Pulse Withstanding Withstanding Pulse Chip Resistors Resistors Welwyn Components PWC Series PWC Series Excellent pulse withstand performance withstand Excellent Improvedpulse working voltageperformance voltage Improved Improved working power rating power rating Improved Standard chip sizes (0805 to 2512) Standard Custom designs available chip sizes (0805 to 2512) Custom Anti-sulphur version available designs available · · · · · · Electrical Data Size 1206 0805 Power @70°C 0.25 W Resistance range 0.33 Ohms Tolerance % LEV V TCR ppm/°C Operating temperature 2010 0.5 2512 0.75 1 1.5 2 1R0 to 10M 10R to 1M: 0.5, All values: 1, 5 150 200 400 500 <10R:200 ≥10R:100 °C -55 to +155 Thermal Impedance °C/W 220 160 145 80 70 55 40 Pad / trace area * mm2 40 50 125 60 250 100 500 Values E96 preferred - other values to special order See graphs – full application note available on request Pulse Capability *Recommended minimum pad & adjacent trace area for each termination for rated power dissipation on FR4 PCB Physical Data Dimensions of PWC resistors are given below in mm and weight in g L W T max A B C Wt. 0805 2.0±0.3 1.25±0.2 0.6 0.3±0.15 0.9 min 0.3±0.1 0.009 1206 3.2±0.4 1.6±0.2 0.7 0.4±0.2 1.7 min 0.4±0.15 0.020 2010 5.1±0.3 2.5±0.2 0.8 0.6±0.3 3.0 min 0.6±0.25 0.036 2512 6.5±0.3 3.2±0.2 0.8 0.6±0.3 4.4 min 0.6±0.25 0.055 C T A B L A W Wrap-around terminations (3 faces) Construction Marking Thick film resistor material, overglaze and organic protection are screen printed on a 96% alumina substrate. Wrap-around terminations have an electroplated nickel barrier and solder coating, this ensures excellent ‘leach’ resistance properties and solderability. Components are not marked. Reels are marked with type, value, tolerance, date code and quantity. Note that anti-sulphur version parts below 100R are produced in flip-chip format with the resistor element on the underside. Solvent Resistance The body protection is resistant to all normal industrial cleaning solvents suitable for printed circuits. General Note Note General Welwyn Components reserves right to make in changes in specification product specification without TT electronics reserves the right the to make changes product without notice or notice liability.or liability. All information is subject to Welwyn’s own data and is considered accurate at time of going to print. All information is subject to TT electronics’ own data and is considered accurate at time of going to print. A subsidiary of TT electronics plc www.bitechnologies.com www.irctt.com www.welwyn-tt.com © Welwyn Components Limited · Bedlington, Northumberland NE22 7AA, UK © TT electronics plc822181 · Facsimile: +44 (0) 1670 829465 · Email: info@welwyn-tt.com · Website: www.welwyn-tt.com Telephone: +44 (0) 1670 07. 08 05.13 37 Pulse PulseWithstanding Withstanding Chip ChipResistors Resistors Welwyn Components PWC Series PWC Series Performance Data Size Maximum Typical Load at rated power: 1000 hours at 70°C ΔR% 1 0.25 Shelf life test: 12 months at room temperature ΔR% 0.1 0.02 Overload: 6.25 x rated power for 2 seconds ΔR% 1 0.1 Dry heat: 1000 hours at 155°C ΔR% 1 0.2 Long term damp heat ΔR% 1 0.25 Temperature rapid change ΔR% 0.25 0.05 Resistance to solder heat ΔR% 0.25 0.05 Derating from rated power at 70°C Zero at 155°C Pulse Withstanding Pulse Withstanding Volts Chip Resistors Note: A 0.01 Ohm addition to be added to the performance of all resistors <10 Ohms. Chip Resistors Pulse Performance Data Pulse Performance Data Pulse Performance Data Resistance to sulphur-bearing gas (AS version only): ASTM-B-809 0.25 0.05 Voltage proof 500 Performance Data Lightning SurgePulse Resistors are tested in accordance with IEC 60 115-1 using both 1.2/50s and 10/700s pulse shapes. The limit of acceptance Lighting Surge Lighting is a shift intested resistance of less than 1% from the60 initial value.using both 1.2/50µs and 10/700µs pulse shapes. 10 pulses lightning surge resistors areSurge in accordance with IEC 115-1 Resistors are tested in accordance with IEC 60 115-1 using both 1.2/50s and 10/700s pulse shapes. The limit of acceptance limit of acceptanceis is a shift in resistance ofthan less1% than the initial value. a shift in resistance of less from1% the from initial value. 1.2/50 µS Lightning Surge 1.2/50 µS Lightning Surge 10000 2512 10000 Peak voltage (volts)(volts) Peak voltage are applied. The 2512 2010 1206 2010 0805 1206 0805 1000 1000 100 100 Lightning Surge lightning surge resistors are tested10in 1 10 10 accordance with IEC 60 115-1 using 1 10 both 1.2/50µs and 10/700µs pulse shapes. 10 pulses are applied. The limit of acceptance is a shift in resistance of less than 1% from the initial value.10000 100 100 1000 10000 Resistance (ohms) 1000 10000 100000 100000 1000000 1000000 10000000 10000000 Resistance (ohms) 10/700 µS Lightning Surge 10/700 µS Lightning Surge 2512 10000 Peak Voltage (volts)(volts) Peak Voltage 2512 2010 1000 2010 1206 0805 1206 0805 1000 100 100 10 1 10 100 10 1 10 100 1000 10000 Resistance (ohms) 1000 10000 100000 100000 1000000 1000000 10000000 10000000 Resistance (ohms) General Note Advanced Film Division • 4222inSouth Staples Street • Corpus Christi Texas 78411 USAor liability. TT electronics reserves the right to make changes product specification without notice Telephone: 361 992 7900 • Facsimile: 361 992 3377 • Website: www.irctt.com All information is subject to TT electronics’ own data and is considered accurate at time of going to print. Advanced Film Division • 4222 South Staples Street • Corpus Christi Texas 78411 USA PWC Series Issue January 2009 www.bitechnologies.com www.irctt.com www.welwyn-tt.com PWC Series Issue January 2009 Telephone: 361 992 7900 • Facsimile: 361 992 3377 • Website: www.irctt.com © Welwyn Components Limited Bedlington, Northumberland NE22 7AA, UK Telephone: +44 (0) 1670 © TT electronics plc822181 · Facsimile: +44 (0) 1670 829465 · Email: info@welwyn-tt.com · Website: www.welwyn-tt.com 07. 08 05.13 Pulse Withstanding Chip Resistors PWC Series Single Impulse e Withstanding p Resistors The single impulse graph is the result of 50 impulses of rectangular shape applied at one minute intervals. The limit of acceptance was a shift in resistance of less than 1% from the initial value. Single Pulse Performance Data 1000 pulse: e impulse graph is of 50 impulses of ar shape applied at e intervals. The ceptance was a istance of less rom the initial power applied ct to the smpulse: of the maximum e gleimpulse impulsevoltage graph is wn. lt of 50 impulses of se Withstanding p Resistors Pulse Power (watts) 100 10 2512 Single Pulse e Performance Data 2010 1206 1000 1 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 0805 Pulse duration (seconds) 2010 Pulse duration (seconds) 1 1206 Continuous Pulses 0805 100 0.1 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 Pulse Power (watts) Pulse Duration (seconds) Pulse Voltage (Volts) pulses: nuous load graph ned by applying rectangular pulses pulse period was so that the ower dissipated stor was equal d power at 70°C. limit of acceptance uous load due to t in resistance of ve pulses: 1% from the initial tinuous load graph ained by applying e rectangular pulses he pulse period was d so that the power dissipated sistor was equal ed power at 70°C. he limit of acceptance hift in resistance of n 1% from the initial Pulse Power (watts) Pulse Power (watts) 100 ular shape applied at ute intervals. The Continuous Pulses acceptance was a 100 esistance of less Continuous Load Due to Repetitive Pulses % from the initial 10 2512 The continuous load graph was obtained by applying repetitive rectangular pulses where the pulse period was adjusted so that the average he power applied 2010 in resistance of less than 1% ject to the power dissipated in the resistor was equal to its rated power at 70°C. Again the limit of acceptance was a shift 1206 10 from the initial value ons of the maximum ible impulse voltage 1 2512 0805 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 hown. us load due to General Note 10 Pulse Voltage 2512 10000 2010 1 1206 0805 1000 0.1 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 Pulse Duration (seconds) 2512 2010 1206 0805 100 Pulse Voltage 10000 10 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 se Voltage (Volts) TT electronics reserves the right to make changes in product specification without notice or liability. Pulse Duration (seconds) All information is subject to TT electronics’ own data and is considered accurate at time of going to print. 1000 Division • 4222 South Staples Street • Corpus Christi Texas 78411 USA © 992 TT 3377 electronics 2 7900 • Facsimile: 361 • Website:plc www.irctt.com 1 1 www.bitechnologies.com www.irctt.com www.welwyn-tt.com PWC Series Issue January 2009 2512 2010 1206 05.13 Pulse PulseWithstanding Withstanding Chip ChipResistors Resistors Welwyn Components PWC Series PWC Series % of Rated Power Thermal Performance Data Temperature Derating Curve 125 100 75 50 25 0 -15 70 Ambient Temperature /°C 155 Packaging 0805 and 1206 resistors are supplied on 8mm carrier tape and 2010 and 2512 resistors are supplied on 12mm carrier tape, all on 7 inch reels as per IEC 286-3. Application Note PWC resistors themselves can operate at a maximum temperature of 155°C. For soldered resistors, the joint temperature should not exceed 110°C. This condition is met when the stated power levels at 70°C and recommended pad and trace areas are used. Allowance should be made if smaller areas of copper are used. Ordering Procedure A full Application Note on the PWC Series is available. Ordering This product has twoProcedure valid part numbers: Ordering Procedure This has twotwo validvalid part numbers: European (Welwyn) Part Number: Thisproduct product has part numbers:PWC2512-2K0JI (2512, 2 kilohms ±5%, Pb-free) EuropeanP (Welwyn) ±5%, Pb-free) W C Part 2 5Number: 1 2 PWC2512-2K0JI 2 (2512, K 0 2 kilohms J I 1 W P 1 1 C 2 5 2 1 3 2 2 3 2 - 3 Type Size Anti-Sulphur 1 2 3 PWC 0805 Omit for standard Type 1206 Size ASAnti-Sulphur = Anti-sulphur PWC 2010 0805 Omit for standard 2512 1206 AS = Anti-sulphur 2010 2512 2 4 K 0 4 4 5 J I 5 5 Value 4 E24 = 3/4 characters Value E96 = 3/4 characters = ohms E24 =R3/4 characters kilohms E96 K == 3/4 characters M= R megohms = ohms K = kilohms M = megohms 6 6 6 Tolerance Packing 5 6 D = ±0.5% I = Standard Tolerance Packing F = ±1% 0805, 1206, 3000/reel 2010 ±5% DJ == ±0.5% I = Standard 2512 F = ±1% 0805, 1206, 1800/reel 3000/reel 2010 T1 J = ±5% All2512 sizes 1000/reel 1800/reel T1 All sizes 1000/reel USA (IRC) Part Number: PWC-PWC2512LF-2001JELT (2512, 2 kilohms ±5%, Pb-free) USA (IRC) PWC-PWC2512LF-2001JELT P Part W Number: C P W C 2 5 1 2 L F(2512, 2 20 kilohms 0 1 ±5%, J Pb-free) E L T 1 W P 1 1 C - 2 Family Model 1 2 PWC PWC Family Model PWC PWC P 2 W 3 Size 3 0805 Size 1206 2010 0805 2512 1206 2010 2512 2 C 2 4 5 3 3 1 2 L 5 4 F 2 4 0 5 0 5 6 6 J 6 Termination Value Tolerance 4 5 6 Omit for SnPb 3 digits + multiplier D = ±0.5% Termination Value Tolerance LF = Pb-free F = ±1% R = ohms for ohms DJ == ±0.5% ±5% Omit for SnPb values 3 digits<100 + multiplier LF = Pb-free F = ±1% R = ohms for values <100 ohms J = ±5% © Welwyn Components Limited Bedlington, Northumberland NE22 7AA, UK General Note 1 7 L T 7 7 Packing 7 ELT = Plastic tape Packing 0805, 1206, 3000/reel 2010 ELT = Plastic tape 2512 1800/reel 0805, 1206, 3000/reel 2010 2512 1800/reel Telephone: +44 (0) 1670 Facsimile: +44 in (0)product 1670 829465 · Email: info@welwyn-tt.com · Website: www.welwyn-tt.com TT electronics reserves the822181 right to· make changes specification without notice or liability. All information is subject to TT electronics’ own data and is considered accurate at time of going to print. E 09. 09 www.bitechnologies.com www.irctt.com www.welwyn-tt.com © TT electronics plc 05.13