Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet 8-BIT MICROCONTROLLER Table of Contents1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION ......................................................................................................... 4 2. FEATURES ................................................................................................................................. 5 3. PARTS INFORMATION LIST ..................................................................................................... 6 3.1 Lead Free (RoHS) Parts information list......................................................................... 6 4. PIN CONFIGURATIONS............................................................................................................. 7 5. PIN DESCRIPTIONS .................................................................................................................. 9 6. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................. 11 7. 8. 6.1 On-Chip Flash EPROM ................................................................................................ 11 6.2 I/O Ports........................................................................................................................ 11 6.3 Serial I/O ....................................................................................................................... 11 6.4 Timers ........................................................................................................................... 11 6.5 Interrupts....................................................................................................................... 11 6.6 Data Pointers ................................................................................................................ 11 6.7 Architecture................................................................................................................... 11 6.8 Power Management...................................................................................................... 12 MEMORY ORGANIZATION...................................................................................................... 13 7.1 Program Memory (on-chip Flash) ................................................................................. 13 7.2 Data Memory ................................................................................................................ 14 7.3 Scratch-pad RAM and Register Map............................................................................ 14 SPECIAL FUNCTION REGISTERS ......................................................................................... 17 8.1 SFR Location Table ...................................................................................................... 17 8.2 SFR Detail Bit Descriptions .......................................................................................... 21 9. INSTRUCTION.......................................................................................................................... 50 10. POWER MANAGEMENT.......................................................................................................... 58 11. 12. 10.1 Idle Mode ...................................................................................................................... 58 10.2 Economy Mode ............................................................................................................. 58 10.3 Power Down Mode ....................................................................................................... 59 RESET CONDITIONS............................................................................................................... 60 11.1 Sources of reset............................................................................................................ 60 11.2 Reset State ................................................................................................................... 60 PROGRAMMABLE TIMERS/COUNTERS ............................................................................... 62 12.1 Timer/Counters 0 & 1.................................................................................................... 62 -1- Publication Release Date: August 21, 2008 Revision A02 Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet 13. 12.2 Time-base Selection ..................................................................................................... 62 12.3 Timer/Counter 2 ............................................................................................................ 65 NVM MEMORY ......................................................................................................................... 69 13.1 Operation ...................................................................................................................... 69 14. WATCHDOG TIMER................................................................................................................. 71 15. UART SERIAL PORT................................................................................................................ 73 16. 15.1 Mode 0 .......................................................................................................................... 73 15.2 Mode 1 .......................................................................................................................... 74 15.3 Mode 2 .......................................................................................................................... 75 15.4 Mode 3 .......................................................................................................................... 78 15.5 Framing Error Detection ............................................................................................... 79 15.6 Multiprocessor Communications .................................................................................. 79 I2C SERIAL PORT.................................................................................................................... 81 16.1 SIO Port ........................................................................................................................ 81 16.2 The I2C Control Registers: ........................................................................................... 82 16.3 Modes of Operation ...................................................................................................... 84 16.4 Data Transfer Flow in Five Operating Modes............................................................... 85 17. TIMED ACCESS PROTECTION .............................................................................................. 92 18. INTERRUPTS ........................................................................................................................... 94 18.1 Interrupt Sources .......................................................................................................... 94 18.2 Priority Level Structure ................................................................................................. 95 18.3 Interrupt Response Time .............................................................................................. 97 18.4 Interrupt Inputs.............................................................................................................. 97 19. KEYBOARD FUNCTION........................................................................................................... 99 20. I/O PORT................................................................................................................................. 100 21. 22. 23. 20.1 Quasi-Bidirectional Output Configuration ................................................................... 100 20.2 Open Drain Output Configuration ............................................................................... 101 20.3 Push-Pull Output Configuration .................................................................................. 102 20.4 Input Only Mode.......................................................................................................... 102 OSCILLATOR ......................................................................................................................... 104 21.1 On-Chip RC Oscillator Option..................................................................................... 104 21.2 External Clock Input Option ........................................................................................ 104 21.3 CPU Clock Rate select ............................................................................................... 104 POWER MONITORING .......................................................................................................... 106 22.1 Power On Detect......................................................................................................... 106 22.2 Brownout Detect and Reset........................................................................................ 106 PULSE WIDTH MODULATED OUTPUTS (PWM) ................................................................. 108 -2- Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet 24. 25. 26. 27. CONFIG BITS ......................................................................................................................... 109 24.1 CONFIG0 .................................................................................................................... 109 24.2 CONFIG1 .................................................................................................................... 110 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS....................................................................................... 112 25.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings ........................................................................................ 112 25.2 D.C. Characteristics.................................................................................................... 113 25.3 A.C. Characteristics .................................................................................................... 114 25.4 Typical Application Circuit........................................................................................... 119 PACKAGE DIMENSIONS ....................................................................................................... 120 26.1 40-pin DIP ................................................................................................................... 120 26.2 44-pin PLCC ............................................................................................................... 121 26.3 44-pin PQFP ............................................................................................................... 122 26.4 48-pin LQFP................................................................................................................ 123 REVISION HISTORY .............................................................................................................. 124 -3- Publication Release Date: August 21, 2008 Revision A02 Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet 1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION The N78E352 series are an 8-bit Turbo 51 microcontroller which has Flash EPROM programmable hardware writer. The instruction set of the N78E352 series are fully compatible with the standard 8052. The N78E352 series contain a 8Kbytes of main Flash EPROM; a 256 bytes of RAM; 128 bytes NVM Data Flash EPROM; three 16-bit timer/counters; 2-channel 8-bit PWM; 1-channel UART. These peripherals are supported by 10 interrupt sources four-level interrupt capability. To facilitate programming and verification, the Flash EPROM inside the N78E352 series allow the program memory to be programmed and read electronically. Once the code is confirmed, the user can protect the code for security. N78E352 is designed for cost effective applications which can serve industrial devices, and other low power applications. -4- Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet 2. FEATURES • Fully static design 8-bit Turbo 51 CMOS microcontroller up to 24MHz when VDD=4.5V to 5.5V, 12MHz when VDD=2.7V to 5.5V, and 4MHz when VDD=2.4V to 5.5V. • 8K bytes of AP Flash EPROM, with external writer programmable mode. • 256 bytes of on-chip RAM. • 128 bytes NVM Data Flash EPROM for customer data storage used and 10K writer cycles. • Instruction-set compatible with MSC-51. • On-chip configurable RC oscillator: 22.1184MHz/11.0592MHz with ±2% accuracy (selectable by config bit), at 3.3 voltage and 25°C condition. • Three 16-bit timer/counters. • 10 interrupt source with four levels of priority. • One enhanced full duplex serial port with framing error detection and automatic address recognition. • 4 outputs mode and TTL/Schmitt trigger selectable Port. • Programmable Watchdog Timer with 20KHz internal RC clock can wake-up the power down mode, and have very low power under 10uA at 5V. • Two-channel 8-bit PWM. • One I2C communication port. • Dual 16-bit Data Pointers. • Software programmable access cycle to external RAM/peripherals. • Eight keypads interrupt inputs with sharing the same interrupt source. • LED drive capability (20mA) on all port pins, total 100mA. • Low Voltage (3 levels) Detect interrupt and reset. • o o Industrial temperature grade -40 C~85 C. • Packages: - Lead Free (RoHS) DIP40: N79E352AEG - Lead Free (RoHS) PLCC44: N79E352APG - Lead Free (RoHS) PQFP44: N79E352AFG - Lead Free (RoHS) LQFP48: N79E352ALG - -5- Publication Release Date: August 21, 2008 Revision A02 Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet 3. PARTS INFORMATION LIST 3.1 Lead Free (RoHS) Parts information list PART NO. EPROM FLASH SIZE RAM NVM FLASH EPROM N79E352AEG 8KB 256B 128B DIP-40 Pin N79E352APG 8KB 256B 128B PLCC-44 Pin N79E352AFG 8KB 256B 128B PQFP-44 Pin N79E352ALG 8KB 256B 128B LQFP-48 Pin PACKAGE Table 3-1: Lead Free (RoHS) Parts information list -6- REMARK Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet 4. PIN CONFIGURATIONS 1 40 VDD 2 39 P 0 .0 , A D 0 , K B 0 S D A , P 1 .2 3 38 P 0 .1 , A D 1 , K B 1 S C L , P 1 .3 4 37 P 0 .2 , A D 2 , K B 2 P W M 0 , P 1 .4 5 36 P 0 .3 , A D 3 , K B 3 P W M 1 , P 1 .5 6 35 P 0 .4 , A D 4 , K B 4 P 1 .6 7 34 P 0 .5 , A D 5 , K B 5 P 1 .7 8 33 P 0 .6 , A D 6 , K B 6 RST 9 32 P 0 .7 , A D 7 , K B 7 31 EA 30 ALE DIP 40-pin T 2 , P 1 .0 T 2 E X , P 1 .1 R X D , P 3 .0 10 T X D , P 3 .1 11 IN T 0 , P 3 .2 12 29 PSEN IN T 1 , P 3 .3 13 28 P 2 .7 , A 1 5 T 0 , P 3 .4 14 27 P 2 .6 , A 1 4 T 1 , P 3 .5 15 26 P 2 .5 , A 1 3 W R , P 3 .6 16 25 P 2 .4 , A 1 2 R D , P 3 .7 17 24 P 2 .3 , A 1 1 P 5 .0 ,X T A L 2 18 23 P 2 .2 , A 1 0 P 5 .1 ,X T A L 1 19 22 P 2 .1 , A 9 VSS 20 21 P 2 .0 , A 8 SCL, P1.3 T2EX, P1.1 T2, P1.0 P4.2 VDD KB0, AD0, P0.0 KB1, AD1, P0.1 KB2, AD2, P0.2 KB3, AD3, P0.3 5 4 3 2 1 44 43 42 41 40 6 SDA, P1.2 PWM0, P1.4 P W M 1 , P 1 .5 7 39 P 0 .4 , A D 4 , K B 4 P 1 .6 8 38 P 0 .5 , A D 5 , K B 5 P 1 .7 9 37 P 0 .6 , A D 6 , K B 6 RST 10 36 P 0 .7 , A D 7 , K B 7 R X D , P 3 .0 11 35 EA P 4 .3 12 34 P 4 .1 T X D , P 3 .1 13 33 ALE IN T 0 , P 3 .2 14 32 PSEN IN T 1 , P 3 .3 15 31 P 2 .7 , A 1 5 T 0 , P 3 .4 16 30 P 2 .6 , A 1 4 T 1 , P 3 .5 17 29 P 2 .5 , A 1 3 P L C C 4 4 -p in 27 28 P2.1, A9 P2.2, A10 P2.3, A11 P2.4, A12 VSS 26 XTAL1, P5.1 25 22 XTAL2, P5.2 P2.0, A8 21 P3.7, RD P4.0 20 24 19 P3.6, WR 23 18 -7- Publication Release Date: August 21, 2008 Revision A02 Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet T2, P1.0 P4.2 VDD KB0, AD0, P0.0 KB1, AD1, P0.1 KB2, AD2, P0.2 KB3, AD3, P0.3 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 43 SDA, P1.2 SCL, P1.3 44 T2EX, P1.1 PWM0, P1.4 PWM1, P1.5 1 33 P0.4, AD4, KB4 P1.6 2 32 P0.5, AD5, KB5 P1.7 3 31 P0.6, AD6, KB6 RST 4 30 P0.7, AD7, KB7 RXD, P3.0 5 29 EA P4.3 6 28 P4.1 LQFP 44-pin TXD, P3.1 7 27 ALE INT0, P3.2 8 26 PSEN INT1, P3.3 9 25 P2.7, A15 T0, P3.4 10 24 P2.6, A14 T1, P3.5 11 23 P2.5, A13 22 21 P2.4, A12 P2.3, A11 17 18 19 XTAL1, P5.1 VSS P4.0 P2.0, A8 P2.1, A9 P2.2, A10 16 XTAL2, P5.2 KB3, AD3, P0.3 KB2, AD2, P0.2 KB1, AD1, P0.1 37 38 39 P4.2 VDD 44 43 42 41 40 T2, P1.0 45 KB0, AD0, P0.0 SDA, P1.2 T2EX, P1.1 46 48 47 SCL, P1.3 NC PWM0, P1.4 21 22 23 24 P2.0, A8 P2.1, A9 P2.2, A10 P2.3, A11 P2.4, A12 NC VSS 20 XTAL1, P5.1 P4.0 17 19 16 P3.7, /RD XTAL2, P5.2 18 15 P3.6, /WR 14 13 -8- 20 15 P3.6, WR P3.7, RD 14 13 12 PWM1, P1.5 1 36 NC P1.6 2 35 P0.4, AD4, KB4 P1.7 3 34 RST 4 33 P3.0 5 32 P4.3 6 31 EA P3.1 7 30 P4.1 INT0, P3.2 8 29 ALE INT1, P3.3 9 28 PSEN T0, P3.4 10 27 P2.7, A15 T1, P3.5 11 26 P2.6, A14 NC 12 25 P2.5, A13 LQFP 48-pin P0.5, AD5, KB5 P0.6, AD6, KB6 P0.7, AD7, KB7 Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet 5. PIN DESCRIPTIONS SYMBOL Alternate Function 1 Alternate function 2 Type XTAL1 P5.1 I/O CRYSTAL1: This is the crystal oscillator input. This pin may be driven by an external clock or configurable i/o pin, P5.1. XTAL2 P5.0 I/O CRYSTAL2: This is the crystal oscillator output. It is the inversion of XTAL1. Also a configurable i/o pin, P5.0. DESCRIPTIONS VDD P POWER SUPPLY: Supply voltage for operation. VSS P GROUND: Ground potential. RST P0.0 P0.1 P0.2 P0.3 P0.4 P0.5 P0.6 P0.7 P1.0 P1.1 P1.2 P1.3 P1.4 P1.5 P1.6 P1.7 P2.0 P2.1 P2.2 P2.3 P2.4 P2.5 P2.6 P2.7 P3.0 P3.1 RESET: A high on this pin for two machine cycles while the oscillator is running resets the device. KB0 KB1 KB2 KB3 KB4 KB5 KB6 KB7 AD0 AD1 AD2 AD3 AD4 AD5 AD6 AD7 I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O PORT0: T2 T2EX SDA SCL PWM0 PWM1 I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O PORT1: A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 RXD TXD -9- Support 4 mode output and 2 mode input. Multifunction pins for AD0-7and KB0-7. Support 4 mode output and 2 mode input. Multifunction pins for SDA & SCL (I2C), T2, T2EX and PWM0-1. PORT2: Support 4 mode output and 2 mode input. Multifunction pins for A8-A15,. PORT3: Publication Release Date: August 21, 2008 Revision A02 Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet P3.2 P3.3 P3.4 P3.5 P3.6 P3.7 P4.0 /INT0 /INT1 T0 T1 /WR /RD I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O Support 4 mode output and 2 mode input. P4.1 I/O Quasi output with internal pull up. P4.2 I/O P4.3 I/O - 10 - Multifunction pins for RXD & TXD (uart), /INT0, /INT1, T0, T1, /WR and /RD. PORT4: Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet 6. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION N78E352 series architecture consist of a 4T 8051 core controller surrounded by various registers, 8K bytes Flash EPROM, 256 bytes of RAM, 128 bytes NVM Data Flash EPROM; three timer/counters, one UART serial port, one i2c serial port, eight keypad interrupt input, 2-channel PWM with 8-bit counter, 24-channel analog switches and Flash EPROM program by Writer. 6.1 On-Chip Flash EPROM N78E352 series include one 8K bytes of main Flash EPROM for application program which need Writer to program the Flash EPROM. 6.2 I/O Ports N78E352 series have four 8-bit, one 4-bit port and one 2-bit port, with at least 36 I/O pins. All ports (except port 4) can be used as four outputs mode when it may set by PxM1.y and PxM2.y (x=0-3,5; y=0-7) registers, it has strong pull-ups and pull-downs, and does not need any external pull-ups. Otherwise it can be used as general I/O port as open drain circuit. All ports can be used bi-directional and these are as I/O ports. These ports are not true I/O, but rather are pseudo-I/O ports. This is because these ports have strong pull-downs and weak pull-ups. 6.3 Serial I/O N78E352 series have one uart serial port that is functionally similar to the serial port of the original 8032 family. However the serial port on N78E352 series can operate in different modes in order to obtain timing similarity as well. The Serial port has the enhanced features of Automatic Address recognition and Frame Error detection. 6.4 Timers The device has total three 16-bit timers; two 16-bit timers that have functions similar to the timers of the 8032 family, and third timer is capable to function as timer and also provide capture support. When used as timers, user has a choice to set 12 or 4 clocks per count that emulates the timing of the original 8032. Each timer’s count value is stored in two SFR locations that can be written or read by software. There are also some other SFRs associated with the timers that control their mode and operation. 6.5 Interrupts The Interrupt structure in N78E352 series is slightly different from that of the standard 8052. Due to the presence of additional features and peripherals, the number of interrupt sources and vectors has been increased. 6.6 Data Pointers The original 8052 had only one 16-bit Data Pointer (DPL, DPH). In the N78E352, there is an additional 16-bit Data Pointer (DPL1, DPH1). This new Data Pointer uses two SFR locations which were unused in the original 8052. In addition there is an added instruction, DEC DPTR (op-code A5H), which helps in improving programming flexibility for the user. 6.7 Architecture N78E352 series are based on the standard 8052 device. It is built around an 8-bit ALU that uses internal registers for temporary storage and control of the peripheral devices. It can execute the standard 8052 instruction set. - 11 - Publication Release Date: August 21, 2008 Revision A02 Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet 6.7.1 ALU The ALU is the heart of the N78E352. It is responsible for the arithmetic and logical functions. It is also used in decision making, in case of jump instructions, and is also used in calculating jump addresses. The user cannot directly use the ALU, but the Instruction Decoder reads the op-code, decodes it, and sequences the data through the ALU and its associated registers to generate the required result. The ALU mainly uses the ACC which is a special function register (SFR) on the chip. Another SFR, namely B register is also used in Multiply and Divide instructions. The ALU generates several status signals which are stored in the Program Status Word register (PSW). 6.7.2 Accumulator The Accumulator (ACC) is the primary register used in arithmetic, logical and data transfer operations in N78E352. Since the Accumulator is directly accessible by the CPU, most of the high speed instructions make use of the ACC as one argument. 6.7.3 B Register This is an 8-bit register that is used as the second argument in the MUL and DIV instructions. For all other instructions it can be used simply as a general purpose register. 6.7.4 Program Status Word: This is an 8-bit SFR that is used to store the status bits of the ALU. It holds the Carry flag, the Auxiliary Carry flag, General purpose flags, the Register Bank Select, the Overflow flag, and the Parity flag. 6.7.5 Scratch-pad RAM N78E352 series have a 256 bytes on-chip scratch-pad RAM. These can be used by the user for temporary storage during program execution. A certain section of this RAM is bit addressable, and can be directly addressed for this purpose. 6.7.6 Stack Pointer N78E352 series have an 8-bit Stack Pointer which points to the top of the Stack. This stack resides in the Scratch Pad RAM. Hence the size of the stack is limited by the size of this RAM. 6.8 Power Management Like the standard 80C52, the N78E352 also has IDLE and POWER DOWN modes of operation. The N78E352 provides a new Economy mode which allow user to switch the internal clock rate divided by either 4, 64 or 1024. In the IDLE mode, the clock to the CPU core is stopped while the timers, serial ports and interrupts clock continue to operate. In the POWER DOWN mode, all the clock are stopped and the chip operation is completely stopped, and C2F is disabled. This is the lowest power consumption state. - 12 - Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet 7. MEMORY ORGANIZATION N78E352 series separate the memory into two separate sections, the Program Memory and the Data Memory. The Program Memory is used to store the instruction op-codes, while the Data Memory is used to store data or for memory mapped devices. (For 512B NVM, 64bytes/page) Page 7 Page 6 FDFFH/FCFFH/FC7F/FC3FH (64/32/16/8 bytes/page) FC00H Page 5 128B NVM Data Memory (MOVX) Page 4 Page 3 Page 2 Page 1 Page 0 FFFFH FDFFh FDC0h FDBFh FD80h FD7Fh FD40h FD3Fh External Program Memory FD00h FCFFh FCC0h FCBFh FC80h FC7Fh FC40h FC3Fh FC00h 2000H/1000H 1FFFH/0FFFH NVM Data Memory Area 8/4K Bytes On-Chip Code Memory CONFIG 1 CONFIG 0 0000H Program Memory Space Figure 7-1: N78E352 series Memory Map 7.1 Program Memory (on-chip Flash) The Program Memory on N78E352 series can be up to 8K bytes long. All instructions are fetched for execution from this memory area. The MOVC instruction can also access this memory region. - 13 - Publication Release Date: August 21, 2008 Revision A02 Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet 7.2 Data Memory The N78E352 series have NVM data memory of 128 bytes for customer’s data store used. The NVM data memory has 8 pages area and each page has 64/32/16/8 bytes. The N78E352 series can access up to 64Kbytes of external Data Memory. This memory region is accessed by the MOVX instructions. For NVM s/w read access, user require to set EnNVM bit, otherwise, the access will goes to external data memory. N78E352 has the standard 256 bytes of on-chip Scratchpad RAM. This can be accessed either by direct addressing or by indirect addressing. There are also some Special Function Registers (SFRs), which can only be accessed by direct addressing. Since the Scratchpad RAM is only 256 bytes, it can be used only when data contents are small. 7.3 Scratch-pad RAM and Register Map As mentioned before, N78E352 series have separate Program and Data Memory areas. The on-chip 256 bytes scratch pad RAM is in addition to the external memory. There are also several Special Function Registers (SFRs) which can be accessed by software. The SFRs can be accessed only by direct addressing, while the on-chip RAM can be accessed by either direct or indirect addressing. FFH Indirect RAM Addressing 80H 7FH 00H SFR Direct Addressing Only Direct & Indirect RAM Addressing Figure 7-2: N78E352 series RAM and SFR Memory Map Since the scratch-pad RAM is only 256 bytes it can be used only when data contents are small. There are several other special purpose areas within the scratch-pad RAM. These are illustrated in next figure. - 14 - Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet FFH Indirect RAM 80H 7FH Direct RAM 30H 2FH 7F 7E 7D 7C 7B 7A 79 78 2EH 77 76 75 74 73 72 71 70 2DH 6F 6E 6D 6C 6B 6A 69 68 2CH 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 2BH 5F 5E 5D 5C 5B 5A 59 58 2AH 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 29H 4F 4E 4D 4C 4B 4A 49 48 28H 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 27H 3F 3E 3D 3C 3B 3A 39 38 26H 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 25H 2F 2E 2D 2C 2B 2A 29 28 24H 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 23H 1F 1E 1D 1C 1B 1A 19 18 22H 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 21H 0F 0E 0D 0C 0B 0A 09 08 20H 1FH 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 Bank 3 18H 17H Bank 2 10H 0FH Bank 1 08H 07H Bank 0 00H Figure 7-3: Scratch-pad RAM - 15 - Publication Release Date: August 21, 2008 Revision A02 Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet 7.3.1 Working Registers There are four sets of working registers, each consisting of eight 8-bit registers. These are termed as Banks 0, 1, 2, and 3. Individual registers within these banks can be directly accessed by separate instructions. These individual registers are named as R0, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6 and R7. However, at any one time N78E352 series can work with only one particular bank. The bank selection is done by setting RS1-RS0 bits in the PSW. The R0 and R1 registers are used to store the address for indirect accessing. 7.3.2 Bit addressable Locations The Scratch-pad RAM area from location 20h to 2Fh is byte as well as bit addressable. This means that a bit in this area can be individually addressed. In addition some of the SFRs are also bit addressable. The instruction decoder is able to distinguish a bit access from a byte access by the type of the instruction itself. In the SFR area, any existing SFR whose address ends in a 0 or 8 is bit addressable. 7.3.3 Stack The scratch-pad RAM can be used for the stack. This area is selected by the Stack Pointer (SP), which stores the address of the top of the stack. Whenever a jump, call or interrupt is invoked the return address is placed on the stack. There is no restriction as to where the stack can begin in the RAM. By default however, the Stack Pointer contains 07h at reset. The user can then change this to any value desired. The SP will point to the last used value. Therefore, the SP will be incremented and then address saved onto the stack. Conversely, while popping from the stack the contents will be read first, and then the SP is decreased. - 16 - Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet 8. SPECIAL FUNCTION REGISTERS The N78E352 uses Special Function Registers (SFRs) to control and monitor peripherals and their Modes. The SFRs reside in the register locations 80-FFh and are accessed by direct addressing only. Some of the SFRs are bit addressable. This is very useful in cases where one wishes to modify a particular bit without changing the others. The SFRs that are bit addressable are those whose addresses end in 0 or 8. The N78E352 contains all the SFRs present in the standard 8052. However, some additional SFRs have been added. In some cases unused bits in the original 8052 have been given new functions. The list of SFRs is as follows. The table is condensed with eight locations per row. Empty locations indicate that there are no registers at these addresses. When a bit or register is not implemented, it will read high. 8.1 SFR Location Table F8 IP1 F0 B E8 EIE E0 ACC D8 WDCON D0 PSW C8 T2CON C0 IP1H KBL PORTS P5M1 P5M2 PWM0L PWM1L PWMCON1 T2MOD RCAP2L RCAP2H TL2 TH2 NVMCON I2CON I2ADDR ROMMAP PMR B8 IP0 SADEN I2DATA STATUS I2STATUS NVMADDRL I2CLK B0 P3 P0M1 P1M2 P2M1 P2M2 IP0H A8 IE SADDR A0 P2 KBI 98 SCON SBUF P3M1 P3M2 PWMCON3 P0M2 P1M1 AUXR1 NVMDAT TA I2TIMER P4 90 P1 NVMADDRH P5 88 TCON TMOD TL0 TL1 TH0 TH1 CKCON 80 P0 SP DPL DPH DPL1 DPH1 DPS PCON Note: The SFRs in the column with dark borders are bit-addressable. Table 8- 1: Special Function Register Location Table - 17 - Publication Release Date: August 21, 2008 Revision A02 Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet SYMBOL DEFINITION ADDRESS IP1 INTERRUPT PRIORITY 1 F8H PCAP MSB PBO BIT ADDRESS, SYMBOL IP1H INTERRUPT HIGH PRIORITY 1 F7H PCAPH B B REGISTER F0H B.7 P5M2 PORT 5 OUTPUT MODE 2 EEH - - LSB - PWDI - PBOH - PWDIH - B.6 B.5 B.4 B.3 - - - - - RESET PKB PI2 00x0 xx00B - PKBH PI2H 00x0 xx00B B.2 B.1 B.0 0000 0000B P5M2.1 P5M2.0 CONFIG0.PMOD E=1; Xxxx xx00B CONFIG0.PMOD E=0; Xxxx xx11B P5M1 PORT 5 OUTPUT MODE 1 EDH - - - - - ENCLK P5M1.1 P5M1.0 CONFIG0.PMOD E=1; Xxxx x000B CONFIG0.PMOD E=0; Xxxx x011B PORTS PORT SHMITT REGISTER ECH - - P5S - P3S P2S P1S P0S xx0x 0000B KBL KEYBOARD LEVEL REGISTER E9H KBL.7 KBL.6 KBL.5 KBL.4 KBL.3 KBL.2 KBL.1 KBL.0 0000 0000B EIE INTERRUPT ENABLE 1 E8H ECPTF EBO - EWDI - - EKB EI2 00x0 xx00B ACC ACCUMULATOR E0H ACC.7 ACC.6 ACC.5 ACC.4 ACC.3 ACC.2 ACC.1 ACC.0 0000 0000B PWMCON1 PWM CONTROL REGISTER 1 DCH PWMRUN - - CLRPWM - - - - 0xx0 xxxxB PWM1L PWM 1 LOW BITS REGISTER DBH PWM1.7 PWM1.6 PWM1.5 PWM1.4 PWM1.3 PWM1.2 PWM1.1 PWM1.0 0000 0000B PWM0L PWM 0 LOW BITS REGISTER DAH PWM0.7 PWM0.6 PWM0.5 PWM0.4 PWM0.3 PWM0.2 PWM0.1 PWM0.0 0000 0000B WDCON WATCH-DOG CONTROL D8H WDRUN POR - - WDIF WTRF EWRST WDCLR POR: X1xx 0000B External reset: Xxxx 0xx0B Watchdog reset: Xxxx 01x0B PWMCON3 PWM CONTROL REGISTER 3 D7H - - PWM1OE PWM0OE PCLK.1 PCLK.0 FP1 FP0 Xx00 0000B PSW PROGRAM STATUS WORD D0H CY AC F0 RS1 RS0 OV F1 P 0000 0000B NVMDATA NVM DATA CFH NVMDATA.7 NVMDATA.6 NVMDATA.5 NVMDATA.4 NVMDATA. NVMDATA. NVMDATA. NVMDATA. 0000 0000B 3 2 1 0 NVMCON NVM CONTROL CEH EER EWR EnNVM - - - - - TH2 TIMER 2 MSB CDH TH2.7 TH2.6 TH2.5 TH2.4 TH2.3 TH2.2 TH2.1 TH2.0 0000 0000B TL2 TIMER 2 LSB CCH TL2.7 TL2.6 TL2.5 TL2.4 TL2.3 TL2.2 TL2.1 TL2.0 0000 0000B 000x xxxxB RCAP2H TIMER 2 RELOAD MSB CBH RCAP2H.7 RCAP2H.6 RCAP2H.5 RCAP2H.4 RCAP2H.3 RCAP2H.2 RCAP2H.1 RCAP2H.0 0000 0000B RCAP2L TIMER 2 RELOAD LSB CAH RCAP2L.7 RCAP2L.6 RCAP2L.5 RCAP2L.4 RCAP2L.3 RCAP2L.2 RCAP2L.1 RCAP2L.0 0000 0000B T2MOD TIMER 2 MODE C9H - - - - T2CR 1 T2OE DCEN Xxx0 0100B T2CON TIMER 2 CONTROL C8H TF2 EXF2 RCLK TCLK EXEN2 TR2 C/T2 CP/RL 0000 0000B TA TIMED ACCESS PROTECTION C7H TA.7 TA.6 TA.5 TA.4 TA.3 TA.2 TA.1 TA.0 0000 0000B NVMADDRL NVM LOW BYTE ADDRESS C6H NVMADDR.7 NVMADDR.6 NVMADDR.5 NVMADDR.4 NVMADDR. NVMADDR. NVMADDR. NVMADDR. 0000 0000B 3 2 1 0 STATUS STATUS REGISTER C5H - - - - - - SPTA0 SPRA0 Xxxx xx00B PMR POWER MANAGEMENT REGISTER C4H CD1 CD0 SWB - - ALE-OFF - - 010x xxxxB ROMMAP ROMMAP REGISTER C2H WS 1 - - - 1 1 0 01xxx110B I2ADDR I2C ADDRESS1 C1H ADDR.7 ADDR.6 ADDR.5 ADDR.4 ADDR.3 ADDR.2 ADDR.1 GC xxxxxxx0B I2CON I2C CONTROL REGISTER C0H - ENS1 STA STO SI AA - - x00000xxB I2TIMER I2C TIMER COUNTER REGISTER BFH - - - - - ENTI DIV4 TIF Xxxx x000B I2CLK I2C CLOCK RATE I2CLK.7 I2CLK.6 I2CLK.5 I2CLK.4 I2CLK.3 I2CLK.2 I2CLK.1 I2CLK.0 0000 0000B BEH - 18 - Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet I2STATUS I2C STATUS BDH I2STATUS.7 I2STATUS.6 I2STATUS.5 I2STATUS.4 I2STATUS. I2STATUS. I2STATUS. I2STATUS. 1111 1000B 3 2 1 0 I2DAT I2C DATA BCH I2DAT.7 I2DAT.6 I2DAT.5 I2DAT.4 I2DAT.3 I2DAT.2 I2DAT.1 I2DAT.0 SADEN SLAVE ADDRESS MASK B9H SADEN.7 SADEN.6 SADEN.5 SADEN.4 SADEN.3 SADEN.2 SADEN.1 SADEN.0 00000000B IP0 INTERRUPT PRIORITY B8H - - PT2 PS PT1 PX1 PT0 PX0 Xx00 0000B IP0H INTERRUPT HIGH PRIORITY B7H - - PT2H PSH PT1H PX1H PT0H PX0H Xx00 0000B P2M2 PORT 2 OUTPUT MODE 2 B6H P2M2.7 P2M2.6 P2M2.5 P2M2.4 P2M2.3 P2M2.2 P2M2.1 P2M2.0 CONFIG0.PMOD E=1; xxxxxxxxB 0000 0000B CONFIG0.PMOD E=0; 1111 1111B P2M1 PORT 2 OUTPUT MODE 1 B5H P2M1.7 P2M1.6 P2M1.5 P2M1.4 P2M1.3 P2M1.2 P2M1.1 P2M1.0 CONFIG0.PMOD E=1; 0000 0000B CONFIG0.PMOD E=0; 1111 1111B P1M2 PORT 1 OUTPUT MODE 2 B4H P1M2.7 P1M2.6 P1M2.5 P1M2.4 P1M2.3 P1M2.2 P1M2.1 P1M2.0 CONFIG0.PMOD E=1; 0000 0000B CONFIG0.PMOD E=0; 1111 1111B P1M1 PORT 1 OUTPUT MODE 1 B3H P1M1.7 P1M1.6 P1M1.5 P1M1.4 P1M1.3 P1M1.2 P1M1.1 P1M1.0 CONFIG0.PMOD E=1; 0000 0000B CONFIG0.PMOD E=0; 1111 1111B P0M2 PORT 0 OUTPUT MODE 2 B2H P0M2.7 P0M2.6 P0M2.5 P0M2.4 P0M2.3 P0M2.2 P0M2.1 P0M2.0 1111 1111B P0M1 PORT 0 OUTPUT MODE 1 B1H P0M1.7 P0M1.6 P0M1.5 P0M1.4 P0M1.3 P0M1.2 P0M1.1 P0M1.0 1111 1111B P3 PORT3 B0H P3.7 P3.6 P3.5 P3.4 P3.3 P3.2 P3.1 P3.0 1111 1111B /RD /WR T1 T0 /INT1 /INT0 TXD RXD SADDR SLAVE ADDRESS A9H SADDR.7 SADDR.6 SADDR.5 SADDR.4 SADDR.3 SADDR.2 SADDR.1 SADDR.0 0000 0000B IE INTERRUPT ENABLE A8H EA - ET2 ES ET1 EX1 ET0 EX0 0x00 0000B P4 PORT4 A5H - - - - P4.3 P4.2 P4.1 P4.0 Xxxx 1111B AUXR1 AUX FUNCTION REGISTER 1 A2H KBF BOD BOI LPBOV SRST BOV1 BOV0 BOS 0000 0000B KBI KEYBOARD INTERRUPT A1H KBI.7 KBI.6 KBI.5 KBI.4 KBI.3 KBI.2 KBI.1 KBI.0 0000 0000B P2 PORT 2 A0H 1111 1111B P3M2 PORT 3 OUTPUT MODE 2 9FH P2.7 P2.6 P2.5 P2.4 P2.3 P2.2 P2.1 P2.0 A15 A14 A13 A12 A11 A10 A9 A8 P3M2.7 P3M2.6 P3M2.5 P3M2.4 P3M2.3 P3M2.2 P3M2.1 P3M2.0 CONFIG0.PMOD E=1; 0000 0000B CONFIG0.PMOD E=0; 1111 1111B P3M1 PORT 3 OUTPUT MODE 1 9EH P3M1.7 P3M1.6 P3M1.5 P3M1.4 P3M1.3 P3M1.2 P3M1.1 P3M1.0 CONFIG0.PMOD E=1; 0000 0000B CONFIG0.PMOD E=0; 1111 1111B SBUF SERIAL BUFFER 99H SBUF.7 SBUF.6 SBUF.5 - 19 - SBUF.4 SBUF.3 SBUF.2 SBUF.1 SBUF.0 Xxxx xxxxB Publication Release Date: August 21, 2008 Revision A02 Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet SCON SERIAL CONTROL 98H SM0/FE SM1 SM2 REN TB8 RB8 TI RI 0000 0000B P5 PORT5 94H - - - - - - P5.1 P5.0 Xxxx xx11B - - - - - - XTAL1 XTAL2 - - - - - - - CLKOUT - - - - NVMADDR. Xxxx xxx0B 8 NVMADDRH NVM HIGH BYTE ADDRESS 93H - - - P1 PORT 1 90H P1.7 P1.6 P1.5 P1.4 P1.3 P1.2 P1.1 P1.0 - - PWM1 PWM0 SCL SDA T2EX T2 1111 1111B CKCON CLOCK CONTROL 8EH WD1 WD0 T2M T1M T0M MD2 MD1 MD0 0000 0001B TH1 TIMER HIGH 1 8DH TH1.7 TH1.6 TH1.5 TH1.4 TH1.3 TH1.2 TH1.1 TH1.0 0000 0000B TH0 TIMER HIGH 0 8CH TH0.7 TH0.6 TH0.5 TH0.4 TH0.3 TH0.2 TH0.1 TH0.0 0000 0000B TL1 TIMER LOW 1 8BH TL1.7 TL1.6 TL1.5 TL1.4 TL1.3 TL1.2 TL1.1 TL1.0 0000 0000B TL0 TIMER LOW 0 8AH TL0.7 TL0.6 TL0.5 TL0.4 TL0.3 TL0.2 TL0.1 TL0.0 0000 0000B TMOD TIMER MODE 89H GATE C/T M1 M0 GATE C/T M1 M0 0000 0000B TCON TIMER CONTROL 88H TF1 TR1 TF0 TR0 IE1 IT1 IE0 IT0 0000 0000B PCON POWER CONTROL 87H SM0D SMOD0 BOF - GF1 GF0 PD IDL 001x 0000B DPS DATA POINTER SELECT 86H - - - - - - - DPS.0 Xxxx xxx0B DPH1 DATA POINTER HIGH 1 85H DPH1.7 DPH1.6 DPH1.5 DPH1.4 DPH1.3 DPH1.2 DPH1.1 DPH1.0 0000 0000B DPL1 DATA POINTER LOW 1 84H DPL1.7 DPL1.6 DPL1.5 DPL1.4 DPL1.3 DPL1.2 DPL1.1 DPL1.0 0000 0000B DPH DATA POINTER HIGH 83H DPH.7 DPH.6 DPH.5 DPH.4 DPH.3 DPH.2 DPH.1 DPH.0 0000 0000B DPL DATA POINTER LOW 82H DPL.7 DPL.6 DPL.5 DPL.4 DPL.3 DPL.2 DPL.1 DPL.0 0000 0000B SP STACK POINTER 81H SP.7 SP.6 SP.5 SP.4 SP.3 SP.2 SP.1 SP.0 0000 0111B P0 PORT 0 80H P0.7 P0.6 P0.5 P0.4 P0.3 P0.2 P0.1 P0.0 1111 1111B AD7 AD6 AD5 AD4 AD3 AD2 AD1 AD0 KB7 KB6 KB5 KB4 KB3 KB2 KB1 KB0 - 20 - Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet 8.2 SFR Detail Bit Descriptions PORT 0 Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 P0.7 P0.6 P0.5 P0.4 P0.3 P0.2 P0.1 P0.0 Mnemonic: P0 Address: 80h Port 0 is an open-drain bi-directional I/O port. This port provides a multiplexed low order address/data bus during accesses to external memory. The ports also support alternate input function for Keyboard pins (KB0-7). BIT NAME FUNCTION 7 P0.7 AD7 or KB7 or I/O pin by alternative. 6 P0.6 AD6 or KB6 or I/O pin by alternative. 5 P0.5 AD5 or KB5 or I/O pin by alternative. 4 P0.4 AD4 or KB4 or I/O pin by alternative. 3 P0.3 AD3 or KB3 or I/O pin by alternative. 2 P0.2 AD2 or KB2 or I/O pin by alternative. 1 P0.1 AD1 or KB1 or I/O pin by alternative. 0 P0.0 AD0 or KB0 or I/O pin by alternative. Note: The initial value of the port is set by CONFIG0.PRHI bit. The default setting for CONFIG0.PRHI =1 which the alternative function output is turned on upon reset. If CONFIG0.PRHI is set to 0, the user has to write a 1 to port SFR to turn on the alternative function output. STACK POINTER Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 SP.7 SP.6 SP.5 SP.4 SP.3 SP.2 SP.1 SP.0 Mnemonic: SP BIT NAME 7-0 SP.[7:0] Address: 81h FUNCTION The Stack Pointer stores the Scratch-pad RAM address where the stack begins. In other words it always points to the top of the stack. DATA POINTER LOW Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 DPL.7 DPL.6 DPL.5 DPL.4 DPL.3 DPL.2 DPL.1 DPL.0 Mnemonic: DPL Address: 82h BIT NAME FUNCTION 7-0 DPL.[7:0] This is the low byte of the standard 8052 16-bit data pointer. DATA POINTER HIGH Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 - 21 - 2 1 0 Publication Release Date: August 21, 2008 Revision A02 Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet DPH.7 DPH.6 DPH.5 DPH.4 DPH.3 DPH.2 DPH.1 Mnemonic: DPH DPH.0 Address: 83h BIT NAME FUNCTION 7-0 DPH.[7:0] This is the high byte of the standard 8052 16-bit data pointer. This is the high byte of the DPTR 16-bit data pointer. DATA POINTER LOW 1 Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 DPL1.7 DPL1.6 DPL1.5 DPL1.4 DPL1.3 DPL1.2 DPL1.1 DPL1.0 Mnemonic: DPL1 Address: 84h BIT NAME FUNCTION 7-0 DPL1.[7:0] This is the low byte of the new additional 16-bit data pointer that has been added to the N78E352. The user can switch between DPL, DPH and DPL1, DPH1 simply by setting register DPS = 1. The instructions that use DPTR will now access DPL1 and DPH1 in place of DPL and DPH. If they are not required they can be used as conventional register locations by the user. DATA POINTER HIGH 1 Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 DPH1.7 DPH1.6 DPH1.5 DPH1.4 DPH1.3 DPH1.2 DPH1.1 DPH1.0 Mnemonic: DPH1 Address: 85h BIT NAME FUNCTION 7-0 DPH1.[7:0] This is the high byte of the new additional 16-bit data pointer that has been added to the N78E352. The user can switch between DPL, DPH and DPL1, DPH1 simply by setting register DPS = 1. The instructions that use DPTR will now access DPL1 and DPH1 in place of DPL and DPH. If they are not required they can be used as conventional register locations by the user. DATA POINTER SELECT Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 - - - - - - - DPS.0 Mnemonic: DPS Address: 86h BIT NAME FUNCTION 7-1 - Reserved. 0 DPS This bit is used to select either the DPL,DPH pair or the DPL1,DPH1 pair as the active Data Pointer. When set to 1, DPL1, DPH1 will be selected, otherwise DPL, DPH will be selected. POWER CONTROL Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 SMOD SMOD0 BOF - GF1 GF0 PD IDL - 22 - Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet Mnemonic: PCON Address: 87h BIT NAME FUNCTION 7 SMOD 1: This bit doubles the serial port baud rate in mode 1, 2, and 3. 6 SMOD0 0: Framing Error Detection Disable. SCON.7 (SM0/FE) bit is used as SM0 (standard 8052 function). 1: Framing Error Detection Enable. SCON.7 (SM0/FE) bit is used to reflect as Frame Error (FE) status flag. 0: Cleared by software. 5 BOF 1: Set automatically when a brownout reset or interrupt has occurred. Also set at power on. 4 - Reserved. 3 GF1 General purpose user flags. 2 GF0 General purpose user flags. 1 PD 1: The CPU goes into the POWER DOWN mode. In this mode, all the clocks are stopped and program execution is frozen. 0 IDL 1: The CPU goes into the IDLE mode. In this mode, the clocks CPU clock stopped, so program execution is frozen. But the clock to the serial, timer and interrupt blocks is not stopped, and these blocks continue operating. TIMER CONTROL Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 TF1 TR1 TF0 TR0 IE1 IT1 IE0 IT0 Mnemonic: TCON Address: 88h BIT NAME FUNCTION 7 TF1 Timer 1 Overflow Flag. This bit is set when Timer 1 overflows. It is cleared automatically when the program does a timer 1 interrupt service routine. Software can also set or clear this bit. 6 TR1 Timer 1 Run Control. This bit is set or cleared by software to turn timer/counter on or off. 5 TF0 Timer 0 Overflow Flag. This bit is set when Timer 0 overflows. It is cleared automatically when the program does a timer 0 interrupt service routine. Software can also set or clear this bit. 4 TR0 Timer 0 Run Control. This bit is set or cleared by software to turn timer/counter on or off. 3 IE1 Interrupt 1 Edge Detect Flag: Set by hardware when an edge/level is detected on INT1 . This bit is cleared by hardware when the service routine is vectored to only if the interrupt was edge triggered. Otherwise it follows the inverse of the pin. 2 IT1 Interrupt 1 Type Control. Set/cleared by software to specify falling edge/ low level triggered external inputs. 1 IE0 Interrupt 0 Edge Detect Flag. Set by hardware when an edge/level is detected - 23 - Publication Release Date: August 21, 2008 Revision A02 Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet on INT0 . This bit is cleared by hardware when the service routine is vectored to only if the interrupt was edge triggered. Otherwise it follows the inverse of the pin. 0 Interrupt 0 Type Control: Set/cleared by software to specify falling edge/ low level triggered external inputs. IT0 TIMER MODE CONTROL Bit: 7 GATE 6 5 4 3 C/ T M1 M0 GATE TIMER1 2 1 0 C/ T M1 M0 TIMER0 Mnemonic: TMOD BIT Address: 89h NAME FUNCTION 7 GATE Gating control: When this bit is set, Timer/counter 1 is enabled only while the INT1 pin is high and the TR1 control bit is set. When cleared, the INT1 pin has no effect, and Timer 1 is enabled whenever TR1 control bit is set. 6 C/ T Timer or Counter Select: When clear, Timer 1 is incremented by the internal clock. When set, the timer counts falling edges on the T1 pin. 5 M1 Timer 1 mode select bit 1. See table below. 4 M0 Timer 1 mode select bit 0. See table below. 3 GATE Gating control: When this bit is set, Timer/counter 0 is enabled only while the INT0 pin is high and the TR0 control bit is set. When cleared, the INT0 pin has no effect, and Timer 0 is enabled whenever TR0 control bit is set. 2 C/ T Timer or Counter Select: When clear, Timer 0 is incremented by the internal clock. When set, the timer counts falling edges on the T0 pin. 1 M1 Timer 0 mode select bit 1. See table below. 0 M0 Timer 0 mode select bit 0. See table below. M1, M0: Mode Select bits: M1 M0 MODE 0 0 Mode 0: 8-bit timer/counter TLx serves as 5-bit pre-scale. 0 1 Mode 1: 16-bit timer/counter, no pre-scale. 1 0 Mode 2: 8-bit timer/counter with auto-reload from THx. 1 1 Mode 3: (Timer 0) TL0 is an 8-bit timer/counter controlled by the standard Timer0 control bits. TH0 is an 8-bit timer only controlled by Timer1 control bits. (Timer 1) Timer/Counter 1 is stopped. TIMER 0 LSB Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 TL0.7 TL0.6 TL0.5 TL0.4 TL0.3 TL0.2 TL0.1 TL0.0 Mnemonic: TL0 Address: 8Ah - 24 - Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet BIT NAME FUNCTION 7-0 TL0.[7:0] Timer 0 LSB. TIMER 1 LSB Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 TL1.7 TL1.6 TL1.5 TL1.4 TL1.3 TL1.2 TL1.1 TL1.0 Mnemonic: TL1 Address: 8Bh BIT NAME FUNCTION 7-0 TL1.[7:0] Timer 1 LSB. TIMER 0 MSB Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 TH0.7 TH0.6 TH0.5 TH0.4 TH0.3 TH0.2 TH0.1 TH0.0 Mnemonic: TH0 Address: 8Ch BIT NAME FUNCTION 7-0 TH0.[7:0] Timer 0 MSB. TIMER 1 MSB Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 TH1.7 TH1.6 TH1.5 TH1.4 TH1.3 TH1.2 TH1.1 TH1.0 Mnemonic: TH1 Address: 8Dh BIT NAME FUNCTION 7-0 TH1.[7:0] Timer 1 MSB. CLOCK CONTROL Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 WD1 WD0 T2M T1M T0M MD2 MD1 MD0 Mnemonic: CKCON BIT NAME Address: 8Eh FUNCTION Watchdog timer mode select bits: These bits determine the time-out period for the watchdog timer. In all four time-out options the reset time-out is 512 clocks more than the interrupt time-out period. 7-5 WD1~0 WD1 WD0 Interrupt time-out 0 0 2 0 1 2 1 0 2 1 1 2 - 25 - 6 9 13 15 Reset time-out 6 2 + 512 9 2 + 512 2 2 13 15 + 512 + 512 Publication Release Date: August 21, 2008 Revision A02 Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet Timer 2 clock select: 5 T2M 0: Timer 2 uses a divide by 12 clocks. 1: Timer 2 uses a divide by 4 clocks. Timer 1 clock select: 4 T1M 0: Timer 1 uses a divide by 12 clocks. 1: Timer 1 uses a divide by 4 clocks. Timer 0 clock select: 3 T0M 0: Timer 0 uses a divide by 12 clocks. 1: Timer 0 uses a divide by 4 clocks. 2~0 MD2~0 Stretch MOVX select bits: These three bits are used to select the stretch value for the MOVX instruction. Using a variable MOVX length enables the user to access slower external memory devices or peripherals without the need for external circuits. The RD or WR strobe will be stretched by the selected interval. When accessing the on-chip SRAM, the MOVX instruction is always in 2 machine cycles regardless of the stretch setting. By default, the stretch has value of 1. If the user needs faster accessing, then a stretch value of 0 should be selected. MD2 MD1 MD0 Stretch value MOVX duration 0 0 0 0 2 machine cycles 0 0 1 1 3 machine cycles (Default) 0 1 0 2 4 machine cycles 0 1 1 3 5 machine cycles 1 0 0 4 6 machine cycles 1 0 1 5 7 machine cycles 1 1 0 6 8 machine cycles 1 1 1 7 9 machine cycles PORT 1 Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 P1.7 P1.6 P1.5 P1.4 P1.3 P1.2 P1.1 P1.0 Mnemonic: P1 Address: 90h P1.7-0: General purpose Input/Output port. Most instructions will read the port pins in case of a port read access, however in case of read-modify-write instructions, the port latch is read. These alternate functions are described below: BIT NAME FUNCTION 7 P1.7 Dedicated I/O pin. 6 P1.6 Dedicated I/O pin. 5 P1.5 PWM1 or I/O pin by alternative. 4 P1.4 PWM0 or I/O pin by alternative. 3 P1.3 SCL or I/O pin by alternative. 2 P1.2 SDA or I/O pin by alternative. - 26 - Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet 1 P1.1 T2EX or I/O pin by alternative. 0 P1.0 T2 or I/O pin by alternative. NVM HIGH BYTE ADDRESS Bit: 7 6 5 - - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 0 - - Mnemonic: NVMADDRH BIT NAME 7~1 Address: 93h FUNCTION - 0 NVMADD R.8 Reserved. NVMADDR. 8 The NVM high address, The register indicates NVM data memory of high byte address on On Chip code memory space. PORT 5 Bit: 7 6 - 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 0 P5.1/ XTAL1 - Mnemonic: P5 P5.0/ XTAL2/ CLKOUT Address: 94h BIT NAME FUNCTION 7~2 - Reserved. 1 P5.1 XTAL1 clock input or I/O pin by alternative. 0 P5.0 XTAL2 or CLKOUT pin or I/O pin by alternative. SERIAL PORT CONTROL Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 SM0/FE SM1 SM2 REN TB8 RB8 TI RI Mnemonic: SCON BIT Address: 98h NAME FUNCTION 7 SM0/FE Serial port mode select bit 0 or Framing Error Flag: The SMOD0 bit in PCON SFR determines whether this bit acts as SM0 or as FE. The operation of SM0 is described below. When used as FE, this bit will be set to indicate an invalid stop bit. This bit must be manually cleared in software to clear the FE condition. 6 SM1 Serial Port mode select bit 1. See table below. SM2 Multiple processors communication. Setting this bit to 1 enables the multiprocessor communication feature in mode 2 and 3. In mode 2 or 3, if SM2 is set to 1, then RI will not be activated if the received 9th data bit (RB8) is 0. In mode 1, if SM2 = 1, then RI will not be activated if a valid stop bit was not received. In mode 0, the SM2 bit controls the serial port clock. If set to 0, then the serial port runs at a divide by 12 clock of the oscillator. This gives compatibility with the standard 8052. When set to 1, the serial clock become 5 - 27 - Publication Release Date: August 21, 2008 Revision A02 Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet divide by 4 of the oscillator clock. This results in faster synchronous serial communication. Receive enable: REN 4 0: Disable serial reception. 1: Enable serial reception. 3 TB8 This is the 9th bit to be transmitted in modes 2 and 3. This bit is set and cleared by software as desired. 2 RB8 In modes 2 and 3 this is the received 9th data bit. In mode 1, if SM2 = 0, RB8 is the stop bit that was received. In mode 0 it has no function. 1 TI Transmit interrupt flag: This flag is set by hardware at the end of the 8th bit time in mode 0, or at the beginning of the stop bit in all other modes during serial transmission. This bit must be cleared by software. RI Receive interrupt flag: This flag is set by hardware at the end of the 8th bit time in mode 0, or halfway through the stop bits time in the other modes during serial reception. However the restrictions of SM2 apply to this bit. This bit can be cleared only by software. 0 SM1, SM0: Mode Select bits: MODE SM1 SM0 0 0 0 1 0 1 2 1 0 3 1 1 DESCRIPTION LENGTH BAUD RATE Synchronous 8 Tclk divided by 4 or 12 Asynchronous 10 Variable Asynchronous 11 Tclk divided by 32 or 64 Asynchronous 11 Variable SERIAL DATA BUFFER Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 SBUF.7 SBUF.6 SBUF.5 SBUF.4 SBUF.3 SBUF.2 SBUF.1 SBUF.0 Mnemonic: SBUF BIT 7-0 Address: 99h NAME FUNCTION SBUF.[7:0] Serial data on the serial port is read from or written to this location. It actually consists of two separate internal 8-bit registers. One is the receive resister, and the other is the transmit buffer. Any read access gets data from the receive data buffer, while write access is to the transmit data buffer. PORT 3 OUTPUT MODE 1 Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 P3M1.7 P3M1.6 P3M1.5 P3M1.4 P3M1.3 P3M1.2 P3M1.1 P3M1.0 Mnemonic: P3M1 Address: 9Eh BIT NAME FUNCTION 7-0 P3M1.7-0 To control the output configuration of P3 [7:0]. - 28 - Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet PORT 3 OUTPUT MODE 2 Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 P3M2.7 P3M2.6 P3M2.5 P3M2.4 P3M2.3 P3M2.2 P3M2.1 P3M2.0 Mnemonic: P3M2 Address: 9Fh BIT NAME FUNCTION 7-0 P3M2.7-0 See as below table. Port Output Configuration Settings: PXM1.Y PXM2.Y PORT INPUT/OUTPUT MODE 0 0 Quasi-bidirectional 0 1 Push-Pull Input Only (High Impedance) 1 0 PORTS.PxS=0, TTL input PORTS.PxS=1, Schmitt input 1 1 Open Drain Note: 1. X = 0-3, 5. Y = 0-7. 2. CONFIG0.PMODE bit will determine the port1~3 and port 5 are Quasi or Open drain upon reset. See detail PMODE descriptions. PORT 2 Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 P2.7 P2.6 P2.5 P2.4 P2.3 P2.2 P2.1 P2.0 Mnemonic: P2 Address: A0h P2.7-0: Port 2 is a bi-directional I/O port with internal pull-ups. This port also provides the upper address bits for accesses to external memory. BIT NAME FUNCTION 7 P2.7 A15 or I/O pin by alternative. 6 P2.6 A14 or I/O pin by alternative. 5 P2.5 A13 or I/O pin by alternative. 4 P2.4 A12 or I/O pin by alternative. 3 P2.3 A11 or I/O pin by alternative. 2 P2.2 A10 or I/O pin by alternative. 1 P2.1 A9 or I/O pin by alternative. 0 P2.0 A8 or I/O pin by alternative. KEYBOARD INTERRUPT Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 KBI.7 KBI.6 KBI.5 KBI.4 KBI.3 KBI.2 KBI.1 KBI.0 - 29 - Publication Release Date: August 21, 2008 Revision A02 Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet Mnemonic: KBI Address: A1h BIT NAME FUNCTION 7 KBI.7 1: Enable P0.7 as a cause of a Keyboard interrupt. 6 KBI.6 1: Enable P0.6 as a cause of a Keyboard interrupt. 5 KBI.5 1: Enable P0.5 as a cause of a Keyboard interrupt. 4 KBI.4 1: Enable P0.4 as a cause of a Keyboard interrupt. 3 KBI.3 1: Enable P0.3 as a cause of a Keyboard interrupt. 2 KBI.2 1: Enable P0.2 as a cause of a Keyboard interrupt. 1 KBI.1 1: Enable P0.1 as a cause of a Keyboard interrupt. 0 KBI.0 1: Enable P0.0 as a cause of a Keyboard interrupt. AUX FUNCTION REGISTER 1 Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 KBF BOD BOI LPBOV SRST BOV1 BOV0 BOS Mnemonic: AUXR1 BIT NAME Address: A2h FUNCTION Keyboard Interrupt Flag: 7 KBF 1: When any pin of port 0 that is enabled for the Keyboard Interrupt function triggers (trigger level is depending on SFR KBL configuration). Must be cleared by software. Brown Out Disable: 0: Enable Brownout Detect function. 6 BOD 1: Disable Brownout Detect function and save power. BOD is initialized at all resets with the inverse value of bit CBOD in config0.3 bit. User is able to re-configure this bit after reset. Brown Out Interrupt: 5 BOI 0: Disable Brownout Detect Interrupt function. 1: This prevents brownout detection from causing a chip reset and allows the Brownout Detect function to be used as an interrupt. Low Power Brown Out Detect control: 4 LPBOV 0: When BOD is enable, the Brown Out detect is always turned on by normal run or Power Down mode. 1: When BOD is enable, the 1/16 time will be turned on Brown Out detect circuit by Power Down mode. When uC is entry Power Down mode, the BOD will enable internal RC OSC (20KHz). - 30 - Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet Software reset: 3 1: Reset the chip as if a hardware reset occurred. SRST SRST require Timed Access procedure to write. The remaining bits have unrestricted write accesses. Please refer TA register description. Brownout voltage selection bits,see below table. 2~1 BOV.1~0 BOV.1 BOV.0 Brownout Voltage 0 0 Brownout voltage is 2.6V 0 1 Brownout voltage is 2.6V 1 0 Brownout voltage is 3.8V 1 1 Brownout voltage is 4.5V These bits are initialized at all resets with the inverse values of bits CBOV.1-0 in config1.3-2 bits. User is able to re-configure these bits after reset. Brownout Status bit(Read only) 0 BOS 0: VDD is above VBOR+ 1: VDD is below VBOR- PORT 4 Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 - - - - P4.3 P4.2 P4.1 P4.0 Mnemonic: P4 Address: A5h BIT NAME FUNCTION 7~4 - Reserved. 3~0 P4.3~0 Port 4 is a bi-directional I/O port with internal pull-ups. Port 4 can not use bitaddressable instruction (SETB or CLR). INTERRUPT ENABLE Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 EA - ET2 ES ET1 EX1 ET0 EX0 Mnemonic: IE Address: A8h BIT NAME FUNCTION 7 EA Global enable. Enable/Disable all interrupts. 6 - Reserved. 5 ET2 Enable Timer 2 interrupt. 4 ES Enable Serial Port 0 interrupt. 3 ET1 Enable Timer 1 interrupt. 2 EX1 Enable external interrupt 1. - 31 - Publication Release Date: August 21, 2008 Revision A02 Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet 1 ET0 Enable Timer 0 interrupt. 0 EX0 Enable external interrupt 0. SLAVE ADDRESS Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 SADDR.7 SADDR.6 SADDR.5 SADDR.4 SADDR.3 SADDR.2 SADDR.1 SADDR.0 Mnemonic: SADDR Address: A9h BIT NAME FUNCTION 7~0 SADDR The SADDR should be programmed to the given or broadcast address for serial port 0 to which the slave processor is designated. PORT 3 Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 P3.7 P3.6 P3.5 P3.4 P3.3 P3.2 P3.1 P3.0 Mnemonic: P3 Address: B0h P3.7-0: General purpose Input/Output port. Most instructions will read the port pins in case of a port read access, however in case of read-modify-write instructions, the port latch is read. These alternate functions are described below: BIT NAME FUNCTION 7 P3.7 /RD or I/O pin by alternative. 6 P3.6 /WR or I/O pin by alternative. 5 P3.5 T1 or I/O pin by alternative. 4 P3.4 T0 or I/O pin by alternative. 3 P3.3 /INT1 or I/O pin by alternative. 2 P3.2 /INT0 or I/O pin by alternative. 1 P3.1 TxD or I/O pin by alternative. 0 P3.0 RxD or I/O pin by alternative. PORT 0 OUTPUT MODE 1 Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 P0M1.7 P0M1.6 P0M1.5 P0M1.4 P0M1.3 P0M1.2 P0M1.1 P0M1.0 Mnemonic: P0M1 Address: B1h BIT NAME FUNCTION 7-0 P0M1 To control the output configuration of P0 bits [7:0] PORT 0 OUTPUT MODE 2 Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 P0M2.7 P0M2.6 P0M2.5 P0M2.4 P0M2.3 P0M2.2 P0M2.1 P0M2.0 Mnemonic: P0M2 Address: B2h - 32 - Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet BIT NAME FUNCTION 7-0 P0M2 To control the output configuration of P0 bits [7:0] PORT 1 OUTPUT MODE 1 Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 P1M1.7 P1M1.6 P1M1.5 P1M1.4 P1M1.3 P1M1.2 P1M1.1 P1M1.0 Mnemonic: P1M1 Address: B3h BIT NAME FUNCTION 7-0 P1M1 To control the output configuration of P1 bits [7:0]. PORT 1 OUTPUT MODE 2 Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 P1M2.7 P1M2.6 P1M2.5 P1M2.4 P1M2.3 P1M2.2 P1M2.1 P1M2.0 Mnemonic: P1M2 Address: B4h BIT NAME FUNCTION 7-0 P1M2 To control the output configuration of P1 bits [7:0]. PORT 2 OUTPUT MODE 1 Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 P2M1.7 P2M1.6 P2M1.5 P2M1.4 P2M1.3 P2M1.2 P2M1.1 P2M1.0 Mnemonic: P2M1 Address: B5h BIT NAME FUNCTION 7-0 P2M1 To control the output configuration of P2 bits [7:0] PORT 2 OUTPUT MODE 2 Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 P2M2.7 P2M2.6 P2M2.5 P2M2.4 P2M2.3 P2M2.2 P2M2.1 P2M2.0 Mnemonic: P2M2 Address: B6h BIT NAME FUNCTION 7-0 P2M2 To control the output configuration of P2 bits [7:0] INTERRUPT HIGH PRIORITY Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 - - PT2H PSH PT1H PX1H PT0H PX0H Mnemonic: IP0H BIT NAME Address: B7h FUNCTION 7~6 - Reserved. 5 1: To set interrupt high priority of Timer 2 is highest priority level. PT2H - 33 - Publication Release Date: August 21, 2008 Revision A02 Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet 4 PSH 1: To set interrupt high priority of Serial port 0 is highest priority level. 3 PT1H 1: Ro set interrupt high priority of Timer 1 is highest priority level. 2 PX1H 1: To set interrupt high priority of External interrupt 1 is highest priority level. 1 PT0H 1: To set interrupt high priority of Timer 0 is highest priority level. 0 PX0H 1: To set interrupt high priority of External interrupt 0 is highest priority level. INTERRUPT PRIORITY 0 Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 - - PT2 PS PT1 PX1 PT0 PX0 Mnemonic: IP0 BIT NAME Address: B8h FUNCTION 7~6 - Reserved. 5 PT2 1: To set interrupt priority of Timer 2 is higher priority level. 4 PS 1: To set interrupt priority of Serial port 0 is higher priority level. 3 PT1 1: To set interrupt priority of Timer 1 is higher priority level. 2 PX1 1: To set interrupt priority of External interrupt 1 is higher priority level. 1 PT0 1: To set interrupt priority of Timer 0 is higher priority level. 0 PX0 1: To set interrupt priority of External interrupt 0 is higher priority level. SLAVE ADDRESS MASK ENABLE Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 SADEN.7 SADEN.6 SADEN.5 SADEN.4 SADEN.3 SADEN.2 SADEN.1 SADEN.0 Mnemonic: SADEN BIT NAME 7~0 SADEN Address: B9h FUNCTION This register enables the Automatic Address Recognition feature of the Serial port 0. When a bit in the SADEN is set to 1, the same bit location in SADDR will be compared with the incoming serial data. When SADEN is 0, then the bit becomes a "don't care" in the comparison. This register enables the Automatic Address Recognition feature of the Serial port 0. When all the bits of SADEN are 0, interrupt will occur for any incoming address. I2C DATA REGISTER Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 I2DAT.7 I2DAT.6 I2DAT.5 I2DAT.4 I2DAT.3 I2DAT.2 I2DAT.1 I2DAT.0 Mnemonic: I2DAT Address: BCh BIT NAME FUNCTION 7-0 I2DAT.[7:0] The data register of I2C. I2C STATUS REGISTER Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 - 34 - 2 1 0 Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet I2STATUS.7 I2STATUS.6 I2STATUS.5 I2STATUS.4 I2STATUS.3 - - Mnemonic: I2STATUS BIT - Address: BDh NAME FUNCTION The status register of I2C: 7-0 I2STATUS.[7:0] The three least significant bits are always 0. The five most significant bits contain the status code. There are 23 possible status codes. When I2STATUS contains F8H, no serial interrupt is requested. All other I2STATUS values correspond to defined I2C states. When each of these states is entered, a status interrupt is requested (SI = 1). A valid status code is present in I2STATUS one machine cycle after SI is set by hardware and is still present one machine cycle after SI has been reset by software. In addition, states 00H stands for a Bus Error. A Bus Error occurs when a START or STOP condition is present at an illegal position in the formation frame. Example of illegal position are during the serial transfer of an address byte, a data byte or an acknowledge bit. I2C BAUD RATE CONTROL REGISTER Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 I2CLK.7 I2CLK.6 I2CLK.5 I2CLK.4 I2CLK.3 I2CLK.2 I2CLK.1 I2CLK.0 Mnemonic: I2CLK Address: BEh BIT NAME FUNCTION 7-0 I2CLK.[7:0] The I2C clock rate bits. I2C TIMER COUNTER REGISTER Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 - - - - - ENTI DIV4 TIF Mnemonic: I2TIMER Address: BFh BIT NAME FUNCTION 7~ 3 - Reserved. Enable I2C 14-bits Timer Counter: 0: Disable 14-bits Timer Counter count. 2 ENTI 1: Enable 14-bits Timer Counter count. After enable ENTI and ENSI, the 14-bit counter will be counted. When SI flag of I2C is set, the counter will stop to count and 14-bits Timer Counter will be cleared. I2C Timer Counter clock source divide function: 1 DIV4 0: The 14-bits Timer Counter source clock is Fosc clock. 1: The 14-bits Timer Counter source clock is divided by 4. The I2C Timer Counter count flag: 0 TIF 0: The 14-bits Timer Counter is not overflow. 1: The 14-bits Timer Counter is overflow. Before enable I2C Timer (both ENTI, ENSI = [1,1]) the SI must be cleared. If I2C interrupt is enabled. The I2C - 35 - Publication Release Date: August 21, 2008 Revision A02 Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet interrupt service routine will be executed. This bit is cleared by software. I2C CONTROL REGISTER Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 - ENSI STA STO SI AA - Mnemonic: I2CON BIT 7 6 - Address: C0h NAME FUNCTION - Reserved. ENS1 0 0: Disable I2C Serial Function. The SDA and SCL output are in a high impedance state. SDA and SCL input signals are ignored, I2C is not in the addressed slave mode or it is not addressable, and STO bit in I2CON is forced to “0”. No other bits are affected. P1.3 (SCL) and P1.2 (SDA) may be used as open drain I/O ports. 1: Enable I2C Serial Function. The P1.2 and P1.3 port latches must be to logic 1. START flag: 0: The STA bit is reset, no START condition or repeated START condition will be generated. 5 4 STA STO 1: The STA bit is set to enter a master mode. The I2C hardware checks the status of I2C bus and generates a START condition if the bus is free. If bus is not free, then I2C waits for a STOP condition and generates a START condition after a delay. If STA is set while I2C is already in a master mode and one or more bytes are transmitted or received, I2C transmits a repeated START condition. STA may be set any time. STA may also be set when I2C interface is an addressed slave mode. The bit STO bit is set while I2C is in a master mode. A STOP condition is transmitted to the I2C bus. When the STOP condition is detected on the bus, the I2C hardware clears the STO flag. In a slave mode, the STO flag may be set to recover from a bus error condition. In this case, no STOP condition is transmitted to the I2C bus. However, the I2C hardware behaves as if a STOP condition has been received and it switches to the not addressable slave receiver mode. The STO flag is automatically cleared by hardware. If the STA and STO bits are both set, then a STOP condition is transmitted to the I2C bus if I2C is in a master mode (in a slave mode, I2C generates an internal STOP condition which is not transmitted). I2C then transmits a START condition. 0: When the SI flag is reset, no serial interrupt is requested, and there is no stretching on the serial clock on the SCL line. 3 SI 2 AA 1: When a new SIO state is present in the I2STATUS register, the SI flag is set by hardware, and, if the EA and ES bits (in IE register) are both set, a serial interrupt is requested when SI is set. The only state that does not cause SI to be set is state F8H, which indicates that no relevant state information is available. When SI is set, the low period of the serial clock on the SCL line is stretched, and the serial transfer is suspended. A high level on the SCL line is unaffected by the serial interrupt flag. SI must be cleared by software. Assert Acknowledge Flag: 0: A not acknowledge (high level to SDA) will be returned during the - 36 - Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet acknowledge clock pulse on SCL when: 1) A data has been received while SIO is in the master receiver mode. 2) A data byte has been received while SIO is in the addressed slave receiver mode. 1: An acknowledge (low level to SDA) will be returned during the acknowledge clock pulse on the SCL line when: 1) The own slave address has been received. 2) A data byte has been received while SIO is in the master receiver mode. 3) A data byte has been received while SIO is in the addressed slave receiver mode. 4) The General Call address has been received while the general call bit (GC) in I2ADDR is set. 1~0 - Reserved. I2C ADDRESS REGISTER Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 I2ADDR.7 I2ADDR.6 I2ADDR.5 I2ADDR.4 I2ADDR.3 I2ADDR.2 I2ADDR.1 GC Mnemonic: I2ADDR BIT NAME Address: C1h FUNCTION I2C Address register: The 8051 uC can read from and write to this 8-bit, directly addressable I2ADDR.[7:1] SFR. The content of this register is irrelevant when I2C is in master mode. In the slave mode, the seven most significant bits must be loaded with the MCU’s own address. The I2C hardware will react if either of the address is matched. 7~1 General Call Function. 0 GC 0: Disable General Call Function. 1: Enable General Call Function. ROMMAP Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 WS 1 - - - 1 1 0 Mnemonic: ROMMAP Address: C2h BIT NAME FUNCTION 7 WS Wait State Signal Enable. Setting this bit enables the WAIT signal on P4.0. The device will sample the wait state control signal WAIT via P4.0 during MOVX instruction. This bit is time access protected. 6~0 - Reserved. TA REG ROMMAP C7H REG C2H - 37 - Publication Release Date: August 21, 2008 Revision A02 Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet CKCON REG 8EH MOV TA,#AAH MOV TA,#55H ORL ROMMAP,#10000000B ; Set WS bit to enable wait signal. POWER MANAGEMENT REGISTER Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 CD1 CD0 SWB - - ALE-OFF - - Mnemonic: PMR BIT 7~6 Address: C4h NAME FUNCTION Clock Divide Control. These bit selects the number of clocks required to generate one machine cycle. There are three modes including divide by 4, 64 or 1024. Switching between modes must first go back devide by 4 mode. For instance, to go from 64 to 1024 clocks/machine cycle the device must first go from 64 to 4 clocks/machine cycle, and then from 4 to 1024 clocks/machine cycle. CD1~0 CD1, CD0 Clocks/machine Cycle 0 X 4 1 0 64 1 1 1024 5 SWB Switchback Enable. Setting this bit allows an enabled external interrupt or serial port/i2c activity to force the CD1, CD0 to divide by 4 state (0,X). The device will switch modes at the start of the jump to interrupt service routine while a external interrupt is enabled and actually recongnized by microcontroller. While a serial port/i2c reception, the switchback occurs at the start of the instruction following the falling edge of the start bit. Note: Changing SWB bit is ignored during serial port/i2c activities. 4~3 - Reserved. ALE-0FF This bit disables the expression of the ALE signal on the device pin during all on-board program and data memory accesses. External memory accesses will automatically enable ALE independent of ALE-OFF. 2 0 = ALE expression is enable. 1 = ALE expression is disable. 1~0 - Reserved. STATUS Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 - - - - - - SPTA0 SPRA0 Mnemonic: STATUS BIT NAME FUNCTION 7-2 - Reserved. Address: C5h - 38 - Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet 1 SPTA0 Serial Port 0 Transmit Activity. This bit is set during serial port 0 is currently transmitting data. It is cleared when TI bit is set by hardware. Changing the Clock Divide Control bits CD0, CD1 will be ignored when this bit is set to 1 and SWB = 1. 0 SPRA0 Serial Port 0 Receive Activity. This bit is set during serial port 0 is currently receiving a data. It is cleared when RI bit is set by hardware. Changing the Clock Divide Control bits CD0,CD1 will be ignored when this bit is set to 1 and SWB = 1. NVM LOW BYTE ADDRESS Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 NVMADD R.7 NVMADD R.6 NVMADD R.5 NVMADD R.4 NVMADD R.3 NVMADD R.2 NVMADD R.1 NVMADD R.0 Mnemonic: NVMADDRL Address: C6h BIT NAME FUNCTION 7~0 NVMADDR.[7:0 ] The NVM low byte address: The register indicates NVM data memory of low byte address on On-Chip code memory space. TIMED ACCESS Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 TA.7 TA.6 TA.5 TA.4 TA.3 TA.2 TA.1 TA.0 Mnemonic: TA BIT NAME Address: C7h FUNCTION The Timed Access register: 7-0 TA.[7:0] The Timed Access register controls the access to protected bits. To access protected bits, the user must first write AAH to the TA. This must be immediately followed by a write of 55H to TA. Now a window is opened in the protected bits for three machine cycles, during which the user can write to these bits. TIMER 2 CONTROL Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 TF2 EXF2 RCLK TCLK EXEN2 TR2 C / T2 Mnemonic: T2CON BIT NAME 0 CP / RL 2 Address: C8h FUNCTION Timer 2 overflow flag: 7 TF2 Timer 2 overflow flag: This bit is set when Timer 2 overflows. It is also set when the count isequal to the capture register in down count mode. It can be set only if RCLK and TCLK are both 0. It is cleared only by software. Software can also set or clear this bit. - 39 - Publication Release Date: August 21, 2008 Revision A02 Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet 6 5 4 3 EXF2 Timer 2 External Flag: A negative transition on the T2EX pin (P1.1) or timer 2 overflow will cause this flag to set based on the CP / RL2 , EXEN2 and DCEN bits. If set by a negative transition, this flag must be cleared by software. Setting this bit in software or detection of a negative transition on T2EX pin will force a timer interrupt if enabled. RCLK Receive Clock Flag: This bit determines the serial port time-base when receiving data in serial modes 1 or 3. If it is 0, then timer 1 overflow is used for baud rate generation, otherwise timer 2 overflow is used. Setting this bit forces timer 2 in baud rate generator mode. TCLK Transmit Clock Flag: This bit determines the serial port time-base when transmitting data in modes 1 and 3. If it is set to 0, the timer 1 overflow is used to generate the baud rate clock otherwise timer 2 overflow is used. Setting this bit forces timer 2 in baud rate generator mode. EXEN2 Timer 2 External Enable. This bit enables the capture/reload function on the T2EX pin if Timer 2 is not generating baud clocks for the serial port. If this bit is 0, then the T2EX pin will be ignored, otherwise a negative transition detected on the T2EX pin will result in capture or reload. Timer 2 Run Control: 2 1 TR2 This bit enables/disables the operation of timer 2. Halting this will preserve the current count in TH2, TL2. Counter/Timer Select. This bit determines whether timer 2 will function as a timer or a counter. Independent of this bit, the timer will run at 2 clocks per tick when used in baud rate generator mode. If it is set to 0, then timer 2 operates as a timer at a speed depending on T2M bit (CKCON.5), otherwise it will count negative edges on T2 pin. C / T2 Compare/Reload Select: 0 This bit determines whether the capture or reload function will be used for timer 2. If either RCLK or TCLK is set, this bit will be ignored and the timer will function in an auto-reload mode following each overflow. If the bit is 0 then autoreload will occur when timer 2 overflows or a falling edge is detected on T2EX pin if EXEN2 = 1. If this bit is 1, then timer 2 captures will occur when a falling edge is detected on T2EX pin if EXEN2 = 1. ‧‧‧ CP/RL2 TIMER 2 MODE CONTROL Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 - - - - T2CR 1 T2OE DCEN Mnemonic: T2MOD BIT NAME 7~4 - Address: C9h FUNCTION Reserved. Timer 2 Capture Reset: 3 T2CR In the Timer 2 Capture Mode this bit enables/disables hardware automatically reset timer 2 while the value in TL2 and TH2 have been transferred into the capture register. 2 - Reserved. - 40 - Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet 1 T2OE Timer 2 Output Enable. This bit enables/disables the Timer 2 clock out function. 0 DCEN Down Count Enable: This bit, in conjunction with the T2EX pin, controls the direction that timer 2 counts in 16-bit auto-reload mode. TIMER 2 CAPTURE LSB Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 RCAP2L. 7 RCAP2L. 6 RCAP2L. 5 RCAP2L. 4 RCAP2L. 3 RCAP2L. 2 RCAP2L. 1 RCAP2L. 0 Mnemonic: RCAP2L BIT NAME Address: CAh FUNCTION Timer 2 Capture LSB: 7-0 RCAP2L This register is used to capture the TL2 value when a timer 2 is configured in capture mode.RCAP2L is also used as the LSB of a 16-bit reload value when timer 2 is configured in auto-reload mode. - 41 - Publication Release Date: August 21, 2008 Revision A02 Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet TIMER 2 CAPTURE MSB Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 RCAP2H. 7 RCAP2H. 6 RCAP2H. 5 RCAP2H. 4 RCAP2H. 3 RCAP2H. 2 RCAP2H. 1 RCAP2H. 0 Mnemonic: RCAP2H BIT NAME Address: CBh FUNCTION Timer 2 Capture MSB: 7-0 RCAP2H This register is used to capture the TH2 value when a timer 2 is configured in capture mode. RCAP2H is also used as the MSB of a 16-bit reload value when timer 2 is configured in auto-reload mode. TIMER 2 LSB Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 TL2.7 TL2.6 TL2.5 TL2.4 TL2.3 TL2.2 TL2.1 TL2.0 Mnemonic: TL2 Address: CCh BIT NAME FUNCTION 7-0 TL2 Timer 2 LSB. TIMER 2 MSB Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 TH2.7 TH2.6 TH2.5 TH2.4 TH2.3 TH2.2 TH2.1 TH2.0 Mnemonic: TH2 Address: CDh BIT NAME FUNCTION 7-0 TL2 Timer 2 LSB. NVM CONTROL Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 EER EWR EnNVM - - - - - Mnemonic: NVMCON BIT 7 NAME FUNCTION EER NVM page(n) erase bit: Address: CEh 0: Without erase NVM page(n). 1: Set this bit to erase page(n) of NVM. The NVM has 8 pages and each page have 64/32/16/8 bytes data memory. Initiate page select by programming NVMADDRH and NVMADDL registers, which will automaticly enable page area. When user set this bit, the page erase process will begin and program counter will halt at this instruction. After the erase process is completed, program counter will continue executing next instruction. 6 EWR NVM data write bit: 0: Without write NVM data. - 42 - Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet 1: Set this bit to write NVM bytes and program counter will halt at this instruction. After write is finished, program counter will kept next instruction then executed. 5 EnNVM To enable read NVM data memory area. 0: To disable the MOVX instruction to read NVM data memory. 1: To enable the MOVX instruction to read NVM data memory, the External RAM or AUX-RAM will be disabled. 4-0 - Reserved NVM DATA Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 NVMDAT. 7 NVMDAT. 6 NVMDAT. 5 NVMDAT. 4 NVMDAT 3 NVMDAT. 2 NVMDAT. 1 NVMDAT. 0 Mnemonic: NVMDATA Address: CFh BIT NAME FUNCTION 7~0 NVMDAT.[7:0] The NVM data write register. The read NVM data is by MOVC instruction. PROGRAM STATUS WORD Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 CY AC F0 RS1 RS0 OV F1 P Mnemonic: PSW BIT NAME Address: D0h FUNCTION Carry flag: 7 6 CY AC 5 F0 4~3 RS1~RS0 2 OV 1 F1 0 P Set for an arithmetic operation which results in a carry being generated from the ALU. It is also used as the accumulator for the bit operations. Auxiliary carry: Set when the previous operation resulted in a carry from the high order nibble. User flag 0: The General purpose flag that can be set or cleared by the user. Register bank select bits. Overflow flag: Set when a carry was generated from the seventh bit but not from the 8th bit as a result of the previous operation, or vice-versa. User Flag 1: The General purpose flag that can be set or cleared by the user software. Parity flag: Set/cleared by hardware to indicate odd/even number of 1's in the accumulator. RS.1-0: Register Bank Selection Bits: - 43 - Publication Release Date: August 21, 2008 Revision A02 Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet RS1 RS0 REGISTER BANK ADDRESS 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 2 3 00-07h 08-0Fh 10-17h 18-1Fh PWM CONTROL REGISTER 3 Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 - - PWM1OE PWM0OE PCLK.1 PCLK.0 FP1 FP0 Mnemonic: PWMCON3 BIT NAME 7~6 - Address: D7h FUNCTION Reserved. PWM1 output enable bit. 5 PWM1OE 0: PWM1 output disabled. 1: PWM1 output enabled. PWM0 output enable bit. 4 PWM0OE 0: PWM0 output disabled. 1: PWM0 output enabled. PWM clock source selection bits, see below table. PCLK[1:0] PWM clock source 00 Fosc 01 Timer 0 overflow 10 Timer 1 overflow 11 Reserved 3~2 PCLK.1~0 Select PWM frequency pre-scale select bits, see belowtable. 1~0 FP1~0 FP[1:0] Fpwm 00 FPCLK/1 (default) 01 FPCLK/2 10 FPCLK/4 11 FPCLK/8 WATCHDOG CONTROL Bit: 7 WDRUN 6 POR 5 4 3 2 1 0 - - WDIF WTRF EWRST WDCLR Mnemonic: WDCON BIT NAME Address: D8h FUNCTION - 44 - Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet 7 WDRUN 6 POR 5~4 - 0: The Watchdog is stopped. 1: The Watchdog is running. Power-on reset flag. Hardware will set this flag on a power up condition. This flag can be read or written by software. A write by software is the only way to clear this bit once it is set. Reserved. Watchdog Timer Interrupt flag: 3 WDIF 0: If the interrupt is not enabled, then this bit indicates that the time-out period has elapsed. This bit must be cleared by software. 1: If the watchdog interrupt is enabled, hardware will set this bit to indicate that the watchdog interrupt has occurred. Watchdog Timer Reset flag: 2 WTRF 1 EWRST 1: Hardware will set this bit when the watchdog timer causes a reset. Software can read it but must clear it manually. A power-fail reset will also clear the bit. This bit helps software in determining the cause of a reset. If EWRST = 0, the watchdog timer will have no affect on this bit. 0: Disable Watchdog Timer Reset. 1: Enable Watchdog Timer Reset. Reset Watchdog Timer: 0 WDCLR This bit helps in putting the watchdog timer into a know state. It also helps in resetting the watchdog timer before a time-out occurs. Failing to set the EWRST before time-out will cause an interrupt (if EWDI (EIE.4) is set), and 512 clocks after that a watchdog timer reset will be generated (if EWRST is set). This bit is self-clearing by hardware. The WDCON SFR is set to a 01xx0000B on a power-on-reset. WTRF (WDCON.2) is set to a 1 on a Watchdog timer reset, but to a 0 on power on/down resets. WTRF (WDCON.2) is not altered by an external reset. EWRST (WDCON.1) is set to 0 on all resets. All the bits in this SFR have unrestricted read access. WDRUN, POR, EWRST, WDIF and WDCLR require Timed Access procedure to write. The remaining bits have unrestricted write accesses. Please refer TA register description. TA REG C7H WDCON REG D8H MOV TA, #AAH MOV TA, #55H SETB WDCON.0 ; Reset watchdog timer ORL WDCON, #00110000B ; Select 26 bits watchdog timer MOV TA, #AAH MOV TA, #55H ORL WDCON, #10000010B ; To access protected bits ; Enable watchdog - 45 - Publication Release Date: August 21, 2008 Revision A02 Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet PWM 0 LOW BITS REGISTER Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 PWM0.7 PWM0.6 PWM0.5 PWM0.4 PWM0.3 PWM0.2 PWM0.1 PWM0.0 Mnemonic: PWM0L BIT Address: DAh NAME 7~0 FUNCTION PWM0 PWM 0 Low Bits Register. PWM 0 LOW BITS REGISTER Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 PWM1.7 PWM1.6 PWM1.5 PWM1.4 PWM1.3 PWM1.2 PWM1.1 PWM1.0 Mnemonic: PWM1L Address: DBh BIT NAME FUNCTION 7~0 PWM1 PWM 1 Low Bits Register. PWM CONTROL REGISTER 1 Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 PWMRUN - - CLRPWM - - - - Mnemonic: PWMCON1 BIT NAME 7 PWMRUN 6~5 - 4 CLRPWM 3~0 - Address: DCh FUNCTION 0: The PWM is not running. 1: The PWM counter is running. Reserved. 1: Clear 8-bit PWM counter to 000H. It is automatically cleared by hardware. Reserved. ACCUMULATOR Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ACC.7 ACC.6 ACC.5 ACC.4 ACC.3 ACC.2 ACC.1 ACC.0 Mnemonic: ACC Address: E0h BIT NAME FUNCTION 7-0 ACC The A or ACC register is the standard 8052 accumulator. IINTERRUPT ENABLE REGISTER 1 Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ECPTF EBO - EWDI - - EKB EI2 Mnemonic: EIE BIT NAME Address: E8h FUNCTION - 46 - Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet 7 0: Disable capture interrupt. ECPTF 1: Enable capture interrupt. Enable brownout interrupt. 6 EBO 0: Disable brownout interrupt. 1: Enable brownout interrupt. 5 - Reserved. 4 EWDI 3~2 - 0: Disable Watchdog Timer Interrupt. 1: Enable Watchdog Timer Interrupt. Reserved. 1 EKB 0 EI2 0: Disable Keypad Interrupt. 1: Enable Keypad Interrupt. 0: Disable I2C Interrupt. 1: Enable I2C Interrupt. KEYBOARD LEVEL Bit: 7 6 KBL.7 5 KBL.6 4 KBL.5 3 KBL.4 2 KBL.3 1 KBL.2 0 KBL.1 Mnemonic: KBL BIT NAME KBL.0 Address: E9h FUNCTION Keyboard trigger level. 7~0 KBL.7~0 0: Low level trigger.x pin. 1: High level trigger on KBI.x pin. [x = 0-7] PORTS SHMITT REGISTER Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 - - P5S - P3S P2S P1S P0S Mnemonic: PORTS Address: ECh BIT NAME FUNCTION 7~6 - Reserved. 5 P5S 1: Enables Schmitt trigger inputs on Port 5. 4 - Reserved. 3 P3S 1: Enables Schmitt trigger inputs on Port 3. 2 P2S 1: Enables Schmitt trigger inputs on Port 2. 1 P1S 1: Enables Schmitt trigger inputs on Port 1. 0 P0S 1: Enables Schmitt trigger inputs on Port 0. - 47 - Publication Release Date: August 21, 2008 Revision A02 Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet PORT 5 OUTPUT MODE 1 Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 - - - - - ENCLK P5M1.1 P5M1.0 Mnemonic: P5M1 BIT NAME 7~3 - 2 1~0 Address: EDh ENCLK FUNCTION Reserved. 1: Enabled clock output to XTAL2 pin (P5.0). P5M1.1~0 To control the output configuration of P5 bits [1:0]. PORT 5 OUTPUT MODE 2 Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 - - - - - - P5M2.1 P5M2.0 Mnemonic: P5M2 BIT NAME 7~2 1~0 - Address: EEh FUNCTION Reserved. P5M2.1~0 To control the output configuration of P5 bits [1:0]. B REGISTER Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 B.7 B.6 B.5 B.4 B.3 B.2 B.1 B.0 Mnemonic: B Address: F0h BIT NAME FUNCTION 7-0 B The B register is the standard 8052 register that serves as a second accumulator. INTERRUPT HIGH PRIORITY 1 Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 PCAPH PBOH - PWDIH - - PKBH PI2H Mnemonic: IP1H Address: F7h BIT NAME FUNCTION 7 PCAPH 1: To set interrupt high priority of Capture 0 as highest priority level. 6 PBOH 1: To set interrupt high priority of Brownout is highest priority level. 5 - Reserved. 4 PWDIH 1: To set interrupt high priority of Watchdog is highest priority level. 3~2 - Reserved. 1 PKBH 1: To set interrupt high priority of Keypad is highest priority level. 0 PI2H 1: To set interrupt high priority of I2C is highest priority level. - 48 - Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet INTERRUPT PRIORITY 1 Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 PCAP PBO - PWDI - - PKB PI2 Mnemonic: IP1 Address: F8h BIT NAME FUNCTION 7 PCAP 1: To set interrupt priority of Capture 0 as higher priority level. 6 PBO 1: To set interrupt priority of Brownout is higher priority level. 5 - Reserved. 4 PWDI 1: To set interrupt priority of Watchdog is higher priority level. 3~2 - Reserved. 1 PKB 1: To set interrupt priority of Keypad is higher priority level. 0 PI2 1: To set interrupt priority of I2C is higher priority level. - 49 - Publication Release Date: August 21, 2008 Revision A02 Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet 9. INSTRUCTION The N78E352 executes all the instructions of the standard 8032 family. The operation of these instructions, their effect on the flag bits and the status bits is exactly the same. However, timing of these instructions is different. The reason for this is two fold. Firstly, in the N78E352, each machine cycle consists of 4 clock periods, while in the standard 8032 it consists of 12 clock periods. Also, in the N78E352 there is only one fetch per machine cycle i.e. 4 clocks per fetch, while in the standard 8032 there can be two fetches per machine cycle, which works out to 6 clocks per fetch. The advantage the N78E352 has is that since there is only one fetch per machine cycle, the number of machine cycles in most cases is equal to the number of operands that the instruction has. In case of jumps and calls there will be an additional cycle that will be needed to calculate the new address. But overall the N78E352 reduces the number of dummy fetches and wasted cycles, thereby improving efficiency as compared to the standard 8032. Table 9-1: Instructions that affect Flag settings Instruction ADD Carry Overflow Auxiliary Carry Instruction Carry X X X CLR C 0 ADDC X X X CPL C X SUBB X X X ANL C, bit X MUL 0 X ANL C, bit X DIV 0 X ORL C, bit X DA A X ORL C, bit X RRC A X MOV C, bit X RLC A X CJNE X SETB C 1 A "X" indicates that the modification is as per the result of instruction. - 50 - Overflow Auxiliary Carry Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet Table 9-2: Instruction Timing for N78E352 HEX Op-Code Bytes N78E352 Machine Cycles N78E352 Clock Cycles 8032 Clock Cycles N78E352 vs. 8032 Speed Ratio NOP 00 1 1 4 12 3 ADD A, R0 28 1 1 4 12 3 Instruction ADD A, R1 29 1 1 4 12 3 ADD A, R2 2A 1 1 4 12 3 ADD A, R3 2B 1 1 4 12 3 ADD A, R4 2C 1 1 4 12 3 ADD A, R5 2D 1 1 4 12 3 ADD A, R6 2E 1 1 4 12 3 ADD A, R7 2F 1 1 4 12 3 ADD A, @R0 26 1 1 4 12 3 ADD A, @R1 27 1 1 4 12 3 ADD A, direct 25 2 2 8 12 1.5 ADD A, #data 24 2 2 8 12 1.5 - 51 - Publication Release Date: August 21, 2008 Revision A02 Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet Instruction Timing for N78E352, continued HEX Op-Code Bytes N78E352 Machine Cycles N78E352 Clock Cycles 8032 Clock Cycles N78E352 vs. 8032 Speed Ratio ADDC A, R0 38 1 1 4 12 3 ADDC A, R1 39 1 1 4 12 3 ADDC A, R2 3A 1 1 4 12 3 ADDC A, R3 3B 1 1 4 12 3 ADDC A, R4 3C 1 1 4 12 3 ADDC A, R5 3D 1 1 4 12 3 ADDC A, R6 3E 1 1 4 12 3 ADDC A, R7 3F 1 1 4 12 3 ADDC A, @R0 36 1 1 4 12 3 ADDC A, @R1 37 1 1 4 12 3 ADDC A, direct 35 2 2 8 12 1.5 ADDC A, #data 34 2 2 8 12 1.5 ACALL addr11 71, 91, B1, 11, 31, 51, D1, F1 2 3 12 24 2 AJMP ADDR11 01, 21, 41, 61, 81, A1, C1, E1 2 3 12 24 2 ANL A, R0 58 1 1 4 12 3 ANL A, R1 59 1 1 4 12 3 ANL A, R2 5A 1 1 4 12 3 ANL A, R3 5B 1 1 4 12 3 ANL A, R4 5C 1 1 4 12 3 ANL A, R5 5D 1 1 4 12 3 ANL A, R6 5E 1 1 4 12 3 ANL A, R7 5F 1 1 4 12 3 ANL A, @R0 56 1 1 4 12 3 Instruction ANL A, @R1 57 1 1 4 12 3 ANL A, direct 55 2 2 8 12 1.5 ANL A, #data 54 2 2 8 12 1.5 ANL direct, A 52 2 2 8 12 1.5 ANL direct, #data 53 3 3 12 24 2 ANL C, bit 82 2 2 8 24 3 ANL C, /bit B0 2 2 8 24 3 CJNE A, direct, rel B5 3 4 16 24 1.5 CJNE A, #data, rel B4 3 4 16 24 1.5 CJNE @R0, #data, rel B6 3 4 16 24 1.5 CJNE @R1, #data, rel B7 3 4 16 24 1.5 CJNE R0, #data, rel B8 3 4 16 24 1.5 CJNE R1, #data, rel B9 3 4 16 24 1.5 CJNE R2, #data, rel BA 3 4 16 24 1.5 CJNE R3, #data, rel BB 3 4 16 24 1.5 CJNE R4, #data, rel BC 3 4 16 24 1.5 CJNE R5, #data, rel BD 3 4 16 24 1.5 CJNE R6, #data, rel BE 3 4 16 24 1.5 - 52 - Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet Instruction Timing for N78E352, continued HEX Op-Code Bytes N78E352 Machine Cycles N78E352 Clock Cycles 8032 Clock Cycles N78E352 vs. 8032 Speed Ratio E4 1 1 4 12 3 CPL A F4 1 1 4 12 3 CLR C C3 1 1 4 12 3 CLR bit C2 2 2 8 12 1.5 Instruction CLR A CPL C B3 1 1 4 12 3 CPL bit B2 2 2 8 12 1.5 DEC A 14 1 1 4 12 3 DEC R0 18 1 1 4 12 3 DEC R1 19 1 1 4 12 3 DEC R2 1A 1 1 4 12 3 DEC R3 1B 1 1 4 12 3 DEC R4 1C 1 1 4 12 3 DEC R5 1D 1 1 4 12 3 DEC R6 1E 1 1 4 12 3 DEC R7 1F 1 1 4 12 3 DEC @R0 16 1 1 4 12 3 DEC @R1 17 1 1 4 12 3 DEC direct 15 2 2 8 12 1.5 DEC DPTR A5 1 2 8 - - DIV AB 84 1 5 20 48 2.4 DA A D4 1 1 4 12 3 DJNZ R0, rel D8 2 3 12 24 2 DJNZ R1, rel D9 2 3 12 24 2 DJNZ R5, rel DD 2 3 12 24 2 DJNZ R2, rel DA 2 3 12 24 2 DJNZ R3, rel DB 2 3 12 24 2 DJNZ R4, rel DC 2 3 12 24 2 DJNZ R6, rel DE 2 3 12 24 2 DJNZ R7, rel DF 2 3 12 24 2 DJNZ direct, rel D5 3 4 16 24 1.5 INC A 04 1 1 4 12 3 INC R0 08 1 1 4 12 3 INC R1 09 1 1 4 12 3 INC R2 0A 1 1 4 12 3 INC R3 0B 1 1 4 12 3 INC R4 0C 1 1 4 12 3 - 53 - Publication Release Date: August 21, 2008 Revision A02 Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet Instruction Timing for N78E352, continued HEX Op-Code Bytes N78E352 Machine Cycles N78E352 Clock Cycles 8032 Clock Cycles N78E352 vs. 8032 Speed Ratio INC R6 0E 1 1 4 12 3 INC R7 0F 1 1 4 12 3 INC @R0 06 1 1 4 12 3 INC @R1 07 1 1 4 12 3 INC direct 05 2 2 8 12 1.5 INC DPTR A3 1 2 8 24 3 3 Instruction JMP @A+DPTR 73 1 2 8 24 JZ rel 60 2 3 12 24 2 JNZ rel 70 2 3 12 24 2 JC rel 40 2 3 12 24 2 JNC rel 50 2 3 12 24 2 JB bit, rel 20 3 4 16 24 1.5 JNB bit, rel 30 3 4 16 24 1.5 JBC bit, rel 10 3 4 16 24 1.5 LCALL addr16 12 3 4 16 24 1.5 LJMP addr16 02 3 4 16 24 1.5 MUL AB A4 1 5 20 48 2.4 MOV A, R0 E8 1 1 4 12 3 MOV A, R1 E9 1 1 4 12 3 MOV A, R2 EA 1 1 4 12 3 MOV A, R3 EB 1 1 4 12 3 MOV A, R4 EC 1 1 4 12 3 MOV A, R5 ED 1 1 4 12 3 MOV A, R6 EE 1 1 4 12 3 MOV A, R7 EF 1 1 4 12 3 MOV A, @R0 E6 1 1 4 12 3 MOV A, @R1 E7 1 1 4 12 3 MOV A, direct E5 2 2 8 12 1.5 MOV A, #data 74 2 2 8 12 1.5 MOV R0, A F8 1 1 4 12 3 MOV R1, A F9 1 1 4 12 3 MOV R2, A FA 1 1 4 12 3 MOV R3, A FB 1 1 4 12 3 MOV R4, A FC 1 1 4 12 3 MOV R5, A FD 1 1 4 12 3 MOV R6, A FE 1 1 4 12 3 MOV R7, A FF 1 1 4 12 3 - 54 - Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet Instruction Timing for N78E352, continued HEX Op-Code Bytes N78E352 Machine Cycles N78E352 Clock Cycles 8032 Clock Cycles N78E352 vs. 8032 Speed Ratio MOV R1, direct A9 2 2 8 12 1.5 MOV R2, direct AA 2 2 8 12 1.5 MOV R3, direct AB 2 2 8 12 1.5 MOV R4, direct AC 2 2 8 12 1.5 MOV R5, direct AD 2 2 8 12 1.5 MOV R6, direct AE 2 2 8 12 1.5 MOV R7, direct AF 2 2 8 12 1.5 MOV R0, #data 78 2 2 8 12 1.5 MOV R1, #data 79 2 2 8 12 1.5 MOV R2, #data 7A 2 2 8 12 1.5 MOV R3, #data 7B 2 2 8 12 1.5 MOV R4, #data 7C 2 2 8 12 1.5 MOV R5, #data 7D 2 2 8 12 1.5 MOV R6, #data 7E 2 2 8 12 1.5 MOV R7, #data 7F 2 2 8 12 1.5 MOV @R0, A F6 1 1 4 12 3 MOV @R1, A F7 1 1 4 12 3 MOV @R0, direct A6 2 2 8 12 1.5 MOV @R1, direct A7 2 2 8 12 1.5 MOV @R0, #data 76 2 2 8 12 1.5 Instruction MOV @R1, #data 77 2 2 8 12 1.5 MOV direct, A F5 2 2 8 12 1.5 MOV direct, R0 88 2 2 8 12 1.5 MOV direct, R1 89 2 2 8 12 1.5 MOV direct, R2 8A 2 2 8 12 1.5 MOV direct, R3 8B 2 2 8 12 1.5 MOV direct, R4 8C 2 2 8 12 1.5 MOV direct, R5 8D 2 2 8 12 1.5 MOV direct, R6 8E 2 2 8 12 1.5 MOV direct, R7 8F 2 2 8 12 1.5 MOV direct, @R0 86 2 2 8 12 1.5 MOV direct, @R1 87 2 2 8 12 1.5 MOV direct, direct 85 3 3 12 24 2 MOV direct, #data 75 3 3 12 24 2 MOV DPTR, #data 16 90 3 3 12 24 2 MOVC A, @A+DPTR 93 1 2 8 24 3 - 55 - Publication Release Date: August 21, 2008 Revision A02 Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet Instruction Timing for N78E352, continued HEX Op-Code Bytes N78E352 Machine Cycles N78E352 Clock Cycles 8032 Clock Cycles N78E352 vs. 8032 Speed Ratio MOVX A, @R0 E2 1 2-9 8 - 36 24 3 - 0.66 MOVX A, @R1 E3 1 2-9 8 - 36 24 3 - 0.66 MOVX A, @DPTR E0 1 2-9 8 - 36 24 3 - 0.66 MOVX @R0, A F2 1 2-9 8 - 36 24 3 - 0.66 MOVX @R1, A F3 1 2-9 8 - 36 24 3 - 0.66 MOVX @DPTR, A F0 1 2-9 8 - 36 24 3 - 0.66 MOV C, bit A2 2 2 8 12 1.5 MOV bit, C 92 2 2 8 24 3 ORL A, R0 48 1 1 4 12 3 ORL A, R1 49 1 1 4 12 3 ORL A, R2 4A 1 1 4 12 3 ORL A, R3 4B 1 1 4 12 3 ORL A, R4 4C 1 1 4 12 3 ORL A, R5 4D 1 1 4 12 3 ORL A, R6 4E 1 1 4 12 3 ORL A, R7 4F 1 1 4 12 3 ORL A, @R0 46 1 1 4 12 3 Instruction ORL A, @R1 47 1 1 4 12 3 ORL A, direct 45 2 2 8 12 1.5 ORL A, #data 44 2 2 8 12 1.5 ORL direct, A 42 2 2 8 12 1.5 ORL direct, #data 43 3 3 12 24 2 ORL C, bit 72 2 2 8 24 3 ORL C, /bit A0 2 2 6 24 3 PUSH direct C0 2 2 8 24 3 POP direct D0 2 2 8 24 3 RET 22 1 2 8 24 3 RETI 32 1 2 8 24 3 RL A 23 1 1 4 12 3 RLC A 33 1 1 4 12 3 RR A 03 1 1 4 12 3 RRC A 13 1 1 4 12 3 SETB C D3 1 1 4 12 3 SETB bit D2 2 2 8 12 1.5 SWAP A C4 1 1 4 12 3 SJMP rel 80 2 3 12 24 2 SUBB A, R0 98 1 1 4 12 3 - 56 - Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet Instruction Timing for N78E352, continued HEX Op-Code Bytes N78E352 Machine Cycles N78E352 Clock Cycles 8032 Clock Cycles N78E352 vs. 8032 Speed Ratio 9A 1 1 4 12 3 SUBB A, R3 9B 1 1 4 12 3 SUBB A, R4 9C 1 1 4 12 3 SUBB A, R5 9D 1 1 4 12 3 SUBB A, R6 9E 1 1 4 12 3 SUBB A, R7 9F 1 1 4 12 3 SUBB A, @R0 96 1 1 4 12 3 SUBB A, @R1 97 1 1 4 12 3 SUBB A, direct 95 2 2 8 12 1.5 SUBB A, #data 94 2 2 8 12 1.5 XCH A, R0 C8 1 1 4 12 3 XCH A, R1 C9 1 1 4 12 3 XCH A, R2 CA 1 1 4 12 3 XCH A, R3 CB 1 1 4 12 3 XCH A, R4 CC 1 1 4 12 3 XCH A, R5 CD 1 1 4 12 3 XCH A, R6 CE 1 1 4 12 3 XCH A, R7 CF 1 1 4 12 3 XCH A, @R0 C6 1 1 4 12 3 XCH A, @R1 C7 1 1 4 12 3 XCHD A, @R0 D6 1 1 4 12 3 XCHD A, @R1 D7 1 1 4 12 3 XCH A, direct C5 2 2 8 12 1.5 XRL A, R0 68 1 1 4 12 3 XRL A, R1 69 1 1 4 12 3 XRL A, R2 6A 1 1 4 12 3 XRL A, R3 6B 1 1 4 12 3 XRL A, R4 6C 1 1 4 12 3 XRL A, R5 6D 1 1 4 12 3 XRL A, R6 6E 1 1 4 12 3 XRL A, R7 6F 1 1 4 12 3 XRL A, @R0 66 1 1 4 12 3 XRL A, @R1 67 1 1 4 12 3 XRL A, direct 65 2 2 8 12 1.5 XRL A, #data 64 2 2 8 12 1.5 XRL direct, A 62 2 2 8 12 1.5 XRL direct, #data 63 3 3 12 24 2 Instruction SUBB A, R2 - 57 - Publication Release Date: August 21, 2008 Revision A02 Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet 10. POWER MANAGEMENT The N78E352 has several features that help the user to control the power consumption of the device. The power saving features are basically the POWER DOWN mode, ECONOMY mode and the IDLE mode of operation. 10.1 Idle Mode The user can put the device into idle mode by writing 1 to the bit PCON.0. The instruction that sets the idle bit is the last instruction that will be executed before the device goes into Idle Mode. In the Idle mode, the clock to the CPU is halted, but not to the Interrupt, Timer, Watchdog timer and Serial port blocks. This forces the CPU state to be frozen; the Program counter, the Stack Pointer, the Program Status Word, the Accumulator and the other registers hold their contents. The port pins hold the logical states they had at the time Idle was activated. The Idle mode can be terminated in two ways. Since the interrupt controller is still active, the activation of any enabled interrupt can wake up the processor. This will automatically clear the Idle bit, terminate the Idle mode, and the Interrupt Service Routine(ISR) will be executed. After the ISR, execution of the program will continue from the instruction which put the device into Idle mode. The Idle mode can also be exited by activating the reset. The device can be put into reset either by applying a high on the external RST pin, a Power on reset condition or a Watchdog timer reset. The external reset pin has to be held high for at least two machine cycles i.e. 8 clock periods to be recognized as a valid reset. In the reset condition the program counter is reset to 0000h and all the SFRs are set to the reset condition. Since the clock is already running there is no delay and execution starts immediately. In the Idle mode, the Watchdog timer continues to run, and if enabled, a time-out will cause a watchdog timer interrupt which will wake up the device. The software must reset the Watchdog timer in order to preempt the reset which will occur after 512 clock periods of the time-out. When the N78E352 is exiting from an Idle mode with a reset, the instruction following the one which put the device into Idle mode is not executed. So there is no danger of unexpected writes. 10.2 Economy Mode The power consumption of microcontroller relates to operating frequency. The N78E352 offers a Economy mode to reduce the internal clock rate dynamically without external components. By default, one machine cycle needs 4 clocks. In Economy mode, software can select 4, 64 or 1024 clocks per machine cycle. It keeps the CPU operating at a acceptable speed but eliminates the power consumption. In the Idle mode, the clock of the core logic is stopped, but all clocked peripherals such as watchdog timer are still running at a rate of clock/4. In the Economy mode, all clocked peripherals run at the same reduced clocks rate as in core logic. So the Economy mode may provide a lower power consumption than idle mode. Software invokes the Economy mode by setting the appropriate bits in the SFRs. Setting the bits CD0(PMR.6), CD1(PMR.7) decides the instruction cycle rate as below: CD1 0 1 1 CD0 X 0 1 Clocks/Machine Cycle 4 (default) 64 1024 The selection of instruction rate is going to take effect after a delay of one instruction cycle. Switching to divide by 64 or 1024 mode must first go from divide by 4 mode. This means software can not switch directly between clock/64 and clock/1024 mode. The CPU has to return clock/4 mode first, then go to clock/64 or clock/1024 mode. - 58 - Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet In Economy mode, the serial port can not receive/transmit data correctly because the baud rate is changed. In some systems, the external interrupts may require the fastest process such that the reducing of operating speed is restricted. In order to solve these dilemmas, the N78E352 offers a switchback feature which allows the CPU back to clock/4 mode immediately when triggered by serial operation (uart and i2c) or external interrupts. The switchback feature is enabled by setting the SWB bit (PMR.5). A serial port/i2c reception/transmission or qualified external interrupt which is enabled and acknowledged without block conditions will cause CPU to return to divide by 4 mode. For the serial port reception, a switchback is generated by a falling edge associated with start bit if the serial port reception is enabled. When a serial port transmission, an instruction which writes a byte of data to serial port buffer will cause a switchback to ensure the correct transmission. The switchback feature is unaffected by serial port interrupt flags. Similarly for i2c reception/transmission, a switchback is generated when a start condition is determined. After a switchback is generated, the software can manually return the CPU to Economy mode. Note that the modification of clock control bits CD0 and CD1 will be ignored during i2c or serial port transmit/receive when switchback is enabled. The Watchdog timer reset, power-on/fail reset, software reset, brownout reset or external reset will force the CPU to return to divide by 4 mode. 10.3 Power Down Mode The device can be put into Power Down mode by writing 1 to bit PCON.1. The instruction that does this will be the last instruction to be executed before the device goes into Power Down mode. In the Power Down mode, all the clocks are stopped and the device comes to a halt. All activity is completely stopped and the power consumption is reduced to the lowest possible value. C2F will be disabled. In this state the ALE and PSEN pins are pulled low. The port pins output the values held by their respective SFRs. The N78E352 will exit the Power Down mode with a reset or by an external interrupt pin. An external reset can be used to exit the Power down state. The high on RST pin terminates the Power Down mode, and restarts the clock. The program execution will restart from 0000h. In the Power down mode, the clock is stopped, so the Watchdog timer cannot be used to provide the reset to exit Power down mode when its clock source is external OSC or crystal. The sources that can wake up from the power down mode are external interrupts, keyboard interrupt (KBI), brownout reset (BOR), and watchdog timer interrupt (if WDTCK = 0). The N78E352 can be woken from the Power Down mode by forcing an external interrupt pin activated, provided the corresponding interrupt is enabled, while the global enable(EA) bit is set and the external input has been set to a level detect mode. If these conditions are met, then the low level on the external pin re-starts the oscillator. Then device executes the interrupt service routine for the corresponding external interrupt. After the interrupt service routine is completed, the program execution returns to the instruction after the one which put the device into Power Down mode and continues from there. - 59 - Publication Release Date: August 21, 2008 Revision A02 Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet 11. RESET CONDITIONS The user has several hardware related options for placing the N78E352 series into reset condition. In general, most register bits go to their reset value irrespective of the reset condition, but there are a few flags whose state depends on the source of reset. The user can use these flags to determine the cause of reset using software. 11.1 Sources of reset 11.1.1 External Reset The device samples the RST pin every machine cycle during state C4. The RST pin must be held high for at least two machine cycles before the reset circuitry applies an internal reset signal. Thus, this reset is a synchronous operation and requires the clock to be running. The device remains in the reset state as long as RST pin is high and remains high up to two machine cycles after RST is deactivated. Then, the device begins program execution at 0000h. There are no flags associated with the external reset, but, since the other two reset sources do have flags, the external reset is the cause if those flags are clear. 11.1.2 Power-On Reset (POR) When the power supply rises to the configured level, VRST, the device will perform a power on reset and set the POR flag. The software should clear the POR flag, or it will be difficult to determine the source of future resets. 11.1.3 Brown-Out Reset (BOR) If the power supply falls below brownout voltage of VBOV, the device goes into the reset state. When the power supply returns to proper levels, the device performs a brownout reset. 11.1.4 Watchdog Timer Reset The Watchdog Timer is a free-running timer with programmable time-out intervals. The program must clear the Watchdog Timer before the time-out interval is reached to restart the count. If the time-out interval is reached, an interrupt flag is set. 512 clocks later, if the Watchdog Reset is enabled and the Watchdog Timer has not been cleared, the Watchdog Timer generates a reset. The reset condition is maintained by the hardware for two machine cycles, and the WTRF bit in WDCON is set. Afterwards, the device begins program execution at 0000h. 11.2 Reset State When the device is reset, most registers return to their initial state. The Watchdog Timer is disabled if the reset source was a power-on reset. The Program Counter is set to 0000h, and the stack pointer is reset to 07h. After this, the device remains in the reset state as long as the reset conditions are satisfied. Reset does not affect the on-chip RAM, however, so RAM is preserved as long as VDD remains above approximately 2V, the minimum operating voltage for the RAM. If VDD falls below 2V, the RAM contents are also lost. In either case, the stack pointer is always reset, so the stack contents are lost. The WDCON SFR bits are set/cleared in reset condition depending on the source of the reset. External reset Watchdog reset - 60 - Power on reset Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet WDCON 0xxx0x00b 0xxx0100b 01xx0000b The POR bit WDCON.6 is set only by the power on reset. WTRF bit WDCON.2 is set when the Watchdog timer causes a reset. A power on reset will also clear this bit. The EWRST bit WDCON.1 is cleared by all reset. This disables the Watchdog timer resets. All the bits in this SFR have unrestricted read access. WDRUN, POR, EWRST, WDIF and WDCLR require Timed Access procedure to write. The remaining bits have unrestricted write accesses. - 61 - Publication Release Date: August 21, 2008 Revision A02 Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet 12. PROGRAMMABLE TIMERS/COUNTERS The N78E352 has three 16-bit programmable timer/counters and one programmable Watchdog timer. The Watchdog timer is operationally quite different from the other two timers. 12.1 Timer/Counters 0 & 1 Each of these Timer/Counters has two 8 bit registers which form the 16 bit counting register. For Timer/Counter 0 they are TH0, the upper 8 bits register, and TL0, the lower 8 bit register. Similarly Timer/Counter 1 has two 8 bit registers, TH1 and TL1. The two can be configured to operate either as timers, counting machine cycles or as counters counting external inputs. When configured as a "Timer", the timer counts clock cycles. The timer clock can be programmed to be thought of as 1/12 of the system clock or 1/4 of the system clock. In the "Counter" mode, the register is incremented on the falling edge of the external input pin, T0 in case of Timer 0, and T1 for Timer 1. The T0 and T1 inputs are sampled in every machine cycle at C4. If the sampled value is high in one machine cycle and low in the next, then a valid high to low transition on the pin is recognized and the count register is incremented. Since it takes two machine cycles to recognize a negative transition on the pin, the maximum rate at which counting will take place is 1/24 of the master clock frequency. In either the "Timer" or "Counter" mode, the count register will be updated at C3. Therefore, in the "Timer" mode, the recognized negative transition on pin T0 and T1 can cause the count register value to be updated only in the machine cycle following the one in which the negative edge was detected. The "Timer" or "Counter" function is selected by the " C / T " bit in the TMOD Special Function Register. Each Timer/Counter has one selection bit for its own; bit 2 of TMOD selects the function for Timer/Counter 0 and bit 6 of TMOD selects the function for Timer/Counter 1. In addition each Timer/Counter can be set to operate in any one of four possible modes. The mode selection is done by bits M0 and M1 in the TMOD SFR. 12.2 Time-base Selection The N78E352 gives the user two modes of operation for the timer. The timers can be programmed to operate like the standard 8051 family, counting at the rate of 1/12 of the clock speed. This will ensure that timing loops on the N78E352 and the standard 8051 can be matched. This is the default mode of operation of the N78E352 timers. The user also has the option to count in the turbo mode, where the timers will increment at the rate of 1/4 clock speed. This will straight-away increase the counting speed three times. This selection is done by the T0M and T1M bits in CKCON SFR. A reset sets these bits to 0, and the timers then operate in the standard 8051 mode. The user should set these bits to 1 if the timers are to operate in turbo mode. 12.2.1 Mode 0 In Mode 0, the timer/counters act as a 8 bit counter with a 5 bit, divide by 32 pre-scale. In this mode we have a 13 bit timer/counter. The 13 bit counter consists of 8 bits of THx and 5 lower bits of TLx. The upper 3 bits of TLx are ignored. The negative edge of the clock increments the count in the TLx register. When the fifth bit in TLx moves from 1 to 0, then the count in the THx register is incremented. When the count in THx moves from FFh to 00h, then the overflow flag TFx in TCON SFR is set. The counted input is enabled only if TRx is set and either GATE = 0 or INTx = 1. When C / T is set to 0, then it will count clock cycles, and if C / T is set to 1, then it will count 1 to 0 transitions on T0 (P3.4) for timer 0 and T1 (P3.5) for timer 1. When the 13 bit count reaches 1FFFh the next count will cause it to roll-over to 0000h. The timer overflow flag TFx of the relevant timer is set and if enabled an interrupts will occur. Note that when used as a timer, the time-base may be either clock cycles/12 or clock cycles/4 as selected by the bits TxM of the CKCON SFR. - 62 - Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet Timer 1 functions are shown in brackets T0M = CKCON.3 (T1M = CKCON.4) 1/4 1 M1,M0 = TMOD.1,TMOD.0 (M1,M0 = TMOD.5,TMOD.4) C/T = TMOD.2 (C/T = TMOD.6) Fcpu 1/12 T0 = P3.4 (T1 = P3.5) 0 00 0 0 1 4 7 0 01 TL0 (TL1) TR0 = TCON.4 (TR1 = TCON.6) GATE = TMOD.3 (GATE = TMOD.7) INT0 = P3.2 (INT1 = P3.3) TFx 7 TH0 (TH1) Interrupt TF0 (TF1) Figure 12-1: Timer/Counter Mode 0 & Mode 1 - 63 - Publication Release Date: August 21, 2008 Revision A02 Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet 12.2.2 Mode 1 Mode 1 is similar to Mode 0 except that the counting register forms a 16 bit counter, rather than a 13 bit counter. This means that all the bits of THx and TLx are used. Roll-over occurs when the timer moves from a count of FFFFh to 0000h. The timer overflow flag TFx of the relevant timer is set and if enabled an interrupt will occur. The selection of the time-base in the timer mode is similar to that in Mode 0. The gate function operates similarly to that in Mode 0. 12.2.3 Mode 2 In Mode 2, the timer/counter is in the Auto Reload Mode. In this mode, TLx acts as a 8 bit count register, while THx holds the reload value. When the TLx register overflows from FFh to 00h, the TFx bit in TCON is set and TLx is reloaded with the contents of THx, and the counting process continues from here. The reload operation leaves the contents of the THx register unchanged. Counting is enabled by the TRx bit and proper setting of GATE and INTx pins. As in the other two modes 0 and 1 mode 2 allows counting of either clock cycles (clock/12 or clock/4) or pulses on pin Tn. T0M = CKCON.3 (T1M = CKCON.4) 1/4 1 Timer 1 functions are shown in brackets C/T = TMOD.2 (C/T = TMOD.6) TL0 (TL1) Fcpu 1/12 T0 = P3.4 (T1 = P3.5) 0 0 0 1 4 7 TFx Interrupt TF0 (TF1) TR0 = TCON.4 (TR1 = TCON.6) GATE = TMOD.3 (GATE = TMOD.7) INT0 = P3.2 (INT1 = P3.3) 0 7 TH0 (TH1) Figure 12-2: Timer/Counter Mode 2 12.2.4 Mode 3 Mode 3 has different operating methods for the two timer/counters. For timer/counter 1, mode 3 simply freezes the counter. Timer/Counter 0, however, configures TL0 and TH0 as two separate 8 bit count registers in this mode. The logic for this mode is shown in the figure. TL0 uses the Timer/Counter 0 control bits C / T , GATE, TR0, INT0 and TF0. The TL0 can be used to count clock cycles (clock/12 or clock/4) or 1-to-0 transitions on pin T0 as determined by C/T (TMOD.2). TH0 is forced as a clock cycle counter (clock/12 or clock/4) and takes over the use of TR1 and TF1 from Timer/Counter 1. Mode 3 is used in cases where an extra 8 bit timer is needed. With Timer 0 in Mode 3, Timer 1 can still be used in Modes 0, 1 and 2., but its flexibility is somewhat limited. While its basic functionality is maintained, it no longer has control over its overflow flag TF1 and the enable bit TR1. Timer 1 can still be used as a timer/counter and retains the use of GATE and INT1 pin. In this condition it can be turned on and off by switching it out of and into its own Mode 3. It can also be used as a baud rate generator for the serial port. - 64 - Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet T0M = CKCON.3 1/4 C/T = TMOD.2 1 TL0 Fcpu 1/12 T0 = P3.4 0 0 0 1 4 TF0 Interrupt TF1 Interrupt 7 TR0 = TCON.4 GATE = TMOD.3 INT0 = P3.2 TR1 = TCON.6 0 7 TH0 Figure 12-3: Timer/Counter 0 Mode 3 12.3 Timer/Counter 2 Timer/Counter 2 is a 16 bit up/down counter which is configured by the T2MOD register and controlled by the T2CON register. Timer/Counter 2 is equipped with a capture/reload capability. As with the Timer 0 and Timer 1 counters, there exists considerable flexibility in selecting and controlling the clock, and in defining the operating mode. The clock source for Timer/Counter 2 may be selected for either the external T2 pin (C/T2 = 1) or the crystal oscillator, which is divided by 12 or 4 (C/T2 = 0). The clock is then enabled when TR2 is a 1, and disabled when TR2 is a 0. 12.3.1 Capture Mode The capture mode is enabled by setting the CP / RL2 bit in the T2CON register to a 1. In the capture mode, Timer/Counter 2 serves as a 16 bit up counter. When the counter rolls over from FFFFh to 0000h, the TF2 bit is set, which will generate an interrupt request. If the EXEN2 bit is set, then a negative transition of T2EX pin will cause the value in the TL2 and TH2 register to be captured by the RCAP2L and RCAP2H registers. This action also causes the EXF2 bit in T2CON to be set, which will also generate an interrupt. Setting the T2CR bit (T2MOD.3), the N78E352 allows hardware to reset timer 2 automatically after the value of TL2 and TH2 have been captured. - 65 - Publication Release Date: August 21, 2008 Revision A02 Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet 1/4 T2M=CKCON.5 1 Fcpu 1/12 0 C/T2=T2CON.1 0 T2CON.7 TL2 TH2 TF2 1 T2=P1.0 Timer2 Interrupt TR2=T2CON.2 RCAP2L RCAP2H T2EX=P1.1 EXF2 T2CON.6 EXEN2=T2CON.3 Figure 12-4: Timer 2 16-Bit Capture Mode 12.3.2 Auto-Reload Mode, Counting up The auto-reload mode as an up counter is enabled by clearing the CP / RL2 bit in the T2CON register and clearing the DCEN bit in T2MOD register. In this mode, Timer/Counter 2 is a 16 bit up counter. When the counter rolls over from FFFFh, a reload is generated that causes the contents of the RCAP2L and RCAP2H registers to be reloaded into the TL2 and TH2 registers. The reload action also sets the TF2 bit. If the EXEN2 bit is set, then a negative transition of T2EX pin will also cause a reload. This action also sets the EXF2 bit in T2CON. 1/4 T2M=CKCON.5 1 Fcpu 1/12 T2=P1.0 0 C/T2=T2CON.1 0 T2CON.7 TL2 TH2 TF2 1 Timer2 Interrupt TR2=T2CON.2 RCAP2L T2EX=P1.1 RCAP2H EXF2 T2CON.6 EXEN2=T2CON.3 Figure 12-5: Timer 2 16-Bit Auto-reload Mode, Counting Up 12.3.3 Auto-Reload Mode, Counting Up/Down Timer/Counter 2 will be in auto-reload mode as an up/down counter if CP / RL2 bit in T2CON is cleared and the DCEN bit in T2MOD is set. In this mode, Timer/Counter 2 is an up/down counter whose direction is controlled by the T2EX pin. A 1 on this pin cause the counter to count up. An overflow while counting up will cause the counter to be reloaded with the contents of the capture registers. The next down count following the case where the contents of Timer/Counter equal the capture registers will load an FFFFh into Timer/Counter 2. In either event a reload will set the TF2 bit. - 66 - Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet A reload will also toggle the EXF2 bit. However, the EXF2 bit can not generate an interrupt while in this mode. Down Counting Reload Value 0FFh 1/4 1 Fcpu 1/12 0FFh T2M=CKCON.5 C/T2=T2CON.1 0 0 1 T2=P1.0 T2CON.7 TL2 Timer2 Interrupt TF2 TH2 TR2=T2CON.2 RCAP2L RCAP2H Up Counting Reload Value T2EX=P1.1 EXF2 T2CON.6 Figure 12-6: Timer 2 16-Bit Auto-reload Up/Down Counter 12.3.4 Baud Rate0 Generator Mode The baud rate generator mode is enabled by setting either the RCLK or TCLK bits in T2CON register. While in the baud rate generator mode, Timer/Counter 2 is a 16 bit counter with auto reload when the count rolls over from FFFFh. However, rolling over does not set the TF2 bit. If EXEN2 bit is set, then a negative transition of the T2EX pin will set EXF2 bit in the T2CON register and cause an interrupt request. Fcpu /2 C/T2=T2CON.1 0 TL2 T2=P1.0 Timer2 Overflow TH2 1 TR2=T2CON.2 RCAP2L RCAP2H T2EX=P1.1 EXF2 Timer2 Interrupt T2CON.6 EXEN2=T2CON.3 Figure 12-7: Baud Rate Generator Mode - 67 - Publication Release Date: August 21, 2008 Revision A02 Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet 12.3.5 Programmable Clock-out Timer 2 is equipped with a new clock-out feature which outputs a 50% duty cycle clock on P1.0. It can be invoked as a programmable clock generator. To configure Timer 2 with clock-out mode, software must initiate it by setting bit T2OE = 1, C/T2 = 0 and CP/RL = 0. Setting bit TR2 will start the timer. This mode is similar to the baud rate generator mode, it will not generate an interrupt while Timer 2 overflow. So it is possible to use Timer 2 as a baud rate generator and a clock generator at the same time. The clock-out frequency is determined by the following equation: The Clock-Out Frequency = Oscillator Frequency / [4 X 65536-(RCAP2H, RCAP2L) ] Fcpu /2 TL2 TH2 Timer2 Overflow 1/2 T2=P1.0 TR2=T2CON.2 RCAP2L T2EX=P1.1 RCAP2H EXF2 T2CON.6 EXEN2=T2CON.3 Figure 12-8: Programmable Clock-Out Mode - 68 - Timer2 Interrupt Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet 13. NVM MEMORY The N78E352 series have NVM data memory of 128 bytes for customer’s data store used. The NVM data memory has 8 pages area and each page has 64/32/16/8 bytes. 13.1 Operation User is required to enable EnNVM (NVMCON.5) bit for all NVM access (read/write/erase). This is due to overlapping of NVM data memory and external data memory physical address, the following table is defined. EnNVM bit (NVMCON.5) will enable read access to NVM data memory area. EnNVM 0 Data Memory Area Enable External RAM read/write access by MOVX 1 Enable NVM data Memory read access by MOVX only. If EER or EWR is set and NVM flash erase or write control is busy, to set this bit read NVM data is invalid. Table 13-1: MOVX instruction to Enable Read Data Memory Area Definition Table The NVM memory can be read/write by customer program to access. Read NVM data is by MOVX A,@DPTR/R0/R1 instructions, and write data is by SFR of NVMADDRH, NVMADDRL, NVMDAT and NVMCON. Before write data to NVM memory, the page must be erased by providing page address on NVMADDRH and NVMADDRL, which high and low byte address of On-Chip Code Memory space will decode, then set EER of NVMCON.7. This will automatically hold fetch program code and PC Counter, and execute page erase. After finished, this bit will be cleared by hardware. The erase time is ~ 5ms. For writing data to NVM memory, user must set address and data to NVMADDRH, NVMADDRL and NVMDAT, then set EWR of NVMCON.6 to initiate nvm data write. The uC will hold program code and PC Counter, and then write data to mapping address. Upon write completion, the EWR bit will be cleared by hardware, the uC will continue execute next instruction. The program time is ~50us. NVM data Flash Memory is permanently operating from 11.0594MHz+/- 2% internal clock source. In order to reduce power consumption, the on chip oscillator will only be enabled when during program or erase, through EWR or EER in NVMCON SFR. EWR or EER bits are cleared by hardware after program or erase completed. The program/erase time is automatically controlled by hardware. - 69 - Publication Release Date: August 21, 2008 Revision A02 Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet Internal Signal EER ERC EWR Clock Source 11.0594MHz RC OSC NVM Data Memory Block EnNVM Figure 13-1: NVM control Instructions MOVX A, @DPTR EnNVM = 0 EnNVM = 1 Addr within NVM address range Addr out of NVM address range Ext memory NVM Ext memory Ext memory NVM Ext memory[1] Ext memory NVM Ext memory[1] Ext memory Ext memory Ext memory Ext memory Ext memory[1] Ext memory Ext memory Ext memory[1] Ext memory (Read) MOVX A, @R0 (Read) MOVX A, @R1 (Read) MOVX @DPTR, A (Write) MOVX @R0, A (Write) MOVX @R1, A (Write) [1] [1] Table 13-2: MOVX read/write access destination Note: 1. Higher address bytes will come from SFR port 2 values. For security purposes this NVM data flash provide an independent “Lock bit” located in Security bits, it is used to protect the customer’s data code in NVM. It may be enabled in CONFIG1.6 after the programmer finishes the programming and verifies sequence. Once this bit is set to logic 0, NVM Flash EPROM data can not be accessed again by hardware writer mode. - 70 - Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet 14. WATCHDOG TIMER The Watchdog Timer is a free-running Timer which can be programmed by the user to serve as a system monitor, a time-base generator or an event timer. It is basically a set of dividers that divide the system clock. The divider output is selectable and determines the time-out interval. When the time-out occurs a flag is set, which can cause an interrupt if enabled, and a system reset can also be caused if it is enabled. The interrupt will occur if the individual interrupt enable and the global enable are set. The interrupt and reset functions are independent of each other and may be used separately or together depending on the user’s software. 20KHz+/100% RC Oscillator (Security Bit) WDTCK Fcpu Time-Out Selector 15-bits Counter 0 /Enable 5 WDRUN (WDCON.7) 6 8 9 12 13 14 WDCLR (Reset Watchdog) (WDCON.0) 00 01 10 MUX (WDCON.3) WDIF EWDI (EIE.4) (WDCON.2) WTRF 11 WD1,WD0 (CKCON.7~6) Interrupt 512 clock delay Reset EWRST (WDCON.1) Figure 14-1: Watchdog Timer The Watchdog Timer should first be restarted by using WDCLR. This ensures that the timer starts from a known state. The WDCLR bit is used to restart the Watchdog Timer. This bit is self clearing, i.e. after writing a 1 to this bit the software will automatically clear it. The Watchdog Timer will now count clock cycles. The time-out interval is selected by the two bits WD1 and WD0 (CKCON.7 and CKCON.6). When the selected time-out occurs, the Watchdog interrupt flag WDIF (WDCON.3) is set. After the time-out has occurred, the Watchdog Timer waits for an additional 512 clock cycles. If the Watchdog Reset EWRST (WDCON.1) is enabled, then 512 clocks after the time-out, if there is no WDCLR, a system reset due to Watchdog Timer will occur. This will last for two machine cycles, and the Watchdog Timer reset flag WTRF (WDCON.2) will be set. This indicates to the software that the Watchdog was the cause of the reset. When used as a simple timer, the reset and interrupt functions are disabled. The timer will set the WDIF flag each time the timer completes the selected time interval. The WDIF flag is polled to detect a time-out and the WDCLR allows software to restart the timer. The Watchdog Timer can also be used as a very long timer. The interrupt feature is enabled in this case. Every time the time-out occurs an interrupt will occur if the global interrupt enable EA is set. The main use of the Watchdog Timer is as a system monitor. This is important in real-time control applications. In case of some power glitches or electro-magnetic interference, the processor may begin to execute errant code. If this is left unchecked the entire system may crash. Using the watchdog timer interrupt during software development will allow the user to select ideal watchdog reset locations. The code is first written without the watchdog interrupt or reset. Then the Watchdog interrupt is enabled to identify code locations where interrupt occurs. The user can now insert instructions to reset the Watchdog Timer, which will allow the code to run without any Watchdog Timer interrupts. Now the Watchdog Timer reset is enabled and the Watchdog interrupt may be disabled. If - 71 - Publication Release Date: August 21, 2008 Revision A02 Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet any errant code is executed now, then the reset Watchdog Timer instructions will not be executed at the required instants and Watchdog reset will occur. The Watchdog Timer time-out selection will result in different time-out values depending on the clock speed. The reset will occur, when enabled, 512 clocks after the time-out has occurred. WD1 WD0 WATCHDOG INTERVAL NUMBER OF CLOCKS TIME @ 20 KHZ 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 26 29 213 215 64 512 8192 32768 3.2 mS 25.6 mS 409.6 mS 1638.4 mS Table 14-1: Time-out values for the Watchdog timer. The default Watchdog time-out is 26 clocks, which is the shortest time-out period. The EWRST, WDIF and WDCLR bits are protected by the Timed Access procedure. This prevents software from accidentally enabling or disabling the watchdog timer. More importantly, it makes it highly improbable that errant code can enable or disable the Watchdog Timer. The security bit WDTCK is located at bit 7 of CONFIG0 register. This bit is for user to configure the clock source of watchdog timer either from the internal RC or from the uC clock. - 72 - Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet 15. UART SERIAL PORT Serial port in the N78E352 is a full duplex port. The N78E352 provides the user with additional features such as the Frame Error Detection and the Automatic Address Recognition. The serial ports are capable of synchronous as well as asynchronous communication. In Synchronous mode the N78E352 generates the clock and operates in a half duplex mode. In the asynchronous mode, full duplex operation is available. This means that it can simultaneously transmit and receive data. The transmit register and the receive buffer are both addressed as SBUF Special Function Register. However any write to SBUF will be to the transmit register, while a read from SBUF will be from the receive buffer register. The serial port can operate in four different modes as described below. 15.1 Mode 0 This mode provides synchronous communication with external devices. In this mode serial data is transmitted and received on the RXD line. TXD is used to transmit the shift clock. The TxD clock is provided by the N78E352 whether the device is transmitting or receiving. This mode is therefore a half duplex mode of serial communication. In this mode, 8 bits are transmitted or received per frame. The LSB is transmitted/received first. The baud rate is fixed at 1/12 or 1/4 of the oscillator frequency. This baud rate is determined by the SM2 bit (SCON.5). When this bit is set to 0, then the serial port runs at 1/12 of the clock. When set to 1, the serial port runs at 1/4 of the clock. This additional facility of programmable baud rate in mode 0 is the only difference between the standard 8051 and the N78E352. The functional block diagram is shown below. Data enters and leaves the Serial port on the RxD line. The TxD line is used to output the shift clock. The shift clock is used to shift data into and out of the N78E352 and the device at the other end of the line. Any instruction that causes a write to SBUF will start the transmission. The shift clock will be activated and data will be shifted out on the RxD pin till all 8 bits are transmitted. If SM2 = 1, then the data on RxD will appear 1 clock period before the falling edge of shift clock on TxD. The clock on TxD then remains low for 2 clock periods, and then goes high again. If SM2 = 0, the data on RxD will appear 3 clock periods before the falling edge of shift clock on TxD. The clock on TxD then remains low for 6 clock periods, and then goes high again. This ensures that at the receiving end the data on RxD line can either be clocked on the rising edge of the shift clock on TxD or latched when the TxD clock is low. - 73 - Publication Release Date: August 21, 2008 Revision A02 Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet Write to SBUF Fcpu 1/12 S 2 0 M 1/4 1 TX START R REI N Internal Data Bus RX START SOUT TI SHIFT CLOCK RX Alternat D P3.0 e Output Function Serial Interrupt R I TX Alternat D P3.1 e Output Function LOAD SBUF RX SHIFT Serial Controllor RX Alternat P3.0 D e Input Function PARIN LOAD CLOC K TX SHIFT TX CLOCK RX CLOCK Transmit Shift Register CLOC K SIN Read SBUF PAROU T SBU F Internal Data Bus Figure 15-1: Uart Serial Port Mode 0 The TI flag is set high in C1 following the end of transmission of the last bit. The serial port will receive data when REN is 1 and RI is zero. The shift clock (TxD) will be activated and the serial port will latch data on the rising edge of shift clock. The external device should therefore present data on the falling edge on the shift clock. This process continues till all the 8 bits have been received. The RI flag is set in C1 following the last rising edge of the shift clock on TxD. This will stop reception, till the RI is cleared by software. 15.2 Mode 1 In Mode 1, the full duplex asynchronous mode is used. Serial communication frames are made up of 10 bits transmitted on TXD and received on RXD. The 10 bits consist of a start bit (0), 8 data bits (LSB first), and a stop bit (1). On receive, the stop bit goes into RB8 in the SFR SCON. The baud rate in this mode is variable. The serial baud can be programmed to be 1/16 or 1/32 of the Timer 1 overflow or 1/16 of Timer 2 overflow. Since the Timer 1 and 2 can be set to different reload values, a wide variation in baud rates is possible. Transmission begins with a write to SBUF. The serial data is brought out on to TxD pin at C1 following the first roll-over of divide by 16 counter. The next bit is placed on TxD pin at C1 following the next rollover of the divide by 16 counter. Thus the transmission is synchronized to the divide by 16 counter and not directly to the write to SBUF signal. After all 8 bits of data are transmitted, the stop bit is transmitted. The TI flag is set in the C1 state after the stop bit has been put out on TxD pin. This will be at the 10th rollover of the divide by 16 counter after a write to SBUF. Reception is enabled only if REN is high. The serial port actually starts the receiving of serial data, with the detection of a falling edge on the RxD pin. The 1-to-0 detector continuously monitors the RxD line, sampling it at the rate of 16 times the selected baud rate. When a falling edge is detected, the divide by 16 counter is immediately reset. This helps to align the bit boundaries with the rollovers of the divide by 16 counter. - 74 - Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet The 16 states of the counter effectively divide the bit time into 16 slices. The bit detection is done on a best of three basis. The bit detector samples the RxD pin, at the 8th, 9th and 10th counter states. By using a majority 2 of 3 voting system, the bit value is selected. This is done to improve the noise rejection feature of the serial port. If the first bit detected after the falling edge of RxD pin is not 0, then this indicates an invalid start bit, and the reception is immediately aborted. The serial port again looks for a falling edge in the RxD line. If a valid start bit is detected, then the rest of the bits are also detected and shifted into the SBUF. After shifting in 8 data bits, there is one more shift to do, after which the SBUF and RB8 are loaded and RI is set. However certain conditions must be met before the loading and setting of RI can be done. 1. RI must be 0 and 2. Either SM2 = 0, or the received stop bit = 1. If these conditions are met, then the stop bit goes to RB8, the 8 data bits go into SBUF and RI is set. Otherwise the received frame may be lost. After the middle of the stop bit, the receiver goes back to looking for a 1-to-0 transition on the RxD pin. Time 2 Overflo r w Time 1 Overflo r w 1/2 SMOD 0 1 TCL K 0 1 0 1 RCLK TX START 1/16 1/16 SOU T TXD TX SHIFT Serial Controllor RX CLOCK RX D 0 TX CLOCK SAMPL E 1-To-0 DETECTOR STO P PARI N START LOAD CLOC K 1 Internal Data Bus Write to SBUF Transmit Shift Register RX START TI Serial Interrupt RI LOAD SBUF RX SHIFT Read SBUF CLOC K BIT DETECTOR PAROUT SIN D8 Receive Shift Register SBUF R 8 B Internal Data Bus Figure 15-2: Uart Serial Port Mode 1 15.3 Mode 2 This mode uses a total of 11 bits in asynchronous full-duplex communication. The functional description is shown in the figure below. The frame consists of one start bit (0), 8 data bits (LSB first), a programmable 9th bit (TB8) and a stop bit (0). The 9th bit received is put into RB8. The baud rate is - 75 - Publication Release Date: August 21, 2008 Revision A02 Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet programmable to 1/32 or 1/64 of the oscillator frequency, which is determined by the SMOD bit in PCON SFR. Transmission begins with a write to SBUF. The serial data is brought out on to TxD pin at C1 following the first roll-over of the divide by 16 counter. The next bit is placed on TxD pin at C1 following the next rollover of the divide by 16 counter. Thus the transmission is synchronized to the divide by 16 counter, and not directly to the write to SBUF signal. After all 9 bits of data are transmitted, the stop bit is transmitted. The TI flag is set in the C1 state after the stop bit has been put out on TxD pin. This will be at the 11th rollover of the divide by 16 counter after a write to SBUF. Reception is enabled only if REN is high. The serial port actually starts the receiving of serial data, with the detection of a falling edge on the RxD pin. The 1-to-0 detector continuously monitors the RxD line, sampling it at the rate of 16 times the selected baud rate. When a falling edge is detected, the divide by 16 counter is immediately reset. This helps to align the bit boundaries with the rollovers of the divide by 16 counter. The 16 states of the counter effectively divide the bit time into 16 slices. The bit detection is done on a best of three basis. The bit detector samples the RxD pin, at the 8th, 9th and 10th counter states. By using a majority 2 of 3 voting system, the bit value is selected. This is done to improve the noise rejection feature of the serial port. Transmit Shift Register Fcpu Write to SBUF 1/ 2 SMOD 0 STOP D8 TB 8 Internal Data Bus PARIN START LOAD 1 SOUT TXD CLOCK TX SHIFT TX START 1 / 16 TX CLOCK Serial 1 / 16 Controllor RX CLOCK SAMPLE 1 - To - 0 DETECTOR RXD RX START TI Serial Interrupt RI LOAD SBUF Read SBUF RX SHIFT BIT DETECTOR CLOCK PAROUT SBUF SIN RB 8 D8 Internal Data Bus Receive Shift Register Figure 15-3: Uart Serial Port Mode 2 If the first bit detected after the falling edge of RxD pin, is not 0, then this indicates an invalid start bit, and the reception is immediately aborted. The serial port again looks for a falling edge in the RxD line. If a valid start bit is detected, then the rest of the bits are also detected and shifted into the SBUF. After shifting in 9 data bits, there is one more shift to do, after which the SBUF and RB8 are loaded and RI is set. However certain conditions must be met before the loading and setting of RI can be done. 1. RI must be 0 and 2. Either SM2 = 0, or the received stop bit = 1. - 76 - Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet If these conditions are met, then the stop bit goes to RB8, the 8 data bits go into SBUF and RI is set. Otherwise the received frame may be lost. After the middle of the stop bit, the receiver goes back to looking for a 1-to-0 transition on the RxD pin. - 77 - Publication Release Date: August 21, 2008 Revision A02 Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet 15.4 Mode 3 This mode is similar to Mode 2 in all respects, except that the baud rate is programmable. The user must first initialize the Serial related SFR SCON before any communication can take place. This involves selection of the Mode and baud rate. The Timer 1 should also be initialized if modes 1 and 3 are used. In all four modes, transmission is started by any instruction that uses SBUF as a destination register. Reception is initiated in Mode 0 by the condition RI = 0 and REN = 1. This will generate a clock on the TxD pin and shift in 8 bits on the RxD pin. Reception is initiated in the other modes by the incoming start bit if REN = 1. The external device will start the communication by transmitting the start bit. Time 1 r Overflow Transmit Shift Register Time 2 r Overflow Write to SBUF 1/2 SMOD 0 1 TCL K 0 1 0 1 RCLK SOU T TXD K TX START 1/16 STO P D8 PARI N START LOA D CLOC 1 T 8 InternalB Data Bus 0 TX SHIFT TX CLOCK Serial Controllor 1/16 RX CLOCK SAMPL E T 1- -0 o DETECTOR RX START Serial Interrupt RI LOAD SBUF RX SHIFT BIT DETECTOR RX D TI Read SBUF CLOC K SBU F R 8 B PAROUT SIN D8 Receive Shift Register Internal Data Bus Figure 15-4: Uart Serial Port Mode 3 Baud Clock Frame Size Start Bit Stop Bit 9th bit Function Synch. 4 or 12 TCLKS 8 bits No No None 1 Asynch. Timer 1 or 2 10 bits 1 1 None 0 2 Asynch. 32 or 64 TCLKS 11 bits 1 1 0, 1 1 3 Asynch. Timer 1 or 2 11 bits 1 1 0, 1 SM1 SM0 Mode Type 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 Table 15-1: Uart Serial Port Modes - 78 - Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet 15.5 Framing Error Detection A Frame Error occurs when a valid stop bit is not detected. This could indicate incorrect serial data communication. Typically the frame error is due to noise and contention on the serial communication line. The N78E352 has the facility to detect such framing errors and set a flag which can be checked by software. The Frame Error FE bit is located in SCON.7. This bit is normally used as SM0 in the standard 8051 family. However, in the N78E352 it serves a dual function and is called SM0/FE. There are actually two separate flags, one for SM0 and the other for FE. The flag that is actually accessed as SCON.7 is determined by SMOD0 (PCON.6) bit. When SMOD0 is set to 1, then the FE flag is indicated in SM0/FE. When SMOD0 is set to 0, then the SM0 flag is indicated in SM0/FE. The FE bit is set to 1 by hardware but must be cleared by software. Note that SMOD0 must be 1 while reading or writing to FE. If FE is set, then any following frames received without any error will not clear the FE flag. The clearing has to be done by software. 15.6 Multiprocessor Communications Multiprocessor communications makes use of the 9th data bit in modes 2 and 3. In the N78E352, the RI flag is set only if the received byte corresponds to the Given or Broadcast address. This hardware feature eliminates the software overhead required in checking every received address, and greatly simplifies the software programmer task. In the multiprocessor communication mode, the address bytes are distinguished from the data bytes by transmitting the address with the 9th bit set high. When the master processor wants to transmit a block of data to one of the slaves, it first sends out the address of the targeted slave (or slaves). All the slave processors should have their SM2 bit set high when waiting for an address byte. This ensures that they will be interrupted only by the reception of a address byte. The Automatic address recognition feature ensures that only the addressed slave will be interrupted. The address comparison is done in hardware not software. The addressed slave clears the SM2 bit, thereby clearing the way to receive data bytes. With SM2 = 0, the slave will be interrupted on the reception of every single complete frame of data. The unaddressed slaves will be unaffected, as they will be still waiting for their address. In Mode 1, the 9th bit is the stop bit, which is 1 in case of a valid frame. If SM2 is 1, then RI is set only if a valid frame is received and the received byte matches the Given or Broadcast address. The Master processor can selectively communicate with groups of slaves by using the Given Address. All the slaves can be addressed together using the Broadcast Address. The addresses for each slave are defined by the SADDR and SADEN SFRs. The slave address is an 8-bit value specified in the SADDR SFR. The SADEN SFR is actually a mask for the byte value in SADDR. If a bit position in SADEN is 0, then the corresponding bit position in SADDR is don't care. Only those bit positions in SADDR whose corresponding bits in SADEN are 1 are used to obtain the Given Address. This gives the user flexibility to address multiple slaves without changing the slave address in SADDR. - 79 - Publication Release Date: August 21, 2008 Revision A02 Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet The following example shows how the user can define the Given Address to address different slaves. Slave 1: SADDR 1010 0100 SADEN 1111 1010 Given 1010 0x0x Slave 2: SADDR 1010 0111 SADEN 1111 1001 Given 1010 0xx1 The Given address for slave 1 and 2 differ in the LSB. For slave 1, it is a don't care, while for slave 2 it is 1. Thus to communicate only with slave 1, the master must send an address with LSB = 0 (1010 0000). Similarly the bit 1 position is 0 for slave 1 and don't care for slave 2. Hence to communicate only with slave 2 the master has to transmit an address with bit 1 = 1 (1010 0011). If the master wishes to communicate with both slaves simultaneously, then the address must have bit 0 = 1 and bit 1 = 0. The bit 3 position is don't care for both the slaves. This allows two different addresses to select both slaves (1010 0001 and 1010 0101). The master can communicate with all the slaves simultaneously with the Broadcast Address. This address is formed from the logical ORing of the SADDR and SADEN SFRs. The zeros in the result are defined as don't cares In most cases the Broadcast Address is FFh. In the previous case, the Broadcast Address is (1111111X) for slave 1 and (11111111) for slave 2. The SADDR and SADEN SFRs are located at address A9h and B9h respectively. On reset, these two SFRs are initialized to 00h. This results in Given Address and Broadcast Address being set as XXXX XXXX(i.e. all bits don't care). This effectively removes the multiprocessor communications feature, since any selectivity is disabled. - 80 - Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet 16. I2C SERIAL PORT The I2C bus uses two wires (SDA and SCL) to transfer information between devices connected to the bus. The main features of the bus are: – Bidirectional data transfer between masters and slaves – Multimaster bus (no central master) – Arbitration between simultaneously transmitting masters without corruption of serial data on the bus – Serial clock synchronization allows devices with different bit rates to communicate via one serial bus – Serial clock synchronization can be used as a handshake mechanism to suspend and resume serial transfer – The I2C bus may be used for test and diagnostic purposes Repeated START START STOP STOP SDA tBUF tLOW tr SCL tHD;STA tf tHIGH tHD;DAT tSU;DAT tSU;STA tSU;STO Figure 16-1: I2C Bus Timing The device’s on-chip I2C logic provides the serial interface that meets the I2C bus standard mode specification. The I2C logic handles bytes transfer autonomously. It also keeps track of serial transfers, and a status register (I2STATUS) reflects the status of the I2C bus. The I2C port, SCL and SDA are at P1.2 and P1.3. When the I/O pins are used as I2C port, user must set the pins to logic high in advance. When I2C port is enabled by setting ENS to high, the internal states will be controlled by I2CON and I2C logic hardware. Once a new status code is generated and stored in I2STATUS, the I2C interrupt flag (SI) will be set automatically. If both EA and EI2C are also in logic high, the I2C interrupt is requested. The 5 most significant bits of I2STATUS stores the internal state code, the lowest 3 bits are always zero and the content keeps stable until SI is cleared by software. 16.1 SIO Port The SIO port is a serial I/O port, which supports all transfer modes from and to the I2C bus. The SIO port handles byte transfers autonomously. To enable this port, the bit ENS1 in I2CON should be set to '1'. The CPU interfaces to the SIO port through the following six special function registers: I2CON (control register, C0H), I2STATUS (status register, BDH), I2DAT (data register, BCH), I2ADDR (address registers, C1H), I2CLK (clock rate register BEH) and I2TIMER (Timer counter register, BFH). The SIO H/W interfaces to the I2C bus via two pins: SDA (P1.2, serial data line) and SCL (P1.3, serial clock line). Pull up resistor is needed for Pin P1.2 and P1.3 for I2C operation as these are 2 open drain pins (on I2C mode). - 81 - Publication Release Date: August 21, 2008 Revision A02 Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet 16.2 The I2C Control Registers: The I2C has 1 control register (I2CON) to control the transmit/receive flow, 1 data register (I2DAT) to buffer the Tx/Rx data, 1 status register (I2STATUS) to catch the state of Tx/Rx, recognizable slave address register for slave mode use and 1 clock rate control block for master mode to generate the variable baud rate. 16.2.1 The Address Registers, I2ADDR I2C port is equipped with one slave address register. The contents of the register are irrelevant when I2C is in master mode. In the slave mode, the seven most significant bits must be loaded with the MCU’s own slave address. The I2C hardware will react if the contents of I2ADDR are matched with the received slave address. The I2C ports support the “General Call” function. If the GC bit is set the I2C port1 hardware will respond to General Call address (00H). Clear GC bit to disable general call function. When GC bit is set, the I2C is in Slave mode, it can be received the general call address by 00H after Master send general call address to I2C bus, then it will follow status of GC mode. If it is in Master mode, the AA bit must be cleared when it will send general call address of 00H to I2C bus. 16.2.2 The Data Register, I2DAT This register contains a byte of serial data to be transmitted or a byte which has just been received. The CPU can read from or write to this 8-bit directly addressable SFR while it is not in the process of shifting a byte. This occurs when SIO is in a defined state and the serial interrupt flag (SI) is set. Data in I2DAT remains stable as long as SI bit is set. While data is being shifted out, data on the bus is simultaneously being shifted in; I2DAT always contains the last data byte present on the bus. Thus, in the event of arbitration lost, the transition from master transmitter to slave receiver is made with the correct data in I2DAT. I2DAT and the acknowledge bit form a 9-bit shift register, the acknowledge bit is controlled by the SIO hardware and cannot be accessed by the CPU. Serial data is shifted through the acknowledge bit into I2DAT on the rising edges of serial clock pulses on the SCL line. When a byte has been shifted into I2DAT, the serial data is available in I2DAT, and the acknowledge bit (ACK or NACK) is returned by the control logic during the ninth clock pulse. Serial data is shifted out from I2DAT on the falling edges of SCL clock pulses, and is shifted into I2DAT on the rising edges of SCL clock pulses. I2C Data Register: I2DAT.7 I2DAT.6 I2DAT.5 I2DAT.4 I2DAT.3 I2DAT.2 I2DAT.1 I2DAT.0 shifting direction - 82 - Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet 16.2.3 The Control Register, I2CON The CPU can read from and write to this 8-bit, directly addressable SFR. Two bits are affected by hardware: the SI bit is set when the I2C hardware requests a serial interrupt, and the STO bit is cleared when a STOP condition is present on the bus. The STO bit is also cleared when ENS = "0". ENSI Set to enable I2C serial function block. When ENS=1 the I2C serial function enables. The port latches of SDA1 and SCL1 must be set to logic high. STA I2C START Flag. Setting STA to logic 1 to enter master mode, the I2C hardware sends a START or repeat START condition to bus when the bus is free. STO I2C STOP Flag. In master mode, setting STO to transmit a STOP condition to bus then I2C hardware will check the bus condition if a STOP condition is detected this flag will be cleared by hardware automatically. In a slave mode, setting STO resets I2C hardware to the defined “not addressed” slave mode. This means it is NO LONGER in the slave receiver mode to receive data from the master transmit device. SI I2C Port 1 Interrupt Flag. When a new SIO state is present in the S1STA register, the SI flag is set by hardware, and if the EA and EI2C1 bits are both set, the I2C1 interrupt is requested. SI must be cleared by software. AA Assert Acknowledge control bit. When AA=1 prior to address or data received, an acknowledged (low level to SDA) will be returned during the acknowledge clock pulse on the SCL line when 1.) A slave is acknowledging the address sent from master, 2.) The receiver devices are acknowledging the data sent by transmitter. When AA=0 prior to address or data received, a Not acknowledged (high level to SDA) will be returned during the acknowledge clock pulse on the SCL line. 16.2.4 The Status Register, I2STATUS I2STATUS is an 8-bit read-only register. The three least significant bits are always 0. The five most significant bits contain the status code. There are 23 possible status codes. When I2STATUS contains F8H, no serial interrupt is requested. All other I2STATUS values correspond to defined SIO states. When each of these states is entered, a status interrupt is requested (SI = 1). A valid status code is present in I2STATUS one machine cycle after SI is set by hardware and is still present one machine cycle after SI has been reset by software. 16.2.5 The I2C Clock Baud Rate Bits, I2CLK The data baud rate of I2C is determines by I2CLK register when SIO is in a master mode. It is not important when SIO is in a slave mode. In the slave modes, SIO will automatically synchronize with any clock frequency up to 400 KHz from master I2C device. The data baud rate of I2C setting is Data Baud Rate of I2C = Fcpu / (I2CLK+1). The Fcpu=Fosc/4. If Fosc = 16MHz, the I2CLK = 40(28H), so data baud rate of I2C = 16MHz/(4X (40 +1)) = 97.56Kbits/sec. The block diagram is as below figure. - 83 - Publication Release Date: August 21, 2008 Revision A02 Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet 0 Fcpu 1/4 1 14-bits Counter Enable TIF To I2C Interrupt Clear Counter DIV4 SI ENS1 ENTI SI Figure 16-2: I2C Timer Count Block Diagram 16.2.6 I2C Time-out Counter, I2Timerx In SA8178, the I2C logic block provides a 14-bit timer-out counter that helps user to deal with bus pending problem. When SI is cleared user can set ENTI=1 to start the time-out counter. If I2C bus is pended too long to get any valid signal from devices on bus, the time-out counter overflows cause TIF=1 to request an I2C interrupt. The I2C interrupt is requested in the condition of either SI=1 or TIF=1. Flags SI and TIF must be cleared by software. DIV4 0 Fosc 14-bit Up Counter 1/4 overflow TIF 1 Reset Then Start Counter Set ENTI=1 (when SI=0) Figure 16-3: I2C Timer Count Block Diagram 16.3 Modes of Operation The on-chip I2C ports support five operation modes, Master transmitter, Master receiver, Slave transmitter, Slave receiver, and GC call. In a given application, I2C port may operate as a master or as a slave. In the slave mode, the I2C port hardware looks for its own slave address and the general call address. If one of these addresses is detected, and if the slave is willing to receive or transmit data from/to master(by setting the AA bit), acknowledge pulse will be transmitted out on the 9th clock, hence an interrupt is requested on both master and slave devices if interrupt is enabled. When the microcontroller wishes to become the bus master, the hardware waits until the bus is free before the master mode is entered so that a possible slave action is not interrupted. If bus arbitration is lost in the master mode, I2C port switches to the slave mode immediately and can detect its own slave address in the same serial transfer. - 84 - Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet 16.3.1 Master Transmitter Mode Serial data output through SDA while SCL outputs the serial clock. The first byte transmitted contains the slave address of the receiving device (7 bits) and the data direction bit. In this case the data direction bit (R/W) will be logic 0, and it is represented by “W” in the flow diagrams. Thus the first byte transmitted is SLA+W. Serial data is transmitted 8 bits at a time. After each byte is transmitted, an acknowledge bit is received. START and STOP conditions are output to indicate the beginning and the end of a serial transfer. 16.3.2 Master Receiver Mode In this case the data direction bit (R/W) will be logic 1, and it is represented by “R” in the flow diagrams. Thus the first byte transmitted is SLA+R. Serial data is received via SDA while SCL outputs the serial clock. Serial data is received 8 bits at a time. After each byte is received, an acknowledge bit is transmitted. START and STOP conditions are output to indicate the beginning and end of a serial transfer. 16.3.3 Slave Receiver Mode Serial data and the serial clock are received through SDA and SCL. After each byte is received, an acknowledge bit is transmitted. START and STOP conditions are recognized as the beginning and end of a serial transfer. Address recognition is performed by hardware after reception of the slave address and direction bit. 16.3.4 Slave Transmitter Mode The first byte is received and handled as in the slave receiver mode. However, in this mode, the direction bit will indicate that the transfer direction is reversed. Serial data is transmitted via SDA while the serial clock is input through SCL. START and STOP conditions are recognized as the beginning and end of a serial transfer. 16.4 Data Transfer Flow in Five Operating Modes The five operating modes are: Master/Transmitter, Master/Receiver, Slave/Transmitter, Slave/Receiver and GC Call. Bits STA, STO and AA in I2CON register will determine the next state of the SIO hardware after SI flag is cleared. Upon complexion of the new action, a new status code will be updated and the SI flag will be set. If the I2C interrupt control bits (EA and EI2) are enable, appropriate action or software branch of the new status code can be performed in the Interrupt service routine. Data transfers in each mode are shown in the following figures. *** Legend for the following five figures: - 85 - Publication Release Date: August 21, 2008 Revision A02 Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet Last state Last action is done Next setting in S1CON Expected next action New state next action is done Software's access to S1DAT with respect to "Expected next action": (1) Data byte will be transmitted: Software should load the data byte (to be transmitted) into S1DAT before new S1CON setting is done. (2) SLA+W (R) will be transmitted: Software should load the SLA+W/R (to be transmitted) into S1DAT before new S1CON setting is done. (STA,STO,SI,AA)=(0,0,0,X) (3) Data byte will be received: Software can read the received data byte from S1DAT SLA+W will be transmitted; while a new state is entered. ACK bit will be received. 08H A START has been transmitted. 18H SLA+W has been transmitted; ACK has been received. Figure 16-4: Legen for the following four figures - 86 - Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet Set STA to generate a START. From Slave Mode (C) 08H A START has been transmitted. (STA,STO,SI,AA)=(0,0,0,X) SLA+W will be transmitted; ACK bit will be received. From Master/Receiver (B) 18H SLA+W will be transmitted; ACK bit will be received. or 20H SLA+W will be transmitted; NOT ACK bit will be received. (STA,STO,SI,AA)=(0,0,0,X) Data byte will be transmitted ; ACK will be received. 28H Data byte in S1DAT has been transmitted ; ACK has been received . (STA,STO,SI,AA)=(1,0,0,X) A repeated START will be transmitted ; (STA,STO,SI,AA)=(0,1,0,X) A STOP will be transmitted; STO flag will be reset. 10H A repeated START has been transmitted. (STA,STO,SI,AA)=(1,1,0,X) A STOP followed by a START will be transmitted; STO flag will be reset. Send a STOP Send a STOP followed by a START or 30H Data byte in S1DAT has been transmitted ; NOT ACK has been received . (STA,STO,SI,AA)=(0,0,0,X) SLA+R will be transmitted; ACK bit will be transmitted; SIO1 will be switched to MST/REC mode. 38H Arbitration lost in SLA +R/W or Data byte. To Master/Receiver (A) (STA,STO,SI,AA)=(0,0,0,X) I2C bus will be release; Not address SLV mode will be entered . Enter NAslave (STA,STO,SI,AA)=(1,0,0,X) A START will be transmitted when the bus becomes free. Send a START when bus becomes free Figure 16-5: Master Transmitter Mode - 87 - Publication Release Date: August 21, 2008 Revision A02 Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet Set STA to generate a START. From Slave Mode (C) 08H A START has been transmitted. (STA,STO,SI,AA)=(0,0,0,X) SLA+R will be transmitted; ACK bit will be received. From Master/Transmitter (A) 48H SLA+R has been transmitted ; NOT ACK has been received . 40H SLA+R has been transmitted ; ACK has been received . (STA,STO,SI,AA)=(0,0,0,0) Data byte will be received ; NOT ACK will be returned. 58H Data byte has been received ; NOT ACK has been returned . (STA,STO,SI,AA)=(1,1,0,X) A STOP followed by a START will be transmitted; STO flag will be reset. (STA,STO,SI,AA)=(0,1,0,X) A STOP will be transmitted; STO flag will be reset. (STA,STO,SI,AA)=(1,0,0,X) A repeated START will be transmitted ; 10H A repeated START has been transmitted. Send a STOP Send a STOP followed by a START 38H Arbitration lost in NOT ACK bit. (STA,STO,SI,AA)=(0,0,0,X) SLA+R will be transmitted; ACK bit will be transmitted; SIO1 will be switched to MST/REC mode. To Master/Transmitter (B) (STA,STO,SI,AA)=(1,0,0,X) A START will be transmitted; when the bus becomes free Send a START when bus becomes free (STA,STO,SI,AA)=(0,0,0,X) I2C bus will be release; Not address SLV mode will be entered . Enter NAslave Figure 16-6: Master Receiver Mode - 88 - (STA,STO,SI,AA)=(0,0,0,1) Data byte will be received ; ACK will be returned. 50H Data byte has been received ; ACK has been returned . Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet Set A A A 8H Own SL A +R has been received; A C K has been return. or B 0H A rbitration lost SL A +R /W as master; Own SL A +R has been received; A C K has been return. (STA ,STO,SI,A A )=(0,0,0,0) L ast data byte will be transmitted; A C K will be received. C 8H L ast data byte in S1D A T has been transmitted; A C K has been received. (STA ,STO,SI,A A )=(0,0,0,1) D ata byte will be transmitted; A C K will be received. C 0H D ata byte or L ast data byte in S1D A T has been transmitted; N O T A C K has been received. B 8H D ata byte in S1D A T has been transmitted; A C K has been received. (STA ,STO,SI,A A )=(0,0,0,0) L ast data will be transmitted; A C K will be received. (STA ,STO,SI,A A )=(0,0,0,1) D ata byte will be transmitted; A C K will be received. A 0H A STOP or repeated STA R T has been received while still addressed as SL V /TR X . (STA ,STO,SI,A A )=(1,0,0,1) Switch to not address SL V mode; O wn SL A will be recognized; A STA R T will be transmitted when the bus becomes free. (STA ,STO,SI,A A )=(1,0,0,0) Switch to not addressed SL V mode; N o recognition of own SL A ; A STA R T will be transmitted when the becomes free. (STA ,STO,SI,A A )=(0,0,0,1) Switch to not addressed SL V mode; Own SL A will be recognized. (STA ,STO,SI,A A )=(0,0,0,0) Switch to not addressed SL V mode; N o recognition of own SL A . E nter N A slave Send a STA R T when bus becomes free To M aster M ode (C ) Figure 16-7: Slave Transmitter Mode - 89 - Publication Release Date: August 21, 2008 Revision A02 Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet Set AA 60H Own SLA+W has been received; ACK has been return . or 68H Arbitration lost SLA+R/W as master; Own SLA+W has been received; ACK has been return . (STA,STO,SI,AA)=(0,0,0,0) Data byte will be received; NOT ACK will be returned. (STA,STO,SI,AA)=(0,0,0,1) Data byte will be received ; ACK will be returned. 80H Previously addressed with own SLA address ; Data has been received ; ACK has been returned . 88H Previously addressed with own SLA address ; NOT ACK has been returned . (STA,STO,SI,AA)=(0,0,0,0) Data will be received; NOT ACK will be returned. (STA,STO,SI,AA)=(0,0,0,1) Data will be received; ACK will be returned. A0H A STOP or repeated START has been received while still addressed as SLV /REC. (STA,STO,SI,AA)=(1,0,0,1) Switch to not address SLV mode ; Own SLA will be recognized ; A START will be transmitted when the bus becomes free . (STA,STO,SI,AA)=(1,0,0,0) Switch to not addressed SLV mode ; No recognition of own SLA ; A START will be transmitted when the becomes free. (STA,STO,SI,AA)=(0,0,0,1) Switch to not addressed SLV mode ; Own SLA will be recognized . (STA,STO,SI,AA)=(0,0,0,0) Switch to not addressed SLV mode ; No recognition of own SLA . Enter NAslave Send a START when bus becomes free To Master Mode (C) Figure 16-8: Slave Receiver Mode - 90 - Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet Set AA 70H Reception of the general call address and one or more data bytes ; ACK has been return . or 78H Arbitration lost SLA +R/W as master; and address as SLA by general call ; ACK has been return . (STA,STO,SI,AA)=(X,0,0,0) Data byte will be received; NOT ACK will be returned. (STA,STO,SI,AA)=(X,0,0,1) Data byte will be received ; ACK will be returned. 90H Previously addressed with General Call ; Data has been received ; ACK has been returned . 98H Previously addressed with General Call ; Data byte has been received ; NOT ACK has been returned . (STA,STO,SI,AA)=(X,0,0,0) Data will be received; NOT ACK will be returned. (STA,STO,SI,AA)=(X,0,0,1) Data will be received; ACK will be returned. A0H A STOP or repeated START has been received while still addressed as SLV/REC. (STA,STO,SI,AA)=(1,0,0,1) Switch to not address SLV mode ; Own SLA will be recognized ; A START will be transmitted when the bus becomes free . (STA,STO,SI,AA)=(1,0,0,0) Switch to not addressed SLV mode ; No recognition of own SLA ; A START will be transmitted when the becomes free. (STA,STO,SI,AA)=(0,0,0,1) Switch to not addressed SLV mode ; Own SLA will be recognized . (STA,STO,SI,AA)=(0,0,0,0) Switch to not addressed SLV mode ; No recognition of own SLA . Enter NAslave Send a START when bus becomes free To Master Mode (C) Figure 16-9: GC Mode - 91 - Publication Release Date: August 21, 2008 Revision A02 Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet 17. TIMED ACCESS PROTECTION The N78E352 has several new features, like the Watchdog timer, on-chip ROM size adjustment, wait state control signal and Power on/fail reset flag, which are crucial to proper operation of the system. If left unprotected, errant code may write to the Watchdog control bits resulting in incorrect operation and loss of control. In order to prevent this, the N78E352 has a protection scheme which controls the write access to critical bits. This protection scheme is done using a timed access. In this method, the bits which are to be protected have a timed write enable window. A write is successful only if this window is active, otherwise the write will be discarded. This write enable window is open for 3 machine cycles if certain conditions are met. After 3 machine cycles, this window automatically closes. The window is opened by writing AAh and immediately 55h to the Timed Access(TA) SFR. This SFR is located at address C7h. The suggested code for opening the timed access window is TA REG 0C7h MOV TA, #0AAh MOV TA, #055h ; define new register TA, located at 0C7h When the software writes AAh to the TA SFR, a counter is started. This counter waits for 3 machine cycles looking for a write of 55h to TA. If the second write (55h) occurs within 3 machine cycles of the first write (AAh), then the timed access window is opened. It remains open for 3 machine cycles, during which the user may write to the protected bits. Once the window closes the procedure must be repeated to access the other protected bits. Examples of Timed Assessing are shown below Example 1: Valid access MOV TA, #0AAh 3 M/C MOV TA, #055h 3 M/C MOV WDCON, #00h 3 M/C Note: M/C = Machine Cycles Example 2: Valid access MOV TA, #0AAh 3 M/C MOV TA, #055h 3 M/C NOP 1 M/C SETB EWRST 2 M/C Example 3: Valid access MOV TA, #0Aah 3 M/C MOV TA, #055h 3 M/C ORL WDCON, #00000010B 3M/C Example 4: Invalid access MOV TA, #0AAh MOV TA, #055h NOP NOP CLR POR 3 M/C 3 M/C 1 M/C 1 M/C 2 M/C Example 5: Invalid Access MOV TA, #0AAh 3 M/C - 92 - Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet NOP MOV TA, #055h SETB EWRST 1 M/C 3 M/C 2 M/C In the first two examples, the writing to the protected bits is done before the 3 machine cycle window closes. In Example 3, however, the writing to the protected bit occurs after the window has closed, and so there is effectively no change in the status of the protected bit. In Example 4, the second write to TA occurs 4 machine cycles after the first write, therefore the timed access window in not opened at all, and the write to the protected bit fails. - 93 - Publication Release Date: August 21, 2008 Revision A02 Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet 18. INTERRUPTS N78E352 series have four priority level interrupts structure with 10 interrupt sources. Each of the interrupt sources has an individual priority bit, flag, interrupt vector and enable bit. In addition, the interrupts can be globally enabled or disabled. 18.1 Interrupt Sources The External Interrupts INT0 and INT1 can be either edge triggered or level triggered, programmable through bits IT0 and IT1 (SFR TCON). The bits IE0 and IE1 in TCON register are the flags which are checked to generate the interrupt. In the edge triggered mode, the INTx inputs are sampled in every machine cycle. If the sample is high in one cycle and low in the next, then a high to low transition is detected and the interrupts request flag IEx in TCON is set. The flag bit requests the interrupt. Since the external interrupts are sampled every machine cycle, they have to be held high or low for at least one complete machine cycle. The IEx flag is automatically cleared when the service routine is called. If the level triggered mode is selected, then the requesting source has to hold the pin low till the interrupt is serviced. The IEx flag will not be cleared by the hardware on entering the service routine. If the interrupt continues to be held low even after the service routine is completed, then the processor may acknowledge another interrupt request from the same source. The Timer 0 and 1 Interrupts are generated by the TF0 and TF1 flags. These flags are set by the overflow in the Timer 0 and Timer 1. The TF0 and TF1 flags are automatically cleared by the hardware when the timer interrupt is serviced. The Watchdog timer can be used as a system monitor or a simple timer. In either case, when the time-out count is reached, the Watchdog Timer interrupt flag WDIF (WDCON.3) is set. If the interrupt is enabled by the enable bit EIE.4, then an interrupt will occur. The timer 2 interrupt is generated through TF2 (timer 2 overflow/compare match). The hardware does not clear these flags when a timer 2 interrupt is executed. The uart serial block can generate interrupt on reception or transmission. There are two interrupt sources from the uart block, which are obtained by the RI and TI bits in the SCON SFR. These bits are not automatically cleared by the hardware, and the user will have to clear these bits using software. This device also provide an independent i2c serial port. When new SIO1 state is present in I2STATUS, the SI flag is set by hardware, and if EA and EI2 bits are both set, the I2C interrupt is requested. SI must be cleared by software. Keyboard interrupt is generated when any of the keypad connected to P0 pins is pressed. Each keypad interrupt can be individually enabled or disabled. User will have to software clear the flag bit. Brownout detect can cause brownout flag, BOF, to be asserted if power voltage drop below brownout voltage level. Interrupt will occur if BOI (AUXR1.5), EBO (EIE.6) and global interrupt enable are set. Source Vector Address Source Vector Address External Interrupt 0 0003h Timer 0 Overflow 000Bh External Interrupt 1 0013h Timer 1 Overflow 001Bh Serial Port 0023h Brownout Interrupt 002Bh I2C Interrupt 0033h KBI Interrupt 003Bh Timer 2 Overflow 0043h - 004Bh Watchdog Timer 0053h - 005Bh - 0063h - 006Bh - 0073h - 007Bh - 94 - Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet Table 18- 1: N78E352 series interrupt vector table 18.2 Priority Level Structure There are four priority levels for the interrupts, highest, high, low and lowest. The interrupt sources can be individually set to either high or low levels. Naturally, a higher priority interrupt cannot be interrupted by a lower priority interrupt. However there exists a pre-defined hierarchy amongst the interrupts themselves. This hierarchy comes into play when the interrupt controller has to resolve simultaneous requests having the same priority level. This hierarchy is defined as shown on Table 182: Four-level interrupts priority. The interrupt flags are sampled every machine cycle. In the same machine cycle, the sampled interrupts are polled and their priority is resolved. If certain conditions are met then the hardware will execute an internally generated LCALL instruction which will vector the process to the appropriate interrupt vector address. The conditions for generating the LCALL are; 1. An interrupt of equal or higher priority is not currently being serviced. 2. The current polling cycle is the last machine cycle of the instruction currently being execute. 3. The current instruction does not involve a write to IE, EIE, IP0, IP0H, IP1 or IPH1 registers and is not a RETI. If any of these conditions are not met, then the LCALL will not be generated. The polling cycle is repeated every machine cycle, with the interrupts sampled in the same machine cycle. If an interrupt flag is active in one cycle but not responded to, and is not active when the above conditions are met, the denied interrupt will not be serviced. This means that active interrupts are not remembered; every polling cycle is new. The processor responds to a valid interrupt by executing an LCALL instruction to the appropriate service routine. This may or may not clear the flag which caused the interrupt. In case of Timer interrupts, the TF0 or TF1 flags are cleared by hardware whenever the processor vectors to the appropriate timer service routine. In case of external interrupt, /INT0 and /INT1, the flags are cleared only if they are edge triggered. In case of Serial interrupts, the flags are not cleared by hardware. In the case of Timer 2 interrupt, the flags are not cleared by hardware. The Watchdog timer interrupt flag WDIF has to be cleared by software. The hardware LCALL behaves exactly like the software LCALL instruction. This instruction saves the Program Counter contents onto the Stack, but does not save the Program Status Word PSW. The PC is reloaded with the vector address of that interrupt which caused the LCALL. These address of vector for the different sources are as shown on Table 18- 3: Summary of interrupt sources. The vector table is not evenly spaced; this is to accommodate future expansions to the device family. Execution continues from the vectored address till an RETI instruction is executed. On execution of the RETI instruction the processor pops the Stack and loads the PC with the contents at the top of the stack. The user must take care that the status of the stack is restored to what it was after the hardware LCALL, if the execution is to return to the interrupted program. The processor does not notice anything if the stack contents are modified and will proceed with execution from the address put back into PC. Note that a RET instruction would perform exactly the same process as a RETI instruction, but it would not inform the Interrupt Controller that the interrupt service routine is completed, and would leave the controller still thinking that the service routine is underway. N78E352 series use a four priority level interrupt structure. This allows great flexibility in controlling the handling of the interrupt sources. - 95 - Publication Release Date: August 21, 2008 Revision A02 Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet PRIORITY BITS INTERRUPT PRIORITY LEVEL IPXH IPX 0 0 Level 0 (lowest priority) 0 1 Level 1 1 0 Level 2 1 1 Level 3 (highest priority) Table 18- 2: Four-level interrupts priority Each interrupt source can be individually enabled or disabled by setting or clearing a bit in registers IE or EIE. The IE register also contains a global disable bit, EA, which disables all interrupts at once. Each interrupt source can be individually programmed to one of four priority levels by setting or clearing bits in the IP0, IP0H, IP1, and IP1H registers. An interrupt service routine in progress can be interrupted by a higher priority interrupt, but not by another interrupt of the same or lower priority. The highest priority interrupt service cannot be interrupted by any other interrupt source. So, if two requests of different priority levels are received simultaneously, the request of higher priority level is serviced. If requests of the same priority level are received simultaneously, an internal polling sequence determines which request is serviced. This is called the arbitration ranking. Note that the arbitration ranking is only used to resolve simultaneous requests of the same priority level. Table below summarizes the interrupt sources, flag bits, vector address, enable bits, priority bits, arbitration ranking, and whether each interrupt may wake up the CPU from Power Down mode. Source Flag Vector address Enable bit Flag cleared by Priority bit Arbitration ranking Powerdown wakeup External Interrupt 0 IE0 0003H EX0 (IE.0) Hardware, Software IP0H.0, IP0.0 1(highest) Yes Brownout Detect BOF 002BH EBO (EIE.6) Hardware IP1H.6, IP1.6 2 Yes Watchdog Timer WDIF 0053H EWDI (EIE.4) Software IP1H.4, IP1.4 3 Yes Timer 0 Overflow TF0 000BH ET0 (IE.1) Hardware, Software IP0H.1, IP0.1 4 No I2C Interrupt SI 0033h EI2 (EIE.0) Software IP1H.0, IP1.0 5 No External Interrupt 1 IE1 0013H EX1 (IE.2) Hardware, Software IP0H.2, IP0.2 6 Yes KBI KBF 003BH Software Yes TF1 001BH IP1H.1, IP1.1 IP0H.3, IP0.3 7 Timer 1 Overflow EKB (EIE.1) ET1 (IE.3) 8 No RI + TI 0023H IP0H.4, IP0.4 9 No Uart ES (IE.4) Hardware, Software Software - 96 - Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet Timer 2 Overflow/ TF2 0043H ET2 (IE.5) Software IP0H.5, IP0.5 10 No Match Table 18- 3: Summary of interrupt sources Note: 1. The Watchdog Timer can wake up Power Down Mode when its clock source is used internal RC. 18.3 Interrupt Response Time The response time for each interrupt source depends on several factors, such as the nature of the interrupt and the instruction underway. In the case of external interrupts INT0 to INT1 , they are sampled at C3 of every machine cycle and then their corresponding interrupt flags IEx will be set or reset. The Timer 0 and 1 overflow flags are set at C3 of the machine cycle in which overflow has occurred. These flag values are polled only in the next machine cycle. If a request is active and all three conditions are met, then the hardware generated LCALL is executed. This LCALL itself takes four machine cycles to be completed. Thus there is a minimum time of five machine cycles between the interrupt flag being set and the interrupt service routine being executed. A longer response time should be anticipated if any of the three conditions are not met. If a higher or equal priority is being serviced, then the interrupt latency time obviously depends on the nature of the service routine currently being executed. If the polling cycle is not the last machine cycle of the instruction being executed, then an additional delay is introduced. The maximum response time (if no other interrupt is in service) occurs if the device is performing a write to IE, EIE, IP0, IP0H, IP1 or IP1H and then executes a MUL or DIV instruction. From the time an interrupt source is activated, the longest reaction time is 12 machine cycles. This includes 1 machine cycle to detect the interrupt, 2 machine cycles to complete the IE, EIE, IP0, IP0H, IP1 or IP1H access, 5 machine cycles to complete the MUL or DIV instruction and 4 machine cycles to complete the hardware LCALL to the interrupt vector location. Thus in a single-interrupt system the interrupt response time will always be more than 5 machine cycles and not more than 12 machine cycles. The maximum latency of 12 machine cycle is 48 clock cycles. Note that in the standard 8051 the maximum latency is 8 machine cycles which equals 96 machine cycles. This is a 50% reduction in terms of clock periods. 18.4 Interrupt Inputs N78E352 series have two individual interrupt inputs as well as the Keyboard Interrupt function. The latter is described separately elsewhere in this section. Two interrupt inputs are identical to those present on the standard 80C51 microcontroller. The external sources can be programmed to be level-activated or transition-activated by setting or clearing bit IT1 or IT0 in Register TCON. If ITn = 0, external interrupt n is triggered by a detected low at the INTn pin. If ITn = 1, external interrupt n is edge triggered. In this mode if successive samples of the /INTn pin show a high in one cycle and a low in the next cycle, interrupt request flag IEn in TCON is set, causing an interrupt request. Since the external interrupt pins are sampled once each machine cycle, an input high or low should hold for at least 6 CPU Clocks to ensure proper sampling. If the external interrupt is high for at least one machine cycle, and then hold it low for at least one machine cycle. This is to ensure that the transition is seen and that interrupt request flag IEn is set. IEn is automatically cleared by the CPU when the service routine is called. - 97 - Publication Release Date: August 21, 2008 Revision A02 Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet If the external interrupt is level-activated, the external source must hold the request active until the requested interrupt is actually generated. If the external interrupt is still asserted when the interrupt service routine is completed another interrupt will be generated. It is not necessary to clear the interrupt flag IEn when the interrupt is level sensitive, it simply tracks the input pin level. If an external interrupt is enabled when the device is put into Power Down or Idle mode, the interrupt will cause the processor to wake up and resume operation. Refer to the section on Power Management for details. IE0 EX 0 IE1 EX 1 BOF EBO KBF EKB Wakeup (If in Power Down) WDIF EWDI TF0 ET0 EA TF1 ET1 RI + TI ES SI EI2 CPTF0 ECPTF TF2 ET2 Figure 18- 1: Interrupt inputs - 98 - Interrupt to CPU Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet 19. KEYBOARD FUNCTION The N78E352 series are provided 8 keyboard interrupt function to detect keypad status which key is acted, and allow a single interrupt to be generated when any key is pressed on a keyboard or keypad connected to specific pins of the N78E352 series, as shown below figure. This interrupt may be used to wake up the CPU from Idle or Power Down modes, after chip is in Power Down or Idle Mode. Keyboard function is supported through by Port 0. It can allow any or all pins of Port 0 to be enabled to cause this interrupt. Port pins are enabled by the setting of bits of KBI0 ~ KBI7 in the KBI register, as shown below figure. The Keyboard Interrupt Flag (KBF) in the AUXR1 register is set when any enabled pin is triggered while the KBI interrupt function is active, and the low pulse must be more than 1 machine cycle, an interrupt will be generated if it has been enabled. The KBF bit set by hardware and must be cleared by software. In order to determine which key was pressed, the KBI will allow the interrupt service routine to poll port 0. The N78E352 has addition SFR KBL level configuration register to control either a low or high level trigger. KBL.7 P0.7 High/low level KBI.7 KBL.6 P0.6 High/low level KBL.5 P0.5 High/low level KBL.4 P0.4 High/low level High/low level KBL.1 P0.1 High/low level KBL.0 P0.0 KBF (KBI Interrupt) KBI.4 KBL.2 P0.2 KBI.5 High/low level KBL.3 P0.3 KBI.6 High/low level EKB (From EIE Register) KBI.3 KBI.2 KBI.1 KBI.0 Figure 19-1: KBI inputs - 99 - Publication Release Date: August 21, 2008 Revision A02 Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet 20. I/O PORT N78E352 series have four 8 bits I/O ports; port 0, port 1, port 2, port 3, one partial port 4; P4.0 to P4.3 and one partial port 5; P5.0 to P5.1. All pins of I/O ports (except port4) can be configured to one of four types by software. User may configure the mode type for the above port pin by programming PxMy SFRs. Port 4 support only quasi mode. PXM1.Y PXM2.Y[Note] 0 0 Quasi-bidirectional. 0 1 Push-Pull PORT INPUT/OUTPUT MODE Input Only (High Impedance) 1 0 PORTS.PxS=0, TTL input PORTS.PxS=1, Schmitt input 1 1 Open Drain Table 20-1: I/O port configuration table Note: X = 0-3 and 5. Y = 0-7. In addition, port default mode is also configurable through CONFIG0.PMODE bit. When PMODE = 1, ports 1~3 and 5 will default to quasi mode upon all reset. If PMODE = 0, ports 1~3 and 5 will default to open drain mode upon all reset. See table below. PORTS CONFIG0.PMODE UPON RESET PXM1,2 RESET VALUE P0 X Open Drain P0M1,2 = 1111 1111b 1 Quasi P(1~3)M1,2 = 0000 0000b 0 Open Drain P(1~3)M1,2 = 1111 1111b X Quasi Not available. Quasi P5M1 = xxxx x000b P5M2 = xxxx xx00b Open Drain P5M1 = xxxx x011b P5M2 = xxxx xx11b P1~3 P4 1 P5[1] 0 Table 20-2: Default port mode configuration by CONFIG0.PMODE bit. Note: 1. Product configured to run internal rc. All port pins can be determined to high or low after reset by configure PRHI bit in the CONFIG0 register. Each I/O port of N78E352 series may be selected to use TTL level inputs or Schmitt inputs by P(n)S bit on PORTS SFR register; where n is 0, 1, 2, 3 or 5. When P(n)S is set to 1, Ports are selected Schmitt trigger inputs on Port(n). 20.1 Quasi-Bidirectional Output Configuration - 100 - Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet The default port output configuration for standard N78E352 series I/O ports is the quasi-bidirectional output that is common on the 80C51 and most of its derivatives. This output type can be used as both an input and output without the need to reconfigure the port. This is possible because when the port outputs a logic high, it is weakly driven, allowing an external device to pull the pin low. When the pin is pulled low, it is driven strongly and able to sink a fairly large current. These features are somewhat similar to an open drain output except that there are three pull-up transistors in the quasi-bidirectional output that serve different purposes. One of these pull-ups, called the “very weak” pull-up, is turned on whenever the port latch for the pin contains a logic 1. The very weak pull-up sources a very small current that will pull the pin high if it is left floating. A second pull-up, called the “weak” pull-up, is turned on when the port latch for the pin contains a logic 1 and the pin itself is also at a logic 1 level. This pull-up provides the primary source current for a quasi-bidirectional pin that is outputting a 1. If a pin that has a logic 1 on it is pulled low by an external device, the weak pull-up turns off, and only the very weak pull-up remains on. In order to pull the pin low under these conditions, the external device has to sink enough current to overpower the weak pull-up and take the voltage on the port pin below its input threshold. The third pull-up is referred to as the “strong” pull-up. This pull-up is used to speed up low-to-high transitions on a quasi-bidirectional port pin when the port latch changes from a logic 0 to a logic 1. When this occurs, the strong pull-up turns on for a brief time, two CPU clocks, in order to pull the port pin high quickly. Then it turns off again. The quasi-bidirectional port configuration is shown as below. VDD 2 CPU Clock Delay P Strong P Very Weak P Weak Port Pin Port Latch Data N Input Data Figure 20-1: Quasi-Bidirectional Output 20.2 Open Drain Output Configuration The open drain output configuration turns off all pull-ups and only drives the pull-down transistor of the port driver when the port latch contains a logic 0. To be used as a logic output, a port configured in this manner must have an external pull-up, typically a resistor tied to VDD. The pull-down for this mode is the same as for the quasi-bidirectional mode. The open drain port configuration is shown as below. - 101 - Publication Release Date: August 21, 2008 Revision A02 Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet Port Pin Port Latch Data N Input Data Figure 20-2: Open Drain Output 20.3 Push-Pull Output Configuration The push-pull output configuration has the same pull-down structure as both the open drain and the quasi-bidirectional output modes, but provides a continuous strong pull-up when the port latch contains a logic 1. The push-pull mode may be used when more source current is needed from a port output. The push-pull port configuration is shown below. The value of port pins at reset is determined by the PRHI bit in the CONFIG0 register. Ports may be configured to reset high or low as needed for the application. When port pins are driven high at reset, they are in quasi-bidirectional mode and therefore do not source large amounts of current. Every output on the device may potentially be used as a 20mA sink LED drive output. However, there is a maximum total output current for all ports which must not be exceeded. All ports pins of the device have slew rate controlled outputs. This is to limit noise generated by quickly switching output signals. The slew rate is factory set to approximately 10 ns rise and fall times. VDD P Port Pin Port Latch Data N Input Data Figure 20-3: Push-Pull Output 20.4 Input Only Mode The input only port configuation is show in figure 21-4, it is a schmitt-triggered input or TTL input. - 102 - Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet Input Data Port Pin Schmitt-triggered or TTL Figure 20-4: Push-Pull Output - 103 - Publication Release Date: August 21, 2008 Revision A02 Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet 21. OSCILLATOR N78E352 series provide three oscillator input option. These are configured at CONFIG register (CONFIG0) that include On-Chip RC Oscillator Option, External Clock Input Option and Crystal Oscillator Input Option. The Crystal Oscillator Input frequency may be supported from 4MHz to 24MHz, and without capacitor or resister. Crystal Oscillator 00b Internal RC Oscillator 01b External Clock input 11b 16 bits Ripple Counter Fosc1 Clock Divide Control Fosc0 Power Monitor Reset Fcpu CD1 CD0 (PMR SFR) Power Down Figure 21-1: Oscillator 21.1 On-Chip RC Oscillator Option The On-Chip RC Oscillator is fixed at 11.0592MHz or 22.1184MHz +/- 2% (selectable by FS1 config bit) frequency to support clock source. When FOSC1, FOSC0 = 01b, the On-Chip RC Oscillator is enabled. 21.2 External Clock Input Option The clock source pin (XTAL1) is from External Clock Input by FOSC1, FOSC0 = 11b, and frequency range is ffrom 0Hz up to 24MHz. The device supports a clock output function when either the on-chip RC oscillator or external clock input options are selected. This allows external devices to synchronize to the device. When enabled, via the ENCLK bit in the P5M1 register, the clock output appears on the XTAL2/CLKOUT pin whenever the on-chip oscillator is running, including in Idle Mode. The frequency of the clock output is 1/4 of the CPU clock rate. If the clock output is not needed in Idle Mode, it may be turned off prior to entering Idle, saving additional power. The clock output may also be enabled when the external clock input option is selected. 21.3 CPU Clock Rate select The CPU clock of N78E352 series may be selected by the PMR.CD0/1 bits. If (CD1,CD0) = 01b, the CPU clock is running at 4 CPU clock per machine cycle, and without any division from source clock - 104 - Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet (Fosc). This frequency division function affect all peripheral timings as they are all sourcing from the CPU clock(Fcpu). The following table shows the PMR.CD1/0 bits definition. CD1, CD0 Clocks/machine Cycle 0 x 4 1 0 64 1 1 1024 CD0/1 definitions - 105 - Publication Release Date: August 21, 2008 Revision A02 Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet 22. POWER MONITORING In order to prevent incorrect operation during power up and power drop, the N78E352 is provided two power monitor function that are Power-On Detect and Brownout Detect. 22.1 Power On Detect The Power–On Detect function is a design to detect power up after power voltage reaches to a level where Brownout Detect can work. After power on detect, the POR (WDCON.6) will be set to “1” to indicate an initial power up condition. The POR flag will be cleared by software. 22.2 Brownout Detect and Reset The N78E352 has an on-chip Brown-out Detection circuit for monitoring the VDD level during operation by comparing it to a programmable brownout trigger level. There are 4 brownout trigger levels available for wider voltage applications. The 4 nominal levels are 2.6V, 3.8V and 4.5V (programmable through BOV.1-0 bits). When VDD drops to the selected brownout trigger level (VBOR), the brownout detection logics will either reset the CPU until the VDD voltage raises above VBOR or requests a brownout interrupt at the moment that VDD falls and raises through VBOR. The brownout detection circuits also provides a low power brownout detection mode for power saving. When LPBOV=1, the brownout detection repeatly senses the voltage for 64/fBRC then turn off detector for 960/fBRC (fBRC = internal rc frequency), if VDD voltage still below brownout trigger level. fBRC, the frequency of built-in RC oscillator is approximately 20KHz+/-100%. The Brownout Detect block is shown in Figure 22-1. BOV1 0 0 1 1 BOV0 0 1 0 1 Brownout Voltage Brownout voltage is 2.6V Brownout voltage is 2.6V Brownout voltage is 3.8V Brownout voltage is 4.5V Brownout Voltage Selection BOS BOV[1:0] BOD LPBOV BOI Brownout Detect Circuit 0 To Reset 1 To Brownout interrupt BOF Figure 22-1: Brown-out Detect Block - 106 - Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet VDD VBOR+ Nominal Brownout Voltage VBOR - Brown-out Status BOS TBOR BOI=0 to select Brown-out Reset Reset 8ms Clear by Software BOI=1 to select BOF Brown-out Interrupt Clear by Software Set by Hardware Hysterisis voltage is about 70mV~140mV for each BOD voltage level. TBOR :Brown-out Reset Delay Time with about 8mS TBOI :Brown-out Interrupt Delay Time TBOI is about 30uS after system oscillator oscillates stable. Figure 22-2: Brown-out Voltage Detection - 107 - Publication Release Date: August 21, 2008 Revision A02 Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet 23. PULSE WIDTH MODULATED OUTPUTS (PWM) The N78E352 contains two Pulse Width Modulated (PWM) channels which generate pulses of programmable length and interval. The output for PWM0 is on P1.4 and PWM1 on P1.5. After chip reset the internal output of the each PWM channel is a “1” (if PRHI=1). The PWM block diagram is shown as below figure. The interval between successive outputs is controlled by a 8–bit up-counter which uses the selectable clock sources. The clock sources supported are cpu clock, timer 0 overflow and timer 1 overflow, selectable by PWMCON3.PCLK.1~0 bits. The clock sources can be further divided with programmable PWMCON3.FP1~0 bits. When the counter reaches overflow, it is reloaded with zero. The width of each PWM output pulse is determined by the value in the appropriate Compare registers, PWMnL (n=0,1). When the counter described above matches compare register value the PWM output is forced low. It remains low until the counter value overflow. The number of clock pulses that the PWMn output is low is given by: tLO = (8’FFh – PWMn+1) Vdd PWM0L Register Fcpu Timer 0 overflow Timer 1 overflow Reserved 00 01 10 11 PCLK.1~0 PWM0L Buffer overflow Divider (/1, /2, /4, /8) 8-bit Up Counter PWMRUN > 1 - PWM0OE Vdd P1.5 overflow FP.1~0 PWM1L Register PWM1L Buffer PWM0 (P1.4) 0 + CLRPWM P1.4 PWM1 (P1.5) 0 + > - 1 PWM1OE A compare value of all zeroes, 00H, causes the output to remain permanently high. A compare value of all ones, FFH, results in the PWM output remaining permanently low. The overall functioning of the PWM module is controlled by the contents of the PWMCON1 and PWMCON3 registers. The operation of most of the control bits are straightforward. The transfer Compare registers to the buffer registers is controlled by 8-bit counter overflow, while PWMCON1.7 (PWMRUN) allows the PWM to be either in the run or idle state. It has a CLRPWM bit to clear 8-bt up counter. When the PWMRUN is cleared, the PWM outputs take on the state they had just prior to the bit being cleared. In general this state is not known. In order to place the outputs in a known state when PWMRUN is cleared the Compare registers can be written to either the “all 1” or “all 0” so the output will have the output desired when the counter is halted. Note: During PWM initial run, user is recommended to configure proper PWMn and/or PWM output pin (default high) follow by setting PWMRUN and CLRPWM bits, prior to enable PWMnOE. This is to avoid unexpected PWM output. Smallest On-state (high state) is 1 clock count, whereas smallest off-state (low state) is 2 clock counts. - 108 - Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet 24. CONFIG BITS The N78E352 has two CONFIG bits (CONFIG0 located at FB00h, CONFIG1 located at FB01h) that must be defined at power up and can not be set the program after start of execution. Those features are configured through the use of two flash EPROM bytes, and the flash EPROM can be programmed and verified repeatedly. Until the code inside the Flash EPROM is confirmed OK, the code can be protected. The protection of flash EPROM (CONFIG1) and those operations on it are described below. 24.1 CONFIG0 7 WDTCK 6 5 4 3 2 PMODE PRHI - CBOD BPFR WDTCK PMODE PRHI CBOD BPFR Fosc1 Fosc0 1 Fosc 1 0 Fosc 0 : Watchdog Timer Clock Selection Bit. : Port MODE Bit. : Port Reset High Bit. : Config Brownout Detect Enable Bit. : Bypass Clock Filter Bit. : CPU Oscillator Type Select Bit 1. : CPU Oscillator Type Select Bit 0. Figure 24-1: Config0 register bits BIT NAME FUNCTION Clock source of Watchdog Timer select bit: 7 WDTCK 0: The internal 20KHz RC oscillator clock is for Watchdog Timer clock used. 1: The uC clock is for Watchdog Timer clock used. Port Mode Type select bit: 6 PMODE 0: Port 1~3 and 5 reset to open drain mode. 1: Port 1~3 and 5 reset to quasi mode. Port Reset High or Low select bit: 5 PRHI 0: Port reset to low state. 1: Port reset to high state. Note: For product to run external program (/EA=0), user need to ensure PRHI is set to 1. 4 - Reserved. Config Brownout Detect Enable bit 3 CBOD 0: Disable Brownout Detect. 1: Enable Brownout Detect. Bypass Clock Filter. 2 BPFR 0: Disable Clock Filter. 1: Enable Clock Filter. 1 Fosc1 CPU Oscillator Type select bit 1. - 109 - Publication Release Date: August 21, 2008 Revision A02 Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet 0 Fosc0 CPU Oscillator Type select bit 0. Oscillator Configuration bits: Fosc1 Fosc0 OSC source 0 0 4MHz ~ 22.1184MHz crystal 0 1 Internal RC Oscillator (FS1 bit in CONFIG1.5 will determine either 11.0592MHz or 22.1184MHZ) 1 0 Reserved 1 1 External Oscillator in XTAL1; XALT2 is in Tri-state 24.2 CONFIG1 7 6 5 4 3 C7 C6 FS1 - CBOV.1-0 C7 C6 FS1 CBOV.1-0 C1 2 1 0 C1 - : 8/4K Flash EPROM Code Lock Bit : 512/256/128/64 byte Data Lock Bit : Internal RC 11.0592MHz/22.1184MHz Selection Bit : Brownout Level Selection Bits : Movc Inhibit Enable Bit Figure 24-2: Config1 register bits C7: 8K Flash EPROM Lock bit This bit is used to protect the customer’s program code. It may be set after the programmer finishes the programming and verifies sequence. Once this bit is set to logic 0, both the Flash EPROM data and CONFIG Registers can not be accessed again. C6: 128 byte Data Flash EPROM Lock bit This bit is used to protect the customer’s 128 bytes of data code. It may be set after the programmer finishes the programming and verifies sequence. Once this bit is set to logic 0, both the 128 bytes of Flash EPROM data and CONFIG Registers can not be accessed again. Bit 7 Bit 6 Function Description 1 1 Both security of 8KB program code and 128 Bytes data area are not locked. They can be erased, programmed or read by Writer or JTAG mode. 0 1 The 8KB program code area is locked. It can not be read and written by Writer or JTAG mode. The 128 Bytes data area can be program or read. The bank erase is invalid. 1 0 Not supported. 0 0 Both security of 8KB program code and 128 Bytes data area are locked. They can not be read and written by Writer or JTAG mode. FS1: Internal Oscillator selection bit This bit is used to select internal oscillator. - 110 - Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet FS1 0 1 Internal Oscillator Output 11.0592MHz 22.1184MHz (default) Internal Oscillator Selection Table CBOV.1-0: Brownout level selection bits These bits are used to select brownout voltage level. CBOV.1 1 1 0 0 CBOV.0 1 0 1 0 Brownout Voltage Brownout voltage is 2.6V Brownout voltage is 2.6V Brownout voltage is 3.8V Brownout voltage is 4.5V C1: MOVC inhibit enable bit MOVC inhibit MOVC access enable bit 0 The movc intruction in external memory cannot access the code in internal memory. 1 No restriction. This bit is used to restrict the accessible region of the MOVC instruction. It can prevent the MOVC instruction in external program memory from reading the internal program code. When this bit is set to logic 0, a MOVC instruction in external program memory space will be able to access code only in the external memory, not in the internal memory. A MOVC instruction in internal program memory space will always be able to access the ROM data in both internal and external memory. If this bit is logic 1, there are no restrictions on the MOVC instruction. - 111 - Publication Release Date: August 21, 2008 Revision A02 Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet 25. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS 25.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITION RATING UNIT VDD−VSS -0.3 +7.0 V Input Voltage VIN VSS-0.3 VDD+0.3 V Operating Temperature TA -40 +85 °C Storage Temperature Tst -55 +150 °C Sink current ISK ?? 90 mA DC Power Supply Note: Exposure to conditions beyond those listed under absolute maximum ratings may adversely affects the lift and reliability of the device. - 112 - Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet 25.2 D.C. Characteristics (TA = -40~85°C, unless otherwise specified.) PARAMETER SPECIFICATION SYM. MIN. Operating Voltage VDD TYP. 2.4 TEST CONDITIONS MAX. UNIT 5.5 V VDD=4.5V ~ 5.5V @ TBD at Alpha Test (22.1184MHz is the desired spec) VDD=4.5V ~ 5.5V @ 22.1184MHz VDD=2.7V ~ 5.5V @ 12MHz VDD=2.4V ~ 5.5V @ 4MHz Operating Current IDD1 6 IDD2 Idle Current 8 mA 25 IIDLE 5 No load, /RST = VSS, VDD= 3.0V @ 22.1184MHz Vdd=5.0V @22.1184MHz 6.5 mA No load, VDD = 3.0V @ 22.1184MHz Power Down Current IPWDN 1 10 μA 1 10 uA No load, VDD = 5.5V @ Disable BOV function No load, VDD = 3.0V @ Disable BOV function Input / Output Input Current P0, P1, P2, P3, P5 IIN1 -50 - +10 μA VDD = 5.5V, VIN = 0V or VIN=VDD Input Current P1.5(RST pin)[1] IIN2 -60 -45 -32 μA VDD = 5.5V, VIN = 0.45V Input Leakage Current P0, P1, P2, P3, P5 (Open Drain) ILK -10 - +10 μA VDD = 5.5V, 0<VIN<VDD -450 - -246 μA VDD = 5.5V, VIN<2.0V -93 - -56 0 - 1.0 0 - 0.6 1.0 2.0 - VDD +0.2 1.5 - VDD +0.2 0 - 0.8 0 - 0.4 3.5 - VDD +0.2 2.4 - VDD +0.2 VILS -0.5 - 0.3VDD V VIHS 0.7VDD - VDD+0.5 V 1.6 V Logic 1 to 0 Transition Current P0, P1, P2, P3, P5 ITL [*3] Input Low Voltage P0, P1, P2, P3, P5 (TTL input) VIL1 Input High Voltage P0, P1, P2, P3, P5 (TTL input) VIH1 Input Low Voltage XTAL1[*2] Input High Voltage XTAL1[*2] Negative going threshold (Schmitt input) Positive going threshold (Schmitt input) VIL3 VIH3 Hysteresis voltage VHY Input Low Voltage RST [*1] V IL21 0.2VDD - 1.0 - 113 - Vdd=2.4 Vin = 1.3v VDD = 4.5V V V V V VDD = 2.4V VDD = 5.5V VDD = 2.4V VDD = 4.5V VDD = 3.0V VDD = 5.5V VDD = 3.0V V VDD=4.5V Publication Release Date: August 21, 2008 Revision A02 Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet Input High Voltage RST V IL22 - 0.7 0.8 V VDD=2.7V VIH21 3.5 2.3 VDD+0.2 V VDD=5.5V [*1] VIH22 2 1.5 VDD+0.2 V ISR1 -16 -26 -36 mA VDD = 4.5V, VS = 2.4V -5 -7.9 -11 mA VDD = 2.4V, VS = 2.0V -150 -210 -360 μA VDD = 4.5V, VS = 2.4V (Quasi-bidirectional Mode) -39 -53 -69 μA VDD = 2.4V, VS = 2.0V Sink Current P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5 13 18.5 24 mA VDD = 4.5V, VS = 0.45V 9 15 21 Source Current P0, P1, P2, P3, P5 (PUSH-PULL Mode) Source Current P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5 ISR2 VDD=2.7V ISK2 (Quasi-bidirectional and PUSHPULL Mode) VDD = 2.4V, VS = 0.45V Brownout voltage with BOV[1:0] =00b VBO2.4 2.55 2.6 2.85 V Brownout voltage with BOV[1:0] =01b VBO2.7 2.55 2.6 2.85 V Brownout voltage with BOV[1:0] =10b VBO3.8 3.65 3.8 3.95 V Brownout voltage with BOV[1:0] =11b VBO4.5 4.35 4.5 4.65 V VBh 70 - 140 mV Hysterisis range of BOD voltage VDD = 2.4V~5.5V Notes: *1. RST pin is a Schmitt trigger input. RST has internal pull-low resistor. *2. XTAL1 is a CMOS input. *3. Pins of P0, P1, P2, P3 and P5 can source a transition current when they are being externally driven from 1 to 0. The transition current reaches its maximum value when Vin approximates to 2V. 25.3 A.C. Characteristics tCLCL tCLCH tCLCX tCHCL tCHCX Note: Duty cycle is 50%. 25.3.1 External Clock Characteristics PARAMETER SYMBOL MIN. TYP. MAX. UNITS Clock High Time tCHCX 22.6 - - nS Clock Low Time tCLCX 22.6 - - nS Clock Rise Time tCLCH - - 10 nS - 114 - NOTES Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet Clock Fall Time tCHCL - - 10 nS 25.3.2 AC Specification PARAMETER SYMBOL VARIABLE CLOCK MIN. VARIABLE CLOCK MAX. UNITS 1/tCLCL 0 24 MHz Oscillator Frequency 25.3.3 External clock Characteristics PARAMETER SYMBOL MIN TYP MAX UNITS Clock High Time tCHCX 12.5 ns Clock Low Time tCLCX 12.5 ns Clock Rise Time tCLCH 10 ns Clock Fall Time tCLCL 10 ns NOTES tCLCL tCLCH tCLCX tCHCX tCHCL Note: Duty cycle is 50% Figure 25-1 External clock characteristics 25.3.4 Serial Port Mode 0 Timing Characteristics PARAMETER SYMBOL Serial Port Clock Cycle Time tXLXL MIN TYP 12 tCLCL SM2=1 4 clocks per cycle 4 tCLCL 10 tCLCL SM2=1 4 clocks per cycle 3 tCLCL ns tXHQX SM2=0 12 clocks per cycle 2 tCLCL SM2=1 4 clocks per cycle tCLCL Input Data Hold after Clock Rising NOTES ns tQVXH SM2=0 12 clocks per cycle Output Data Hold to Clock Rising Edge UNITS ns SM2=0 12 clocks per cycle Output Data Setup to Clock Rising Edge MAX ns tXHDX SM2=0 12 clocks per cycle tCLCL SM2=1 4 clocks per cycle tCLCL - 115 - Publication Release Date: August 21, 2008 Revision A02 Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet ns tXHDV Clock Rising Edge to Input Data Valid SM2=0 12 clocks per cycle 11 tCLCL SM2=1 4 clocks per cycle 3 tCLCL 25.3.5 Program Memory Read Cycle t LHLL t LLIV ALE t AVLL t PLPH tPLIV PSEN t PXIZ tLLPL t PLAZ t LLAX1 ADDRESS A0-A7 PORT0 t PXIX ADDRESS A0-A7 INSTRUCTION IN t AVIV1 t AVIV2 PORT2 ADDRESS A8-15 ADDRESS A8-15 Figure 25-2 Program Memory Read Cycle 25.3.6 Data Memory Read Cycle t LLDV ALE t WHLH t LLWL PSEN tRLRH t LLAX1 tRLDV RD t AVLL PORT0 INSTRUCTION IN t RHDZ t RLAZ t AVWL1 t RHDX DATA IN ADDRESS A0-A7 t AVDV1 tAVDV2 PORT2 ADDRESS A8-15 Figure 25-3 Data Memory Read Cycle - 116 - ADDRESS A0-A7 Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet 25.3.7 Data Memory Write Cycle ALE tWHLH t LLWL PSEN t WLWH t LLAX2 t AVLL WR t AVWL1 tWHQX t QVWX PORT0 INSTRUCTION IN ADDRESS A0-A7 ADDRESS A0-A7 DATA OUT t AVDV2 ADDRESS A8-15 PORT2 Figure 25-4 Data Memory Write Cycle 25.3.8 I2C Bus Timing Characteristics PARAMETER SYMBOL Standard Mode I2C Bus Min. Max. UNIT SCL clock frequency fSCL 0 100 kHz bus free time between a STOP and START condition tBUF 4.7 - uS Hold time (repeated) START condition. After this period, the first clock pulse is generated tHd;STA 4.0 - uS Low period of the SCL clock tLOW 4.7 - uS HIGH period of the SCL clock tHIGH 4.0 - uS Set-up time for a repeated START condition tSU;STA 4.7 - uS Data hold time tHD;DAT 5.0 - uS Data set-up time tSU;DAT 250 - nS Rise time of both SDA and SCL signals tr - 1000 nS Fall time of both SDA and SCL signals tf - 300 nS Set-up time for STOP condition tSU;STO 4.0 - uS Capacitive load for each bus line Cb - 400 pF - 117 - Publication Release Date: August 21, 2008 Revision A02 Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet STOP Repeated START START STOP SDA tBUF tLOW tr SCL tf tHIGH tHD;STA tHD;DAT tSU;DAT tSU;STA tSU;STO Figure 25-5: I2C Bus Timing EXPLANATION OF LOGIC SYMBOLS In order to maintain compatibility with the original 8051 family, this device specifies the same parameter as such device, using the same symbols. The explanation of the symbols is as follows. t Time A Address C Clock D Input Data H Logic level high L Logic level low I Instruction P PSEN Q Output Data R RD signal V Valid W WR signal X No longer a valid state Z Tri-state - 118 - Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet 25.4 Typical Application Circuit CRYSTAL C1 C2 R 4MHz ~ 22.1184 MHz without without without The above table shows the reference values for crystal applications. C1 XTAL1 R XTAL2 C2 N79E352 - 119 - Publication Release Date: August 21, 2008 Revision A02 Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet 26. PACKAGE DIMENSIONS 26.1 40-pin DIP D 40 21 1 20 1 E E S c 2 1 AA A Base Plane Seating Plane L B e1 α B1 Symbol A A1 A2 B B1 c D E E1 e1 L α eA S Dimension in inch Dimension in mm Min Nom Max Min Nom Max 5.33 0.210 0.010 0.25 0.150 0.155 0.160 3.81 3.94 4.06 0.016 0.018 0.022 0.41 0.46 0.56 0.048 0.050 0.054 1.22 1.27 1.37 0.008 0.010 0.014 0.20 0.25 0.36 2.055 2.070 52.20 52.58 0.590 0.600 0.610 14.99 15.24 15.49 0.540 0.545 0.550 13.72 13.84 13.97 0.090 0.100 0.110 2.29 2.54 2.79 0.120 0.130 0.140 3.05 3.56 0 0 15 3.30 15 0.630 0.650 0.670 16.00 16.51 17.02 0.090 - 120 - 2.29 eA Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet 26.2 44-pin PLCC H D D 6 1 44 40 7 39 E 17 E E H G 29 18 28 c L 2 A e b b Seating Plane G Symbol A A1 A2 b 1 b c D E e GD GE HD HE L y A 1 A y 1 D Dimension in inch Min Dimension in mm Nom Max Nom Min Max 0.185 4.70 0.020 0.51 0.145 0.150 0.155 3.68 3.81 3.94 0.026 0.028 0.032 0.66 0.71 0.81 0.016 0.018 0.022 0.41 0.46 0.56 0.008 0.010 0.014 0.20 0.25 0.36 0.648 0.653 0.658 16.46 16.59 16.71 0.658 16.46 0.648 0.653 0.050 16.59 1.27 BSC 16.71 BSC 16.00 0.590 0.610 0.630 14.99 15.49 0.590 0.610 0.630 14.99 15.49 16.00 0.680 0.690 0.700 17.27 17.53 17.78 0.680 0.690 0.700 17.27 17.53 17.78 0.090 0.100 0.110 2.29 2.54 2.79 0.004 - 121 - 0.10 Publication Release Date: August 21, 2008 Revision A02 Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet 26.3 44-pin PQFP H D D 34 44 33 1 E E H 11 12 e b 22 c 2 A Seating Plane A 1 See Detail F L A y L Symbol A A1 A2 b c D E e HD HE L L1 y 0 Dimension in inch Min Nom Dimension in mm Max Min Nom Max 0.25 0.5 - 0.002 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.075 0.081 0.087 1.90 2.05 2.20 0.01 0.014 0.018 0.25 0.35 0.45 0.004 0.006 0.010 0.10 0.15 0.390 0.394 0.398 9.9 10.00 10.1 0.390 0.394 0.398 9.9 10.00 10.1 .0315 0.25 0.80 0.510 0.520 0.530 12.95 13.20 13.45 0.510 0.520 0.530 12.95 13.20 13.45 0.025 0.031 0.037 0.65 0.8 0.10 0.004 0 0.95 1.60 0.063 10 0 - 122 - 10 1 Detail F Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet 26.4 48-pin LQFP - 123 - Publication Release Date: August 21, 2008 Revision A02 Preliminary N79E352 Data Sheet 27. REVISION HISTORY VERSION DATE PAGE A01 August 14, 2008 - A02 August 21, 2008 7,8 DESCRIPTION Initial Issued Update pin configurations. Important Notice Nuvoton products are not designed, intended, authorized or warranted for use as components in systems or equipment intended for surgical implantation, atomic energy control instruments, airplane or spaceship instruments, transportation instruments, traffic signal instruments, combustion control instruments, or for other applications intended to support or sustain life. Further more, Nuvoton products are not intended for applications wherein failure of Nuvoton products could result or lead to a situation wherein personal injury, death or severe property or environmental damage could occur. Nuvoton customers using or selling these products for use in such applications do so at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify Nuvoton for any damages resulting from such improper use or sales. - 124 -