Pulse Jack Inductors Designed for National’s 50 kHz Simple Switcher™ Electronics Designed for use with National’s device numbers LM2574/LM2575/LM2576 Base material meets flammability requirements of UL 94V-0 Performance verified by National Semiconductor Electrical Specifications @ 25°C— Operating Temperature -40° to +130° C Part Identification Reference Operating Values 1 Design Control Values Part Number Inductor Code Inductance Typical (µH) Idc (Amps) ETop (V-µSec) Inductance No DC 2 (µH ± 20%) DCR (Ω MAX) Package Style Lead Diameter PE-53112 L47 47 3.0 90 38 0.05 KM-2.0 .025 PE-92114K L68 36 5.0 90 56 0.02 KM-4.0 .040 PE-92108K L100 100 3.0 90 91 0.04 KM-4.0 .032 PE-53113 L150 150 2.0 90 130 0.10 KM-4.0 .025 PE-52626 L220 220 1.4 90 230 0.38 Low Profile .025 SQ. PE-53145 L220 220 1.4 90 176 0.14 KM-3.0 .020 PE-52627 L330 330 0.9 90 302 0.74 Low Profile .025 SQ. PE-53146 L330 330 0.9 90 267 0.18 KM-3.0 .020 PE-53114 L470 470 0.64 90 426 0.16 KM-4.0 .025 PE-52629 L680 680 .85 90 657 1.25 Low Profile .025 SQ. PE-53115 H150 150 3.0 200 136 0.10 KM-4.0 .025 PE-53116 H220 220 3.0 200 167 0.07 KM-5.0 .032 PE-53117 H330 330 3.0 200 292 0.15 KM-5.0 .025 PE-53118 H470 470 2.0 200 369 0.17 KM-5.0 .025 PE-53119 H680 680 1.3 200 562 0.20 KM-5.0 .025 PE-53120 H1000 1000 0.95 200 762 0.24 KM-5.0 .025 PE-53121 H1500 1500 0.62 200 1150 1.00 Case .032 PE-53122 H220 2200 0.42 200 1886 1.80 Case .032 NOTES: 1. Typical inductance occurs at the Idc and ETop values shown. 2. The control value of inductance is measured at Bop equal to or less than 10 gauss without DC current. 3. Inductance decreases with higher values of DC current and increases with lower values of DC current. 1 pulseelectronics.com 4. Inductance increases with increase in Bop or ETop. 5. SIMPLE SWITCHER™ is a trademark of National Semiconductor Corporation. 6. RoHS compliant parts are available. Order RoHS compliant parts by adding the suffix “NL” to the part number (i.e. PE-53112 becomes PE-53112NL). P596.E (3/13) Pulse Jack .070 1,78 PE-XXXXX Inductors Designed for National’s 50 kHz Simple Switcher™ .045 1,14 DATE CODE COUNTRY OF ORIGIN 11 .600 15,24 2 SCHEMATIC Electronics .400 Mechanicals 10,16 INDEX MARK .070 1,78 .710 MAX 18,03 Low Profile Series .045 1,14 PE-XXXXX DATE CODE COUNTRY OF ORIGIN .600 15,24 SUGGESTED PAD LAYOUT .070 1,78 .710 MAX 18,03 11 2 .045 1,14 .600 15,24 .460 MAX 11,68 11 2 SCHEMATIC .400 10,16 .400 .010 ± 10,16 0,25 SUGGESTED PAD LAYOUT INDEX MARK .710 MAX 18,03 SCHEMATIC .150 ±.020 3,81 0,51 SUGGESTED PAD LAYOUT .710 MAX 18,03 Case Series .400 10,16 .600 ±.010 15,24 0,25 1.44 MAX 36,57 1 Schematic .460 MAX 11,68 2 1.44 MAX 36,57 .400 ±.010 10,16 0,25 .150 ±.020 3,81 0,51 .600 15,24 .800 MAX 20,32 .900 22,86 PE-53121/2 .600 ±.010 DATE CODE 15,24 COUNTRY 0,25 OF ORIGIN .900 22,86 1 .600 15,24 .020 5,08 2 .095 2,41 3 .055 1,40 3 (No Internal Connections) SCHEMATIC SUGGESTED PAD LAYOUT PAD DIA. KlipMount Series HOLE DIA. PKG ABC DE .450.650.700 .325 .150 KM-2.0 11,43 16,51 17,78 8,26 3,81 .450.830.950 .415 .150 KM-3.0 11,43 21,08 24,13 10,54 3,81 .610.9701.10 .475.225 KM-4.0 15,50 24,64 27,94 12,07 5,72 .7001.301.40 .625.250 KM-5.0 17,78 33,02 35,56 15,88 6,35 LEAD DIA. .025 .025 SQ. .032 .040 HOLE DIA. .035 .048 .045 .056 PAD DIA. .060 .074 .070 .080 Dimensions: Inches mm Unless otherwise specified, all tolerances are ± .010 0,25 For More Information Pulse Worldwide Headquarters 12220 World Trade Drive San Diego, CA 92128 U.S.A. Pulse Europe Zeppelinstrasse 15 71083 Herrenberg Germany Pulse China Headquarters Pulse North China Pulse South Asia Pulse North Asia B402, Shenzhen Academy of Room 2704/2705 135 Joo Seng Road 3F, No. 198 Aerospace Technology Bldg. Super Ocean Finance Ctr. #03-02 Zhongyuan Road 10th Kejinan Road 2067 Yan An Road West PM Industrial Bldg. Zhongli City High-Tech Zone Shanghai 200336 Singapore 368363 Taoyuan County 320 Nanshan District China Taiwan R. O. C. Shenzen, PR China 518057 Tel: 886 3 4356768 Tel: 858 674 8100 Tel: 49 7032 7806 0 Tel: 86 755 33966678 Tel: 86 21 62787060 Tel: 65 6287 8998 Fax: 886 3 4356823 (Pulse) Fax: 858 674 8262 Fax: 49 7032 7806 12 Fax: 86 755 33966700 Fax: 86 2162786973 Fax: 65 6287 8998 Fax: 886 3 4356820 (FRE) Performance warranty of products offered on this data sheet is limited to the parameters specified. Data is subject to change without notice. Other brand and product names mentioned herein may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. © Copyright, 2013. Pulse Electronics, Inc. All rights reserved. 2 pulseelectronics.com P596.E (3/13)