RT9163 500mA Low Dropout Positive Voltage Regulator General Description Features The RT9163 is a positive low dropout regulator z Low Dropout, Maximum 1.4V at 500mA designed for applications requiring low dropout z Fast Transient Response performance at full rated current. The device is z available in fixed output voltage of 3.3V, 3.5V, and z ±2% Total Output Regulation 0.4% Line Regulation 5.0V. The RT9163 provides excellent regulation over z 0.4% Load Regulation line, load, and temperature variations. z TO-92, SOT-89, SOT-223, and TO-252 Packages The other features include low dropout performance at a maximum of 1.4V at 500mA, fast transient response, internal current limiting, and thermal shutdown protection of the output devices. The RT9163 is a three-terminal regulator available in Pin Configurations Part Number Pin Configurations RT9163- CZL TOP VIEW (Plastic TO-92) 1. VIN 2. GND 3. VOUT surface mount SOT-89, SOT-223, and TO-252 packages. 1 2 Applications z 5V to 3.3V Linear Regulator z Low Voltage Microcontroller, DSP… etc Power z 3 RT9163- CX TOP VIEW (Plastic SOT-89) 1. VOUT 2. GND (TAB) 3. VIN 1 2 3 Supply RT9163- CXL TOP VIEW Linear Regulator for LAN Card and CD-ROM (Plastic SOT-89) 1. GND 2. VIN (TAB) 3. VOUT 1 Ordering Information RT9163- Package type 2 3 RT9163- CL TOP VIEW (Plastic TO-252) 1. VOUT 2. GND (TAB) 3. VIN ZL : TO-92 1 X : SOT-89 2 3 XL : SOT-89, L Type RT9163- CG TOP VIEW L : TO-252 (Plastic SOT-223) 1. VOUT 2. GND (TAB) 3. VIN G : SOT-223 Type I Type I 1 2 3 GL : SOT-223 Type II GT : SOT-223 Type III GF : SOT-223 Type IV Operating temperature range C: Commercial standard Output voltage 33 : 3.3V 35 : 3.5V 50 : 5.0V RT9163- CGL TOP VIEW (Plastic SOT-223) 1. VIN 2. GND (TAB) 3. VOUT Type II 2 3 RT9163- CGT TOP VIEW (Plastic SOT-223) 1. GND 2. VOUT (TAB) 3. VIN Type III 1 2 3 RT9163- CGF TOP VIEW (Plastic SOT-223) 1. GND 2. VIN (TAB) 3. VOUT Type IV DS9163-14 April 2002 1 1 2 3 www.richtek-ic.com.tw 1 RT9163 Marking Information Part Number Marking RT9163-33CZL RTAJ RT9163-35CZL RTAK RT9163-50CZL RTA1 RT9163-33CX A8 RT9163-35CX A9 RT9163-50CX AT RT9163-33CXL CK RT9163-35CXL CL RT9163-50CXL CM Typical Application Circuit VIN VIN C1 10µF + _ RT9163 VOUT GND + C2 _ 10µF VOUT Pin Description Pin Name Pin Function VOUT Output Voltage GND Ground VIN Power Input Function Block Diagram VIN Buffer Amplifier Error Amplifier VREF + _ Q2 Thermal Shutdown Current Limiting Sensor Q1 R4 R3 VOUT R1 R2 www.richtek-ic.com.tw 2 DS9163-14 April 2002 RT9163 Absolute Maximum Ratings z Input Voltage z Power Dissipation, PD @ TA = 25°C z 15V TO-92 0.6W SOT-89 0.5W Package Thermal Resistance TO-92, θJA 160°C/W SOT-89, θJC 100°C/W SOT-89, θJA 300°C/W SOT-223, θJC 15°C/W SOT-223, θJA 60°C/W TO-252, θJC 15°C/W TO-252, θJA 56°C/W z Operating Junction Temperature Range −40°C to 125°C z Storage Temperature Range −65°C to 150°C Electrical Characteristics (VIN = 5V, TA = 25°C, unless otherwise specified) Parameter Symbol Test Conditions Min Typ Max 3.235 3.300 3.365 3.430 3.500 3.570 4.900 5.000 5.100 VIN = 5V ~ 15V -- 0.1 0.4 VIN = 7V ~ 15V -- 0.1 0.4 RT9163-33 Output Voltage (1) RT9163-35 VOUT RT9163-50 VIN = 7A RT9163-33 Line Regulation (1) RT9163-35 ∆VLINE RT9163-50 Units V % Load Regulation (1) ∆VLOAD IL = 0 ~ 500mA -- 0.2 0.4 % Dropout Voltage (2) VDROP ∆VOUT = 1% -- 1.3 1.4 V Current Limit ILIMIT Load = 1Ω 550 -- -- mA Quiescent Current IQ -- 4.5 8 mA Temperature Coefficient TC -- 0.005 -- %/°C Temperature Stability TS -- 0.5 -- % -- 0.003 -- %/VOUT RMS Output Noise (3) Notes: (1) Low duty cycle pulse tested with Kelvin connections. (2) Dropout voltage is defined as the input to output differential at which the output voltage drops 100mV below the value measured with a 1V differential. (3) Bandwidth of 10 Hz to 10 kHz. DS9163-14 April 2002 www.richtek-ic.com.tw 3 RT9163 Package Information A D E L e e C b D1 A1 Symbol Dimensions In Millimeters Dimensions In Inches Min Max Min Max A 3.175 4.191 0.125 0.165 A1 1.143 1.372 0.045 0.054 b 0.406 0.533 0.016 0.021 C 0.406 0.533 0.016 0.021 D 4.445 5.207 0.175 0.205 D1 3.429 -- 0.135 -- E 4.318 5.334 0.170 0.210 e 1.143 1.397 0.045 0.055 L 12.700 -- 0.500 -- 3-Lead TO-92 Package www.richtek-ic.com.tw 4 DS9163-14 April 2002 RT9163 D A D1 H B C C1 e e A b Symbol b1 b Dimensions In Millimeters Dimensions In Inches Min Max Min Max A 1.397 1.600 0.055 0.063 b 0.356 0.483 0.014 0.019 B 2.388 2.591 0.094 0.102 b1 0.406 0.533 0.016 0.021 C -- 4.242 -- 0.167 C1 0.787 1.194 0.031 0.047 D 4.394 4.597 0.173 0.181 D1 1.397 1.753 0.055 0.069 e 1.448 1.549 0.057 0.061 H 0.355 0.432 0.014 0.017 3-Lead SOT-89 Surface Mount DS9163-14 April 2002 www.richtek-ic.com.tw 5 RT9163 A D C B D1 E L1 L3 b1 L2 b e b2 U V Symbol Dimensions In Millimeters Dimensions In Inches Min Max Min Max A 2.184 2.388 0.086 0.094 B 0.889 2.032 0.035 0.080 b 0.508 0.889 0.020 0.035 b1 1.016 Ref. 0.040 Ref. b2 0.457 0.584 0.018 0.023 C 0.457 0.584 0.018 0.023 D 6.350 6.731 0.250 0.265 D1 5.207 5.461 0.205 0.215 E 5.334 6.223 0.210 0.245 e 2.108 2.438 0.083 0.096 L1 9.398 10.414 0.370 0.410 L2 0.508 -- 0.020 -- L3 0.635 1.016 0.025 0.040 U 3.810 Ref. 0.150 Ref. V 3.048 Ref. 0.120 Ref. 3-Lead TO-252 Plastic Surface Mount Package www.richtek-ic.com.tw 6 DS9163-14 April 2002 RT9163 D D1 B C L e e A H A1 b Symbol Dimensions In Millimeters Dimensions In Inches Min Max Min Max A -- 1.803 -- 0.071 A1 0.020 0.100 0.0008 0.0047 b 0.610 0.787 0.024 0.031 B 3.302 3.708 0.130 0.146 C 6.706 7.290 0.264 0.287 D 6.299 6.706 0.248 0.264 D1 2.896 3.150 0.114 0.124 e 2.261 2.362 0.089 0.093 H 0.229 0.330 0.009 0.013 L 0.914 -- 0.036 -- 3-Lead SOT-223 Plastic Surface Mount DS9163-14 April 2002 www.richtek-ic.com.tw 7 RT9163 RICHTEK TECHNOLOGY CORP. RICHTEK TECHNOLOGY CORP. Headquarter Taipei Office (Marketing) 6F, No. 35, Hsintai Road, Chupei City 8F-1, No. 137, Lane 235, Paochiao Road, Hsintien City Hsinchu, Taiwan, R.O.C. Taipei County, Taiwan, R.O.C. Tel: (8863)5510047 Fax: (8863)5537749 Tel: (8862)89191466 Fax: (8862)89191465 Email: marketing@richtek-ic.com.tw www.richtek-ic.com.tw 8 DS9163-14 April 2002