UB Indicators Complement to UB Pushbuttons TYPICAL INDICATOR ORDERING EXAMPLE UB 01 MOUNTING TYPES PCB Mounting 01 Square 03 Rectangular K W03 K Square 06 Rectangular 06B Rectangular with Side Barriers JC CAP TYPES & COLORS HOUSING Black Full Face Illuminated Cap for Bright LED Lens/Diffuser Colors * Snap-in Mounting 04 5C LEDS CB CC Bright LED * Standard with Solder Lug terminals W01 Silver Solder Lug (for Snap-in Mounting) W03 Silver Straight PC (for PCB Mounting) Red/Red FF Green/Green * FJ Green/Clear Red/Clear JB Clear/White 5C Red DB Amber/White JC Clear/Red 5D Amber DD Amber/Amber JD Clear/Amber 5F Green * DJ Amber/Clear FB Green/White Super Bright LED TERMINALS * CJ Red/White 6B White 6F Green 6G Blue Available with Square only JF * JJ Clear/Green Clear/Clear * Not available with Rectangular cap Full Face Illuminated Cap for Super Bright LED JB Clear Lens/White Diffuser For Square only; see cap detail page Spot Illuminated Cap for Bright & Super Bright LEDs AB Black with White Window Rectangular available for Bright only DESCRIPTION FOR TYPICAL ORDERING EXAMPLE UB01KW035C-JC Clear Lens with Red Diffuser Square with PCB Mounting Red, Bright LED Silver, Straight PC Terminals NKK Switches • email: sales@nkkswitches.com • Phone (480) 991-0942 • Fax (480) 998-1435 • www.nkkswitches.com 03-07 Complement to UB Pushbuttons UB Indicators LED COLORS & SPECIFICATIONS The electrical specifications shown are determined at a basic temperature of 25°C. If the source voltage exceeds the rated voltage, a ballast resistor is required. The resistor value can be calculated by using the formula in the Supplement section. The LED is an integral part of the indicator and not available separately. Bright Attention Note for Super Bright: Electrostatic Sensitive Devices Super Bright 5C 5D 5F 6B 6F 6G Color Red Amber Green White Green Blue Unit Forward Peak Current IFM 30 30 25 25 25 25 mA Continuous Forward Current IF 20 20 20 20 20 20 mA Forward Voltage VF 1.85 2.0 2.1 3.8 3.8 3.8 V Reverse Peak Voltage VRM 5 5 5 5 5 5 V Current Reduction Rate Above 25°C ∆IF 0.40 0.42 0.46 0.47 0.47 0.47 mA/°C (+) (-) Ambient Temperature Range –25° ~ +50°C –25° ~ +50°C CAP TYPES & COLOR COMBINATIONS Full Face Illuminated Cap for Bright LED Lens/Diffuser Colors Available for Square Cap: CB DJ JC CC FB JD CJ FF JF DB FJ JJ DD JB Lens/Diffuser Colors Available for Rectangular Cap: AT4074 Lens (12.0) Sq .472 (0.5) .020 AT4075 Diffuser (10.35) Sq .407 Lens & Diffuser Material: Polycarbonate CB FB JD CC FF JF DB JB DD JC AT4117 Lens (3.0) .118 (0.5) .020 AT4118 Diffuser Lens Finish: Glossy (17.0) .669 (12.0) .472 (15.35) .604 (10.35) .407 Diffuser Finish: Textured Full Face Illuminated Cap for Super Bright LED Lens/Diffuser Colors Available for Square Cap: JB (3.0) .118 Rectangular lens & diffuser are not available for combining with super bright LED. AT4074 Lens & AT4075 Diffuser (Dimensioned above) Lens & Diffuser Material: Polycarbonate Lens Finish: Glossy Diffuser Finish: Textured Spot Illuminated Caps AB Black Cap with Translucent White Window for LED Display Material: Polycarbonate Finish: Matte AT4119 Square for Bright and Super Bright LED AT4120 Rectangular for Bright LED (1.9) .075 (3.1) .122 (5.0) .197 (12.0) Sq .472 Color Codes: A Black B White C Red (3.1) .122 (5.0) .197 (3.0) .118 D Amber (1.9) .075 (3.0) .118 (12.0) .472 F Green (17.0) .669 J Clear NKK Switches • email: sales@nkkswitches.com • Phone (480) 991-0942 • Fax (480) 998-1435 • www.nkkswitches.com 03-07 UB Indicators Complement to UB Pushbuttons TYPICAL INDICATOR DIMENSIONS Square • PCB Mount L+ (12.0) Sq .472 N.C. N.C. N.O. COM N.O. COM L+ (15.24) Sq .600 (2.5) .098 (2.54) Typ .100 (0.5) Typ .020 (0.5) .020 (10.0) .394 (5.08) .200 L- L- (1.2) Dia Typ .047 (1.0) .039 (4.0) .157 UB01KW035C-JC Rectangular • PCB Mount L+ (12.0) .472 (15.24) .600 N.C. N.C. N.O. COM N.O. COM L+ (2.54) Typ .100 L- (17.0) .669 (20.32) .800 (0.5) Typ .020 (0.5) .020 (10.0) .394 (2.5) .098 L- (5.08) .200 (1.2) Dia Typ .047 (1.0) .039 (4.0) .157 UB03KW035F-FF Square • Snap-in Mount • Built-in Bezel (0.8) x (1.6) Typ .032 x .063 L+ (12.0) Sq .472 N.C. N.C. N.O. COM N.O. COM (15.8) .622 (16.2) Sq .638 L- (0.5) Typ .020 (1.4) .055 (10.0) .394 (2.5) .098 (17.8) Sq .701 (2.0) .079 (5.0) .197 (2.54) Typ .100 Panel Thickness: 1.0 ~ 3.2mm (.039 ~ .126”) UB04KW015C-JC Rectangular • Snap-in Mount • Built-in Bezel (0.8) x (1.6) Typ .032 x .063 L (12.0) .472 (17.8) .701 N.C. (16.2) .638 (15.8) .622 N.O. COM. L (17.0) .669 (0.5) Typ .020 (24.0) .945 (2.5) .098 (1.4) .055 (10.0) .394 (22.0) .866 (5.0) .197 (2.0) Typ .079 (2.54) Typ .100 (22.4) .882 Panel Thickness: 1.0 ~ 3.2mm (.039 ~ .126”) UB06KW015D-DD Rectangular • Snap-in Mount • Built-in Side Barriers (0.8) x (1.6) Typ .032 x .063 (12.0) .472 (17.8) .701 (0.5) Typ .020 (17.0) .669 UB06BKW015F-FF (24.0) .945 (3.9) .154 (8.6) .339 (5.0) .197 L + N.C. N.C. N.O. COM. N.O. COM (16.2) .638 (15.8) .622 L - (22.0) .866 (2.0) Typ .079 (2.54) Typ .100 (22.4) .882 Panel Thickness: 1.0 ~ 3.2mm (.039 ~ .126”) NKK Switches • email: sales@nkkswitches.com • Phone (480) 991-0942 • Fax (480) 998-1435 • www.nkkswitches.com 03-07