PC-77DS1 APEX Signal, A Division of NAI, Inc. EIGHT (1.2 VA) DIGITAL to SYNCHRO/RESOLVER CONVERTERS 4 TWO-SPEED or 8 SINGLE-SPEED or COMBINATION (PROGRAMMABLE) 16 BIT RESOLUTION; To .0083° ACCURACY; ON-BOARD PROGRAMMABLE REFERENCE SUPPLY SELF TEST and Programmable Rotation FEATURES: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 16-bit resolution 30 arc-seconds accuracy 360 Hz to 10 kHz operation 1.2 VA drive capability 2,4,6 or 8-channel versions available Programmable 2-speed ratios (2 to 255) and angle rotation Continuous background BIT testing with Reference and Signal loss detection Power-On Self-Test (POST) Outputs can be turned ON/OFF Either internal or external ±12 VDC supply Optional on-board programmable reference supply Watchdog timer and soft reset Transformer isolated No adjustments or trimming required Part Number, S/N, Date Code and Revision in permanent memory DESCRIPTION: This high density intelligent DSP-based card incorporates up to eight separate transformer isolated Digital-toSynchro/Resolver converters with 1.2 VA drive, extensive diagnostics, signal & reference loss detection and optional 5 VA reference supply. Either one common or eight separate reference inputs can be specified. Each output can be turned ON or OFF via the bus. Two-speed configuration and constant rotation that includes a start and a stop angle can be programmed. Transformer isolation enables user to ground one of the outputs without affecting performance. The optional on−board reference supply is field programmable for both voltage and frequency. A watchdog timer is provided to monitor the processor. This model will drive passive loads such as CT's etc. Part Number, S/N, Date Code, and Revision are located in permanent memory. The ±12VDC is normally derived from the backplane, but jumpers are supplied to permit the card to be powered from external supplies. Major diagnostics are incorporated to offer substantial improvements to system reliability because the user is alerted (within 5 seconds) to channel malfunctions. This approach reduces bus traffic because the Status Registers do not require constant polling. See Programming Instructions for further details. The D2 Test initiates automatic background BIT Testing that compares the output of each channel against the commanded input to a test accuracy of 0.05° and monitors each Output and Reference. Results are available in Status registers. The testing is totally transparent to the user, requires no external programming, has no effect on the standard operation of this card and can be enabled or disabled via the bus. The D3 Test starts a BIT Test that generates and tests 72 different angles, to a testing accuracy of 0.05°. Results can be read from Status Registers. External reference is required and testing requires no external programming, and can be Initiated or terminated via the bus. CAUTION: Outputs must be ON and are therefore active during this test. Check connected loads for possible interaction. Power-On Self-Test (POST), if enabled, initiates the D3 Test upon turn-on and is enabled/disabled via the bus. Apex Signal, A Division of NAI, Inc. 170 Wilbur Place, Bohemia, NY, 11716,USA 631.567.1100/631.567.1823(fax) www.naii.com / e-mail:sales@naii.com 3-20-01 Code:OVGU1 S 77 DS1 A001 REV A 1.2 Page 1 of 8 SPECIFICATIONS (applies to each Channel) Resolution: Accuracy: Output format: Output voltage: Output load: Regulation: Ratio: Rotation: 16 bits (.0055°) 30 arc-seconds (.008°) at 0.3 VA ±1 arc-minute (.017°) at 1.2 VA. No load to full load See part number, transformer isolated See code table and part number. 1.2 VA max./channel. Short circuit protected (5000 Ω reactive at 90 VL-L Synchro, 90 Ω reactive at 11.8 VL-L Synchro, 110 Ω reactive at 11.8 VL-L Resolver) 5% maximum, no load to Full load Set any ratio between 2 and 255 Continuous rotation or programmable Start and Stop angles. 0 to ±13.6 RPS with a resolution of 0.15°/sec. Step size is 16 bits (0.0055)° up to 1.5 RPS, then linearly increases to 12 bits (0.088°) at 13.6 RPS. Reference input voltage: Reference frequency: Phase shift: Settling time: Power: Temperature, operating: Size: Weight: (See code table and part number) Transformer isolated. 1 ma max./channel 360 Hz to 10 kHz (see code table and part number) 5° max. between output and reference. Less than 100 microseconds + 5 VDC at 0.4 A ±12 VDC at 1.6 A average, 4 A peak (for 8 channels). Power supplies must be able to supply peak power without current limiting. 0°C to +70°C. Storage temperature: -55°C to +85°C. 4.5 x13.5 x 0.74 (11.43 x 34.29 x 1.88 cm) 12 oz. (.605 kg) REFERENCE: Voltage: Frequency: Regulation: Output power: Optional (see part number). 2.0 to 28 Vrms programmable (Resolution 0.1Vrms) or 115 Vrms fixed. Accuracy ±2%, 360 Hz to 10 kHz ±1% with 1 Hz resolution. 10% maximum, no load to full load. 5 VA max. at 40° min. inductive (see part number). PROGRAMMING: I/O CONFIGURATION: This card requires 32 consecutive addresses in the I/O address space on a 32-byte boundary. The base address is switch settable in the 000-3E0 hex (0 to 992) address range. ADDRESS= BASE + OFFSET BASE A9 A8 A7 A6 A5 OFFSET A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 Decimal equiv. 32 SW1∗ 64 SW2∗ 128 SW3∗ 256 SW4∗ 512 SW5∗ ∗ “1” = Off “0” = On NOTE: Base addresses to avoid: 378-37F Parallel Printer Port 3B0-3BF Monochrome Display 3F8-3FF Asynch Comm I/O 3F0-3F7 Floppy Disk Page 1 (1E = 0) 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 Ch.1 Ch.1 Ch.2 Ch.2 Ch.3 Ch.3 Ch.4 Ch.4 Lo Hi Lo Hi Lo Hi Lo Hi write write write write write write write write 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F Ch.5 Ch.5 Ch.6 Ch.6 Ch.7 Ch.7 Ch.8 Ch.8 Lo Hi Lo Hi Lo Hi Lo Hi write write write write write write write write Apex Signal, A Division of NAI, Inc. 170 Wilbur Place, Bohemia, NY, 11716,USA 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 Freq. Lo Freq. Hi Eo Lo Eo Hi Status, Reference Status, Signal Status, Test Test (D2) verification write/read write/read write/read write/read read read read write/read 631.567.1100/631.567.1823(fax) www.naii.com / e-mail:sales@naii.com 1A 1C 1D 1E Active channels Save Lo Save Hi Page register = 0 3-20-01 Code:OVGU1 write/read write write write S 7 7DS1 A001 REV A 1.2 Page 2 of 8 Page 2 (1E = 1) 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 Part # Lo Part # Hi Serial # Lo Serial # Hi Date code Lo Date code Hi Rev level Lo read read read read read read read 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D Rev level Hi Wrap-around Ch. 1 Lo Wrap-around Ch. 1 Hi Wrap-around Ch. 2 Lo Wrap-around Ch. 2 Hi Wrap-around Ch. 3 Lo Wrap-around Ch. 3 Hi read read read read read read read 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 Wrap-around Ch. 4 Lo read Wrap-around Ch. 4 Hi read Wrap-around Ch. 5 Lo read Wrap-around Ch. 5 Hi read Wrap-around Ch. 6 Lo read Wrap-around Ch. 6 Hi read Wrap-around Ch. 7 Lo read 15 16 17 18 1A/1B 1C/1D 1E Wrap-around Ch. 7 Hi read Wrap-around Ch. 8 Lo read Wrap-around Ch. 8 Hi read Power-on (POST) read/write Watchdog timer read/write Soft reset write Page register = 1 write Page 3 (1E = 2) 00 01 02 03 04 Stop angle Ch.1 Lo Stop angle Ch.1 Hi Stop angle Ch.2 Lo Stop angle Ch.2 Hi Stop angle Ch.3 Lo read/write read/write read/write read/write read/write 05 06 07 08 09 Stop angle Ch.3 Hi Stop angle Ch.4 Lo Stop angle Ch.4 Hi Stop angle Ch.5 Lo Stop angle Ch.5 Hi read/write 0A read/write 0B read/write 0C read/write 0D read/write 0E Stop angle Ch.6 Lo Stop angle Ch.6 Hi Stop angle Ch.7 Lo Stop angle Ch.7 Hi Stop angle Ch.8 Lo read/write read/write read/write read/write read/write 0F Stop angle Ch.8 Hi read/write read 16 Rotation Complete write/read 18 Rotation, Mode 1A Test Enable write/read 1E Page register = 2 write Page 4 (1E = 3) 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 Rotate rate Ch.1 Lo read/write Rotate rate Ch.1 Hi read/write Rotate rate Ch.2 Lo read/write Rotate rate Ch.2 Hi read/write Rotate rate Ch.3 Lo read/write Rotate rate Ch.3 Hi read/write Rotate rate Ch.4 Lo read/write Rotate rate Ch.4 Hi read/write Data Hi Data Lo Outputs, ON/OFF Test Enable Rotation, Mode Rotation, INITIATE Rotation, Stop Rotation, completed Active channels Status, Reference Status, Signal Status, Test 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F Rotate rate Ch.5 Lo read/write Rotate rate Ch.5 Hi read/write Rotate rate Ch.6 Lo read/write Rotate rate Ch.6 Hi read/write Rotate rate Ch.7 Lo read/write Rotate rate Ch.7 Hi read/write Rotate rate Ch.8 Lo read/write Rotate rate Ch.8 Hi read/write D7 180 .703 Ch.8 X Ch.8 Ch.8 Ch.8 Ch.8 Ch.8 Ch.8 Ch.8 Ch.8 D6 90 .352 Ch.7 X Ch.7 Ch.7 Ch.7 Ch.7 Ch.7 Ch.7 Ch.7 Ch.7 D5 45 .176 Ch.6 X Ch.6 Ch.6 Ch.6 Ch.6 Ch.6 Ch.6 Ch.6 Ch.6 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Ratio, Ch.1/2 Lo read/write Ratio, Ch.1/2 Hi read/write Ratio, Ch.3/4 Lo read/write Ratio, Ch.3/4 Hi read/write Ratio, Ch.5/6 Lo read/write Ratio, Ch.5/6 Hi read/write Ratio, Ch.7/8 Lo read/write Ratio, Ch.7/8 Hi read/write D4 D3 D2 22.5 11.25 5.625 .088 .044 .022 Ch.5 Ch.4 Ch.3 X D3 D2 Ch.5 Ch.4 Ch.3 Ch.5 Ch.4 Ch.3 Ch.5 Ch.4 Ch.3 Ch.5 Ch.4 Ch.3 Ch.5 Ch.4 Ch.3 Ch.5 Ch.4 Ch.3 Ch.5 Ch.4 Ch.3 Ch.5 Ch.4 Ch.3 D1 2.813 .011 Ch.2 X Ch.2 Ch.2 Ch.2 Ch.2 Ch.2 Ch.2 Ch.2 Ch.2 18 Outputs ON/OFF 1A Rotation, Initiate 1C Rotation, Stop 1E Page register = 3 read/write write write write D0 1.406 .0055 Ch.1 X Ch.1 Ch.1 Ch.1 Ch.1 Ch.1 Ch.1 Ch.1 Ch.1 At Power-On or System Reset, all parameters are restored to last saved setup and if POST is enabled, a D3 test is initiated. Enter Active Channels: Set the bit, corresponding to each channel to be monitored during BIT testing, in the Active Channel register at Page 1, 1Ah. “1”=active; “0”=not used. Omitting this step will produce false alarms because unused channels will set faults. Save Setup: The current setup can be saved by writing 5555h to the Save Register at Page 1, 1C/1Dh. This location will automatically clear to 0000h when the save is completed (within 5 seconds). When save is elected, all parameters are saved, however, any parameter can be changed at will. Saving is optional. If not saved, reenter parameters at each power up. To restore factory shipped parameters, write AAAAh to the Save Register at Page 1, 1C/1Dh followed by system reset. Note: After a SAVE or RESTORE, Poll Page 1, 1C/1Dh and do not perform any other operation until word is at "0". Read and Write Angle: For single-speed applications (Ratio=1), in 16-bit mode, write 16-bit binary data (or 16bit 2’s compliment data) to address Page 1, 00h for Ch.1; to 02h for Ch.2 etc. In 8-bit mode, write to offset 00h/01h to 0Eh/0Fh. The Write Registers are double buffered to prevent data ambiguity during 8-bit data transfer. Load data into Hi byte register first, followed by the Lo byte. When reading the wrap around test angles, read the Hi byte first. Apex Signal, A Division of NAI, Inc. 170 Wilbur Place, Bohemia, NY, 11716,USA 631.567.1100/631.567.1823(fax) www.naii.com / e-mail:sales@naii.com 3-20-01 Code:OVGU1 S 7 7DS1 A001 REV A 1.2 Page 3 of 8 Hi byte read holds Lo byte until read (ex. 330°=1110101010101011). For two-speed applications, write only to first channel of channel pair (Coarse speed), and card will set angle of second channel (fine speed), to the Coarse angle multiplied by the ratio. Note: writing to an input angle register will stop any rotation initiated on that channel. Ratio: Enter the desired ratio, as a binary number, in the Ratio Register corresponding to the pair of channels to be used as a two-speed channel. Example: Single speed = 1; 36:1 = 100100. ON/OFF: Set the bit corresponding to each channel to be turned on, to “1” in Outputs On/Off Register at page 4, 18h. To turn OFF a channel, set corresponding bit to “0”. Default is OFF. Read Wrap-Around Angles: Read at addresses Page 2, 08h to 17h. AVAILABLE AT ALL TIMES. Rotation Rate: Write to the corresponding Rotation Rate register a 2’s compliment number representing the desired rotation rate, LSB = 0.15°/sec. Ex: 12 RPS =. (12 x 360°/0.15° = 28800 = 7080h), -12 RPS = ( -12 x 360°/0.15° = -28800 = 8F80h). Step size is 16 bits (0.0055°) for up to 1.5 RPS, then linearly increases to 12 bits (0.088°) at 13.6 RPS. Rotation Mode, Continuous or Start/Stop: For continuous rotation, set the corresponding channel bits to "1" in the register at page 3, 18h. For rotation to cease at a designated stop angle, set the bit to "0". Stop Angles: Write 16-bit binary data to appropriate address at page 3, 00h to 0Fh. After a channel reaches the stop angle, it will stop rotating and remain at that angle until a new input angle is set. If rotation is initiated again, the angle will start rotating from the present angle. Initiate Rotation: First set the Rotation Rate Registers and Rotation Mode Register, for each channel that is to rotate. Then, to start rotation for those channels, set the corresponding channel bit to a “1” in the Rotation Initiate Register at page 4, 1Ah. Stop Rotation: Set the corresponding bit, for each channel to be stopped, to a “1” in the Rotation Stop Register at page 4, 1Ch. Channel will remain at the stopped angle until new input angles are set, or rotation is again initiated. Rotation Completed: Read the Rotation Completed Register at page 3, 16h. Each bit corresponds to a given channel. A "1" = rotation completed, "0"=rotation in process. Power-On Self-Test (POST) will initiate the D3 test on Power-On, if POST is enabled and saved. Enable by writing "1" or Disable by writing "0" to POST register at page 2, 18h and then save setup. D2 Test Enable: Writing “1” to D2 of Test Enable Register at page 3, 1Ah initiates automatic background BIT testing that checks the output accuracy of each channel, by comparing the measured output angle, before the output transformer, to the commanded angle, and monitors each Reference and Signal. The status bits will be set to indicate an accuracy problem or Signal/Reference loss and the results can be read from Status Registers within 2 seconds. A “0” deactivates this test. The testing is totally transparent to the user, requires no external programming, has no effect on the standard operation of this card and can be enabled or disabled via the bus. Outputs must be ON for test to function. Card will write 55h (every 2 seconds) to D2 Test Verify Register at page 1, 18h when D2 is enabled. User can periodically clear to 0000h and then read page 1, 18h again, after 2 seconds, to verify that BIT Testing is activated. This test continuously sequences between the eight channels on the card with each output being measured for approx. 180 mSec. If the measured angle has an error greater the 0.05º, a flag will be set in the appropriate register. If the input angle is stepped more then 0.05º during a test cycle, the test cycle will not generally indicate an error. D3 Test Enable: Writing “1” to D3 of Test Enable Register at page 3, 1Ah initiates a BIT Test that generates and tests 72 different angles to a test accuracy of 0.05°. External reference is required and outputs must be ON. The Status bits will be set to indicate an accuracy problem or Signal or Reference loss. Results are available in Status Registers. Test cycle takes about 30 seconds and D3 changes from “1” to “0” when test is complete. The testing requires no external programming, and can be initiated or terminated via the bus. CAUTION: Outputs must be ON during this test and are therefore active. Check connected loads for possible interaction. Apex Signal, A Division of NAI, Inc. 170 Wilbur Place, Bohemia, NY, 11716,USA 631.567.1100/631.567.1823(fax) www.naii.com / e-mail:sales@naii.com 3-20-01 Code:OVGU1 S 7 7DS1 A001 REV A 1.2 Page 4 of 8 Status, Test: Check the corresponding bit of the Test Status Register at page 1, 16h, for status of BIT Testing for each active channel. A ”1” means Accuracy OK; “0” failed (test cycle takes 2 seconds for accuracy error). Status, Ref: Check the corresponding bit of the Ref Status Register at page 1, 14h, for status of the reference input for each active channel. A ”1” =Ref. ON, “0” = Ref. Loss (Reference loss is detected after 2 seconds). Status, Sig: Check the corresponding bit of the Sig Status Register at page 1, 15h, for status of the input signals for each active channel. A "1" = Signal ON, “0” = Signal loss (Signal loss is detected after 2 seconds). Soft Reset (Level sensitive): Writing “1” to page 2, 1Ch/1Dh initiates and holds software reset state. Then, writing “0” initiates reboot (takes 400 ms). This function is equivalent to a power-on self-test. Watchdog Timer: This feature monitors the watchdog timer register at page 2, 1A/1Bh. When it detects that a code has been received, that code will be inverted within 100 µSec. The inverted code stays in the register until replaced by a new code. User, after 100 µSec. should look for the inverted code to confirm that the processor is operating. Optional Reference Supply: For frequency, write a 16-bit word (Ex: 400 Hz = 1 1001 0000) to address page 1, 10/11h. For voltage, write an 16-bit word (Ex: 26.1 Vrms =1 0000 0101) with Lsb=0.1 Vrms, to address page 1, 12/13h. It is recommended that user program the required frequency before setting the output voltage. Serial Number: At page 2, 02/03h, is read as a 16-bit binary word. Date Code: Read as a decimal number at page 2, 04/05h. The four digits represent YYWW (Year,Year,Week.Week 15 14 13 12 11 10 0 0 0 0 1 1 DSP Rev 1.1 Rev: At page 1, 06/07h. Example 9 0 8 7 6 5 0 0 0 1 FPGA Rev 3 4 1 3 0 2 1 0 0 PC Rev 0 1 1 Front panel Connectors: DC37P, Mate: DC37S This connector is used when six (6) or fewer channels are specified Pin 19 37 18 36 17 35 Ch. 1 S1 S2 S3 S4 RHi RLo Pin 16 34 15 33 14 32 Ch. 2 S1 S2 S3 S4 ∗RHi ∗RLo Pin 13 31 12 30 11 29 Ch. 3 Pin Ch. 4 S1 10 S1 S2 28 S2 S3 9 S3 S4 27 S4 8 ∗RHi ∗RHi 26 ∗RLo ∗RLo Pin 7 25 6 24 5 23 Ch. 5 S1 S2 S3 S4 ∗RHi ∗RLo Pin 4 22 3 21 2 20 Ch. 6 Pin S1 1 Chassis S2 S3 S4 ∗RHi ∗RLo DD-50P, Mate: DD-50S This connector is used when seven (7) or eight (8) channels are specified Pin 16 17 15 50 33 49 Ch. 1 S1 S2 S3 S4 RHi RLo Pin 32 48 31 47 30 46 Ch. 2 S1 S2 S3 S4 ∗RHi ∗RLo Pin 29 45 28 44 27 43 Ch. 3 Pin Ch. 4 S1 26 S1 S2 42 S2 S3 25 S3 S4 41 S4 24 ∗RHi ∗RHi 40 ∗RLo ∗RLo S4 pins used only with Resolvers. Pin 23 39 22 38 21 37 Ch. 5 S1 S2 S3 S4 ∗RHi ∗RLo Pin 20 36 19 35 18 34 Ch. 6 Pin Ch. 7 Pin Ch. 8 S1 2 S1 8 S1 S2 3 S2 9 S2 S3 4 S3 10 S3 S4 5 S4 11 S4 6 ∗RHi 12 ∗RHi ∗RHi 7 ∗RLo 13 ∗RLo ∗RLo Pin 14 RefHi 1 RefLo Do not connect to any undesignated pins. *These inputs are supplied as individual reference inputs ONLY when specified in the part number. The Standard output connector for a 2, 4, or 6 channel card, is the 37 pin (DC-37P) connector, however the 50 pin (DD-50P) connector can be ordered as an option, allowing separate pins for the output of the on board reference. Apex Signal, A Division of NAI, Inc. 170 Wilbur Place, Bohemia, NY, 11716,USA 631.567.1100/631.567.1823(fax) www.naii.com / e-mail:sales@naii.com 3-20-01 Code:OVGU1 S 7 7DS1 A001 REV A 1.2 Page 5 of 8 The Standard output connector for a 8 channel card, is the 50 pin (DC-50P) connector. For the 37 pin connector, the reference is brought IN on pins 17 & 35 (without the optional internal reference). If the optional internal reference generator is specified, this internal reference will come OUT on pins 17 & 35. For the 50 pin connector, the reference is brought IN on pins 33 & 49 (without the optional internal reference). If the optional internal reference generator is specified, this internal reference will come OUT on pins 33 & 49 AND on pins 14 & 1. EXTERNAL +/- 12VDC: The card is shipped, configured for operation from +/- 12 VDC power supplied from edge connector. To operate from External +/- 12VDC supplies: From jumper block JP5, remove jumpers 1-2, and 5-6, then connect jumpers 3-4 , and 7-8. Leave jumper 9 – 10 connected. Connect external +12 VDC to JP4-4 (labeled +12), connect external –12 VDC to JP4-2 (labeled –12) and external grounds to JP4-1 and JP4-3 (common tie points ) CONNECTIONS FOR BRINGING +/- 12 VDC INTO THE CARD FROM AN EXTERNAL SOURCE - 12 VDC COMPONENT SIDE OF BOARD GROUND JI + 12 VDC JP4 CONNECTIONS, FOR EXTERNAL +/- 12 VDC 1 JP5 JUMPER SET-UP FOR BRINGING +/- 12 VDC IN VIA EXTERNAL WIRES JP5 JUMPER SET-UP FOR BRINGING +/- 12 VDC IN FROM EDGE CONNECTOR (DEFAULT SET-UP) Apex Signal, A Division of NAI, Inc. 170 Wilbur Place, Bohemia, NY, 11716,USA 2 3 4 9 1 10 2 9 1 10 2 631.567.1100/631.567.1823(fax) www.naii.com / e-mail:sales@naii.com 3-20-01 Code:OVGU1 S 7 7DS1 A001 REV A 1.2 Page 6 of 8 Code Table Code Output (VL-L) Ref (Vrms) 01 02 25 26 27 11.8 90 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 26 115 2.0 6.0 8.0 11.8 400 400 7200 4000 2400 2400 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 3.5 6.8 10.0 11.8 11.8 11.8 11.8 26 2.0 2.5 26 7 1.5 7.07 115 10.0 11.8 115 26 115 26 6.0 5.0 26 7 3.0 3000 400 400 2500 400 400 400 400 4000 2900 400 400 2048 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 28 29 31 32 33 34 50 51 52 53 54 55 Frequency (Hz) Apex Signal, A Division of NAI, Inc. 170 Wilbur Place, Bohemia, NY, 11716,USA Load (VA) Notes Channel 1 Channel 2 Channels 1 and 2 Channels 3 to 8 2 ch resolver 4 ch resolver 50 ma drive 631.567.1100/631.567.1823(fax) www.naii.com / e-mail:sales@naii.com 3-20-01 Code:OVGU1 S 7 7DS1 A001 REV A 1.2 Page 7 of 8 PART NUMBER DESIGNATION 77DS1 - X X X X X X - XX TOTAL NUMBER OF CHANNELS 2 = 2 D/S Channels 4 = 4 D/S Channels 6 = 6 D/S Channels 8 = 8 D/S Channels ENVIRONMENTAL C = No Conformal Coating K = Removable Conformal Coating CODE (See Code Table) OPTIONS 2 0 = None 9 = Custom Design (See Separate Spec) OPTIONS 1 With On-Board Reference: 1 = One Common Reference Input Tied to the On-Board Reference Supply 2 = Individual Reference Inputs 5 = 2, 4, or 6 channels with Optional 50 Pin connector, with separate pins for reference output FORMAT S = Synchro R = Resolver M = Mixed (See Code Table) P = S/R Programmable ISA BUS 1 = 8-Bit ISA Bus 2 = 16-Bit ISA Bus Apex Signal, A Division of NAI, Inc. 170 Wilbur Place, Bohemia, NY, 11716,USA Without On-Board Reference: 3 = One Common Reference Input 4 = Individual Reference Inputs 631.567.1100/631.567.1823(fax) www.naii.com / e-mail:sales@naii.com 3-20-01 Code:OVGU1 S 7 7DS1 A001 REV A 1.2 Page 8 of 8