header
Pin 8, acting as the communications line. The MON08 MULTILINK pulls up
this signal with a 10K Ohm resistor to the target VDD.
PORTA7, PORTC0, PORTC1 and PORTC3 are used for entering monitor
mode. By default the user may directly bring these signals out to the target
MON08 Header.
Alternatively, the user may pull up PORTC0, pull down PORTA7 and
PORTC1, and pull up/down PORTC3 for clock division. In which case the user
does not need to connect these signals to the target MON08 Header.
Figure 3-20: 68HC908LJ Family MON08 Pinout
MON08 Multilink User Manual
Systems, Inc.
The target GND is connected to the Pin 2 of the target MON08 Header.
The target RESET line is directly connected to the Pin 4 of the target MON08
Alternatively, the user may pull up the RESET line to target VDD. In which
case the user does not need to connect this signal to the target MON08 Header.
The target IRQ line is directly connected to the Pin 6 of the target MON08
PORTA0 from the target processor is connected to the target MON08 Header
Pin 10, acting as the communications line. The MON08 MULTILINK pulls up
this signal with a 10K Ohm resistor to the target VDD.
PORTA1, PORTA2 and PORTC1 are used for entering monitor mode. By
default the user may directly bring these signals out to the target MON08
Alternatively, the user may pull up PORTA1 and pull down PORTA2, and pull
up/down PORTC1 for clock division. In which case the user does not need to
connect these signals to the target MON08 Header.
Figure 3-21: 68HC908MR4/8 Family MON08 Pinout
The target GND is connected to the Pin 2 of the target MON08 Header.
The target RESET line is directly connected to the Pin 4 of the target MON08
Alternatively, the user may pull up the RESET line to target VDD. In which
case the user does not need to connect this signal to the target MON08 Header.
The target IRQ line is directly connected to the Pin 6 of the target MON08
PORTB0 from the target processor is connected to Pin 8 of the target MON08
Header. PORTB1 of the target processor is connected to Pin 3 of the target
MON08 header. Together they serve as the data communication lines. The user
MON08 Multilink User Manual
Systems, Inc.
should pull down PORTB1 with a 4.7K Ohm resistor.
Please note that the MR4/8 is not currently supported by the MON08
Figure 3-22: 68HC908MR16/32 Family MON08 Pinout
The target GND is connected to the Pin 2 of the target MON08 Header.
The target RESET line is directly connected to the Pin 4 of the target MON08
Alternatively, the user may pull up the RESET line to target VDD. In which
case the user does not need to connect this signal to the target MON08 Header.
The target IRQ line is directly connected to the Pin 6 of the target MON08
PORTA0 from the target processor is connected to the target MON08 Header
Pin 8, acting as the communications line. The MON08 MULTILINK pulls up
this signal with a 10K Ohm resistor to the target VDD.
PORTA7, PORTC2, PORTC3 and PORTC4 are used for entering monitor
mode. By default the user may directly bring these signals out to the target
MON08 Header.
Alternatively, the user may pull up PORTC3, pull down PORTA7 and
PORTC4, and pull up/down PORTC2 for clock division. In which case the
user does not need to connect these signals to the target MON08 Header.
MON08 Multilink User Manual
Systems, Inc.
Figure 3-23: 68HC908QT Family MON08 Pinout
The target GND is connected to the Pin 2 of the target MON08 Header.
The user must pull up the RESET line to target VDD with an external resistor.
The target IRQ line is directly connected to the Pin 6 of the target MON08
PORTA0 from the target processor is connected to the target MON08 Header
Pin 8, acting as the communications line. The MON08 MULTILINK pulls up
this signal with a 10K Ohm resistor to the target VDD.
PORTA1 and PORTA4 are used for entering monitor mode. By default the user
may directly bring these signals out to the target MON08 Header.
Alternatively, the user may pull up PORTA1 and pull down PORTA4. In which
case the user does not need to connect these signals to the target MON08
Header. The clock division is fixed Div 4.
Please note that the MON08 MULTILINK will calculate the proper trim value
for the device being programmed and program this trim value to $FFC0.
Figure 3-24: 68HC908QY Family MON08 Pinout
The target GND is connected to the Pin 2 of the target MON08 Header.
MON08 Multilink User Manual
Systems, Inc.
The user must pull up the RESET line to target VDD with an external resistor.
The target IRQ line is directly connected to the Pin 6 of the target MON08
PORTA0 from the target processor is connected to the target MON08 Header
Pin 8, acting as the communications line. The MON08 MULTILINK pulls up
this signal with a 10K Ohm resistor to the target VDD.
PORTA1 and PORTA4 are used for entering monitor mode. By default the user
may directly bring these signals out to the target MON08 Header.
Alternatively, the user may pull up PORTA1 and pull down PORTA4. In which
case the user does not need to connect these signals to the target MON08
Header. The clock division is fixed Div 4.
Please note that in Stand-Alone programming mode the MON08 MULTILINK
will calculate the proper trim value for the device being programmed and
program this trim value to $FFC0.
Figure 3-25: 68HC908RF Family MON08 Pinout
The target GND is connected to the Pin 2 of the target MON08 Header.
The target RESET line is directly connected to the Pin 4 of the target MON08
Alternatively, the user may pull up the RESET line to target VDD. In which
case the user does not need to connect this signal to the target MON08 Header.
The target IRQ line is directly connected to the Pin 6 of the target MON08
PORTA0 from the target processor is connected to the target MON08 Header
Pin 10, acting as the communications line. The MON08 MULTILINK pulls up
this signal with a 10K Ohm resistor to the target VDD.
PORTB0 and PORTB2 are used for entering monitor mode. By default the user
may directly bring these signals out to the target MON08 Header.
MON08 Multilink User Manual
Systems, Inc.
Alternatively, the user may pull up PORTB0 and pull down PORTB2. In which
case the user does not need to connect these signals to the target MON08
Header. The clock division is fixed Div 4.
Figure 3-26: 68HC908RK Family MON08 Pinout
The target GND is connected to the Pin 2 of the target MON08 Header.
The target RESET line is directly connected to the Pin 4 of the target MON08
Alternatively, the user may pull up the RESET line to target VDD. In which
case the user does not need to connect this signal to the target MON08 Header.
The target IRQ line is directly connected to the Pin 6 of the target MON08
PORTA0 from the target processor is connected to the target MON08 Header
Pin 10, acting as the communications line. The MON08 MULTILINK pulls up
this signal with a 10K Ohm resistor to the target VDD.
PORTB0 and PORTB2 are used for entering monitor mode. By default the user
may directly bring these signals out to the target MON08 Header.
Alternatively, the user may pull up PORTB0 and pull down PORTB2. In which
case the user does not need to connect these signals to the target MON08
Header. The clock division is fixed Div 4.
MON08 Multilink User Manual
Systems, Inc.
Figure 3-27: 68HC908SR Family MON08 Pinout
The target GND is connected to the Pin 2 of the target MON08 Header.
The target RESET line is directly connected to the Pin 4 of the target MON08
Alternatively, the user may pull up the RESET line to target VDD. In which
case the user does not need to connect this signal to the target MON08 Header.
The target IRQ line is directly connected to the Pin 6 of the target MON08
PORTA0 from the target processor is connected to the target MON08 Header
Pin 10, acting as the communications line. The MON08 MULTILINK pulls up
this signal with a 10K Ohm resistor to the target VDD.
PORTA1, PORTA2 and PORTC1 are used for entering monitor mode. By
default the user may directly bring these signals out to the target MON08
Alternatively, the user may pull up PORTA1 and pull down PORTA2, and pull
up/down PORTC1 for clock division. In which case the user does not need to
connect these signals to the target MON08 Header.
MON08 Multilink User Manual
Systems, Inc.
Free or low-cost software options for interactively programming and
debugging 68HC08 MCUs from the PC are available from P&E
Microcomputer Systems ( and Metrowerks
( P&E’s ICS08 interface software packages are
available at no charge from their web site. Metrowerks’ CodeWarrior
Development Studio for 68HC08, Special Edition, is available at no charge
from the Motorola MCU Web site (
You must register for the license key for this software.
Note: The user should make sure they have the most recent version of these
software kits. The latest updates can be downloaded from the web pages listed
in Section 4.1.1 Latest Updates - P&E Software and Section 4.2.1 Latest
Updates - Metrowerks Software.
P&E Microcomputer Systems Software
P&E’s ICS08 software packages contain the WinIDE integrated development
environment, which pulls together an assembler, in-circuit simulator, flash
memory programmer, and in-circuit debugger. The programmer and debugger
work with any MON08 hardware interface, including P&E’s dedicated
hardware interfaces. The MON08 MULTILINK is a Class V device, and the
Figure 4-28: Hardware Selection in P&E PROG08SZ
Latest Updates - P&E Software
The most recent updates of P&E’s 68HC08 software products are available to
download, after a brief registration, at
In-Circuit Debugger
The ICD08SZ In-Circuit Debugger uses the PC’s Parallel Port to communicate
with the MON08 MULTILINK, which further controls the target 68HC08
device via the MON08 connection. With the ICD08SZ In-Circuit Debugger
you can load code into the on-chip RAM, run code out of RAM or FLASH
MON08 Multilink User Manual
Systems, Inc.
(already programmed by the In-Circuit Programmer), and set many software
breakpoints and a single hardware (meaning in FLASH) breakpoint. The main
advantage of using the ICD08SZ is that your application runs in real-time at
the full bus speed of the processor.
Figure 4-29: ICS08SZ Debugger Screen Snapshot
Debugger features include:
Full-speed in-circuit emulation
Breakpoints with counters on the Nth execution
Variables window showing multiple data types
Real-time execution as well as multiple tracing modes
Startup and Macro files for automating the debug process
Context-sensitive help for all commands
Support for symbolic register files
Full source-level debugging
When connecting to the target, the user will be prompted to make selections
from the Target Connection And Security dialog. For more information, please
see Section 4.3 Target Connection And Security Dialog.
MON08 Multilink User Manual
Systems, Inc.
In-Circuit Programmer
The PROG08SZ In-Circuit Programmer is a general-purpose programmer
which allows the user to program any 68HC908 device with on-chip
EEPROM/FLASH, either from an object file (Motorola .S19 format), or byte
by byte.
Figure 4-30: PROG08SZ Programmer Screen Snapshot
When connecting to the target, the user will be prompted to make selections
from the Target Connection And Security dialog. For more information, please
see Section 4.3 Target Connection And Security Dialog.
The PROG08SZ is simple to operate: after clicking the “Contact target with
these settings” button, if the programmer successfully contacts the target it will
ask you for the algorithm you wish to use during programming. Select the
proper algorithm for the device you are attempting to program. Then simply
select the s-record object you wish to program using the “SS” command. Now
the setup of the PROG08SZ is complete and you are ready for operations on
the target EEPROM/FLASH. You may choose “EM – Erase Module” to erase
the target EEPROM/FLASH. Then use “BM – Blank Check Module” to see if
the target EEPROM/FLASH is indeed erased. After that, you may choose “PM
– Program Module” to program the S-record object into the target. Finally, you
may use “VC – Verify CRC Checksum” to verify that the contents are properly
programmed in the target memory.
MON08 Multilink User Manual
Systems, Inc.
Command Line Programmer
CPROG08SZ is a command line programmer that allows quick turn-around
time for programming target MCUs. The user may create a script file to
instruct the software to execute specific commands in sequence. Please refer to
CPROG08SZ.pdf for more information.
Metrowerks Software
The special edition of Metrowerks’ CodeWarrior studio offers absolute
assembly and provides debugging capabilities based on P&E’s programming
and debug technologies.
Latest Updates - Metrowerks Software
The most recent updates of Metrowerks CodeWarrior software is available at:
Metrowerks CodeWarrior
A programming or debug session with the project-based CodeWarrior IDE
may be launched by double-clicking on the project name (format is
projectname.mcp) from your file storage. Starting a new project is a little more
challenging, but the tutorials, FAQs, and Quick Start Guides are easy to follow
and have you building a new project, using pre-built templates, in a short time.
(See and select “CodeWarrior
Development Studio for HC08 for Microcontrollers”.)
The following example illustrates how to program and debug an M68HC908
MCU from within the CodeWarrior IDE.
Here are the main steps in programming the FLASH with CodeWarrior and
starting a debug session.
1. a. Launch the CodeWarrior CW08 software and create a new project,
b. Double-click on your project file (projectname.mcp)
The Project Manager window appears. See Figure 4-31.
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Systems, Inc.
Figure 4-31: CodeWarrior Project Window
2. Click the + sign to expand the Sources folder.
3. Modify the source file if necessary.
4. Click the Debug icon (green arrow). The True-Time Simulator and
Real-Time Debugger launches. See Figure 4-32.
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Figure 4-32: True-Time Simulator & Real-Time Debugger Window
5. Select the PEDebug pull-down menu and navigate to the appropriate
device as shown in Figure 4-33.
6. Likewise, in the PEDebug pull-down menu, select Mode: In-Circuit
MON08 Multilink User Manual
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Figure 4-33: PEDebug Pull-down Menu
The PROG08SZ Attempting to contact target and pass security… window
7. Select the appropriate class in Target Hardware Type (Class VII for
8. Click Contact target with these settings…
9. Follow the Power Cycle dialog instructions.
10. Click Yes in Confirm window. (Figure 4-34)
11. Click Yes in Erase and Program FLASH window. (Figure 4-35)
12. Follow the subsequent Power Cycle dialog instructions as the scripted
procedure automatically establishes communications, erases the
FLASH if necessary, and programs the FLASH.
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Figure 4-34: Confirm Window
Figure 4-35: Erase And Program Flash Window
At this point, the FLASH memory is programmed and ready for debug. The
True-Time Simulator & Real-Time Debugger integrates the debugger tools
from P&E Microcomputer Systems in this example. The windows look slightly
different between the ICD08SZ and True-Time tools but the same basic
debugger (ICD08SZ) drives both.
MON08 Multilink User Manual
Systems, Inc.
Target Connection And Security Dialog
The following is an explanation of each part of the target connection dialog.
For information on passing security mode, read this topic carefully, and refer
to Section 4.3 Target Connection And Security Dialog.
Figure 4-36: Initial Target Connection And Security Dialog Box
Target Hardware Type
This section of the dialog allows you to select the type of hardware
configuration to which you are trying to connect, as well as modify specific
protocol settings.
Note: If you select Class V, VI, or VII in the Target Hardware Type selection box, the
second section of the Target Connection and Security Dialog changes. Please
refer to Figure 4-40 and Section 4.3.1 Target Hardware Type for a depiction
and description.
Class Of Target Board
There are several different configurations of target boards, and P&E’s
MON08-based applications communicate to each type of hardware a little
differently. The options are:
MON08 Multilink User Manual
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Class I
ICS Board with processor installed. This is the standard and most common
configuration of the ICS08 boards. In this configuration, the processor is
resident in one of the sockets on the ICS board itself. The processor can be
debugged and programmed in this configuration, and an emulation cable
containing all the processor I/O signals can be connected to the user’s
target board. In this configuration, the ICS board hardware can
automatically power up and down the processor in order to pass security in
the simplest fashion. The user has to be sure not to provide power from the
target, up through the emulation cable, to the processor pins themselves,
when this dialog appears. This is so that the software, when attempting to
establish communications, can fully power the processor down. The
software running on the PC controls power to the target via the serial port
DTR line. This configuration can be specified at startup in the software by
using the ICS08 command-line parameter; otherwise the software will
remember the hardware configuration from session to session.
Class II
ICS Board without processor, connected to target via MON08 Cable. In
this configuration, there is no processor resident in any of the sockets of
the ICS board itself. The processor is mounted down in the target
system. The connection from the ICS board to the target is
accomplished via the 16-pin MON08 connector. In this configuration,
since the ICS does not control power to the processor, the user will be
prompted to turn the processor’s power supply on and off. Turning off
the power supply is necessary in order to be able to pass the initial
security mode check and access the flash on the processor. A simple
reset is not enough; to pass the security check, you must first force the
processor to encounter a POR (power-on reset) which requires that the
processor’s voltage dip below 0.1v. Once security has been passed,
resetting the device or re-entering the software should be easier. This
configuration can be specified at startup in the software by using the
MON08 command-line parameter; otherwise the software will
remember the hardware configuration from session to session.
Class III
Custom Board (no ICS) with MON08 serial port circuitry built in. In
this configuration, the ICS board is not used at all. The user must
provide a serial port connection from the PC, and provide all hardware
configuration necessary to force the processor into MON08 mode upon
reset. This includes resets both internal and external to the processor. In
this configuration, because the software does not directly control power
to the processor, the user will be prompted to turn the processor’s
MON08 Multilink User Manual
Systems, Inc.
power supply on and off. The use will also be prompted to turn power
on and off to reset the target processor, as the PC doesn’t have control
of the target reset. Turning off the power supply is necessary mainly to
be able to pass the initial security mode check and access the flash on
the processor. A simple reset is not enough; to pass the security check,
you must first force the processor to encounter a POR (power-on reset)
which requires that the processor’s voltage dip below 0.1v. Once
security has been passed, resetting the device or re-entering the
software should be easier. This configuration can be specified at startup
in the software by using the NODTR command-line parameter;
otherwise the software will remember the hardware configuration from
session to session. The Class III selection also applies to use of the ICS
board with the two-pin blank part programming connector.
Class IV
Custom Board (no ICS) with MON08 serial port circuitry and
additional auto-reset circuit built in. In this configuration, the ICS
board is not used at all. The user must provide a serial port connection
from the PC and all hardware configuration necessary to force the
processor into MON08 mode upon reset. In addition, the user must
include an extra circuit which allows the reset line of the processor to
be driven low from the DTR line of the serial port connector (Pin 4 on a
DB9). The following diagram shows the additional connection needed
to reset from a DB9 serial connector.
Figure 4-37: Additional Connection To Reset From DB9
In this configuration, because the software does not directly control power to
the processor, the user will be prompted to turn the processor’s power supply
on and off. Turning off the power supply is necessary in order to be able to pass
the initial security mode check and access the flash on the processor. A simple
reset is not enough; to pass the security check, you must first force the
processor to encounter a POR (power-on reset) which requires the processor’s
voltage to dip below 0.1v. Once security has been passed, resetting the device
MON08 Multilink User Manual
Systems, Inc.
should be facilitated by the above circuitry. This configuration can be specified
at startup in the software by using the NODTRADD command-line parameter;
otherwise the software remembers the hardware configuration from session to
Class V
P&E MON08 CYCLONE connect to target via ribbon cable. Allows AutoBaud and Auto-Power.
Figure 4-38: MON08 Cyclone MON08 Interface and Stand-Alone Programmer
P&E’s MON08 Cyclone is a stand-alone automated programmer and MON08
interface. This unit can be used as a debug and programming interface with
P&E software applications on the PC, or it can be pre-programmed and used in
stand-alone mode.
Class VII
P&E MON08 Multilink Cable connect to target via ribbon cable. Allows
Auto-Baud and Auto-Power.
Figure 4-39: MON08 Multilink Interface Cable
The MON08 MULTILINK is an interface cable whose purpose is to allow
debug and programming of 68HC08 devices via the MON08 debug port. The
MON08 Multilink User Manual
Systems, Inc.
MON08 MULTILINK connects the target to the PC via a standard parallel
Note: If you select Class V, VI, or VII in the Target Hardware Type selection box, the
second section of the Target Connection and Security Dialog changes. Please
refer to Figure 4-40 and Section 4.3.1 Target Hardware Type for a depiction
and description.
For the simulator, the /SIM08 command-line parameter causes the software to
disconnect from the target and enter Simulation Only mode.
For information on passing security mode, read this topic carefully and also
refer to Section 4.3.5 68HC08 SECURITY MODE.
MON08 Multilink User Manual
Systems, Inc.
Class V, VI, VII Options
If you select Class V, VI, or VII in the Target Hardware Type selection box, the
second section of the Target Connection and Security Dialog changes to appear
as below.
Figure 4-40: Class V, VI, VII Target And Security Dialog
The options presented to the user are as follows:
Device Type
Figure 4-41: Device Type Selection Box
MON08 Multilink User Manual
Systems, Inc.
The device type selection box allows the user to specify what type of HC08
they are communicating with. The dialog will then display the appropriate
pinout to be implemented on the MON08 connector, so that the P&E interface
can talk to it properly. The values given (1 or 0) are for informational purposes
only and are driven by the P&E interface.
Device Power
Figure 4-42: Device Power Dialog
The device power selection allows the user to specify whether the target is 2, 3,
or 5 Volts, and whether this power is switched/generated by the P&E interface
or if it is separately supplied to the target and under user control. If it is under
user control, the software will use dialog boxes to ask the user to power the
target up and down when necessary (similar to Class II-IV).
Device Clock
Figure 4-43: Device Clock Selection Box
The device clock menu allows three options:
1) P&E provides clock to target
2) The target has its own clock (1-32MHz)
3) The target has a slow crystal (30KHz-100KHz) with PLL circuitry. P&E
tries to enable the PLL to allow programming and debug at higher speeds.
There is no need to set baud rate for Class V, VI, or VII targets, as it is autodetected from the target.
Advanced Settings Dialog
The Advanced Button brings up a dialog which allows the user to set specific
protocol settings. The following is an explanation of each part of the advanced
MON08 Multilink User Manual
Systems, Inc.
settings dialog.
Figure 4-44: Target Hardware Type: Advanced Settings Dialog
Tpd and Tpu Timing
These timing parameters are mostly designed for Class I boards, although the
delays are valid for all classes of boards. Many of the ICS boards and user
target boards need time to power down and power up.
Whenever power is automatically switched off, or is manually requested to be
switched off, the software waits for an amount of time equal to the Tpd delay
time before proceeding to the connection protocol. This is because a board or
power supply may have capacitance which holds the power up for a short time
after the supply has been switched off, but the supply voltage must reach less
than 0.1v before it is turned back on if a Power-On reset is to occur.
Whenever power is automatically switched on, or is manually requested to be
switched on, the software waits for an amount of time equal to the Tpu delay
time before attempting to contact the 68HC08 processor. This is to allow time
not only for power to be fully available, but to wait until any reset driver has
finally released the RESET line. On many ICS08 boards (such as the
ICS08RK, M68ICS08JL3, M68ICS08JLJK, and ICS08GP20) the Tpu can be
decreased to as little as 250ms with no adverse effects.
Target has RESET button (class III boards only): The software
occasionally needs to get control of the target. On systems which are Class III
boards with the monitor mode circuitry built-in (including RS-232 driver),
there is no means to reset the target to gain control. If the board has a reset
button, the software can use this to gain control of the target system. If this
option is checked, the software will prompt the user to push the target reset
button when a reset of the target system is desired. If the option is unchecked,
the software will ask the user to power cycle the target system to achieve a
MON08 Multilink User Manual
Systems, Inc.
MON08 Cable connection communications type (Class II boards Only)
This selection box is valid only for Class II hardware configurations using the
MON08 cable. It allows the user to specify the sequence that the software uses
to power up the ICS system. When the software tries to create a power-on reset
condition, two events must occur:
1. Power of the target MCU must go below 0.1v. This means that the
processor can not be receiving power from its power pins, nor can it have a
significant voltage being driven on port pins or the IRQ line, as these will
drive the MCU power back through these pins. It is crucial, therefore, to
have the ICS and the Target both powered down at some point in time.
2. The processor MON08 configuration pins, including IRQ, must be
properly driven when the target processor resets to drive it into monitor
mode. If these pins are not set up properly before the processor powers up,
the processor may start up in user mode.
Power Down ICS, Ask the user to power down their board, Power Up ICS,
Ask the user to power up their board
This is the default option and should work for most, if not all, ICS08/Target
Board solutions. Refer to the manual addendum under startup for the settings
for a specific ICS board. It requires the user go through two dialog stages, and
requires more time than simply cycling the power.
1. Software automatically powers down the ICS.
2. Software Asks the user to power down the board as follows:
Figure 4-45: Power Down Dialog
3. Software automatically powers up the ICS, which configures the
processor’s MON08 configuration pins.
4. Software asks the user to power up the board as follows:
MON08 Multilink User Manual
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Figure 4-46: Power Up Dialog
Power Down ICS, Ask the user to power cycle their board, Power UP ICS
This option will work for many ICS boards as well, but relies on the fact that
while the ICS is powered off, it will hold the target in reset until it is powered
up itself and has configured the MON08 configuration pins. The sequence of
events in this mode is:
1. Software automatically powers down the ICS.
2. Software asks the user to power cycle their board as follows:
Figure 4-47: Power Cycle Dialog
3. Software automatically powers up the ICS, which configures the
processors MON08 configuration pins.
One of the steps that is necessary to properly bypass security is to provide the
proper security code for the information that is programmed into the part. This
holds true even when the part is blank.
The security code consists of the 8 values which are currently stored in flash
locations $FFF6 - $FFFD of the processor. The PROG08SZ flash
programming software continually records any changes to these security bytes
and stores them in the file SECURITY.INI. The information in this file is
shared with P&E's In-Circuit Debugger and In-Circuit Simulator software, and
will appear in the dialog box. This allows the user to specify which security
code to use to pass security.
MON08 Multilink User Manual
Systems, Inc.
This dialog can also be used by the user to manually enter the proper security
bytes via the USER setting, or to load the security bytes from the same .S19
file which was programmed. The bytes are loaded from an .S19 file by clicking
the “Load from S19” button.
IGNORE security failure and enter monitor mode
This checkbox can be used to cause the software to ignore a failure to
properly pass the 68HC08 security check. If the checkbox is set, the
software will attempt to establish monitor mode communications
regardless of the security status. As long as the Baud and Port are correct,
and the device has been properly powered, this will allow monitor mode
entry. Note that by ignoring the security check failure, you may use
monitor mode, but the ROM/Flash will not be accessible.
The checkbox can be set to be checked on startup via the FORCEBYPASS
command-line parameter, which will cause the software to ignore security
check failure. This checkbox can be overridden to be unchecked on startup
via the FORCEPASS command-line parameter, which will cause the
software to pop-up the connection dialog when the security check has
failed. Note that if a connection is not established for a reason other than
security failure, the connection dialog will always appear.
The status area consists of one status string following the “Status:” label, and
seven items which list the state of the last attempt to connect to a target and
pass security. The description for these items is as follows:
0 – ICS Hardware loopback detected:
Every ICS or board which supports MON08 has a serial loopback in
hardware which, by connecting the transmit and receive lines,
automatically echoes characters from the PC. A valid character transmitted
from the PC should be echoed once by the loopback circuitry on the board
and once by the monitor of the target processor itself. This status indicates
whether or not the first echoed character from the hardware loopback was
received when one of the security bytes was transmitted. If the status is
‘N’, which indicates that the character was not received, it is most likely
due to one of the following reasons:
1. Wrong Com Port specified.
2. The baud rate specified was incorrect (probably too low).
3. The ICS/Target is not connected.
4. No Power to the ICS.
If this status bit responded with an ‘N’, you must correct this before
MON08 Multilink User Manual
Systems, Inc.
analyzing the reset of the status bits.
1 – Device echoed some security bytes:
The monitor resident in a 68HC08 device automatically echoes every
incoming character when it is in monitor mode. A valid character
transmitted from the PC should be echoed once by the loopback circuitry
on the board and once by the monitor of the target processor itself. This
status indicates whether or not the second echoed character from the
monitor response was received when one of the security bytes was
transmitted. If the status is ‘N’, which indicates that the character was not
received, or not received properly, it is most likely due to one of the
following reasons:
1. The baud rate specified was incorrect.
2. The part did not start the monitor mode security check on reset.
Signals to force monitor mode may be incorrect.
3. No Power to the ICS.
If this status bit responded with an ‘N’, you must correct this before
analyzing the reset of the status bits.
2 – Device echoed all security bytes:
In order to pass security, the software must send 8 security bytes to the
processor. The processor should echo each of these eight bytes twice. If all
8 bytes did not get the proper two-byte echo, this flag will be ‘N’. Reasons
for this include:
1. The part did not start the monitor mode security check on reset.
Signals to force monitor mode may be incorrect.
2. The baud rate specified was incorrect.
3. The processor was not reset properly. Check the “Target Hardware
Type” and if you are connecting to a class II board, check the “MON08
cable communication connections type” in the “advanced settings”
3 – Device signaled monitor mode with a break:
Once the processor has properly received the 8 bytes from the PC software
to complete its security check, it should transmit a break character to the
PC signaling entry into monitor mode. This break should be sent regardless
of whether the security check was successfully passed. If a break was not
received from the processor, this flag will be ‘N’. Reasons for this include:
1. The baud rate specified was incorrect.
2. The processor was not reset properly. Check the “Target Hardware
MON08 Multilink User Manual
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Type”. If you are connecting to a class II board, check the “MON08
cable communication connections type” in the “advanced settings”
4 – Device entered monitor mode:
Once the software has received, or failed to receive, a break from the
processor, it attempts to communicate with the monitor running on the
68HC08 processor. It tries to read the monitor version number by issuing a
monitor mode read. If the processor fails to respond properly to this
command, this flag will be ‘N’.
5 – Reset was Power-On Reset:
If the device properly entered monitor mode (4), the software will read the
reset status register (RSR). This read does not affect the security sequence,
and occurs purely for diagnostic reasons. The reset status register indicates
the conditions under which the processor underwent the last reset. For the
software to pass the security check properly, it MUST first cause the
processor to undergo a Power-On Reset. The software reads the reset status
register to determine if the last reset was indeed caused by power-on. The
result of the reset status register is indicated in parentheses after the flag
value. If the highest bit is not set then the reset was not a power on reset,
and the flag will indicate ‘N’. Reasons for this include:
1. The processor did not power all the way down because power was
being supplied to the processor through either the port pins, IRQ line,
RESET line, or power pins.
2. The voltage driven on the power pin of the processor did not go
below 0.1 volts.
3. The processor was not reset properly. Check the “Target Hardware
Type”. If you are connecting to a class II board, check the “MON08
cable communication connections type” in the “advanced settings”
6 – ROM is accessible (un-secured):
If the device properly entered monitor mode (4), the software reads
locations $FFF6-$FFFF to determine if the processor passes the security
check. Memory locations which are invalid or protected read back from the
device as $AD. If all bytes from $FFF6-$FFFF read a value of $AD, it is
assumed the device is secure, and the flag value is an ‘N’. If all flags 0-5
register a value of ‘Y’ and flag 6 register a value of ‘N,’ then the reset
process has gone correctly except that the security code used to pass
security was incorrect. Specify the correct security code and try again, or
IGNORE the security failure and erase the device. Once you erase a
secured device, you must exit the software and restart it in order to pass
MON08 Multilink User Manual
Systems, Inc.
The following buttons are also available:
Contact target with these settings – This causes the software to attempt to
cause a power on reset of the target, and to attempt to pass security with the
settings in this dialog.
Simulation Only – This button is only visible in In-Circuit Simulation. This
causes the In-Circuit Simulator not to use the target and, instead, to do
completely software-based simulation. The /SIM08 command-line parameter
has the same function.
Halt – This causes the software to terminate and return to the calling
Monitor mode is a special mode on the 68HC08 device which allows an
external host to control the 68HC08 microcontroller via an asynchronous serial
interface. This feature allows a host computer to query and modify the state of
the processor including to load, debug, and program code. Without any
protection mechanism, this same feature could be used to read out the internals
of the microcontrollers ROM.
The M68HC08 microcontrollers have a additional built-in mechanism to
protect a programmed device from being read and disassembled. The
mechanism allows a user who knows the security unlock code to enter monitor
mode and access the internal ROM/flash. This is often desirable to allow realtime debugging of a programmed device. The ICD08SZ allows just such
The security mechanism also allows a user who doesn’t know the security code
to enter monitor mode, but doesn’t give them access to the ROM. Upon failing
the security protocol, the ROM/Flash is removed from the memory map until
the next POWER-ON reset, in which case the host has to bypass security
again. The advantage of this is that even though any on-chip flash is not READ
accessible, it is erasable. Forgotten what you programmed into your device?
The answer is simple: erase it.
A device is automatically protected in this manner. The 8 bytes from address
$FFF6 to $FFFD constitute the security unlock code which can be used to pass
the security check and get access to the ROM/Flash. Hence, if a user knows
what has been programmed into a device, they implicitly know the security
unlock code.
In order to facilitate passing the security check on a 68HC08 device, the
MON08 Multilink User Manual
Systems, Inc.
PROG08SZ software continually records any changes to these security bytes
and stores them in the file SECURITY.INI. The information in this file is also
shared with P&E's In-Circuit Debugger and In-Circuit Simulator Software.
This allows the user to reset the device and still have access to the monitor
Sometimes the case comes up where the software can’t pass security mode.
The Target Connection and Security Dialog section has a “STATUS” section
which describes the different failures and what to check in each case.
The most common reasons for not passing security are:
- You are not choosing the proper security code to pass security.
- On a power on reset, the device is not powering down to below 0.1
volts. With a Class I board (ICS with processor), you may be driving
the pins on the emulation header while the device is being powered
down. This back-drives current through the ports and doesn’t let the
device fully power down. On other classes of boards, when prompted
to power down the device, the supply voltage might not be dropping
lower than 0.1v which it must to have a power-on reset.
- Make sure the “Target hardware type” is set to the proper class of
There are several ways you can specify the proper security bytes:
- If you know the programmed security bytes, i.e. the bytes from
$FFF6-$FFFD, you can enter them in the edit box listed “User:” and
click OK(Retry).
- You can use the “Load from S19” to specify the s-record file which
contains the object information currently programmed into the MCU.
P&E’s software will automatically extract the security information
from this file and use it to pass security. Once you have specified the
s-record file, click the OK(Retry) button.
- You can erase the device. Run the PROG08SZ application, and when the
above box appears, select the “IGNORE security failure…” option and click
OK. Use the Choose Module command to select the appropriate programming
algorithm, and select Erase Module. This should erase the device. You will
have to execute the Choose Module command again before you can access the
blank device. Note: on some older revisions of silicon, you can’t ignore the
security failure, and it will bring this box back up every time you click
OK(Retry). If this is the case, you should obtain the latest silicon revision from
MON08 Multilink User Manual