STEVAL-MKI062V2 iNEMO: iNErtial MOdule V2 demonstration board based on MEMS sensors and the STM32F103RE Data brief Features ■ Two power supply options: power connector, USB connector ■ STM32F103RE: high-density performance line ARM-based 32-bit MCU with 256 to 512 kB Flash, USB, CAN, 11 timers, 3 ADCs and 13 communication interfaces ■ LPR430AL: 2-axis gyro (roll, pitch) 300°/s full scale with analog output and optional additional filters ■ LY330ALH: yaw-axis gyro 300°/s full scale with analog output and optional additional filters ■ LSM303DLH: 6-axis geomagnetic module: ±2 g / ±4 g / ±8 g linear acceleration full scale, magnetic field configurable full scale ±1.3 to ± 8.1 Gauss (max), I2C digital output ■ LPS001DL: pressure sensor 300-1100 mbar absolute full scale with I2C digital output and barometer ■ STLM75: temperature sensor with –55 to +125°C range and I2C digital interface ■ Extended connector for wireless connectivity ■ MicroSD™ card slot ■ COM connector with RTS and CTS signals ■ USB 2.0 full speed connection ■ Reset button ■ User LED and button ■ RoHS Compliant representing the new ST 10-DOF (degrees of freedom) platform. Based on the previous version, the STEVALMKI062V2 represents another step forward in miniaturization, integrating five ST sensors: a 2axis roll-and-pitch gyroscope, a 1-axis yaw gyroscope, a 6-axis geomagnetic module, a pressure sensor and a temperature sensor. This 10-DOF inertial system represents a complete hardware platform which can be used in numerous applications such as virtual reality, augmented reality, image stabilization, human machine interfaces and robotics. A complete set of communication interfaces with various power supply options in a small-size form factor (4 x 4 cm) make iNEMO V2 a flexible and open demonstration platform. Description The STEVAL-MKI062V2 is the second generation of the iNEMO™ module family. It combines accelerometers, gyroscopes and magnetometers with pressure and temperature sensors to provide 3-axis sensing of linear, angular and magnetic motion, complemented with temperature and barometer/altitude readings, February 2010 STEVAL-MKI062V2 To aid in user development and analysis, the STEVAL-MKI062V2 demonstration kit includes a PC GUI for sensor output display and a firmware library to facilitate the use of the demonstration board features. Doc ID 17084 Rev 2 For further information contact your local STMicroelectronics sales office. 1/4 4 )$NC '.$ 3(%,, 3(%,, 3(%,, 3(%,, 6"53 $$0 #. # N& # U& 6IN '.$ #. 23 #+9"&0 3$#ARD?$?0# 3$#ARD?#-$?0$ 3$#ARD?#,+?0# 3$#ARD?$?0# 3$#ARD?$?0# 3$#ARD?$?0# -ICRO1&. $!4?)N $!4?)N #,+?)N #-$?)N $!4?)N $!4?)N 2$!4?'.$ 70#$ 5 (IROSE%LECTRIC$-!43&0%* $IGIKEY(2#4.$ MICRO3$ '.$ 6 U&6 6/54 ,$-2 $!4 $!4 633 #,+ 6$$ #-$ #$$!4 $!4 MICRO3$ 6## 6 3$#ARD?$ 3$#ARD?$ 3$#ARD?#,+ 3$#ARD?#-$ 3$#ARD?$ 3$#ARD?$ 3$#ARD?$ 3$#ARD?$ 3$#ARD?#,+ 3$#ARD?#-$ 3$#ARD?$ 3$#ARD?$ %-)&-3$. $!4?%X $!4?%X #,+?%X #-$?%X $!4?%X $!4?%X 6 $- 6 6 )#?3#, )#?3$! 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'.$ 2%3 2%3 '.$ 1 Schematic diagrams STEVAL-MKI062V2 Schematic diagrams STEVAL-MKI062V2 circuit schematics STEVAL-MKI062V2 2 Revision history Revision history Table 1. Document revision history Date Revision Changes 09-Feb-2010 1 Initial release. 15-Feb-2010 2 Updated features on cover page. Doc ID 17084 Rev 2 3/4 STEVAL-MKI062V2 Please Read Carefully: Information in this document is provided solely in connection with ST products. STMicroelectronics NV and its subsidiaries (“ST”) reserve the right to make changes, corrections, modifications or improvements, to this document, and the products and services described herein at any time, without notice. All ST products are sold pursuant to ST’s terms and conditions of sale. Purchasers are solely responsible for the choice, selection and use of the ST products and services described herein, and ST assumes no liability whatsoever relating to the choice, selection or use of the ST products and services described herein. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted under this document. If any part of this document refers to any third party products or services it shall not be deemed a license grant by ST for the use of such third party products or services, or any intellectual property contained therein or considered as a warranty covering the use in any manner whatsoever of such third party products or services or any intellectual property contained therein. UNLESS OTHERWISE SET FORTH IN ST’S TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE ST DISCLAIMS ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY WITH RESPECT TO THE USE AND/OR SALE OF ST PRODUCTS INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE (AND THEIR EQUIVALENTS UNDER THE LAWS OF ANY JURISDICTION), OR INFRINGEMENT OF ANY PATENT, COPYRIGHT OR OTHER INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT. UNLESS EXPRESSLY APPROVED IN WRITING BY AN AUTHORIZED ST REPRESENTATIVE, ST PRODUCTS ARE NOT RECOMMENDED, AUTHORIZED OR WARRANTED FOR USE IN MILITARY, AIR CRAFT, SPACE, LIFE SAVING, OR LIFE SUSTAINING APPLICATIONS, NOR IN PRODUCTS OR SYSTEMS WHERE FAILURE OR MALFUNCTION MAY RESULT IN PERSONAL INJURY, DEATH, OR SEVERE PROPERTY OR ENVIRONMENTAL DAMAGE. ST PRODUCTS WHICH ARE NOT SPECIFIED AS "AUTOMOTIVE GRADE" MAY ONLY BE USED IN AUTOMOTIVE APPLICATIONS AT USER’S OWN RISK. Resale of ST products with provisions different from the statements and/or technical features set forth in this document shall immediately void any warranty granted by ST for the ST product or service described herein and shall not create or extend in any manner whatsoever, any liability of ST. ST and the ST logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of ST in various countries. Information in this document supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied. The ST logo is a registered trademark of STMicroelectronics. All other names are the property of their respective owners. © 2010 STMicroelectronics - All rights reserved STMicroelectronics group of companies Australia - Belgium - Brazil - Canada - China - Czech Republic - Finland - France - Germany - Hong Kong - India - Israel - Italy - Japan Malaysia - Malta - Morocco - Philippines - Singapore - Spain - Sweden - Switzerland - United Kingdom - United States of America 4/4 Doc ID 17084 Rev 2