CRYSTAL CLOCK OSCILLATORS Data Sheet 0547B Rev. C LVDS SU-A2D30 Series PATENT PENDING Description The SU-A2D30 Series of quartz crystal oscillators provides a LVDS compatible signal. Features • Wide frequency range - 350.0MHz to 750.0MHz • Patent Pending, harmonic multiplication for extremely low jitter • High frequency output eliminates the need for PLL multiplication • Stabilities over temperatures as low as ±20ppm eliminates SAW oscillator temperature problems • 3.3V and 2.5V version available • High Reliability - NEL HALT/HASS qualified for crystal oscillator start-up conditions • User specified tolerance available • Cover connected to ground • Will withstand SMD reflow temperatures of 183°C for 4 minutes maximum • High shock resistance, to 1000g Electrical Connection Pin 1 2 3 4 5 6 Connection Enable N/C Ground Q Output /Q Output VCC 357 Beloit Street, P.O. Box 457, Burlington, WI 53105-0457 U.S.A. Phone 262/763-3591 FAX 262/763-2881 Email: Data Sheet 0547B CRYSTAL CLOCK OSCILLATORS SU-A2D30 Series LVDS Rev. C Continued Operating Conditions and Output Characteristics Electrical Characteristics Parameter Frequency Duty Cycle (1) Logic 0 (1) Logic 1(1) Differential Voltage Swing (1) Rise & Fall Time(1) RMS Random Jitter(5) Enable Voltage(2) Disable Voltage Frequency Stability(3) Phase Noise(4) Symbol --------VOL VOH Conditions ----@ 50% points --------- VDIFF-OUT ----tr,tf 20-80% VO -----------with VEE=0V ----with VEE=0V dF/F Overall conditions including: voltage, calibration, temp., 10 yr aging, shock, vibration ----@100Hz ----@1kHz ----@10kHz ----@100kHz ----@1MHz ----@10MHz Min 350.0MHz 45/55% 0.925V ----- Typical ----------------- Max 750.0MHz 55/45% ----1.474V 500mV ------------2.0V -100ppm 700mV --------------------- ----300 psec 1 psec 0.8V ----+100ppm ------------------------- ------------------------- - 80 dBc/Hz -110 dBc/Hz -130 dBc/Hz -130 dBc/Hz -135 dBc/Hz -135 dBc/Hz Typical 3.3V ----------------- Max 3.465V 120 mA ±50.0 mA 70°C 125°C ----- 300°C 2 ms 10 ms General Characteristics Parameter Symbol Conditions Min Supply Voltage VCC 3.3V±5% 3.135V ----0.0 mA Supply Current ICC Low level Output Current 0.0 mA Output current IO Operating temperature TA -----0°C Storage temperature TS -----55°C Input: Logic High (ECL) - Disables VEE or Open - Enables Soldering, 10 sec. ----Lead temperature TL Load 50 Ohm to VCC-2V or Thevenin Equivalent, Bias Required --------Start-up time tS Environmental and Mechanical Characteristics Mechanical Shock Thermal Shock Vibration Soldering Condition Per MIL-STD-202, Method 213, Condition E Per MIL-STD-833, Method 1011, Condition A 0.060" double amplitude 10 Hz to 55 Hz, 35g’s 55Hz to 2000 Hz 300°C for 10 seconds Footnotes: 1) With load of 100 ohms across differential outputs. 2) Open to Enable pin also enables the output. 3) Standard frequency stability (±20,±25,±50ppm & others available) 4) Phase Noise characterization available. Phase Noise is frequency dependant, phase noise specification references a 1.0GHz part. 5) RMS Jitter bandwidth of 12kHz to 20MHz. Creating a Part Number SU - A2D3X - FREQ Package Code SU 6 pad 9x14mm SMD Input Voltage Code Specification A 3.3V B 2.5V Tolerance/Performance 0 ±100ppm 0-70°C 1 ±50ppm 0-70°C 7 ±25ppm 0-70°C 9 Customer Specific A ±20ppm 0-70°C B ±50ppm -40 to +85°C C ±100ppm -40 to +85°C 357 Beloit Street, P.O. Box 457, Burlington, WI 53105-0457 U.S.A. Phone 262/763-3591 FAX 262/763-2881 Email: